fi 1 I K f L See Southern Provinces Expected to Rebel November x TRIADS AGAIN VICTORIOUS ItrhcU KelVnt IiKjirrlitl Trunin Nnir Hon I0011SUII1 Ueiiiil lmurr nml Otlirr Troop ItiMiillril Ircnn lie North to trtt Ili ltUli liiUifiti liotig Kong Oil 11 It Is said lie authorities hero luno teeclvcd lnfortuu t Ion that u general rising In the south ern provinces Is pluiinoil lor Novem ber Seven thousand more troops from India have heen ticked for for Hong Kong The Sixth Bengal Lancers ami the Hong Kong regiment have been vailed from the north to Hong Koug The present Indications are that there will be a Hoxer rising similar to that In north China The whereabouts of the rebels In the hinterland is not known but It Is believed to be ten miles north of the British borders A detachment of 1000 Chinese troops took up it position at San Chung yes terday and 1000 more arrived today London Oet 11 The Hong Kong ppcclnls this morning all refer to the gravity of the situation In southern China but they gfe no further details than have already been forwurded In dlspatehes td the Associated Pr6ss In some quarters It is urged that It would be better to employ British than Indian troops in China The Standard commenting editorial ly upon the nttitude of the United States says Every dissent oven on minor points from the suggestions of the powers Is unfortunate ns It leads to fresh cor respondence and to further delay We can only hope that when Lord Salisbury is free to turn his attention to China ho will find some middle course that will secure the support of nil the powers The Shanghai correspondent of the Morning Post wiring Tuesday says The taotai of Shnnghal and the vice roy of Nankin have protested against n demonstration of foreign troops Shanghai specials say the real reason for the suspension of Yu Hslen gov ernor of the province of Shan SI was the discovery that his supposed army of 50000 numbered only 40000 Trlnds Pefent Imperial Troop London Oct 11 A spe ial from Shanghai kVs The lriaus lavo met and repeatedly defeated the im perial troops near Kow Loon They are daily gaining fresh adherents Heavy Russian reinforcements are moving northward from Port Arthur with the object of relieving pressure upon Mukden Every place of Import ance In Manchurin from Kiatin to the Prlmoorsk boundary and from the Amur to the great wall Is now In Rus Biau bands Confirm Reports of Mninarre Victoria B C Oet 10 Nagasaki newspapers received here have Inter views with two Belgian journalists confirming the reports of massacres on the Amur All towns along the Amur were destroyed by the Russians and the Inhabitants put to the sword Algun a city of 20000 Inhabitants was razed but fortunately many escaped before the bombardment At Mocho 2000 were massacred PETITION FOR INDEMNITY ISight American Cltirenx Driven From the TraiiRVonl lleach New York New York Oct 11 The Herald pub lishes the following Driven from the Transvanl by force of British tirnn eight American citizens who rccentlj arrived penniless in this city have pe tltloned the United States goveiiimcu to present claims for Indemnity jigalnr Great Britain They da in ttiit oni the recent conflict they were Ivipe from their homes leaving wve ai children behind An pi iiCi m wi the men say they were 1 ven ut Johannesburg on Inly l m i 1 the scacoast In tir i t end pent in the htceivii ci 1 AUM1 i t Holland Irrfcrre ii Dti to Siii rt iidir London Oct 11 A d Mnitch froi Lydcnburg snjv A 15 i pi sfi lelis the story of tli tv In whl h patrol of live trohpcis StWithconaV liorse under SergrpU Brothers met death It appeaii that tltey were sud denly suiTouiidt d b a strong force of Boers Tiie riuiadlins indignantly re fused to suitender and a mnrdcrous tire was echiuid at hhc t range un til every man in the party was riddled with bullets but not before each Ca nadian had accounted for thee Boers KnulMi Kltrtion lUturim Loridori Oct 11 The Liberals have heen doing far better in the counties In the parliamentary general election than they did in the boroughs Yes terdny they gained two more seats Cardiff and the Otley division of York shire tlius equalizing the party gains The Ministerialists hold 357 seats and the opposition 205 Drown Ilrrirlf uuil Child Atchison Kan Oct 11 The wife of Rev Charles Meeder of the Eman uel Evangelical church near Farm ington jumped Into a cistern with her B-year-old child about inldnight last night and betB were drowned Mr Heeler bad ikownidfenB vt Insanity Norfolk Weekly HARRISON FOR MKINLEY Kxrrrililrnt ttoir n Ntatriurnt of llln ronltlon New York Oct 11 -General Ben Janiln Harrison gave out an Interview ami statement last night He was asked Is it true tienernl that you have contented to make some speeches lu the campaign No that statement has not been authorized by me 1 have saltl to everyone who has spoken to or written to me on the subject that I could do no more campaign work Until ISIU 1 submitted myself to very hard usage and then made up my mind and so said to my fi lends that 1 would do no mote campaigning Following tiis conclusion 1 declined to take a speak lng part In the campaign of ISiS My letiremeut dates from that tear nut from this But Cenerul it is said you are not altogether In accord with your party Well 1 have heard that silence was Imputed by some to that course Now the only public utterance 1 have made In criticism of the policies of the party was contained in the Interview con slstlng of one rather short sentence that I gave to the newspapers while the Porto Illeo bill was pending It was In substance that 1 regarded the bill as a grave departure from right principles 1 still think so 1 do not believe that the legislative power of congress In the territories Is absolute and 1 do believe that the reventu clause relating to duties and imposts applies to Porto Rico These views I know are held by many able lawyers It is a legal cptostlon ono that the po lltlcal departments of the government cannot fully adjudge I think there fore voters ought to vote with u view of the right decision of those iuestlon that are directly ami finally In the con trol of the president and congrcbs The general reusons 1 gave In my Carnegie hall speech In 1801 why Mr Bryan should not be elected hold with me His election would throw gov ernmental and business conditions Into confusion BANK ROBBERS FOILED Citizen of McCool Junction Have Lively ISklrmlnh With vrn Accidentally Shot York Neb Oct 11 Two men gained access to the bank building at McCool Junction at 2 oclock and shat tered the safe with dynamite but werr frightened away before securing anything They lied to the country Two farmers who cornered the cracks men started for town for help and were mistaken for the robbers them selves by a posse The farmers were ordered to halt but refused and were tired upon both being hit with buck shot and badly but not fatally wounded The robbers In the mean time escaped and a large force is closely pursuing them Hoo8ocllti Carriage Stoned Fort Wayne Intl Oct 11 Hood lums of Fort Wayne last night tried to rivnl those who made an attack on Governor Roosevelt in Victor Colo and In a measure succeeded On Cal houn street shortly before the head of the procession reached the rink where the governor was to speak a party oi roughs ou the sidewalk threw a shower of rocks at Colonel Roosevelts car riage One struck Governor Roosevelt on the shoulder and another alined at the governor struck Colonel Curtis Guild Jr of Boston in the face The governor was nothurt Hooieelt at Iort Wajne Fort Wayne Ind Oct 11 Governor Roosevelt closed a busy days work by making three speeches in this city last night addressing the greatest number of persons In the aggregate who ever have gathered in Fort Wayne to listen to a candidate for po litical honors llrynn In Michigan Grand Rapids Mich Oct 11 The weather of the first day of Mr Bryans tour of this stiite was all that could be expected He made 10 addresses The night meetings at Muskegon and Grand Rapids were equal to the best of the entire tour Grain Kate Jteduced Omaha Oct 11 The Missouri Pa eltlc has made the announcement that effective Friday a reduction of 3 cents per 100 pounds will be made on ship ments of oats corn and corn products from the Ohio river and Memphis to all points In southeastern territory Yellow FeTer In New York New York Oct 11 E Bertweer one of the saloon passengers ou the steamer Havana who was transferred to Hoffman Island yesterday was taken sick last night and removed to Swinburne island hospital for treat ment He developed yellow fever Iluilneii Man MUIiiff Waterloo la Oct 11 I Sheldon a well known business man of Osage has not been seen since he came to Waterloo to attend the Roosevelt rally Relatives and the police are searching for him They know no reason for his leaying home Coiulm Speaku at Clinton Clinton In 06t 11 Congressman Robert J Cousins addressed an audi ence at Lyons last night which packed the house to the doors He covered all points of the campaign from the Republican standpoint NORFOLK NEimASKA THURSDAY KTOlKR II MOO f II One Killed and a Number In jured In a Riot STRIKERS ATTACK WORKERS Tollce forced to Seek Shelter After l clinilRlliK MwM With the Molt due IT llcer Killed anil Another Wonndi d In the Hind Striker Iutully Shut Ilazlelon Pa Oct II A special po llceinan was Instantly killed ttmithci wounded In the head a striker was probably fatally shot and ten nnn union men were mote or less Injured at tlie Oneida colliery of Coe Bros In a clash between the olllcers and 400 strikers yesterday Ralph Mills aged fin of Ilea vet Meadow one of the olllcers was shot through the back and killed The wounded George Kellnor aged AS of Reiner Meadow also a special olllcer recehed shot wounds lu the head but will recover Joseph Lesh kow aged IS of Shlpton a striker shot In the groin ami will probably die Ten nonunion men weie stoned but only two of them weie seriously In jured They are John Van Blargln and James Tosh of Shlpton The former sustained scalp wounds and the latter had four ribs broken The Oneida colliery having been In operation since the Inauguration cf the strike the union men decided to close down the mines When the noil union men went to work they were nsked by the strikers to remain at home Some of them turned back others did not Those who went to the colliery weie stoned Van Blargln one of the non union employes at tempted to pull a revolver but the weapon was taken from him and in the beating he received he had sev eral ribs broken This occurred just before starting time at the mine The Strikers remained at the colliery all morning As the small mine locomo tive used in hauling coal from the No 2 and Si T collieries to the Oneida breaker pulled up on the road near the latter colliery a crowd of women blocked the track The women were told by General Superintendent Kud llch to jo home The women refused to listen and stoned the superintend ent who was wounded In the head Then the striking men and the women rushed toward the colliery A force of about 50 special policemen wbo had been brought down from Beaver Meadow to prevent trouble attempted to Intercept the mob but they were powerless to do anything and retired to the engine house Just as the olll cers got close to shelter a shot was fired This was followed by another and In a few seconds many shots rang through the air Policeman Mills was the first to fall Then Joseph Lesh kow a striker staggered to the ground No one knows who shot first but it is believed both the strikers and the olll cers used their weapons A gunshot killed Mills and small shot struck Po liceman Kellnor Leshkow the strik er was struck by a ball from a revol ver with which all the officers were armed After the shooting the strikers dispersed Notices were posted by Coxe Bros V Co at tlicli Oneida IVrruyci towen and Itemer Meadow olllt tict that there would be a Ntmponxlon of work until the strike Is settled Not one collleix Is now lu full open lion lu the llazletou district MINERS CHEER MITCHELL Tell HI i liter lluit Opiiiiton OITVr til 10 Per Cent Atttmitc I Nnt Ilinnuh Sciatitoii Pn Oct II Thousand of striking ti ne wiiikcrs matched in review through the sheets of this Iciv yesterday and showed their loudly to the cause for which llu have been battling lor the pns thiee weeks Not nnlv dlil the miitiltcs t loyally to their piluelplex Im showed the i tiiilhlciii e lliev had lu their lend er John Mid hell who i nine lute to parth Ipale lu the parade and iiddiess the men The national pn shields re ceptlon was a tlatlerlng one It was the greatest labor dotiinnstniUou that has evi r taken place lu lie lai ka wanna valhy When Mr MIMicll In his speei h told the miners 1 lint the proposition of the mine owners to ad vance the wages 10 per cent was not enough the spontanoltj of the cheeis was startling lie followed this by de during that the mine olllcers ought to abolish the company stores and the sliding scale and they should pay the men their wages semi monthly as the Pennsylvania law dltects With the mention of each grievance there would be an outburst from the men Ilnnk Clerk a iwrntilter New Vol It Oct II II Glllmoley counsel for the Kllaliethport N J Banking company announced yester day that William Kchrlebcr a missing clcik of the bank was a defaulter to the amount of 50000 and that the bank dliectors had made good the amount of the shortage Among the dliectots are United States Senator John T Kean Ininlrii Condition llHiicRrliiR Loudon Oct 10- I old George Ham llton secretary of state for India has received the following dispatch from the viceroy of India Lord Curon The general condition of ciops Is excellent and except In a part of Itoin bay famine conditions aie disappear lug The total number of the icllef list has fallen to liT ltiOOO Iomii W C T II In si n Pes Moines Oct 11 The 127th an until convention of tlie Womans Chris thin Temperance union of Iowa con vened here yesterday The session was opened by devotional exercises led by A K Potter of Grliiuell and following tlmt was the appointment of the commitees of the convention Urge Arinj ltetiiKnltlon Washington Oct 11 -It Is urged In the annual teport of Major General John R Brooke commanding the De partment of the Fast at New Vorl which was made public at the war th partment yesterday that a pressing necessity exists for the reorganization of the army on modern lines Sent Up for Twenty Year Marshalltown la Oct 11 F B Russlc convicted of criminal assault on his Myrth McAfee of Green Mountain was sen tenced by Judge Caswell to serve 120 ytiirH In the Iort Madison peniten tiary RoyAi The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world c elebrated for its great leavening strength and purity It makes your cakes biscuit bread etc healthful it assures you against alum and all forms of adultera tion that go with the cheap brands Alum halmc powders re low jricrd at lom cost bet tvo crntt a ixjuntl tut alum U a corrosive poison and it i emit if tbc tiakinc powder tlangtrout to uc in food ROVAtiBAKINQ KlWOCR CO 100 WILLIAM ST HtW YORK Xi JL Y V o inBlillnUlil IS DS3 - -- i a T T V V VVVVV1TVVV JITI We Arc Looking for a Alan Who t llllillH ho lilinuU ii lmiLnin in liiiiilnr wlin In unou 41 Mi i i imagine tlmt you would iccognio u genuine simp if you woto to J I inei ii nice 10 ineo n you no so wain in see you next timo you want Home lumber We have moie and higger Inn gains in lunihcr siowen away in our yarn tiuui tiny tit her concern around hern irt u ii i I ii mil in sco em r nine ill L C MITTELSTADT NORFOLKS LUMBERMAN Norfolk N A IUIN1IOIT Ilimulmit AIICXANDICIt IIKAIt VIcn IriMitilnu W II llUCIIOl Ciinlilnr 1C W lVl AmlHtnntCiuihlnr National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Kxclin ngc Interest Paid tn Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold tin any Point In ICurufS A General Stennishlp and Foreign Passage Itusiness Trnnsiioterik DIEBOTOBS A IIUAH KI HANLON K J ItAIiK W II DUOHOLZ WM ZUT NA liAlNIIOlT JOHN II HAYH V VICHUKB H H COTTON I A liUIKAKT PUFSMIKNT C11A8 H liHIDCK Vici Pukdiiiknt W II JOIINHON Uahiiihu W it IHAASXII Ahhi CAHiuca The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 15000 Bny ami mII fliclinriK 011 Huh romitry 1 ml nil iinrlH of Kiiniini Kami Iontin Olrecton Cam Ahmih W II Ioiinhon iiah K Hiihjoi J W IIuaam ii HUANK A LlIKAIII T K MCMMtNtirn It Hkhhionh C W BRAASCH DEALER IN J AI 2L Eicluslve aient lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONK 1 W C AttLHAN AHLMAN BROS The Norfolk Bicycle Alun Proprietors C W AHLMAN NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS JoMmtk iiim Duiilorn in Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs Aftfiirj for Wiilthnm MniinfnrtiiriiiK CiV Orient IllrjrliF tlio Iinif t SlroiiKOst nnil Fiittot Illrclu in tlio World Wn iilut Iwinillo tlie Arnm World Trillium llonlxi Kjrxniorc Intlic mid our own imiku mtlicr cIiuim or cliulnloht wluoli will ho knov11 lib tlie Aklniaii Hixcliilf Wedo Repairing Promptlyland Reasonable Bpti9 - Time is Money thequick TRAINS ARE VIA THE UNION PACIFIC Missouri River to Salt Lake City TEN HOUKS QUIOKEH THAN ANY OTHER LINE Hissouri River to San Francisco FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Missouri River to Portland FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant Rending Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Dining Cars Meals a la Carte Pint sen Light For full information cull ou or address F W JUNEMAN Agent