The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 18, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk fieuas
Kx Govciiior James K Boyd tlio only
democrat lo governor Nebraska overbad
is said to lmvo bet 1000 that MoKinloy
will curry Nebraska
Tin Nuws hns received No 1 Vol 1
of tho Randolph Republican n in atly
printed lOpngo publication four cob
nmiiR to tho page V W Ohllloy Is tho
publisher mill It a politics nro as Its imiiio
Krn Moon whojolned tho local Hryivn
cluli nt Its organization has renounced
Brynnisui Ho sayH ho wum converted
1o republicanism by II011I0I111 S Robin
wins speech September SO Nowninti
Grovo Herald
Tho negro question In tho south Is
proving disastrous boomerang to tho
nnti iniperinliMs Their record in thoso
stwtes Is enough to convinco tho most
ohtuo mhiil that as guardians of tho
liberty of any people they aro dismal
failures Robbing a homo eoplo of
tholr liberty whllo contending for tho
liberty of 11 distant pooplo Is vory In
Tho World Herald has found somo
npnthy among tho fnsiouists of tho stato
nud in 11 long artiolo urgos members of
that party to renewed ondoavors with
tho warning Lot us not tako it for
granted that Hrynn will carry Ne
braska Between tho linos 0110 may
read tho fear that Is stilling fusion en
thusiasm and making It moro apparent
thnt Nobraskn will not bo tho single
western stato remaining in tho fusion
columns Keep them worrying
Every citlzon of tho Unltod States
without regard to party is proud of this
countrys standing among tho nations
of tho earth but that prido will sutler
very seriously if domocriitio ollorts to
pull tho country down from tho eleva
tion It has attained and bottlo It up
in tho confines bounded by tho Atlantic
and Pacific Canada nnd Mexico aro suc
cessful is uiiiiuoationod It Is extremely
doubtful tint tho vigorous progressive
enterprising manhood of America will
nnpport contraction Idons
It seonis to be quite gonorally conceded
thnt Helen Gonger nud Mary Ellon
Lease nro two of tho most nbusivo
speakers of tho enmpaign They use
tho advantago of their box in most ma
lignant terades against tho leaders in
tho two parties and tho result is moro
harm than good to tho cause they claim
to represent There is no occasion for
nbuso in this enmpaign and if n party
cannot present logical arguments to
support its Btaud it should retire from
tho platform It is probable thnt neither
party would bo tho loser by retiring
both women from the political arena
Governor Poyutor makes good repub
lican urgumont when ho asserts that
state warrants nro now bringing a
premium whereas a fow years ago they
wero gelling at a discount This is not
only truo of tho gront stnto of Nebraska
but other states as well nud of counties
cities nud villages in such states lie
publican sound money nud busiuesh
policies have done it It is n condition
in no wiso tho result of Mr PoynterV
vacillating policies nud facts will not
allow him to filch tho honor Norfolk
refunded bonds nt n low rnto of interest
and got a premium but it was not due
to tho governors exertions not by n
little bit
Somo there nro who still nrguo thnt
tne democratic panic or Sa iti wns
good times compared with the present
If it wero possible without harming
their neighbors interests this clnss of
citizens should be treated to a revival ot
those prosperous times Tho chances
are that they dont believe what thoy
any when they make such assertious but
are so partisnnly hide bound thnt they
blindly mnko them hoping they will be
believed by some nnd thus influence a
few votes There should bo enough
liberal minded voters who are open to
conviction nble to tell black from white
and not bo nshnmed to own it to bury
the pessimists out of sight this fall
On October i 1800 Mr Bryan said
Gold is arrogant nnd tyrnumcal in tinip
of peaco and it deserts n nation in time
of war During 1898 and siuco to n
greater or less extent this nation has
beon nt war nud yet the gold in the
country litis continually increased in
amount On July 1 1891 tho amount
of gold in the country including the
oin and bullion in tho treasury was
599097904 On July 1 1818 tho stock
of gold in the United States amounted
zo almost 900000000 au increase of
300000000 since Mr Bryans nomina
tion and an increase of 000000000
aince July 1 1897 Mr Bryau but
added to his reputation as a false prophet
when he made the above assertion
It is noticed by last weeks Tilden
Citizen that tho name of M D Baker is
connected with an important committee
of the republican club of that city If
M D Baker is Milan Baker aud there
ia every reason to believe that he is be
cause Bakers are not so numerous in
that vicinity the connection ia signifi
cant Iu the first place Milan is the eon
of one of the most radicnl democrats in
Madison county and in the second place
he is in a position to kuow more about
of his neighbors us ho t crved his conn
try in tho o Islands for some tinio us 11
volunteer soldier It Is such facts 11s
these that load thinking peoplo to bo
lievo thut Undo Ham is on tho right
courts In thoso islands
The first Rosownter Hitohcook debate
wns held before a largo audience In
Omaha Saturday night and eaoh speaker
received liberal applause from those
assembled Viewed in an impartial
manner Mr Hosewator undoubtedly
had tho best of it In logic and good sound
feasible argument Mr Hitchcocks
strength lies In his oratorical ability
and his talk might prove more plcitsing
to tho audience nt tho tlmo but would
scarcely bear the light of thought and
Investigation that Mr llosewaters
would Mr Hitchcock is not so much
to blame howovoras tho Issues ofhis
party contain little loglo but aro appeals
to tho prejudices and passions of the
people One discussion will stick whllo
tho other will melt away in 11 iuIhI of
glittering generalities
Kev It L Wheeler of South Omaha
who supported Mr Bryan in IMMI writes
to a friend that ho will support Mr
Melvlnley this year Ho saj H that ho
supported Mr Hryan with tho belief
that his alectiou would benefit tho
western country although ho know
tho democratic party had not done
clean or noblo thing for forty- 0
years In closing Mr Wheeler both
Tho war cniuo It was not expected
Tho democratic party urged It on
Thoy lied as they nlwnys lmvo about
our presidents from Lincoln to McKin
ley then when tho outbursts of war
came ran to their holes as they did in
1801 and left tho republican party to
dear up tho mess whilo they stood around
and found fault If Agniualdo had not
boon encouragod just no lull Davis was
tho war would lmvo beon settled Do
yon understand my politics
Whilo tho Statesman Is nuon pnrtisan
papor wo believe tho olllco should seek
tho man rather than tho man socle tho
ofllco and that voters should look to the
worth of tho candldnto rather than the
name of tho party that chooses him
From tho host authority wo can obtain
tho respective nbility uud fitness of the
candidates for congress from this dis
trict leads us to tako a pronounced
stand for John It Unys Mr Hays is a
poor man and incidentally n friend of
tho poor man his public nnd privnto
life is without a blomish his ability be
yond question and if ho is elected to
congress will bo au honor to his dis
trict A strong effort by professional
politicians will bo made to defeat Mr
Hays wo feel sure tho voters of this
vicinity will throw partisanship nsido
and givo John H Hays a good majority
which ho so justly desorvos Crest on
Tho leading issues of tho cnnipnign
aro very similar in thnt littlo argument
is possible Domocracy has announced
as tho paramount issue imperialism
This is a poor subject for discussion as
their opponents aro not supporting im
perialism ami aro vory much opposed to
converting tho republic iuto an empire
Tho republicans readily agree that thoro
should be no imperialism and will bo as
vigorous as tho democrats in discourag
ing any such tendencies Therefore as
all aro agreed no discussion is possible
Many republicans beliovo that tho pre
vailing prosperity of tho country nnd its
continuanco is the paramount issue
And no discussion is possible here
Domocrnts cauuot deny that prosperity
prevailsas there nre bushols of facts nud
figures to prove thnt it does neither can
thoy nrguo thnt n contiuunuce of pros
perity would not bo of benofit to the
country thnt would bo silly So there
we nro Demoorncy cannot discuss
imperialism for nil nro agreed on tho
proposition Neither can they discuss
prosperity as facts aud llgures are
agniiibt them The republicnus have
tho best of the situation both ways aud
it is not surprising thnt everything is
coming their way
Business conditions nro perhaps cap
able of improvement though they have
beon better than ever before in tho his
tory of the country Tub Nkws is far
from believing that undor Mr Bryaus
policies they would be bettered and it is
just as firmly convinced that tho re
election of Win McKiuley will mean a
continuanco if not a betterment of ex
isting conditions Let well enough
alone is a safe motto iu politics as in
everything else It seems just as im
possible to have a condition when every
body without an exception is sntislied
prosperous aud happy as it is to have
that condition when everybody without
exception suffers from calamity It
matters uot how prosperous times aro
there can ulwnya be found people who
are not shariug iu the general prosperity
and it matters uot how calamitous times
are persons cau always be found who
are prospermg What the couutry
needs is a condition under whioh the
greatest number cau prosper and be
content aud happy It iB confidently
asserted that tho last few years have
wituessed the nearest approach to this
condition A change of administration
should uot be risked ns it ia certain
that times can be much worse
ment ever inflicted on an intelligent
audience in the city In the first place
the speaker was probnbly not to blame
but his cause is so terribly weak that
any sort of material was acceptable to
bolster It up This was shown by tho
speaker reading tho imperialistic edito
rials from tho Des Moines Globe au
argument that has been so thoroughly
and repeatedly exploded that it is tho
laughing stock of intelligent pooplo re
gardless of party Ho read it too with
tears in his voice as au illustration of
what the country is coming to That
tho editor has published a statement
saying that It is merely his opinion and
not endorsed by any portion of tho re
publican party that ho had been cou
llued in au insane asylum wero points
of course Ignored by tho speaker
Neither did ho mention tho fact that be
fore a constitutional monarchy could bo
adopted the question would have to Iks
submitted to tho people through their
representatives These facts would ex
plode tho demagogic utternuces of tho
speaker nnd he would naturally ignore
It does not require n very old person
or one with nu infallible memory to
recall tho time under Cleveland when
hogs in this country wore given away
by the carload by farmers who could not
afford to buy feed for thorn whon they
had no corn and tho price was HO conts
n bushel Nor does it require tho turn
ing back of tho pages of time many
yonrs to recnll tho situation whon the
fanner very sensibly figured that it was
cheapor to burn corn than it was to sell
it and buy coal These aro pleasing
ronioinbemiices of democratic pros
perity not onsily forgotten Thoy
wero tho two extremes Times of
radicnl luctuntions in prices provnilod
and tho Nebraska farmer was loser
both wnya When ho had no corn nnd
wns compelled to buy ho paid conts
n bushel Whon ho had corn to soil tho
prico was t to 10 cents n bushel And
tho fnsiouists nro now trying to con
vinco him that that was prosperity
that times wero hotter then than thoy
are now They will quoto that
prico with n smirk and
tho ronmrk werent thoso grand old
times and totho exclusive consumer
thoy will go withtho 7 cent prico nnd
make tho samo kindof romnrk None
of them aro likely to bo misled They
will like a tinio bettor when pricos hnvo
somo sort of stability nnd enn bo figured
on with n cortnitf dogreo of accuracy
Times of radical fluctuations benefit
very few peoplo
Democratic Soldiers Views
A soldier boy writing from the Phil
nniues whoso pnreuts wero old school
Virginia democrats givesjtho fnsiouists
iu this couutry somo severe thrusts
Among other things ho says Tho
auti expansionists at homo hnvo ruined
all prospects of nny pcnconblo termiun
tion of tho troubles hero at least nntil
aftor tho election Thoy hnvo discour
aged our mon nudeucouruged our ene
mies Even admitting the soundness of
their viows thoy nre guilty of tho high
est treason and hundreds of deaths
must of necessity bo lnidat their door
These peoplo are convinced thnt were it
not for Mr Brynu nud his party they
would bo murdered nud thoir property
would bo conflscntcd Thoy hnvo been
used to that sort of treatment under
Spanish rulo nnd fear tho same treat
ment from tho United States Thoy be
lieve Mr Brynus party is stronger than
tho party backiug the administration
which alono prevents the party in power
from practicing the despotism of Spain
Ho says tho natives are better off now
than they ever wero before havo
more liberty nnd more to eat
ami are making more money
Wo pay SO cents a dozen for eggs and
buy every ouo they can produce and
they uover sold for moro thau 8 cents
previous to our coming here Wo pay
moro for our laundry work to these na
tives than we would ever think of do
ing iu the states nnd n soldier is com
pelled to have clean clothes all the time
Wo pay the men 0 cents a day for work
which is more than they made in a week
When a fanner raises a crop now he
does uot have to give half of it to the
church aud tho other half to the govern
ment as ho formerly did nnd starve
himsolf Ho enn carry his goods to
market and not bo robbed before ho gots
there by ladrones As for beinr im
posed upou it ib as much ns n soldierB
life is worth almost to mistreat one of
thorn Ho does not dare do it for thoir
slightest grievance is listened to nud
the offender if ho ben soldier is severely
What hurts us tho most is what the
papers nt home say about us What
can we do No soldier can say for
himself This war is not right and Ill
not fight The majority of us will be
glnd wheu we can return to civil life
We are all tired of it but wo cannot
leave until there is a big change in the
situation Iu the meantime wo need
encouragement instead of being branded
ns murders robbers and desperadoes
I dont believe you will find a mau
in service hero who would be willing to
give up these islnudi It keeps n fellow
guessing I dont know what to make
of it I have been a democrat till my
life and was always a grout admirer of
Mr Bryan but I cannot for the life of
Tho nddresB of Mr Nolau of Omaha me see how a mau cnu conscientiouBlv
at the Auditorium Saturday was about be a follower of Bryan aud fight under
the Philippine question than uine teutlifl j the poorest excuse for a political the starb aud stripts at the same time
I tent liupitlallHtn
The Halt Lake Tribune silver repub
lican contains the following severe com
ment on tho tactics of southern dem
Something very comicnl nnd at tho
samo tinio u littlo Mid appeared In our
morning contemporary yesterday A
headline with letters paralyzing in size
announced that Georgia rolls up
fiOOOO mnjority for tho domoemtie
ticket Thou tho Htnttnont is mndo
that tho stnto had been carried by tho
democrats by about fiOOOO But an ex
planatory note throw light on tho ques
tion It said There being prncti
cally no opposition to tho democrats tho
vote was light
That was tho comical part Now tho
sad part is that this is 11 year when im
perialism seems to bo tho awful dread of
tho democracy Imperialism cau coino
in more thau 0110 way It can como in
tho way of nn nnncd uprising led by n
great chieftain followed by an exhaust
ive civil war Tho other is by taking
one right after another insidiously from
the peoplo until they aro slaves
Tho futhors loft as 11 horitngo to tho
Amoricnu people tho bnllot holding thnt
it was limply sufllciout to settle nil dis
putes all troubles keeping in mind that
tho majority must rulo nud thnt tho will
of a majority of patriotic men must bo
what is best for tho country Now by
certain processes which tho democratic
party has 11 patout on tho vote of
Georgia is reduced to fiOOOO That
means that a great many thousands aro
in somo wny kopt nwny from tho polls
nnd that a groat many thousands moro
hnvo not Interest enough iu tho country
nnd iu tho stnto to tako tho trouble to
express thoir wish at tho polls
That could bo looked upon by tho
country with comparntivo indifference
if it extended no furthor thnn the
Georgia Btute lino But in electing a
president nud iu olocting congressmen
Georgin claims tho right to havo eleven
congressmen aud thirteen electoral
votes Tho state of Now York has
thirty six elootoral votes To get tho
thirteen electoral votes in Georgia and
tho olevou congressmen Georgia casts
fiOOOO votes but New York to get her
thirty six electoral votes and thirty four
congressmen cast in 1805 1371 1151
votes The increase over 1895 in tho
vote this year will probably bo more
than tho totnl voto enst in Georgia Wo
see then that it requires only IlSlG votes
in Georgia to mako nn clectornl voto
while it requires 18983 votes in Now
York to accomplish the samo thing
Iu tho old nuto bellum days wheu the
south was rod hot tho boast of somo of
its bluffers was that ouo southern man
could whip five Yankees That did not
amount to very much because it was
a mere matter of opinion but whon one
Georgia man in voting for a president
or for a momber of congress is equal to
ten men in Now York that is n doubling
of tho boast and that is a serious matter
for thnt uoc ouly goes to porsounl opin
ion but it goes to tho very foundation
of the government nud if continued
would signal tho dny when this would
bo n republic in name merely and when
Imperialism would bo established sure
What portains to Georgia extends to
Alabama nnd Mississippi nud Louisi
ana and Texas South Carolina and
North Carolina nnd Virginia nud
Arknusns and Florida and Teuetsee in
large measure That goes to the vory
integrity of tho republic aud wo have
not heard Mr Bryau complain of it in
the campaign Ho is frighteued to
death apparently about imperialism
His party orguns throughout the coun
try are frightened to donth those emi
nent statesmen ex Governor Altgeld
Webster Davis ex Senator Pettigrew
Boss Croker Bourko Cockrau Carl
Schurtz aud tho Springfield Republican
are all frighteued out of their wits lest
this couutry be given over to a despotism
and ruled by tho iron hand of the despot
McKiuley But that several states in
the south ouly have to cast about one in
ton as many votes to get au elector or n
congressman as the states in the north
that is looked upon ns a mere incident
not worth mentioning Mr Bryan
who is thoughtful who thinks of almost
everything hns not even once thought
of it so far as we havo heard siuco tho
opening of tho campaign neither Iuib
Mr Schurz ueither has that blather
skite with the awful mouth Bourko
Cockran If it were any other couutry
but this peoplo would begin to conclude
that of all the sorry frauds 011 tho face
of the earth the democratic party iu the
United States is the very chief
Bryan nml Croker
It is generally conceded that Richard
Croker is at the hend of one of the most
corrupt and obnoxious political organiza
tions in tho country and that Mr
Bryan has entered iuto nu alliance with
him is not doubted Tho fusionists
would prefer that this be kept secret or
would deuy it if possible The New
York correspondent of the Chicago
Times Herald saya he is able to state
authoritatively ami of his own knowl
edge the following facts concerning this
bargain which Mr Stouo representing
Mr Bryan made with Mr Croker
1 The deal was first discussed in do
tail between Mr Croker aud William J
Stone when the latter spent a week or
ten days in New York a mouth ago
a Mr Stono reported Mr Crokers
terms to Mr Bryan at a meeting in
Chicago attended by Chairman Jones
Population mffWKSHij
aw MdKrV
150155783 IKImC
1 1890 WtiMXiffmMkik
m 62622259 KS
A 78000000 f trtrqffi
and Committeemen
Upon his return to this city with
Mr Bryaus approval of tho denl Mr
Stouo opened national headquarters
hero nud Mr Croker begun to rniso n
campaign fund and talk for Mr Bryan
4 Mr Croker hns promised to enrry
Now York for Mr Brynu To do it ho
hnB ngreod to rniso n enmpaign fund of
S000000 nnd ho has promised to give
100000 iu cash to tho democratic un
tional committee
5 On his side Mr Croker is to receive
tho control of nil federal pntronnce in
New York City nnd he has tho promise
of tho secretaryship of tho navy for his
boBom friend former Senator Murphy
in the event of Mr Bryaus election
i The solo cause of Mr Crokers re
cent zeal for Mr Bryans election is the
promise ho has received of federal
patronage iu case of tho hitters election
It a man knew nothing of the facts in
the deal between Messrs Croker and
Bryan he would nevertheless have littlo
difficulty in making up his mind about
tho existeuce of such a deal from tho
chauge that has come over tho political
situatiou hero in the last few weeks
loyntcr and the Hired Soldiers
Povemor Poynter has repeatedly de
nied that ho has referred to the soldiers
ns hired soldiers The following
from II C Bussell a veteran of the
civil war seems to leave no room for
doubt but that the governor holds iu
utter contempt a certain class of soldiers
if not nil Mr Russell writes as fol
SciiUYinii Neb Oct To the
editor of the Stato Journal I rend
r ome days ngo your notice as to a de
nial ot Governor Poyutors I did not
see tho governors deniol but I heard
what Roosevelt said at Lincoln I heard
Governor Poynter at the Superior
reunion He was very profuse in his
praiso of the G A It ami the volunteer
soldier He had nothing to say iu
praise of tho regulars he called them
tho hired soldiers meaning they were
without patriotism without love of
country Ho wanted his hearers to
understand that therein was the danger
to our couutry Our old time copper
heads made no distinction They
dubbed us all Lincolns hirelings
I think Roosevelt used the word
hirelings what is the difference
The governor used the words often ind
always iu an offensive way Those who
heard him were reminded of his refusal
to allow tho legislature to tbauk the
boys of the First Nebraska denied by
his veto that they had added new glory
to our couutry and lustre to our flag
Governor Dietrich followed the gov
ernor and in strong manly American
words reseuted Povnters insult to our
soldiers Why did not Poynter follow
and deny it there before the people who
heard the words Ex Congressmin
Hainer of Aurora followed Dietrich aud
he too resented the governors insult
But Poynter could not stand the patri
otic appeal of Hainer Ho slipped off
Congressman Andrews heard him use
tho words so did Captain Adams all
our republican candidates but two were
on the stand and perhaps 100 people
Fanner Smith KansnB lute of tho
Nineteenth hired United States in
fantry heard Poynter and remarked in
his speech as ho told of eleven mouths
in Audersonvillo Im one of those
hired soldiers your governor talked
about Respectfully
H C Russell
There is much for thinking people to
loam about tho trust proposition
Everyone will admit that there are cor
porations which benefit everybody con
nected with them directly or indirectly
while there are corporations so utterly
selfish that they do more harm than
good How to get at the oue and not
injure tho other is a knotty question
very perplexiug to thoso who have given
it serious consideration It will bo im
possible to create a law prohibiting all
combinations of capital without influ
encing every partnership affair It
will be impossible to prevent corpora
tions of one state from doing business
in another without injuring all manu
facturing and wholesale interests and
such a law would cause some railroad
telegraph and other similar companies
to bo dissolved iuto numerous small
companies that might prove most em
barrassing to the legitimate conduct of
b iBiuess If you would stop n company
from controlling more than oue manu
facturing establishment you must Etopn
mau from controlling more thau one
It Sort o Looks as If Id Hate to Expand
business A law that would forbid n
deportment store would npply with
equnl effect to a genernl merchnndise
store There nro many phases to tho
question nud n ninn or party that will
promise to stop tho operation of all trusts
promises more than they carenrry out
without injuring business immensely
Mr Bryau may bo wiso enough to know
just how to proceed so that 110 busiuets
interests will bo injured nnd nothing
but harmful corporntiouBjnffected but he
has not so far shown nn infinite wisdom
in dealing with industrial financial or
other questions and when ne promises
to control tho trusts it sonnds very well
but will ho bo ablo to carry out his
Tho statement that Eugeue Crum has
resigned ns the populist nominee for
congress in the Third district which re
cently made its appearance iu a number
of fusion papers is branded as n canard
by Dr Bryant secretary of the central
committee He is certainly in a posi
tion to lenrn of such a resignation if
there had been oue nnd he would surely
hnve heard of tho fact if he had been
appointed to fill the vacnncy It is such
trnusparent falsehoods as these that are
hurting tho fusion cause and will make
populist voteB Tho fnsiouists are
spnuging their roorbacks tco early in
the campaign and they are likely to
prove a boomerang with disastrous ef
fects How Congressman Robinpou can
allow his lieutenents to resort to ssch
tactics without administering a severe
rebuke is astonishing It is very evi
dent that the fusion trust fears the popu
list movement and ineanB to discredit
it by fair means or foul
This is not a campaign argument of
the present year It is a quotation from
the democratic platform of 187S That
it is very similar all will admit The
rpublican party instead of restoring
the Union hns so far as in its power
dissolved it Under its repeated
assaults the pillars of the government
nre rocking on their base and should it
succeed in November next nud inaugu
rate its president we will meet aB a sub
jected aud conquered people amid the
ruins of liberty and the scattered frag
ments of the constitution
This is the love shown by the demo
cratic party in ISO for Abraham Lin
coln and his policies as told in their
platform of that year It appears that
they are the same democrats etill
Under the pretense of a military ne
cessity of a war power higher thnn the
cousitutiou tho constitution itself hn8
been disregarded in every part and pub
lic liberty aud private right alike trod
den down aud the material prosperity of
the couutry essentially impaired
Tho boys iu the Philippiues seem to
bo about unanimous iu the opinion that
the Tugals of this couutry are cnusiug
them moro grief thnn the rebels over
there But for tho encouragement the
fusiouists give their enemies they would
have hud down their arms long ago and
all would have beeu enjoying the in
creased prosperity and happiness thit
always comes to the peoplo brought
under American influence
Mr Bryan is proving himself one of
tho most wonderful dodgers on the plat
form At almost every meeting he has
questious fired it him which ho is com
pelled to sidestcpaud does so with much
ngility He dont even dare say that he
supports hiB party platform
Has anyone noticed Mr Bryan that
great friend of the great common people
doing anything to bring about a settle
ment of the coal miners strike nud thus
prevent the suffering iu those regions
which the fusionistB say existb
A man who fears that this country
will play the tyrant in any of her island
possessions must be a patriotic citizen
indeed and must have a high regard for
the boasted American civilization that
he enjoys
The desperation of the f unionists crops
out in their efforts to mob republican
speakers or iu other ways prevent them
from talking