The Norfolk Heui Tho paramount issue wasnt mount How does it seem anyway to bo tho Klnvoof nn empire Mr Bryan will now have timo to no oumulnto n llttlo moro of McKlnley pros perity Tho republic 1ms fallenIt foil on Mr Uryan nnil otlmr antl imperlalists with u il s t Tho Dakota volunteers evidently had n message for AgulnaldoH friend Pet tigrow nnil delivered It Tullt about republican apathy A few more doses of tlnvt ltlml would com pletely aiinthlliato tlio domoorntio party Tho World -Heralds last fako that betters wore placing 01lH on Hryn tho oast didnt havo any appreciable effect Tho follow who hot on tho World Heralds forooaHtH and olalniB In pain fully conscious that tho papur Ih not altogether rollahlo Stanton county gave W W Young a plurality of 125 votes whilo tho returns on tho majority of otlmr candidates show a natural f union plurality Tho stockmen in tho western part of tho state did what was expected of thoni Thoy indicated that MoKinloy prices for what thoy raised woro quite satis factory Tho fusionists claimed Indiana ho ntroiiKly mid persistently that tho re publicans woro almost ready to give thoin tho state until tho votow were counted Tho republicans inado some magnifi cent galiiB In Missouri and tho party workers In that Htato aro encouraged to rouowod endeavors In behalf of republi can polloiuH Tho Now York follows who hot on MoKinloy woro evidently notjputting up their largo buius to bo lost Thoy offered oddH only to induce tho Bryan money to come out Tho fusion trust continues to lose and will do so as long as it persists in lining up one sot of candidates under tho prin ciples of sovoral separato and diBtinct party organizations It is presumed that tho Fourth of July will not bo colobratod next year Mr Jlryan said snob ovidencos of patriotism would pass away before tho ouward march of imporiiilisui Tho electoral eollego will meet in the various states on the second Monday in January and complete tho work of the peoplo President MoKiuley will enter upon Ills second term March I On tho trust question tho result seems to mean that a jiarty which iuakes n specialty of fighting tho ootopus must not tie led by men who are deeply inter ested iu tho success of the trusts Pettigrow is going to organize a party of his own Ho should invite all such men us Altgeld Tillman Towue Bryan Crokor Sulzor and TellerJ to join and migrate with them to tho Philippines The peoplo of this country have shown that thoy have 110 uso for their politics 1iorco precinct in fierce county gave Couob lWi and Boyd 80 while on other candidates a republican majority was shown Cones carried the county by 807 whilo on presidential electors the voto was a tie They seem to know how n home candidate should be treatod in Pierce While tho American peoplo havo en dorsed expansion as far as tho Philip pines aro concerned tho result may not bo taken to mean that they would favor a policy of further territorial acquisition for the moro Bake of expanding They will much prefer that all such may bo tho result of legitimate purchase or de pendent upon a war started upon as just a cauBO us was the war with Spain Bryan succeeded iu carrying but four northern states aud these wore four western mining states tlmt wero carried by immense majorities for free silver In 1801 Colorados majority was reduced about 100000 Montanas majority was reduced about f0 per cent Nevadas majority for silver was nlniostannihil a ted and Idahos showing for the chain piou of silver was rodu ed over 10000 iu a total voto of about 10000 The pross bureau conducted under the Hupervision of the republican Btato com mittee by L A Williams of Blair has been carried on in a most eillcient man ner during the campaign just closed The sorvice furnished the republican papers throughout tho state has been far superior to anything ever attempted be fore by the state committee and that together with tho work of the whole committee shows its result in the great victory won iu Nebraska Speaker Henderson evidently believes that Senator Hantia could win out for president in 1001 The senator has ahown a remarkable ability iu wiuuing for other people and he has ascended several notches iu the estimation of the western people he visited but whether ho will prove as inipnlar as n presidential candidate an ho is successful m a cam paign manager is a question Event seem to provo tlmt n limn who Ih suc cessful In getting votes for others In something of a failure In getting for himself Antolopo county did tho right thing by Its homo candidate for an Important otllce Judge Boyd carried tho county by a tunjority of 2IK Tho only other republican that got a majority was tho candidate for county attorney In Boyds homo precinct Oakdale ho re- nuntviil n vote of I fill to 71 wlllU tllO proolnct wiih pretty ovenly divided on other candidatoH It wan a llun tribute to a fellow citizen and it Ih promimod that Mr HoydH election Ih not moro gratifying to liini than tho treatment he received at the handH of his nolghlKirs Business Hagaolty should continuo to oxoreiso an lntluenco over alTalrH at Washington and thuH encourage It on the part of tho people of the country A stutmndouH victory mid an overflow ing treaHiiry will tend to encourage ox travngauco and thodomandH for appro priatloiiH mid othor expenditures are likely to bo proHHOil but the expenses Hhould bo kept within the income and tluiH allow no opportunity for panicky conditions to creep in Tho republican party Ih In the ascendency and It may enjoy a long and honellcent control of the country by oxeiviHing duo caution and business foresight Many democratic exchanges appear to think that tho majority of the people claiming relationship to Uncle Sam are llrst class chumps and dont know enough to come in out tho rain How ever that may be tho majority rule and will continuo to do so until an empire iH oonsuinmutodJwhich will never be Meanwhile everyone or tho majority undoubtedly fools that lie litis used good judgement in casting his vote as ho did and confidently beliovoH that tho ad ministration endorsed will bo conduct affairs that ho will have reason to bo proud of hiB voto Should tho contrary provo true many of them will undoubt edly join with the minority iufouryeara iu asking a cliaugo The United States is coming right to tho front ob a world power In 1800 this country stood nt tho bottom of the list of tho eight great iowoifl of the western world iu tho matter of popula tion In 1000 it stands second with HuBsia at tho head In somo particulars this country is even now stronger than ltusssa undoubtedly in faco of the fact that tho land of tho czar has almost twice tho population The election of last Tuesday indicates that tho people of the country dosiro that it should assert Its place among tho powers Not necessarily in a manner that character izes tho bully but its rights among tho creat commercial nations of tho world should be maintained It has tho re sources to handle a good sharo of worlds commerce aud if it does aBsert itB place and provide for tho volopmout of those resources there be disappointment THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15 1900 this paper In suspended liecmiso of tho lnck of upiort When tho time comes that tho business men can givo it tho support necessary to put It on a pnylng basis its dally vlsitfl will bo resumed Until thon wo shall furnish the dally sub scribers with the weekly and that wo shall endeavor to mako it tho best weekly iu the county r Tho collapse of tho Daily wan not unoxectod It Inw been known for a long timo that tho paper waH in a prcoarioiiH condition but it wan hoped by its frionds that tho election would open an aventio to keep it alive This hopo went down with Hryanism and tho paper sonslbly stopped There has never been a field in Norfolk for two dally pajierB in fact It has been a question for several years whether the town is enterprising enough to furnish a logltimato field for one This is still an opon problem which must bo solved by future developments As to whether Norfolk will continue to have one dally paper dopends wholly upon tho business men of this city If a dally is not considered a good thing for the town thon it would bo a kind uess to the publisher if tho patronage which is now being given It should bo withdrawn 011 tho othor hand if it is desired to havo it continued then it should bo given such business as will make it self sustaining No publisher can bo vxpooted to continue to take earnings from other sources and put them into the maintenance of a daily paper for tho sake of keeping up his reputation for enterprise or for tho benefit of tho town unless there be a fair showing of the not de will What is to be tho result of tho late disaster to democracy is a question now agitating tho leaders Thoy seem quite thoroughly convinced that Bryauism and the froo silver issue havo forever passed from the political stage The Sioux City Tribune has interviews with a number of democrats of that place and with scarcely an exception they seem to favor a return to tho old party aud the old conservatism National leaders seem to bo quite generally of the same opinion It is quite possible that two parties may form one supporting the radical measures of Mr Bryan and tho other advocating the conservatism of Cleveland and othor old loaders It is certain that tho two elements cannot bo united under tho same leader and if tho old democracy is reorganized it may be expected that tho element which has been in control during tho past eight years will eitner torm 11 now party or return to the populist organization Senator Beverldgo of ludinna is one of the rising stateBmeu aud it may bo expocted that ho will bo heard from in the future He made somo of the best speeches and strongest arguments dur ing the campaign just closed Of the result ho said Americanism won It was not a political campaign at all it was the uprising of a poople the awakening of our nation to its powor opportunity aud destiny Now the watchwords must bo conservatism con servatismmoderation moderation moderation Slapdash statesmaushin would ruin all The senator is right the republican party has won the con fidence of tho peoplo mid because that confidence was given in such substantial doses does not permit of a deviation in the slightest degree from tho principles for which tho fight was made- The greatest care should be taken that this tribute of the Americau poople to re publicanism is not violated for it will mean defeat at a timo when defeat may bring disaster to the party and the country One Dally one Yesterdays editon of tho Times-Tribune contaius tho following aunounce meut over the signatures of O SKvaus manager and A P Childs editor reciprocity by those whom its publica tion bonellts The Irrigation Question The matter of irrigation and tho con servation of the countrys water supply is one of tho importnnt questions con fronting tho peoplo Its propor solution means n groat deal to tho country es pecially of the semi arid dlstrictB Tho idea of prominent peoplo who havo given it much study is not only to utilize the water of stroauiB but to cro ato immouso storago reservoirs or lakes in which can be rotaiued tho surplus water that fall during the spring months to bo used during tho Kummor in irrigating growing crops audorohards Not only will this water prove of Im mense value during the summer but the retention of it during the spring will prevent or at least mitigate tho dangers of freshets mid floods If instead of constructing lovees aud dikes the money used for this purpose is omploycd to build dams that will retain the water in the hills from which it comes a double purpose will bo served The congress that is to nssomblo in Chicago Novomber 21-2-1 is to be an im portant factor in starting this move ment and the west should bo well rep resented at its session Guy E Mitchell secretary of tho National Irrigation association has this to say in a recent artiolo 011 tho subject The history of levee construction ou the Mississippi river has be in along and expensive one The first levee was be gun in 1717 which wos when com pleted one mile long erected to protect New Orleans then a mere village This levee was four feet high and eighteen feet across at tho top It was not how ever until after Louisiana had beeu ceded to the United States that lovoe construction was begun ou a large scale an enlarged systematic scale Ab the work progressed up tho river and addi tional basins and bottoms wero enclosed tho lovees necessarily increased in height Tho average height of the levees in Louisiana above New Orleans is now between twelve aud thirteen feet and this height proved insufllcout in the great flood of 1807 This flood indicaes to the engineers that three or four feet additional will be required Millions and millions of dollars have neon appropriated oy tlie federal gov ernment for tho building of those lovoes and other constructions intended to pro tect tho surrounding country from floods and millions more must be up propriated by every congress to come unless stops aro taken to prevent these floods Those measures of tho govern ment aro merely palliative thoy do not go to tho root of the evil Tho loport of Captain Hiram Chittenden of the government engineer corps however shows that there is a way to strike at the trouble itself and largely prevent the floods instead of trying to enclose them between banks after they havo become such He shows in his ofllcial reports that by the building of a series of great storago resorvoirs at the headwaters of the Missouri Hoods can be prevented through tho diverting of the excess of waters into Uieso artificial lakes Surely this is something for congress to give its attention to Here is a practical plan An ounco of prevention is worth a pound of cure Congress will go ahead appropriating millions every session for flood prevention without a question hut it will not appropriate tho same amount for a plan which according to tho governments own engineers promises far greater results Of course the storiug of these reservoirs would meau tho reclamation of large tracts of land to irrigation but this need not worry congress even its eastern members for the eastern merchant aro already alive to the situation and real ize that fthe reclamation of the arid west would open to them the lluest For the time being the daily issue of market in the world J Sterling Morton and tho Argo Starch company feel pretty good A fusion majority of 100 in Nobraska City was converted Into a republican majority of 100 It is promised Jfor Teddy KoorovoH that ho will not be altogether a mere llguro hoad as vlco president His stronuousness demaudB action and will havo it Tho Hebron Journal of last week was printed iu red mid blue with a full pago red rooster crowing lustily on tho edi torial pugo Kansas farmers havo been compelled to cut back their crop of winter wheat Tho growing weather of the past month has threatened to develop 1 premature orop of tho cereal and to keep it for tho propor season this extraordinary method lias been employed A ball bearing watch was an exhibit at tho Parts oxpoHition by ft Swiss factory Tho idea has heretofore been employed in tho construction of clocks but tho delicate work necessary for a ball bearing pocket time picco has never been attempted heretofore Not satisfied with tabulating pre cedents galoro to indicate that the re-election of MoKinloy was in impossibility tho World Herald Is now busy showing itB readers that a democratic administra tion will be a certain sure thing four years honco In view of what has just passed it would probably bo unwise however to stake more than a million dollars on tho forecast Admiral Dewey speaking of the recent presidential election says I thank God 1 was not wanted It iB presumed that he means he is glad ho was not cnlled upon to fill Mr Bryans shoes and take tho crushing defeat that was administered to him It sometimes appoars that n candidate for president is uotin nn envlublo position This would especially seem to bo tho case when tho people havo twico overwhelmingly indi cated that tho candidate is not wanted RopublicauB throughout the country are well pleased with what Nebraska has dono in a political way this fall and it is believed that oven the fusionists of Nebraska outside of the stuto house ring and those benefited by tho patron age are not sorry It is certain that be ing in lino with tho prosont administra tion and indicating that it is iu sym pathy with republican measures and progress the state is in in better position for development than over before iu its history Nebraska is too good a Btato to be eternally dominated by calamity aud populist vagaries The presidents coming message is to deal with some of the gravest questions over presented for consideration iu this country and he is expected to outline policies that will inure to the benefit of this couutry and its island possessions Ou the success aud popular approval of these policies will depend the political aspect of the country in the future He has something to guide him in the issues discussed during the campaign just closed and the endorsement of his poli cies heretofore was unmistakable The same conservative wisdom that has guided him in the past will undoubtedly come to his aid now and the very best solution of the problems is anticipated Perhaps the fusionists will soon begin to beliove the reiterated assertions of re publicans that fusiou is n makeshift pol icy which is certain to bo loser in the end They have been repeatedly warned that the fate of that method if not all the parties to the deal was in sight and this year they have been given substantial evidence of tho fact They havo been pleased to shout with glee ovory time lusion had been consum mated in either count or state conven tion and have been going right merrily to their doom If this falls results do not convince them there is more of the same kind in store and they will finally bo brought to acknowledge thnt 0110 party with one set of principles is much stronger than two or three parties with several platforms A rody one pat ty h is almost sloughed oil While the fusion party attempted to shoulder the responsibility for all the patriotism which had beeu is now or would be dispeusod in this couutry it is very evident that their professions were received with a great decree of allow ance and that they were under no posi tion to prove by any recent eveut that thoir olaiins were suppoited by history This condition win voiced recently by Geueral Joe Wheeler who said I did not go to Decatur to hear the ro turns Tnesdiiy night I do not like to go to funerals and I felt and knew that Mi MoKiuley would be overwhelmingly re elected There are two things tho American peoplo reverence First their God and second their flag A word agaiiiBt either will bring down their coudeninatiou There never was a president defeated for election who hadcouduoted a successful war Those who supported Mr Diotrioh for the position of governor did so con fident that he has a business mid ad ininistrativo ability that will be nn honor to the position to whioh he as pired Ho is now undoubtedly under going the supreme test of the honor to which he has beeu elevated and will be subjected to a veritable flood of applica tions for pOBltion under tho new regime Tho test of his nblllty is in correctly choosing tho peoplo for these positions Ho may mako mistakes and undoubtedly will but ho is believed to bo a man who will quickly rectify any mistake he may mako mid do it with credit to himself mid to the Institutions under his control His friends might odviso him to uso oaution and discretion but tho man is believed to bo 0110 who will do that without tho ad vlco Thoy aro perfectly willing to givo that advice if requested but will hardly nflllct It up on him while ho is burdened with other responsibilities A portion of Mr Dlot riohs troubles may bo realized when It is considered that there aro now five or six applicants for tho Btownrdshlp iu Norfolk for the hospital for tho insane at this place Tho Omaha Ueo yesterday had com plete election returns from overy couuty in tho state except McPhorsou which polls less than 100 votes Suvonty elght of tho counties furnished olllclal returns aud tho othor eleven whilo unofficial wero probably nbout correct These returns show that O H Dietrich has beon elected governor by a plurality of about 1021 E P Savage ran slightly behind Dietrich but has a plurality of Oil Geo W Marsh for secretary of state received a plurality of 1071 For auditor of public accounts Charles Weston received a plurality of 1080 William Steuiler for treasurer defeated his onpouent by 2025 votes W K Fowler wub elected superintendent of public instruction by 2092 votes Frank N Prout for attorney general received a plurality of 22I7 Georgo D Folmer for commissioner of public lauds and buildings was given 17 10 moro votes than hiB opponent While comploto ofllcial returns may change these results slightly the entire republican state ticket is unquestionably elected Tho smallest plurality was that received by Lieutenant Governor Savago while Mr Fowlor for state superintendent had tho largest plurality None of the plurali ties were very large but are very satis factory considering that there was quite a large fusion majority to overcome Wane of Crokerlsm It is quite generally conceded thnt Croker and Tammany mane the fight of their lives aud lost aud that with the reorguuizatiou of tho democratic party will come a change in the democratic po litical organization of New York city that in fact the city organization will bo reformed Of this the Omaha News says Amoug the other results of the elec tion there will be some decided eflect upon the status of Croker and Tammany hall iu politics As to just what the effect will be there is some uncertainty aud difference of opinion but that Greater New York politics will go ou as though nothing hud happened seems impossible There is much talking of deposing the boss and bringing the famous dem ocratic organization out of the extremely bad odor into which it huB fallen a movement not unlikely to ensue from the national reorganization of the party The election has revealed the weakness of Tammany in a manner no less sur prising to the country at large than startling to Croker himself His weak ness has been made so evident that some persons are led to beliove that he made no honest effort to carry the state for Bryan but on the other hand took care that the majority in the city shonld be too small to give the party any chance of carrying the Btate He brought Bryan to New York to kill him say these But tho preponderance of opinion tlio country over is that Croker made the effort of his life and against insuperable obstacles not the least of which was Now Yorks distrust of him and disgnst at his methods Tim first Ktim nf tho nrnnedurn to rob the autocrat of his power will be the release of the metropolitan police from the domination of local politics The legislature has tho votes and it is said tho disposition to put not only the police department of New York but those of the other principle citieB of the state iu charge of a commissioner to be appointed by the republican governor Croker will then have to struggle for his sceptre not only against tho better elemeut of his own party but also aguiust the state republicans ltesuli Provokes Anger Everyone admires a partisan who cm take defeat gracefully and good ua turedly He is the Bort of person whom tho victorious feel that they can tie to one who places himself in a position to solicit their votes at some future timo On tho contrary tho person who gives vent to a feeliug of hatred whoso spleen causes a burst of wrath evidenced by vituperation aud slaudor he is of the sort who will command no respect The leadiug editorial of the Madison Star of this week is in vivid contrast to those of other papers but iustead of ere atiug regret the members of tho ous party aro inclined to laugh at the tutilo display of wrath and might wish that thoy had homo down a little harder It is tho sort of mutter responsible in large part for tho defeat of democracy this year and is of the kind thnt will ex ert an influence in keeping that party down Not conteut with calling the victorious pm irtcnt unkind names it blanden the majority of the jx ople of tho country including members of ltn own party who thought timc werent ripe for a change Tho Star says Though William Jennings Bryan has boeu defeated In this campaign of fraud and farce he yet hai much hon orablo sorvico In tho United States Bryan was too honest Independent of trusts and monopoly and too sincere a friond of the working man and his coun try to win any favor with tho money power of tho United StatcH As presi dent of tho United States ho would have stood by the Declaration of Independ ence docliuod to bo ruled by trustB and combines and kept the grasping flugcrB of old England and other foreign powers off this country This the lovers of Engluud knew mid for that reason if nouo other force bribo and fraud was brought to boar upon the voters iu powor of tho grasping Hiuiuaitcs thus an honest trustworthy man been defeated But Bryans name tho and has will ring along tho grooves of history when all nations will havo forgotten Mark Hanna aud his dupe MoKiuley There will come a time at no distant date when tho people will look upon William J Bryan as Becond to nouo in tho his tory of this nation Ho will arise to a position among tho statesmen of the na tion far ahead of those gained by Web ster Clay or Calhoun Though defeated Nebraska is proud of her noble states man William Jennings Bryan Oxunril Siiuitr CainpnlKn Tlio second omiual beot sugar cam paign of tho Oxnard sugar factory closed ou Tuesday of last week with a longer run than last year by three days and n record of having sliced II 012 tons moro than last year Tho percentage of bac chariuo matter is also considerably better mid taken all in all tho great sugar campaign of 1000 is one that will long remain as a surprise to the people of Ventura county who early in the seasoii hardly dared hopo for tho open ing of tho factory at all A crop that can bo raised in a dry year following two preceding dry years and then make a record in some respects superior to that of a wet Beason is one that should receive favor in the eyes of all farmers especially when greatly im proved prices have been contracted for the coming season ThiB years run has clearly demon strated that beets us n crop are a8 little affected by dry weather as nny that can be raised In a wet season there is a very heavy tonnage but at the same time there is a very marked decrease iu the sugar con tent Mauy farmers have thiB year ex pressed themselves as being well satis fied with 8 to 10 tons per acre and the higher percentage that accompanies it than with a yield of 20 tons with the heavier expense and decreased sugar con tent On the very first week of the campaign farmers were greatly surprised at the result of their crop returns on sandy soil both as to tonnage and sugar con tent although the alkali land did not give as much promise There were be sides enough beets on irrigated land to swell the average tonnage and surprise the whole valley with the first returns The tests for sugar content ran exceed ingly high from the beginning and con tinued much better than was expected through the entire two months From Oxnard ami vicinity Gil 18 tons of beets were received and from Chino and outside points 4017 tons making a total of 07105 tons of beets received Chino Champion October 20 T F Spoer residing seven and one half miles southeast of tho city iB a half brother of Stute Treasurer elect Wm Stoulfer of West Point Mr Spoer was unable to render nctive service during the campaign owing to the sickness of his wife who has been suffering from dropsy and other diseases for a long time She has lately grown somewhat worse The News od aepartment is com plete in every particular HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS via Missouri Pacific Ry and Iron Mountain Route To certain points in the WEST S FE WEST and SOUTH EAST nt ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP PLUS 200 1 October 2 and 10 ON TUESDAYS November i and 0 December and 18 Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days Stop overB will bo nllowed within traiiBit limit of fifteen days going after reachiug first honieseekers point en route For fnrtlitr information or mheitit iiin miit tur nny iiKtiit tlio company or J 0 HI1IU1TJ j UAKNES AH K ami A TIA BtmtliMut Cor Htu and Doulc Bit OMAHA NKUKAKKA to