The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 18, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Captured by Column of Troops
Sent From Peking
II llllnc riiHMR OriliM TIwiii In Almnilon
llirh Miiioti NortlimutrilirotHfli Clilim
Soiilhii ii Itrlirllliin Ciiiilliuir toSpirinl
IsrWK ur lUi4iitliiu nf Cluitii in lliimi
London Oft 17 A IKpatfli from
Shanghai status that Iao Ting Im was
captiitcd Sattutluy lii a force of 7001
allies sent fioin Peking for Unit pur
London Oct 17 Theie Is no con
tinuation of the u ported capture of
Iao Ting Ku of which in em ding to
the Shanghai Echo M Dachlen tho
French consul theie has iccelved
news The repoit Is generally dlncipd
Ited In London especially as theio 1st
no dlt oct telegraphic comniunlciitlon
between Shanghai and Iao Ting Kii
Hour Kong dispatches tell of the con
tinued spread of the soiitliern teliellloti
Tlie I long Kong correspondent of tho
Dally Express sends a icport Unit the
British torpedo boat destroyer Handy
ahollrd 12000 lehels who wete advanc
ing on San Chun killing -10 and wound
ing hundieds
The evidences of lrlnco Tumis con
tinuance In power cmise anxiety Ac
coidlng to the Shanghai coiiespoud
out of the Tost It has caused a hcilous
depiesslon in trade there
Shanghai telcgiains icpoit that the
local mandarins have received tole
giiuns from Prince Tnan that the
court Is In safe keeping and exhoiting
them to lniM pnllcme until winter
decimates the allies to keep the ur
benals in constant woik and every
thing in leadiness for n massiicic of
all toielgncrs when the pioper time
mi rives
The Slum Tung Hovers nre returning
to their homes Twelve liiindied of
them weie defeated near the Clil Li
bolder by 000 of Coiernor Yun Chi
Kills tioops under Genet nl Mei
lornmr lllnNti r tit UiiIUmI SlutcH DecnpN
tntoil 1 Oilier o I lie KmpruHS
Washington Oct 17 Conllrinatloii
lias been received heie of the execution
on July JO or Cluing Yon Iloon the
former Chinee minister to the United
States Chang was a loyal adherent of
the ompeior and u warm Riippoitcr of
the hitters reform movements When
tho empress dowager supplanted tiie
empcior two yeais ago he was ban
ished to Ncbradoo but through the in
tervention of the American and Brit
ish tninisteis ills punishment was com
muted to banishment in the province
of Kashgaiia It now appears that
the empress dowager taking advau
tnge of the late lelgn of teiror at Po
king and knowing Changs intlueneo
with the ompeior ordered his execu
tion by decapitation Chang was con
sidered by those familiar with Chinese
affairs as one of tho ablest men in
Tin in Ituck tint lllitik Plugs
Paris Oct 17 At a cabinet council
held at the Hlysee palace yesterday
the minister of foielgu aft airs M Del
casse announced that all tho powers
have accepted the Fiencli note as the
busis for negotiations
The minister addeil that he had boon
Informed Li Hung Chang has Just or
dered the Black Plugs anil Kwang SI
troops which aie traversing the prov
ince of II u Nan on tho way to join
the court at Sian 1u to abandon their
march and return to Canton
IliirniicHU Vim Kittler Arrive
Victoria B O Oct 17 Baroness
yon Kettelor accompanied by her
brother Henry S Ledyard and his
bride who went to Japan to meet the
bereaved wife of the German minister
arrived on tho Empress of Japan yes
terday The baroness was confined to
her state room and has scarcely loft It
during the voyage from the orient
Her nerves wore all but shattered as
a result of the trying experiences she
has undergone
Mis Ilaiimiell Dies of Her Injuries
Vanwoit O Oct 17 Miss Alice
Ilaniinell died last night of Injuries
caused by vitriol thrown In her face on
Sept 10 by Mrs John Van LIow wife
of a cashier of a local bank Miss
Hammell was a well known and highly
respected young lady Mrs Van Llew
was arrested shortly after the crime
was committed and Is now under bond
for her appearance Jpalousy was
eald to be the motive of the crime
Miss Gist After More Records
New York Oct 17 Miss Murgaret
Gast the record breaking wheel wom
an who lowered the 2000 mile record
over the Valley Stream course at 705
Monday evening Is still pedalling
away In quest of more long distance
honors Yesterday Miss Gast Mulshed
2175 miles She expects to rldo 8000
miles and break all records
1 Matt lie w8 Defeat Kerns
Detroit Oct 17 Matty Matthews or
New York and Rube Ferns of Buf
falo met before the Cadillac Athletic
club last night for tho socond time for
the welterweight championship and
after 15 rounds of fighting Referee
Slier gave the decision to Matthews
The decision on their former fight
went to Ferns
Iron Iruduction Double
Tho production of iron always a re
liable trade barometer has doubled
eince 1804 when free trade ruled the
country In that year we produced
6637388 tona In 1899 the furnaces
turned out 13620703 tons Who would
so back to ttia old scheme
htleel ItiUlttMT Men Open I hell Meeting
With lliiuil I lenilitlK e
Kansas City Ot t 17 The American
Sticet Kallwaj association opened Its
aninisil meeting heie csteiibiy Willi
so vet al bundled delegates piesetit f i mil
all parts of the coiiutiy The llrst ses
sion was a shot one i untitle In char
actor 1 M Itoacli of Chit ago piesl
dent dolhoiod an addles of welcome
following which tho tepoits of the
executive lOinnilltco and Unit of T C
Pennington seciotary and ttcnsuior
weie lead D It Holmes of Kansas
City of the Metiopolltan Sticet Ball
way company leatl an Inteiestlng
paper on Consolidation of Sticet Hall
ways and Its Ffloct Ppou the Public
An extensive exhibition of sticet mil
way supplies Is being shown
Two Small 1iutlesarn Attnekeil by Ihibc
NiiiiiImIk of Illlphun mill Suf
fer Secri Iomo
Mnnlln Ott 10 -A detachment of 20
men of the Twenty fouith logliuont
while engaged In repairing telegraph
wlies Oi t 10 at a point near San Jose
Nuevo Ei llii piovlnce isle do Liiron
weie set upon by -00 lnsui gouts and
were oieipoweied mid scattoied
Seven of the Americans l cached San
Jose but It Is piobablo the icnialndcr
weie captured
The enemy sui prised n putty of
Hcotits of tho Potty thlid Infantry at a
point tt miles fioin Talloban Leytc
Island killing tlnco of the Americans
at the tlrst volley Two escaped and
gave the alarm but the enemy suc
ceeded In evading their pursueis The
native polite of Tnklolmii bud con
spired to sui prise the Americans Tho
bodies of the dead soldiers weie badly
Ill till Aiililent Neil l Cllliii Cmiiril by
Iteiiimul of Itiiil Ipj s i Hon mi
Chicago Oct 17 -Two men were
killed and one fatallv lniired by the
derailment of a Height tialu on the
Chicago and Alton al Lawndale near
heie yesteiday
The dead Chailcs Eaton engineer
Wilson lliotna i
The Injuied B F Slriinpie braUe
Tho victims weie all icsldcuts of
Blonmingtoii Ills The wreck was
caused by the lemoval of n lail by a
section gang making i epulis It Is
said they tailed to post any danger
State Federation of Woman CIiiICIioohph
Ollloers Krom tliln Clty Clul Meets
The Norfolk delegates to tho state
federation of womans clubs held in
Lincoln this week have returned and
report a very successful and interesting
session Norfolk received a liberal
share of the honors Mrs A T Durland
being elected vice president of tho
state federation Mrs Draper was
elected president Miss Mc Curn of
Fremont recording secrotary and Mrs
Neoley of Omaha corresponding
The HouBohold Economic department
at this session joined tho state federa
tion and Mrs W G Baker of this city
was elected president whilo Mrs E
Seymour was honored by being elected
secrotary and treasurer of the same de
There were 127 delegates and 30 vis
itors from the various clubs of the state
in attendance at the meetings Thoy had
tho pleasure of hearing Miss Alice French
Octave Thanet of Davenport Iowa
who gave a short talk before tho feder
ation yesterday morning and a leoturo
last night Mrs Decker of Denver
formerly vico president of tho national
federation addressed the delegates
Thursday and was followed by a talk
from Chancellor Andrews of tho state
The delegates speak very highly of
tho treatment accorded them by tho
people of Lincoln There wore enter
taiued by the ladies of that city and
several receptions were tendered them
Mrs W J Bryan was at home to them
on Wednesday from 1 15 to 2 lri and
Governor and Mrs Poynter gavo a re
ception at tho governors mansion Wed
uesday evening
Womans Club Program
The Household Ecouomio department
of the Womans club is for the benefit
of each and every one of its members
At the meetings they discuss methods
of doing work the sanitation of tho
home cooking care of tho little ones
and in fact everything that goes to
wards making tho perfect homo
If any member has failures in making
any particular dish she may ask to have
it demonstrated when sho will no
doubt learn the cause of her own
This department will meet with Mrs
H K Owen Monday afternoou Octo
ber 15 The afternoon will bo devoted
to tho common potato The program is
as follows
Demonstration Mrs Bullock
Potato Garnishing Mrs Gow
Paper Constituents of the Potato
Mrs Seymour
Magazine review Mrs Warrick
Serving escalloped potato
It is earnestly desired that all members
of the Womans club be present
Son etui 1 of Ntnlii Im lei llu Ierlllleil In
Ciinilliliiti to tm XiiIimI lor HiIk
I nil Im in Nut Ollli lul
Secrotary of State Porter has ceitllled
tho candidates on the electoral state
ami congressional tickets to the various
county clerks of the state with the ice
oniiuemlation that thoy may bo printed
in two columns When this is done it
will make a ballot 12 Inches long and 1 1
inches wide making the largest ballot
ever known in tho state Piiutcd in a
single column tho ballot would bo SI
inches long Thoro are llvo tickets for
presidential electois on the ticket the
throe fusion parties combining under
one ticket Tho other four nro republi
can populist prohibition and socialist
Tho coitillcato cointw in a form to
indicato a completed ballot but county
clerks aro the men upon whom the ro
ponsibility of interpreting the election
law will fall and thoy aro supposed to
arrange the ballot legally without regard
to Mr Porters arrangements which are
said to bo in direct violation of tho laxv
Tho State Journal has tho following
comment ontho ballot Mr Porter
has placed the unities of tho candidates
on a tickot of his own inaiiiifaotiiro
His foim of tho ballot is no guide for
county eleiks as such otllcors must
comply with tho election law As Mr
Porters form is in violation of the plain
letter and spirit of tho law it is con
sidered dangerous for an olllcer to copy
after It Tho ballot law does not lcquiio
Mr Porter to place tho names of tho
candidates in tho form of a ballot but
merely luipnrcs him to certify to county
clerks tho names of all the nominees
Mr Poiter does not piotend that anyone
shall bo requited to copy from tho form
set forth by him However many
county clerics may thiough a misappre
hension of tho law accept his certill
oato as a guide in piiutiug tho ballot
Vhoroor a county olllcor pornuts the
law to bo violated he will piobably en
counter mandamus Mlit and tho couits
will correct errots Notwithstanding
the decision of tho district cmnt of Lan
caster comity Mr Porter has certified
the nominees of tho Grand Island con
vention as mid ioitl populists instead
of populists
The most misleading pait of Mr Por
ters certiticato is tho order of tho party
candidates Holms placed tho fusion
candidates fltst Tho republican candi
dats aie entitled to como first under
each heading on the ticket as that party
cast tho largest vote for tho head of the
ticket at tho last general election As
the fusion party is no party 1 ut is com
posed of thrco soparato and distinct par
ties tho candidates repiosonting that
conglomeration must trul in the icir
This is one of tho penalties which tho
three wings of fusion must pay for tak
ing so much pains to hold three conven
tions and to maintain separate party or
Tho law on this point speaks plainly
of tho party casting the highest num
ber of votes at tho last election and not
the candidate It says The names
of the candidates for each oflico shall bo
arranged as follows Tho party polling
the highest number of votes at tho last
general election for tho head of tho state
ticket shall have the right of its nominee
immediately beneath tho name of the
oflico for which such caudidato was
nominated The party polling tho sec
ond highest uumber shall have tho sec
ond place and so on
Some Fnctt for Democratic Spell
Hinder to leruie nnil
While all this speechmaking is going
on about the armj and the danger of
militarism it would be well to bear
in mind the facts given below
The army has never interfered but
twice in labor troubles nnd then after
state resources were exhausted
The first occasion was in the Debs
trouble in Chicago in 1891
The city government was powerless
to stop the rioting and John P Alt
geld then governor would not let the
state militia be used
Groer Cleielnnd democrat sent
troops to Chicago and the rioting wast
In the Coeur dAlene district in Idaho
mining1 troubles precipitated the rule
of the mob
The county authorities were help
less Frank Steunenberg twice elect
ed as goernor by the democratic-populist
fusion element called on the fed
eral government for aid
It was granted
In neither case was there any In
terference by the national troops who
are in reality the national police until
the power of the local authority was
Quarrel Iletiroen nrothen Cause ratal
Wounding of Child
Slour Rapids la Oct 17 Charles
White shot his older brother Prank
White in a family row They nro
sons of Captain Edwin White a prom
inent stockman aud farmer living near
Linn Grove Frank was shot through
the leg and a 6-year-old girl whom ho
held in his arms was shot In the
breast Tho child will probably die
Charles Is In hiding
For the eight months ended August
31 1900 the total exports from the
United States amounted to 564609934
an increase of 49509501 for the same
eight months of 1899
ghaw Tin uiiijotily of persons upon torn liing middle ngi nnd pusl IHV
diW find then blood litiomes weak nnd thin and dlscnuis that wete BHi
citstl outtolleil lit rnilli t lite Iicimii to n 11 c t the coimtltulloti
Those ptedispiHcd to Scrofula Cuiuct Ulictnnatlstu Cout nud oilier lietcilltnry troul Irs may cscnpa
till llitii but as lhf ngt the blood m lniig tainted and weakened bv nittniiiilaled waste mallets is no
louder able to ptopcth nouiisli the both ami it becomes an uisv maiV foi dlsense At this ctiticil period
of life the blood must be te enfoticil bcfoie it can piifoitn its legitimate functions and lid the system of
these poisons ami nothing m study nnd t ITci tually docs this as S W H
S M S sltcugtliciisiinil ciiticlips the blooil impiovcs the appetite and builds up the gem ml onstilii
Hon It is not only the best blood putlliri but the best tonic foi old people llwiittiM the blond tones up
the uctves icmovcsidl taint fiom the blood and piceiits the development of disease
8 S S is the oilh puiclv egi table blunil nieilli inc known Not one p utlt le of tuttuttv potash or
othet uiinctnl poison tan be found ill il ami it inav he takui fn am truitli of time witlmiil hatui
h S ii the oulv tetnedv Hint t tallies deep seated blind HhuIiIci like Scrofula taunt
Hojctna Teller etc It putilies ami icstoies the blood to a health iioiunil ml iltoii aud niakcii il impossible for
any poisonous waste matctials to accumulate
If ou liiteait old tunning soieoi an obstinate ulori that tofusptito heal oi aie tioiihli d with boils and car hum let trvH H S
ii never inns to make a quick ami pctmaucm t uie oi incse pesia u j mil svsii in is tun timui anil you Icel
the need of a tonic S S S will htietigthcu and help you as it has many othcts In a hupps healthy old age
9 S H ruirit Ml II llnntrti nf SniinnUllr Vn of n cmr of
ltorrinnof Ihlttv Iuoihm MiiiulitiK nftrt Ihrliol i1imk Inn
In the nuiroiitulbiK omit I v liml luilrit I lili wiih klmii jciiin
iio nnd tlirtc lnei Itch iiii titntn of 111 r ilKnisc
Mm I 11 Jiiliiniinof III uk -In u 11 mi f it rnMiilllrlril
u Itll ii v ir tvT nt lIlrillllillHlll it 1 1 I In I iiirl rvty trintily
Villus it nnil It iittiitttriiilrit n n imr ivillnuil tri rivltiic nay
lirtiplit S sH itiinillv inn liril Hie citl of tlic illicmc utnl
tiimlr n tniiiilrli nnil i tliiulirtit line
If oii me In doubt about otir disease and will mil us a statement of yoiiriase om physician will
give you niiv information oi advice wanted foi whu b we make no chatge
Hook on lllood nntl Skill Diseases MUl to any desiring il Address Swift Spccilu Co Atlanta Oa
AilKimt Ilii or
It is a surpilsing fact says Prof
Hmiton that in my travels in all pints
f tho world for the last tin yeais
luivo met more people having used
Greens August Klowurthau any other
loiuedy for dyspepsia ilmanged livot
ami stomach ami for constipation 1
find for tourists mill salesmen or for
persons tilling olllco positions wheto
headaches and geneial bad feelings from
ii regular habits exist that Oioon s
ugust Flower is u grand remedy It
does not injure tho system by frcuenl
use and is excellent for sour stomachs
and Indigestion Sample bottles fieo
at A K Leonaids Sold by dealers in
all civillod count i ion
Di Sadie Hint Jlillei a eraduatc ii
the Aimiiuiu f ohix 1 1 1 O eiDilnv
liitKHVtio i iih ci i i an
ollkoiii N oi foi a ioi u nractico of
n t new svHcm oi healing Itoom
Vir it Hayes lew eh v Hue mur
i om It in tho moi iiini to m tn
afternoon Oonsu imin i an t x
aminatiou ircu
Tho complclo service of Tho
Sjiecial via ITnion Iaoillc
enables passongeis to roach the princi
pal cities between the north and Iacilic
coast and Missouit river not only in the
shortest possible space ot tnno but also
in the most comfortable and enjoyable
manner The dining cars on this tram
aie stocked with tho best tho market
all oids All meils served a li cm to
running In Coloriulo nnil Nnu IMeilio
Tho Deliver A Itio Grande railroad
Tho Scenic Lino of the World has
proparcd an illustrated book upon the
above subject which will bo sent free to
fin merti desiring tochnngo their location
This publication gives valuable informa
tion in regard to the agricultural horti
cultural and livo stock nitorests of this
soctiou and should bo in tho hands of
ovoryono who desires to become ac
quainted with tho methods of farming
by irrigation Wiito S K Hooper G
P T A Denver Colo
We live by our blood and on
it We thrive or sttne as
our blood is rich or poor
There i nothing eke to live
on or by
When atrength is full and
spirits high we are being re
freshed bone muscle and brain
in body and mind with con
tinual flow of rich blood
This is health
When weak in low spirits
no cheer no spring when rest
is not rest and sleep is not
sleep we are starved our blood
is poor there is little nutri
ment in it
Back of the blood is food
to keep the blood rich When
it fails take Scotts Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil It sets the
whole body going again man
woman and child
Ifon lme not tneil it send for free sample
its lgrttatik taste will snrjinse joii
407 415 Pent I Street New York
5jc nnil Ji 00 all ilriiHKit
Michaels Studio
Wo shall bo pleased to see you even if
you do not need any work in our line
Como in aud get acquainted and see our
lovely line of photos whero you will
find tho very latest in styles of mounts
aud finish All work guaranteed satis
faotory We havo a fine line of Oil
Paintings Water Colors Pastel and
Crayon Work A largo stock of Pic
ture Frames aud Mouldings Amateur
supplies always on baud and your work
dono prompt and reasonable Your
trade is wanted at the finest gallery in
this country
Yours for Business
aula fek ii WS - -- -1 IlUKhrtS
idi el II
Guaiiiutecd Ohnacst and Hist A S 11 lint ivu onil llinor and Kattmitir
for Live Stock Prices 1 cent- ami 1 nlspti pm 1 up poiintl bags ft rl
Keeps fowls luatiy M ii s chic t uicvv liiltts iicns lay Pitivouts
nuiilti tlseases Pi io J 1 enls net at kuio
Iir haii I v O
icularand imuiphlet fen
ugar City Cereal Rflills
Norfolk Nebitski
IOS IINAh V S Indianapolis Ind
Free from All Disease Breeding Germs
important Important Important
It iu nnf nnlv mmnttniit hut iilwf JutnU noOkCfirv in lifivnitnrn hi nnil if vnn
wish to tfot ml of Iilnoy Livor or Hliuldor JVoubics IC ill tl pMins purify
ilwi liliwil ntwl ilin riinun to nvifllttitwl tint iliu 1L0 t 1 1 utifl tvi 11 1 t tl fjllllrilU
tiiu 1110011 nun mid laiiru in ciiiuiuihm inn inn urJ uuu m mimi in nun 11 iuiiin
These little diseasi luiiiding germs lloat about in niipuii blood and traveling
throughout the body alight 011 any spot that is vvenlc and when tho Kidneys
Liver or Iladder hiivo hiieh spots they become ullected Unless killed at onco
and the blood redeemed lroiu these germs of death they multiply lipully until
the tissues become ho involved that tho organs failing to do their duty tho
whole structure sutlers
Svvurins ot these living germs finally get the upper hand destroy theo deli
cato organs altogether and tho result is death Out of tho greatest remedies
antiseptic and a germ destroyer is darners ICidnoy ami Liver Juie Safe but
suro it goes to tlio root ot tho evil A vegetable eompooiui scientuic any luaao
especially to act on the blood becoming a component part of it disttoyiug all
the living germs of uuy kind it goos right to the suit of tho trouble killing
the little pests and restoring and strengthening the tissues until iclief ami a euro
is affected Tho bright eye the appetite and ainbitin
Dm mix Nub Aprils lK
Cliwillt fill Mil i Co
Iniitx I liiivi boon n rivil HiilToror from
Lilian trniililMA for humid limo I n ho liml
I rniilil mil lifl niitiiiiK or hIiioii ul all M
nptiti uiih poor nnil I wih coiiiiltil run
iIiumi I took tun bottlim of CrnniDrh KIiIiid
Curn anil now I 11111 nlili to 1I0 11 bit ilny uork
I luivo a Kooil iippiititu mill I run ruroiiiniDnil
jour inoilicliiti lo iimjoiki afllictixl with klilnnj
ilUoiibn Illsiti KorlLli North lHh Si
will again be your
Alnvsv N
Poll 1900
tionlH I Iiiimi Ik tin 11 Kronl KiilbTur from
Milni ililllrallien for 11 miiiilnirof ir Huvi
tnkmi nil kmilrt of rniuiiiliiiH uitlmiil linllt 1111
lit I liminlof Cniniitri hiiltiny Cure I boiJKlit
tWO llilttlll Mill lll l lllrilCtllll till till lllllrtL
riitlfiin riiiiiltH I 11 in now untirul freufrom
liniiiliiclii from ulucli I wmn constiiiil mif
furor nnil can Hiiful ra Unit Ii tin rotitininxf
iiniiol onr nluiilli niMHHl inn uoril
kiilnu ilihuuni iiiii CDrtninl euro I
ir riipi iiiiiii
1 ul 1 11 M tf O1I11I liitliiir
Insist on having OR AMURS Take no substitute Sold by all druggists
Manufactured by
Missouri Pacific Ry
Iron Mountain Route
To certain
poiuts ill
PLUS 300
October 2 and lfl
ON TUESDAYS November 5 and 20
December 1 and lb
Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days
Stop overs will be allowed within
transit limit of fifteen days going after
reaching first homeseekera point en
For furtlwr information or aiHertuimi mat
tor uillre un acout of tlm couipan or
AO F and P A T P A
Southeast Cor 11th aud DoqU 3u
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
tho disease without ozciting disorder io
any other part of tho system
ro emu rsicsr
I Hrcri ContfHtlonj Inflammatlonj J5
2 Worm Worm Voyer Worm Colic 2S
3 Terlhlng Colic CrytrufWakofuIneas U5
1 Diarrhea of Children or Adults 43
7 Cougln ColdJ DroocbltU J 5
H teuralula Toothache Faccacbe US
U lleadachr Sick Headache Vertigo US
10 UvipeplaIndlgeitlooWeakStomacbtS
1 1 Huppreurd oriatiiful Ierloili 115
1 While Too Prof use Perlodi J 3
13 Croup LaryntilU Hoarseneu IS
14 fiall Ilhruni Erysliwlas Eruptions US
IS liheumallsniIlheumattcPalas 113
10 Malaria ChllU Vever and Ague 33
IB Catarrh Influenza Cold In the Head US
JO Whooping Cough 33
UT Kldnev Diseases US
UH Nerrous Debility 100
30 Vrlaarr Weakness Wetting nod U3
77 Jrlp Hajr Fever US
Dr Humphreys Manual of aU Dlseaae at tout
DruigUU iir Mailed Free
bold bj drugvlts or mm nn receipt ot price
Humphreys Ued Co Coc William John Bta
New York