The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 08, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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1 Cornell Ih flick wllh
Mm TIioh Hull Imi loturnod fromn
visit to Trinidad Tol
John IhowlcerhnHKonnto Omaha I
visit IiIh daughter Mm IwirKo Walton
Mm li H Idlchard of Meadow
Urovo visited with Noifolk filonilH
Mm 1 D Hull who has been ill with
thopilpfor Hiivunil weeK U KtlliiK
but tor
John II Andeisoti who hii been hIi It
v lilt toimllHK was able to ho out iiKln
Mrs S K 1oiik H liuil today
to kIvo ii health talk in the Ilesbytoiluu
i lunch
Ilaiolil the won of Mr anil Mm 1 I
llfUiiHtreol who hni boon tiilto nit It Ih
now IniptovliiK
M J Kennedy Ktinrd ill the poiillon
thiiynt liliwolu In vIhMiik IiIh family
in Houth Noifolk
Walter I liner principal of tlio
Meadow CJiovo hoIiooIh will vlnit at
homo ovt i Hunday
Mr and Mia O I IoiiIcIiih wont to
liorco IhlH afternoon to attend tlio
Hinhuidson ftinoiul
MiPH Otolin 1ilnor who Ih tiianliiiiK in
5mm lardon precinct in c pout oil
homo to visit oor Sunday
Mm Dr lriiiplo anil Miss Myttlo
Wood of Iioico woro bhosIh of Mr and
Mih V 11 Hlaktiiniin today
H A Tuwnoy or Piorou iMiidttuto for
utitto wonntor on the fusion ticket is in
tlio city today mooting tlio votiun
Tho beautiful weather whioh iH pio
intf a BOtirco ol happiness and comfott
to all i iiKiiin In evidence aflor a lew
tlayH of stoim and lain
Tho little hoii of Mr and Mis 1 D
Lwnboo who was ho ludly ncaldod on
tlio neek and chest with hot tea several
duyn iifo isKittniK well
Tho house iuutod by Mr and Mis
Fr Hoohno comer of Madison aveiuio
and Ninth street is beniK lepairod and
will he occupied by Mr and Mrs 1 1
The Norfolk lodge of tho Koyal Ar
caueitui met in tho Knight h of Pythias
hall last msjlit and took in 21 mombets
from Mitclull S D by card
Senator Allen is billed to spcik at the
Ilryan club rooms tin- twoning and the
announconient states that he p irticularly
wiuits to talk to the business men
Tho Bryan club has an mged for elec
tion bulletnib from t Western Union
Telegraph compaiy which will bo re
ceived in tholv club rooms They will
rov the returns Tuesday night and
all day Wednesday
Tho progressive whist party givon
last night by Mr and Mrs Geo 11
Spear in tho parlors of thu Otnard was a
very pleaMint atlair Mis Divid Hauni
took llrst prij wlnlo Mr IJuuin and Mr
Mittlostadt tied for the second pne tho
former finally winning
Mrs K Chosnov dopaited on tho
noon train for Council UluUs Iowa
whoro sho will visit her sister Mrs
Peswuk until tomorrow nnd will then
return to her homo in St Louis Mrs
Chosuoy says of her sons both of whom
are well known to Noifolk jwoplo that
lon is now in Now York City whoro
is tho niuiager of ono of the laigest
laundries while John travels for a
wholesale millinery house his territory
boing the entiie statu of Nobrask i
A A Perry a populist candidate for
presidential elector will disouss tho
political OjUostions of the day at G A
11 hall this evening Mr Pony is tho
man who was to have spoken at Hattlo
Creek tins evening but whoso advor
tiseinonts woro torn down in that placo
by tho villago marshal Owing to tho
troublo there tho mooting was trans
ferred to Norfolk Dr Bryant was
soon this morning and stated that at
tho time ho had tho bills posted for tlio
Perry mooting in Hattlo Greek tio know
nothing of tho meeting advertised by
the republicans for the same night He
was only in Hattlo Greek alwut an hour
Monday evening and no ono told him
that ho was contlicting with another
meeting Tho matter of touring down
tho bills by the marshal has Iwon laid
before the chairman of thu populist
Rtato committee and if there is a lifting
punishment for tho mihiTblo deed it
will probably bo uoted out to Mr
Tho Auditorium was well filled last
ovouing by people who canio out to hero
M P Harrington of ONeill disouss the
political l sues of the day from a fusion
standpoint and all wero oither pleased or
displeased according to their political
inclinations He pleasod tho fusionlsts
with bib satire but repelled rather than
attracted tle who failed to agreo with
him and his lutluence with tho olas
which ho should have reached was un
doubtedly nil Tho sjwaker covered
the issues of the campaign quite thor
oughly and elicited considerable ap
plause at tunes from those who agreed
with him One of his most sarcastic
shafts was hurled atSenator Thurton
tho speaker seeking to inveigh against
him in comparison with Senator Allen
whom the same gentleman handled so
roughly at the fusion state convention
when he thought Mr Allen was endeav
oring to lead tho independents into the
democratic camp bodily On tho whole
Mr Harrington probably gavo tho licit
talk from tho fusion standpoint that
has been given hero this campaign
Tho remains of Iho Into Tobias 8
Hlehardsou nirlvtd In the city last night
on tho I o clock tialii coining in from
Pullet ton where he hns lately niado hlni
Inline Those who composed tho fulieial
Unify were Mrs Hlehatdson Mis
McDonald of Pierce uu aunt of the do
ceased who had boon musing him
Mrs Di Mather Mr K lwiitd Johnson
and H P lulir lepresenllng tho K of
P lodge nil of Kulleiloii and A P
and Win M OMnnloii of Miillalo lap
S D TliopitlywiiH met al the depot
by Noilolk lodge No 111 1 O P
which adjourned and went down in a
Indy a delegation from Moinlng lodge
No Vii K ol P mid a number of
lilonds The body was taken to the
homo ol Mr and Mis C I Jenkins
wheio it lorn iiiid over night and this
noon was osoitil ti tho train bj
lodge meinbois and taken to Pietco for
builal initubors of tho unions lodges
nceoiiipinjlng in a special car al ached
for the purpose Mr Hlohiudsoii was
hoi ii in Viiginia lift years ago He
uamewest when quite young and lo
cated at Pteico whom a number of his
lolnthos now reside Ten yeais ago he
received the appointment as bookkeeper
al tho Noifolk hospital for tho insane
and served the state m that capacity
for seven y eats Dining that time he
made many fi lends in Norfolk who
mourn his death sinceiely Ho became
acquainted with Miss Lucy
ion who was employed in tho samo
institution and they werejunilod in
mariiago seveial yeais ago After
leaving Norfolk ho engaged in tho
drug business with Dr Harbor in Fuller
ton and has lately boon in ho fm nit lire
business He became a member of the
Knights of Pythias lodge while hero and
also joined the Odd Follows ufterwaid
taking tho encampment degree and was
a member of Klkhmii encampment of
this city at the time of his death He
transfened his Odd Follow member
ship after his lomoval to Cedar Valley
lodge No H in which ho passed tho
ohairs ami became a member of the
grand lodge last year The sympathy of
many Noifolk fnonds is oxtondod to the
boioavod wife
Curd of 1 hunks
We desiio to express out sincoro appro
ciation of the many kindly acts of noigh
and friends during tho sickness of our
beoved husband and father and in tho
obsequies oor his roiuains
Mum G S M rtin and GiurimrN
A IIojh lilttu of the ContcHl
If tho school children of Noifolk could
vote it is safe to say that MoKinleys
majority in this city would bo largely
incieased if out waul Indications may bo
taken as ovidonco as MoKinloy buttons
aio by far tho most popular with tho
pupils They tnko uu interest In politics
too to the host of their ability as is evi
denced by tho following
A young lad in ono of tho lower
giules was called upon by his teacher re
cently to make n ihymo of four lines
and ho produced tho following
MoKinley and Hryun had a tight
Hryan fought with all his might
MoKinley asked him if he wanted
Hryan says No my face is toosoio
Helow tho verso the votor of tho fu
turn added the prediction Thats tho
way tho election will go
Kroo of tJImigo
Any adult htillering from a cold
sottled on the breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubloB of any nature who will
call at A K Leonardswill honresonted
with a sample bottlo of Bosoheos
Gerntau Syrup froo of chiugo Only
one bottlo given to ono person and none
to children without order from parents
No throat or lung remedy over had
such a salo as Hohchoos Goimau Syrup
in all parts of tho oivihed world
Twenty yeiM ago millions of bottles
woro given away and your druggist
will toll you its success was marvelous
It is roally tho only throat and lung
rotnody gonorally ondorsed by physi
cians Ono 7fi cent bottlo will euro or
prove its value Sold by dealers m all
civineii countries
Tho Hotort Oak has tho only positive
oheck known in stovo construction
The eonti ol of ho is atwoluto Ham
stroot will answer all inquiries
Annum llor
It is a surpnstng fact says Prof
Houton that in my travels in all parts
f the world for tho last ten years
have met more people having used
Greous August Flower than any other
remedy for dyspopsia doiangod liver
and htoinaeh and for constipation I
Hud for tourists and salesmen or for
persons tilling otllco posit ions whero
hoadachos and general bad feelings from
irregular habits exist that Greens
August Flower is a grand remedy It
does not injuro tho systom by frequent
uo and is excellent for sour btoinaohs
and indigestion Sample bottles tree
at A K Leonards Sold by dealers in
all civilled countries
The complete servico of Tho
Special via Union Pacific
enables passengers to reach the princi
pal cities between tho north and Pacific
coast and Missouri liver not only m the
shortest possiblo space ot timo but also
in the most comfortable and enjoyable
manner The dining cars on this train
are stocked with the best tho markot
atlords All meals served a la carte
For cleauhuess economy and comfoit
the Hetort Oak has no equal as a heater
See them at Hainstreets
Sugar Company Advances Price
of Low Grade Beets
I tin Ciiinpiiliy Will Iny nut Iihk tllllll
100 it Ton for All IIiii l ltc ili I no
Mutler hem lou I Imj Tout Iurltj mil
The late iiilnsliiuo mnleiially reduced
the sugar contonl ol Iho boots which
were still In the ground and as a result
tho outloik has been most discouuigiiig
to both fanner and nianufaelnrei
When the olllcials of the Aiiieiicau Meet
Sugar company were hem tho early put
of the week this mutter iecoied seiious
consideration and for tho purpose of
milking tho condition fall as lightly as
possible upon tho beet glower It was
decided to pay not loss than i00ji ton
for any bents that it will bo possible to
work J his of course does not ailed
beets which conio up to standards en
titling hum to a higher piico but to
those beets whioh tent a aluo of - 00 a
ton or loss As thoro are a good many
bouts of this character thin not on the
part of the company is a concession
which no doubt will bo appreciated by
tho fanner Following is a copy of a
circular which is boing sent to beet
growers explaining tho situation in
Dear Sir Owing to tho faot that in
some localities tho boots are testing con
siderably below standard which is un
doubtedly duo to the continued heavy
fall rains wo have decided to vuiy from
the established piices of our contract as
Tho purity will not le consideied in
determining tho price it being based on
sugar content ontholy Tho Ifi cent
deduction for each per cent or fraction
thereof of purity will therefore not bo
made This means that a beet testing
1J per cent sugar with a purity below TS
per cent will still bo a 1 00 beet and
likewise on lower grades tho purity will
not ulloot tho prico as determined by tho
Beets testing bolow 10 per cent sugar
and 7l per cent purity will bo rocoived
if tho sugar content is not so low that it
is absolutely impossible to use thorn in
the factory Appiociating the fact that
tho returns at a price of loss than 1100
per ton is not sulllciontly remunerative
wo huvo decided that i t 00 per ton sliiili
bo tho minimum price and auy beets
that It will be possible to woik will bo
leoelved at that tiguro These changes
of courBo favor tho growor and mo
made becanso tho season has boon vory
unfavorable so far as ripening tho crop
is concerned Yours truly
AvritiOAN Bkki Suuak Company
Ono lone drunk occupiod tho city jail
over night
Mrs ltolnko of Hoskins was a city
visitor yestorday
Dr G F Koipor camo down from
Piorco this morning
Miss Anna ltuolow of Pierce is in the
city visiting trieuds
Biuco Mooro a stockman nt Cody is
visiting at tho homo of Mis A D Colo
Mrs H L Snydor and Miss Hattio
Allbery were passengers tor Lincoln to
Miss Grace Spear went to Fremont
this morning to visit friends over Sun
Miss Wallace Miss Schereiu and Miss
Martmdulo aro city visitois today trjm
Arthur Koeuigsteiu is home from
Chicago where ho is attending a school
of phaimacy
Miss Anna Millor and her niece Miss
Lena Millor have gone to Pierce to
visit a few dayB
W A Wigton returned to Omaha to
day m order to bo at homo and cast his
vote on Tuesday
Guy Barnes camo in last night from
Lincoln and wih remain long enough to
cast his first vote Tuesday
Tho duughter of Mrs Hattio Squires
of South Norfolk is sick with a tmeat
ouod attack of typhoid fever
aiiss lMliott who lias been visiting
her sister Mrs IS Seymour has re
turned to her homo in York
David Whitla of Hattlo Creok chair
niau of the republican county central
committee is a city visitor today
Mr and Mrs Kd Mudseu aro expected
here from Missouri Valley tonight to
spend Sunday with relatives and
ti lends
Miss Hlizaboth Davenport vory picas
autly entertained tho menibeis ot tho
Kveu Doen club at her homo yesterday
A largo number of votors are improv
ing the opportunity ollered by the one
faro rate gi anted by tho railroads and
will bo at home to vote
A Morrison is expected home from
Sibloy Iowa tonight to spend a few
days with his family and luoidontally
cast a ballot for William MoKuiley
A portion of tho sidewalk has been re
moved from the east side of the Bishop
lot on Fourth street and the work of ex
cavating for the cellar has been re
The mfiuit child of John Oestrich
died Wednesday and was buried yester
day from tho tauiily home seven miles
southeast of the city Hev J P Mueller
Joseph Trulock is conducting an
auction of a miscellaneous assoxtmeut
of household and other goods thin after
noon nt tho comer of Norfolk avenuo
and Fourth street
A lettor from Hev J It Van Fleet
formerly rector of Trinity church stAtes
that ho has ouo bundled people in ench
of his throo classes that aro to bo con
firmed by the bishop
Mies M irion Maylard was rovoii years
of ago yesterday and a company of little
playmates assisted lu i in cilolmitlng
tho fvent yisterday alteinoon all iii
joying the oocio lon voiy tlotoughly
Mis J Aid entertain 1 u company
of lady fib nils at un aftornoou tea jos
torday Those present wero Mis Chap
man Mis Vielo Mis Pratt Mis
Jellefu s Mrs Smith Mrs Wilkinson
and Mis llittchehon
It is Hiid that Geoigo Hponrs man
Friday got into a friendly scullle in
the kitchen m st nlny and was quite
severely ut across tho buk of his left
hand with a cat viug knitu His injtit
ies nceivid piotupt attention
The young friends of Austin Flonilng
sui priced him on Thursday evening
that day boing tho anniversary of his
biith Thoy brought with thoin refresh
ments and a number of presents Tho
occasion was heartily onjoyod
Gouoinl Superintendent C O Hughes
mid Division Superintendent G H
Reynolds have been inspecting tho P
1 A M V road They woro out over
tho Vordigro lino yesterday ami havo
gone for a trip over tho Albion lino to
Yesterday was Mrs Morris Mayors
birthday and last evening sho lcceived
a Niirpnso visit from a number of friends
and neighbors who brought lulresh
nients along Tho oocasiou proved ouo
of keen onjoymout ono of tho chief
amusements being whist
Tho funeral of tho late T S Richaul
boil hold at Pieico yesterday was largely
attended by old tune friends and neigh
bors Tho set vices woro hold in tho M
K church and presided over by Dr F
M SiHson of this city and the Methodist
minister of Pierce A largo concourse
of people followed tho remains to the
last testing placo aud many beautiful
Iloial oHorings wero contributed by
Tho improvements that aro boing
made to Dexters cold storago aro to be
quite oxtousivo A two story addition is
being built against tho south wall tho
lower part of which will bo used for an
ice houso and tho uppor part as store
room for boxos On tho eaHt side an
othor largo addition for a candling loom
will bo constructed With theso addi
tions there will bo hotter opportunity
for haudling tho gouornl business of the
cold storago in tho main building The
business has grown largely aud it is
hopod to show a still larger growth next
season It is an important institution
to Noi foil and the pooplo of tho city
aro pleased to note its success
Father Thomas Walsh pastor of tho
church of theSicrod Heart has returned
from an exteudod visit abroad nnd has
again taken up his work in Norfolk
He has been absent four and one half
months and has traveled in the neigh
borhood of lliOOO miles Ho visited at
his old homo in Ireland viewed the
wonders in Loudon tho business activ
ity nt Liverpool visited at Munchestor
the wonderful manufacturing city and
other interesting places in England
taking in tho Isle of Wight in the
English channel In Franco ho visited
Paris aud Lourdes the principal
cities of that country He saw tho
beautiful cities of Nice Venice and
Naples Italy saw Mt Vesuvius at
night visitod Rome where is located
tho chief offices of his church aud also
saw the famous Passion play nt Ober
animorgau He wn9 very much pleased
with his journey and returns very much
refreshed and ready to enter upon his
duties with his wonted vigor
There was a large attendance of peo
ple at the Auditorium last night to hear
Senator Wm V Allen discuss the polit
ical issues from a fusion standpoint
many republicans boing present Ho
opened his address with a talk iudicat
mg tho respect in which he holds his
follow citions nnd assuming that thoy
owed him thoir votes not only for what
ho has dmio but what ho expects to do
Ho also reviewed his woik in tho enato
aud stated that much of tho work for
which ho was responsible had been
claimed by other members of congress
lie made some showing of what ho ex
pected to do for Norfolk should he bo
returned to the souate nnd hold out
every inducement possiblo for votes for
tho fusion legislative candidates The
first part of his talk was very acceptable
to his hearors but when ho got to tho
point of discussing national issues he
overcame all tho good he may have doue
in tho first part ot tho speeoh and in
dicated that on those subjects ho was no
stronger than others who had spokon
from tho samo political standpoint
previously He outhused tho fusionists
somewhat but also succeeded iu disgust
ing many of his admireis who did not
agreo with him politically
We siiiceroly desire to express our
heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the
maiiy kindnesses shown us by the fra
teruul organizations and many friends
in our great bereavoment by the death
of our dear husband son nnd brother
John OIKniox
Wm M OBanion
Aliiert P OBamon
Will Powers roturnod last night from
Dr P II Salter is expected homo to
night from Chicago
T I1 Memminger of Midison was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday
Wm Wameko ofBattlo Greek vis
ited in Norfolk over Sunday
Mrs JiMoph Shoemaker loaves toinor
low for her homo in Salida Col
Sol G M lyer was a passonger for
Lincoln tirday noon and returned
Miss L ta Blakely who is teach
ing near Win neivllle spent Sunday at
F J Halo of Hattlo Creek was dis
cussing politics on tho streets of Nor
folk today
E D Perry of South Norfolk made a
business trip toNellgh Saturday rotuin
Editor J H Donovan of tho Madison
Star was in th city this morning on
political u mess
Davo Oaen camo in from Hock
Springs Wyo S iturday night to vote
and will return Tue dny
Wm Heinlebon tho chicken man
has lemoved the yards adjoining tho
building on North Fifth street
Miss Alice Mills of Omaha camo up
Saturday evening mid spent Sunday
with her Histor Mrs John 11 Hays
llov Gustavo A Rekovv hns purchased
the Levi Miller farm of 110 acres iu tho
edge of Stanton county paying for it
Miss Lillian Chestnutwood returned
today from a visit to hor sister at Mar
celouo Mo She loft hor sister much
improved in health
Charlos 11 Hiys camo homo Saturday
night from Iowa City Iowa whero ho
has boon attending college aud will
visit until Tuesday
A party was givon at tho homo of
Ferdinand Shule in Edgowater yester
day in celebration of his sons woddiug
which took placo a week ago
A platfonn has been bnilt at the stage
door of the Auditorium to facilitate the
handling of the trunks and sceuory of
traveling theatrical companies
On tho first of tho month W M
Robertson and his sou Sydney formed
a law partnership and tho firm uaino
will hereafter bo Robortson Robert
R II Reynolds and J W McOlary
came in from Sibley Iowa Sunday
morning aud will remain ovor Tuesday
to seo that Nebraska goes safely repub
Tho accounts outstanding against the
Norfolk Auditorium havo finally been
fully settled and tho trustees have
turned tho property over to tho original
owners represented by W II Wigton
Norfolk is feeling the elVect of the ice
famine and the congealedaqua is being
shipped iu to supply tho wants at tho
cold storage If the warm weather
continues much longer ice will be a
rarity indeed
An error in tho item regardiugRev
Vnu Fleet made it appear that ho would
confirm 100 iu each of three classes at
his now charge when it should have
stated that the three classes consisted of
100 communicants
The Womans Relief Corps have had
an urgent call from the Galveston suf
ferers for clothing Any donations left
at tho G A R hall on election day will
be very acceptable If possible a boK
will bo sent that day
A special edition of a local paper was
issued this morning contaiuiugjaccouuts
of Mr Bryans success m Nebraska
Ono of the dispatches is dated at Minden
11 25 this morning and it is asserted
that the special was being distributed at
10 oclock
A very pleasant surprise party was
given at the home of Mr and Mrs S
L Gardner in honor of their son Roy
Saturday evening A peanut hunt was
indulged in in which Mr Johnson re
ceived the first prize and Miss King tho
booby prize
Mrs C F Shaw was oporated upon
yesterday for the removal of a cancer
ous growth from her breast DrHoldeu
Dr Tashjean and Mm Shaws brother
Dr Rausom of Iowa performed the
operation The patient is resting very
comfortably since the operation
Lester Halversteiu was 14 years of
ago Saturday and was surprised by a
visit of about 13 youug people at his
homo on South Fourth streot Nice re
freshments were served and a gront
many presents wore givon The even
iug was greatly enjoyed with games
aud other amusements
Mis3 Julia Stafford teacher of one
portion of the Seventh grade gavo her
pupils a hay rack ride Friday night
Whon tho first start was made the rack
broke down but another wagon was so
cured and tho eutortuinniont proved
very successful After tho ride refresh
ments wero served and a graphophone
concort enjoyed at the homo of Miss
Seats at the Auditorium for tomorrow
night aro iu great demand hy porsoiiB
desiring to recoive tho election returns
A powerful stereoptieon will he used to
throw the returns on a large screen as
rapidly as received and hetweeu times
J 00 beautiful views will bo exhibited
while a number of illustrated songs and
comic pictures will bo given Tho prico
of admission is but SO conts for tho lower
floor and 10 conts for tho gallery
Dr Sudlo liar Mlilei a rudunto of
tho Anaricaii bcho 1 1 1 Usui oi Uy
Mrxsvii o MifBoun lis o o v an
olllcoiii Norfolu ioi I m nctico of
iti s now svstoin ot healing Rooms
i ver 1 1 Hayes jowolrv toie Hours
ironi 10 In tho nioiniii to u the
nfteruoon Gonso tn i
amiuatiou free
Tho fight is over and tho people now
oxpKtantlyJawatt the intelligence as to
who is licked
m fira
L Hv
Women suffer
WlJifVXI b VIWfr J
W Tte
Wdfy F7 s3
y vy
M ffl
ing from female
troubles nnd
weakness and
from irregular
or painful men
ses ought not
to lose hope if
doctors cannot
help them Phy
sicians are so
busy with other
diseases t h n t
they do not un
derstand fully
the peculiar ail
ments and the
delicate organism of woman What
the sufferer ought to do is to give
a fair trial to
Feniasfe Regulator
which is the true cure provided
by Nature for nil female troubles It
is the formula of n physician of the
highest standing who devoted his
vyhole life to the study of the
tinct ailments peculiar to our moth
ers wives and daughters It is made
of soothing healing strengthening
herbs and vegetables which have
been provided by a kindly Nature to
cure irregularity in the menses Leu
corrhcea Falling of the Womb Nerv
ousness Headache and Backache
In fairness to herself and to Brad
fields Female Regulator every
suffering woman ought to give it a
trial A large i bottle will do a
wonderful amount of good Sold by
Sn I for a nkety UluMMtr 1 fr I ook on sulJct
The Bradfleld Peculator Co Atlanta Ga
FC Corsets
American Beauties
Made in all the newest models and
leaders in strictly exclusive designs
They have a national reputation for
genuine corset worth Send for our
illustrated price list
itttktrs Kalamazoo Mich
For salt bv
Illinois Central H R
Tlio Illinois Vntral ilosires to cill nttentiou
tothounoxcolluil survico that is olTorod by its
lluob to thu bouth for tho buibon of lSJO 1900
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
nn ill conduct
oil Uuus through to
los AukoIos and San
Francisco via Now
Orleans in connection
with tho sontliurn In
cillc Ion win Chicago
on thu mitrals fast
Now Orleans
connection also made h this train with
dailj trains out of u Orluaiib foi tho Pacific
Coast Tho Limited from Ihiciuo oor moil
ing coimectb on Monilas mid Thiiisdais at
Sow Orleans laftor December is 1IW with Iho
of tho Southern Pacific Kiting special through
sorv Ico lo hau Francisco
Double dail serv
ice is maintained out
of St Louis wa tho
Illinois Central and
connecting linos to
Nashulle Chattanoo
ga and At lit nt a thro
sleoimig car to Jack
sonville Florida boing carried on thu
loimugSt Iouisoior inenuig This train as
well as the Da Kxpress leaving St Louis in
the morning aro both solid trains to Nashville
having through coachoa and sleeping cars run-
through Jluitln Jenii and tlio N ASt
I oiiiii ciion via tins nun lor all
ii il points in the noutlieast siicli as I
vviimiugiou iiKiu ami savaiiuaii
points iu Flondii
and for all
Dailj from lncago to Momphis and Now
lo UlS
HOMiSiiKiitS KM UlthlONS to certain
points ill the houth on the lines of the Illinois
tciitral and IAJI V railioudo will bo run on
tho llrst and third Tuesdaj ofoach month dur
ing tho w Intel season
Full iiartiuilais concerning all of tho ahova
can bohiid of ugentbof thu Illinois Central or
lij addruselug A II liaison li P A Chicago