St SI x uin - c3l iifijc r saisNaXJrj 7132l x it k XX BY HOWARD nrLDINQ o xx ss ss J copMimiiT ifn lit HMD IM lltMIKK It CUMiriON OANiS Iiiih II l lilltl IlltllllllJ Im fines tils ft lends eniiipliiln Hull lie pimMs HiiMii iiiili tlie Hi I eel without iccngiiltlnu and on Hie oilier liiinil In atleiiiit llig to 11 x old Ills en or lie litis Hiiiue tlmiH accosted Hti linnet h III ell emu Htiiiiees llial weie cMicincly einliar Hissing The joiing til ft 11 bus a cousin Miss Jnne tleineiiwnv n tail giniidil gl1 with a iiiofiiHlou of dink hnlranil piet ty In own cveH which however one Is obliged to lev elleil liy cjcglnsscs for lane Is somewhat iiiinslghtcd She 1Icn In llentou but oltcn goes to New oilt shopping or lsltlng her many ft lends In that city Thus It would not he Hiirpi InIiik to meet her nuy day In the shopping dlHtilct of New Voi It One may meet a gient many pretty women In that region and It Ih said that ceitnlu feeble inluded cicaturoH go there for that pin pone Study a man imiHt he tint t who would do It for the shopping woman Ih too completely tin dcr the domination of the fixed Idea to lie of Inteiest to nuy hut a student of hypnotism She rushes alotiK the sidewalks In a state of ttaneo and the luckless uinn who gets In her way will thereafter view the all devouring trol ley car with gentle unconcern Gaines wits In the shopping district trlctly on IiubIiicsh one afteinoon and near the Intersection of Twenty third trect and Sixth avenue he fancied that lie saw Cousin lane She waa proceeding weBtwaid with thnt relent less Uxlty of purpose thnt charactcrlics the shopper Gaines overtook her and laid a mildly restraining hnnd upon her arm for It seemed to him that sho wns about to plunge out upon the crossing aud collide with a loaded dray Dout run over the poor enrt horse little girl snld Gaines he has trou bles of his own She uttered n nervous cry nnd sprang away but he fancied that she was only startled Pass over those bundles to me youngster snld ho nnd well nnvl ate the crossing together At this moment he cuught the 11 rut lair glimpse nt her fuce Where were the eyeglasses thnt always perched up on Cousin lanes nose Where weie the baby dimples nnd the smile of era pule good will 7 This lady was n very haughty person She froze him with the dlsdalu which seemed to sur round her like an atmosphere With fcer face averted as If the sight of him would be too palnf ul she waved her left hand as one who cries A vaunt The next moment with head In air abo swept across the avenue in front of a moving car and so close to the tender that even the hardened motor man turned pale How Gaines got away from the spot he never knew but It Is his opinion that he crawled down through the trolley Blot for surely ho felt small Dough to have done ho Of course be was entirely Innocent but a clear con science Is a poor conuolor at such times The central fact In nature was that one pretty girl must forever think of liltn as the lowest form of anthropoid the masher UalneB hud the misfortune to possess that fatal gift of beauty which you read about In old fashioned novels He was one of those conspicuously hand some men who always get the discredit Mfetrii VTJaJaVTlMlrirfl ii I IflHsVwBsMHipiiJBE1 YOU CANT I1KU IT bAJD SHK of being vain of their looks though they may prove by every act of their lives that they ate more modest than the lowly violet Gaines was aware that If hp had been Inslgultlcant uud ugly the lndy in question might hao paubud to hear an explanation but that did not console him Hi took the Incident ery much to heatt and Indeed felt so bud about It that he emld hardly bring himself to attend a social function to which he wns bidden for that evening It really did not bccm to him that a man so dlsgineed as he was tit to go into boclety Still be eventually mustered jup the courage There were a good many people In the big drawing toom at the Bingham bouse Washington square north when Gaines made his appearance some what late Presently he found himself XX LU Bressssssats In a coiner with Jessie lllnghnm and became nwiiie that she had something of gieal liiipoiiam e to cointuuiileiiti1 Natalie Clair Ih lieie said Hhe with the all of a small hoj iiiinuiineliig that the eluits has come to town Miss Clnlr was a oung woman whom SiiIiich had Til times iniiiowly iiiIssimI meet lug Two yeais ago when the Chilis weie about to come to New Vol Ic to live Haines had heiiid so much about Natalie that he had begun to dislike her Many gills In his social set knew her and they all declined that he and she weie made for each oilier The basis of that lew so far as he could discover was that she was tall ami dink while he was tall aud light and that both of them had the reputation of being very cold reserved aud haul to appioach In filemlshlp or flit tit t lot As a inle he did not llko girls who weie cold and reserved Suffering ft out a chtonlc embarrassment him self he found It haul enough to get along with glils who were Jolly tnlk ntlve and open hearted Moreover to be slated as a gills admirer before a fellow has met her Ih enough to kill all chance of liking her Gaines waB glad when Natnllu went nbrond with her mother Instead of coming to New York Within two weeks he had heard thnt she was home again And now It seemed he must meet her There she Ih whispered Jessie Bingham Isnt sho perfectly lovo lyr Gnlnes glanced across the room and his blood beenmo Ice water He had always regarded himself as a peculiar ly unlucky man but that Natalie Clair of all people In the world should prove to be the heroine of the Twenty third street adventure struck him as a little tho worst blow In even bis ex perience Or com se I should be greatly plent ed to moot her said he aud his voice sounded in his own cars ns if it were being giound out of a phono graph Hut theres no hurry Any time will do Whnt nonsense exclaimed lesslo Of comae you want to meet her this minute And theyre htlnglng her right over here Gaines perceived thnt Jessie spoke truly A half doeen young people with tho most obvious Intentions were gen tly steetlng Miss Clair In his direction She however Beemed to be wholly un aware of their purpose until she was within Blx feet of him Then she start ed as prettily as a frightened deer Gaines looked anxiously into her face and when he saw thnt be was recognized be felt as one upon whoso shoulder the hand of the sheriff Is laid It was all over In a moment Karly In tils life Gaines had been Introduced to a Boston east wlud and once when a boy he bad been locked in an Ice house as a Joke but Miss Clair gave him a new sensation No one else ap peared to notice the chill though It setuned to him that all New York muBt be shivering He dared not say anything to the point among bo many people and so he mumbled the ordinary nonsense while waiting for a chance to escape That was not to be however Ho saw Miss Bingham going one way and Miss Somebody Else going nuother way and there wns no way at all for him He simply got left la the corner with Na talie Clair aud If It had been done on purpose It couldnt have been dono bet ter A man of tact and nssurnnco would have found no difficulty In saying tho right thing but Unities lacked those qualities und his faculties were in a panic The situation is somewhat difficult Miss Clair he said You must be strongly prejudiced agaluBt me but but What utter nonsense Why couldnt ho say straight out 1 saw you on Twenty third street today and mistook you for my cousin He knew aa well as anybody could thnt that was the right thing to say But the words didnt come to him You cant help It sold she nei ther of us can help It now Let us for get everything thnthnppencd before we met toulght And then she looked around with a frightened eye for somebody to come and take her awny Gnlnes felt ns If the black cap had been drawn over his face He had had his chance to speak aud It had pnbsed Evidently Miss Clair knowing the cir cle In which he moved had decided to tolerate him perhaps even to be silent about what bhe believed to be his black disgrace If Jane were only there he could have poiuted to the resemblance and have told his Mory with a good grace He hnd heaid that bhe was expected Inter In the evening He would reserve his defense till then Somehow he escaped from Miss Clare and immediately to fortify his soul he mentioned to n number of per sons that in his opinion Miss CIhIi strongly resembled bis Cousin Jane The first two or three had never no THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8 1900 u - - v ticed It Gnlnes began to be nlnrmed lie ran fiom one to another Appar entlj there was not a human creature piesent who had the eyo to see a trace of thnt likeness upon which his fate depended So It seemed that Janes coming would onlv heighten the Im piobabllltj of his tale already weaken ed by delay Many of the people whom re pies tinned spoke of a strong resemblance between Miss Clair ami Olive Tiask a voting lailv whom Gaines had met sev eral yeais before Would It he possible to substitute her In this story Ills lie qualiitatico was JiiHt HUlllcieiit to wai taut him In uildiesslng her He couldnt call her little glil but pinb utilv the fact that he had used those womIm would not come out In the e plauailoii A sudden resolution seized him Me would lake the i Ink rearing that his eoiitage would ooe away If he hesl tilled he sought Miss Clair at once An link would have II lie found her with Jessie lllugham and Olive- Trask To his gieat delight MImh TiiihIc greet ed him very coidlnlly 1 1 Ih coinage mounted higher Miss Clair said he boldly 1 think therell never be a better time than this to set no self tight for the unfortunate mistake I made HiIh after noon When I spoke to jou on Twenty tliltd street I mistook yon for MIsh Tiask whom I have known some jciuh It was veiy embarrassing of eotitKC but you kindly promised to for get It I think however that a full explanation 1 premised to forget It exclnimed Miss Clair Why nothing of the sort ever happened 1 never Bnw you be fore tonight and when I spoke of for getting I rofoired to all the silly things thnt our fi lends have said about uh Ah to the Incident on Twenty third stiect I fear you will hnve to tnke your npoloj y to the young lady whom jou actually accosted If you can llud her There wns a moment of awful al ienee nnd then Miss Trask en mo to the rescue boldly it somewhat In discreetly Well ns Mr Gaines thought It was I she began and stopped not know ing bow to llnlfih her sentence Gaines groaned At this critical moment who should nppenr but Cousin Janel She wns ball ed ns the deliverer from an awkward situation Oh Miss Clnlr she exclaimed 1 am so glad to see you again See is JANE CniKD OA1NKS YOU HAVE SAVED MV LttKl hardly the word for me tonight for Ive lost my eyeglasses and you know Im half blind without them How did you lose them asked Gaines rejoiced to say something that wns safe Why said Jane I was coming out of a Btore on Twenty third street this afternoon There was a dreadful crowd and a brnte of a man brushed against me and caught the chain of the glasses on a button of his coat The chain broke the glasses fell nnd the brute stepped on them And would you believe what the creature did He asked me to go to an oculists with him and let him buy me a new pair I led but tho fellow followed me all tho way to Sixth avenue I could see him out of the back of my head It seemed And Just as 1 waa about to cross be spoko to me again He said Jane cried Galues you have sav ed my life The man who had been following you was not the one who spoke to you It was I You Bhe exclaimed Can this be possible Of course I didnt look at him but his voice What did ho say demanded Gaines Dont run over the poor cart horse little girl Little girl Fancy it And you thought it wa4 I Mr Gaines said Miss Trask Icily Well upon my word No I didnt snld Gaines with deep humility I thought It was Cousin Jane at the time nnd later I thought It must hnve been Miss Clnlr But ev erybody snld they didnt look a bit nllke whereas you nnd Miss Clair you know I I thought you wouldnt The sentence ended In something so like n sob that nil the girls laughed And then they agreed thnt he had re established his reputntion for be wns proved to hnve been guilty of only a little white He which In society entnlls no pennlty And they nlso ngrced to keep the story secret but It would have puzzled jou an hour Inter to hnve found any one In the house vv ho hud not heard It Our or Itae Otbrr A married woman ought to feel founger nnd tiappler after 00 than be fore Yes she hns either got the upper band of ber busbnnd by that time or has quit trying to get It IndlanapolU Journal Sores m nicer Eq Thnt old sore oi ulcer which litis been a source of pain worry nnd anxiety to you for five or ten years mnye longer doesnt hcnl because ou are not using the proper treat ment but nrc trying to cute it with salves nnd washes While these nre soothing and relieve paiti to some extent no real permnncnt good can come from their use the disease DRAIN THE SYSTEM ENDANGER LIFE is in ine uioou nun inr oevonn me mien oi ctterunl applications i sore nenis promptly wncn me mood is in good condition but novot if it is diseased Th tendency of these old sores and ukcts is to grow worse sptcading and eating deeper into the flesh They arc n constant drain upon the svstcm gradually but surely ruin the health and sap the very life A jKirsons capacity for work or treasure is soon lost m the great tfesire and search for something to cure h S S makes n rapid and permanent cure of old sores and ulcers and is the only medicine that docs because no other can reach ikip seatcd blood troubles Oidinnry Hursnpnnlla and potash mixtures are too weak and watery to ovc rcomc a deadly poison that has taken possession of the blood Do not waste valuable tunc experimenting with them A UUnsnoi i 1s11e11tn ftK t slmUn the left leg receiving what I cotisMercrt onlv n llRht wound It developed Into n tiniiilm it nnl tnvr me n giiit tlcnl of imIii I uns tuntei hv mniiy doctor nnd Wound ch n f bl1 I rein Ik liil none dfi me nnv roo1 1 Ind lie rd S S S 1uKlvrcVonmcndc and concluded to gte it I Hint The result win trulv KtitirMiig S h S setmed I o net k It t the troullc nod foiced the i oKm out r iu hlo 1 moth nllerirds tho norel eul 1 ni nnd was cured omul nml will I now hnve perfect use of the Ug which wni iwollin mid vctj stiff for n long lime J It Mc1Irauh Iaw rciiebutB Ky h h S is the only purely cgctable blood putifkr known is innue oi roots and nerns oi woiuuritil purilying properties which no poison can resist S S S quicklv and effectually clears the blood of all morbid unlicalthy humors and the old troublesome sore lienls At the snme tune the general health is invigorated and built tip When a little scratch or hurt fnils to heal icadily you may be sure your blood is bad S S S will soon put it in order nnd keep it so Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians who have made blood diseases a life study If you will write them about your case they will gladly furnish all information or advice wanted without any charge whatever Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA Itltlor I Int List of letters remaining uncalled for at the poHtofllco November f 1100 Frank Appolbeek Mrs Jno Brady Horrn Hormiinu Hretltlin A A Urooks Win Coles Alico OretBlitoii W A Davis Mis Mnry U Dawling Joltlio Fisher W H Iintiu I L Martin Loyd My res L II Myers John F McGrano LizJo Sclntlz Mrs Nellie Stnm Mrs It 13 Simpson Mis Mar garet Wudo Mrs JiihT Watts If not called for in 150 days will bo sent to tho dead letter olllce Parties calling for any of the above plenso say advortisod P F SlItKCJIKK P M Funning lu Colorado and New Moxlro The Denver Uio Grande raihoud Tho Scenic Line of tho World has prepared an illustrated book upon the above subject which will bo sent free to farmers dosiring to chango their location This publication giveB valnable informa tion in regard to tho agricultural horti cultural and live stock interests of this sect ion and should bo in tho hands of everyone who deairos to become ac quainted with the methods of farming by irrigation Write S K Hooper G P T A Denver Colo 9CP99 7999999999999 Its Easy Tn Mr JS - WJ Thin pale anaemic girls need a fatty food to enrich their blood give color to their cheeks and restore their health and strength It is I safe to say that they nearly all reject fat with their food i Shuts COD LIVER OIL WfTH HYPOPHOSPMTES or LIMES SODA is exactly what they require it not only gives them the portant element cod liver oil in a palatable and easily gested form but also the hypo- phosphites which are so ble in nervous disorders that I usually accompany anaemia SCOTTS EMULSION isa I fatty food that is more easily digested than any other form of fat A certain amount of f I flesh is necessary for health - You can get it in this way We have known per r sons to gain a pound a I day while taking it oc nj oo all druggists S S OTUOWNE Chemists New York YOU ARK CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT Michaels Studio Wo shall bo pleased to seo you even if you do not need any work in our lino Come tn and got acquainted and see our lovely line of photos where yon will find the very tatest in styles of mounts aud finish All work guaranteed satis factory We have a lino lino of Oil Paintings Water Colors Pastel and Crtyon Work A lurge stock of Iio turo Frames and Mouloiugs Amateur supplies always on hand and your work done prompt nnd reasonable Your tiade is wanted at tho fintst gallery in this country Yours for Business C P MICHAEL jriFvih RRSk MHfik Guaranteed Cheapest and Best A Sdierlntivo Conditioner and Fnttener for Live Stock Prices 25 cout and cents ptr pin agi -pound bags 3 f0 TWEN i ItTH CENTURY OU RY FOOD Keeps fowls hen thy Makes chickF pirw Makes nens lay Prevents Doultry dscases Prue 2 conts ter package For smc bv Sugar City Cereal Mills Norfolk Nebraska Crcnlar and pamphlet fee JOS HAAS V S Indianapolis Ind fl flledieine That Cures That is what you get when you buy CRAMERS KIDNEY CURE Tho Cramer Company can point to more positive cures and show more unto licited testimonials than any remedy which has been on the ninrket ten times as long Hadnt Lone t Live Alhany N Y March 15 1H0 Broken down despairing hardly able to drag about I began to feel as if I had not long to lhra I did every thing money could tried all kinds of medicine and doctors happening to see Cramers Kidney and Liver Cure adver tised I gave thnt a trial a thorough one for it commenced to do me a little good from the very start by persever ance I am today a well man owe my existence to Cramers wonderful reme dy I am frank to say my case was so bad I never expected to get well John Baker Court Officer Albany N Y Thought be Couldnt be Cured Albany N Y Nov 2 1898 Cramer Chemical Co I can freely nnd with joy recommend your Cramer Kidney Cure as it com pletely cared me of kidney complaint and that after I had made np my mind that I couldnt be onred I had tried every remedy I hoard of without eatis factory results I tell you it is the best medicine on earth as it made a well man of me and I recommend it as a re liable medicine to bo depended npon by a man Buffering as I did I La Graxoe Clerk in Seo of States Office Am Well Aealn Albany N Y Jan 8 1900 Cramer Chemical Co I had been nffiicted for a long time with a severe kidney trouble I was so bad I was unable to work more than three months in a year Had used a good many medicines but failed to get any relief At last about two years ago I commenced nsing tho Cramer Kidney Cure From the first it com- menced to help me and with the use of three bottles I was cored and am now well and able to do the heaviest kind of work To any one suffering with kid ney trouble I say by all mrans try th Cramer Kidney Cure Michael MoAumff Manager Hammond8 Wholesale Mar- ket Albany N Y Sufftrcfl for Twenty Yean Albany N Y Deo 5 189G Cramer Chemical Co I firmly believe I owe my life to your wouderfnl remedy For twenty yeare I suffered with kidney trouble and conld find no reliaf anywhpre I spent hun dreds of dollars on doctors nnd medi cines and conld only get temporary re lief I finally decided to try Cramers Kidney Cure and it did more for me in one month than all the medicines I had taken in twenty years I am now en tirely well MlTCIlAEL HlOGISB Chief Albany Fire Department Manufactured by CRAMER CHEMICAL CO Albany N Y HPMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS via Missouri Pacific Ry aud Iron Mountain Route To certain points iu the WEST S OTH WEST aud SOUTH EAST at ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP PLUS aoo i October and 11 ON TUESDAYS November i and 20 December 4 and 18 Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days Stop overs will bo nllowod within transit limit of fifteen days going after reaching first homeseekera point on route For fiiftlitr Information or nlerteing mitt ter address miy iiKunt of tliocomimnor J 0 IHILLIITI W f 11AKNES Afl F and P A TPA Southeast Cor 14th and DougUnBtB OMAHA NBBB1BKA Dr Humphreys Specifics euro by acting directly upon the disease without exciting disorder in any other part of tho system o cures nucai 1 Feven Congestions Inflammation 23 a Worms Worm Fever Worm Colic tiff 3 Teething ColloCrylnKWakefulnesi 33 4 Diarrhea of Children or Adults 33 7 ouhs Colds Bronchitis 35 8 Neuralgia Toothache Faceache 33 9 Headache sick Headache Vertigo 33 10 Dyspepsia IndlgcstlonWeakSUmaeh3S 11 tiuppressedorIalnrul Periods 33 13 Whiles Too Profuse Periods 33 13 Croup Laringllls Hoarseness 33 14 8altllhfiiuiEryilpclasErupUons 33 13 Rheumatism HheumatloPalna 33 16 Malarla Chills Fever and Ague 33 19 Catarrh Influenza Cold in the Head 33 30 VhooplngUouh 35 ST Kldney Dlsenses 33 3H Nervous Debility 100 30 Urlnary Weakness Wetting Bod 35 77 Jrlp Day Fever 25 Hr Humphreys Manual of nU Diseases at your Druugluts or Mailed Free Bold by druggists or sent on receipt or price Humphreys Med Col Cot William 4 John BU Now Vtirk TltY THE NEWS FOR UP-TO-DATE PRINTING V