r MS 5 k k if 1 II Has Gone for McKinlcy by 8000 to 10000 DEATH KNELL OF FUSION Tim Mlti Olllcen iiiu III IlinlH nlxl II 111 liiiilr Mure font 1 1 1 t Itettitiii tu flltltUI lllltll till ItCMlll Mllllllllll Iniinly U III lllitt Tlioro seems no doubt this nftornoon but that McKinley has carried Nobniska ljvery product in thu stato that has thus far reported gives mi increased gain for McKinley The ratio of gain through out the stato may fall oil and Mill the stato will be safely in tho ropubliean column Chairman Lindsay issues tho statement this nftornoon that Nebraska will give MoKinloy anywhere from 8000 to 10000 plurality Ho says that tho stato ticket is very close but tho in dications point to small republican plu rality oa governor and t lie minor stato olllccs MADISON COUNTY The Comity MiiikIh liy llm Ailniliilslriitloii hut Nolfolll Ik nil Madison county gives McKinley OVi votes unrt Bryan 1711 a majority for M Kinley of 31 I This r suit is brought about in the city of Madison anil in tho country precincts Republicans point with slinmo to tho vote in Norfolk which seems to bo tho only blade spot on the map in this day of hope and brightness ltcliniiH by 1iorliirli Omaha Nov One hundred and thirty pi relucts in Nebraska outside of Oniulia and Douglas county give McKinley 15710 Bryan iiSi The same precincts in 1S0 gave McKinley 14345 Ilryun 13015 On the national ticket nt 230 n m 850 precincts give McKinloy a plural ity of about 3000 outside of Omaha and Douglns county For congress 5S precincts give Mer cer Hep 7717 and Howard Dein K120 votes It is believed that the vote of Sarpy and Washington coijn ties will sweep away this lead and give Howard a small majority Saunders county Cedar pre cinct gives Iiryan I- plurality Crete Saline county Crete precinct complete Bryan 351 McKinley 315 Papllllon Sarpy county rapillion precinct gives Uryan 170 McKinley 348 Herman This precinct gives McKin ley 151 Brynn 101 showing a McKin ley gain of 13 Congressional ticket York county Raker township Pope 81 Stark 05 state ticket Dietrich St Poynter 95 St Paul This precinct gives McKin ley Bryan 271 Same precinct gave McKinley 218 Bryan 210 in 18015 Wood River Hall county Wood River township McKinley 181 Bry an 119 Same precincts gave McKin ley ISO and Bryan 130 in 1S90 Lincoln 27 out or 52 precincts In Lancaster county give McKinley a gain of 003 over 1805 These Include 19 out of the 20 precincts in Lincoln Geneva Kllmore county Geneva city gives Bryan 80 McKinley 110 Geneva precinct gives Bryan llr Mc Kinley 120 Five precincts in Fillmore county gives Bryan 552 McKinley 057 Beatrice Four precincts in Gage county gives McKinley 500 and Bryan 304 ILLINOIS FlcraUty for MoKlulny Will Exceed Ninety Tliouiaml Chicago Nov 7 Complete returns from 15 counties In the state and par tial returns from the others includ ing the full vote of Chicago indicate a plurality for McKinley that will prob ably exceed 90000 Chairman Watson f the Democratic state central com mittee concedes the state to McKinley by 50000 Returns also indicate the election of the full Republican state ticket by majorities considerably un der the presidential figures the scratch ing of the state ticket being confined al most entirely to Cook county where Mr Alschulers personal popularity told heavily for the Democratic nom inees so much in fact that It Is probable that that county wns carried for the Democratic state ticket Returns so far Indicate that the Republicans have lost two and possibly three congress men in Chicago tho most sensational defeat being that of William Lorlmer Outsldo of Cook county the congres sional delegation is in doubt Tho Democrats claim gains In one or two districts but Republican leaders as sert that the delegation will remain unchanged It is practically certnln that the next legislature which will elect a United States senator to succeed Shelby M Culloin will bo Republican on Joint ballot nt least and by a sufficient ma jority to elect n senator The total vote In this city wns Mc Kinley 1S0070 Bryan 172521 Woolley 3335 Debs 5022 Barker ISO Muloney 205 12111s 90 Tilalio Boise Ida Nov 7 Seventeen pre cincts in Idaho give McKinley 1329 Bryan 1590 In 1S00 they gave tho Rcpublkuui 707 uud fuslouhts 1132 Latest Returns Show Over whelming Republican Victory NEW YORK STATE FiaCJRES They Indicate a Plurality lor Mc Kinloy or iioooi LANDSLIDE IX SOME OF THE STATES STeKlnley Curl lea Kiii y Slutu Tluit Jn Him Its Kleiloiul Vole Iniir Veals Ao ami Sl Otlii isTluit Went for 111- an Clean Sniii In Muijlund New York Nov 7 It became evi dent at a very early hour last evening that the election of McKinlcy and Roosevelt was assured At 830 p in returns from nearly two thirds of the election districts of Greater New York had been received indicating beyond question that Bryan and Stevenson could not expect more than 25000 or 30000 pluraty in this Democratic stronghold and unless theie was a landslide in the outside counties be yond all reasonable expectations the pivotal state of New Yoik had de clared in unmistakeable terms al though by a reduced majority for the Republican candidates Returns from Illinois betrayed a like condition The Republican gains over IStO seemed to Indicate that Delaware Maryland and West Virginia had given decisive Re publican pluralities The count In sev eral of tho far western stato was nat urally so delayed as to give little In dication of the outcome there but they had ceased to have a determining ef fect nnd before 11 oclock tho Demo cratic leaders had given up the con test amV It was announced that Mr Bryan had gone to bed and was sound asleep The whole story was easily and briefly told The Republican ticket would have a larger electoral vote than four years ago but in the larger state of the east nnd middle west the pluralities had been greatly reduced Massachusetts had fallen from 171 000 to 0000 New York from 208000 to 135000 and Illinois from 112000 to 100000 or less The roll call of states Is apparently ns follows For McKinley Connecticut 5 Delaware 3 Illinois 21 Indiana 1 Iowa 13 Maine 0 Mary land S Massachusetts 15 Michigan 11 Minnesota 9 New Hampshire 4 Now Jersey 10 New York 3U North Da kota 3 Ohio 23 Pennsylvania 32 Rhode Island 1 Vermont 4 West Vir ginia 0 Wisconsin 12 California 0 Kansas 10 Oregon -1 Wyoming 4 Washington 4 South Dakota 4 total 2S1 For llrjun Alabama 11 Arkansas 8 Colorado 4 Florida 4 Georgia 13 Louisiana 8 Mississippi 9 Missouri 17 Montana 3 North Carolina 11 South Carolina 9 Tennessee 12 Texas 15 Virginiu 12 Nevada 3 total 139 Uni rjim tcil Idaho 3 Kentucky 13 Nebraska 8 total 24 The 57th congress seems to be Ro publiean by a substantial working ma jority THR NORFOLK NKWS THURSDAY NOVKMBKRH 1WX PROSPERITY VICTORIOUS Fboto by UUtkcnnft HI BBE The gubernatorial tickets liae ap parently followed tilt- tin lot i it I and Oilell is elected in New York and Yates in Illinois Returns received up to 1 n in show that Bryan received pluralities J over McKinley In four counties In the Male of New York as follows Now York 31801 Queens 2000 Richmond i Schoharie 370 The counly giving McKinley the largest plurality over Iryan was Onondaga where McKIn lc leads by 10712 votes McKinleys total plurality in the state based on the returns received is 130009 lYiiiiHlanln Philadelphia Nov 7 Fstlmate from one half of the counties in Penn sylvania indicate a plurality for Mc Kinley of over 203000 In Montgom ery and Chester counties where the fusionists made a strong light to elect nine anti Quay members of the legis lature they suffered a severe setback I lie regular Republicans winning by large majorities Pennsylvanias delegation In the next congress will not be less than 21 Republicans to l Democrats as against 20 Republicans and 10 Democrats In the present congiess M S Quays friends are claiming they will have a majority on joint bal lot favorable to his re election to the 1nlted States senate Illiodu iHlaml Providence R I Nov 7 On an in ii eased vote Bryan has made consid erable gains in Rhode Island McKin leys plurality of tour years ago was 22978 Only half of the 143 districts in the state Iihvo beeJi heard from McKinleys plurality will be about 20 000 It Is believed Providence which in 1890 gave McKinley 8211 plurality while electing a Democratic mayor has elected Granger Dcm by n plu rality of less than 1000 In 1890 every city and town in the state gave a Mc Kinley plurality The Republican state committee admits a reduced plu rality Vermont White River Junction Vt Nov 7 At 145 a in returns had been received from nil but 03 towns In the Mute mostly small agricultural places Those will probably give additions to the Republican majority From the towns which have made returns nt this hour Bryan received 11S91 nnd Mc Kinley 33795 This will give a Repub Hcan plurality estimated at 30000 The net gain for the Democrats In this election over that of 1890 Is about 29 per cent while the Republicans have a net loss of ubout 11 per cent Wyoming Cheyenne Wy Nov 7 Additional letunis from tho state outside of Chey enne received by the Republican state central committee show great gains for the Rfpubllcau ticket ocr the vote of 18S The Republican majority for Wyoming Is now conservatively esti mated ut 3000 Connecticut New Haven Nov 7 Connecticut In the election yesterday decided that her doctoral vote of blx should bo placed in the McKinley column The entire Republican stato ticket wa elected The plurality for McKinley Is about 23000 Complexion of Conii fi Chicago Nov 7 -Returns from 2S7 congressional districts show the elec tion of 151 Republicans Rio Demo crutfa 1 fuhloiiist 1 sllverlte and 1 Pop ullst I I Republicans Carry Every Con gressional District PLURALITY RECORD BROKEN Ateincn Cain Ih ll VoIch per Ileflnrt mill J hut IMeana One lliinilieil Tlioiinaiiil riimilll SdiiiiiiI DUIiIrl in Cloao uud CluiiiKil by Hot li Tin Urn Des Moines Nov 7 It Is apparent that Iowa is Republican by 100000 and that a solid delegation of II Re publicans will be seal to Washington Because of the late closing of the polls all over the stale 7 oclock bill 023 out of 217 precincts in the state have been heaid from These give McKin lcy 299707 and Bryan 205812 a net Republican gain of 20 to a precinct If tills ratio Is maintained and I here is little doubt it will lie McKinleys plu rality will be 101000 the largest on rccoul in the state In 1800 McKin leys plurality in Iowa was 05552 Chairman Weaver says Iowa Is McKinley by over 100000 and we have elected all the congressmen Rumple in tlie 2d district the only close dis trict Is elected by 350 plurality Chairman Huffman of the Democrat ic central committee says We con cede the state to McKinley by 50000 We claim the election of Vollmer In the 2d district The entire Republican state ticket Is elected by the largest pluralities ever rolled up In Iowa Returns show that a heavy vote has been cast all over the state The re sult In the congressional lights cannot yut be told although the indications are that all the Republican congress men will be elected Polk county In which Is Des Moines will give about 1000 majority an In crease of about 2000 for the Repub licans There seems no doubt that the amendment to the state constitution for biennial elections instead of annual ones has carried The vote on the state ticket In Iowa is running very close to the national showing thai most of the members of other political organizations who have laid aside party lines have left the old parly entirely and have votd a straight ticket The entire Republic nil state ticket has been elected by a most complimentary vote Sioux City Nov 7 Sioux City and Woodbuty counties will go 2000 Re publican Lot Thomas of Storm Lake Is re elected congressman from the 11th district by an overwhelming ma jority Clarlndn la Nov 7 Hepburn Rep elected 4000 plurality Oregon Portland Or Nov 7 Oregon yes terday gave McKinley the largest plu rality ever given a candidate for ofllco in this state With more than half the total vote of the state counted the re sult Is as follows McKinley 27120 Bryan 17073 McKinleys pluarlity Is 10053 Multnomah county which Includes the city of Portland gave Mc Kinley 5000 plurality and It Is esti mated that the state outside of this city will return a plurality of OimH making the Republican plurality In the state dose to 15000 Portland Or Nov 7 Two hundred and eighty nrcujuctb iu Oregon put of IJllhl IViM b IUii kwn1 N 772 including 17 ill the city of Port land give McKinley 22835 Brnn II 5Sll Klexen pieeiucls In I he slate of Washington gie McKinley 7h0 Bryan 310 Malar Portliud Me Nov 7 Although he weather ctuiilil Ions weicnoei liner on election day a com para lively light vole was polled iu Maine yesterday All through the slate according to le ports al hand there was a consider able falling oil In the Republican plu ralltr fiom four years ago and a cor responding gain In the Democratic column Ip to midnight returns had been received from about 210 cities towns and plantations In the stale showing a Republican plurality of 1K 4SI as against 31IISS for the same towns In I VHi The returns to that hour indicated a Republican los ol 17 per eeul and a Democratic uln of 21 per cent as computed with 1S00 Fig uring on this basis Hie Republican plu rality In the state would be aboul 27300 Olim Columbus O Nov 7 At 10 oclock Icsn returns wcic lecelved than al any pievloiis return In Ohio up to that hour This is attributed to the unusu ally large vote and the full county and district tickets There weie seven tickets of presidential electors and live slate tickets Out of 3109 precincts In Ohio the state committee had heard at 10 oclock from less than 200 precincts and from very few county committee men Indicating no material change in the vote of 1890 when McKinley had a plurality of 51309 McKinleys home county gained 1000 JWnry liiml Baltimore Nov 7 President Mc Kinley carried Baltimore city by a ma jority of 0095 The returns fiom the counties are meagre but otlicial ad vices from 81 scatteiod precincts out of 351 give him 18285 as against 10 197 for Bryan thus assuring him a majority of at least 10000 iu the state The defeat of the Democrats has been thoiough and surprising it being cer tain that they have lost live out of the slv congressional districts with the probabilities in favor of a clean sweep by the loss of the other Now iriiey Trenton N J Nov 7 Incomplete returns from dlffeient parts of the stale Indicate that New Jeroej has been carried for McKinley am Roose volt by more than 500O0 The Repub licans elect six of the eight congress men tin same representation as last year and will have an overwhelming majority Iu both houses of the legis lature Insuring the election of a Re publican to succeed William J Sewell Rep i as Pulled Slates senator IH luHUie Wilmington Del Nov 7 The count Is so slow In Kent and Sussex coun ties that detailed results of tho legis lative elections there cannot bo given but the Democrats say nothing has transpired to destroy their cnnlidence lu the election of a Democratic legls latuie It probably will bo 10 oclock before thu result can be delinltely an nounced McKinleys plurality lu the state may icai h 2500 ljne Wirr It to ItiiiKotelt Chicago Nov 7 -Vice Chairman Payne Mint tho following telegram to Coiuiiel Roosevcli The country is saved wo have beaten IVttlgrew and captured Nebraska legislature and all j l IS IS HB ED Late Returns Indicate a Ma jority of Nearly 500 IT IS A LANDSLIDE TO HAYS In M 1 1111I1 Slum 11 a U11I11 In Imiir iif I lie Hi iMililliuii CiiiiiIIiIiiIi I lie m lly lln Si i lii 111 In Sni li a I If inn Hint It t initial la It el I num I ailv leluins on congicssinan pi ml cnneliiHUely In the ilecllim or John It llajs In the Thlid district lb- cm lies MadJMiii county by iw Mi nick I Mi Itoono 17 Wayne j 0 Manloii i Bun iMimatcd al 00 lu Pa ice county 11 mil ol lit pteelnetH gives I lavs a iniijmity ol o fcThe city or Fro mniit ghcN llasa majniily or ili It is known that Hays has canied Thurs Ion ICnov and Anlelopo counties by good majotilies Ten mil of o pieeiucls iu ICnon county give IIiijshT Robinson 718 This is a big icpuhltcau gain Two eais ago Kno county gave 11 rusiou majoilly ol unite than 11 t One half of the pucinels or Dakota county gie IIiihM9 KoIiIiimhi lai Thuisloii county nil pnciuds re polled giH Mays ovei KohiiiMin PJi It will beoliseived Unit Mays has car lied a number of enmities that have hi icloloie I in 11 counted in the lusioit column The same ratio of icpuhltcau gain iu the othei counties will elect Mr IIIVH Al i o loi k this aliei noon hern re mains no douhl but I hat Mays is elected 10 congiess The Inllovung table shows Iiiu iiiajmilich on congieshinan so far an lieaiil I10111 A portion ol the liguicH aie uiiollieial icltirns the iiumiiiitler are oHtimntod hut il is believed thu in Die estimate a liheial iguie lias been givou to Mr Robinson Hays Robinson Antelope Iii lloone I Purl r0 Cedar Colfax 350 mining 302 Dodirn Oil Dixon 100 Dakota ir0 Knox 100 Madison 2IM Merrick ITh Nance 50 Thnistoii 125 Wayne 200 Platte 150 Pieict 20 Stanton 25 I I- 1102 DISTRICT JUDGESHIP I 1 Iil llun Itttnii Kin IimI linlge In tlm Ninth IHHlrlct InthoNinth judioal district F Boyd republican has boon elected dihtriot judge Antelope county gives him 257 Wayne 2f Knox a smnll majority and in Madihou he receives 210 It is probable that Pierce county will give Cones tho fusion nominee 11 good majority but it will be impossible to overcome tho ma jorities given Boyd in tho other countios LEGISLATIVE TICKET Viiiing Kletltnl Hmiutnr In the iivnntli lltrll - Itltiy unil liiiiiieriiiiin Tin Tho ruturus indicato that W V Young has boon elected senator from tho Klnventh senatorial district He carries Madison county by 15 Wayne by aboutjaOO Stanton by 1 10 Pierco will give Tawnoy a good vote but not enough to overcome the majorities in tho other counties Tho returns on Uley and Zimmerman indicate a tie tho uiiollieial returns from ovory precinct iu tho county giving each candidate 1801 votes It is more thau probable that the olliciul count will change this result M untiir lintel til Boston Nov 7 As usual In presi dential years Massachusetts went Re publican yesterday by a substantial lint considerably reduced majority giving to President McKinley 15 votes iu the electoral college while V M Crane wns re elected governor nearly all of the Republican state th ket and at least 10 out of 13 Republican con gressmen The state legislature H also Republican by a inajoiity of about 3 to 1 and will probably again send Hon Ceoige V Hoar to the national senate Wll VilKillll Charlestown W Va Nov 7 Indi cations are that McKinlcy has carried the state by sooo and the Republican state ticket Is probably elected while the Democrats will have a majority 011 joint ballot in the legislature Vlrcini Richmond Vn Nov 7 Virginias majority lu favor of Bryan Is appar ently nbout 20000 The indications are that certainly nine and probably all of the Democratic candidates for cousresd arc elected