The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 08, 1900, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
i sin nil
Dietrich and the State Ticket
arc Safe
Htate Committal Claim Nelirimkn fur
McKinley by B000 and Hint tliti
lltnnTicknt Will he tlrrted by About
1000 llit h llranOieH r lfKlilHture
Hafely Hcputilli nn
Omaha Nov 8 330 p in Orlando
Teft of tho republican state central
committeo states thut ubout 70 counties
have beou hoard from leaving only 20
unreported and decided republican
gains are shown iu every report Mr
Teft says there is no doubt but that tho
state has been carried for McKinley and
that the majority on tho electoral ticket
will bo not less than 5000
All figures in tho olllces of tho com
mittee point to tho election of tho Htato
ticket aud tho plurality for Dietrich
will be in tho neighborhood of 1000
The ropnblicauB will have a safe work
ing majority in both branches of tho
Kiirllitr Claim
Omaha Nov 8 Election letuins hi
Kibiubkti aie so close us to be watched
keenly Clinlriuun Lindsay of the Re
publicans claims that McKinley car
ried the state by 7000 or mote the
Republican Mate ticket wins by 5000
to 7000 and that the Republicans lime
a majoiity of 17 in the legislature
They claim the reelection of Meicer
nnd Brtkett for cougiess and the elec
tion of Pope Moilan and possibly of
Hays Against this the Demociats
m Biynn cuiried the state though
oy a hum on maigln of perhaps not
85iver 1000 that fusion 1ms a safe
Itj v majority in the legislature
that fusion sUite ottiecis arc elected by
from 3000 to 1000 and conceding the
re election of Mercer aud Burkett that
fusion has pulled through Robinson
Stark Shallenberger aud Neville The
latter Is the only cougiessmun con
ceded by the Republicans
Tho 1 clpjif will be In doubt until
complete returns are In Indications
are that it will be fusion by a small ma
jority Both patties are claiming It
on joint ballot
Ilryan May Ione Nebraska
At midnight Chairman Lindsay of
the Republican state committee said
With mote than two thirds of the pre
cincts of the state heard from all I
can say is to repeat what I main
tained from the first that the state
would give its electoral vote to Mc
Kinley by a majority of not less than
B000 I have not enough figures to
make an accurate forecast of the re
eult on governor which is much closer
but which I believe will show our can
didate Mr Dietrich to be elected The
other candidates on the state ticket
neem to be running much better and
are sure of election The legislature
will be Republican by safe majorities
in both bouses which means the elec
tion of two Republican United States
lopullit Commute FJcurri
Lincoln Nov 8 At midnight the
Populist state committee has the com
plete returns from less than half of
the voting precincts in the state
From these It is Jigiued that should
the same ratio of loss as compared
with 1800 continue to tho end Bty
ans majority will be reduced danger
ously near the margin It Is claimed
by Chairman Ednilsten however that
the htrongent fusion counties are yet
to be beard from and that the com
pleted returns will elect the Bryan
electors by a small majority The bal
ance of the fusion state ticket seems
to be i mining even with the governor
and Chairman Edmisteti confident ly
claims its election in Its entirety by
about the hame plurality us will be
given Poyuter
Edmisten claims the election of 18
members of the state senate aud fit
members of the house of representa
tives giving a majoiity in each house
and a majority on Joint ballot of 15
This Insuies the re election of Senator
Allen and of u Democrat to succeed
Senator John M Thmston
Complute Conutlrt
Hustings Neb Nov 8 Bryan car
ries Adams county by 125 Olmsted
elected by about 90 majority
David City Butler county complete
gives McKinley 1503 Bryan 2170
Dietrich 1107 Poyuter 2150 Congress
men Pop 1443 Stmk 2142 State
senator Kitnkue Hep 1421 Cummins
fusion 2105 Representative Salis
bury Rep 1415 Mahoney Rep 1
201 Hamilton fusion 1908 Kavaney
fusion 1901
Dakota City- Dakota county com
plete gives McKinley 092 Bryan 778
Dietrich 057 Poyuter 721 Congress
men Hays 003 Robinson 713 State
senator Brown Rep ti9 Zioglcr fu
sion 723 nepiesentative Audeison
Rep 032 Murray fusion 074 Poyn
ters net gain 14
Pierce Complete returns from every
precinct in Pierce county gives Bryan
electors a majority of 6
jpguder Complete return auow Mc
Kinley cariles Thuiston county by KM
In 1S9H Rrvuti cairled same by 209
The folllowlng Is the Douglas county
vote McKinley 11208 Btyan ll 175
For congtessinan Mercer 11977 How
aid 12000 For governor Dlettlch
13448 Poyuter 12795
Returns tioni eveiy precinct n
Douglas county show that the fusion
Ists elected every one of their slate
aud senatorial icpicNcntutlvo email
llm tontitnt llrtutxn Hajit ami ltiiblimon
li tllui Down to a ry Nanow
Tho return of vote on congressman in
this district is gutting ilnngerously close
and as tho matter now stands tho indi
cations ate that the big majority
churned yesterday for Hays over Robin
son has been wiped out and a few more
besides As the icturus now stand Mr
Robinson is olocted by about 00 pluiahty
but it is so oloso that tho olllcial count
will be required to determine tho result
It is safe to say that the winning can
didate will not have 111010 thau 150 to
tho good
Following moth pluralities in tho
various counties a few of which are still
Hays Robinson
Antelope lli
Boono 50
Burt tiiiO
Cedar 150
Colfax I7I
Cuming 302
DotlKO 91
Dixon 150
Dakota 50
Knox 95
Madison 1 75
Merrick 183
Nnnco 122
Thurston III
Wayne 107
Platte 500
Pierce 88
Stautou 21
Portland Me Nov 8 Returns from
the outlying districts of Maine come
in very slowly There lemulu 193 cit
ies towns nnd villages to be heard
fiom Figures from 314 cities towns
and plantations not villages give Mc
Kinley 58512 Bryan 33728 In 1890
the same towns gave McKinley 70792
Bryan 28103
Virginia it lt iumratlo
Richmond Va Nov 8 The addi
tional 1 etui ns iccelved today confirm
the lepott sent out last night that the
Demociats carried the state by about
30000 und elected their caiidlates In
every congressional district
Jacksonville Flu Nov 8 Official
returns from 338 pieclncts out of 007
in the state show that the Democratic
presidential electois iccelved 17930
votes to the Republican electors 0200
This will give Biyan a majority of
23000 in the state The same returns
give Jennings Dem for governor I
19400 votes to 3200 for MacFarlane j
Rep The two Democratic congress
men are re elected by minorities tho
uu on given tint uuUouaJ ticket
Indication That Mi Kliility Will Havo
Oier 100000 riuiiilitu
Do Molne Nov 8 Senii nfllelnl
froii M uf the 99 counties of the
state give McKinley 200000 votes Biy
un 178548 McKlnleys plurality being
87418 or an aveiage of 1000 to the
county The other ll counties at the
same ratio will Inciease the Repub
lican pluiallty to slightly more than
100000 which Is the high water mark
In the states history Every Repub
lican candidate for cougiess Is elected
by increased pluialitles ranging from
2300 to 15000 Meager leturns on
the proposed constitutional amendment
for biennial elections and for holding
a constitutional convention show both
propositions to huve been carried by
large majoilties
The congressional delegation will be
solidly Republican giving their plu
ralities as follows 1st district Thom
as Hedge 500 2d 1 N W Rumple
2300 3d David B Henderson 11000
4th Gilbert Hanger 9000 5th Robert
R Cousins 8410 Oth John F Lacey
8349 7th John A T Hull 12000 8th
William P Hepburn 5000 9th Walter
I Smith 5400 10th James P Conner
10000 11th Lot Thomas 12500
Lati Ht ItrtuinH From New Jt ritey
New Yoik Nov 8 With six coun
ties Incomplete the latest returns from
New Jersey show that McKlnleys plu
rality is 52920 The Republican plu
rality In 1890 was 87092
Tuesdays election will not change
the complexion of the New Jersey dele
gation It will stand as before 0 Re
publicans and 2 Demociats
North Carolina
Raleigh N C Nov 8 N01U1 Caro
lina gives Hiyan a majority of not less
than 30000 The next congresrliMiul
delegation fioin this state will contain
7 Democrat and 2 Republicans In
the Democratic primary F M Sim
mons wus chosen United States sen
ator over General Julian S Carr by
50000 majority
III8 1 1 IE
Returns Still Coming In Show
But Little Change
Trrtldrnt Will ltr llartii d ItvaUoocI Work
Ing Minority--All Nortn of Mnjiirltlen
llollrd li lor tlio llcpiihlli an lliiktt
rnTiic CUInn I0H hlt otoral Voln
Chicago Nov 8 Republican national
headquaiteis was the scene of a con
tlnuoiis love feast Returns iciclvcd
f 10111 the vailous meuibeis of the nil
tloiial Miuiuilttcc all went to contlitn
tho getieinl result though over san
guine committeemen vvcie obliged to
1 educe their Hist piedlctlons logutd
ig in tnanv instances he s c of Me
Klnleys plutulltv Nothing was if
eelved however that mused any dls
quietude Vke Cliiilinian Pnviie ic
We knew we have won and won
easily Nothing can wonv us now
Dm lug the alteiiioon Mr laMie Is
sued a statement claiming 308 dec
total votes lor Mi Klulcy but he
seemed none too confident that this
number would be the lesult The 30S
Included the vote ol Kentucky and
notwithstanding the asset lions of the
Republicans fiom that state that they
had can led the state then was not
much confidence felt in the hcndquiu
teiN that Kentucky hail gone Repub
llcun On Nelunska the feeling was
positive and the assuiuiuos fiom Re
publicans Icadeis In Unit state all
stated that McKinley hud ceitalnly
cnirlcil the state any when fiom 3000
to 7000 The Republican leaflets will
be greatly disappointed If they tall to
cany Mr Bryans state They want
it not lor the tetisnn that Its electoial
vote Is necessary to the election of
Piesldent McKinley but for the eom
foit of having Mr Brvan lepudlated by
his own state oiiKiattilatory telc
giams pouted Into headquaiteis all
day In a peilect stieam
McKinley States
States Pluralities
California 40000
Connecticut 40000
Dehiwaie 3000
Illinois 100000
Indiana 30000
Iowa 110000
Kansas 25000
Maine 30000
Maivhind 15000
Massachusetts 80000
Michigan 90000
Minnesota 50000
New Hainpshiie 21000
New lei sey 55000
New Y01 k 145000
North Dakota 10000
Ohio 70000
Oregon 7000
Pennsylvania 287000
Rhode Island 14000
South Dakota 15000
Ttah 4500
Vermont 2 1000
Washington 10000
West Virginia 12000
Wisconsin 100000
Wyoming 3000
Hrjan htatn
States Pluialitles
Alabama 00000
Ai Kansas 00000
C0I01 ado 40000
Gem gla 40000
Florida 23000
Ida ho 5000
Kentucky 8000
Loiilsiunu 30000
Mississippi 50000
Missouri 40000
Montana 18000
Nevada 2000
North Caiollnn 30000
South Cuiolluu 40000
Tennessee 30 000
Texas 175000
Virginia 30000
Doubtful Nebraska
New York
New York Nov 8 Political head
quarters In this city and stute aie be
lug abandoned and the campaign of
1900 is now history Kx Oovernor
Stone who has had charge of the Dem
ocratic national headquarters heie Is
pieparlng to return to Missouri Re
publican lenders of national reputa
tlon who hHve made their headquar
ters here In this city for a number ol
weeks past are also scattering to their
homes In different sections of the couu
try The huge plurality iccelved for
McKinley In the electoial college and
the certainty that the next cougiess
will be Republican has taken the keen
edge off popular Interest heie Rich
ard Croker despite the fact that the
newspapers of the city are discusblii
tho possibilities of an anti Tammany
Democratic organization Is pieparlng
to lenve for England In the near futme
Governor Roosevelt Is still resting at
Oyster Bay
The official returns as received nre
not materially changing the icsult and
McKlnleys plurality lemalns approxi
mately 115000 in the state John B
Stanchtleld the Democratic nominee
for governor 1111 ahead of ids partys
piesldentlal electois but Odells pin
lallty still remains about 100000 The
congressional delegation from New
New Voik state stands 21 Republltaiih
and 12 Demociats a Republican gain
of five Both bouucfc of the itatc legis
lature are Republican bj a large plu
Philadelphia Nov 8 Complete but
unofficial returns give McKlulcj 287
270 pluiallty In Pctinsvlvnlu
Itrplllitli aim Will llnti 11 loud Working
Washington Nov 8 Repiescntattvc
I oudensliigei who Is In 1 hinge of the
rasteiu hcailitiai lets ol the Republic
on lougicsxiimul 1 ouiniltlee said that
his lelmiis and Hie pics dispatches
Indliateil that the Republicans would
have 203 men bets In the next house
of icpiesentatUes umilust 151 foi the
At the licntlqtmi leis of the Demo
ciatlc tongiessloiial 1 oninilitee Mr
lveir the sciietaiv denied the dulius
made b the Itepublli mis to a u loillv
of riom III lo 50 In the next house He
snvs that the luloimatlou he has ie
ceived iniiKcs It icitiilu tint the Demo
tuts will have at least Hill nicmticis
with the pueqicit ol one 01 two nunc
seats w lib h aie still In doubt leaving
the Itepublli ins a iiiaoiil 011 Hie fine
ol picscut iidvlies ol iiulv 25
Ilciiiiliiiinl IiiiI Iti Inltit lis Cmit ml of
till lllll llllllM
Washington Nov S The senate as
sinning that the state leglslutiiies will
fulllll their ditlv and choose seuatois
to icpieseiit I heir st lies will stand 011
the basis ol TucsiIiivn elcttioii 19 Re
publii mis 27 HeiiiiieiiilH and 9 Imle
pendents with tin leglslutiiies In
doubt In lliice states with lie
llege ol electing live seiinlols lit tills
time The icgislntuicM In doubt ale
Deliiwine and NeliinsKii In each ol
which stales two seuatois ate to lie
i hoscii and Idaho with one seiuitoi inl
chair to be filled Among those 1 hissed
In the Independent loliimu me Sena
tots Stew ait of Nevada anil Kyle of
South Dakota who in the lust eon
giess acted will the Republicans on
all paity nintteis Tiiinci or Wash
Ingtou and Hauls of Kansas who
ni led with the Demociats and Well
lugton of Mainland
Irenldi nl lla n Trliiniilial lummy In I lie
Washington Nov 8 Piesldent Me
Klnles tilp 1 1 0 111 Canton was one con
tlnuous ovation to the twite elected
head of the nation At every stop
there weie gieut outpourings of the
people business was suspended and
many fuetoiies along the line added
their thousands of worKiiigiuen and
worklngwomeu to those who joined 111
enthusiastic gieetings The piesldent
appeared at each stop shaLlug hands
fiom the tear platform ami making
short speeches at the most Important
towns Mrs McKinley received her
share of the popular tribute men and
women stiuggliug to picscut her wit
floweis Patriotism the ting and the
volunteers uuifoim figured every
vhere and the trip was in the natuie
of u tilumphal Journey to the 1aplt1I
Senator Wolfott Prfratpd
Denver Nov 8 Returns from Tues
days election are slow coming In but
sufficient returns and caieful estimates
have been iccelved to show that Bry
mis pluiallty will be from 30000 to
35000 and may reach 40000 The Re
publican uianageis cotuede the legls
luture to the fuslonlsts by a majority
of 50 on Joint ballot Orman Dem
and the whole fusion ticket will have
about 25000 plurality The defeat or
Senator Wolcott for the senate Is gen
erally conceded but with several as
pirnuts In the fusion paity it is Impos
Bible to pi edict with any aicuracy who
his successor will be
Nashville Tenn Nov 8 The total
vote cast in Tennessee will fall 25 per
cent under that of 1890 and Bryan
carries the state by from 25000 to 30
000 votes McMilllns majority over his
Republican opponent McCall showing
the same figuies Democrats huve
added to their majority In the legls
lature while the congressional dele
gation stands as formerly 8 Demo
crats and 2 Republicans
Itlioile Iftlanil
Providence R I Nov 8 Corrected
unofficial returns from Rhode Island
give McKinley 33821 Bryan 10047
Maloney 1383 Woolley 1520 a plural
ity for McKinley of 13874 In a total
vote of 50077 His plurality fon
years ago was 22978 In a total vote of
54780 He carried every city and
town in the state as he did in 1890
Itnult Iu Arkao
Little Rock Ark Nov 8 Complete
returns ute corning in slowly but
enough is known to Indicate a plural
ity of 00000 for Bryan In Arkansas
Neither Demociats nor Republicans
polled their full stietigth In each of
the six congressional dlstilcts the Dem
ocratlc nominees for congress appear
to have tun slightly ahead of Bryan
and their majoilties tunge from 8000
to 15000
Utah I lor MiKlulry
Salt Lake Nov 8 -Returns are In
fiom about three foiutbs of the pre
cincts In the state Mi Klnleys major
ity Is 1500 Wells Rep 1 for governor
lias a majoiltv of 2 0ki and Sutheiliud
Rep tor ougiess IcuIh King by
1000 majoiity The senate will stand
9 Republicans and 9 Demociats The
Republicans elected 2fl icpiesentatlves
and the Democrats 17 making a Re
publican majority of 11 ou Joint ballot
Bryans Plurality i3 Estiniitcd
at About 8000
Onr iinui limn I IfiIihiI iy tin It mo
irat Hi Id Im th liniK VV illi Hold
I UK lliuk Hi till na lo Hull Id n 1 1 w
Louisville Nov 8 The Com lei Jour
nal with leliiius ftoui t700 out of
1881 ptccluits in Kent in kv puts Iliy
aus miilorllv at sootl und Mccllninin
llcini loi gov et not at 1000 These
maloiltles iiii both ouslileiably
suiallei than those hllheito claimed
lor the Heiuoi intle candidates but the
leiiialultig piecimts ate tor the most
pint licuioi intle and aie cvpcitcd to
liic tense the 11111 joi Itles or Rimiii and
Aicoiillug to special dlspiitchcH to
the Coin let lollllinl the election or
Ivehoe Hem oei lliab Iti p Iu the
Dili 1 oiigiessinnal distill t h 11 miijiilly
ol 250 Is c 0111 cilcd
A I I 30 11 in with 1 1 mo all but tj
out ot I ssi pieiliutM iu KenliicUv
the Coiulei 1 oil 1 mi I puts IIimiiis inn
loiltv at 77S I and Itcelthaius tit 1108
The missing piecluc Is me about cvenlv
divided bilweeii Deiiioc nits and lte
publii aim
ToMinoi Met khaiii at licuioi rntle
heailcpiai leis said I am absoliitelh
icilnlti that I have been elected gov
ei nor liv a ma lot Ity ot between 5000
aud 10000 otes
Leslie Coiulis hah mini of the Re
publican stale campaign i omuilttce
said We still believe that Mr cikes
has been elected by a miioillv or 3000
voles Our llgiues show that McKIn
lev litis inn 1100 votes behind Yeilies
Louisville Nov 8 Itiluitis 1 1 0111 75
counties loinpiete or neiuly complete
enilnaclng I 215 pice iuets out of a total
or I S77 pieclncts Iu the state give
Ilryan 151750 McKinley 137215
Heck ham 151030 Yeikes 138877 Ol
the counties not vet heaid fiom 10
gave In the last piesldciitial election
7234 Democratic pluialltv and 20 gave
19527 Itepublli an pluiallty
1ianlfoit Ky Nov 8 The Ken
tucky govei 1101 ship Is still being
claimed tiy both pintles at the state
capital The Demociats me claiming
advices showing Itcc khunis election
l 1 1 0111 4500 to 0000 while the Re
publicans claim the election or Veilter
by 2500 Independent voters me
dunging Hint the Republicans me hold
lug buck the tetiiins Iu the llth ills
trlct and t lit t the Demociats have done
likewise In the 1st the Republican and
Hcmociiitlc stroirholdH icspectlvclv
each waiting for the other side to make
a show down and that tills Is respon
sible Tor the1 delay In asceitalnlng the
North PuUila
Fargo N D Nov 8 The Republic
an pluiallty In Noith Dakota will be
rrom 10000 to 12000 There Is no
question about the election of all the
state ticket and the congiesumeu at
large and theie have been large Re
publican legislative gains Iu the state
Judiciary t10 letuins show the elec
tion of a Republican to the hllpieine
bench and tor the district com Is the
election of lodges lollocli in the 3d
Olaspell Iu the 5th Cowan In the 2d
and Winchester in the Oth while the
Democrats elected Midge 1isk who
was practically without opposition In
the 1st and ludgc 1 nuclei who lias
formci ly been a Republican Iu the
Uh In the 7th Candidates Kiiieshnw
and Spencer both claim a victory and
the result 11 icy not lie known till com
plete returns aie In Judge Lauders
fight was the bitterest of the cam
paign Judge Lauder can led bis home
aunty bv 1000 votes ahead of ills
ticket The tight was Iu the nature of
a ontest between him and Senator Me
Cumber of Wiihpetou
MrKlnlry Carrie Wlconnlii by 100000
Milwaukee Nov 8 Dveiythlug took
Its normal condition totla and theie
weie no signs that an election had
been held A complete figure of the
Republican vlctoiy in Wisconsin will
uot be known for perhaps several days
as many of the precincts are far dls
tuut fiom tallway stations and wl be
ient In by mall ienerul lirjant
chairman of the Republican state ecu
ttul committee today red need bis
claims of pluiallty sllxhtly from those
given out last night placing his latest
cbttmates at 100000 for both national
aud state tickets
Chairman Wan en of the Democratic
state oinnilttee speaking of the re
suit In the state said the stupendous
majorities weie a surprise to ever
body Republicans no less than Demo
Writ Vlrjtlnlii Solidly Jtrputillcan
Wheeling W Va Nov 8 West Vlr
ginla hits gono Republican by 12000
majority The eutlie state ticket Is
elected The congrtoslonal delegation
Is bolldly Republican The leglblatute
Is Republican In both bi inches lio to
5 iiJorlty on Joint ballot Insuring
the ie election of Senator Dlkliis
White River Junction Vt Nov 8
The teturns are unusually slow in get
ting In und 20 small towns bine not
been heard fiom The figures Horn th
other 220 i itles and towns give Mi
Kluley 40003 Bryan 12401 Mt Km
ky pluiullly 28UZ
IrW iiln lliuiir statu Itiilln Ip an Iu
en nnril Iliirnllt
Columbus O Nov 8 Republican
State Chiiltmau Dick says Unolll
lal leluniH n oin 81 or the 88 OlinllcM
waiianl the claim or 70000 foi McKIn
l mid we elec I 17 of the 21 memheru
of coiigns a gain ol 2 members
I he isiltiiiite on the rout uiIrnIiik
coiintltH ninlci the pluialllv about 73
boo oi a net Republic mi gain or about
22000 met the vote or Uill Tho Re
public mis gained Iu 77 counties and
the Demociats in II most of the Dem
oeiutlc gains being III Cleveland
cumuli titni Toledo whole it la ie
pen lid Hint most or the vote that May
oi lone ii n 1 1 Ived hist year for gov
ciiicii went rm lliyuii The hngest
pievloiis pliiialltt ror governor In Ohio
was IOOiio lin Lincoln but on a much
Hiiiallei vole ban Hint east this yeat
The lolnl Mite TuchiIiiv was about I
100 Mill Hie laigesl eei msl In ho
stale noil Hie vole ror minor paitleji
was mii mi 1 1 i than usual I be Repub
Hi mis i ai i ii cl nil or the cloMi or doubt
ful coiiKiesslcimil cIMilil electing Ja
cob 10 iclici In Hie HOI b bv less Hutu
500 Unbelt VI Neln III Hie 3d 211
and Tunnel Tomphlns Iu the tJIh by
a iilmalltv or HI
Cointli l It tut im Sli a Ilui itllty of
loi Miilllnli i
Topeln ban No S Returns le
c eh ed toda oulv tend to cotilttm tho
eilllV esliiiialis ol the lesult of Hie
election Iu Kniisas Itnc tic ullj com
ph Ie leliiius show Hint McKinley has
a pluialilv ol 25100 and thai the lte
publii an slate Hi Lot Is slice ohsIuI by
a plinallfv or piobablv 50IK less Tin
Icglslnliiie will be Republic mi iu both
biauilies liiHiiiing tin cleillon of it
Repulilli mi rolled States senator to
Niiiceccl I in len Hatter The Repub
lie aim have ceitalnly elec led seven
ougicsNincii one dlslilcl the 3d be
ing still Iu cliiibt with the chances In
favor or the fusion candidate Tho
elccllou or Hie ruslon candidate In Hih
distill I would leave Hie delegation In
Kiiigiess as ai picscut 7 KcpubllcuiiH
anil 1 rusloulst
MoHlnlry Hrrli Pi tlir Ntatn lij a IlllraKly
ol at liaal USOIIO
Itiillamiiolls Nov 8 A pluiallty or
unvwheie riom 28HX to 32000 for the
Republican uiilloiial ticket the elec
tion or Colonel W T Dm bin Hep to
Hie goveiuoishlp the election of tho
Utile slate mil Million county Repub
lican tickets and nine pcihips tcir
congressmen Is a siimmaiv Iu brief of
TiK hduys buttle at the polls In I lull
nna An unexpected development Is
the fait that the Republicans made
their strongest gains In Democratic
stiougliolds Iu seven heretofore
stiougly Dciiiociatlc counties McKin
ley and the slate ticket showed n
greatet ratio of gain than was shown
by the liguis fiom seveial stiong Rt
puhllcan counties
Mlniimoln ovirnomlili In Doubt
St Paul Nov 8 The onh point tin
settled In tin- Minnesota election Is the
ontest ovei the goveiuoishlp Kvery
thing else has gone Republican by inn
Jorities so huge that theie Is no possi
bility of change Tains IIKby chair
man of the Republican state oinnilt
tee figuies nut 8751 plurality for Van
Sunt while Chali man Roslpg of the
Dciiiociatlc stHte committee from the
figures icpoited to him fools up 12
000 plurallti for Llnd The preset t
teturns have favoied Van Sunt but
bis lead Is slight The McKlnhv vote
stems considerably more than 50000
over thut of III vim However theie
aie vailous unexpected things to the
ret in ns and Hie govei uorship will have
to lie called doubtful until much more
complete n turns have been iccelved
Boise Nov 8 -The latest returns in
die ate that Ne Penes county Is very
close and tiiit the fuslonlsts have part
or all of the legislative delegation
That county was veiy stiougly Kepuir
llcan in 1890 and was relied ou this
year Latah county also stiougly Re
publican beietofore Is very close nud
the Republic tins do not know whether
they will have four of the legislative
delegation or the entire six It seems
altogether piobuble the legislature wilt
be fusion
Detiolt Nov 8- Returns from th
state give President McKinley a pluiiu
Ity of 90858 and Colonel A T Bliss
the Republican candidate for governor
09059 Colonel Bliss is l unuiug about
20000 behind his ticket and Mayor
Maybniy the Democratic guberna
torial andldate is a corresponding
number ahead of his ticket In 1890
McKlnleys plurality In Michigan was
50170 OoM iiior Plngree lui 200H
ahead of the Republican ticket that
j ear getting u plurality of 75107
IVtllKrcw Snout d Under
Slou rails S 1 Nov S -Eight
bundled and foitv one pieclncts out of
1150 in South Dakota give McKinley
a plurulitv of 11141 Pettigiew hag
been ovei v helnilngly defeated It is
estimated that out of 50 counties he
cturidl but I luce tor his Ieglslatho
Cheveniie Wy Nov S Returns
fiom 174 piecJiuts out of 300 In Wy
oming give a innjoiity of 3000 for Mc
Muliy and 45H for Moudell Rep
or cougiess The entile Republican
cgislative ticket with the exception of
out U elected