OUR Armored Cruiser SHOE for Boys Wear is miulo from tho best nelcctod uppor dock tested for Hervieo Tho soles and lieolH which nro tlio bout leather will produce nro flllotl with OH1LLKD STEEL CIRCLETS which protect tho bottom and iisfinro tho wear er double tho Borvico of nuy shoe mndo for boys Davenport Bros THE NORFOLK SHOE HEN EXAMINATION FREE Defects scarcely noticeable in children assume dangerous proportions with advancing years A proper correction now will prevent serious complica tions later Ml C f ffl PHQimtDT OPTICIAN NORFOLK - - NEBRASKA t NORFOLK I Steam Laundry Only First Class Laundry In Northeast Nebraska Every effort made to ploaeo patrons ami Kivc BntUfnetion Latest improved ma chinery used in nil dopartmouts Work not satisfactory will be relaundorod froo of charge if i etui noil unworn ROUOH EDOES TAKEN OFF COLLARS DAN CRAVEN Proprietor i For Breakfast Foods Thompsons Gash Grocery These are i few Pillsburys Oat Food per pkg 10c Wheat Manna two for 25c Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit two for 25c Pillsburys Vitos two for 25c Quaker Oats two for 25c Waldorf Oats two for 25c Cremola two for 25c Wheatliug each 10c Grape Nuts two for 25c Wheat Flakes two for 25c Granose two for 25c Wheatoso two for 25c The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature -Hi Minimum temperature 10 Average -28 Precipitation 00 Total preoipitatiou for month 00 Barometer 20 94 Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight followed by threatening Friday Not so cold in east and north portion T H U rS DAYfi dFn G S A store room is being built onto the rear of Hayes jewelry and music house Elkhorn council No 1704 R A will meet in the K P hall this evening at 8 10 sharp U H Tatmau has resigned his posi tion as olerk at the postoilice and has ac cepted a position at the sugar factory The ladies guild of Trinity church will meet tomorrow afternoon at i oclock with Mrs Morrison There is work to do and a good attendance iB hoped for The baud boys were out on tho street this noon advertising their ball to bo given tomorrow night They paraded Main street and formed ou each corner playing some of their choice selections The Norfolk Journal changed hands today the name good will and business having been Bold by P F Sprecher to W N Huse Mr Spreohor retains tho printing material n6ed in the Hon of tho Journal but the office will bo clo6cd to business Herman Booho was in town this morn ing with a pair of yomiR coons which ho had captured when yttj imall at IiIh placo on tho Elkhorn rivr The ani mals aro now about halffrrown nd M playful as kittens Dr O A MoKtm of this city has hewn appointed a uionibor of tho board of censors of tho Iowa Nebraska State Veterinary Medical RseooiAtion which holds a session at Omaha Tuesday and Wednesday of next week Last night tho thermometer indicntid tho lowest tomporaturo of tho prosont season and showod a desiro to hover around near tho zoro mark The mini mum temperature of the past 21 hours was 10 degreos above zero Hay Hayes has decided to adopt tho avocation of travoliug man and has gono on tho road in tho interest of n loan and trust company of Dos Moines Iowa Ho made his first trip this week going oast on tho F E M V road August Fischor fathor ofJEriiest and Julius Fisohor diod at 1225 today at homo of his son on Sixth street and Park avonuo aged 72 years Ho hud boon sick but a short timo Tho funeral arrangements havo not yet been made Enginoor Lowe is engaged today in locating tho corners establishing grades etc for tho Bishop block at tho corner of Fourth and Main stroots Tho ex cavating is about completed tlio mn torial on hand and with favorable weather tho building of tho foundation will begin at ouco yesterday afternoon tho pupils of the Fourth and Fifth grades of tho Lincoln school woro taken with IUb of sneezing that interrupted tho usual proceedings of tho school A little girl had brought somo snuff for her cold and in sonio maunor it became distributed about the room with the above result Manager Spear of tho Auditorium spent ycBtorday billing Piorco Plain view and Croightou for tho Iunos con cert Ho sold 90 tickets conditional upon the negotiations for a special train up tho Creighton line to take people homo after tho entertainment The time for closing contract with limes has been extended until tho 20th by which time Mr Spear must havo enough seats sold to cover tho guarantee or the date will bo coucelled Tho Norfolk musicians aro endeavor ing to got their newly organized mili tary baud and orchestra on a permanent and independent basis without asking contributions from the citizens With this object in viow they propose to give the people the pleasure of a ball and ask in return a liberal patronage The first public amusement under their direction will take place tomorrow night at the Marquardt hall and those who patronize them will undoubtedly receive good value for their money They should bo encouraged in their effort to build up a musical organization to fill the requirements of a city like Norfolk Silver City Times The local news paper should bo found in every homo No children should grow up in ignorance who can bo taught to appreciate the home press It is said to be the step ping stone of intelligence in all those matters not to be learned in books Give your children a foreign paper which contains not one word about any person place or thing which they over saw or perhaps ever heard of and how could you expect them to bo interested But let them havo a homo paper and read of people whom they meet and of places with which they are familiar and soon an interest is awakened which increases with overy daily arrival of tho local paper Thus a habit of reading is formed and thoe children will lead the papers all their lives aud become intel ligent men and women a credit to their ancestors strong in the kuowledgo of tho world as it is today Lake trout wall eyed piko and cat fish at Glissmanfl Mrs J Younger has taken charge of the boarding house at the corner of Third street aud Madison avenue Be sides caring for the wants of regular boarders she can accomodate n few transients at 1 per day Warning All persons aro wnrued not to tear dowu deface or disturb tho street signs now being erected iu tho city All per sons found guilty of interfering will be punished to the fullest extent of tho law J Dkonkr Chairmau street committee Wanted A girl for general house work Mas J Younger Comer Madison Ave aud Third streot Wednesday November SI Another spocial day at Michaels gal lery On tho above date wo will donate free on eaoh cash order for photos n beautiful now oval medalliou on or ders of t nnd over and from 150 to a choice of any stylo button wo have All work guaranteed satisfactory Wo aro hero to pleaso you at Michaels gallery Notice Having just received a lot of foreign and domestic goods I wish to invito tho people to como and seo them I now carry the largest and best assortment of trouserings in the city Do not look upon the small building I am iu but come in and see what we have aud are THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY NOVKMMM 15 1000 doing We use only the best of trim mings do the best of work and guaran tee a perfect fit at tho most renRonnblo prices P J Fobsirh Four doors west of Fair Store Mellowrich colTeo soils rapidly conso tmeutly the supply is always fresh For aIo by A J Bohnort agent Wo make loans on real estate at lowost rates Elkhorn Building aud Savings nmiociation T E Odiohnb Sec Wild ducks at GliBSinans Wantuij A girl for general houso work Mns J B Barnmcs WastiI At tho Pacific hotela young man to assist the clerk for his board and attend school Wantt A good sized fireproof safe Apply at Nkws office Just received at Michaels gallery a 1 t of now gilt moldings at prices that will soil thorn Call and seo for your solf Your trade bolioitod nt Michaels WARNERVILLE Mrs C Lodge is roiKirted sick S E Madsons ohildron are sick with the whooping cough W H Loomis and family rotuoved to Norfolk Wednesday Dr Bort Munson of Randolph Iowa is bore visiting his parents Mr and Mrs O D Munson Thomas Kennedy will sell his personal properly at public sale next week and will go to Missouri soon nfler the sale The basket supper given by the Modern Woodmen Tuesday evening was well attended and a good timo was enjoyed by those present Wm Brown and family who moved to Missouri from hero throe years ago have returned nnd will occupy the house soon to bo vacated by Fred Pettitt W E Gillaspy has bought lioger Oarborrys farm southwest of town Mr Carbcrry contemplates returning to his old homo in Guthrie county Iowa iu the near futuro Charlie Taunohill who has boon on tho road with Buffalo Bills Wild West shw tho past season returned Monday Baltimore Standard oysters in bulk at Glissmans For Rest Furnished rooms E J Siioituiiu Sturgeon is tho piano man A Good Ierroriiiiince The Mallory Brothors Theater com pany was greeted with a well filled house when tho enrtain went up for the comedy drama His Excellency he Governor Wednesday evening Chas B Archer always finds a welcomo in Atlantic nnd his work gavo further evi dence that he is an actor of moro than ordinary ability Tho Mallory Brothers are fortunate in having Mr Archor for their leading man as ho is well known throughout the middle west and opera house managers are always anxious to secure return dates which is tho best of an actors ability The performance here was very acceptable the parts well taken the specialties amusing and overy one was well pleased with the show Baby Mallory should receive special mention as she is a clever little miss and mado a hit with tho audience Atlantic la Messenger At the Auditorium Thursday Friday and Saturday November 15 li and 17 Admission 25 and JlHc Children 15c Saturday mntinoo admission 10c Everyone should drink Mellowrich cofleo It is without an equal Union Iuillli KxriirHlon One way and round trip settlers ex cursion rates Tho Union Pacific will sell on October November ii 20 27th to Ogden Salt Lake City Spanish Fork Utah Garrison and Helena Montana one way 2M0 round trip 40 00 To Spokane TacomaSeattle Wash ington Portland Oregon one way 28 round trip 4500 The one way tickets continuous pas sage from starting point to destination The round trip tickets with privilege of stopping oft on going ticket and con tinuous passage on return ticket Final return limit thirty days from date of salo For information call on F W Junemam Agont Observation has established a universal idea that an eccentric and solemn man ner nro concomitants of musical gen ius A look at Innes tho famous band master shatters that viow On tho stage with baton in hand his face has tho ex pression of a man who thinks of nothing this side of tho clouds Iu the hotel lobby or around tho banquet board he looks and acts and talks as if ho never gave a thought to music Yet Iunos has mado such roniarknblo innovations in concert band music that hypocritical writers who scorned any kind of band music ns being without tho pale of serious contemplation have been forced to recognize and admire him Innes and his band aro coining hero on Thursday evening Novomber 2th Thoy have just finished a remarkably successful summer Beaton at Atlantic City whero limes owns an immonso Auditorium named nftor himself Scenes from grand operas by six splen did operatic singers prominent among whom is Xanten the great German tenor from Berlin will be one of the features of the engagement lirFrank Salter Dueacei of children PERSONAL II P McGniro of Wistior was iv city visitor yesterday M Perrino was a Norfolk visitor terday fiom Wlsuor Airs J E Flick of Dakota City yen- was in Norfolk yesterdny Mrs II L Snyder made the round trip to Lincoln vesterday O WMImiii of Pierce is a guest at tho homo of P Michael Kov and Mrs A Hoflus of Piorco woro city visitors yesterday Mrs W N Huse went to New Castle this afternoon for a short visit Dr Burt Munson of Randolph Iowa was a Norfolk visitor yesterday Dr P II Salter was called to Pierce yesterday to consult with Dr Piingle Mr and Mrs Wm Maher of Battle Crook went visitors in Norfolk yester day Mr and Mrs Win Ilarr of Stanton woro visitors id the Sugar City yester day Harry Woodall has returned from Knusas City and Omaha having been in those cities tho greater pait of the past summer Mrs II 10 Owen and son Charley have gono to Omaha They met Mr Owen at Columbus on their way to the slate metropolis Mrs Wilinarth of Creighton who has been visiting Mis W W Roberts a few diiyB departed this morning for Colum bus whero sho will visit I A hum of Creighton was here today lie says that owing to his wifos health ho has decided not to re move to Washington and represent this district in congress tlio coining session Rev S F ShurploHH returned yes terday from Coleridge whore lie at tended a meeting of the Niobrara pres bytery for tlio ordination of Rev Annum of Coleridge and Rev Kuntz of Wake field 1 15 Taylor of Walilun Orange county Now York is hero on u visit to his brother N L Taylor Ho has not visited this section boforo for Kt years aud expresses surprise at the great prog ress that has boon made in that timo Tho host celery at Gllssnians For tho next thirty days wo will give a Uuo wator color or an oval medallion with every cash order for one dozen photOB of any stylo at Macys Dont miss this chance of getting tho best work and at the same time one of these presents Good farms to trade for town property G R Skiikr Farm land and city pioperty for by G R Seilor Houses for sale bale T E Odiornk Tho Black Dills or Last Hunting Grounds of the Dakotas is the title ol a book which The News editor came in to possession of this woek and oppor tunity will be ollered our citizous for en joying tlio same privilege as an agent for its Balo will begin canvassing this city aud county for that purpose Wo have had just timo to give a glance over all tho chapters comprising tho contents of the volume which contains over 700 largo sized pages yet wo aro willing to speak of it in high terms as being a val uable and interesting book It contains KM or more illustrations and these with tho text ntlord tho reader a clear and comprehensive insight into tho history and dovolopmout of that wonderful country known ns tho Black Hills It is only about 25 years sinco tho Hills began to mako history but tho amount made in that timo is largo and important almost boyond comprehension in signfi canco and consequence Its history can not fail of awaking largo interest in the minds of dwellers on this ido of the wide rango and great river dividing tin two sections of the samo commonwealth especially now that they aro becoming more closely identified in various ways Tho author is Mrs Annie D Tallont who 60 far as is known was the first white woman to found a homo iu the Black Hille October I 1871 was the date of her setting forth on tho pioneer pathway leading to tho Black Hills and December 9 following sho arrivod at what is now Stnrgis and there she has since resided Her son R E Tallent has arranged to solicit subscriptions for this entertaining aud valuable work in Madison county and we aro confident ho will moot with much encourngeinout Baltimore Select oysters in bulk Glissmans at Jtallwuy li rin IiiimIh For Silr In northern Wisconsin tho Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway has for sale at low rates and easy terms of payment about 400000 acres of choico farm lands Early buyers will secure tho advantngo of locations on tho many beautiful streams and lakes which abound with fish and furnish a never ending and most oxcolleut wator supply both for family use and tor stock Laud is gonerally well timbered the soil tortile nnd easy of cultivation Chicago Mdwnukeo St Paul Minne apolis Duluth Snporior Ashland nnd numerous other thriving cities and towns on the line of tho 0 St P M O railway and other railroads iu the same territory furnish good markots for farm produce For further particulars address Geo W Brii Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or G H Mac Rak AG P A St Paul Minn Farm and city lonj TUX DUKLAKD TKLBT OO 1 L A SAVING OF 26 PER CENT in what we ofter you In Ready-to-Wear Hats Take tint time gains at and look over the bar- J E DURLANDS WE LEAD Others Follow For Strictly Uptodate Millinery and Correct Prices Call on jfeE J Bender TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN a w a c E X UJ u u u U I iH t wi mm I Amwmrm w ww mvrss a a is vr W8fr Wl yp icrman Spoken DR CARRATTE The Eminent Sioux City Specialist Wlio IlIIH KIIUImI II Willi lllltlltlllll Ml llth pill fru inii iih mi Xinrt iltiiiilur will hit lit the PACIFIC HOTEL Saturday Nov 24 fin tlin liiiiofil of IIhimi IImiik iiuij fiuin n Hie millet in thih liriincli nnd Iniwi not hit Iiiiii to v i c i I ii hpidiiliht of mi i xtenilril ruinilal ion Thin iiMiirilx til n Kiiml IMi Hiiiil We cliiiiu to Iiiivii tho liiht mill nlii nlutnl hiilihl i i ii i Ii h iiiitlinil mitr Vt ii l iii t I Siinpli Illrct ivn mnl Inn Tlllh mn iit i lit join roiiiiiifind Expert Plate Worker of Barrett Dental Association SIOUX CITY IOWA M C WALKER DKAIKIl IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE THE NO 33 North Western LINE p E fl V R R is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska Fur 1lnnliing Sieam Filling Pumps Tanks Wind Mills And all wurL iu t It it- line cull ou W H RISH Ehtltfactiou Guaranteed First door tioulli of The IUim Xnft Otiire HO For Dependable Millinery I Becomingly J X Fashioned Harmoniously Assembled Economically Constructed Always go to Inskeeps Millinery i 4 x 4o 4 I X X X I 4 I t B MEYERS luvitcH you to Compare PricoK ToniatoeH per can 8c PeiiH per can 5 c Corn per can 8c Java CollVe best per lb 15c Oat Meal Jter lb 2ljC Sorp lObarK 25c I ij jxMind can Making Powder 20c IleHt PruncH per lb 8c Blueing 4c Soda per lb 3lc Starch peril 3c CiackiTH per lb 7JC OlotheH Linen 9c Ijjo per can 4c Mixed Cindy per lb 7 feC Pearliun per package 4o Kice peril 7c Lump Chimney 4c Wo havo a big lino of Tinware Gran itewaro and Crockery which we aro helling very cheap B MEYERS DO YOU DESIRE HEALTH Vifo Manuel to Healing cures Chronic Diseases Itlienmalisin Eyes ami Ears the lsinie e i e Absolutely no nimlieino used H SAYOOR J0i Find St Norfolk MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Rooms on North Ninth Street CRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn- Horses Bought and Sold or Commission tiraaach Avenue and Third St PHONE 44