h k r - 1 5 i i Sx 1 v h i M fl i 1 I n x The Norfolk Weekly News ROOSEVELT An Ovation to the Next Vice President GREETED BY GREAT CROWDS Norfolk Puts on Gala Day At tire in His Honor DECORATIONS AND A BIG PARADE Ieoplu From All Ittrtn of North ka Come to Sco lllm Sprclul TriilLit on All KiillromlH liitliUHlnnin ICiini pitut In ths Klkliorn Vnlley Welcome to Norfolk This is the wording of a big banner stretched across Norfolk avenue which greeted Theodore Roosevelt when ho ar rived in the city this afternoon That the beutiment expressed by the banner was sincere was attested by the thou sands of people who met the vice presi dential candidate at the train and over whelmed him with enthusiasm while ho remained in the city This Iiub been tho greatest political day ever witnessed in Norfolk The day opened propitiously with a genial sun shining and a pleasant breeze blowing from tho south The balmy atmosphere early put people in good humor and active preparations were inaugurated for the days events The Btreetswere swept elaboratedecorations in which portraits of McKinley and Roosevelt were conspicuously shown soon adorned the business houses up and down the street those business men of opposite political faith even vicing with their republican brethren in displaying red white and blue Not for years has Norfolk been so elaborately and beautifully decorated as today The crowdB began to come early The people came by train by teai and on norseback ina wnere the in us 4 t f conveyance Verb not at hand they even bicycled and footed it in All wanted to see the hero of San Juan The first train to arrive was the Ver digre passenger at 5 05 bringing seven coaches all well filled with people from Verdigre Creightou Bazile Mills Fos ter and Pierce and at 10 oclock a special came down the same line bring ing five coaches and nearly 00 people Shortly after the Union Pacific arrived from the south with three extra coaches bringing the Madison delegation The train from the north on the M fc O was a little late but it brought eight coaches filled to the guards with people from Emerson Wakefield Hartiugton Wayne Bloomfield Wiuside and Hoskins Tho noon train on the F E Ss M V from the west brought dele gations from Meadow Grove and Battle Creek Besides those who came by train there was a constant stream of wagons into town from early morning until afternoon At 1230 tho parade was formed on Firs t street in charge of Major E H Tracy assisted by Messrs Beels Barnes Mathew6on McKimand Bundick At 12 J5 the parade started in the follow ing order Chief of Police Widaman opening the way The Merry Tramps band Madison rough riders in uniform 100 strong CreBton rough riderB in uniform each man carrying a small American flag Battle Creek rough riders 7C strong Norfolk band Norfolk rough riders a company of boys ranging in ages from 12 to 10 years old on horseback They carried a banner reading Boys Ruff Riders We want to expand Watch us grow Another No Hi to 1 No Bryan no Boup houseB in ours please Wakefield band Wakefield marching club Wayne marching club Plum Creek rough riders 25 strong A banner in the Plum Creek delega tion read 1890 Our farm products low No mouoy at any interest 1000 Farm products at good prices Plenty of money at low interest 1891 Yon could not find work at any price 1900 Labor in demand and well paid Pierce McKinley club Madison inarching club The delegation from the south over the Union Pacific carried in line ban ners bearing tho mottoes Honesty Decency and Courage The Flag Forever Aguiualdo Never Justice and Natloual Honor F P Prince of Madison was respou tiblo for one of the striking novelties It was a large dinner pail full of bread and bore the legend Four years more of tho full dinner pall Battle Creek Marching club carrying a banner reading Battle Creek club 2M strong Norfolk cymbal club A characteristic Moat which was none other than a wagon on which was rid ing a happy looking sheep A banner on tho wagon containing tho word Protection explained tho reason why that wool grower wan in lino Norfolk McKinley Koosevelt club Section of banners representing tho Norfolk Travoling Mens olub The Norfolk McKtnloy Roosovelt Traveling Mens club was not present in great numbers as these are times when tho traveling men must bo on tho jump to keep up with their orders But they were represented by banners in tho parade tho first one explaining why tho boys wero absent We greet you but cannot meet you too busy Norfolk Traveling Men We are all at work today The Trust did it Name an idle traveling salesman you cant Norfolk Traveling Men 4 demo crats 11 popB 1 1 republicans Eighty five per cent of the traveling men are for whoMoKiuley of course The Rough Rider will make Binooth sailing for us all The line of niaroh was up Main street to Thirteenth and countermarch to Fourth where the platform bad been erected from which Mr Roosevelt was to speak Either Bide of tho street was packed with people who witnessed the parade and awaited the coming of the rough rider On the return of tho parade the rough riders opened ranks and formed a double column extending from Seventh to Fourth street through which Governor RooBevelt and his party paBBed on their way to the BpeakerB stand When the train reached the Main NORFOLK NEBRASKA TIiriiSDAY KTOHKU I street crossing of tho Klkhorn tracks it was greeted with 11 burst of applause and the sound of booming caution in tho distance Tho train was mot by a rocoptlon committee from tho Norfolk McKinley Roosevelt olub tho persons composing t ho puty hastily placed in car riages and driven to the speakers plat form Tho first carriage contained Gov ernor Roosevelt Curtis Uuild of Massa ehusottSonutor Dolliver of Iowa and Hon John R Hays of this city The second carriage contained Oltas 11 Dietrich candidate for governor of Ne braska K P Savage candidate for lieutenant governor It 11 Schneider national committeeman for Nebraska W K Fowlor candidate for superin tendent of public instruction A third carriago contained Geo W Marsh can didate for secretary of state Wil liam Steufer candidate lor state treas urer Frank N Prout for attorney gen eral Chas Weston for auditor O D Follmer for commissioner of public lands and buildings The speakers stand was built ngaiuBt tne east wall of the Karo meat market at the corner of Main and Fourtli streets of good substantial planking and beautifully decorated with bunting A large flag was draped over a portion or the wall directly back of tho stand On the stand chaira were arranged for the Bpeaker and hiB party The vacant lot and the sidewalks were filled with masses of people that extended far out into the 6treet It was the largest crowd ever assembled in Norfolk to hear a political speech When the stand was reached no time was lost in getting Governor Roosevelt before the crowd Hon John R Hays introduced him with dispatch and ho at ouce proceeded to talk to the people The governor was in good form and voice with the exception of a slight hoarseness and had little difficulty in making the crowd hear He held their close attention and was given a very respectful hearing by all Ho spoke of Bryans prophecies and how ho had promised four years more of harder times but he was incoricot Prosperity prevails lioef corn oals ami other farm prod not h have advanced in price Ifi to 20 per cent Ho spoke of tlie twin goats militar ism and imperialism with which the fusionists are trying to frighten us and devoted considerable of his time to these propositions Tho speaker referred in biting leims to the sign over tho Bryan club head quarters Uopiiblie foiever Kinplio Never Ho showed that this scare of imperialism was no new dodge ieorgo Washington was accused of having im perialistic designs on tho country also Thomas Jouerson Kvou Abraham Lincoln was assailed by the same accu sation and tho Lincoln bindings wero accused of an endeavor to establish an empire The heirs of tho copperheads ol tho war of tho rebellion are now springing the same cry againBt McKin ley The governor then turned bis atten tion to militarism Ho stated that this cry was sprung when the army held tho ratio of one man and four tenths to every thousand people The regular army is now composed of 15000 men or BO lOOthsof a regular soldier to every 1000 people in the country The speaker promised that if the domocrats were afraid thiB fraction of a soldier with a fraction of h gun would enslave a thousand free American citizens the republican party would protect them from it He said our regular army is a volun teer army Not a man of them goes except by his own freo will There is no draft no conscription no such methods as are employed by countries afflicted with militarism He promised that just as soon as the fusionists ceased giving encouragement to the rebels in the Philippines tho war would end and the army would be reduced to as low a number or lower than ever be- foie Ho Npoko of tho meeting being presided over by a veteran of tho civil war whose adopted son was with him al Santiago and who Is now serving in lite Philippines That boy represents the share of tyranny of Win McKinley lo 1 2H people assembled hero lie would like to find the issue of the democrat 10 party lie was In tho posi tion of a follow ho knew who said it strained him so to kick al nothing When the justices of the peace and the constables of tho country combine to force imperialism on the country the people may begin to feat but not until they do That probability is much more to bo feared than tho imperialism of the administration The fusionists speak ol t lie soldiers as ft per mouth hiiellngs There aio hundreds of these hirelings buried in Culm JDld they give their lives for the f I i per mouth pay No1 They gave them because the red blood of a great Atneiican people llowed in Copyright 1B00 by Kockwood N Y THEODORE ROOSEVELT their veins and they fought for their countrys flag He spoke of Franz Siegel a German and a soldier during the war of the re bellion who is now as in 01 standing for the honor of his adopted countrys flag He was German born but as true hearted an American as ever lived The governor spoke for about lr min utes and then sat down and gave the balance of his time to Senator Dolliver of Iowa who was introduced by Mr Hays Looking over tho audience the senator said It is uot improbable that there are some good Iowa republicans in this audience In fact the first man I met from your town was an old Iowa repub lican Hon Johu R Hays and he has been placed in nomination for the posi tion of congress and should be elected You cant beat a man born in Ohio reared in Iowa and located in this part of Nebraska We want behind Win McKinley a republican congress and Mr Hnv8 should be elected Will some one please state what the democratic lssu is Over In my statu wo cant loenti it Kvttry Mum wo think wo have It it Is under the other shell An old gentleman in the audience suggested that thoisHUHls Business or Bryan -which and his suggestion wiih cordially accepted by the speaker and liberally applauded by the UHsnniblago llosald he knew Bryan about as well as anybody That gentleman was in tho house of icprcsentutlves when he got thein and ho wiih I here after Bryan left He would like to hear of any prophet y over made by Mr Bryan that had been fulfilled but no 0110 suggested 0110 The locomotive whlHtlo sounded thn warning that H wiih limit lor thn party to move and tho speaker hurriedly closed his addiess At the t loMt of Senator Dolliver m adihcNH Col Simpson president of tho iipiibllcnu club introduced Hon Kd waid K Fiti h of Chicago Hit has tho leputatioii of being one ol the mut elo iuent orulorH In the United States and held the vast audience for an after ad dress and is still speaking as this report closes In the meantime Inventor Hoosnvelt and party had been hastily driven to thn train the time allotted to Norfolk hav ing rxpiied As he was leaving the platform 11 number of the rough riders pushed through tho ciowd and were griiBptrt eagerly by the hand by Governor Rooso velt He also shook hands with oh many others as the limited time at hut dlspoml would permit him And ho seemed to enjoy the greeting as heartily as tho olhciH Illl Hl llllj leu Dlliliiirn Viill y This has been a great day along tho Klkhorn valley where ovation after ovation has greeted Itoosovelt as ho tliiiiii dtiwii I mm the west At every point where he stopped great crowdH turned out to see and hear tho rough rider Knthtisiasm was rampant and the demonstrations showed conclusively that Nebraska is by no means given over to populism and vagaries No great iriithusiasiii has been mot by tho vice picsidcntial candidate during his journey of 0000 miles covering many states than was seen along the Klkhorn valley today It bus been a busy day for RooM vdt and be will be weary when lie 1 caches Omaha tonight but he will long remem ber the reception lie received on the na tive heath of tho Uoy orator of the Platte The day opened early lor Roosevelt a big ciowd meeting him at Valentine at 7 oclock At H 2r ho readied Aiuswoith and another ciowd and at Id 10 liasuetl showed him thi character ot Mind hills patriotism At ONeill at II he was greeted by 11 most enthusiastic gnthciing and at 12 IT he 1 cached Ni ligh and more en thusiasm TEDDY IN DEADWOOD Kcci plluii Niiriiiil An thing lllll Inn aili r Dining tin- of 11 Slut Tll Tlirotijli til UibI Deathvood S I Oct i -Immediately upon tin- arrival of tho Itoosevelt special train at Deudwood at S oclock lust cveiilng Governor House velt and Senator liolllvcr of Iowa were taken in caiThigcH through the streets of Dcadwood to the Deadwood Narrow CiiHgi railway where the jiHity en tertd a train and were tuken to Lead where two speeches were made One was of some length In Miners hall to a closely packed bouse and the other a brief talk from the carriage to a much larger crowd which t ould not gain admittance The reception of Governor Roosevelt and the street demonstration in Deadwood as the carriages passed through the streets was beyond description Men and women mounted and on foot filled the streets and lined the sidewalks The night was Illuminated by electric lights rockets Innumerable torches by fireworks of all description anil above all the other features was the wild rush for the carriage which con tained tho governor anil the cheers and cries that greeted his progress be tween stations The crowd whs the most demonstrative and excited thut Iibh yet been met with on his long Journey of more than 0000 miles In his speech at Lead Governor Roose velt took occasion to deny emphatical ly th story published about an al leged speech said to have txen made by him at tho auditorium about the Pullman riot where he is reported to have said that any man who engaged in a strike or would go to a riot do served to bo hhot THEODORE ROOSEVELT Sketch of the Lliuraclpr of thn Vlrelrel ileutiul CniullilMt The following written by Jacob A Riis of New York appeared iu the American Monthly Review of Reviews for August I um asked to tell what I kuow of Theodore Roosevelt being his friend and why he should be elected to the high oilico his countrymen have thrust upon him But before 1 do that let me as a citizen of his state record my protest against his being taken from us before he wtw half done with his work as gov ernor of New York and get my mind