ft 1 Y lv w OUR Armored Cruiser SHOE mBj jBBBB for Boys Wear Is miulo from tho best seleoted upper Htock tested for service The soles and heels which are tho best loathor will produco aro filled with CHILLED STEEL CIRCLETS which protect tho bottom and assure tho wear er doublo the service of any shoo mado for boys Davenport Bros THE NORFOLK SHOE HEN W He who has H lost his sight best knows its value Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it Examination free Satisfaction guaranteed DI C Fttl IKfltJQUflHDT OPTICIAN NORFOLK - - NEBRASKA NORFOLK Steam Laundry Only First Class Laundry In Northeast Nebraska Kvcry offort mado to ploiso natrons and gio fciitifcfnctloii Lltost improved ma chinery iifeed in all departments Work not satibfactorj will ho rolaiindoied free of cluirKO if lotutnod unworn ROUGH EDGES TAKEN t OFF COLLARS O o I o H Z u Q W I o o COAL SCR ANTON -COAL Our new Hard Coal Is on Track It Is fresh clean and nice We guarantee quality quantity and price If you burn Hard Coal see us and the coal together and I am satisfied we can trade H E HARDY COAL SCRANTON -coal O O i o 70 z -I o 2 i o o Thompsons 3 Cash Grocery For Pure Cider Vinegar - ortH Ponnxr Teas and Coffees Heinzes Preserves and Pickles The best of everything in our line The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 21 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 87 Minimum temperature CI Average 74 Preolpltation 00 Total precipitation for month 00 Barometer 2944 Forecast for Nebraska Geuerally fair tonight and Friday except local thunderstorms aro probable Cooler Friday THURSDAY TIDINGS This is pension day and the civil war veterans have been swarming into W H Lowes office with their papers The brick sidewalk in front of the Beels building occupied by the dye works is to bo raised to grade lovel It bus beou so low tlint water Mood on it after heavy lalus Curtis Stltt Is suffering from u sprained leg secured last night byiconi iug in contact with a defective board in tho sldowalk Iter J 1 Luddln stato lecturer of tho Tribo of Bon Hur will deliver his lecturo on fraternal boneflclary ortlors at O A R hull In Norfolk Nebr on Wednesday evening Oct 10 ll00 Everybody cordially Invited to attend An advertisement recently hundod In to Tin NiV3 says Qucenswaro shirts nnd overalls Whether tho advertiser speaks from experience knowing what queous really wear is not known but that tho assertion was mado Is undeni able The Croston rough riders 21 In num ber arrived In tho city last night and camped on Olneys pasture bringing tents along for tho purpose Thoy make a nice appoarauco being drossod in reg ulation rough rider uniforms and riding flue appearing horsos An old goutloinan arrived in tho city this morning at 0 oclock on horso back and leading two other horsos Ho lodo 28 miles to seo and hoar Hoosovclt and brought two horses along thinking that there might bo n demand tor extra horses by tho rough riders It requires littlo guess work to determine his favored candidates George Griffith aged about 1 years son of Fred Griffith of Battle Creek died at the sanitarium in thlB city yes toreay noon On Tuesday ho was operated on and tho bone of ono of his legs removed and ho was getting along nicely from tho effects of tho oporntiou the cause of his death being an abscess of the liver Whilo it was known that he had this trouble ho positively re fused to allow an operation Tho abscess broke yesterday and death re sulted M Yount has resigned his position as maunger of tho Western Union tele graph ofllco in this city and It is under stood ho intends to remove with his family to Colorado Mr Yount has been manager for tho telegraph com pany here for many years and by his efforts to please and accomodate ho has mado many friends who will wish him success wherever he goes and in what ever he undf rtnkes Mrs It M Hart from Des Moines Iowa is hero to take the position of manager Fresh fish at Karos Try Theluia the latest perfume at Christophs Good farms to trade for town property G R SniLEit Pitted cherrios for pies only 20 cents per can at Parishs New shipment of Gilt Edgo canned goods just received at Parishs Farm and city loans The Durland Tkust Co CIiuiirIhk tilt ChbU HhhIh Owing to the increased price of all sup plies tho increasing number of accounts the difficult of collecting tho samo on account of removal and otherwise the time and attention it requires in book keeping and collecting tho small ac counts which time and attention wo could give to our work rooms ami give our patrons much hotter service we have concluded to adopt the cash sys tem Therefore on and after October 1 lJOO all laundry will be cash with no exceptions Dont ask thi drivkr tor credit Laundry delivered and customers not at home will be returned to this office unless customer holds a coupon book and de livered once more the following day By this method you can always keep posted as to the extent of your laundry work and prevent all misunderstanding We hope you will look at this in a busi ness like manner and trust you will make provision for payment when laundry is delivered For those who do not wish to bo troubled with small amounts coupon book of 1 2 and 3 can be obtained from the driver or at out office by paying cash and get a discounr of 5 per cent Hoping that this will meet with your approval and that we shall continue to receive your patronage and good will we remain Yours for Business Craven McCoy We make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odiornb Seo Agents Wanted For Galveston The Horrors of a Stricken City by Murat Halstead a fearful tale of a beauteous city swept into the sea De mand enormous Splendid book Only 150 Agents selling from 10 to 100 daily and clearing from 6 to 75 dally A bonanza for agents Only endorsed book Freight paid Credit given Outfits free Send six two cent stamps for postage Big commissions Send for outfit and territory today Tho Dominion Company Dept A Chicago Mrs Sadie Hart Miller Osteopath Rooms over tho Hayes jewelry store Hours from 10 a m to 4 p m Con sultation and examination free Houses for iaie T E Odiorbi Sturgeon is the piano man Farm land and city property for sole by G R Seller DrFrank Salter Disease of children Ill IS NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY HMOHKK I 1900 fill 11 II Sugar Making Will be Going on in a Few Days BEET HARVEST ALREADY ON Tlic Crop Iliiiitril for Orniul Inland Will lieSliliKil to Not folk mid Wiirlicil Hern Ililluro of IttctAto Itlpen Cunurn lliluj Instruction Tor Heel Orowur It is expected that the wheels nt tho American Beet Sugar companys plant in this city will commence revolving next Monday morning and from that time until tho oloso of tho campaign tho llros in tho furnaces will not bo drawn for a moment Boot harvesting by many of the farmors commenced this morning and others aro calling at tho factory office and receiving harvesting orders Tito starting of tho factory has boon unusually delayed by tho late rains which havo prevontod tho boots from ripening During this week howevor tests show that beots havo been taking on miliar very rapidly and thoro now seems no doubt but that tho factory will bo ablo to start at its full capacity on Monday Tho plant has been ready for operation for n month and could havo bi en started at a moments uotlco hud the crop been fit to cut On account of a short ncroago tho crop planted for tho Grand Island fac tory will bo woiked hero thiH year The Norfolk factory is selected by the compauy to do tho work because it is the bettor plunt or tho two This plant has what is known as tho Steffons Process by which tho sugar is extracted closer from tho beet than whero it is not in ubo The beet crop is in good condition and it is confidently expected that tho yield will bo larger than last year hence every prospect points to a profitable harvest by beet growers While tho rains have retarded the ripening of beots the delay is consider ably compensated by the excellent con dition in which tho soil has been placed for tho opening of auotlu r season Not for years has winter found tho soil in as good shape as it will bo this year tho ground being soaked to an unusual depth which assures a big beet crop auother year and all other crops as well Hunt iporliiientH The Nebraska Experiment station has just issued Bulletin No 07 This is a condensed report on tho experiments with sugar beets in 18 The bulletin may be obtained free of cost by resi dents of tho state upon writing to tho Agricultural Experiment stntiou Lin coln Nebraska The sugar beet experiments were continued in ISO on land in tho Platto river valley at Ames Dodge county Ne braska Tho Standard Cattlo Co lo cated nt that point in addition to fur nishing laud for tho experiment plots also placed two thousand ncres of sugar beets at tho disposal of tho station for experimental purposos This area com prised a considerable numberof varie ties of beets also soils of different char acter treatment cropping etc It was thus possible to carry on a part of tho experimental work on a very largo scale In spacing beets tho most satisfactory results were obtaiued by having tho space between tho rows of beets eighteen inches with beets eight inohes apart in the row This admits of horso cultiva tion and yet brings tho plants sufficiently close together to prevent their growing too largo Experiments in 189 and previous years have shown that shallow cultiva tion throughout tho growing season is desirable Deep cultivation dries out the soil to a greater depth and decreases the yield of beets This is true on both heavy and light soil in Nebraska Three to four inches is deep enough to cultivate and hoe tho beets The usi of commercial fertilizers ana barnyard manure increased materi ally the yield per acre but not the sugar content or parity of tho beets Tho ad vantage to bo derived from the use of commercial fertilizers is not sufficient to pay for their cost With barnyard manure however the caBe is entirely different and Its use either for a pre vious crop or directly for tho beet crop was profitable Of tho varieties tested during 1808 and 1899 on both heavy and light soil the beet were tho original Klein Wanz lebener Pioneer Klein Wanzlebener Vilmoriu Drumez Elite and Kuauer A very striking difference was to be noticed iu beets growing in different soils The fields covered by the experi ments included both sandy loam soil and a compact clay A comparison of these soils for beet raising both in a year of average rainfall 1893 and of ex cessive rainfall 1899 showed that tho heavy soil produced very much bettor beets although they did not mature so rapidly as did those on the lighter Boil No successful method of treating the leaf spot disease has thus far beeu dis covered Fungicides such as Bordeaux mixture proved themselves of only limited remedial value Young leaves Bprayed with the solution were to a great extent at least prevented from taking tho disease but no curative was found for the leaves already attacked Tho disease was in most coses first no ticed and most destructive on land on which beets had been grown tho previ ous year Nliotlltotn Sill flit Allilloli Our first draft sale from tho Klkliorn Valley herd of shorthorn cattle will oc cur at my farm one half mile fiom Pierce Monday Octobor IS Sixteen young bulls and 21 cows and heifers All cows of sufficient ago will have calves at foot or be safely bred Tho two Sroteh bulls In service aro Baton Mimtratltbv Baron Gnilekshunk itrd and Lavender Chief 2d by Imp Lav ender Lad lIUIKir Send for catalogue at once and come L Mason Ar Sons Pierce Nebr lBHtiONAL B Wollmum was in tho city yester day from Wayne Captain 1 II Btown was a city vis itor yesterday from Wakefield Wlllard Krlnkio went to Sio ux City this morning to meet his mother CoininisFiouor 1 Hughes was a city visitor yesterday from Battle Creek It Roland of St lames Minn was horo yesterday on cattle business Dr Frank Salter was called to lladar this morning on professional business Kimono Morriam of Crelghton has ac cepted a position as clerk In the Fair store Miss Mvrtle Ward of Ompor Wyom ing is visiting uttho homo of W II Blakoumn A F Mxltov is hero from Colorado Springs and expects to mako this city his homo in tho futttro Ex Gov Crounso went to ONeill last night where ho was billed for an auxil iary speech at the Koosovolt meeting Mrs John R Hays and grand- daughter Dorothy Salter returned at noon today from their visit at Aurora 111 W D Mathews of Kioiiiopt went thinugh to Basset t last night where he addressed tho crowd whilo waiting for Roosevelt Miss Louise Dolou returned to Iter home in St loo Mo this moriiiiigalier ii two weeks visit at the home of her uncle O G Dolen T B Kail of Harlan Iowa was in tho city over night and departed thiH morning over tho Union Pacific for Cheyenne Wyoming L A Williams at tho head of the press bureau of tho state republican committee was with tho Roosovolt party in Norfolk today Conductor Fox of the Union Pacific and family have returned from u months vacation spent in visiting rela tives in various parts of the country For up to dato tailoring seo Fuoslor with an elegant lino of fall and winter goods iu stock Good work and a per fect fit guaranteed at tho most reasonable prices Hull uiiy Kiirm IhiiiIh Ifor Isiili Iii northern Wisconsin the Chicago St Paul Minneapolis is Omaha railway has for sale ut low rates and easy terms of payment about 100000 acres of choice farm lands Early buyers will secure tho advantage of locations on tho many beautiful streams and lakes which abound with fish and furnish a nover ending and most excellent water supply both for family use and for stock Laud is generally well timbered tho soil fertile and easy of cultivation Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minne apolis Duluth Superior Ashland and numerous other thriving cities and towns on the lino of the 0 St P M O railway and other railroads in tho same territory furnish good markets for farm produco For further particulars address Gro W Bell Land OommisRionor Hudson Wis or G H Mao Rae A G P A St Paul Minn Pretty Street WhIhI Wo are showing tho prettiest line of freuch flannel silk brilliantino and mercerized shirt waists over shown in Omaha Have you tried the new straight front corsets The easiest corset ever worn Prices 100 up We have especially stylos in the new fall underskirts from mercerized up to the prettiest silks Our art needlework department is full of new and pretty goods Mrs J Benson South 10th street Omaha Nebr The News jod department is com plete in every particular How it This Wo offer one hundred dollars reward that cannot be for any cose of catarrh cured by Halls Catarrh Care F J Chenet Co Toledo O We the uudorsigned have known F J Chensy for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable iu all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm West Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Waldino Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mu coub surfaces of the system Testimon ials sent free Price 75c per bottle Sold by all druggists Halls Family Pills are the best Fresh fish at Koroa Everything in the fruit aud vegetable line at Parisha HIiIh tor Coul for ttm School ItlMtlit of Noitollt llv Sealed bids for fin uiHhiug lump it lit pea and slack coal for the present en suing school year will be received by the board of education until s p m October ISth all coal to be weighed upon scales to bo designated by the board of education the welching to be paid for by the Mitvossful bidders and delivered at the varloiiH school buildings as may bo required the boatd reserving the right to accept or reject bids In part or entire or to t eject all bids in their discretion II C Mtur Secretary Everybody keep an eye on 1 1 Stur geons Colored Porterfl Sewing Machine contest Now Is the time to vote One of the chief attractions at our FALL OPENING will be genuine New York Patterns Wo havo 100 different styles iu Street Hats JEDURLAND t 0 o CD O B 03 i o k 3 cri3 Z o 3 a 3 Q 3 O Norfolk P CD O 3 B B CD w p tn cr CD i CD C 0 3 P P P r O o p P P CD X p B 3 uq O o O O CD CO p OR CD in CD CD CD P CD CD CD CD OR P P urH moatSBI BARNES ifc TYLER i II limnnt JM I Tjliv AKoniejH at lini Norfolk Nebrasko - - - JRC S PARKER DKNTIST Mast Block - - Norfolk Nob DR n T nOLDEN Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Olllco Citizoiih Niitlomil Hunk llnlliliiiK Tuliiplioiio 101 Siiiiilurium mill Itijulilmico Sliiln nnil 13tli St Toluplionu J Norfolk - - Nebraska DR I K SCOBEE OSTEOPATH I ST 511 South 9th Stroot Norfolk 2 -T COLE DENTIST Ofllco ovor Cltlzrme Kntlonnl Finnic Iloshlonee uuo block north of CouKruuittiouul church Norfolk Nebraska yjAPKS HAZEN Ofllco oor Lcoimrilt Dru Storo Norfolk - - Nebraska JyJISS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker OpeUlrn fti Cottou hlocV over Iliiuma etors Fim cluB work tfuurautoed Nebraska pOWERS HAYS Attornejs at Law Room 10 11 ami 12 MastJIilock Norfolk Nebraska gESSIONS BELL Undertakers and Kiiibaliuers Soisloue IHk Norfolk Ave Norfolk Nebraska Tfflt M ROBERTSON Attornej at Lawt Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wlgton Block Norfolk Please Bear 11 in Mind That our very bust ef forts will bo put forth at all times to help you to the selection of a Hat that will be suitable for you whethor it be a cheap or an expensive one We cheerfully meet any competition from anywhere Our hats are all mado in our own work room hon estly made We are not gifted with second sight are not mind readers and if after purchase you make no complaint we must conclude that you are satisfied but if not so please report promptly to us and we will make all satisfac tory INSKEEPS MILLINERY B MEYERS Invites you to Compare Prices Tomatoes per can 8c Peas per can 5c Corn per can 8c Java Coffee best per lb 15c Oat Meal per lb 2dc Soap 10 bars 25c la pound can Baking Powder 20c Best Prunes per lb 8c Blueing 4c Soda per lb 3Jc Starch per lb 3Jjc Crackers por lb 7c Clothes Lines 9o Lye per can 4c Mixed Candy per lb 7Jrfc Pearl i ne por package 4c Rico por lb 7c Lamp Chlmuoy 4c Wo have a big lino of Tinware Gran itewaro and Crockery which wo aro selling very cheap B MEYERS SEE FUESLER THE TAILO For Up-to-Date Tailoring He has an elegant line of Fall and Winter Goods in Stock Good Work and a Perfect Fit Guar anteed at the MOST REASONABLE PRICES PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at rAIR PRICES You get what you pay for at Uhle s