The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 18, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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1PIMIKMMI mill llflllllt Mil nillll IKII
illiliili l IiciIikI niliiiM mill
I itiiini I niliil Miillir
IrnM Ttil l
YIih iiimlilltiiii ulnilm nf Mm mm
pnwliirl t li tilKliI In Hi oily IhiII
fnr tli nt1Mm nf placing In iioinliiatliiii
cmuilliliUHnfor jiriiilimloHliMirH mill Hi
tmiiMtrltnn nf nllim ImihIihwh
J H Hliiimtn pumliloil it iiliiilrinilll
mill V It MmiMiPii nitwl Hi wuimliiry
Inr 1iiMliinf limiiii H V 1 lnyM
llllll V I HlHIll y WlIO plltlOtl In
I Inn
Ior cniilnlilii 1 M doviiil mul W
U livltiglnii writ plinml on t ln I Itilcut
II II Ilrtiggiiiiaiin Wiih placed In
nniillliiiMoii fur iiwttmwtr
Nituiu were ricniiiiiuiiiiloil In tho
county Judge for upMilntnioiil uh Judgim
mul clerk of election mul oilier IiiimIihihh
wiii limiHiul
Ilxlinirrlli IJniirliK
Tim ilomooriitlit electors of Nnrfolli
precinct nidi In convention liuil evening
lit llmlr lnl iihiiiih for I lin purport of
placing In iininlnntlnti pioolnot oIIIcoim
mul truiitmotliig other IiiihIiiimh
I 1 KiMtnlgntiiUl prtvililml im hulr
itirtii mul 1 1 1 Dniilnl noted ivmoomlury
Ior IhiHilllcn if luwcHmir llioro wiih
quite mi IlilHimllug content Olio
tinlow Find Krmil mul llormmi
JoriHiho being Hio cnuilliliUoM The
iitiiir uiiiildinikii wiih noiiiliiiitnil nftor
mivonil liitlolh lutil hmm taken
lnrjiihllriwof tlm piwol L Daniel
mul A P ClilIdH worn placed in nonil
1 M Coulcy mul II llunttnor worn
named rorcntiHtiililoi
V I I Winter was uninliiixtiMl for
road ovurmmr In iIIkIiIoI No H mul Win
Ilruiiiimiiid In illxtrlnl No I
rim following precinct central com
iiilltiiiwiiiiiluiHiiu AiigiiHl llruniintiiid
Flint ward IM Irani Second word
I 1 KoniilgHtnln Third wunl F
Koorbnr Fourth ward I I
oiiInIiIo precinct
Judge mid clerks of election worn
rvcoiuiiiiiiilnd to tho county Judge tor
tnliiiH ImihnWHky Ih In Hio city from
1 J Denny lutil liUHliuiirt lit Madison
HIioillV liii V Imoy Is u city visitor
today ftnui MiiiIImiii
Hurt Mupci win iv passenger this
morning for MitiUhon
I 1 KnmilgHlolu wiih in liorco yos
tonliiy on legal IihsIuph
A Illcy mul Noruimi Oohnur of Madi
Hon mo i ty vbltors today
Geo Williams Inft yesterday noon for
a IiiihIiiom Irtp to St Paul
Hoy iiiiitucr went to Umulolpli yes
utility iiu telephone btulnrwx
A IiiiiiiIhoiiio daughter wiih born to Mr
mul Mrs II W Winter hint night
County Surveyor W 11 Lowe wont
to MuiIIkoii tliii morning on liusiurss
CJurl Wlliln in liulliliiiK a lino uuw
barn at hit luiiiui on South Sixth Htroot
Houittorn llmiua mul Iryo aro to bo in
Norfolk al 11 noxt Friday inoruiuK
MrHJmuiH Vivitrt wont to lCwinc last
ovonliiK to visit lior inothor who in vory
1 K SliupNou wax muotiK tho
atim to tho Haulciu uiootii at Madison
Tho Wtdnculay club will moot with
Mrn J B HriilKo tomorrow aftornoon
nt 0
Mrri loliu Scott of Oukdulo and Mrn
J 0 IiiRornoll of Wiihoo woro city
viHltom yiHtorday
W 11 HlaUonum Ih lmviuR hoiiio sub
Htmitial oumuiit walkn plneod about hit
roHliloiico on North Klovuutli stnutt
U II Wunnor olork iu Hhuiuh ntoro
hart kouu to liiH hutuo in Stanton boiug
thrcatouud with mi attack of typhoid
J 0 Douny lluoiuau for tho tolophono
company will occupy tho roouiH iu tho
Cotton block recoutly vacatod by Mrs
S IC Lou
Mr and MrH lr lloohno woro do
torrcd from rouioviiiK to Omaha yoHtor
lay art coutouiplatod by tho Hickuoss ot
Mm lloohno
MiflM SouucHcheiu iittoudaut nt the
Norfolk hortpltal fortuoinaauo roturnod
yostorday from hor homo iu Stautou
whcro rtho has boon on aick leavo
Mr and Mrs W 0 King aro prepar
ing to movo to Omaha and Mr and Mrn
O 13 Oroou will occupy tho rooms iu
the Powora house vacatod by them
Old sottlers say that 20 years ago to
day snow foil in this vicinity ami winter
not iu so Hovoroly that the llrst snow re
uiaiiied on tho grouud until spriug
Tho Union Pacific company ha built
a substantial new sidewalk across its
trmks ou Mudisou aveuuo oonuoctiug
with tho now walk roceutly built by the
There will bo a business mooting of
tho Norfolk High School Alutuni associ
ation at tho High school Thursday
evening October 18 at eight oclock
lly order of the executive committee
Ashistiiut Socretary of War Goorgo D
Moiklojohu who atone time represented
this district iu cougress is listed to
speak iu Norfolk two weeks from to-
liinriow fiilolmrHIil Mr MolltliJnliu
li mi Miiliiliilnliig npimkor and will iii
li rlalii nil wlioiuiiy iiltoiiil
Mis H Ilicdlor and llvn clilldion
ilipailod Huh noon for Oliluhninii City
wlinui tlinv Will iiiukn tholr homo in
future Mr IiiiwIit having purohniod a
giocory iloro Inhnny Funnier will bo
iillmvid loronialn iu llumphroy whoro
ho U attiiidiug Icriiiiin suliool
Tho tiiini of IM lawronco with tho
Hliigor inachlno wagon attaohcd took iv
lively Hpln Ihiough tho streets thi
iiiiirnlng Htarting ou North Fourth
street They woro raptured on Iliiup
aveuuo wohI of the M K rhuroh No
parllciilarilainiigo win done except tho
lortlug of a mihIiIou mul whip
Misrt liimrii Moad daughter of
Ooorgo Mead formerly a rohidont of
Sioux Olty but now of Oinaliu was
marrlod last Thursday at Omaha to 1
Henry Scott ii civil onglnuer for tho
Illinois Uontral Kallroad conipany
Sioux City Journal Miss Moad has
vlHltod iu Norfolk and lias many friends
hero who will wish hor happiness
V A Hoinlobln Is oonductlngupoul
try business In Norfolk of far greater
importance than many people Imagine
Ilirt dally shipments of birds uvorugo
about ton barrels and ho has a force of
10 men and women employed in killing
and dry picking tho fowls Tho insti
tution Is conducted In tho building noxt
door south of tho Dudley livery barn
Prof Hoyce of Kearney will speak
hero tomorrow on tho political issues of
tho day from a populist standpoint If
tho weather permits ho will speak from
the KooHovolt stand corner Fourth and
Main streets If tho weather is not
good tho address will bo held in tho
Diirland opera house Ho is announced
to speak at H oclock tomorrow ovoning
but may also speak in tho aftornoon
Tho Early Hour club hold its llrst
dunce of tho season last night at Masts
hall and a vory enjoyable ovoning was
spout by those attending Hohnerts
orchestra furbished a vory line quality
of inusio for the occasion Tho club
enjoyed a vory successful aniUECinent
season lust winter and this season opons
with every prospects for a renewal of
the pleasures of n year ago
The son of Mr and Mrs lOmil Koohn
who wns recently oporated upon for ap
pendicitis underwent another operation
this morning He had fully recovered
from tho llrst attack of tho disoaso but
while playing at sohool recoutly ho fell
ou a stop ami a pluynmto ou top of him
tho result being that some of tho ad
hesions of tho former operation woro
ruptured Pus was formed and the
oporntionthis morning was for its re
moval It is now hoped that ho may re
cover his health
Iiilmront urn hi Duiniiiiil liy Contractor
Pariniirn mill Othor
That inon uro uot falling over them
selves for employment nowadays as they
woro in lSlHJ is vory apparent to anyouo
not blinded by partisanship Tho past
few years have without question been
more profitable to labor than for many
yours before
II K Owon who was hero tho other
day tolls some of tho dillicultios ho has
to got men on his railroad contract work
He recoutly signed an agreement with u
loading Chicago employment agency
Tho agoncy contracted to delivor 100 men
at Cheyenne Wyo their transporta
tion and other exponsos being paid
When tho men aro delivered which
was to havo been last Saturday ho is to
pay tho agoucy 5oo in cash for its part
of the transaction To tho mou he
promises a wago of a day aud they
aro to pay I a week for board
Potor Fitch is looking for men to husk
corn ami otlors throe cents a bushel and
Mr Harris a farmer living south of
Stautou was in tho city recoutly look
ing for men to hush corn and also offers
three cents aud board Ho secured ono
man but wauted several
It is said by those who know that in
quiries are being made for men iu Nor
folk every day not only for mou to husk
coru iu tho country but by people in
town who havo work to do
There is little room to doubt but that
ovory man In Norfolk wautiug work
can secure it It was very different
four years ago
Letter I Int
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tbo postoOico October In 1000
J E Andrews Miss Aunin Blackatt
F M Aldeu Freda Bonne Lou Brisco
B Bundick J O Buftiugtou Oliver
Ounuingham J M Davey May Dewey
F Drukmeier Ohas D Froohlloh
Charles Frolic Harry Harmon Johu
Huberlan Mr JohusonPousiou Atty
S W Kelly Mrs Vadie Myers J
Miller O W Mills Ohas MoDonald
Mrs O C Patterson Mrs Kirk Robin
sou Johu B ltogers L W Shiploy
Myra Stevous Fremont Wheeler G M
White U Wolfe
If not called for iu 30 days will bo
4 sent to the dead letter oilice
Parties colliug for auy of tho above
please say advertised
P F Spkeciibu P M
M T Kryger at Eberharta restau
rant is agent for a first class steam
laundry at Wayne Gfve them a trial
Satisfaction guaranteed
Tub News 300 department is com
plete in every particular
He Will Visit Norfolk a Week
From Today
Idipln of TUN Ioiiiiiiiliilly Unli Son Wlmt
lli l Itoiillj Midi Itiipiililliiiti lull
Atiungin for a MiKitillK Willi llui Truv
illiiK Ml HlxmltliiK I IMilnlr
Irmn IrliliijH Dnlb
Tho people of Norfolk ond vicinity
will have an opportunity tosootho great
bogy man of tho country Senator
Marcus A llanna chairman of tho re
publican national committee and will
havo a chance to jndgo of his ferocity
and his dangerous qualities
It is probable that no man In tho
countryslnco tho nation was established
has boon as sovorly dealt with by tho
cartoonist tho orator and tho newspaper
as Mark Hanna There aro undoubtedly
many people who firmly bollove that
tlm smmtnr is us lie is uicturod with a
faco and form closely resembling a
boast of a vory degraded order Thnro
aro probably some who will expect to
soo horns protruding from his head his
pedal extremities cloven hoofs und
that ho boars othor peculiar foaturos
bearing a similarity to thoso accorded
by popular tradition to his satanic
There aro fow who will caro to miss
thu opportunity of seoiug Mr Hanna
regardless of what opinion they havo
formed concerning him
Tho sonator will bo iu Norfolk n week
from todav onterinir tho state lit Sioux
City Stops will bo mado at Wayne
and other towns botwoon Sioux City
and Norfolk A stop of but ton minutes
will bo mado hero but all will havo an
opportunity to soo him und ho will un
doubtedly niakoa short talk
From hero ho will go to Columbus
stopping at Mudisou HO minutes and
making snoochos at other towns along
that lino From Columbus ho will go
to Fremont and thouco to Lincoln
where ho will make nu evening speech
Norfolk has been vory fortuuato iu
receiviug visits from men of national
reputation in tho republican party It
is ouo of tho conveniences of a town
with n number of railroads contoriug
therein Visits from lloosovolt and
Hanna aro about tho acme of all desires
for ono campaign as far as republicans
aro concerned
Tho senator will bo in Norfolk at
1 1 J0 and iu Madison at noon 1 urther
particulars of his visit will bo announced
John Bridgo was taken quite seriously
sick last night
Master Douald Mapos is sick with tho
whooping cough
G A Luikart is expected homo from
Chicago tomorrow
Born to Mr aud Mrs James Chess
Monday night a sou
Row S F Sharploss and son Froome
drove to Holt county today
Editor W E Powers of tho Pierce
Loader was iu tho city this moruiug on
Dr P II Salter and Superintendent
C II Reynolds aro onjoyiugafewdtiys
huut at Horse Shoo lake
Tho ladies society of tho Congrega
tional church will meet tomorrow aftor
uoou at 2 10 in the church parlors
There will bo a special meeting to
night of Mosalo lodgo No 55 A F and
A M for work iu tho Fellowcraft do
Tho members of tho Music Students
club mot with Mrs W H Bucholz last
evening and speut tho time very pleas
Mrs J M Covert writes from Ewing
that her mother is uot liicely to recover
as she is 70 yoars of ago and has con
gestion of the brain
Mrs Victor Seymour aud daughter
accompanied by a cousin Miss Clara
Reynolds of Lincoln aro visiting at the
homo of 11 H Reynolds iu the Heights
Eugiuoer W A Lenhart formerly of
Verdigre has moved his family to Nor
folk Ho was formerly on Nos 5 aud 6
but will now take Mout Wheelers old
Senator Hauna Is entertaining large
aud onthuslastlo crowds on his western
trip Ho made half a dozeu speeches
in Wisconsiu yestorday Ho will ba in
Norfolk at 1 1 20 next Friday
Mr aud Mrs I Nouman ot Washing
tou Kansas are recont arrivals iu the
city Mr Nouman will tako tho posi
tion in the Star clothing store made
vacant by the resignation of Mr
Judgo J B Borues who went to Lin
coln Monday returned last eveniug
He reports that Guy was recently
elected first Ueuteuaut of the Perehlng
titles by acclamation find that Kim has
been chosen as second sergeant of tho
samo organization
It is said that somo of the sidewalks
in the neighborhood of the Graut school
house are iu very bad condition especi
ally those adjoining vacant lots Tho
children who attend the school some
times suffer from their defectiveness
One of the boys fell down yesterday ou
account of the condition of sidewalks
and is suffering from 11 bndly bruisod
J A Hoyce of Kearney writes that ho
is compelled to cancel his dates for
spunking hero mid nt Mndlsou mid tho
meeting that was to havo been hold
this ovoning has therefore been post
poned Ho states that tho democrats
have filed two protest cases there aud
ho is compelled to stay and pco them
Tho Hunna spnaking will take pluco
next Iriilay from 11 temporary stand to
bo erected at the corner of Fifth aud
Main streets It Is very probable that a
special train will bo run from tho west
ou that day to uccomodato the people
from that direction who wish to soo tho
distinguished chairman of thu republi
can national committee
Geo H Bishop of New Haven Conn
who has had under consideration tho
erection of 11 two story brick block at
the cornor of Fourth and Malu streets
has docidod to build but will mako tho
struoturu but a singlo story iu height
Tho building will bo ns contemplated in
the original plans with tho exception of
the height He oxpoots to begin work
ou the foundation this fall
Tho Fremont Tribune makes tho
following original announcement of
Sonator Hauuas visit to that city
Mothors of Fremont should not miss
tho opportunity Friday afternoon at
1 10 oclock to tako all their children to
soo Murk Hanna tho most powerful
man on earth Hauna can do anything
no can not only polish oil fusionists us
fast as thoy como to him but ho can
raiso tho prico of wheat by 11 move of
his hand ho etui speak tho word and
cut worms como into tho cotton crop of
democratic Texas ho can wink at tho
sky nmFit rains in Nobrasku and Ohio
to mako them bring prosperity and
blight tho hopes of calamity Ho cau
put an army of democrats to flight by
making three passes in tho air giving
thorn jimjamsjfor three long months
ensuing It will bo a groat opportunity
to seo tho greatest bogey mau over was
or over will bo
Aleck C Rankin tho Pittsburg
moulder thoroughly entertained a
largo crowd at Madison yesterday Ho
spoko iu tho opera houso which was
packed to its utmost capacity and held
the attention of his hearers for two
hours and forty minutes and even then
thoy didnt get tired but urged him to
go on A novel feature of tho parade
was a representation of tho conditions
now us compared with 1S9G A dilapi
dated prairio scoouer hauled by a gaunt
team of horses aud with tho lean yellow
dog and all tho nccountroments of a
poor movor demonstrated tho conditions
of lSMi Following this was a well fed
team hauling a prosperous well fed
farmer whoso wagon was loaded with
farm produce Ho represented tho pre
vailing conditions of 1500 Mr Rankin
mado a telling argument in favor of re
publican policios Ho is by trade a
moulder but ho has been a speaker for
tho republican national committee for
over a dozen years Wheu tho protection-free
trade issue was paramount
Mr Riukin had tho roputatiou of know
ing more about the tariff thauauy othor
man on tho ropublicuu sido of the ques
tion Ho will be iu tho state for a
That tho fusionists are averse to fight
ing iu tho opeu has been shown many
times and in many ways They will
crowd their arguments in under any
guise that they thiuk will soouro gatteu
tion or win a convert This has recently
been exemplified iu Norfolk Some
time ago Commander Roberts of tho G
A R post received a request from tho
Farm Field and Fireside fpublishod at
Chicago for the names of the members
of tho post stating that thoy wished to
send sample copies of their paper Mr
Roberts nogloctod to attond to it aud re
cently he received a bundle of papers
from the company with tho request that
he distribute them Ho gave out a num
ber of them to comrades as ho met them
and those who read tbem were not slow
in finding out tho purpose for which
they woro Bent Tho issue was promi
nently marked as the Veteran Num
bor and stowed away among reading
mattor of considerable interest to veter
ans was An Open Letter from Com
rades inserted by request of committeo
This proved to bo an article endorsing
Bryauism iu the strongest terms but
tho efforts of the paper will prove of
little avail Tho attempt has evidently
been made to get it into the hands of
overy G A R man in tho state
Fruit lu Oregon
Tho followiug iuterestiug faotB fire
takeu from aletter wrltteu to J S Mor
row by W P Powell uow of Ashland
Wo arounusually well aud have a
lovely olimato oat here It has beeu
nice and cool all summer with uo bad
BtorniB of any kiud This ia a flue fruit
couutry We have had berriea Bince
last May First strawberries then
raspberries thou blackberries besides
cherries currants poaohes plums of
all kinds pears and apples Our peaoh
crop was nearly a failure from late frost
which comes tho old settlers say about
once in five or six years but we had
enough for our owu use aud what we
did liave were fine We had some early
Orawfords that weighed 10 ounces each
aud measured 1J inches iu circumfer
ence Plums as large as hens eggs are
Um 111 nor Ioyiilor mul T 1 Nolun
HrIiIvii Norfolk 1itiiplo on tho Toll-
H oftlinTrl liirty AIIIiiikc
Kriuu Motitlnys Dally
Tho Auditorium was woll filled Satur
day both oftornoou and ovoning by
pooplo wl n canio out to hear Governor
Poyntoi mul Thomas Nolan of Omaha
discuss tho political issues of tho day
from a i on standpoint Tho audi
encos 1 orderly and attoutlvo but
there v 1 uotablo lack of enthusiasm
Tho a 1 rossos woro undoubtedly as
logical and couviuoiug as the issues of
tho ciuupiigii would admit of and that
they had many weak points was prob
ably owing to tho weakness of tho causo
thoy represent There were many
ladies iu tho nudiouco and there was
also a liberal sprinkling of republicans
who gave tho spoakors respectful atten
tion Indicating their dosiro to roudor an
It tolligout verdict this fall with their
The uf ernmn was dovotod largely to
stato issues tho speakers paying somo
attention to Governor Roosovelt nnd
others w ho have visited tho stato but
their main object was to rulightou the
audience on conduct of the state institu
tions under tho present administration
audiiiviti a continuance of tho fusionists
In power
Iu tho evening national issues were
discussed at somo length but with no
unnareut chango in sentiment on tho
part of tho audieuco
For clcnuliness economy and comfort
tho Retort Oak has uo equal as a heater
Sco them at Humstreets
Thrro Killed mid Vlvn Injured ly Collapno
of New Itulldliij
New York Oct 17 A storm which
passed over tills city lust night struck
Newark N 1 with frlgbtlul Torce
musing the death of three men und
frightful Injuries to live others
The dead all of whom lived in New
ark are William Ruble mason Rob
ert Ward hodeuiTioi Joseph Uuum
pardner innson
The fatally injured Jefferson Sales
colored and Frederick ISrause
When tho storm ciune up these men
were at work on the new building the
Mucin Linoleum works The building
was to have been n brick structure
The brick work was carried to a
height of T0 feet und iron and steel
girders for the lloors and roof were
put in Tho men were engaged in tak
ing down the scaffolding in tho build
ing When the wind hit the building
It rushed through the openings nnd
formed a whirlwind inside and in a
moment the whole building collapsed
The walls wont down with n crash
and nine men were buried under the
avalanche of brick and stool Rescuers
were quickly at work the dead taken
out and the Injured removed
Two Men Killed und Kifillit Injured Dur
ing a lllsie In tho Wituhell
Shoo 1iietory
Detroit Oct 17 As a result of n
fire which started soon nftor 1 oclock
yesterday afternoon in the building at
15 Jefferson avenue occupied by the
Witchell Bros company limited man
ufacturers of elk skin shoes two men
are dead nnd eight persons ure more
or less seriously hurt
The dead Alonzo DIreson jumped
from third story window Ernest Li
setto luster smothered on the third
Ho or
The Injured Jennie McTnggart Au
gustine Sapurta Charles Dessotel
Charles OConnor Joseph Pullnre
Minnie Corbott Daniel Cardlnel Mabel
Tho tiro started In the basement
which was used as a store room for
boxes and lumber The flames spread
so rapidly that none of the employes
who were on the second nnd third
floors were uble to eseupe by the stair
way The girls employed Iu the build
ing were on the third floor und when
the cry of Hro was raised they became
panic stricken und rushed for the win
dows where a general fight followed
In their efforts to get out The tlremen
took several girls from the third story
front windows while others escuped
by means of tiro escapes
Alonzo D Ireson jumped from the
third story front window und In fall
ing brought with him a lurgo sign fast
ened to a ledge on the second story to
which three persons were hanglug
This precipitated all to tho sidewalk
nnd Ireson was instnntly killed Tho
others escaped with lesser Injuries
The property loss Is about 25000
Wreck on Orecon Short IJne
Pocatello Ida Oct 17 The Orpgon
Short Linos fast mall was wrecked at
Topaz HO miles east of her yesterday
afternoon by running Into the rear end
of a freight train standing on the main
line The engine of the pusscuger
train rolled down tho embankment
and Engineer Beckman und fireman
George were badly Injured An un
known tramp was killed uud auother
had his leg crushed
Dillingham In the Lead
Montpoller Vt Oct 17 The first
ballot taken In each house of the Vur
mout legislature for senator to sue
ceed lion Jouathun Hoss of St Johns
bury who tilled out the place of the
lato Senator Justin S Morrill by ap
pointment by Governor Smith did uot
result In a choice The leading candi
date by a good margin Is Hou William
P Dilllugham
Every woman loves to think of tho
time when a soft little body all her
own will ntle In her bosom fully
satUfylng the yjanlm watch lies In
the heArt of every good WJtnan But
yet there Is a black cloud hovering
about the prct pljra In her mind
which fills In r with terror Tho
dread of chlldbrth takes away much
ol the jy of irothirhood And yet It
need not bo so For sometime there
has been upon market well known
and recommended by physicians a
llnment called
Hollers friend
whch makes childbirth as simple and
easy 33 nature Intended it It Is a
strengthening penetrating liniment
which the skin readily absorbs It
gives the muscles elasticity and vigor
prevents sore breasts morning sick
ness and the loss of the girlish figure
An Intelligent motlier In Ilutler Pn
snyss Were I lo need Mothers lriond
nKnin I would obtain 0 bottle l I liud
to pi- 5 per bottle for it
Get Mothers Friend nt tho drug
Etore I per bottle
Atlanta Go
Write for our free Illustrated book lleforn
lUby is liurn
Illinois Central R R
TI10 Illinois Mitral desires to cull nMiMitioti
to tho unnxcelliil t crvico that is nllnriil by ita
linos to tho bonth for tho s oaon of 1MIU lW
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
FROM rorsonally
QO iiuus iimiiii 10
Jjjs Aiinol S itml Sail
briiiiciMo 11 Now
Orleans in connection
with tho Southern la
cilic leimni Chicago
ou tho Central s fast
Now Orleans
ciul connection nlffi mado by this train with
daily trains out of Now Orleans for tho Inclllc
Coast Tho Limited from Chicauo overy ovou
iiiK connects on Mondays and Thursdays at
Now Orleans aftor Docomber IS 1S99 with tho
of tho Southern Pacific kIviub special through
service to San Francisco
Double daily serv
ice is maintained out
of St Louis via tho
Illinois Central and
connecting lines to
Ka and Atlanta thro
sleoniiur car to Jack-
simwllo Floiida bcinR carried ou tho
leaviiu St Louis overy oiciiim This train as
well as the Day Kxprebs liaiw St Louis iu
tho morniuK are both Folid trains to Nnshwllo
haviiiK through coaches and sleeping cars run
iiltn through Martin Tcnn and tho N C k St
L Hy Connection via this lino for nil princi
pal points iu the Southeast such as Charleston
WiliuiiiKton Aikiu and Savauuuh and for nil
points iu Florida
Daily from Chicago to Memphis and Now
points iu tho South ou tho lines of tho Illinois
Central aud Y M V railroads will bo run on
tho first aud third Tuosday of oach mouth dur
ing tho winter soason
Full particulars concernim all of tho nlovo
cau ho lind of iiKouts of tho Illinois Central or
by addros6iuK A 11 Hanson U V A Chicago
Positively no hunting or Ashing al
lowed on the premises of the under
signed Parties trespassing will be
Lewis Ray
Toils Ray
Henry Massman
S T Nappek
Tho trip to Salt Lake City or the
Paciflo coast via Salt Lake City by way
of the Rio Grande Western Railway in
connection with tho Denver Rio
Grando or Colorado Midland roads is
the grandest in America No European
trip of equal length cau compare with
it in grandeur of scenery or wealth of
novel interest Then Salt Lake City
itself is a most quaint aud picturesque
place and woll worth the journey to see
Its Mormon temple tabernacle tithing
oilice and church institutions its hot
and warm sulphur springs within the
city limits its delightfully temperate
sunny climate uud itsj Great Salt Lake
deader and denser than tho Dead Sea
in Pale6dno are but a few features of
Salt Lake Citys countless attractions
There are parks drives canyons and
beautiful outlying mountain and lake
resorts Imagine if you can a bath in
salt water a mile above sea level and in
water in which the human body canuot
sink Inquiro of yourj nearest ticket
agent for low tourist rates to Salt Lake
City or wriio for information and copy
of Salt Lake City the City of the
Saints to Geo W Heintz General
Passeuger Agent SaltLake City
A Mouutulu TourUt
Iu search of grand aud beautiful
scenery finds such a profusion of riches
in Colorado that before planning a trip
it will bo well for you to gain all the in
formation possible The Deuvor Rio
Graude railroad publishes a series of
useful illustrated pamphlets all of which
may be obtained by writing S K
Hooper General Passenger and Ticket
Agent Denver Colo