The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 18, 1900, Image 1

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I a
Chinese Minister at London
Says Conference Has Begun
tHiliir or Mill twill li ItiToriiHT Nun
Yut Snit ItilicW tlitilii III Inr tln CM
IIiiihIiiiii ImIui Vlnkili ii Alter stnlilioin
Ioticlon Oct IS The liliipie min
ister licio Sir thi Io Kong Iuli io
beits Unit ponce negotiations have itet
unlly begun at Peking between tin
Chinese plenipotentiaries iiud tlu rep
rcM ntutlvos of the powers In tlio for
rlgn olllee buildings w lileli In1 ileitis
liavi been given over to the IiIiiom
for tlnit puvpo e
lions Kong Oct 17 Advices from
Canton ny It is repotted tlieio tliat
Sun Yat Sen the t former ctiptiuotl
3 1 nt Chow last Monday The Canton
ese asscit that II 11 til Chow which
resisted the Iiimii gents in the Tal Ping
rebellion falls thus the lohcls will
bo able to take Canton within a week
Adinlinl Ho with the hulk of his
forces left San Chun this morning l
pursuit of tin rebels leaving iiD
troops to protect San Chun and send
lug JOO to garrison the niaiidailn sta
tion at Xno Tan the western aim of
Deep bay
Dctills tiro Knelt imI iiT Hip Mum luirlnn
Cuniiulii f Hi Hunslitni
St Petersbuig Oct 18 Detailed re
jtoits to the war otlico of the occupa
tion of Mukden Manchuria show that
the Russians met with Ml on oppo
sition at Schacho wheie the Chinese
with 10 battalions M Held guns and
Krupps and Maxims occupied the
railway embankment and heights
The lighting continued fiom 9
oclock in the morning until in the
afternoon The Chinese cavalry en
veloped the Russian right lank and en
leavoied to take it in the leir They
were repulsed but leturned repeat
edly to the attack Finally alter ar
tilleiy prepaiatlons the whole Rus
sian column was tin own against the
Chinese who by evening weie in full
retreat This result was only l cached
when General Fleischers column
which had been restii ft i the fa
tigue of a long inarch was called into
Next day the Chinese made a lesn
Rtubbori Siifid In a strong position on
the mountain ham in irnnt of Mao
Jan The position was captured at
noon but the Russians were unable
to puisne the Chinese on account of
the extrcjno fatigue and the dillicult
nature of the country
Another Russian column met with
ft long icsisiaino and only airived at
Liao Jan at in the afternoon
The Russians in the course of the
two days operations lost killed and
wounded They captured seveial guns
Milliliter Wn Call at the White Mouse
With a Dispatch for the President
Washington Oct IS Minister Wu
ciUBcd upon the piesident yesterday
Off leaving the white house the riiin
iHter Raid that he had conveyed to the
president a message from the emperor
of China thanking President Mclvinley
for the coiisideiation shown by the
United States during the Chinese
tiouble The minister also brought a
dispatch fiom Shanghai from the
southern viceroys stating that the im
perial party had reached Tung Kuan
only a few miles fiom Slnan Fu the
new capital on the lltli Inst
KuuftRH ItalxeH Cattle Otiuinntiiif
Topeka Oct IS Governor Stanley
Issued a proclamation yesterday rais
ing the ipiaiantiue which wiih estab
lished March 1 11I00 to prohibit the
shipments of uninspected cattle to
Kansas f i oin Maine New Hampshire
Massachusetts Rhode Island Con
necticut New Jeisey Pennsylvania
Ohio Tennessee Kentucky Indiana
Michigan Illinois Iowa and Nebiaska
Holienliihe Iteaily to Unit
Berlin Oct IS Persistent reports
said to be based on somi ollicinl sanc
tion aie current to the effect that
Prince Holienlolies lesignation of the
Imperial chancellorship Is pending
Count von Huelow the minister of for
eign atfaiis arrived at Hamburg yes
teiday and was immediately iccelved
by Emperor William
ItrqiirHt Immediate Action
Washington Oct 18 M Thiobunt
cliaige dnffaiies of thp French em
bassy yesteiday piesented a memoran
dum to the state department fiom the
Fiench government asking that peace
negotiations with China begin imme
diately in Bccoidance with the favor
able nctlon of the powers on the ie
cent Fiench note
Kalier Vlult Dowager KmprMi
Berlin Oct 18 The condition of
Dowager Empiess Fiedeilck 1r un
changed Emperor William has had
telephonic communication established
between FrederlohsoiT and the Horn
burg chateau where his mother Is ly
iug and yesteiday he paid her a long
Kroger rtMtnone Ilia Trip
Lourenzo Murqucz Oct 18 Mr
Kruger has postponed his departure
for Europe until Oct 20 Lie will
laud ut MursellUa
fcrjim MitkrR Spic lien to All CIiiim In
tlin ouiitr lltrltt
Albany N V Oct is William 1
lb y an tan aiouiid two sides of a trl
angle joMoicny fiom Hudson to Al
bany inclusive and piohably spoke to
as cosmopolitan a lot of people as he
lias adiliessed during the campaign
At Hudson he spoke to a gatheilng of
business people of all classes at Troy
to the capacity of nil opera house and
with an outllow meeting of collar
factorv and liiuuiliv employes nt Me
ehanlcsville to lallroad people at Co
hoes to the mass ot the employes of
the cotton and woolen mills and at Al
bany to two Immense meetings one In
the opcia house and one outside com
posed of the host element of the city
Kx rot muster leneiiil llinne Ay nt
luilnulon h Alter an Ilium
of iij lit liny
Lexington Va Oct 18 Hon Will
lam I Wilson piesident of the Wasb
ington and Lee university and e
postmaster goneial died suddenly yes
teiday f i oin congestion of the lungs
He had been falling ever since his ic
turn from Ariouu His son Dr Ar
thur Wilson of Lynchlnng visited
him Sunday and left Monday Then
came the sudden change Mr Wilson
was coiiliued to the house liom Tues
day a week ago but was thought to be
Irnpiovocl when his sou lett him He
was consi us until the last Ry his
bedside f his wile his daughteis
Misses- ud Ret tie Wilson and
one son m H Wilson
Mr Wilsons f uncial will occur at
Charlestown W Va Filday morning
All duties weie suspended today in the
univcislty The lemalns are now lying
in btate at lie presidents house
nottielte CuiihIiii Trimble
Manstield O Oct 18 The Dowle
Ites aie determined to thwait the ef
foits to keep them out of this city anil
the lesult will be set ions About three
have been depot ted eery day since
Sunday Thiee aie known to lie hid
ing here now and have been holding
seciet services Elder Edwaid Will
iams of Ronton Harbor Mich who
was -out out ot town Wednesday lode
in yesteiday on a bicycle and gave the
police a lively chase befoie they tap
tuied him They sent him away on a
tiain but lie said he would return
every day as he hail been oideied to
do so
Jlj leome rrln
Des Moines Oct 18 The principal
featuie of yesterdays convention of
the giand chapter ot Royal Aich Ma
sons was the welcoming honor accoid
ed to Tlieodote Parvin ot Cedar Rap
ids Paiin is the nestor of Iowa Ma
soniy and a convocation of any of the
chapters of the order without his at
tendance and co opeiation would mark
that meeting as a failure He is now
Si years of age and all his long life has
been a member ot the Masonic order
rarnici Win the taoe
Rlair Neb Oct 18 In the district
eouit licit Midge Raster ended the
case ot the Main Gioweis Mutual
Hail association against John I
Eakln a Washington county farmer
by diiecting the Jury to leturn a ver
dict for the deteuduiit This case i
one of much Intel est to fanners of 111
state It giew out of an assessment
levied by the insurance company anil
resisted by the farmers who were In
ainrileieil In III Ilelil
West Point la Oct 18 Ebeihardt
Fette an aged farmer living all alone
near heie was found shot dead In his
Held His pockets had been ritled and
his house plundered lohn Sinntzer
has been arrested for the crime
Air ship That Kllen
Frledrlchshafen Oct 18 The nir
ship alter a shoit light towaid Irn
meiistadt remained poised In the ali
tor 4i minutes at a height of liou me
trcs ami then salely descended to the
The Clover Leaf has given notice of
Its withdrawal from the freight pool
of mads east of St Louis
Sir Thomas Liptons challenge for
the Americas cup was accepted by the
New Yolk Yacht club Wednesday
John Hughes postmaster at Cam
bria Pa shot and killed a buiglar
who bioke Into the otlice Wednesday
The National Spiritualists associa
tion Is in annual session at Cleveland
with delegates present lepresentiug 111
Chief of Police II II Harrison who
wns In charge of the force that at
tempted to defend the Akron city hall
during the recent riot lias resigned
The Colby mine at Resseiner Mich
baa been shut down and HOO men
tin own out of employment The Dunn
and Tobln mines near Crystal Falls
have also closed
The Illinois Central depot at Rooge
K D burned Wednesday involving a
loss of 2000 The airlval of the icg
nlar Chicago passenger train was de
layed by the tire badly wuiplng the
Professor J O Godfrey a prominent
citben of Columbia Tenn was bhot
and iustantly killed Wednesday by
John Thomas another well known
rltlzen A business disagreement
wus the cause of the trairtd
1 Of I ton II
Operators In Conference Accept
Scranton Proposition
IikIH litunl Operating ami oit Carrjlne
Itonil Ajrio to AholUli slitting Sialu
anil to til till ten Pel Cent Ailuineo In
Wiiues rfle live Unlll April I
Philadelphia Oct 18 The great
slilke ol the aiitluatlte mine woikcis
of Pennsylvania which began Sept 17
piactlcally ended yesleidav when the
Philadelphia and Reading lion ami
Coal company and he Lehigh alley
Coal oiupauy agiecd to abolish lie
sliding scale In their icspcctlve le
gions and to giant an advance In
wages ol Hi per cent net the advance
to lemain lu opctatlim until Apill I
1il or thereuntil Vhe decision wiih
ai rived at after a cocfeieiice between
repiesentatlves of the Individual coal
operatois and the huge coal eairylng
roads The conference began Tuesday
Yestei days action was the culmina
tion ot the icceiit meeting of the In
dividual operatois at Sciaiilon tollovr
lug lie mine woikcis convention in
the same city Neatly all the collieries
In the coal legion had ptov lously
posted notices giantlng an advance of
10 per cent The mine woikcis con
siderlng this demanded that the slid
ing scale in the Lehigh and Schuylkill
regions lie abolished the Increase be
guaiantced until April 1 and other
tllflcieuies submitted to arbltiatlon
The Individual opeiators agiecd to
everything It Is conceded that the
icsult ol the confeience is a complete
victory for the men All the demands
of their convention aie com eded too
and as one of the individual operators
put It the operatois go a little further
in maintaining the advance after April
1 This same operator said
It is all up to the uilueis We have
agiecd to everything nothing leimiius
but for them to letuin to work as scion
as the notices aie posted by the rnan
ageis These notices will conform to
the Readings notice 1 look for a re
sumption of opeintions by Monday at
the latest The confeience was en
thely harmonious and every phase of
the stiike situation was gone over
Just how scion the order notifying
the men that the stiike is over will be
Issued can only be con lectured It is
believed here that no older to return
will be issued until a notice similar to
that of the Reading and Lehigh com
panies is posted at all the mines
Mil em Celehnite Vhtoiv
Shenandoah Pa 18 The one topic
of couveisiition lieie since an Asso
ciated Piess dispatch announced the
lesult ot the couleieiice at Philadel
pliia is the gieat victory of the mill
eis The advance ol 10 per cent
means an inci eased disbursement ot
ifJOOOO monthly In Shenandoah Last
night about l0 breaker boys with
miners lamps on their heads and car
rying lmirneis bearing inscriptions pa
laded the streets shouting mil cheer
ing for President Mitchell
Dolphin Silfieeitx Iliwell
St Louis Oct 18 The Older of
Railway Telegiaphers has held an elec
tion to till the vacancies caused by the
removals made dining the piescnt con
vention M M Oolphln ot Kansas
City fonneily Orst vice president has
been unanimously elected picsidfiit
vice W V Powell lemoved
IlttMlillrB Wiim a tiaine
Pittsburg Oct 18 Plttsbuig pltiveil
ball in old tlnte form and deleatcd
Rrooklyn by a scoie ol 10 to 0
Il llet I hat llnli i loi Ilinlihineiit nt
Il Iim i V im I nine
Peking Oil li It Is regarded as
ceitalu thai the iilleuccl Impel inl edit t
oidciliig the punishment ol high olll
chils was foigccl and was com oiled
With the obec I ol picvculiug the ml
vn in e of the allies on Pun Ting Ill
Roth Piliice Chlng ami LI Hung Chung
deuv Its autliciittcHv
Count von aldi isee Is oipcctcd to
aiiive heie Oc I IT
S mill maiaiidliiu bauds have become
lotlblesouie In lie vlcitillv ol the sum
mei palm e and u punitive expedition
Is being oimtiiled to plcicecil against
Conililloii ol I lie V enil uhle Sliilrnnian
IiiIiihm I in n tin I he V in uuil
li Ni in hi he I ml
Washington Oct 18 Conner enbi
net olllc ei and senator lohn Shenuan
Ik claugcioiisv III at his tesldcuic on
K slieet In this ill v The attack lias
taken the lorm ol a gcncial c Dilative
In pint due o the gciicial debility In
clcletit to old age and to the ell eel of
the sei Ions Illness which he siifleied
while cm a 1 lip to the West Indies two
two veins ago Ilenevei hud tullv tc
coveied fiom hat Illness Mis Slier
mans death dm iug he siiuiuiei at he
old homestead at Maiislicld when
the liimlly was staviug dm lug the
suniiiiei also 1 iii I its cllccl on the veil
ei able statesman w ho deeplv iiiourucd
her loss iii- tbi past week lie has
been giiiilunllv glow lug win se and lei
tithes in vniioiis pints of the counliy
vveic untitled nl Iheiliange Theieis
said to lie on imiiicdiali clanger ami it
Is possible lie may Hilly if no liiilhri
uuliv oianle symploins occur The ex
secietniv Is lu his 7Mb vear ami has
been a haul woikci all his llle
Aiikh it l IaiU Pile
Ames la Oct IS The agi Iciiltninl
depailmeiit of the Iowa stale college
at Ames has been notified by the Cull
ed States tlepii incut of agl iellllllie
that the butter sent by the college
ei eamei y was a wauled a gold medal
at the Paris exposition This Is a
gieat honor as cinlv six medals weie
aw aided ami his dcpai incut was open
to exhibits lioin all pails of the vvoild
Woman In the Cane
Slsselon S I Od IS La
mms a tii nicr at one lime si saloon
keeper at Witihav shot and piohably
fatally wounded Icoige Canlield a
larnicr near SisMton Lainars wirs
ai tested A sister of the wounded
man Is at the bottom of the tiouble
The only witness Chillies Ciulielcl
ictuses to give any lacts Lamitrs
claims self delense
IiKK iKiiorM the Suit
Papilllon Neb Oct 18 Louis Flgg
head of the Flggites did not appear
In court yesteiday and Judgment for
damages ol iOO was entered against
him in favor of John Woods who
chaiged him with alienating the affec
tions of his wife
Talk of a Ijiii lilnc
Yoik Pa Oct IS Nora Holllnger
and Mamie Stouer young gills while
on their way home fiom Yoik Haven
to Falls this county weie ovci taken
and hi utility assaulted by two negioes
last night The scieams of the gills
hi ought help The negioes fled to Ibis
city wheie they weie captuicd and aie
now in the county Jail There Is talk
of lynching
MImii Cant Still KlclliiB Tor Heeornn
New Yoik Oct 18- Miss Miugaict
Gast is still riding for iccords and Is
winding up herUlth century It Is now
pnictlcally settled that she will not
stop under the IJOOO mink
Biliin Powder
Absolutely Pure
Makes hot breakfast breads wholesome no
yeast germs no alum Makes cake biscuit
and pastry of superior fineness flavor and deli
cacy Makes food that will keep moist and
sweet Is most economical because it is the
purest and greatest in leavening strength In
the easy expeditious preparation of the finer
cakes and pastries Royal is indispensable
Care must be taken to avoid lulcinc irrs made
ttora alum Such jxjwcIc is aie wild cheap liecausc
they cost but a tew cents jkt iiouiid Not only
a ill they fioil the cake but alura is a corro
sue acid winch taken in food meaiis injury to health
1 i JL if k3
ll4j fc HI MM -ii l I 3s
i5 B VIHBimiBliHHH J cBHlH t77 Hftl JAj
iniuvj BTimiMi I- i IIWIIwrlTrraLML 1U13 t ImJk SVkCt
To do tilings right Is time well spent Yon an I buy a fool ol linn
her or building mateiiiil of tiny kind tight ill von lake the Mine
to see our stock and get our prices Vh Simply because you
can toll until vim do do Unit whether vouro not paying morn
unci gelling poorer lumber than you would gel here Ami Hulls
not light buying Hon in ami see us
N A KAINIIOIr Ininlilnnt
ALKXANIWlt IIKAIl Icn Irwililnn
II IUKIIOt7 nnhiiir
It l17 AenlMnnt Cnnliinr
National Bank
Capital iooooooo
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
LUiys and Sells Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts arid Money Orders Sold on nny Point In Kirrtipe
AGenernl HtenntNliln and Foreign Passage KiihIiichs Tninsiiotod
I A IUIKAKT lliKHitinsr
C1IA9 H HIUIXiK Vu 1 IurHiniNT
W II HltAAHCII Ahb r Cihiiikb
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 95000
liny nncl cell pxcIihiikci on Huh ciinntrj 1 ml nil inrln of huropc Kurm Lnnnn
Olrtcteiri ami Ahmlh W II Juiinmin mah b IIiimhii W IImaahui U M
2 G insr
I Exclusive agent lor tic Celebnitcd Sweetwater Rock Spring Uoal the
best In the unirkot
Scranton Hard Coal in all hIzch TELKPBONK 1
The Norfolk Hicycle Men Proprietor
Miiliiifiictiiriiri loliliiTh 11ml in
Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs
ofeijii if n 11 it iiuiiiiinK iff iiuii ifiit ji iiiit 1 in rri ihiiiikpi
1 mill Ilieliht fin in tlm VVurlil Wd iiImi IiiiihIIh tlin Acinu Unrlil Trilninn Hi olio
iiiiiiire rnttii mill our nun tiinkci diuiit i limn or cliituili tt wine li Villi liu knnuu iif
tliu Aklmmi briLciiilf
We do Repairing Promptlyfand Heasonable
tft tt n tn lHtftt H
Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
nissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buffet 8moking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant
Reading Rooms Double Drawiug Room Palace Sleepers Diuiug Cars
Meals a la Carte Pintsch Light
For foil iuformutron cull on or address