The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 08, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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y9V gasM
Bargains in
Linens Towels Etc
Ittxltl inoh Bath Towels
S0x48 ineh Bath TowuIb
9c each
15c each
Monday Morning November 5
Full Standard Prints
IlKXl yards Full Standard Print dark
MjllH lH good IIR llliulc while tlltiy Op
hint ler yd 00
SOW ynnlH VK inoh dark stylos good A
welghtOuting llannel per yd tw
Neither of tlio above run Imi bought of
tin manufacturer at above prices
Best Outing FlannulH in light styles
7c 8c and 10c
Now is Hid timo to itwilt t Quilt n
KlxiO ln Ilurk Hemmed Towels 12uC eiich
IHxillMn Huck Hunmiod TowoIh 18c each
VMx IHin Heavy Damask Towels 25c each
M lnoh good Urnam Table OOp
nmsk or yd OOl
iSKinuh good Cream Talilo Qp
niiiHk pur yd tOu
Tlin above are Positive Bargains nnd
IiIcoh only while Htook lasts
Too many Ilium to enumerate In diitail
Children h from 10c up
Womens at 15 25 and 50c Wool 75c
and 100
WrlKlitH 100 grado wliilu thoy jn
hiHt at VOVj
Wool Fleeced 50c
Kino Mottled very lino wool fleeced
will comparo favorably with 1 00 nr
gartnontH OJL
or 125 par Hiiit Nought a year ago bo
fori tho raise
Ileautifiil Silk Fleeced Shirt or Drawers
eaut bo matehod for lihH than l nn
iyf at PI UU
Black Underskirts
Memorized Satino as haudsoino as Silk
wears much letter By far tho greatest
values wo have vor shown
Corded Bullied Klounco Nico t nn
Sntinn at U I UU
Knifo Plotctl Nico Satino tj l C
Hatidsomi PletingH Unfiles and Spanish
Flounces 150 200 250 and 300
Imported Italian Satino 350 Tai
lored and Moreen 450
Sco and Compare Values
Is p
w la
makes you well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
Hellers Testimony
Albert Heller living at 1 1 lFarnham
St Omaha Bays Ihavetried most
everything that is used as a preventa
tive or cure for headache but nothing
did me so much good as Krnuses Head
ache Capsules Others who have used
them say the same thing Pricu 25o
Sold by Geo B Christoph
Doe It Pay li Itujr Clisa
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right but you want something
that will relieve and cure the more
severe aud dangerous results of throat
aud lung troubles What shall yon do
Go to a warmer and more regular cli
mate Yes if possible if not possible
for you theu in either cae take tbe
ouly remedy that has been introduced iu
all civilized countries with success in
severe throat and lung troubles
Bobchees German Syrup It not
ouly heals aud stimulates the tissues to
destroy the germdiseaee but allays in
lamination causes easy expectoratiou
gives a good nights rest aud cures the
patient Try one bottle Recommended
many years by all druggists in the world
Get Greens Prize Almanac Kiebau
Drug Co
A VitlugH ItliicRsmith Sated Ills Ilttle
Sous II To
Mr II II Hlnck the well known vil
lage blacksmith at Grahamsville Sulli
van Co N Y says Our little sou
five years old bad always beeu subject
to croup aud so bad have the attacks
been that we have feared many times
that he woulidie We have had the
doctor and ommI many medicines but
Chamberlains Cough Remedy is now
our sole rtliauce It teems to dissolve
J3o Jo
Heds Royals Koso Hnlio etc in cram
ful trimmings at 125 150 200
250 300 and 400
Three do NEW just received See
them while stock is complete BARGAIN
Examine Our Prices Youll admit it
Womens Soft Fleecy Outings trimmed
and nico stylos 60c 100 125 150
Mens full size nice Outings 50 and 75c
Bargains in
All Silk Ribbons
J in good lino of colors 3c
1 iu good lino of colors 4c
f iu good line of colors 5c
7 in good Hue of colors 7c
0 iu good line of colors 8c
No 12 in good lino of colors 10c
No 10 iu good lino of colors 12c
No U2 in good lino of colore 15o
Not a thin cheap Ribbon but nice qual
ity much in demand at this time ot the
year preparatory to the Holiday Seanm
Bargain Shoe Sale
Actual Money Saving 75c to 100 Pair
50 pairs Womens Lace best too and
stylo oui regular 2 00 shoo hi r n
iug this sale per pair q I 0 U
CO pairs Womens Luco and Button good
styles our regular JfvITiO bIioo tj I f C
sale price per pair 10
Mi pairs Woniens Button good rtjn flfl
regular fltOO shoo sale price pair JpZUU
Mkns i pairs Mens Calf Lace stylish
too as good a 2 M shoo as yon hi nn
can buy sale prioo per pair 100
Mixed lot Boys Hill and Greene Calf
great wearers 175 shoo choice tj I f r
per pair at I Z 0
Lot Womens Button Welt Shoes out
of stylo too cost us tJ7o to buy rtj l en
Complete stock OvershoeB Rubbers and
Warm Lined Footwear at the closo mar
gin prices of our Shoo Department
Stylish Cloaks
Wo are adding many New Garments to
our stock every week Jaunty Box or Au
tomobile Coats Jackets Capes and great
variety Little Cloaks Every garment at
Money Saving Prices to you Look nt
them Price thorn Compare and see for
yourself We are pleased to show you
Ladies desiring a transparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishes
and blackheads should use Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
Men can be cured privately and posi
tively at home of all weakness and dis
ease Write for new free book
Dr J N Hathaway
21 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
For Female Coinplnlnts
and diseases fcarisiug from an impure
state of the blood Lichtys Celery Nerve
Compound is an invaluable specific
Sold by Geo B Christoph
Buchanan Mich May 22 Genesee
Pure Food Co Le Roy N Y Gentle
men My mamma has been a great cof
fee drinker and has found it very injur
ious Having used several packages of
your Grain O the drink that takes the
place of coffee she finds it much better
for herself and us children to drink
She has given up coffee drinking entirely
We use a package of Graiu 0 every
week I am ten years old
Yours respectfully
Fannie Williams
That Throbblug Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr Kings New Life Pills Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and uervous headaches
They make pure blood and build up
your health Only 25 cents Money
back if not cured Sold by Kiesau
Drug Co
I have used Chamberlains Colic
Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy and
find it to be a great medicine says Mr
K S Phipps of Potoau Ark It cured
me of bloody lux I cannot speak too
highly of it This remedy always
wins the good opiuion if not praise of
those who use it The quick cures
which it effects even in the most severe
cases make it a favorite everywhere
For hale by the Kietau Drug Co
When you feel that life is hardly
worth the caudle take a doso of Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets
They will cleanse your stomach tone up
your liver aud legulnte your bowels
making you feel like a new man For
sale by the KitEau Drug Co
Spread Like Wildfire
When things are the best they be
come the best selling Abraham
Hare a leadiug druggist of Belleville
O writes Electric Bitters are the
best selling bitters I have handled in 20
years You know why Most diseases
begin in disorders of stomach liver
kidneys bowels blood and nerves Elec
tric Bitters tone up the stomach regu
lates liver kidney and bowels purifies
the blood strengthens the nerves hence
cures multitudes of maladies It builds
up the entire system Puts new life
and vigor into any weak sickly run
down man or woman Price 50 cent
Sold by Kiesau Drug Co
When You Oeta Headache
dont waste a minute but go to your
druggist and get a box of Krauses
Headache Cap ules They will prevent
pain even though your skull were
cracked They ore harmless too Read
the guarantee Price 25c Sold by
Geo B Christoph
To remove a troublesome corn or
bunion First soak the corn or buuion
in warm water to soften it then pare it
down as closely as possible without
drawing blood and apply Chamberlains
Pain Balm twice daily rubbing vigor
ously for five minutes at each applica
tion A corn plaster should bo worn
for a few days to protect it from the
shoe As a general liniment for sprains
bruises lameness and rheumatism Pain
Balm is uuequaled For sale by the
Kiesau Drug Co
Kaay to Cure a Cold
if you go about it right Take two or
three Krauses Cold Cure Capsules dur
ing the day aud two before retiring at
night This will insure a good nights
rest and a free movement of the bowels
next morning Coutinue the treatment
next day and your cold will melt away
Price 2oo Sold by Geo B Christoph
ileal Luck of an Kdllor
For two years all efforts to cure ec
zema in the palms of my hands failed
writes Editor H N Lester of Syracuse
Kan then I was wholly onred by
Bucklens Arnica Salve Its the
worlds best for eruptions sores and all
rkiu diseases Ouly 25o at Kiesau Drug
For hhuttered Nerves
A remedy that will soothe build up
the wasted tissues and enrich the blood
is indisponsable Lichtys Celory Nerve
Compound has been wonderfully suc
cessful in cases of nervousness as thou
sands of grateful people will testify
Sold by Ceo B Christoph
Million Glteu Away
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern which is not
afraid to le generous The proprietors
of Dr Kings New Ditcovery for con
Up-to-date Garments X
I lm W i
v r - i mm r r
I You cannot Atrora to miss i nis saie
Haavjr Iluylny the Featuro of the Ximy on
VI1 street
Hew York Nov 8 No moh excited de
MDd for tovkn hai been wttnoHHrd on th
Mw York exclmngr tilure tbt boom da of
tha flotHtlon of tbe Mteurlttea of the new
Industrial cumlilnutlon In the iprlng of
ttM an retitrdav kvpt all departutauta of
tha stock tichaus at fever keut ot
and actlTltjr Iu tUe openlnc dealluga
tkr ctnuffd bunda InHtantunaoualj with
Cka Bounding of the gong do Ihh tban 15
M0 saaros of Unlou 1aclHc a000 aharra of
Atrhlnon fl000 abarei of Southern Pacific
mi ef Auiarlcan Steel and Wire and of
Ttral tbouaaud sharva each of a number
f ottatr linportuut atocka Tbla waa aa
Mr aa could be aacertalned by the uaual
aaUiod of record The same atocka sold
t tat aame time at prlcea XY point apart
Ta buying contlmiid wltb aticb aulmatloa
a4 ipeuUllT atntlment became no buoy
at that buying for the loig account waa
KaHTtd ou a rery large acHle by butb pro
Ceaatoual and otitalda npeculntnr
Chicago Uraiu and 1rovUlon
Ctlcago Nov Wheat opened tirra to
4ay on cabled ami the election result but
dtcllned on liquidation and poor nuppoit
Otoember cloHlng Ho under Mutidiir
Corn cloned VtUVic mid out WJlUc lower
FroTlaloua nt tbe close rcro Jli0c down
Cloalng prlcex
Wheut Nov TJVc Dec iic Jan 74i
Corn Nov U8ic Dec Hc Jau i5Hc
gday SOHc
Oat Nuv JlVic Dec Tic Muy 211
Iork Nov 1075 Jan H0 May
Ijird Nov tiU7Va7O0 Dec HS0 Jan
Hlba Nov fO1 Jan ttm
Caab quotation No 2 red wheat 74St7fle
Me red wheat 70tf7JVic No a aprlug
wheat 07670V No 2 bard wheat 0371C
Ko 8 bard wbnt 8Q70c No 2 roah corn
r No 8 ckh corn 30Wif29V N 2
yellow corn 36tc No 3 ycllovf corn SUi
fWHc No 2 ch oil 22g22MrC
Clilcgo LIt block
Chicago Nor 7 -Cattle Keeelpta 18000
Including 700 Texan aud WW westerns alow
to ltc lower butcber stock steady to
atrLg elercs and Texsn about 10c
lower native bt ou sale today one car
at It to good to prluie kteers llltyifrXi
poor to medlutn selected feed
ers steady 3 7r40 mixed stocker
low 240i3s ro t 7a4 U heifers
3iOS47t tanner 11 yci a bull
ttady 41 csHri steady H 0O
400 Ttiaus best rsser on isle today
13 carloads at 14 70 bett cornfed today
Zi cars at It S5 Teias eras steers
32r4 10 Texas bulls I2003j3 J Ho-
Beeipts today 2tf tomorrow 23WO
ectlttated left orer iOJ J tlrber ac
tire top H VH railed sod but hers ft
good to choice besry HftVmWt
rongb braiy H5ll li bt IIV44M
tiulk of sales 4 7fi4 V hbeep Hecelpts
16000 skeep stesd lamb wnl to IVj
lower rood to choice welters H JVH 1y
fair to chob mixed S3 fiM00 western
abeep 406iM SO Texas sbeep 2tt3t
cstlrr liuibi MjyiljCn ntura lambs
Kanas City IlTe Stork
Kansas City Nov 7 -Cattle-Receipts
T2O0 nstlTes 1700 Texann 1400 calves
ipon cattle steady to 10c higher butcher
atock aud feeding cattU steady native
steers 4OOfAS0 stockers and feeders
S00442S butcher cows and belferv J3 00
47c caaners 200100 fed western
934eOO wintered Texana StKV 0
gXSm Ttiansj JKlOejst onhcs t3MHJi00
Rog Iteoslpto S 000 trnda Retire at
steady to ahada higher htavy mixed and
light 4702477H pigs 4Nt4IJo flhaep
Recslpta 4000 qulckaxt market of the
week prlcea XUiC higher Inmba 480
r40 muttsaa 410H4W atockers and
feeder ta2fl4jt340 onlls a50t00
ath Ouiaha Lie sltack
Ssnth Omaha Not 7
t800 staady bbIIts beef altera 440Ao
Tfeataro atvera S4OO047S Texaa ateera
l8904iV400 cows and helfsrs 10c higher
I810O410 causers HSOa tOO stooken
and f4x 6204o0 aalTe 400Jtl7S
butts stag tc 20 J400 Hogs U
cslts tJ00 abads to 6c higher heavy
l4MVie4Tt mixed 4654a7H light
4aSJ70 pigs r0tD0 hulk of sales
4M4I470 Hhoep Recelpts 0000 atrsng
t 10c btghsr western muttona S8TCKgH10
stock sharp Sa2ag376 lambs 42o2t
Not a Member
Employniont Iu a Illirary does not al
rvayn Imply the pohhchsIoh of extensive
knowledge Thin In evidenced by an
anecdote related of n rector of a rural
EukIIhIi church In London for a visit
A knotty theological point had pre-
Htiittd ItHelf for Holutlon which rtMinlr
od reference to the authorities Being
a gutNt of the Athemvum cluh whoHe
extensive library wns always a feature
of Interest he resolved to make use of
It Approuchlui an attendant who It
happened was hut recently employed
he asked whether Justin Martyr was
In the library
I dont think he Is a member my
lord was the solemn reply but Ill
go and ask the iHrtcr
LadioB if you want a refined aud
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
use Hocky Mountain Tea Never fails
sk your druggist
For sprains swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamber
lains Pain Balm Try it For sale by
tbe aviesau Drug Co
Question Answered
Yes August Flower still has the larg
est sale of any medicine iu the civilized
world Your mothers aud grand
mothers never thought of usiug anything
else for indigestion or biliousness Doc
tors were scarce and they seldom heard
of appeudicitis uervous prostration or
heart failure etc They used August
Flower to clean out the ystem aud stop
fermentation of undigested food regu
ate the action of the liver stimulate the
nervous aud organio action of the system
aud that is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches aud other
aches You only need a few dosps of
CSreens August Flower in liquid form
to make you Mttsfied there is nothing
serious the matter with you Get
Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug
When you have no appetite do not
relish your food aud feel dull after eat
ing you need a doso of Chamberlains
Stomach aud Liver Tablets Price 25c
Sample free at the Kiesau Drug Co
Oulnlue for Colds
Mauypeoplo who use quinine for the
cure of colds say that the effect of this
drug is more disagreeable than the dis
ease Krauses Cold Cure is prepared
iu a convenient capsule form and will
cure tho most deeply seated cold in 24
hours without any interruption to busi
ness They are pleasant to take and
give yon a clear fresh sensation while
operating Price 26c Soldby Geo B
Ilchty Celery Nerve Compound
for all uevoua diseases neuralgia rheu
matism nervous debility paralysis
biliousness dyspopsia costiveness piles
liver complaint kidney troubles aud
female complaints It goes to the seat
of the disease and cures thoroughly and
speedily Sold by Geo B Christoph
BiliouriitrB is ciiUM d by a lE7y liver
permits food to sour in your stomach
makes you cross Kocky Mountain Tea
the tough mucus and by giving frequent
doses when the croupy Bymptoms ap
pear we have fouud that tho dreaded
croup is cured before it gets settled
There is no danger in giving this remedy
for it contains no opium or other injuri
ous drug and may be giveu as confi
dently to a babe as to an adult For
sale by the Kiesao Drug Co
sumption coughs nnd colds have given
away over ten million trial bottles and
have the satisfaction of knowing it has
cured thousands of bopeleBS cases
Asthma bronchitis la grippe and all
throat chest and lung diseases are
surely cured by it Call on Kiesau Drug
Co and get a free trial bottle Regu
lar size 50c and f 100 Every bottle
Krauses Headache Capsnlas
will instantly cure headaches of any
kind Being purely vegetable tbey are
harmless and leave no bad after effects
We offer 500 reward for any trace of
antipyrine morphine chloral or any
injurious substance found in them
Price 25o Sold by Geo B Christoph
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets enre biliousness constipation
and headache They are easy and
pleasant in effect For sale by the
Kiesau Drug Co
itV 7 t lnMIUf --
f bsVMMj JC
a ax
vmKmi j
STMAi r MRfciii urn re
C BassY l M ZM aVaYgsrS
rSBS wa
Mac euaitr
rv wtcs trrccTb
NT CNeoattmwi
For Sale by George B Christoph
nltTspa4 SB may afaV
sum srsr BE W w jbj
restores VITALITY
smvay ass jl wj rtr
Made a
Well Man
r of Me
produces tha above results In 30 days It act
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others talL
Young men will regain their loat manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
IlEVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nerrous
Decs Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly EmUfdonc
Lost Power Failing Memory Waatlna Diseases and
all effects ot self abase oreiceeaand indiscretion
which unfits one for study business or marriage It
cot only cures by starting at the seat ot disease bnt
la a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
ing back tho pink glow to pale cheeks and re
storing the Are of yonth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on baying REVIVO no
other It can be carried In vest pocket By mall
100 per package or six for sjS00 with a posi
tlve written guarantee to cor or rafaad
the money Hook and acKlse free Address
For sale in Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Uhmtoph druggist