The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 11, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Tho political pot boils
hint n month till election
Somo forecasters figure thnt Mr Hryan
will havo 18 electoral votts less this full
thou ho had in 1S1M
Hon Goorgo Hundley at ono time
democrat io governor of Ohio Is working
lor the re election of Win McKinley
Tho first votor can always Imvo boiuo
thiug to point to with prido if ho places
his first ballot to tho credit of Win
Has Hrynn stated his position on the
uuestlon of tho consent of tho gov
erned as applied in tho south
that anyone has heard
It is a notable fact that strikes In
democratic times aro made against n
reduction of wages while in republican
times thev aro for an increase
Democrats are not quoting statistics
nud figures this campaign to any alarm
ing extent Tho entire fabric of their
argument rosta on assertions with no
facts to back them
For tho snko of keeping a competitor
iu the field It Is to bo hopod that by 1001
tho democrats can Hud or figure out tin
issue upon whloh thoro will bo a
chance for argument
Carroll D Wright tho groatost labor
statistician iu tho country says that tho
present level of American wngos Is
higher thau ovor boforo known In tho
history of our industrial lifo
No promiuout gold democrat has yet
declared his intention of supporting Mr
Bryan this compaigu without consider
iug a profuBO apology necessary to ox
plain his position to his friends
During tho year 181KI forty llvo stato
and private banking institutions iu Ne
braska wout out of business and yet
there aro pooplo who will arguo that
times aro no bettor now thau they wero
Laboring men and others usually got
avast fund of J domocratio Bympnthy
but it usually stopB at that Tho syin
pat by doeB not reach thoir pocket books
or dinner pails unless it bo to deplete
their contents
Ono mouth more of politics and theu
xoadors who do not like this kind of
matter will bo rolioved from porusiug
it unless perohauco Mr Bryan should
insist on prolonging the second battle
as ho did tho first
Tho St LouiB Globo Domocrat is ex
posing somo startling rottenness by the
democratic administration of that state
und it is far from tho impossiblo that
tho Sucker stato willchooso a republican
Administration aud lino up for McKiuloy
Mr Coxey who during Clevelands
term led his commonweal army on to
Washington is putting up a 200000
stool mill His finances must havo been
struck by something bearing a close
Tosomblauco to prosperity siuco thoso
dark days
Tho democrats have figured that
Bryan will receive 1121 electoral votes
and McKinley 88 This leads the
Omaha Daily News to conoludo that
Chairman Jones or somo othor olllcinl
at the hendqnartors has been drawing
at the pipe oven if it is otllcial
The state central committee of tho
peoples independent party of Louisiana
has come out iuan address denouncing
democracy for disfranchising voters of
that party and urgos the members of
that party not disfranchised to support
the republican electoral nud congres
sional tickets
A story is boing told on a Swedo who
when asked for whom he would vote
said Ob Ay bane goln to vote by
Brain Asked for his reason ho said -Last
tern Ay voted they said Kf Ay
bane voto by Brniu vo got good toms
and Ay did and ve got good terns bo Ay
votofor heem again
Senator Dolliver says tho workiug
men strike for shorter hours aud ho
hopes they get them but ho dont
believe tho laboring mon aro really
haukeriug for their universal leisure
that blessed emancipation from all
-wages aud all labor that havo usually
accompanied a democratic administra
The republican national committee
iiaa made a forecast of election reaulU
Riving MoKiuley 29 3 eleotoral votes
Bryan 112 and placing 42 in the doubt
ful column Conceding Mr Bryan all
tka doubtful states he would it ill have
to carry New York Indiana and Illi
nois or many itatei with fewer eleotoral
rotea to be elected
James II Ecklea gold democrat aud
comptroller of theenrrency nuder Clove
land pats a nuertion to voters thus point
edly How is it possible for Mr
Bryan wrong on all things at home to
be right on all things abroad This is
especially significant iu that Mr Bryan
has almost given up solving questions
pertinent to the United States and is
giving IiIh tlmu to tlio people of list ant
Figures cnn bent ropublicuns whon it
conies to lying about prosperity
Thoro is no prosperity Domoorntln or
ators and papers say t hero is nonu and
who would for a moinont quostion t ho
truthfulness of n democrat If any such
person thoro ho ho is u blind bigoted
imperialist It is very distressing
thosu hard tlnicB but somehow nil pooplo
fail to son It Hard times parties and
tho phrnzo Times aro so hard nro al
most forgotten
A Ii Carter republican otindiilato
for commissioner of this district Is
well known by those who will bo
called upon to decide concerning hii
merits for tho position to which ho
aspires and nothing that Tin NrwH
might say would probably servo to
raise him In their estimation Ho is an
old resident of this vioiuity a careful
and progressive farmer and well calcu
lated to administer the countys affaire
iu a manner satisfactory to his constit
Senator Jones manager of Bryans
campaign as chairman of tho demo
cratic national committee is defendant
in an action brought under tho anti
trust law of TexaH Tho Toxans Imvo
placed tho senator on trial because ho is
a heavy stockholder iu a concern known
as tho American Cotton company cap
italized at 7000000 which controls tho
patent round lap cotton bales If Mr
Bryan is consistent on tho anti trust
question ho will UBsist iu prosecuting
his chairman for boing a londor iu a
leading octopus of tho country
Tho republican party favors and will
inaugurate a system of irrigation that
will bo of immeasurable benefit to tho
semi arid lauds of the west It is pos
sible uuder successful irrigation to make
every foot of land iu this country pro
duce abundant crops Tho building of
storage resorvolrs will do tho business
Every spring enough water Hows away
through its natural channels to water
the laud for a yoar Colorado Wyom
ing Nebraska and many othor western
states would recoivo untold benefit from
a national system of irrigation
Tho fusioulstB ask for votes for Mr
Bryan on tho plea that ho can do no
harm with a republican mnioritv in
control of cougress and in tho moantimo
they aro doing all in their power to elect
fusion congressmen and senators so that
Mr Bryan as president can havo his own
way Tho safost way to provout a man
from doing harm Is to keep him out oi
posmou aiiogotner antt vote lor tho re
publican doctors republican congress
men and republican legislators a party
that has never yot threatened tho wel
faro of tho country and its pooplo
Talk about trusts What worse trust
can there bo thau a political trust or
ganized by three or four political parties
to control all tho oillces in tho gift of
tho people and which insists on a mo
nopoly of all party names going so fnr
as to rofuso tho populists atitlo to which
nouo of their parties has ovor laid claim
A trust to raiso prices aud control capi
tal and labor iB deplorable but a trust
that will endeavor to control the liberty
of tho peoplo when it comos to voting is
far worso Mr Bryan and Mr Smyth
should turn their attention to this
Express messengers are usually fur
nished with revolvers to protect the
proporty under their euro but so seldom
havo thoy beou used with uffect
that tho action of Messenger llaxtor
who slew a robber near Council BluiVs
last week has attraoted more than ordi
nary attention Previously it had
seemed that if a robbor wanted a good
safe job ho would choose an express car
and it needed a fow examples of the
Baxter sort to show thorn that they
oould not praotioe their profession with
impunity The traiu robbing business
has become altogether too popular aud
mon or the Uaxtor laud havo been
needed frequently to discourago this
That tho democrats are brought to
drastio measures is shown by the follow
iug takon from the Appeal to Reason a
ocialist publication printed at Girard
Kansas Tho democrats liuding that
their lies and old campaign tricks nre of
uo avail against tho socialists attempted
to bribo Debs to withdraw iu favor of
Bryau or iu favor of anyone elso if lie
would only withdraw But tho pol
iticians who made this offer struck the
rocks of socialism with that idea just as
they had with the others They were
a surprised and dismayed gang of polit
ical rascals when the nominee for presi
dent on the social democratic iu re-
spouse to their oiler of boodle calmly
opeued the door aud showed them out
Editor Hitchcock of the Omaha World
Herald recontly isued n challenge to
Kditor Roeewater of the Omaha Bee for
a aeriea of joint debate both gentleman
being candidates for the position of
United States senator from Nebraska
The challenge was promptly accepted
Mr Rosewuter imposing the condition
that complete stenographic reports
should be published in both papers
Mr Hitohcrck has placed Mr Rose
water iu a position where he prides him
self on being an adept and ho may be
sorry he spoke before thecoutest is over
It is understood that one debate will bo
held iu Omaha on tho 11th ono at Lin
coln on tho tilth ono nt Grand Island
on tho 1 8th and one lit Nebraska City
on the 22nd
Tho fuslonists have persistently ropro
soutod Mark Hanna chairman of tho
republican national committco as a
hoartless monster whoso delight is iu
producing hardship and sulloring but
lie has made an oiler that but fow demo
crats of acknowledged standing in tho
commercial world would caro to dupli
cate Iu a speech at Chicago Senator
Hanna said If any man in tho
United Stntes of America can bring
Into my presenco a man who has ovor
worked for mo and truthfully stato and
substantiate that 1 have refused to meet
at any timo nud atiywhero any man iu
my employ that 1 have over intention
ally done any man a harm that I have
insisted on lowering wages to any man
who works for mo j or who can truth
fully say that I have douo evil to him
I will resign from the United States
senate tomorrow 1 miulo that proposi
tion iu 1817 I have found no takers
and it is still open
G W Nation a Box Butte county
Bhcop man can toll why prosperity ib
going to holp increaso McKinloys
majority I bought 1 -150 head of sheep
in 1811 ho said paid 10 cents opioco
for thorn and in 1815 I Bold wool for
cents per pound Tho first border I had
I paid 10 a month and board aud he
was a good man I havo about 10000
head of sheep iu tho state now and am
ollered 15 cents for tho wool Last yoar
I sold a largo number of shoep at 4 per
head In 1808 shoop paid 101 por cent
on the money invested and Inst year
100 por cent I hire from ton to slxtoon
mon tho yoar around and pay them 10
por month and board and it turns out
that tho men almost without oxcoptiou
aro for tho republican ticket I havo
ten mon with tho sheep in this stato
now Ono of them claims to bo for
Bryan but tho othors think ho is joking
Ho gets more than doublo the wages he
could got before McKiuloy was oleoted
Hartingtou Herald
A Connecticut clergyman recently
wroto to tho American Economist as
follows The clergy aro not expected
actively to take an interest in politics
aud as rector of a church I do not
preach politics but I believe that ovory
interest spiritual and commercial
demaudB tho election of McKinley and
Roosevelt Tho littlo red cards which
you sent out wore somo of them handed
to me aud while the mon iu tho shops
are too busy to sign these and perhaps
every ouo feels that timo is money now
nevertheless I waut to Bay that there is
uo doubt that they will all vote on elec
tion day I am pretty familiar with
tho situation politically as I meet many
of tho men daily but I do not know of
one man who intends to voto for Bryan
This is worth noting because in Senator
Barmans day this villaeo cast a solid
domocratio voto with ouo exception
but today tho situation is absolutely and
complotoly reversed If the rest of
Connecticut feels like this village and I
think it does Bryan will think a sledge
hammer hit him whon ho hears from
tho Nutmeg state
This trust question has somo very
curious features One of the parties to
tho fusion combine whilo dououueing
trusts in tho most bitter terms favors
government ownership and control of
railway lines aud telegraph service and
what more powerful trusts could be
thought of What individual or class
of individuals would dare enter into
competition with trusts of this charac
ter To bo sure thoir idea is not that
theso monopolies should raiso tho prices
to tho people but that it would do away
with competition ono of tho most bane
ful features of a trust is undeniable
A capitalist would uo more think of
competing with a railroad or telegraph
service under government ownership
than ho would with tho postal service
which is nuothor form of trust in overv
souse of tho word except the raisiug of
prices Tho postal trust under govern
ment ownership has been so long es
tablished that these features havo been
forgotten but tho fact that it is one of
the most powerful trusts iu the country
still remains Tho trust qnestiou can
not be decided oll lmnd It has many
and varied fentures deserving o
thoughtful study
The peoplo of Norfolk wero uot re
warded by tho sight of a handsome man
when they beheld Theodore Roosevelt
they were uot particularly struck by his
ability as a speukor when estimated
from an oratorical standpoint but they
were convinced that he is a man of de
termination a man of good sound
judgement a man to lead and not be
led He appeared impulsive somowhnt
but his impulses always carried him
iu the right direction Tho words he
spoko will bo remembered They were
not obscured iu a mass of verbiage
pleasing to the ear that would leave
bohiud a recollection of having heard
something fine just what could not be
specified but hn arguments were pre
sented with a vigor and poiut that will
leave a lasting impression of sound com
mon sense and couvinoing argument
His words were 6poken to stick and they
will stick not to be dislodged by a
pleasing mass of generalities such as
so many speakers deal iu That ho is
no dodger all were convinced and that
ho spoke sincerely was unquestionable
Horn of an aristocratic family ho
shows none of tho prigism so common
to pooplo of tho upper set Dressed in
ordinary attire ho circulates among tho
common pooplo as though contact
with thorn was a great pleasure That
he enjoys mingling with and convers
ing with this olass especially If ho has
mot and associated with them before
was well exemplified In this city yester
day Whon Senator Dollivorwas fctalk
ing Mr Roosevelts attention was at
tracted by a man near tho platform who
exclaimed Govornorl and indicatod
that ho wanted to shako his hand Tho
man provod to bo ono of IiIb command
at Santiago and tho governor hurried to
thoedgo of tho platform aud greeted
him warmly effusively Thoy at onco
engaged In conversation as though thoy
wore vory old friends aud took supreme
delight iu renewing events of the past
Tho conversation was interrupted by a
mombor of tho governors party who
wished his attention dirocted to tho
spcikor and tho nudionco as tho timo
was too short to bo monopolized by ouo
man But it was only alter repeated
ondoavors on tho part of his companion
that tho govornor could bo diverted It
was a true iuslght into tho character of
tho man and tho entire audieuco wore
pleasing spectators to tho exchange of
good will botwoen the two men
Champion Flro Fighting-
America has domonstrated her superi
ority in another direction to tho more
slow going European countries and that
is iu tho mnttor of firo lighting Chief
Halo aud his oHgiuo force from Kansas
City Mo havo been receiving tho
plaudits of all pooplo of Europe for
more than a month Thoy wont across
to compete for tho iutoruational cham
pionship nt tho Paris exposition and
easily camo out winners Thoy also
gave exhibitions at the Crystal palace
in London aud at othor European cities
Speaking of thoir feat tho PariB edition
of the Now York Times said
The American firemen represented
by the members of the Kansas City de
partment havo taken the international
championship oup It is engraved as
follows Exposition of 1000 Interna
tional championship First prize
Aside from tho cup an award of 800
francs was made to tho men a gold
modal will given to Chief Halo and
silver ones to his officers as well as
a diploma for the engine nud marvel
ous work of the horses
The only professional firemen to
compote wero tho Italian brigade aud
the men from Kansas City Tho con
test was on tho race course at Vinconnes
where a skeleton building seven stories
high had been erected The Kansas
City men started from a point a quarter
of a inilo away on a signal from a
French officer Thoy wero at tho build
ing with engine and hoso cart and a
stream of water playing in less than
one minute They had scaled the
structure and brought down three
people from the seventh story and had
all tho men on tho ground with ladders
and lifelines cleared from the buildings
iu three minutes and forty two secoudB
The best timo made by tho Italians wns
twelve minutes and ten seconds When
the American firemen lined up boforo the
French minister of war aud saluted
they wore cheered to tho echo
At Loudon the engine was stationed
200 yards from tho lire hydrant horses
uubarnessed and standing 25 feet from
the collars At the blast of the bugle
tho horses dashed into tho hnrness which
was lifted from the ground the run was
made 100 feet of hose laid attached to
murine the trine was put ou and a
stream of water thrown from tho nozzle
iu the remarkably short space of 85 seo
ouds or littlo more than half a minute
after the bugle sounded It is bolieved
in Euglaud that no other company in
tho world can accomplish this feat and
tho Crystal palaco company has pub
lished an offer of 5000 to any company
that cau equal it
Ex -Chief Edwards of tho Norfolk de
partment has mot Chief Hale aud some
of his men Ho states that tho two
ilttlo girls who took part in Tho Poor
Relation here last wiutor were daugh
ters of Chief Hulo
Sliurllioru Suleitt Auction
Our fit st draft salo from tho Elkhorn
Valley herd of shorthorn cattle will oc
cur at iuT farm one half milo from
Pierco Monday Octobir 15
Sixteen youug bulls and 2 cows and
heifers All cows of sufiioieut ngo will
have calves at foot or be safely bred
The two Scotch bulls iu service are
Baron Montrath by Baron Oruickshauk
Jlrd and Lavender Chief 2d by Imp Lav
oudor Lad 110137
Send for catalogue at once and come
L Mason Sons
Pieico Nebr
Setting Machine Content
The judges account of the vote cast
October 8 to 0 a m for tho respective
candidates in J D Sturgeons Colored
Porters Sewing Machine Contest
We the undersigned judges appointed
to count tho votes cast in the above
named contest hereby certify that tho
votes cast to date are as listed below
Al Johnson 208
Davo Shores 172
P F Spkkcheh
Oscau Uhle
State House Ring Diverting
Trade to Their Pets at
Alri1nnt Lincoln Thru nml Now llrjnn
Snub the Ioiullnts
Omnlm Oct 8 It Is observed that
the fuslonists arc not enthusing very
much over Governor Poynter Espe
cially Is thla true of the business men
Iu the towns where state Institutions
urc located
Tho merchants In those towns have
had uiiythlug but a pleasant experi
ence under tho Poynter administra
tion Trade and patronage of the In
stitutions which should properly go
to them has been gradually diverted
to pets mid favorites of the state houso
ring at Lincoln until finally little of
It goes to the local merchants Tons
of groceries and supplies have boon
shipped from Mncoln to the various
institutions during tho last year nud
only such trade lias been allotted to
the local business men uh could not
well be diverted to Lincoln
Then too the administration fix
ers have been very exacting In deal
ing with the local merchant and very
liberal In dealing with their favorites
nt Lincoln If they treated them both
alike there would be less cause for
complaint but the contracts are jug
gled in such a way that if a local mer
chant secures ono he compelled to
furnish goods at almost cost price
whereas the Lincoln dealers are al
lowed to make one bid on all the sup
plies and In addition arc given other
advantages denied to others Every
body knows that bids on a dozen or
more contracts at the same time
mennlng the supplying of goods in car
load lots can be mnde at a lower rate
than for only one contract Involving
only the supplies for one Institution
This is one advantage
Another advantage shown the Lin
coln denlers over the country mer
chants Is the holding back of vouchers
and warrants It is a notorious fact
that bills for groceries from the coun
try merchants lay sometimes for
weeks before they ure passed upon and
allowed while those of the favorites
are promptly paid In the mercantile
trade 30 or 00 days credit is the same
ns cash and If merchants succeed In
conveiing their goods Into money
within that time they arc enabled to
make considerable of a saving in the
way of discounts In ninny Instances
the country merchants huve lost the
benefit of their discounts through the
failure of the Board to pass upon bills
and remit promptly
It is openly stated thnt this failure
Is only part of n plan to discourage
the local merchants in these towns
from bidding In order that the pets of
the state houso ring may enjoy greater
Some may Infer from this that the
state is deriving benefit from such
manipulations This Is not true The
records in the auditors office show
that the expense of maintaining the
state Institutions the last two years
has been greatly Increased over what
it was and 1 greater now than at any
time In the states history
Governor Poynter will close his term
with the enormous shortage or defic
iency of 100000 Not one of the var
ious institutions bas been properly
kept up The grounds outbuildings
and the like have been sadly neglected
Not a dollar has gone for labor in
this direction All the money appro
priated has been expended but how
nothing short of n legislative investi
gating committee can explain
Dr Trney of Mllford the physician
in charge of the Soldiers Home who
was caught pnylng house rent nnd of
fice rent in groceries taken from the
state has resigned nnd left the state
His resignation promptly followed the
It Is a matter of history that nearly
every Democratic president from Jef
ferson to Buchnnnn expressed a desire
for the annexation of Cuba to the
United States
Monroe while president expressed
himself iu fuvor of annexing Cuba so
did Polk nnd so did Pierce
In 1810 President Polk made n propo
sition for tho purchase of Cuba from
Spain for 100000000 Six years be
fore thot or In 183 1 what Is known
as the ustenu ainnuesio was issued
and thnt asserted the right of the
United States to take nnd annex Cuba
should Spain refuse to sell
The Ostend Manifesto was an an
nouncement made by President
Pierces mlulsters to England France
aud Spain Buchanan Madison and
Boulo In which they suggested thnt
an earnest effort bo made to purchase
Cuba at n price not to exceed 120
000000 nud added that if this should
be refused by Spnln wo should be jus
titled by every lnw human and dlvlue
In wresting It from Spain if we pos
sess the power a proposition of
which Lasslng the historian says
Tho bold Iniquity of this proposition
amazed honest men iu both hemi
Tho manifesto failed of its purpose
because the European powers and the
world in general failed to recognize
the Justice of acquiring property by
Buchanan who succeeded Pierce to
the presidency In three of his animal
messages to congress urged thnt Cuba
ought to be made by purchase part of
the United States Durlug Buchanans
term a bill for thnt purpose was Intro
duced In congress by Senator Seidell
Inter of confederate fame and thnt
bill wan strongly supported by the
Democratic members of congress from
the southern stntes
in 1H0 the Democratic nntlonnl con
vention declared in favor of annexing
Cuba and placed the following In the
Resolved that the Democratic
party are In favor of the acquisition
of the Island of Culm upon such terms
as shall he honorable to ourselves and
Just to Spain
President Pierce mnde a strong effort
to iinnex 1 la wiill The matter wns car
ried so far that a treaty for the pur
pose was dratted On this point Mr
Mnrcy who was secretary of stnte in
Pcrces cabinet wrote the following
note to Minister Gregg
This government will receive tho
transfer of the sovereignty of the
Sandwich Islands with all proper pro
visions relative to existing rights of
the people thereof such as are usual
and proper to territorial sovereignty
The president directs me to say that
ho cannot approve of some of the arti
cles of the treaty there are In his
mind some strong objections to the Im
mediate Incorporation of the Islands In
their present condition Into tho union
ns nn Independent state It wns ex
pected that the Hawaiian government
would be willing to offer the Islands
to tho United Stntes as a territory
nnd leave the question in relation to
their becoming a stnte to the determl
nntion of this government unembar
rassed by stipulations on thnt point
It will be seen by this that through
out Its history the Democratic party
has favored expansion it will also be
observed thnt In nil their messages nnd
correspondence bearing on tho acquisi
tion of territory no reference Is mode
to the consent of the governed Jef
ferson Tolk Pierce Buchanan In fact
all the great iuIihIb of the Democratic
party have favored expansion some of
them going so fnr ns to udvoente tho
acquisition of island territory by force
Compnred with this the splendid rec
ord of the Republican purty and par
ticularly of the McKinley administra
tion stands out in bold rellof
According to Democratic doctrine In
3801 Lincoln wns a czar Now he is a
patriot In 1804 when Lincoln vns a
cnndldnte for re eleetlon the same hue
and cry nbout imperialism was
raised by the Democrats The Indian
apolis Journal a Democratic organ at
thnt time said
The only hope of preserving consti
tutional liberty the rights of the states
nnd restoring peace to the union is in
the restoration of the Democratic party
to power But let Abraham Lincoln bo
elected for another term what will be
the consequence Four years more of
abolition nntlonnl bankruptcy and Eu
ropean interference Shall we profit
by tho tenehings of history and even
by our own experience or continue the
policy thnt must cud in the overthrow
of one of the hest governments the
world ever saw
Just before the election in 8C4 the
same puper had another nightmare
one of the Bryan order nnd it said
Should Mr Lincoln be re elected the
revolution will be accomplished This
will be no longer a republic of the
Unltod Stutes but a consolidated em
pire Every safeguard must sooner or
lator give away The limitation of the
executive power will not be in the
pleasure of the president We Implore
patriotic nnd Intelligent men to pause
and reflect and give their verdict Tues
day next If the peoplo will not snvo
thoir constitution and union It Is lost
The foregoing is the same sort of
Democratic rot that Bryan Is making
use of today The only difference Is
that the man who wns pointed out as
a despot then is treated as a putriot
now Like Lincoln thirty six years
from now if the Populists and the
Democrats in their rapnclty for proven
der shall not hnve eaten each other up
the Democratic doctrinnries will be
quoting from McKinley aud holding
him up as tho Ideal statesman and
patriot Thirty six years Isnt such a
very long time but It is too long a time
for the people of a great and progres
sive country to wait when they can
get whnt they want now The Ameri
can people have kept up with tho pro
cession and if the Democratic party
persists in staying thirty six years be
hind let It stuy there
It will be observed however that
Bryans rant about imperialism is
nothing new The Democratic party
wns carping nbout it before he learned
to speak his own name
Lincoln was abused and harsher
things wero said of him thnn have
ever been said of McKinley The at
tncks were wnnton and cruel nnd tho
recoil sent ninny an nsplrlng politician
on the Democratic side Into obscurity
and distrust forever
Bryan is playing upon the same hnrp
today It Is the Instrument of a dema
gogue and Its tunes nre ns deceptive
as the ueaiiiy nightshade But the re
coilthe pent up energy of outraged
public opinion Is there and It will hit
Bryan Just ns sure and just as hard
as It has lilt many a demngogue before
him and it will drive him into obscur
ity and distrust just ns it has driven
others who have undertaken to pre
sume too far ou public Intelligence and
credulity t
Bryan has not as yet acknowledged
having received the populist nomina
tion for president Why have you not
mnde this acknowledgement Mr Bry
an Are you nshnmed to do it Whnt
Is there nbout the Pojutllst nomination
you nre ashnmed of If you nro not
ashamed of It why have you fulled to
Is It becnuse you are afraid that if
you acknowledge the populist nomina
tion you will alienate Tammany Hall
nd other eastern Democrats
Out here In Nebraska you profess to
believe In Populism But your refusal
to utter a letter accepting the Populist
nomination would indicate duplicity
The Populists nominated you three
months ago ut the same time the Dem
ocrats nominated you You acknowl
edged the Democratic nomination by
letter long since but your letter accept
ing the Populist noralnntlon well its
the lotter In the candle or the one
thut never came
t i