The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 15, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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r J Sfcl lWiahiliWfcilii I mrNV
ntlmlml 1
lint lltn explosion yoti lmvo not
told mo whim nml wlwro It octiiitimII
That us I liavn Hiiiil is a govern
incut secret
Hut yon stated you mo mil in the
irnvernniont employ Therefore It can
lio no breiieh of coiilhlenco if you lot mu
linvo full particulars
I suppose lint Wry woll 1 lion Tim
explosion oceunetl after midnight on
tliu 17tli in On vault of tlio IreiiHiiry
Tim old man in spite of tlio piohllil
tion roio uncertainly to IiIh foot
Jennie sprang up anil Haiti iiietiiiuing
ly Htay where you arnl
1 am not roiiK to touch you If you
nro so suspicious of ovory niovo I make
thou go yourself anil bring mu what 1
iont lonh t that iauji hhrlekcd he
want Thero iH a map of Vienna pinned
against tho wall yondor Bring it to
Jonnio proceeded in tlio direction in
dicated It was an ordinary map of tlio
city of Vionna and hh Jennie took it
down she noticod that ncroes tlio south
ern part of tlio city a semicircular lino
in pencil had boon drawn unci exam
ining it nioro closely caw that tho sta
tionary part of Uio compass had boon
placed on tho Hpot wlioro Htood tlio
building which contained tho profess
orH Htudio Hho paid doner attention
to tho penoil mark and observed that it
passed through tlio treasury building
Dont look at that map I Hluieked
tho professor beating tho air with his
hands I asked you to bring it to mo
Cant you do a simple action liko that
without spying about
lonniu lupiilly unfastened tho paper
from tlio wall and brought it to him
Tho scientist scrutinized it closely ad
justing his glares tlio bettor to see
Then lie deliberately toro tho map into
fragments numerous and minute Ho
rose and this timolonnio made no pro
test wi nt to tho window opened it
ilung tho fluttering bits of paper out
into tho air the strong wind carrying
them far over tho roofs of Vionna
Closing tlio casement ho canio back to
his chair
Was was any one hurt at this ex
plosion 7 ho asked presently
Yes four men were killed instant
ly a dozen wero seriously injured and
aro now in hospital
Oh my Clod my God I cried the
old man covering his faco witli his
hands swaying from side to side in his
chair liko a man tortured with agony
and remorse At last hu lifted a faco
that had grown more pinched and yel
low within tho last few minutes
lean tell you nothing ho said
moistening his parched lips
You moan that you will tell mo
nothing for I boo plainly that you know
I know nothing of any oxplosion un
til you spoke of it What have I to do
with tho treasury or tho government
That is juat what 1 want to know
It is iibMtril I am no conspirator
but n scientist
Then you havo nothing to fear
Ilerr Seigfried If you aro innocent
why aro you so loath to givo mo any us
tjistance in this matter
It has nothing to do with mo I am
a scientist 1 am a scientist All I wish
is to bo left alono with my studios I
havo nothing to do with governments or
newspapers or anything belonging to
Jonnio sat tracing a pattern on tho
dusty iloor with tho point of her piira
pol She spoke very quietly
Tho penciled line which you drew
on tho map of Vienna passed through
tho treasury building tho center of tho
circle was this garrot Why did you
draw thut penciled somicirclo Why
aro you anxious that I should not sou
yon had done so Why did you destroy
tho map
Professor Seigfriod sat thero looking
at her with dropped jaw but ho made
o reply
If yon will exenso my saying so
he girl went on you are acting very
childishly It is evident to mo that you
nro no criminal yet if tho director of
police had been in my place he would
nave arrested you long ago and that
merely because of your own foolish ac
The ninp proved nothing ho Baid
at last haltingly and bouillon both
you and tho director will now have
some difficulty in finding it
That ia ffirther proof of your folly
The director doesnt ueod to find it I
am here to tttstify that I aiw tho map
saw the curved lino ptKwing through
tlty treagqry and jaw you destroy whut
you thought was an Incriminating piece
of ovidonco It would bo much hotter
If you would diinl as frankly with uio
as I hnvo done with you Then I shall
give you tho host advice I can if my
advice will hoof any assistance to you
Yes and publish it to all the
world I
It will havo to bo published to nil
the world in any case for If I leave
hero without full knowledge 1 will
simply go to the police olllro and there
ell all I knowl
And if I do speak yon will still go
to ho director of tho police and oil
him what you havo discovered
No I give yon my word that I will
not I
What guarantee have I of hat
asked tho old mini suspiciously
No guarantee at all except my
word I
Will yon promise not to print in
your paper what 1 tell you
No I cannot promise hall
Still ho newspaper doesnt mat
tor continued tho scientist Tho
story would ho valueless to you because
no one would believe it There is no
use in printing a story in a newspaper
that will bo laughed at is there How
ever 1 think you aro honest Otherwise
you would have promised not to print
a Hue of what I toll you and thou 1
should havo known you wore lying It
was as easy to piomise that as to say
you would not tell tho director of po
lice I thought at first some scientist
had sent you hero to play tho spy on
mo and learn what 1 was doing I as
sure you 1 heard nothing about tho ex
plosion you apeak of yot I was certain
It had occurred somewhere along that
lino which I drew on the map 1 had
hoped it was not serious and begun to
beliovo it was not The anxiety of the
last month him nearly driven me in
sane and as you say quite truly my
actions havo been childish
The old man in his excitement had
risen from his chair and was now pac
ing up and down tho room running his
fingers distractedly through his long
white hair ami talking more to himself
than to his auditor
Jennie had edged hor ohair nearer lo
the door and had made no protest
against his rising fearing to interrupt
his flow of talk and again arouse his
1 have no wish to protect my inven
tions I have never taken out a patent
in my life What I discover I givo free
ly to the world but I will not bo robbed
of my reputation ns a scientist I want
my niiino to go down to posterity
among thoso of tho great discoverers
You talked just now of going to tho
police and tolling them what you know
Foolish croaturol You could no more
have gone to tho central polico office
without my permission or against my
will than you could go to tho window
and whistle back those bits of paper I
scattered to the winds Boforo you
reached tho bottom of tho stairs I could
have laid Vionna in a mass of ruins
Yes I could in all probability have
blown up tho entire empire of Aus
tria The truth is that I do not know
the limit of my power nor dare I test
Oh this is a madman 1 thought
Jennie as she edged still nearer to tho
door The old man paused in his walk
and turned fiercely upon her
Yon dont beliovo mo he said
No I do not Hho answered tho
color leaving her cheeks
Tho agid scientist gave utterance to
a hideous chuckle He took from one of
his numerous sholves a hammer head
without the handle and for a moment
Jennie thought hu was going to attack
her but ho merely handed tho motal to
her and said
Break that in two Place it between
your palms and grind it to powder
You know that is absurd I cannot
do it
Why cant you do it
Because it is of steel
That is no reason Why cant you
do it
Ho glared at her fiercely over his
glasses and sho saw in his wild oyo all
the enthusiasm of an instructor enlight
ening a pupil
Ill tell you why you cant do it
because every minutu particlo of it is
hold together by an enormous force It
may be heated rodhot and beaten into
this shape and that but still tho force
hangs on as tenaciously as the grip of a
giant Now suppose I had some sub
Btanco a drop of which placod on that
piece of iron would release the forco
which holds the particles together What
would happen
I dont know replied Jonnio
Oh yes you do I cried the profess
or impatiently Bnt yon aro liko ev
ery other woman you wont take tho
trouble to think What would happen
would be this Tho forco that hold the
particles together would bo released and
the hammer would fall to powder liko
that gold you showed mo and there
would be an explosion caused by tho
sudden release of tho power which
would probably wreck this room and
extinguish both our liven You under
stand that do yon not
Yes I think Mo
Woll here is something yon wont
understand and probably wont beliovo
when you hear it Thero is but ono
forco in this world and but ono particle
of matter Thero is ouly ono element
which is the basis of everything All
tho different shapes and conditions of
things that wo see aro caused by a more
variation of that forco in conjunction
with numbers of that particle Am I
getting beyond your depth
I am afraid you aro professor
Of course I know whut feeble
brains tho average woman is possessed
of Still try to keep that in your
mind Now listen to this I havo dis
covered how to disunite that force and
that particle I can with a touch fling
looso upon this earth a giant whose
strength is irreeibtiblo and immeasur
discovery public
In the first placo because there are
atUI a thousand tbimia and more to ho
learned along this line of Investigation
The moment a man annniiuces his dis
coveries ho is first ridiculed then
when the truth of what he affirms is
proved thcto rice in all parts of tho
World other men who say they knew all
about it en years ago and will prove it
too nt least far enough to delude a
gullible world in tho second placo
cat ice I am a humauo man I hesitate
to spread broadcast a knowledge that
would enable any fool o blow up the
universe Then there is a third rea
son Thuio is another who 1 believe
has discovered how to make his force
loosen its grip on the particlo that is
Keoly of Philadelphia in ho United
What I You dont mean tho Keoly
motor man cried Jennie laughing
Thnt arrant humbugl Why all tho
papers In tho world have exposed his
ridiculous pretensions Ho has done
nothing but upend other peoples moil
Yes he newspapers have ridiculed
1dm Human beings have since the be
ginning of tho world stoned their
prophols Nevertheless lie has liberated
a force that no gauge made by man can
measure Ho has been boastful if you
like and has said that with a tcuciipful
of water ho would drive a steamship
over tho ocean I have been silent
working away with my eye on him
and he has been working away with his
eye on me for each known what ho
other is doing If either of us discovern
how to control this force then that
nianH miitin will go down to posterity
forever He has not yet boon able to do
it neither have 1 Thero In still another
difloronco between un ho appears to be
able to loosen that force in his own
presence 1 can only do it at a distance
All my experiments lately havo boon in
tho direction of making mollifications
with this machine so as to liberate tho
forco within the tho compass say of
this room but the problem has battled
mo The invisible rayn which this mil
china sendn out and which will pene
trate stone iron wood or any other
substance must unito at a focus and
I havo not boon able to bring that focus
nearer mo than something over half a
Last Hummer I wont to an uninhab
ited part of Switzerland and there con
tinued my experiments I blow up at
will roekn and bowlders on tho moun
tain sides tho distances varying from
a milo to half a milo I oxaminod tho
ronnltH of tho disintegration and whon
you camo in and showed mo tho gold I
recognized at onco that some ono had
discovered the secret 1 havo boon trying
to fathom for tho last ton yearn I
thought that perhaps yon had come
from Keoly I am now convincod that
tho oxplosion you spoak of in tho treas
ury wan caused by myself This ma
chino which you so recklessly threaten
ed to throw out of tho window acci
dentally slipped from its support when
I was working hero some time aftor
midnight on tho 17th I placod it im
mediately as you 8oo it now whoro it
throws its rayn into midair and is con
sequently harmless but I know an ox
plosion must havo taken place in Vion
na somewhere within the radius of half
a mile I drew the pencil semicircle
that you saw on the map of Vionna
for in my excitement in placing the
machino upright I had not noticed ex
actly where it had pointed but I know
along tho line 1 had drawn an explosion
must havo occurred and could only
hope that it had not been a serious ono
which it seems it was I waited and
waited hardly daring to leave my attic
but hearing no news of any disaster I
was torn between tho anxioty that
would naturally come to any humano
man in my position who did not wish
to destroy life and the fear that if
nothing had occurred I had not ac
tually made tho discovery I thought I
had made You spoke of my actions be
ing childish but when I realized that i
had myself been tho canso of tho explo
sion a four of criminal prosecution
came over me Not that I should ob
ject to imprisonment if they would al- I
low mo to continuo my experiments
bnt that doubtless they would not do
for tho authorities know nothing of sci
enco and euro less
In spito of her initial skepticism
Jonnio found herself gradually coming
to believe in the efficiency of the harm
less looking mechanism of glass and
iron that Hho saw on the table before
her and a seusation of horror held her
spellbound as sho gazod at it Its awful
possibilities began slowly to develop in
hor mind and sho asked breathlessly
What would happen if yon wero to
tnru that machine and point it toward
tho center of tho earth
I told you what would happen Vi
enna would lio in ruins and po3ibly
tho whole Austrian empire nnd perhaps
Eomo adjoining countries would become
a mnss of impalpable dust It may bo
that tho world itself would dissolve I
cannot toll what tho magnitude of tho
result might bo for I have not durod to
risk the experiment
Oh this is too frightful to think
about I she cried Yon must destroy
tho machino professor ami yon mtipt
never niako another
What I And give up tho hopo that
my namo will descend to posterity
Professor Soigfried when once this
machino becomes known to tho world
thoro will bo no posterity for your namo
to descend to With tho present hatred
of nation against uation with different
countries full of thoso unimprisoned
maniacs whom wo call jingoes men
preaching the hatred of one peoplo
against another how long do yon think
the world wiJJ last when onco such
knowledge is abroad in it
Tho professor looked longingly at tho
machine ho hud so slowly and painfully
It would bo of much use to human
ity if it wero but bonovolently em
ployed With tho coaltiolds everywhere
diminishing it would supply a motive
forco for tho universe that would last
through the ages
Professor Seigfried exclaimed
Jennie earnestly when the Lord per
mits u kaowle diro pf ihjjj iMdliftfc tu
become common property it is his will
that tho end of the world shall come
The professor said nothing but Htood
with deeply wrinkled brow gazing
earnestly at the mechanism In bin
hand wan the hammer head which ho
had previously given to tho girl His
arm wont up and down an if ho wore
dimitling its weight Then middenly
without a word of warning ho raised
it and sent it crashing through the ma
chine whose splintering glass fell with
a musical tinkle on he floor
Jennie gave a startled cry and with
a low iiinnii the professor struggled to
J i D f i J - i
Then Rvhlcnlu he raised U nnd sent It
cmnhlnu throuyh thcmacldiic
his chair and fell rather than sat down
in it A ghastly pallor ovorsproad his
faco and the girl in alarm ran again to
tho cupboard poured out somo brandy
and offered it to him then triod to pour
it down his throat bnt his tightly net
teeth resisted her efforts Sho chafed his
rigid hands and once ho opened his
oyen and nlowly shook his lioad
Try to sip thin brandy sho said
seeing his jaws relax
It in usolesa ho murmured with
difficulty My lifo wna in tho in
strument as brittle as tho gluss I
Ho could say no more Jennie went
swiftly down stuira to tho office of a
physician on tho first floor which sho
had noticod as she camo up
The medical man who knew of tho
scientist but was not personally nc
qnaintod with him for the professor
had few friends wont up the stops three
at n time and Jennie followed him
more slowly Ho mot tho girl at tho
door of tho attic
It is unoless ho said Professor
Seigfried is dead and it is my belief
that in his taking awayAnstria bus lost
her greatest scientist
I am sure of it answered tho girl
with trembling voice but perhaps
aftor all it is for tho best
I doubt that said tho doctor I
nover foel so like quarreling with Prov
idence as when some noted man is re
movod right in tho midst of his useful
lam afraid replied Jennie sol
emnly that wo have hardly reached a
state of dovelopmont that would justify
us in criticising tho wisdom of Provi
denco In my own short life I havo
seen several instances whero it scorned
that Providence intervened for tho pro
tection of his creatures and oven tho
sudden death of Professor Seigfried does
not shako my belief that Providence
knows best
She turned quickly away and went
down tho stairs in some haste At tho
outer door sho heard the doctor call
down I must have your name and ad
dress please
But Jennie did not pause to answer
She had no wish to undergo cross ex
amination at an inquest knowing that
if sho told tho truth ehe would not bo
belioved while if sho attempted to hido
it nnexpecti d personal inconvoniencc
might ariso from such a course Sho ran
rapidly to the street corcer huilod a
fiacre and drove to a distant part of tin
city than see wont to a main thorough
fare took a tram car to tho center of the
town and another cab to tho palace
To bo continued iioxt Thursday
Whun YuiiGotn Ileuilurhe
dont waste a minute but go to your
druggist and get a box of Krauses
Hendacho Capules They will prevent
pain ovou though your skull wero
cracked They are harmless too Read
tho guarantee Price 25c Sold by
Geo B Ohristoph
To remove a troublesome corn or
bunion First soak tho corn or bunion
in warm water to softon it then pare it
down as closely as possible without
drawing blood and apply Olmmberlaius
Pain Balm twico daily rubbing vigor
ously for five miuutos at each applica
tion A corn plaster should bo worn
for n fow duya to protect it from the
shoo As u general liniment for sprains
bruises lameness and rheumatism Pain
Balm is uuequaled For salo by the
Kiesau Drug Co
Kay to Cure a -Cold
if you go about it right Take two or
three Krauses Cold Cure Capsules dur
ing tho day and two before retiring at
night This will insure a good nights
rest and n free movement of tho bowels
next morning Contiuuo tho treatraout
next day and your cold will melt awny
Prico 2ro Sold by Geo B Ohristoph
I have used Chamberlains Colio
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
find it to bo a groat medioino says Mr
13 S Phipps of Potoau Ark It cured
mo of bloody flux I cannot speak too
highly of it This remedy ulwaya
wins tho good opiuiou if not praise of
thoso who use it The quick cures
which it effects even in the most sovero
cases make it a favorite everywhere
For 6ale by tho Kiesau Drng Co
Sproinl llkn Wllilllr
Whon things aro tho best thoy be
come tho best soiling Abraham
Haro a leading druggist of Hollevlllo
writes Electric Bitters urn tho
best Boiling bittors I havo handled in 20
years You know why Most diseases
begin in disorders of stcmnch Jllvor
kidnoysbowols blood and norves Elec
tric Bitters tone up tho stomnoh regu
lates liver kldnoy and bowels purifies
the blood strengthens tho nerves honco
cures multitudes of maladies It builds
up tho on ro Hystdm Puts now lifo
mid vigoi ifo nny woak sickly run
down man or woman Prico f0 conts
Sold by Kiesau Drug Co
Million Olicn Auiiy
It is cortaiiily gratifyiui o tho nublio
to know of ono concorn which is not
afraid to bo gonorous Tho proprietors
of Dr Kings New Discovory for con
sumption coughs nnd uJds havo givon
away over ton million trial bottlos and
havo tho satisfaction of knowing it has
cured thoubiuids of hniinlnsa niHo
Asthma bronchitis la grlppo and all
throat chest and lung diseases aro
surely cured by it Call on Kiesau Drug
Co and get a free trial bottlo Rogu
larsizooOc and 100 Every bottlo
Knum n lluiiilailii CllMllI
will instantly euro headaches of nny
kind Being purely vegotablo thoy mo
harmless and leave no bad after effects
Wo offer 500 reward for any trace of
antipyriuo morphine chloral or any
injnrious substanco fouud in them
Price 25c Sold by Goo B Ghristonb
Chamborlaius Stomach and Liver
Tablots euro biliousness constipation
and headache They aro easy and
pleasant in oilect For salo by tho
Kiesau Drug Co
Whon you feel that lifo is hardly
worth tho caudle take a dose of Cham
borlaius Stomach and Liver Tablots
Thoy will cleanse your stomach tone up
your liver and rogulato your bowols
making you fool like a new man For
salo by tho Kiesau Drug Co
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
meut by Elys Croain 13nlm which is ngreo
ably aromatic It is roeoived through tho
nostrils cleanses and healatho whole sur
faco ovor which it diffuses itsolf Druggists
sell tho 50o sizo Trial size by mail 10
conts Test it nnd you are euro to continuo
tho treatment -
To accormnoilato those who aro partial
to tho use of atomizers in applying liquids
into tho nnsal passagos for catairhal trou
ble tho proprietors propiiro Cream Balm iu
liquid form which will bo known as Elys
Liquid Cream Bnlm Prico including tho
praying tubo ia 75 cents Druggists or by
mail The liquid form embodies tho med
icinal properties of tho solid preparation
Ladies desiring a transparent com
ploxion freo from blotches blemishes
and blackheads should use Rocky
Mouutaiu Tea Ask your druggist
Dons It Pay to liny Cheap
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right but you want something
that will relievo and cure tho more
severe and dangerous results of throat
and lung troubles What shall you do
Go to a warmer and more regular cli
mate Yes if possible if not possible
for you then in either case take tho
only remedy that has been introduced in
all civilized countries with success iu
severe throat and lung troubles
Boschees German Syrup It not
only heals and stiinulatesthe tissues to
destroy the germjdisease but allays in
flammation causes easy expectoration
gives a good nights rst and cures the
patient Try one bottlo Recommended
many years by all druggists in the world
Get Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau
Drug Co
Ladies if you want a refined and
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
use Rocky Mountain Tea Never fails
sk your druggist
Oulnlne for ColiU
Manypeoplo who use quinine for the
cure of colds say that the effect of this
drug is more disagreeable than the dis
ease Krauses Cold Cure is prepared
in a convenient capsulo form and will
cure tho most deeply seated cold in 24
hours without any interruption to busi
ness They are pleasant to take and
give yon a clear fresh sensation while
operating Price 25c SoldbyGeo B
That TliroWiliiK Headnclie
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr Kings Now Lifo Pills Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and nervous hoadaohes
They make pure blood and build up
your health Only 25 cents Money
back ifnot cured Sold by Kiesau
Drug Co
Ilclitys Celery Nerve Compound
for all novous diseases neuralgia rheu
matism nervous debility paralysis
biliousness dyspepsia costiveness piles
liver complaint kidney troubles and
female complaints It goes to tho Beat
of the disease and cures thoroughlyjand
speedily Sold by Geo B Ohristoph
Heller Teatliuoiiy
Albort IIelloriiving at 1 1 1 lJFarnhain
St Omaha says I have tried most
everything that is used as a preventa
tive or cure for headache but nothing
did me so muchgood as Krausos Head
ache Capsules Others who have used
them say the same thing Price 25c
Sold by Goo B Ohristoph
Whon you havo uo appetite do not
relish your food and fool duJ after eat
ing you noed a doso of Olmmberlaius
Stomach and Liver Tablets Price 25o
Samples free at the Kiesau Drag Oo
Men can bo cured privately and posi
tively nt homo of all weakness and ills
easo Write for now freo book
Dit J N Hathaway
21 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
OtH ntluti Allitwrrml
Yes August Flowor still has tho larg
est wile of any medicine iu tho civilized
world Your mothers and grand
mothers nover thought of using anything
olso for indigestion or biliousiioss Doc
tors wero scarce mid they seldom heard
of appoudioitis nervous prostration or
heart failure etc They used August
Flowor to clean out the system mid stop
formcntntloii of undigested food regu
ate tho action of tho liver Btimulato the
norvous mid organic action of tho system
and that is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with hoadaohes mid other
achos You only need a fow doses of
Greens August Flower in liquid form
to niako you satisfied there is nothing
sorioiiH tho matter with you Got
Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug
For sprnins swellings mid lamouess
thoro is nothing so good as Chamber
lains Pain Balm Try it For salo by
tbo Kiesau Drug Co
Biliousness is caused by a lazy liver
permits food to sour in your stomach
makes you cross Rocky Mountain Tea
makes you woll and cheerful Ask
your druggist
The Mother of Consumption
low this Dread Disease May be Prevented and
Cured The Greatest of Specialists Writes
on the Subject
Cntiirrh IB tho mottior of consumption
IJy tills I do not mean Hint ovory cuwol catarrh
nrin v
fTMAl riDDraii ADmrc
viiopuH into connuiupiiori nut I
do inunn tlint caturru nlion un
chocked nnd when clven tun
proper op iMirtunltleH lor exten
itlnn from lUplucoof beKlnnltur
which Is tho nanl iMRdageH
deeper nnd deeper nloiiK tho
lireathlnK tract fnvnrlnhly end
In Consumption of theLuncs
Catarrh xoldom deolroys any
coMtldcrnhto part of tho mucous
surfneo of the upper air pais
aires It Inflames and contests
thorn causing UBURlly a super
abundant and offenHlve din
chnrso but when It roaches the Intensely dellcatn
lining of tbohalr llko lung tubes and llttlo lunir cells
tho InflumaUon and connection which It cause
cIosoh thoso small air passages and allowing the
futrlddlscharued matter to accumulate causes a rot
Ine nivuy of tho membrane rusultlni iu what wo
cull Consumption of the Lungs
The tendency of catarrh when ltbasoncoobtalned
a foothold In any portion of the mucous membrane
which linos ovory cavity of the body Is to constantly
extend in every direction
Catarrh In almost every Instance starts with what 14
commonly known as cold In tho bead This cold Is
aadod to by another because of some extra exposure
orwottkonlmr of tho system and becomes chronic
Nasal catarrh Is tho result Unless a radicalcureof
this condition Is oftocted tho disease passes rapidly
to tbo throat to tho bron chlal tubes and thou to the
Consumption cannot bo cured New lungs cannot
bo made for n man nny more than new fingers or a
newnosn hut catarrh can be cured in all Its stage
oxcopt this flml and always fatal ono
In an experience of twenty years during which
tlmol hivu tronted many thousands of cases of all
forms of catarrh I have never vet failed to effect a
radical and permanent cure Tbo method I employ
Is ono exclusively my own ami the remedies which I
usonro prepared under my personal direction In my
own laboratories
Manynonploimagino they have Consumption when
In reality tho dlseaso has not qulto reached that
stage I am treating anil curing cases of this sort
ovory day So long as tho process of decay ban not
begun In tho lungs thorn selves lean mukotbopatlent
perfectly woll and strong again
Lot me onco moro urge all catarrhal sufferers to
begin treatment at once for a month nc t entment
now Is better than tbo throe months later on
I shall mako for the next month n specially low Too -for
tho treatment of catarrh not complicated by
other diseases making nc extra cbargo for till mod
telnes otc that may bo requlrod
w Dr Uatlmway Co
Commercial lJlock Sioux City lotnw
mMsmi y
5 TKoGWgrt
Elys Cream Balm
Kasy and pleasant to
use Contains no In
jurious drug
It Is quickly absorbed
Gives Uellef at once
It Opens anil Cleanses
tlio Nasal Passages
AII1VS Inllammntliin
nron un
Arrcrt errecTS
For Sale by George B Ohristoph
- Tmrm imm - v
THE A tfffjfc
G XUEIA17 Wl rrt
pzUfnTCoaoc m
Hcnle and lrotccts tho Membrane Restores tho
Senses of Taste and Smell Large Size BO cents at
Druggists nr by mall Trial Size 10 cents by mail
ELY BKOTUEltS 68 Warren Street New York
Made a
Well Man
V of Me
produce the above remits In 30 days It tcti
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others fall
Voung men will regain their lost manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervous
ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and
all effects ot self abuso or exceEsand Indiscretion
which unfits ono or study business or marriage It
not only cures by starting at tbo seat of disease but
Is a great nerve tonic and blood builder bring
ing back the pink glow to palo cheeks and re
storing the Are of yonth It wards off Insanlti
and Consumption Insist en having KEVIVO na
other It can be carried In vest pocket By mail
100 per package or six or B500 with poal
tlve written guarantee to core or raroad
the money Book nnd advlsu t roo Address
For Bale iu Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Ohristoph druggist