The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 18, 1900, Page 12, Image 13

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Explosion in me Treasury
Mllllllllil 1
An Jennie wulltril down tlw corridor
idio hiiw morn nnd morn evidence if tlin
convulsion Tim thick Iron Imtmtl dour
lny whero it hud inlltti mid it hud not
immiii Htirroil hIiico it wiih moved to get
tin two men fintn under it 1h iioikIit
ouh liiitfiiH wen twisted iih if they hud
Imtii Hindu of lue Mini ltn iiinHlvo
ImiUh weio Hiiiippod neiosH like hitH of
kImhm All along tho cntrlilnr on tho
floor wiih u thick routing of lust mid
dtlirin llnely powdered growing deeper
nnd deeper until tho nut t unco to tho
room wiih readied Thero went no win
down either in corridor or chmnher mid
tho way wan lit liy candlon hold hy hoI
dlcrn who acconiiinied them Tho
corln rruurliid underfoot uh thoy walk
ed and in tho chamher ItHelf greut
limps of diiHt Hand mid phiHter all dim
ly powdeied lay in tlm cornern of tho
room ami on ono nido wiih piled up
higher than a iiiiiiih head Thero houiii
h to ho tons of thin delirlH and n len
jiie looked np at tho archoii cilling ro
wnililitig tho roof of a vaulted dungeon
ho hiiw that tho stone ItHolf had been
ground to lino dust with tlio trtiiiondoiiH
force of tho bliiHt
Where are tho rnmnantH of tho
triimuru cheHtV she asked
Tho director shook IiIh head
Thero arc no rcinnantH not a vestige
of it in to ho found
Of what waH it iiimloT
Wo unci to Imvo mi old treamiro
client huio mado of oak bound with
Iron lint Homo years iiko a now recep
tacle being needed ono wiih especially
mado of hardened steel coiiHtructed on
tho modern principle of tlniHU burglar
proof and llreproof hiiioh
And do you mean to wiy thero in
nothing left of this
Nothing that wo have boen ablu to
Well 1 have hpoii plncoH where dy
nninlto explocioiiH have occurred but I
know of nothing to comparo with thin
I am mire that if dynamite had been
xiBed or tiny explosive now generally ob
tainable thero would have been loft at
leant Home remnant of tho nafo HaHiit
thiu pile of ruhbiHli boon disturbed hIiico
the explosion Y
Yen it han been tnrnod over Wo
jnndo n cunrch for tho two moil but wo
found no trace of them
And you found no particles of iron
or steel V
Tho heap throughout in juHt as yon
ecu it on tho surface a lino almost im
palpable diiHt Wo liad to exorcise tho
greatest care in Hcarchiug through it
for the moment it waHdiHturbed with a
nhovel it tilled tho air in Hiiffocating
clouds Of conrHO wo hIiuII have it re
moved by nuil by and cart it away but
I considered it bettor to allow it to re
main here until we had penetrated
eoniowhat further into tho mystery
than wo have already done
Jennie stooped and picked np a hand
ful from tho heap Her action canned a
mist to rise in the air that made thorn
both choko and cough and yet she was
Instantly struck by tho fact that her
handful seemed inordinately heavy for
its bulk
May I take some of this with mo
ho asked
Of course replied tho director 1
shall have a packet of it put up for
I would liko to take it with 1110
now said Jennie 1 have a curiosity
to know exactly of what it is composed
Who is the government analyst or
havo yon snch an official
Herr Feltz in tho Granbenstrasso
la a famous analytical chemist You
cannot do better than go to him
Do yon think ho knows anything
abont explosives T
1 should mipposo so but if not ho
will certainly bo able to tell yon who
the best man is in that lino
Tho director ordered oue of tho men
who accompanied him to find a small
paper bag and till it with tho debris of
tbo treiiHiiro chamber When this was
done ho handed the package to Jennie
who said
I bhall go at onco and seo Herr
My carriage is at your disposal
Oh no thank you I 1 do not wihh
to trouble you further I am very much
obliged to you for devoting bo much
time to me already 1 hhall take a
My carriage is at the door per
Bisted the director and I will instruct
tho driver to take you directly to tho
Bhop of Herr Felt Then no tuuo will
be lost and I think if I am with you
you will bo more sure of attention from
tbo chemist who is a very busy man
Jennie saw that tho director did not
wish to let her out of his Bight and al
though tho smiled at his suspicion sho
answered politely
It is very kind of you to take bo
ranch trouble and devote so much of
your time to me I shall bo glad of
your company if you aro qnito certain
I am not keeping yon from something
more important
There is nothing more important
than the investigation wo have on
band replied tho chief grimly
A few minutes later the curriage
stopped in front of the shop of Herr
Felts in the wide GraubeuBtras The
great chemist himself waited upon
them and conducted them to an iuner
nd private room
I should be much obliged if yon
would tell me the component parts of
the mixture in this package said Jen
nie av she handed tho filled paper bug
to tbe chemist
How noon do yon wish to know tho
result asked the man of chemicals
As soon as possible
Could you give me until this hour
That will do very nicely replied
Jennie looking up at the director of
pnlici1 who in tided his head
With that the two took their leave
nnd once more tho director of police po
litely haudeil the gill into his carriage
and they ilinve to the Ialacii Hteiu
lielmer Here she bade him giHidhy and
thanked him cordially for his attentions
dining tho day The director answered
with i qual suavity that his duty had on
this occasion been a pleiiHtire and could
ho have her permission to call at the
saino hour tomorrow afternoon and take
her to the choiniHtr To this Jennie as
sented and cheerily bade him good
Tho princess waH waiting for her
wild with curiosity to know what had
Oh Jennie she cried who lred
the mini and who robbed the govern
Jeiiuio laughed merrily iih sho re
Dear princess what a compliment
you am paying mill Do you think that
in out afternoon I am able to solve a
mystery that has defied tho combined
talents of all the best detectives in Auh
trla 1 wish tho diiector of police had
hucIi faith In inn iih you have
And hasnt he Jennie
indeed ho him not Ho watched mo
every minute ho wiih with me as if ho
feared I would disappear into thin air
us the treasure did
Tho horrid man I I shall have my
husband speak to him and rid you of
this annoyance
Oh no princess yon mustnt do
anything of the kind I dont mind it
in the least in fact it rather amuses
inn Ono would think ho had some sus
picion that I stole tho money myself
A single word from the prince will
stop all that yon know
Yoh 1 know but I really wnnt to
help tho director ho is so ntterly
Now Jennio take off yonr hat and
Bit down here and tell mo every inci
dent of the afternoon Dont you hoo 1
am just consumed with curiosity 1
know you have discovered something
What iH it
I am not going to tnko off my hat
because I am going out directly again
but if you love mo get mo n cup of
that delicious tea of yours
I shall order it at once but dinner
will bo sorved shortly Yon are surely
not going out alone tonight
1 really must Do not forget I have
been used to taking care of myself in a
bigger city than Vienna is and 1 shall
bo quite safe You will pleaue excuse
my abHonco from tho dinner table to
Nonsenso Jonniol You cannot bo
allowed to roam round Vienna in that
Bohemian way I
Then princess 1 must go to a
hotel for this roaming round is strictly
necessary and I dont want to bring
the Palace Stoitiheimur into disre
Jennio Ill tell yon what wo will
do well both bring it into disrepute
Tho prince is dining at his club tonight
with some friends so I shall order tho
carriage mid yon and I will roam round
together You will lot mo come wont
you Whero aro you going
I nin going to tho Qraubenstrasso
to see Herr Felt
Oh I know Herr Feltz and a dear
old man ho isl He will do anything for
me If you want any favor from Herr
Feltz you had better tako mo with
I shall bo delighted Ah hero comes
tho teal lint what is tho uso of order
ing tho carriage Wo can walk there in
u very fow minutes
I think we had bettor havo tho car
riage Tho prince would bo wild if he
Muy I talc some of this with mcT she
heard that we two went walking about
tho streets of Vienna at uight So Jen
nie we must pay some respect to con
ventionality and we will take the car
riage Now tell mo whero you huvo
been and what yon huve seen and all
about it
Over their belated decoction of tea
Jennio related everything that hud
fAnd what do you expect to learp
from tho analysis at the chemists Jen
I expect to learn something that
will startle the director of police
And wha is that Jennie dont
keep me on tenterhooks in this provok
I ing way How can yon act so I shall
write to Lord Donul and tell him that
you are hero iu Vienna if you dont
I mind
I Well under snch n terriblo threat
as that I suppose I mast divulge nil
my suspicions But I really dont
know anything yet I merely tuepect
The weight of that dust when I piclnM
up a handful of it pccinid to Imlicato
that the gold is s t ill thero in tho rub
bish heap
You dont mean to Ray sol Then
there Iiiih been no robbery at nil
Thoro may have been a robbery
planned but I dont think any thief
got a portion of the gold The chance
are that thoy entirely underestimated
tho force of the explosive they were
using and unless I am very much mis
taken thoy urn dealing with something
a hundred times more powerful than
And will the chemical analysis show
what explosive was used
No it will only show what tho
debt Is Ih composed of It will Ret tin tho
question whether or not the gold is in
that dust lump If it is then I think
the government will owe mo hoiiiii
thanks heunuso tho director of police
talked of calling tho rubbish away ami
dumping it out of Right somewhere if
the government gets back its gold then
I Mipposii the question of who Hied tho
initio Is merely of aeiidonilo interest
The cm tinge is waiting your high
ness was the announcement mado to
tho princess who at onco jumped up
and nit id
Ill ho ready in five minutes Im
as anxious now iih you are to hear what
the chemist has to say but I thought
you told mo ho wouldnt have tho
analysis leaily until -I oclock tomor
row What is the uho of going there
Uecause I am reasonably certain
that the director of police will ceo him
em ly tomorrow morning and I want to
get the ihst copy of tho analysis my
With that tho princess rnn away and
presently reappeared with her wraps on
The two iliovo to the shop of Herr Feltz
on tho QraitbenstranHse and were told
that the chemist could not bo seen in
any circumstances Ho had left orders
that ho was not to bo disturbed
Disobey those orders nnd tako in my
card I said the princess
A glanco at tho card dissolved the
mans douhtB and ho departed to seek
his master
To lio rontlminil next TIiuimIms 1
Gannrul Alvurrr nuil III Stun Totlier
Willi lift solillriK Taken Trigone by
tho Aini rUiin Near OritiiU tit
Manila Oct IS Inder cover of a
stormy night Captain KUiott of the
Fortieth luliiiitry MirpiKod the Insiir
gent headqiiaiteis near Oroquiota Isl
ami of Mindanao ami captured with
out lighting ieiiornl Alverez with his
statY and - soldiers The captuie Is
Impoitant and will tend to paclty the
dlstilet Alveie had been for a long
time provoking hostilities In Min
danao It was he who effected the dis
astrous attack on Oroquieta some time
ago ami he was preparing another
when be was captured
Detachments of the Twenty sixth
nuil Klghtoontli regiments engaged the
Instil gents near Ttihungan in southern
Iauay routing them killing 120 ami
wounding many
CliliiiKo liuhi it n tl rruilftliiiiH
CtilriiK Oil 17 Wheat wm higher pari
on millet bill u arliil Inter on poor sup
poll lliiciiilier olo liitf Ke lowir Com
clnsitl Vn ie nuil oals ii4e down Im
InIoiis clii ril imUuiiiKtil to Be Jopressotl
riu liiK piltt
Whent llLt TV Nov 74V7Htte Dec
Corn Oft MVi MFfo Nov- i7Te Dee
3V4e Mil Mr
lnt lit JIV Nov UlMie Dee Jl
J e May iV
Polk -Oct H 00 Nov J101K Jan
fll Ji
Iiml Ott Jfl77 Nov 0 l7yj Dec
11117 Jnn H7j
Itllw tiit fil7 Nov 011 Dee
1110 Jnn l7i
Cuh limitation -No J roil nlitutt -iii
7tie No It itll u lii nt 70i1j7ljc No
ypilhi hent tS ruTt1 No J li 1 1 tl uhout
lfiiT V No It hitiil u licit UWa2u No J
en li nun tlfiMlV No I i axli torn V
No m IIow i oi ii -41 No I yellow coin
lOVillo No eith oUH No -
while outs 4ilVv No white outs lKi
CIiIciiro Il stork
riitenifo let 17000
Iniliullim uesteiiiH ami 7M1 Texan
Komi liiiilluin M eel h MroiiKor hpivy Mini
low mi nag to higher Tex
iiiih linn iiiiiIm n licM mi snlt l toilny ono
t niloiil til i 10 poor In ineilltiin K0l
fillO pi laic Mi oil i iViSA feetl
eiH i lioli e Monily othi iw hlon Jl MMi lfiO
llllxeil Moileii slow cows
I liolrci runnel h
I H In I hulls 2 HVn I ill eihix J4U0
Oii rexiniM ri et Ipts 70 In M on mIo to
tlnr one unload tit IU Texas foil Meois
JUKliiUH Texan cms MeeiH il Vn I 10
Ti i hulls 7Vii i lions h to
ilt tiMio tonioiiow itiono estimutetl
left tiMT sOOd ll ie lowei top 4m
iii1mi ntiil lmlihiis 4t0ii lli cootl to
eholie lioiixj 1 llVn I IH iinicli heavy 40
6M Wl lU ht lri4 II hulk of Miles J4 7o
ftl4 si Sheep tltHK Menily
tliolee anil fi eillliK liitnhi Ml oncer others
Meittl kooiI to wethei II04 J
fall- to thiilte mlxeil H t4 00 westora
hht ep fIIMlMltl Texah nheep LlWffltiOj
nnthe Innilis 4 riu weMeia iHiuhs
14 itHiriri
Kantai Llt Ilvo Stock
Knnsns Tty Ott 17
04IK niithtK ltHKl Texauc L000 cnhoh
linpitiM tl iloninntl for nil i 1iihms tit Mciuly
to lilt- IiIkIiiI niithe steers f4ii54
Ktookois mill fet ilors Jt Mil 00 hutt hor
t ows nuil holfois Jit KK4 7i i3
tillll foil westerns lrvrii3j Ti xans
fJKiftill 4 eiihes fJJltv iO
KIOOO tuiilo slow pilet8 ruleil 10c
lower hetny ami mlxeil 4 7OJI4S0 llpltt
J4 l4 N piss 4 Wt t W
in the at nun prleos lainhs
jr iniijri mutton i soft r stoekor
uuil fietlors ft fi i li enlls fJriOfrtltJS
South Oinuliu I lie Stock
Bonth tlinahu Oi t 17 -rattle
riMHI sleailj iiJtlw lu ef steels 4 4IHQSXI
Moslem stools J ilKKj ltsi Texas steers
tJV4 00 eiiiN nail helfois l O0j370
i nnmis 1 1 7Vri IK stotkois uml fooilors
9Nfi4M mlus jaiKK aOOfl hulls stUK
He fi4 V llos llitelpts 7MK
lfiiWv lowe Iujmv 14 ut4 07V4 tnlxetl
4tliVl4 Im Ilctit J4 Ilit4 7Jt iIk JM 60
tl Ml Imlk of sales 4 Sheep
Itoulpts 11MHK steiilj wostern imittouH
IM tiYcM 00 ttoik bin i p jaJ0u35 luuihs
4 OOiiO
iiinnii riitlon Mm llroii ITnllicil nnil Hf
pot In iiro Now IIoIiik 1 ntiuliili il I
Wiishliigtoii it IS The eniitiiern
tloti wink of the lift li eeiisim Is coin
pletcil mid the Iiniiiienitom ate prac
tically all paid Theie weie KltMK
tliiinieiators mid i7 siipet visors The
cost of the cniiineiatlon will be about
The factoiv woik alio H
about llulshed All of the special field
agents In the maiiiiructtitlug ami In
IiimIiIiiI llui s will complete their work
ami be paid off by Nov 1 The cost of
this woik will be about SlinoOOO
The whole force of the census bureau
Is being coucentiiiteil on the woik of
tubulating the statistics alieiuly gntli
eied The lepoit of the census huieiiu
when eoinpletid will occupy eight vol
nines of 1000 pages each The woik
of the pieseiit census Is heavier hy sev
eral million Inhabitants than ever be
fine but Diiector Meirlam IhlukH It
will be lently for the public six week
earlier than heretofoic
olliiw Iotor In Huvmiiii
New Yoik Oct IS The Va cnlng
Post H lilts aicoimtH leeched by mall
of yellow level In llnxinn The Post
mi tide says in part that the diselos
tiles made by mall nth lees hIiow a
stmtllug condition of the health of Ha
vana mid sultiiibs also an apparently
concerted attempt of the authorities
and hotel proprietors to siippiess the
facts The facts are that yellow fevei
Is now raging not only In the districts
where It Is yearly expected but In
places that have been considered safe
from Its rnlils
When you havo no appetite do not
relish your food and fool dull after eat
ing you need n doso of Ohntnberlniifp
Stomach and Liver Tablets Prico fie
SiimpleB freo at tho Kiesan Drug Co
Ioh It Iuy to Ituy Clieiip
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is nil right but you want something
that will roliovu and euro the more
severe nnd dnngerous results of throot
nnd lung troubles What shall you do
Go to n warmer nnd more regular ch
mnto Yes if possible if not poshible
for you then in either enso take the
only remedy that hns been introduced in
nil civilized countries with success iu
severe throat and lung troubles
Boscheos German Syrup It not
only henls nnd stimulatesthe tipsnes to
destroy the germ disease hut allays in
flammation causes easy expectoration
gives 11 good nights rest and cures the
pationt Try one bottle Recommended
niauy years by nil druggists in the world
Get Greens Prizo Almanac Kiesnu
Drug Co
BilioupneEb is cnut ed by n lry liver
permits food to sour in your stomach
makes you cross Rocky Mountain Tea
makes you well and cheerful Ahk
your lrnggist
litest Ion A iih w rod
Yes AugustJFlower still has tho larg
est Fiilo of nny medicine in the civilized
world Your mothers and grand
mothers never thought of using any thing
olso for indigestion or biliousness Doc
tors were senrce and they seldom heard
of appendicitis nervous prostration or
heart fnilure etc They used August
Flower to clean out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food regu
nto tho nction of the liver stimulate the
nervous and orgnuic action of the system
and that is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches nnd other
nches You only need a few doses of
Greens August Flower in liquid form
to mnke you satisfied there is nothing
serious tho nintter with you Get
Greeus Prizo Almanac Kie6au Drug
Ladies desiring a transparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishes
and blackheads should use Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
When you cannot sleep for coughing
it is hardly necessary that any one
should tell you that you need a few doses
of Chamberlains Cough Remedy to al
lay tho irritation of tbe throat nnd mnke
sleep possible It is good Try it For
sale by tho Kiesnu Drug Co
It lliipponril Inn Drill Store
One day last winter a lady came to
my ding store nnd aked for a brand of
cough medicine that I did not have in
stock siys Mr C RGrnndiu tho pop
nlar druggist of Ontnrio N Y Sho
was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recom
mend 1 said to her that I could freely
rpconiinendChnmberlains Cough Rem
edy and that sho could take n bottle of
the remedy and nftpr giving it a fair
trial if sho did not find it worth the
inouoy to bring back tho bottle and I
would refund tho price paid In tho
course of a day or two tho lady came
back in compnuy with a friend iu need
of a cough medicine and advised her to
buy n bottle of Chaniberlaius Cough
Remedy I consider that a very good
recommendation for the remedy It is
for sale by tho Kiesnu Drug Co
Ilihtya Celery Nerve Compound
for all novous diseases neuralgia rheu
matism nervous debility paralysis
biliousness dyspepsia costiveuess piles
liver complaint kidney troubles and
feuinle complaints It goes to the seat
of the disease and cures thoroughly and
speedily Sold by Geo B Christoph
lob Couldnt Hutu Stood It
If hed had itching piles Theyre ter
ribly nnuoyiug but Bneklens Arnica
Snlve will cure the worst case of piles on
earth It has cured thousands Foriu
juries pains or bodily eruptions its the
best snlve in the world Price 25o a
box Cure guaranteed Sold by the
Kiebau Drug Co
Railroad and Business Directory
Tried Them
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Omalin lnenior
Clili iiko lxpivfe
I thl
lilcimo IxpreM
Qulnlun Tor CoIiIh
Many people who ute quinine for the
cure of coldsfeay that the effect of this
drug is more disagreeable than the dis
ease Krauses Cold Cure is prepared
in a couvenientcapsule form and will
cure the most deeply Rented cold in 24
hours without any interruption to busi
ness They are pleasant to take nnd
give you a clear fresh sensation while
operating Price 25c Soldby Geo 13
HellurH leMliiioiiy
Albert IlellerJliving at 1 1 14JFnrnbnin
St Omaha says I have tried most
everything that is used as a preventa
tive or cure for headache but uothing
did me so much good as Krauses Head
ache Capsules Others who have used
them say the same thing Price 25o
Sold by Geo B Christoph
ForIciiile ConiiltluU
and diseases arising from an impure
state of the blood Lichtys Celery Nerve
Compound is an invaluable specific
Sold by Geo B Christoph
For sprains swellings and lameness
there 1b nothing so good as Chamber
Iains Pain Bulm Try it For sale by
the Kiesau Drug Co
For three days and nights I suffered
agony untold from an attack of cholera
niorbuB brought on by eating encum
bers eaysM E Lowther clerk of the
district court Centerville Iowa I
thought I should surely die and tried a
dozen different medicines but all to no
purpose I sent for a bottle of Chamber
Iains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and three doses relieved me en
tirely This remedy is for sale by the
Kiesan Drug Co
0 ft n m
1 -V p m
Uiiinhii UilUliin
HInck lulls ixpwr 7 w p m
Iium iik xr 12 top m
orIIkro AccnuiintxlRtloii SMJnm
lllnrk IIIIIh lxprei 12 W p in
i njlfn IWeiiKer tHimm
wnllKtn ArcoiiiiiiiMlntiiiti 7 iUpiu
lliol liicim o mill llltick Hills KxpreHii Armi R
Mid ili imrH from Jntiotion dcpoi 1 In Onmlm
unit enllio trnitih tirho nml ilppnrt ftoiii clt
iloJt 11 1 At i KAf AKint
Union Pacific
olutnliiiR Arcomtniiilntlon BSOpm
Oinnlin Ouivtrntiil Inclllo fount II Win in
south Aimiu
oiiitnlniR Arc mmoiltitlon 10 3Upm
Onmlin Heiinr ntiil Iltclllcronpt HtXtpm
tliniieotH lit Niufolk with V K A M V miuu
west nuil utirth uml with tlio U Bt V M ft O
for poind north nuil enpt
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Slonx City nnil Otniilin Infponsor HMOnm
Hlonx tltj PanBenKor lHOpm
Hlonx t Ity PanwnKir ll8nm
blocx City nntl Oiniilin PnoNinKer 7 31 p m
Comipclfi at Norfolk with h E it M V koIdit
went anil north ami with tlio U 1 for piiiuts
ninth K W Juneman Agent
TJiiilj except Suntlny
- Pine Watch
Hor Itmim Proo
Spenocr Ovtlmnn
Boots and oes
Repairing Ntatly Ocre
Contractor and Builder
117 fourth Street
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Awntic
Cheopent nnd Dent
Norfolk Avenue
The Norfolk Horseshoer
All Work Uitabanteeii
or Hrnnfcli no mid tth St
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
They overcome Wealr
ness irregularity and
omissions increase
or ana banish pains
of menstruation They are LIFJE SAVEKS to girls at
womanhood aiding development of organs and body No
known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure 100 PER BOX BY MAIL Sold
by druffgists Dli MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio
A new remedy for biliousness is now
on sale at the Kiesau Drug Co It is
called Chamberlaiub Stomach and Liver
Tublets It gives quick relief and will
prevent the attack if given as Foon ab
the llrst indication of the desease np
penrs Price 2 cents per box Samples
llohueri The Grine
A startling incident is narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows
I was in an awful condition My skin
was almost yellow eyes sunken tongne
coated pain continually in back and
sides no appetite growing weaker day
by day Three physicians had given me
up Then I was advised to use Electric
Bitters to my great joy the first bottle
made a decided improvement I con
tinued their use for three weekB and am
now a well man 1 know they robbed
the grave of another victim No ono
should fail to try them Only 50c
guaranteed at the Kiesau Drug Co
Ladies if yon want a refined and
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
use Rocky Mountain Tea Never fuils
Afck yonr druggiBt
Wlmt Miull We Hne for VeHterf
This question aribes in the family
every day Let us answer it todny
Try Jell O a delicious dessert Pre
pared in two minutes No baking add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Lmiioh orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
HiMiittrkH Iron ene
Was the result of his splendid health
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach liver kid
neys and bowels are out of order If
you want these qualities and the succesp
they briutr use Dr Kings New Life
Pills Only 25 cents at theKiesau Drug
111 II 11 4 f
jAHai v
VfBlll V
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VTMAl rtoarnut aomrc
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V nrirm rrrrrTL
orcvcRv PHY6ICWM
For Sale by George B Christoph
run uie
Made a
Well Man
t a
a ui inc
produce tbe above resnlU In 30 day It tcU
Sswertully and quickly Cnrea wben all otben U1L
oimg men will retain tbelr loet manhood and old
men will recover tbelr youtbtul vigor by nalog
BEVIVO It quickly and aurelyreatorM Nerfou
neM Loat Vitality Impotency Nightly Emlaalonc
Coat Power Falling Memory Wasting Dlaeaaeaud
all effect of telt abuae or exceuand tnrUacrcitoa
which nnnti ona or atudy buslneas or marriage It
not only core by starting at tbe aeat o dlaeaae bat
If great nerve tonic and blood boilder bring
ing back the pink low to pale cbeeka and re
storing tbe Ore of yoatb It warde off Inaanlti
and Oonromption Indat on baring REVIVO eo
other It can be carried In veat pocket By malt
100 per package or dx lor BBAO wits at poat
It written rrnanute to emr or reiaM
the money Book and advlte free Addreea
Few sale iu Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Christoph druggist
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison MedU
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
In ftwtla A a t
tcowreniiitDiMa tuU Aak your druggUt