I C2X9EUINJUUMa Examine our New Ladies Dress Skirts A Slock worthy of your Fall Dress Goods hyiHon MinpnsinK nil t ho new Woavivs and Iuhncs of the Rea son Hoods from 15 ronls per yard up to 22 German Tabic Linen Wo are still keeping up our reputa tion on tho Popular lennan Meadow Bleached Table Linen Price tho same as evor 50 and 75 cunts Lace Curtains Tho best and lMnest Selections and Porticrs Jd anywhere Irish Point and Brussels Patterns A jiootl and KSint pair at 200 Portiors in Now Turkish designs Special Nobby Waists And Spocial they are in Flannel and Silk evory sonso of the word Klegant Now Patterns and tho best of goods See our 100 and 125 Flannel and our 150 Silk Waist and judge for yourself are as much in demand as ever and wo aro showing a very impressive lariro assortment of the now makes Wo aro offering extra values in our 125 150 and 200 Black Figured Skirts THK NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMUBR 1 1900 THAT DOLLAR OF YOURS Can Buy More and Bring Better Results than Ever Before at BAUM BROTHE The Banner Stock And by far the Largest and Best in Northern Nebraska Ladies Misses and Childrens Cloaks Jackets Capes and Suits Garments that Fit and Please the Eye and Purse Our reputation for carrying the Newest Nobbiest and most Popular Jarmonts is well known and we always aim to bo up with tho times in getting the best tho market affords Jackets are particularly nobby this Season Double Breasted Silk Lined throughout handsomely Tailored and Perfect Fitting Ladies and Misses Automobile Coats in ICastor Shades Tho host on earth for the money 650 850 and 1000 Black Blue and Kastor Kersey Jackets The greatest attraction in our Cloak Department AVe are prepared for the great demand for nice Furs Capes Col larettes Clusters Scarfs Muffs and Childrens Sets of course Prices tho Lowest RS Grx octt JFoXl GLXxdL 7Vrotor alo of DRY GOODS HND CLOTHING We arc now prepared to show a complete and full assortment of New and Desirable Goods t A Stock Thoroughly Up to Date in Quality and Style in Every Department saxna A Word About Silks Keep Warm 3300 A solid satisfaction awaits you when you come to investigate the Bright lot ot Now Autumn Shades for Dresses Trimming and Fancy Work Prices 50c Got- 100 Interesting and of Vicunas Flannelettes Out New Stock ins and other Cotton goods One case of the Best 10 cent Outing at 7 cents a yard With one of our new Waterloo Golf or Beaver Shawls They are tho best A good Beaver Shawl at 200 250 and Ladies and Childrens Winter Underwear Wrappers and House Jackets We are ready to fitaud fill every need for Fall and Winter Weight Un derwear Call for our 50 cent Ladies Jersey Under wear and our 25 cent Union suit and get surprised An Extra Fine Selection in both articles good fitting and good material A Fine Wrapper for 75 cents 100 and 1 25 All shades Eider Down House Jackets at 75 cents and 100 Here is Where we Outdo Them Allln our Large Clothing and Furnishing Goods Department WHATEVER IS BEST YOU WILL FIND HERE Honest Kelinblo Mens Suits Overcoats and Ulsters Stylish and servicable Boys Suits and Overcoats And what pleases the Mothers most is tho assortment of our Elegant and Nobby Junior Suits for Little Folks Everything You May Want in Furnishing Goods and the best Immense Assortment of Shirts Hats Caps Gloves Ties llandkerchieves and Underwear Boforo you decide to buy any Fall or Wintor Clothing or Mens Wear we wish you to come in our store and look at our goods and see the prices we are making Wherever you go in this country the 11 art Schaffnor Marx Suits and Overcoats are the recognized Standard of Style and Fit They are Without an Equal That is why we have thorn The Simple Plain Talk of the Prices that are Right is our Convincing Argument Without Doubt or Hesitation Come and Reap the Best Value your Dollar Ever Bought Luu Ho river fllmiVi nnli fur McKlnloy Franklin MaeVeagh the Chicago merchant who six ears ago was tho democratic election for the United States senate has written a letter to Henry C Jajne of the republican na tional committee declaring his inten tion to ote for McKinley and to do nil in his power to bring about his re election Mr MaeVeagh is u gold democrat and asserts that silver is the paramount issue He sas that Hrynn would make an unsafe execu tive nnd that the greater number of Hrynn gold democrats do not want Hrynn elected furthermore that ninny gold democrats lime come out for Hrynn with the obvious view of being in line for influential rasitions in the event Nebraskan Is elect ed Mr MaeVeagh adds that the Philippine question can wait but that it is necessary that the country should immediately be saved fror Bryuuism The democrats were not so fear fully afraid of our large standing army when tnc oted last year that more men were needed in the Phil ippines With few exceptions they oted for the increase and when the question was pending they made ut terances that look queer when com pared with what the are saying now when small polities are doing There was Senator Francis M Cock rell of Missouri On the 23th of Feb ruary 1S09 he biild bpeakiug ou the army bill This measure has been examined carefully and I want to say I in dorse it I indorse it because I be lieve It Is right and just nnd prop er and necessary and in addition to that it will settle for years to come the question of the reorganization ot the regular standing army When 1001 conies the army will revert to what it is provided for in the pending bill without debate or contention and it will remain at that tigu e and I think that is amply sufficient 1 have been connected with sev eral efforts to reorganize the army We have never been able to get any thing Hint could meet with approval nnd I bcliete honestly and conscien tiously that this is the best measure that has been presented to the con gress of the United States for set tling the regular army of the United States since I entered this chamber on the of March 1S75 1 do not believe that you will ever get a bet ter one Therefore I hhall endorse the bill I vote for it heart ily and cheerfully I beiieve It is right in the sight of God and man nnd I am willing to take the respon sibility for it Senator Hichard R Kenncy of Del- nware democrat said on February 27 1S99 I agree with the distinguished sen ator from Missouri Mr Cockrell 1 believe it is right in the sight of God and man and like him 1 nm willing to take my shnre of the responsibil ity for its enactment Kenntor A O Bacon of Georgia said on February 27 1S99 1 am voting to furnish the presi dent with 71000 men which he and his secretary of war say are neces sary to enable the president to per form the duty imposed upon the ex ecutive by the ratlficatlonof the treaty of the annexation of the Philippine islands 6till more emphatic was Congress man William Sulzer of New Vork now i Brynn boomer On March 1 speaking on the army bill he said 1 nm in favor of it and shall do all I can to pass it Fifty live members of the senate voted for it nnd only 13 voted against it I trust that every democrat who sympathizes with the men under arms at Manila with our soldiers and sailors in the Philippines will uphold nt this crit ical moment the hands of the presi dent and give him the power vested in him by the terms of this bill I am n partisan but in times like these I nlvvoys subordinate my partisanship to my patriotism We should all be patriots to day We must not forget we must not forsake our brave and heroic soldiers and sailors who are upholding and defending our flag in the orient This is no time to be captious This is no time to split hairs or play small polities We should do our duty We should do whnt is right and the people will judge us accord ingly BRYANS PROPHECIES Farm Product Weill lp in Siilte of Ilia Dolt fill tlletiona Farmers Dont forget that Bryan predicted 40 GREAT IS TAMMANY Bryans Connection with Croker and Commercialism THER8 a colored was arrested at Alltla charged with usMiultlng Siitiih Hovel a widow Hooker was taken before the grand jury Before an indictment was re turned Sheriff John Holier wan com pelled to got liis prisoner out of town to prevent a lynching Indignation ls high In Allila and the timely action of the sheriff undoubtedly saved Bookers life IrtiiurliiK to lEtMilvi Kitigir Marseilles Nov 1 The Kramer re ception committee lias Issued an ap peal to the population to participate in the demonstrations that are being arranged for Mr K rubers reception but to abstain from hostile acts or words toward u nation friendly to France Akron Hint or Cnuvlclml Akron O Nov 1 Harvey Marl one of the rioters Indicted by the -special grand jury was yesterday convicted of Illegally possessing and using dyna mite This Is the tlrst of the riot cases to he tried Iroiiton tllll StnrU Up Irontou O Nov 1 I ronton mill owned by the Uepublic Iron and Steel company and which has been Idle since May last was started today giv ing employment to 1100 men Iatnl rail rroin CHIT rUlora la Nov 1 Thomas M llniley an old resident of Hardin coun ty fell HO feet from a cliff iu Ulver side park and was killed CtTlilu Iorco Occupit it Yiiiik Slut Berlin Nov 1 A special dispatch from Peking says mi Anglo flennan force lias occupied Yung Sing Kii west of Shan Hal Kwuu ou the Tsung THIi LAST ARMY BILL lj cireil 1 Uciiititiiiti In CiniKrcai hen Tlli uUil I list Ilir cent wheat ten cent corn and ten cent potatoes unless he was elected And remember That the advance In prices in the New York market between July 2 1S90 and July 5 1900 the dates of his first nnd second were Per Cent Increase Wheat 35 Corn c Oats 3 Lard to Muss poik 0 lieof 41 Cotton ro Wool iii a li Uuttcr 37 Average 45 4 Mr Br an wasnt much of a prophet was he Now he sajs the prosperity is not real and predicts the fall of the repub lic Mr Bryans predecessors all said in 1S01 and 1S72 that the republic was dead It isnt Mr llrj an is as good a prophet as the were Two Hud UUpm Diogenes being asked What is that beast which Is the most dangerous teplled Of wild beasts the bite of n slanderer nnd of tame beasts that of the tlatterer If the average man could read tho story of his life he wouldnt believe It Chicago News Sonrcc of lit llcvenue Which Aliln to the Uiiniioriitle CniniuiK 1uiiiIn An Infiimoti Alliance One of the most remarkable attacks ever delivered against Bryan was the likening him to Satan uy Carl Sehur5 on September 5 1S96 In his famous speech nt the Central Music hall Chicago Mr ScIumv said Mr Bryan has a taste for Scrip tural illustration He will remem ber how Christ was taken up on a high mountain and promised all the glo ries of the world if He would fall down nnd worship the devil He will nlso remember what Christ nnswered So the tempter now takes the Amer ican people up the mountain and says I will take from you half your debts if you will worship me But then brave old Uncle Sam rises up in all his dignity manly pride and hon est wrath and speaks in thunder tones Get thee behind me Satan for it is written that thou bhalt wor ship the God of truth honor and righteousness and Him alone shult thou serve Since 1S9G Mr Schurz has become one of those who has listened to the voice of the same tempter he warned the American people against in 1S9G Not for all the glories of tne world but for infinitely cheaper reasons he has fallen down to worship the one who in 1S9G lie pictured as akin in his principles to Satan Brvan is still as in 1S9G the personification of the doctrine thou mnyst steal from the laborer 50 per cent of his hire nnd from the farmer 50 per cent of his crop value Mr Schurz worships his new idol with his face turned away He Is nshnmed to mention his name when he gives testimony in his cause But by their works shall ye know them and by his present works Mr Schurz leaves no question in public mind whose servant he has become Mr Bryan has recently said Great Is Tammany and Croker is its prophet He has in these words made an oppn expression of his sympathy with the political power which tends to make of Greater New York a hell on earth The New York World democratic has figured out that Crokers commit tee is collecting 4150000 a year through the police as a tax on crime and gives a list of the forms of vice nnd the average rate of tribute which Is from 75 per month to 100 per week each as follows lTO poolrooms jfl0000 100 swell gambling houses 520000 1000 little cntnbllmr houses 1300000 500 policy Bhops 630000 1000 dives 900000 Illicit tax on crime per year 4150000 And this is the supply tank which pours revenue into the campaign fund of Bryan Every dollar of it is tainted Every dime nnd every penny is smeared with the vileness of the slums harlot ries and criminal joints and dens of New York city This Is the trust in crime to which Carl Schurz has seen fit to lend the respectability of his name FARMERS GROW WEALTHY Gain Over a Illlllon Dollars In Crop nnd Ile Stock In the Lnal Year Washington Oct 24 A statement of the value of nine of the principal crops of the United States for 1900 and of the animals on the farms has has just been made by the depart ment of agriculture The crops included in the state ment nre corn cotton wheat oats potntoes barley rye hay and buck wheat nnd their aggregate value is 2707057500 The same crops last year were worth 2000023171 so that for these nine crops alone the farm ers received a total of C47034329 more than in 1S99 and that was ad mittedly one of the most prosperous years ever known by the producer of the United States The live stock statement is equally gratifying Swine nre not included in the totals as the information is not available but the total value of the horses mules cows and other cattle and sheep this year amounts to 2212750 57S while the same an imals on the fnrm last year were worth 1520900604 This is an increase of 3S5855914 Adding this to the gain in crop val ues and the farmers nre over a bil lion dollars better off than they were n year ago the exact figures being 1032590243 This gain in one year would be sufficient to pay the entire interest paying debt of the United States No Sectional Iliien Sectionnl lines no longer mar the map of the United States Sectional feeling no longer holds back the love we bear each other Fraternity is the national anthem sung by a chorus of 45 states and our territories at home and beyond the sens The union is once more the common altar of our love and loaltoui devotion and saeiifiee The old Hag again waves over us in peace with new glories which cur sons nnd ours have this jear added to its sacred folds What cause we have for re joicing saddened only by the fact that so many of our brave men fell on the field or sit kened and died from hard ship nnd expsoure nnd others return ing bring wounds nnd disease from which the will long suffer The mem ory of the dead will be a precious leg nc and the disabled will be the na tions caie President McKinleys speech before the Legislature in Joint Assembly at the State Capitol Atlanta Ga December 14 1S93 SOUTH REACHING FOR TRADB Ilcpnhllonn Turin and Currency JLimtji Have Helped That Section No section of the country has had a larger share of the general prosperity during the present administration than the south and it has been due mainly to the operations of the repub lican tariff and currency laws as the southern business men now under stand and acknowledge Never before in the history of the United States baa the output of the southern iron ore and pig iron lumber coal and coke been so large as it has been in the past two yearB and not for years if ever have the prices been so high Never before was so large a propor tion of southern products shipped from southern ports Never before hae money been loaned there at auoh low interest All this has occurred under the gold btandard and the pro tective tariff A few years ago the eouth had practically no manufac tures it has now over 1000000000 Invested in factories paying over 350000000 in wages and producing between 1500000000 and M000000 OO0 products yearly Moat of thia increase has been secured under the present administration and it is di rectly due to the operation of the re publican policies Senator N B Scott of West Virginia Hanl Flic I a yn Ietiiiliiiliii BradstreetV says There was a grand total of decrease in the liabili ties in failures in the first six months of 1900 from the corresponding period of lb9G of 45471726 Mr Bryan says The much-vaunted prosperity is on the wane Which is right the hard fact busi ness agenc or the intellectual dys peptic j Sqnareljr Met The Republican platform doesnt equivocate or dodge Every Issue in fairiy met and frankly treated j V- i