The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 27, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Tnio to her iroinlRO tho IiIiicchmvou
Bteliihciiner was wnitiiiK at tlio itn
inciiHt inllwiiy station of Vicuna niitl
tlio received her friend with kuhIiIiik
vfltiHlon Jennie loft thctitiiiiiiaiiiMit iih
when hlio Imil entered It for ninny
women lmvo tlio faculty of tnkiiiir hK
journeys without hIiovyIiik the
olTect which iirotrnctcil railway
traveling wtiiiH to havti upon tint hum
rnliiit Mini probably more enroled por
tion of huinatiity
Oh you ilcar lrll crlcil the iriu
ithh You cannot tell how 1ml I to
wo you I was just yearning for mime
olio to tall lhinlish to I am ho tired of
French iiuiKleiniiin although they fhit
ter tun by wiyinu that 1 nieiiU thojie two
liuiKHHKCM well yet 15njHh Ih my own
tongue ami it In no delightful to talk
with oni who can utiderHtmid ovury
bhtwd word you nay which you can
riuiily sea those who iirutunil to npeak
KiikIInIi In Vienna do not What lotiK
clintM wo hIiiiII have I And now come
thin way to tlio cnrriiiK Thero iH a
man hero to look after your hiKKiK
You tiro coming right homo with mi
mid are KK 0 Mty with mo iih long
118 you aro In Vienna Dont nay no
nor make any csciihc nor talk of going
to a hotel for a unit of roontH Ih all
ready for jou and your luggage will bo
there before we are Now let iih enter
tho carriage for I am juHt pining to
hear what it in you have on hand
muno delicimiH Hcandal 1 hope
No answered Jennie it pertains
to government mat tern
Oh dear I cried thoprlnccHH How
tircHomol Politlcn is ho dull
1 dont think thiHcncu iHilnll Haiti
Jennie becauso it Iuih brought Aus
tria and England to tho verge of war
What a dreadful ideat 1 hadnt
heard anything of it When did thin
happen Y
Lchh than a month ago And Jen
nie related the whole circuniHtanco
Riving a synopsis of tho premiers
But I hoc nothing in that speech to
cnuso war protested tho princees It
is ns milil as new milk
I dont pretend to understand diplo
macy continued Jennie bluehing
lightly as hIio remembered Lord Donnl
anil it seemed that tho samo thought
struck the princess at tho samo mo
ment for she looked quizzically at Jen
nit and burst out into a laugh
You may laugh but I tell you that
this is a serious business Thuy say it
only needed a second new milk speech
from the premier to have Knglaml an
Hwer most politely in words of honey
and next instant tlio two countries
would havo been at each others
Suppose wo write to Lord Donal in
Kt Petersburg suggested the princess
etill laughing and ask him to coniu
to Vienna and help us V lie understands
all alniut diplomacy Hy tho way Jen
nie did Lord Donal over find out whom
he met at the ball that night V
No ho didnt answered Jennie
Dont you ever intend to lot him
know 1 Are yon going to leave the ro
innncu unfinished like one of Henry
James novels 1
It isnt a romance It is simply a
very distressing incident which 1 have
been trying to fcrget over since It is
nil very well for you to laugh but if
yon ever mention tho subject again Ill
leave yon and go to a hotel
Oh no you wont 1 chirruped the
jirincess brightly You darent You
know I am the goddess of the machine
At any time I can tendji letter to Lord
Donal and set tho poor young mans
mind at rest So yon see iliss Jennie
yon will havo to talk very sweetly and
-politely to me and not make any
threats because I am like those dread
ful persons in the sensatiouul plays who
hold tho guilty secrets of other people
and blackmail them But you are a nice
girl and I wont say anything you
dout want to hear said Now what is
it you wish to iiml out about this po
litical crisis If
I want to discover why the premier
did not follow up his speech with an
other He must have known when he
epoko how hiB words would be taken in
England Therefore it is thought that
ho bad sonio plans which unforeseen
circumstances intervening havo nulli
fied 1 want to know what those un
foreseen circumstances were lor tin
past fortnight The Daily Bugle has had
two into here in Vienna trying to
throw some light on the diirk recesses
of diplomacy Up to date they havo
failed but at any moment they may
micceed It was because they failed
that I am scut here Now have you
anything to suggest Madame la Priii
I suggest Jennie that wo put our
heads together ami learn all that those
clever diplomatists wish to hide Havo
you no plans yourself if
I have no very definito plan but 1
havo a general scheme These men I
epoko of ure trying to discover what
other meu are endeavoring to conceal
All the officials are on their guard They
are highly placed and ure not likely to
he got at by bribery They are clever
alert men of the world so hoodwinking
them is out of the question therefore
I think my two fellow journalists havo
a difficult task before them
But it is the same task that you
have before yon Why is it not as diili
cnlt for yon Jennie as for them II
Because I propose to work with peo
ple who are not on their guard and
there is where you can help me if yon
are not shocked at my proposal Each
official has u wife or at least most of
them have Some of tbeae wives in all
probability possets tho information
tbit we would like to get Women will
tnlk mure freely with women than
men will with men Now 1 propose to
leave the ofllcluls severely alone and to
intirview tho wives
The princess chipped her hands
Kxcellentl she cried Tho women
of Vienna are the greatest gossips you
ever heard chattering together I havo
never taken any interest in politics
otherwise I suppose 1 might havo be
come possessed of Homo important gov
ernment secrets Now Jennie Ill tell
you what I prOpjttto doing I shall give
a formal tea nrtxt Thursday afternoon
I sluill invite to that tea a dozen or two
dozen or three dozen wives of high
placed iifticiaN about tho court My
husband will like that because ho is
always complaining that 1 do not pay
enough attention to tho ladies of tho
political circle of Vienna He takes a
great interest in politics you know If
wo dihcovcr nothing at the first tea
meeting wo will have another and an
other and another until wo do Wo aro
Hiiro to invito the right woman on 0110
occasion or another and when wo llnil
her Ill warrant tho secret will soon be
long to us Ah here wo aro at homo
anil wo will postpone the discussion of
our plans until you havo had something
to eat and aro rested a bit
Tho carriage drew up at tho magnifi
cent palace well known in Vienna
which belonged to tho Princovon Htein
heinier and shortly afterward Jennio
Baxter found herself in possession of
the Uncut suit of rooms sho had ever be
held in her life Jennie laughed nu she
looked around her rooms and noted
their luxurious appointments
Theso are not exactly what wo
should call diggings in London aro
theyV she said to tho princess who
stood by her side delighted at the pleas
ure of her friend Wu often read of
poor penny-a-liners in their garrets
but 1 dont think any penny-a-liner
ever had such a garret as this placed at
his disposal
I know you would liko the rooms
cried tho princess gay I I liko them
myself and I hope they will help to in
duce you to Htay in Vienna as long as
you can I havo given you my own
maid Gretllch and 1 assure you it isnt
every friend I would lend her to She is
a model servant
Oh but you mustnt do thatl said
Jennie I cannot rob yon of your
maid and also bo selfish enough to mo
nopolize these rooms
Yon aro not robbing mo In fact I
am perhaps a little artful In giving
yon Gretlich for ftho is fljwn in the
dumps this last week or two anl I
dont know what in tlio world is the
matter with her 1 suspect it is sonio
love allair but she will say nothing
although I have asked her timo and
again what is the trouble Now you
aro such a cheerful consoling young
woman that 1 thought if Gretlich were
in your service for a time sha might
brighten up and be her own self again
So yon see instead of robbing me I am
really taking advantage of your good
1 am afraid you aro just saying
that to make it easier for me to be sel
fish still yon tiro ho generous princess
that 1 am not going to object to any
thing you do but just give myself up
to luxury while I stay in Vienna
That is right Ah here is Gretlich
Now Gretlich I want you to help make
Miss Baxters stay here pleasant that
sho will never want to leave us
I shall do my best your highness
said the girl with quiet deference
Tho princess left the two alone to
gether and Jennio saw that Gretlich
was not tlio least ornamental appendage
to the handsome suit of rooms Gretlich
was an excellent example of that typo
of fair women for which Vienna is
noted but she was as the princess had
said extremely downcast and Jennio
who had a deep sympathy for all who
worked spoke kindly to the girl anil
endeavored to cheer her There was
something of unaccustomed tenderness
in the compassionate tones of Jennies
voice that touched the girl for after a
brief and ineffectual elTort at self con
trol she broke down and wept To her
pitying listener sho told her story She
had been betrothed to a soldier whoso
regiment was stationed in the burg
When last the girl saw her lover he
was to be that night on guard in the
treasnry Before morning a catastrophe
of some kind occurred The girl did not
know quite what had happened Homo
said there hud been a dreadful
- 1 Fjs
To her pltjnu listener ar fold her ttory
sion and her lover had lost his lifo
Neither the soldiers relatives nor his
lwtrothed was allowed to see him after
the disaster Ho had been buried se
cretly and it appeared to bo tho inten
tion of the authorities to avoid all pub
licity The relatives and the betrothed
of the dead soldier had been warned to
keep silence and seek no further in
formation It was not till several days
after her lovers death that Gtetlich
anxious because he did not keep his ap
pointment with her and not hearing
troni him fearing that he was 111 bo
gati to make inquiries Then she re
ceived together tho information and tht
In the presence of death nil consolers
are futile and Jennio realized this as
she endeavored as well aH hIio could to
comfott tho girl Her heart was so
much enlisted in this that perhaps her
intellect was the less active hut hero
she stood on tho very threshold of the
secret sho had conio to Vienna to dis
cover and yet had not the slightest sus
picion that the girls tragedy and her
own mission were Interwoven Jennio
had wondered at tho Htupidity of Gad
bury Taylor who failed to see what
seemed so plainly before him yet here
was Jennio herself como 1000 miles
more or less to obtain certain informa
tion and here 11 sobbing girl was nar
rating tho very item of news that she
hud come ho far to learn all of which
would seem to show that none of us are
ho bright and clever as wo imagine- our
Helves to be
In tho afternoon tho princess entered
Jennies sitting room carrying in her
hand a bunch of letters
There I shocried While yon have
been resting I have been working and
wo aro not going to allow any time to
bo lost I havo written with my own
hand invitations to about two dozen
people to our tea on Thursday among
others thuwifoof tho premier Countess
Stron 1 expect you to devoto yourself
to that lady and tell mo the result of
tho conversation after it is over Havo
you been talking consolation to Gret
lich 1 came up hero half an hour ago
and it seemed to mo 1 heard the sound
of crying in this room
Oh yes I said Jennio Sho has
been telling 1110 all her trouble Itseenis
she had a lover in ho army and ho has
been killed in Homo accident in the
What kind of an accident V
Gretlich said there was an explo
sion there
Dear inol I hadnt heard of it It
is a curious thing that one must come
from London to tell uh our own news
An explosion in tho treasury and so
Hcrious that a soldier was killed I That
arouses my curiosity so I shall just sit
down and write another invitation to
the wife of tho master of tho treasury
I wish you would because I should
like to know something further about
this myself Gretlich seems tohnve had
but scant information regarding the
occurrence ami I would liko to know
more nbcm it so that I might tell Iioa
We shall learn all about it from
madame and I must write that note at
once for fear I shall forget it
On Thursday afternoon there was a
brilliant assemblage in the spacious sa
lon of tho Princess von Steinhoiuier
The rich attire of the ladies formed a
series of vitascopic pictures that were
dazzling for Viennese women are
adepts in the art of dress as aro their
Parisian sisters Tea was served not in
cups and sauceis as Jennie had been
accustomed to but in goblets of clear
thin Venetian glass each set in a holder
of incrusted iiligreo gold Thero were
all manner of delicious cakes for which
the city is celebrated Tho tea itself
had come overland through Russia from
China and had not suffered the deterio
ration which an ocean vcyage produces
The decoction was served clear with
sugar if desired and a slice of a lemon
and Jennie thought it the most delicious
brew she had ever tasted
I am so sorry whispered the prin
cess to Jennie when an opportunity
occurred but Countess Stron has sent
a messenger to say that sho cannot be
present this afternoon It seems her
husband the premier is ill and she
like a good wife remains at home to
nurte him This rather upsets our plans
doesnt it V
Oh I dont know replied Jennie
It is more than likely that the wife of
the premier would be exceedingly care
ful not to discuss any political question
in this company I have counted more
upon the wife of a lesser official than
upon Countess Stron
You aro right said tho princess
And now come with me I want to
introduce yon to the wifo of the master
of the treasury and from her perhaps
you can learn something of the accident
that befell tho lover of poor Gretlich
The wifo of the master of the treasnry
proved to be a garrulous old lady who
evidently prided herself on knowing
everything that was taking place about
her Jennie and she became quite con
fidential over their goblets of tea a
beverage of whit h the old lady seemed
inordinately fond
it had been wiped off tho face of the
Tho treasnry was damnged of
course but the repairs will not coat
much No my child it is a much moro
disturbing affair than tho destruction
of any Htatehouso in the empire What
has made tho premier ill and what is
worrying my poor husband into an un
timely grave Ih nothing less than tho
loss of tlio war chest 1
Tho war chestl echoed Jennio
What 1h that Y
To lio contimiril next Tluirnlny
iitniir Ilinilirr Wlllnlliiwa
Jnniil Porks N I Sept 17 At a
meeting of the ltepnbllcan state cen
tral committee yestenhiy a letter wiih
read from Governor I II Puncher
who was renominated In which he
withdrew from the ticket by reason of
his bail health lie Is now at Sacra
mento The Iommitteo advanced
IiiiiiI White of Valley City the can
didate for lieutenant governor to llrst
place ami put David Bartlett of
Cooperstown In his stead
lllll ltlIIIH III ICIlllllll
Killnbiirg Sept 27 News has been
received of a hurricane at Ollnrd lee
laud Sept JO The wind It Is said
blew lJO miles an hour Nearly all
the fishing smacks were driven ashore
houses were razed and several persons
were killed There was great destruc
tion of property
When you want a plciiFttiit physic try
tho now remodj Chamberlains Stom
ach and Liver Tablets They aro easy
to take and pleasant in effect Price
2 cents Samples free at tho Kiesau
Drug store
AiiKUMl Flower
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Houton ihut in my travels in all parts
of the world for tho hist ten years I
havo met moro people having used
Greens August Flower than any other
remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver
Midk8tomach and constipation I find
for tourists and salesmen or for persons
tilling office positions where- headaches
and general bad feelings from irregular
habits exist that Greens AugUBt
flower is a grand remedy It does no
injure the system by frequent use and
is excellent for sour stomachs and
indigestion Sample bottles free at
Kiesau Drug Co
Sold by dealers in nil civilized coun
A Pocket Colli Cure
Krauses Cold Cure is prepared in cap
sule form and will cure cold in the head
throat chest or any portion of the body
in 2 1 hours You dont have to stop
work eithor Price 25c Sold by Geo
B Christoph
Kreo of Cliiir
Any ndult suffering from a cold
settled 011 the breust bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any nature who
auII cull at Kiesau Drug Co will be
present td with a sample bottle of
Boschees German Syrup free of
charge Only one bottle given to one
person and none to children without
order from parents
Ko throat or lung remedy ever had
such a salo as Bosehoes Gernmu Syrup
in all parts of tho civilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
were given away and your druggists
will tell you its succues was marvelous
It is really the only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
oiius One 7C cent bottle will cure or
prove its value Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
Bilicuf uffs IE cnuKd ly n lry liver
permits food to sour iu ynur stomach
makes you cross Rocky Mountain Tea
makes you well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
Cured of Chronic Ilinrilira After Thirty
Veiirs of tillering
I suffered for thiity years with diar
rhea and thought I wus past being
cured says J S Halloway of French
Gamp M s I h id spent so much
time and monev and suffered so much
that I had given up all hopes of re
covery I was so feeble from the effects
of the diarrhea that I could do no kind
of labor could not even travel but by
accident I was uprmitted to find a
Ah the conversation ll0t0 f ohambeilaius C lio Cholera
between tlem drifted Jennie
on saw
Dlnrrhwi Hcmedy and after talking
limb ui i 4in 1 J vtroi iiuifc iuiiiu winu
a ileiignt in telling everything sho
knew and the only question which now
arose was whether she know anything
Jennie wished to learn Ilut before sho
tried her on high politics the girl de
termined to tiiul out moro abont tho
disaster that had made such an abrupt
ending to Urotlioh s young dream
several bottles I am entirely cured of
that troubK I am eo pleased with the
result that I am anxious that it bo in
reach of all who suffer as 1 have
For sale by Kisiu Drug Co
Dont Tobacco Siit au J MicLe our Itfc Ana 7
To Quit tobacco easily and forever bo map
Mnl 11 nf liA n ntl ilin nlrn KnP
I llllVO lieeil Very Ilinch interested HncMiuwnndcrworlirr that makes vealt men
she said in one of the maids hero who Btrone AU druggists 11 Cure
lost her lover some weeks ago iu an uc
cident that occurred in the treasury
The maid doesnt seem to know very
much about what happened and was
merely told that her lover a soldier
who had been on guard there that
night was dead
Oh dear yes whispered the old
lady lowering her voice What a
teed Booklet and sample free Address
Psrllnc itemedy Co CUIcaco r New York
Buciusak Mich May 22 Geuessee
Pure Food Co Ie Roy N Y Gentle
men My mamma has been a great
coffee drinker and has found it very iu
iuriouR Havimr used several packages
of your Grain O the drink that talces
dreadful thing that wast Four men the place of coffee she
finds it much
killed and eight or nine are now in tho better for herself aud us children to
hospital My poor husband has hardly drink She bus Kiveu up cottVe
hud a wink of
sleep since tlie event ltirir Wo use a naekaue every
and the premier is ill in ueu through
the worry
ReeaiiMi of the loss of lifo 1 asked
Jennie innocently
Oh 110 no Tholoi sof lifo wouldnt
matter It is the lossof the money that
is the seiious thing and how they ure
going to replace it or account for its
disappearance I am snro I dont know
The deficiency is something over 200
000000 ilorins Was it imt awful r
Was the building shattered to such
an extent 1 inquired Jennie who did
not stop to think thatsnch a sum wonld
replace any edifice iu Vienna even if
week I am ten years od
Yours respectfully
Fanii Wu MAMS
kruino V llt uiluclie Hniilen
are unlike anything pri pired in Amer
ica They were iirst prescribed by Dr
Krause Germanys famous court
I 1 lutrrii imtitivriiit ufiil riita
covered and ore- almost marveloas so
cjieedily do they cine the most distress
ing rnses Price 25c Sold by Geo is
Tried Them
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B PUR LAND Secretary
llio Itriivrry of Woiiihii
Wub grandly shown by Mis John Dow
Hug of Butler Pa in a three years
Btmgglo with a malignant stomach
trouble that caused distressing attacks of
nausea and indigestion All remedies
failed to relievo her until she tried Elec
tric Bitters After taking it two months
sho wrote lam now wholly cured
and can eat anything It is truly a
grand tonic for tho whole system as I
gained in weight and feel much stronger
sinco using it It aids digestion cores
dyspepsia improves appetite gives new
lifo Only 50c Guaranteed at the
Kiesau Drug Co
Llclitys Celery Nere Cniiiiouiil
for all nervous diseaEcs neuralgia rheu
matism norvous debility paralysis bil
iousness dyspepsia costiveness piles
liver complaint kidney troubles and
female complaints It goes to the seat
of the diEeno and cures thoroughly and
speedily Sold by Geo B Christoph
A louder Mill KxphiHlon
Removes everything in sight so do
drastic mineral pills but both are mighty
dangerous No need to dynamite your
body when Dr Kings New Life Pills do
the work so easily and perfectly Cures
headache constipation Only 25 cents
at tho Kiesau Drug Co
Ladies desiring a transparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishes
and blackheads should use Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
CliaiiiberlitliiM Cnuli Itcmcily a Great
The soothing and healing properties
of this remedy its pleasant taste and
prompt nud permanent cures havo made
it a great favorite with people every
where It is especially prized by
mothers of small children for colds
croup and whooping cough as it always
affords qu ck relief and as it contains
no opium or other harmful drug it may
be giveu as coriidently to a baby as to
au adult For sale by Kieau Drug Co
To Cure Coniittpatlaii forever
TukoCiMitiets Ciindv fuUiuitic lUc nrSC
K C C C full to cure dnawMs rrfunil mouuy
in do red DeittliH Aeonlex
Only a roaring lire enabled J M Gar
rettson of San Antonio Tex to lie
down when attacked by asthma from
which he suffered for yetrs He writes
his misery was often so great that it
seemed he endured the agonies of death
but Dr Kings New Discovery for con
sumption wholly cured bim This mar
velous medicine is the only known cure
for asthma as well as consumption
counhs and colds and all throat chest
and lungs troubles Price i0c andf 1 00
Guaranteed Trial botths free at the
Kiesau Drug Co
Ladies if you want a refined and
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
use Rocky Mountain Teu Never fails
ek your druggist
Havo you a sense of fullneFS in the
region of your stomach after eating If
so you will be benefited by using
Chaniberlams Stomach aud Liver Tab
lets They also cure belching and sour
ftomaoh They regulate tho bowels too
Prico 25 cents Sold by Kiesau Drug
How Are Tour Kldnty f
2r noblis Sparaitus iMIIscurenll kidney tile Sim
pie free Adi blerllnc UcuirUvuCrlttKOor N
KilltorV An fill IMIkIiU
F M Higgins editor Seneca 111
News was afflicted for years with piles
that no doctor or remedy helped until he
tried Bucklens Arnica Salve the best
iu the world He writes two boxes
wholly cured him Infallable for piles
Cure guaranteed Only 25c Sold by
the Kiesau Drug Co
Cut mid mull en Ulhly HralM
Chamberlaius Paiu Halm applied to
a cut bruise burn scald or likelujury
will instantly allay the pain and wil
heal the parts iu less time than any
other treatment Unless the injury is
very severe it will not leave a icar
Pain lUlm aleo cureB rheumatism
spraius swellings and lameness For
sale by Kiesau Drug Co
One Kre tlia round trip to Ouialu and
return vU Union Iacllie
The Union Pacific will sell round trip
tickets September 252027 and 28th
returning good on or before October 1st
1100 account festiviths
F W Juneman Agent
A Itunnly from Vat ureV Laboratory
LichtyB Celery Nerve Compound is a
scientific combination of natures health
restorers celery cocoa catcara sagrada
They overcomo Wcal
ness irreirularitv ami
omissions Increase vlir
or and banish painH
of menstruation They arc JLLFJ2 SAVERS to girls at
womanhood aiding development of organs and body No
known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm lifo
becomes a pleasure 100 PKIt BOX BY MAIL Sold
by druggists Dli MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveluud Ohio
hops dandelion buchu mandrake sar
saparilla and chamomile Sickly child
ren weary women and tired and broken
down men find in this great cmnjouiid
health strength and happiness Sold
by Geo B Christoph
Ertuiato Your lltmeU Willi Cimcaretn
Cnmly Cntlmrtlr cure const trillion forcer
OcZSc It C C C fall druggists refund money
Notice of AdiultilHtriitorH Sale
In the matter of the estate of M E
Andrus deceased
Notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance of nn order of the Hon Douglas
Cones made 011 tbe 17th of September
1000 for the sale of the real estate here
inafter described thero will be sold in
front of J S Hershisers drug store iu
Norfolk Junction iu Madison county
Nebraska nu tho 13th dny of October
1100 at 2 oclock p 111 nt public ven
due to the highest biddtr for cash tho
following described real estate towit
Lots One 1 Two 2 Three li
Four -1 nnd Five fi of Mock One 1
of Rees subdivision of block Fifteen 15
of Dorsey place addition to Norfolk
Junction in Madison county NebrnEka
Said sale will remain open one hour
Dated this lilth day of September
Bum- Maits
Administrator de bonis uon ot the
estate of M E Andrus deceased
Firet Publication September 19
CB5T or
HEoui M0W
ormL V
-1 --
r ii
Ant PURtlir
ptcr rrrocTi
For Sale by George B Christoph
My xvlfo hod plmplo on Iter face but
she ha been Hiking CASCAHETS aud they
buvu all disappeared I bud been troubled
with constipation for Home time but alter tak
ing tbo first Cascuret I have bad no trouble
with ibis ailment Wo cannot spculi too high
ly of Casearets Fiied WAinuAN
6709 Gormantonn Ave Philadelphia Pa
thaoimanm nioimmto
Pleaiant Palatable Potent Taste Good Da
Good Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe 10c ttcWo
Ittrllar Krmrtf Conpuj I blow Ulilnil Nr Tart Sit
Bold and Rimrnntced liy all drug
liitu to CIJUV Tobacco ilabll
limit wttti jro wliMUiT yoo ennllrm tbv
DorTii KllllliK ulji ni nablt n O 1
rtmuTfci nit uLiir lor icue o
out DcrvouKiniiritr ciiicla mi
iiue puriiitv tut uiuou I
iiorra uit uiauuuuti
mKGt you firon
iiinrainiiervv4axai c raiistBruriJ Dur
nd rockutrfifYWJ j fLriNO TO IIAC from
book Til iyoir own droci lltwlio
run ui
stFkM M M m
mvm lm KV JLApaw
mt 1 - BaB l MM
louth for u Take It with
illDallnllTnpriKrntlT One
vut VI unuuitj lUrCB 0 IUJUD W
mntfpn If nil- nr w rf iinil mnnf
Slvllnj Uturiljd ITiltgo BobimlI w Hu
THE 5 4C
Made a
Well Man
Si of Me
produce the above reiolU In 30 days It acta
powerfully and quickly Carta when ail othen falL
Young men will regain their loat manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and urelyreatorea Mervoui
tMMLoct Vitality Impotency Mlghtly FftilMlemi
LoH Power Falling Memory Waetlnjr Dlaeawaaad
all effecta ot aelf ibuae or exceta and indiscretion
which unnta one for study business or marriage It
not only cores by starting at tbo sett of disease but
is great nerve tonic and blood builder bring
ing back tbe pink glow to pale cheeks and re
storing the Ore of yemth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on bsrlng BE VIVO no
other It can be carried in est pocket y mall
100 per package or six for 0OO with si posl
Utb written iruaraotee to core or re rood
tbe money Book and advise free Address
For sale in Norfolc Nebrai ka by
Geo B Obnstojih drufifjist
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the geiulne original
Mode only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
maik cut on each packugr
frlce 35 cents Never sold
In bulk Accept no substi
i ccRiiu ib tute Ask jour druggist