The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 15, 1900, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
Emperor Williams Address In
Opening the Reichstag
Xtnlirr Puy vile Aim l tit lttltn o Onlrr
In tliiiOilrtitiurmun ltfliilluiM Willi
Count lies I linn Clihm Mot NilU
Borlln Nov 15- Tho loluhstug riuts
eouiblud yentenlay Tlie spewli from
ho throne dwult at conaltlorablc length
on the events In China whli h liavi
excited snuh deep emotion nion elv
lltgod people Haying
Ifanutlcnl hutu and rturk silpurMI
tlon Incited by miburupuloitfl iuIvIhits
t tho court liuvo driven inlHguhltd
masses of Chinese to act of atrocity
against the outposts of western olvlll
atlon and Christian worship dwell
ing peacufully In their midst
My minister died at the Imnri of an
ImshshIii In a courageous attempt to
vureouie thu rlblug peril The for
elRiiers at the capital saw themselves
throatouud life and limb Theso
things of horror united tho civilized
community where othorwKu there
wus a dlveifcenoe All nations against
which thu unparalleled oiiKluught was
directed drew closer Their hoiis
fought with one mind shoulder to
shoulder oven as yonder standards
float side by side So the governments
buow themselves in council united
Jwltli the sole wish to restore an or
derly state of things as speedily as
possible and nfter the banishment of
thu chief culprits avert a recurrence
tu the future of such a disturbance of
the peace of thu world
In announcing that the relations of
Germany with all the powers are good
the speech recalls his majestys sor
row at tbo assassination of King Hum
bert of Italy saying he was my ully
and dear friend who fell a victim to a
damnable outrage
Berlin Nov 15 The war office has
received this dispatch from Count von
itvaldersee dated Peking Nov 31
The former Chinese garrison of Pe
king Is now between Iiual Lai and
Ksuon Hua 52 and 89 miles respect
ively northwest of Peking On this
account and also because of a request
from XSIahop Favier lor protection for
atbolki lhritenod in that district
y t T i
su cpi uiiiuu uu uuuu Belli uuuur
Count von Wuterberg
Emperor Will Return to Puking
Tien Tain Nov 1 It is reported
that an imperial edict has been issued
announcing that Emperor Kwang Sti
and the empress dowager will return
to Peking
A Russian column of 330 men with
four guns which left here Nov 4 re
turned Nov 9 having engaged the
Chinese At Hsia Tsuug the Russians
fought 2000 Chinese troops dispersing
them and killing 200 Thu Russians
had no casualties
The population of the city of Tien
Tsln now reports 000000 Chinese and
the allies arc strengthening the garri
6on as against a possible surprise It
lu supposed that one third of the in
habitants are Boxers
Ministers About Agreed
Peking Nov 12 A protracted con
ference of the foreign mluisters was
lield today at the conclusion of
which then was a general expression
of gratification at the progress made
toward reaching a settlement It was
ntated that most of the points had been
disposed of and that an agreement
bad been reached upon several essen
tial questions The meetiug disclosed
fewer differences over Important
fioints than was expected which is
argely due to tho fact that the
latere have received definite instruc
tions from their homo governments
Lootinc of Alius Tombs
London Nov 15 Dr Morrison wir
ing to tho Times from Poking Monday
and referring to the German expedi
tion to the tombs of the Ming dynasty
and Kalgau says Opinion here con
demns tho looting of tombs although
no punishment could be excessive for
the cruelties recently revealed One
English missionary had his eyes
burned In tho sockots with incense
Istlcks He survived his agonies for
B0 hours
Says Irliires Will Never lie ICxcnitad
Paris Nov 15 The Matin publishes
an Interview with Yu Keng tho Chi
nese minister in the course of which
he said Tho princes will never be
executed The representatives of tho
powers are wasting time and strength
tthoy ought to bring back tho em
peror to Peking and If necessary to
use force to deliver him forever from
the Influence of the empress
Dies at lilt Desk
Boone la Nov 15 J O Barnes n
glove manufacturer who controlled
the Boone Tent company and who had
long been prominently identified with
the growth of this city dropped dead
boside his ofllee desk yesterduy from
Lem t failure
Czars Illness Not Serious
Loudon Nov 15 The dowager czar
ina according to a dispatch to the
Daily News from Copenhagen has re
ceived u telegram saying that the
czars Illness Is not particularly serl
SiMiiitur 1ltn lliihu r IJiior In
Not Siiniilrnl In Imnllilulr
Muuntlm la Nov 1ft Iliutcriilng
the technical oiror said to have bfen
made In the biennial elect Ion amend
incut to the constitution of Iowa car
rlod in the rccunt election Senator
Titus author of tho bill said It Is
impossible in my opinion to Invalidate
the election lust held by an amend
ment adopted at tho same time tho
various otllccrs were chosen The olll
cers Just elected can present thiin
selves for qualification and demand
the olllccs It would then be Incum
bent upon tho present occupants to
prove that tliclr terms had been ex
tended before the successors were
chosen I hno Just received a dis
patch from Attorney tJenenil Kemlcy
who says his opinion tiled yesterday
holds lint the plain Intent of the leg
Islature must govern In roust ruing
the amendment The technical error
therefore cannot affect
Mine Otvum Siuiuml Strnnjr Silirclil of
11 low I MB Ip Vlitm Shalt An lire
In Clippie CiocU
Colorado Springs Colo Nov 15
Samuel Strong a prominent Cripple
Creek mining man has arrived home
from Ills European tour and announces
his readiness to face the charges re
cently brought against him in con
nection with the destructive explosion
which occurred nt the Strong uilnu In
Victor six years ago
The Strong shaft house ore house
and machinery went blown up May
25 1811 The explosion was one of the
sensational Incidents of the Bull
hill war when tho miner of tho Crip
ple Creek district were on strike and
hundicds of deputy sheriffs were on
listed and armed In Uenver to oppose
the strikers
Robert J Lyons Nicholas Kelly and
several other miners were tried con
victed and sentenced to long terms In
tbo penitentiary for the Strong mine
affair Their Innocence has since been
shown and they wero pardoned They
have brought suit for 1IH000 dam
ages each against Mr Strong It Is
alleged In the complaints that Mr
Strong himself caused the explosion
It Is charged that ho had agreed to
sell thr property to H W Glddlngs
and William Lennox and that at the
time ofte explosion ho had already
received 2000b as part payment for
the property and a balance of 40000
was due him In n few days It Is
claimed that he discovered the value
of the property after ho had sold it
and expected that after the workings
weie destroyed by the explosion they
would fail to pay the balance due and
the property would revert to him
Drletfut From Murtiillti McclH Hint
Glwn un Oiutlou at the inrmuii 1oit
Sue Nov 15 The Dutch cruiser
Gelderland with former President
Kruger on board has m rived here
Mr Kruger remains secluded in his
cabin His health Is good
A delegate of the Marseilles recep
tion committee boarded the Gelder
land here but the eventual destination
of the warship will be unknown until
it arrives at Port Said where it will
Mr Kruger received an ovation at
the German port of
Inveiitlgntion of Cuban AftUlra
Washington Nov 15 Senator Piatt
of Connecticut chairmun of the com
mittee on the relations with Cuba has
called a meetiug of that committee
for tomorrow to confer on the resolu
tion of the last session of congress
authorizing an investigation of affairs
in Cuba In connection with the devel
opments of the Neeley case
Ilurlnil Alive for Forty Hours
Sullivan Ind Nov 15 After 40
hours at the bottom of a well buried
under n heap of sand Thomas Mc
Pheters was rescued yesterday morn
ing little the worse for his long Im
prisonment A rubber tube gave him
air and water and food were poured
in when he asked for them
The strike of tho hoisting engineers
In tho Indiana coal fields is becoming
more complicated and an early settle
ment is not predicted
Miss Clara Burton left Galveston for
her home in Washington Wednesday
accompanied by her associates in the
Nutlonal Red Cross who have been as
Elsting her in the Galveston relief
The Minnesota supreme court has
decided that the socallod jag cure
law Is unconstitutional because it ap
plies only to counties of over 50000
population and It is limited In Its ben
efits to n certain number in each
Indian Agent Gotchell In charge of
the Turtle Mountain reservation In
North Dakota telegraphs from Holla
N D that three more cases of small
pox have developed among the In
dians there Quarantine must be es
tabllshcd at once he reports
Tho postmaster general has desig
nated Postofllco Inspector John R
Harrison now poatmaitcr at Havana
as the acting director general of post
In Cuba pending the absence of Di
rector General Fosues who Is conva
lescing lu Ntw Yrk from yellow fever
Doctors and Newspapers Disa
gree as to Dread Disease
Tntnl iiT IIkIiIpiiii Dentin AIIikmI to llo
Duo tu iittnin Scoui i I in ul Iupoii
Siij IHiikiiimIii It Wiiiiii mill Vlitlni
Dlril of illinium Allllrllnn
San llancisi o No 15 Tho Bill
Ictln publishes the lepnrt of Federal
juimiutliic Olilt cr Ktuyoun lu which
he stales that fioin Mnioh 7 to Oft
II there have been IS deaths lu Sail
Francisco from plague The Bulletin
hhs that It Is well known that there
has not been a slugle authenticated
ease of plague In San Francisco Ir
J M Williamson of the San Francisco
board of health says there have been
21 or 22 rases of bubonic plague In
this city since the llrst case was tils
covered last May The last case was
repoited Nov It Tho disease has been
conllned almost entliely to tho Chinese
quarter and all but two or three of
those allllcted woie dead when they
were repoited to tho health depart
ment Local quuiaiiHne was nt oncn
established over the places where tho
deaths occurred and evury precaution
taken to prevent the spread of the dis
Since the first discovery by the local
board of health last March of what
they called the plague the San Fran
cisco newspapers have insisted that
the health ollicers were mistaken
Statements were obtained from physi
cians In which they said that the Chi
nese alleged to have died of plague
suffered from syphilitic discuses the
symptoms of which had been mistaken
by the health board as those of the
Aluy IUo 91000000 to round mill Kmlovr
loljlfulinlo Institution In riltshurg
Pittsburg Nov 15 Andrew Car
negie it is stuted on unquestionable
authority has another biirprlsu for
Pittsburg Involving the expenditure of
Mvural millions of dollars Ills pur
pose is said to be the ostubllshmcut
of u polytechnic school for the instruc
tion of practical mechanics und tho
lndustriul sciences The amount of
money which it Is said will be spent
by Mr Curnegle lu founding und en
dowing the school Is 3000000 De
tails of the proposition arc expected
to be mude public today
Throw Opiii jltesrrxHllons to Sheepmen
Fresno Cul Nov 15 According to
a decision by United States District
lodge Wellborn in the case of L K
bluslngame it is hold that the act of
Mine IK 161IS authorizing the secre
tary of the interior to make tegula
tions for the protection of foicst re
serves is unconstitutional because in
ellect it delegates by congress legis
late power to an administrative of
tice The decision it is claimed prac
tically throws open to tho sheepmen
all the reservations though they are
still liable lu civil suits for damage
tor trespassing
Reformed Olinrek Alllanua
Louisville Nov 15 The western
seel ion of the executive commission of
the Alliance of the Reformed
Churhes holding the Presbyterlun sys
tem begun its annual meeting at the
Wanen Memorial church The alli
ance embraces HO branches of the
Presbyterian faith and Includes a mem
bership of 50WO00 representing a
population of 25000000 The great
alliance meets once every four years
Tho next meeting will be held In Liv
erpool In 1104
Double Trjccly t Flltsljiirtr
Pittsburg Nov 15 Karl Knowlos 17
years old made a desperate attempt
last night to kill William A Wood
his uncle at tho hitters residence and
then inflicted a fatal wound upon him
self After tiring five shots at his un
cle Knowlos shot himself through the
left breast the bullet nurrowly escup
Ing the heart Mr Wood will recover
while Knowles is lying at the Mercy
hospital with a bullet still lodged in
his chost and he Is dying
White Iteturns to Oranil Rapids
Grand Rapids Mich Nov
L White the absconding quarter
master general of the Miohigan Na
tional Guard who dlsappoareil about
u year ago when the notorious mili
tary scandals In which he was tho
chief llgure developed returned to the
city Inst night It Is understood that
his lolatives have made full reparation
for his defalcations and that he will
plead guilty and throw himself upon
the mercy of the court
Tiro Killed III u Unci
Barstow Fin Nov 15 John Carter
nnd Oliver Moody two turpentine men
became involved at their camp near
here over a woman to whom both were
paying attention They agreed to fight
It out with guns and having deliber
ately pin lined for a duel tired simulta
neously When thu smoko cleared
away it found that tho aim of both
men bad been true and that both had
been killed
London Nov 15 Commandant Gen
eral Botha according to a dispatch to
the Dally Mall from Pretoria has sent
to Lord Roberts a statement of tbo
terms on vfbjeh Ue will surrender
Itmimlln Itiiieil In Muikn MriimiIcuiii
In iKMliltood CniiirlrM
New S oi K o 1 The f unci ill of
lie lad Man us nM of Montana took
place this uiniiimi at It l u lot k
fiom SI Ialili U h i nilierirnl The fain
lly and a few of lie must Inllnmle
friends of Mr Daly accompanied the
body to IicciiwihhI cemeterj where It
was placed lu John W Maikas
mausoleum Later a plot will be pur
chased In Giccnwood and the body will
be Interred there
Cutlita mill IVmiiIiiii s AImicIi Atfuy ll olll
Kl Mino Sihool llriitlmt nt III
tumliii Who IIiiiiiN Inltinlcniitinn
Kearney Neb No 15 Temporal
ll at least the tumble at the kenr
n ey milllao ncnilcmi an Kplscopnllan
si lionl has been patched up Colonel
Chittenden w ho has been at the head
of the school turned the management
of the place over to Piofessor II N
Russell the head muster und he will
lesuuic the normal nuitlne at the actul
There has been much dissatisfaction
nt the school for some time owing to
tho actions of Colouel Chittenden I he
whole situation coming to a head ou
Saturday when lh entire teaching
corps resigned and ctimu to Kearney
taking quarters at the Midway hotel
All the boys but live came with them
One story is to the effect that the boys
did much damage to the building be
fore leaving breaking windows de
stroying furniture defacing walls and
the like
All SI i set Tin tin In Dcuilwood uml leml
in Simpunilail
Deadwood S D Nor 15 -The
worst stoim of the Winter begun yes
terday Willi a gentle snow and mist
Reports from surrounding towns and
mining camps slate dial the storm is
gencrul Telephone messages from
Belie Fourche state that on the prni
ries north and west the wind is blow
lug llercely and the snow is blinding
The thermometer has fallen 50 degrees
and it is growing colder The storm is
severest In the mouutnlus west of this
city where the snow Is already two
feet deep All street tralllc in Lead
and Deadwood is suspended
Anlonlo QiilnonuH in Arreatetl for Imlltut
liiK Frontier Method In Iorto Kleo
Washington Nov 15 The first In
fraction of the postal laws under the
American regime iu Porto Uico Is re
ported in a cablegram to the postofTioe
department rocoived from Inspector In
Charge Ieathurmau at San Juan an
nouncing the arrest of Antonio Qiilu
ones for assaulting Letter Carrier Jose
Major with Intont to rob The carrier
probably will din and Qulnones has
been held under 10000 bond to the
grand jury
Exoiliift of iJilln Kudu
St Petersburg Nov 15- Reports
from the Vlborg district say the exo
dus of flu n to the United States has
ceased and that the Immigration
agents have left thnt district
H T Griffon has boen appointed as
sistant generul pasenger agent of the
Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul
The Philadelphia Kvenlng Call mndn
an assignment Wednesday for tho ben
efit of creditor and ceused publica
In a railway collision Wednesday
near Gelllvare Sweden a conductor
was killed and six passengers were
severely wounded
Henry Klllng a pioneer of Montana
and pruildent of six banks in that
state died Wednesday at ills home In
Virginia City after a brief Illness
Virginia college nn Institution for
young ladles nt Roanoke Vu wab
burned Wednesday The 150 girls es
caped without mishap Loss 75000
According to Commissioner of Immi
gratlou Fltuhugh Immigrants have ar
rived In this country at tho rate of
1000 per day from all countries since
July last
The first annual exhibition of the
American Bnlginn Hiiro association of
North America opened In Chicago
Wednesday with about 500 entries lu
the 25 classes
The Union Pacific mnuhiuists nt
Cheyenne held a meeting Wednesday
and by an overwhelming vote decided
to not urge further the reinstatement
of the four nu dUchurgcd Monday
MifViVtawt uiMBiixtlyftJa7ilfliBEMBai4M H
HHH ii i tn i mmm
This Kind of a IVIan S
H Dm ul kunw the ilillci i in i In twt i n iiiiil liimlii I mil pom H
M liimlii i u nlil xtiill wimlil lilt him Hut him Mm It win I
H lion hi tm lu ll lolliiU ii him It vi hmiehl tin tin moM H
H p ii tit ul ii men iu tin timimunit II nn happen to lit mu M
H ul tlnisi pn Hi iilit i bipt inil wi ul -nun itiiiini lumhii H
H III I - till pllt I lOCl I It Il 1 1 IIIVN 1 Mill Il t 1 II Will II H
Railroad and Business Directory
Fremont Ellchorn Mo Valley
Oiiinliii Innniinjir
liirnitu lUpriinH
IIiIciikii KxnmH
Olllllllll IllHHUIIItrtf
Illfirk IIIIIh itiiniflH
VorillKm IliHHiiiiKnr
VniillKni ArciiiiiiiMxIntloii
W kh i
Illiiilt IIIIIh KiproHH
Viinllarn IliHMiiiKnr
VorillKm Areola nioiliit inn
Tim t liiriiKo nail murk
uml dnpartn from liiiiolini
nun t oriiiKiu iriiinn itri ivt
Illlll III
II Kip 111
7 Sp ill
12 10 i in
7 10 in
IJ 10 p in
l ii in
A inn w
IU Ml pin
7lp ill
lllllu Kipn hh iirrlvott
I lllllt Ill Olllllllll
mill ilnpnrl from city
Maiiiau Annul
Union Pacific
ToliiiulitiH AcroiiiiiKKliitlnn Iilpin
Oiiinliii Dmivor nml 1iirlllc JiiiihI II iKIu m
NOIllll aiiimvk
OoliiinliiiH Am iiiiiioiliition 10 ii i in
Oiiinliii kiinnr uml Inrillc ruiiHt ilimpin
Ioiiuiicln ul Norfolk ultli I1 K V M V Kointr
wrnl uml nortli uml willi llin O HI I MAO
for point h not tli anil iwihI
w Junkman Annul
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Klmix Cilj nml Oiiinliii IliHHnnnnr M I1 m
Hiiiiix Cllj InhHiniKiir I p in
Slniix City PiiHHiiiiKiT Ill 3ri ii in
Hinix itynnil OiiiiiIii ImtHniiniir 7 I0 p in
CiiiinnrlN ul Norfolk with K K A M V koIii
wcnl nml nortli nml with llm V I for pointH
hoiiIIi K W Junkman Annul
oxcopl Smiilaj
Pine Wntch
Ovir IIiiiiiii IIioh Slum
Bpanoor Oualman
Doots ana ocs
Itnpalrlng Ncntl Oono
Contractor and Builder
117 louith Street
Flour and Feed
Ul Norfolk Avmino
Clienpest nnii licit
Norfolk Avenue
or HniiiMli iimi ami Itli St
The Norfolk Horseshoer
Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
Hissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buftot Smoking and Library Cars with Barbor Shops and Pleasant
Reading Rooms Doublo Drawtng Room Palace Sloopers Dining Cars
Meals a la Carte Pintsoh Light
For full information call on or addroH
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First donr West of Post Olllco
W 0 Halls Barber Shop
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine orlglul
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
murk cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sol4
In bulk Accept no substl
oio tuir mir uruBHisi
Iron and Brass Works
All Li ml of machines fromja lawn mower to
a tiriutliiK prono tucceetfully roiiairixi Hot air
stoum anil hot uatAr linatiiiK Siecial attao
tion kImh to Holler ami Unruio Kepairius
Opp ratowalLd Implemout lloiua