7 T A HE iiOSIJiBllBl Powder Magazine at Proving Grounds Probably Destroyed MANY LIVES POSSIBLY LOST TriiiiiiiiIolM ConrilxIiMiN Minkn lltillillitK Twcntj Mllrn limn the Mtim1 Allrr Willed Ilimit of ii Irnil Ilie Were l jVItfOWIIll lllltllllt Sliiiiks IVIt Washington Oct An oxploMon occurred nt the Indian llcud proving gionndt hist night A fliiMi of light visible some distance accompanied til explosion which was followed by n lire The explosion shook the win dows of houses In Alcindrhi 111 miles from liullnn Ileiul Theie Is no direct communication with the proving grounds by which dctnlls enn be hud The grounds are niilew down the Potomac river from Washington and runny of the big gutiM and much of the ormor Is tested tlicr It Is believed the powder mtiiiizhie was destroyed The llrst shook wns felt over u ra dius of i miles A number of other explosions followed nt recurrent Inter vals Illuminating the surrounding country At Quantlco ten miles be low Indian Head one explosion after another was heard and bricks were shaken from chimneys Torts Unit and Vashlngton 11 miles north of In dian Head were shaken by the ex plosion The tug Triton left the navy yard soon after the explosion for the prov ing grounds There are several otll cers and a number of enlisted men and workmen at the place AFRAID OF REBEL FORCES CIiIuc hc General Htlolm to the ClljNo Pitched Ilattlcn Foucht Yet Canton Oct U3 According to ofli clnl reports all the cities in the IIul Chow prefecture aie still holding out the rebels confining themselves to cap turing vilas and slaughtering Isolated bodies of imperial troops The rebels are also actively recruiting and are now estimated to number 10000 There Las been no pitched battle The Chi nese general commanding at Hui Chow Is afraid to leave the city for fear of being cut off Powers Acting Independently Victoria iSvt The steamer Kihshin Main arrived yesterday with advices that late engagements result ing in the occupation of Pel Tang and Lutai forts and other actions have been made Independently and show that the alliance of nations has been dissolved Russia Germany and France alone attacked Pel Tang and Lutai giving no notice but simply com municating the result to the com muuders of the other powers SklrmlftheH Between UiibmIiiiih and Chlnexe St Petersburg Oct 125 Skirmishes continue between the Russians and the Chinese nt various points along the Manehurinn railroad The Amur Ga zette which is published nt Itlagoves tensck capital of the Amur govern ment asserts that the Chinese bank of the Amur river will lie offered to Russian settlers It is reported that the construction of a railway between Wagovesteusck and Tsitsikar has been decided upon Chicago Official Loie Tlielr John Chicago Oct 25 As a result of an Investigation by the Chicago civil service commission that body yester day discharged Superintendent of Streets M 7 Dohcrty for alleged lack of executive ability and Chief Side walk Inspector John Panock accused of incompetency Superintendent of Sewers It O S Burke and Superin tendent of Special Assessments John A May were censured for laxity in the conduct of their departments DcrMon In Ilcimijini te Dmii Case Des Moines Oct - The supreme court decided the famous Bonaparte dam case against the people and the fish and In favor of the Meeks who own the dam under a Mate and grant contract Action was brought by the state on account of the people above the dam to have it removed because being without a lishway It was a nul tsance This petition was dismissed and the supreme court nlllrms Mute Denver Oct 5 The Trans Missouri freight bureau concluded a two days session In tbU city The proposition to i evoke rates on live stock wiih favored by a majority of the lines but action was deferred IrJ consequence of the strenuous oppo sition of the Colorado Hues on the ground that It would greatly Injure trade In this territory by placing pro hibitive rates on sheep Report on Union Printer Home Indianapolis Oct - The report of the treasurer of the Union Printers home for six the months ending Aug SI WOOshows a balance In the trcufi ury of 10QaS72j Of tills sum fLV MOTO Json deposit in the Fletcher National bank Indianapolis t Drexii Co New York haye W8i240 of the funds The expenditures In the six months were 22lrA Cape Town Welcomes Duller Cape Town Oct iaAslr Kcdverir Duller who lauded yesterday en route tv England who accorded a uiugnltl Norfolk Weekly News i cent reception The mayor of Cape Town presented to him mi address m I the presence of thousands of citizens etilonlzlng his great sei vices to Cape Colony n ml to the cinplie Speeches In the same strain weie made by lead ing public men SESSION OFGRAND CHAPTER Orilrr of lutcrii Mm I Mem toltepoit ill lln Ollltrln Des Moines Oct The grand chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star at Us meeting yesterday received the tcports of the grand secretary and tieastiier ami of the committee on con stitutional revision Addiesses by the grand matron ami grand patron opened the meeting at the Auditorium Mrs Olive I Hetkuith worthy matron of the Des Moines chapter delivered an address of welcome Mrs Freda Op penhelmer associate grand matron ponded The repoit of the grand sec retary showed a total membership In the state of lHUSU being a net gain of lISt since thu last preceding report Thcie aie now liJiO chartered chapters and il chapters under dispensation making a total of U01 chapters Im pressive memorial services were con ducted by the grand chapter at the Auditorium last evening The services were behind closed doors hs are all services of the chapter BOERS HARASS BRITISH Guneinl Frenchs uluiini Kiieouuters Op- puiiitliMi Iloliertn Oilum Liberty to TIiiihu Sui icnilerlni Cape Town Oct 25 Guerrilla at tacks by the Doers are still giving gicat trouble General French en countered continuous opposition in his march from Carolina to Bethel his casualties numbering 30 After the arrival of Lord Methucn at Zerust there was a reconnaissance in force noithward which resulted on Sunday in the discovery of large num bers of Doers who were only dis lodged after artillery and ride lire last ing four hours The British had four killed and ten wounded The Doers take shelter in farm houses which are crowded with women and children Lord Roberts is distributing a tresh ciicular to thu effect that Doers vol untarily surrendering who have never taken the oath of neutrality will not be cllel but will be permitted to re turn to their farms at the conclusion ot hostilities MONEY SCARCE IN SWEDEN ISalauce of Trade Aifninst tlio Country ami Drain Ih to He Pelt Stockholm Oct 2I The extraordi nary scarcity of money which has been growing more acute for a month is so seriously affecting commercial cir cles as to threaten a crisis The bal ance of foreign trade continues against Sweden and the iepeated con traction of gold loans abroad fails to palliate the situation Industries are daily launched but adequate capital Is not available and the newspapers are filled with appeals from manufact ure s in desperate straits for money K taullnh Itural Serlee Washington Oct 2i Kuiiil free de livery will be established at Odell Neb on Nov 1 The service will em brace an area of -10 square miles TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS The Tejrgia legislature convened Wednesday Governor Deckham of Kentucky has approved the non partisan election bill passed at the extra session of the legislature A negro woman named Carrie Cald well who lived near Charlotte N C killed her three children with a razor and committed suicide Joseph Chesser a lending lumber dealer was assassinated at Norton Va while going out of a hotel The assassin has not been arrested Dr Campos Sallos president of Bra zil has arrived at Duenos Ayres The object of his visit Is to check the ag gicsslve policy of Chile toward other South American states Articles of Incorporation were filed nt Santa Fe Wednesday for the Fl Paso Pecos Valley and KiMem rail way extending from Itoswell to El Paso a distance of 17 miles The steamer Amliy bound for Val paraiso was gutted by lire and aban doned off Montevideo One boats crew was picked up hut the fate of the others has not been ascertained George Mnleaster aged 17 was shot nnd instantly killed Wednesday by Ar thur Anderson aged 10 by the accl dental discharge of a gun while the boys were out hunting near Murphys boro Ills Advices from Omlnlca confirm the re port that the parties working on the Dawson telegraph line failed to con nect owing -to au error In the survey nnd tlyit It will be Impossible to com plete the work before next summer The Ioughllu shovel works at Mar tins Ferry O employing t0 bunds closed Indefinitely President Gless ner refused to confirm or deny the re port that the American Axe and Tool company trust has bought out the plant William A Paulson convicted at Chicago of receiving a deposit in the Central Trust and Savings bank of Which hevf6 president whlltfkndw ing the bah to be Insolvent1 WednVW day was sentenced to serve au IndeUr mlutite Btateuce in prWon NORFOLK NEBRASKA TlllliSDAY KTOHKK 2 liKX 181 1 I Proceedings of the Protestant Episcopal Council FAVOR RENEWED ACTIVITY Ilinltni lei nf the Clinreli liji lnereed Appiopi liitlim Inr MIloniii Wink Woniiin Mlolcnmi ten il the MetlmdUt Clin 1 1 II Aioelulile III Im e lit Won unlet Louisville Oct 2 Itlshop Whipple picsldcd al the second days session of the missionary uuuell of Hie Ptotes t mi t Episcopal church A lesolutloii offeicd by G K Ialiiianls of Illinois endorsing the action ol the bonitl of managers providing for au luci eased appiopilatlnti for missionary woik was adopted There was a geneial sentiment In favor of renewed actlvjty In mlsslouaiy woik The general topic for discussion was Missions the Vocation of the Church At noon there was a special prayer servlie alter which Dlshop Holly of Uaytl made a statement concerning his work He was followed by Dlshop William Mctiee who spoke of his work In Cuba At the afternoon session the topic was Parochial Organization for Mis sion Work Dlshop Tuttle spoke very pointedly though good nnltiredly on the failure of cei tain pailshes to contribute to missions Dlshop MeKhn of Dalllmoie offered a lesolutloii striking out the word foieign In the name of the olll clal missionary society The lesolu tloii provoked lively discussion The point was raised that Christian mis sionaries could not be sent to Christian countries like Cuba and Brazil Wiiiiiim Mlxfliiopry Hoelety Worcester Mass Oct 25 The 11st annual convention of the Womans Missionary society of the Methodist church of the United States opened for a session to last eight days In Trinity church yclcrdny About 2000 women were present Including prominent mis sion workers and missionaries from all parts of the world The address of welcome was by Mrs William Butler and the response by Mrs M S Hus ton of Duiilngtou la There were ad dresses by missionaries on the topic Incidents of Evangelistic Tours NEBRASKA SUFFRAGISTS Fltty IeleKtM Attend tile Tuenlletli An il mil ConiciitliMi nt ltlalr Blair Neb Oct 25 The 20th an nual convention of the Nebraska Kqual Suffrage association opened yesterday About 0 delegates from all over the slate are here fully twh c the number Miss Gicgg suite secre tary expected The national ofllceis Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt and Miss Hay aie heie Doth addressed the convention The forenoon was taken up with rou tine business and the afternoon with papers Miss Gregg of Omaha and Mrs Cotton of Table Rock made the principal speeches leinforccd by Mrs Dorh To well of Derwyn The state officers elected for the next year are President Mrs Clara A yon fig of Broken Bow vice presi dent Mrs Amanda J Marble of Table hock cotrespolMlllig sei it liry Miss aAAMrtAAAVidM6rafV Nellie TaMo of Mnlen How Ic old JS8pMW log Mni Mm Ida I De of fiPvWv Telamiih Mrs GiofL e 3n aaaiiMiHia W xit sftlMt flflHVHHjH My- was in minutes the HHHfflHS vtlit limit S union Canton O Oct 2i Seeietniy Roots meeting here last night was au Im prompt affair The Ginnd Arni baud and lie union Republli au league maiiiml to the MiKluley home to escort the sim i clary Vn Immense crowd followed ami thcie was an en Ihtisiastli Invasion of iln McKlulcv lawn The ptesiiirtit himself cscoi led the secieiarv to lle caiilage Scire laiy Rool delivered au elunise ad dless inveiiinr all the ipiestlous III volved In Hie eanipalgn lie was fie Uently luternipted by applause Al one point In his spi h he letiewed the chaise that the hope ot ami a deslte to aid In Mr Bryans election Itisplied a i oiitliiiiiince of Hie light In the Phil Ippllles llllMeit llinne Dlnnei ill Itm iiiett Mull Chicago Oct 2i The MariUetti club held a prospcilty harcs hoiui festival at the Coliseum Inst nlghl Twenty live bundled people sal al the banquet tables on the main Hour be sides a number of spcclatois In the galleries The Immense hall was dee orated with grain fruits pumpkins and other products of the farm giving the appearance of the Moral building of an old fashioned county fair The supper consisted of tin key pork anil beans doughnuts eider and other rural viands James H Whedon piesldeiil of the Marquette club presided am speeches weie delivered by Senator M A lliinnn 1 K CnldiNnn of Kansas and Henry D ICslubrool ol Chit ago lilvli Spiuk Nclii iinlui City Ncluasla OR v Oel 2i John P It Mi ol ralllnrula liTim a campaign of the slate heie last night speakiiii under Hie auspices of the gold Demo ciats of the state but in leality in the liiteiests of the Republican national ticket He was intiodiircd by fonuer Secieliirj of Agi culture J Steillng Moi ton IlKlit or CiiiiIiiiI of luellle Mall New York Oct 2 -The Mail and Express says that four transconti nental raihoads aie lighting to secure contiol of the Pacific Mail Steamship company and the contest Is going on in the open maiket This light Is said to be between the Atchison 1nlnii Pa cilic Missouri Pacific and Southern Pacific to obtain absolute control o the steamship company Mil or Shows Cunt Inn Marseilles Oct 25 M Klalssleres mayor of Marseilles on being Invited to participate in manifestations on the arrival heie of Mr Kruger asked for lime to reflect explaining that he de sired to Know the exact nature of the demonstrations and declining that he did oof Intend to take any action like to cieale diplomatic dllHciilties 1neiiHlncnii lit inktantinnplr London Oct 2 Great uneasiness was created in palace circles says the Constantinople correspondent of the Dally Mall by the report that an American squadron was approaching nnd the censor was Instructed to foibid the pi ess from mentioning t lie matter mio3 iJlnil0 ml P HaU1 Uj JaaPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaV Ba jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaV aW rm W BBBaW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIBBBbI IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBT 1 fllHalllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll No other aid so great to the housewife no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious pure and wholesome foods has ever been devised J I u I 4 I I Tiere are imitation baking powders sold cliddp by many grocers Tlieytoe made from alum ousdiug which renders the food injurious to health ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO 100 WIUIAM ST NEW YORK j k mmnm im ajfHfl HaflalamrlPaHIn Lll 4r2 iJlnitJ lBlialaMaaM JMaVaJll HfaT ai i i il n Crar sW9J3P taitttei C Make Out a List of What You Need In the way of Lumber and Building Material Then come in and let us tell you not how much but how Mini it will cost you We can ically make you a very low price on any kind of a bill Lower peiliups than you can get elsewhere Thcies no question about tlio quality we oil en L C MITTELSTADT NORFOLKS LUMBERMAN Norfolk National 2 imkw N A HA IN HOLT Irnnnlimt AlKXANDKIt IIIaU Vicai Proalilnn W II HUtllOI Ciinliinr IC W 111 ArfclhtnliU imlilor Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Iolnt In Kurupw A General StcniiiHlilp and Foreign Passage HiihIiicsh Transacted DIHiaOTOBS A IIKAIl Y V IIANIiON I J IIAMC W II IIUUHPlZ WM ZUT Z NA ItAINIIOIr JOHN It HAYH Y VHHdICH 8 HCOTTON U A IUIKAHT Piikhiiiknt CIIAS H IIMDHK Vice 1uhiiiint W II JOIINBON lAHHiKn W 1IHAAHCU Amht Chiiieb The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 t Surplus 5000 liny and nell iiirliiinnc mi IIiih rouiilr i ml all pnrlH uf Kuriiim Iliini Luhiid Olrrctors Caki Ahhlh W 11 Ioiim on iiah S Hujwik J W Hiiaahi a O M Hwank U A LriKAiir T K Mimmimiiii I Hihhionh C W BRAA8CH DEALER IN ICO 1 Exclublve ancnt lur the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best In the market fjcranUm Hard Coal In ull hIzch TELEPHONE 1 W C AMLHAN AHLMAN BROS The Nurfolk IJicycJo Wen PropnetorH TJji C W AI1LMAN NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Miiimfnct urci 1- JoIiImtp iiimI Duiilcrb Iij Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs AKfiir fur Wiillliiim M miiifiirt uriiiK CoV Orieiit tlui IIiicfI StrniiKtint nml Kiittiht IliiMln in tlui Wnrlil W11 nlm liniiillii llm Arn n Wtirlil Ti llilllii Hi ubo I Sriiiiiiin InttrK nml nur nun nmlc mllicr clunk or clminlcn uliirli will ho known ns U- tlm Ahliniiii hill dam juj t We do Repairing Promptlyfand Reasonable boS Time is Money THE QUICK TRAINS ARE VIA THE UNION PACIFIC v i 1 t III i Missouri River to Salt Lake City TEN HOURS QUICKEK THAK ANY OTHER LINE 1 I i Mi flissouri River to San Francisco FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Missouri River to Portland FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Buffet Smokinp and Library Curs with Barber Shops and Pleasant Reudluj Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Diniuo Curs Meals a la Carte Piutsch Light For lull information cull on or address F W JUNE MAN Agent