The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 27, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Norfolk Huas
Some opponents of democracy an to
pcvtiro as to term tlioparamouiit Issuo
tlio paramount fraud
H W Snow of tlio OranKo 1 vitltl
Farmer rnjH Tlu man with tlio lioo tfl
this year alo tlio man with tho dough
With a civilized country to develop
tt s resources It is said that tho Philip
pino archipokgo has tho possibility of
becoming us grout a country as laput
When Mr llryau goes down and con
vlneos his southern brethren that tho
negro is entitled to being governed with
his consent it will lm time for him to
raiso his voice in tho intorosts of Aguln
nldos followers
Tho Tagals aro showing that thoy aio
ready to assist tlio Hryan end of tho
presidential campaign ly 1iHHK
Mimo moro Ainorican soldier boys
Such disasters as these aro supposed to
holp tho fusion oauso wondorfully
Tho pooplo aro not clamoring for froo
silver and moro nioiioy as thoy woro
during the ilurlt dayH of IHM Thoy
look upon that issue of thimoeraoy as of
little consequence in this year of pros
The fusionists have found it oxnood
ingly dilllmilt to worlc up any onthusi
asm for Gov 1oyntor Thoy aro heart
ily ashamed of his ollloial record and
cannot urgo support for him with tho
vigor thoy would bad It boon perfectly
Tlio United States is in a position to
dovelopo trade in tho far oast that will
bo cause for envy to all foreign countries
It will convert the Pacific into a busi
ness proposition that tho Atlantic has
enjoyed for years Mr Hryan would
resign all thoso prospocts
Whon tho farmers of Nebraska had a
buiupor corn crop under Olovoliuid thoy
woro compelled to sell it for I and 7
oonts n bushel or uso it for fuel When
thoy had no corn bocauso of tho drouth
thoy woro couipollod to pay 50 cents n
bushel for feed for their stock thin was
democratic prosperity
Mr Hryan poos about assorting that
tho farmers aro not prosperous Ho
utterly fails to show wboroiu thoy will
bocomo prosperous howovor by voting
for him They will sensibly conclude
to favor a continuauco of that which
thoy boliovo is prospority rather than
risking a season of democratic prospority
such us they onjoyoil uudor Cleve
Sonator Mark llanua made an oiler
four years ago and recently ronowed it
to tho ellcct that if a man in his employ
orgwomun or child belonging to their
family could assert that ho bad boon an
oppressive employer or over favored a
roductlon in wages ho would resign his
seat in tho United States senate Thero
aro few domocratio employers who would
dare make such an otler
Tho fusionists of Hurt county aro hav
ing a hard thno Hoceutly their enndi
dato for representative joined a McKin
loy and Koosovolt club and was fired
Kow tho caudidato for senator from
Burt and Cuming J II Hmoy of Wis
nor has declined td make tho race His
determination seems to have been
reached soon after tho nomination of H
1 Kloko of West Point by tho ropubli
Thoro is no such issuo as Republic or
Empiro which Not ono man in a
thousand favors tho changing of our
stylo of govornmont As a republic this
couutry has risen to tho front ranks and
as n republic it will continue to riso
until all other uatious are distanced
Tho party that is ondeavoring to raiso
nn alarm will bear as close watch as tho
man with stolen goods in His possession
who cries Stop Thief
Tho only truo followers of Washing
ton Jeffercou Jackson Lincoln Gar
Held Grant Hlaino and evory other
statesman who is too doad to object
will in a few years bo tho only truo
f ollowors of McKiuley They will claim
anything to blind tho voter and have
him ignore tho real i6suo Tho voter
who wants to do the reul thiuir will bo
the follower of McKiuley today and not
wuii uuiu jio is ueiiii to recognize his
Tho fusionists sprung thoir imperial
ism fake too early in tho campaign aud
instead of being seriously taken it is tho
laughing stock of tho pooplo Mr
Bryan has already realized its impructi
bility oven for a scaro crow and is
gradually devoting more of his attention
to other paramount issues This has
been tho case especially sinco it has
been bhown that ho is as much responsi
ble for what he is pleased to term im
perialism as anyone
Thero is n decided split up among tho
fusionists iu tho representative district
composod of Knox and Boyd counties
mocrais or a iactiou oi tuoni re-
iirse tho populist nomiuoo
Colonel Henderson who
Hon to Crockett de-
oopulist nrraugemout
id vacillating iu
inson ring in Mullson hasnt got its
octopus claws in Knox and Hoyd conn
tics yd and wo democrats propose to
teach it a lesson and make an example
of Crockett
A fusion exchange says Hryan ns a
statesman is always consistent This
is the first exchange noticed for some
time that has tho grit or gumption to
say Hryan is consistent It is probable
that tho editor doesnt know ns amatter
of fact what consistency Is else he
wouldnt euro to make tho assort ion
Webster describes Consistent as
possessing firmness or fixedness j firm
hard solid Having agreement with
itself nt dliroront times or harmony
among its parts possessing unity ac
cordant harmonious congruous com
patible uniform A person that has
watched Mr Hryans ohaso after an
issuo that will stick for tho past 8 or 10
years would nuvnr call him consistent
Homo time ago Tim Nitws published
an item to the elTeet that the Ainsworth
Star Journal had published a communi
cation from a German democrat endors
ing Dietrich that fusionists were chal
lenging tho authonticacy of tho letter
nnd that tho editor of tho Star Journal
was willing to stake M that tho article
was written by a Gorman democrat
with no takers Now comes Uobort
Good editor of tho AliiHWorth Horald
and by tho wny a vory good man out
side of politics iu a lottor to Tint Nitws
stating that ho has ropeatodly triod to
got tho editor of tho Star Journal to put
up his but ho has failed to ro so
Iu an article iu tho Herald Mr Good
admits that tho article was written by a
Gorman but denies that ho is u demo
Tho Wayne Republican shows how
oasy it is for all voters to be counted in
under the Bryuu column by tho follow
ing Tho pushers of tho Hryan cam
paign have a strnugo method of figuring
out strength At their meotings they
ask that everybody iu favor of a repub
lic and against an empire to rise to their
feet aud as a matter of courso every
body rises Thou tho pushers at onco
proclaim the entire audience iu favor of
Hryan for president Iu this thoy re
mind us of the class of ovaugolists who
go about tho country holding revivals
and who when it conies to calling for
those desiring to embrace Christianity
say All who do uot wish to go to holl
will ariso aud of courso everybody gets
on their feet then tho evingolist an
nounces tho entire audionco as boiug
Tho financial showing of tho North
Nebraska Methodist couferenco hold
hero during tlio past weok boars its
testimony to prosperous conditions
Our report shows said ono of tho
members a rotnarkablo incrcaso in
everything but indebtedness In our
benevolent collections alone thoro is a
great total of 1718 an increase of
I I over ono year ago This docs not
include tlio showing on buildings and
debts The latter have boon materially
reduced while now church buildings
havo been erected in many places
Thus everything of a financial nature
goes to show improvement Mouoy is
plenty and the pooplo aro prosperous
Tho gentleman who gave thoso figures
said that if this was n republican paper
it would probably like to havo them
tacitly admitting that a paper of the
fusion brand had vory littlo uso for
figures uuless they would show calamity
Tho fusionists are having a serious time
to keop thoir candidates in lino In
Texas tho populist candidate for gover
nor Hon Joromo 0 Koarby has with
drawn in a letter iu which tho demo
cratic party is sovorely doucuueed for
its inconsistency Ho is particularly
sovoro in his critioism of Bryans state
ment that tho republican party will do
stray tho republican form of government
stating that tho democrat is tho only
party that over deliberately shot to
death the American flag that over dis
franchised millions of oitizous that en
slaved its froo lorn It forced tho war
with Spain aud then obstructed tho ap
propriations to poy for it it voted to
ratify the treaty with Spain and pay
20000000 for tho Philippines and has
over sinco boon clamoring to turn thorn
loose ami shako the responsibility
Ho was a formor democrat but has
givou up tho idea of trying to bo as iu
consistent as his party
Thoro aro thoso porhaps who have
forgotten the conditions of four years
ago when thousands were out of em
ployment j when starvation misery and
want prevailed uudor a domocratio ad
ministration Under tho prosperous
conditions uow prevailing people are
apt to forget that thoy and thoir fellows
havo suffered The following from an
editorial printed iu tho Chicago Inter
Ocean during thoso dark days will
refresh tho memories of those who
witnessed tho untold sutlerings of thoso
years Thursday night was the cli
macterio of poverty and hunger
Whether it will stand as the sad climat
eric or whether its pitiful record will
bo surpassed by the record of future
nights dopeuds upon whether tho
shaken confidonco of tho mercantile and
manufacturing classes can be restored
speodily Never before since Chicago
had a name aud a place among cities
was it iu such au evil caso that after
the statiou houses and all the charitable
institutions were crowded to excesss
there was an overflow of n thousand
penniless shivering nnd hungry moil
sheltering from tho storm of a winters
night in tho city hall and fighting with
the foiocity of brutes for a fow mouth
fills of bread Wo do not euro lit com
ment upon tho sad sfory It is its own
comment Narrated in tho plainest
words it Is horrible It needs no othor
adjective Tho famished frozou crowd
was not iimdo up of tramps It was
made up largely of honest men who
would be Industrious could thoy find
work to do
It has not been long slinu tho people
of Nebraska woro looked upon as dis
honest by eastern capitalists and this
belief has boon materially strengthened
by tho fact that Mr Hryau tho cham
pion of dishonest mouoy is a Nebrasknn
They havo boon afraid of tho people
havo withhold their capital which thoy
had for investment and havo ondenvored
to collect at onco every cent coming to
them Hut this sentimnut is under
going a change Under prospority a
largo number of Nohroskaus havo boon
paying their debts indicating that it
was only lack of money which caused
thorn to appear dlshouost Thero was
auothor roiiHou for capitalists to distrust
Nchraskans and that was tho action of a
largo number of homestondors who on
tered land in tho wosteru part of tho
state discovered its unfitness for general
farming mortgagod it for all thoy
could get and thou disappeared But
they aro not of the class that is making
tho stato They havo gono and their
lands aro vacant Tho real farmors aro
hero yot aro paying oir the indebted
ness incurred during the hardtimes and
are gaining worthy recognition iu tho
east and tho money of that soction will
soon again bo obtainable if wanted
for developing tho limitless resources of
tho state Nebraska has unquestionably
beon onibarrassod by this soutimout iu
tho past but it is now growing stronger
financially and tho timodoos not seoin
to bo far distant when it can got along
without eastern wealth A recont issuo
of a financial journal reports a Chicago
flruidoaling lnrgoly in wosteru securities
as saying that of tho loans now coming
duo but 10 por cent aro ronowed wliilo
IH per cent aro being paid oh and out of
ton nud a half millions loaned on wost
eru lauds thoro is uow but sfJ071 iu in
terest overduo This is indeed a coni
inondablo showing and fits well with
tho mortgage indebtedness of Madisou
county recently published aud tho gain
in bank business lately shown here
The stntonionts of all thoso combiuo to
show that tho pooplo of tho wost Ne
braska included are prospering as never
before It is a good time for Nebraska
to show politically that this couditiou is
appreciated by gottiug iu tho sound
money baud wagon
Prosperity in Cash
If McKiuley nnd the republican
party aro succes ful and in power for
tho next four years wages will bo de
creased hard times will como upon us
and over tho laud tho prico of wheat
will go down and the prico of gold will
go up MoiuiAirs ox ouu homes will
in KOiiECLOsrD itv Tin money lkndeus
shops and factories will dose Wo
will export no goods and wo will import
from foreign lands nil tho goods wo use
thus will ruin want aud misery bo
with us Extract from oue of Mr
Bryans speeches iu 1S5
Madison county shows up a lino of
mortgage statistics that may well mako
tho averago fusioniat wince and splutter
about imperialism It shows iu uo
uncertain terms iu what years tho
people of this county havo experienced
prosperity during the past eight years
Following is tho table
JInrtgHgss MortuiiKOS Iudobtodiioss
Year FIloil Holoasod Incronso Docroaso
1M 489111 29iS74 14727
1VU 4821571 170011 9I7VS
lV 370753 2641ti 101337
IMIti 229097 211701 NU
197 ltW2IO 102 214 195001
lt 38Hti1S 4l4oo4 75Xi
1M9 892291 7t527til 370157
1900 250431 307091 57256
The figures for 1000 are up to August
1st or seven mouths
Tho increase in the mortgago indebt
edness of Madison couuty from ISOU to
1805 inclusive was SIUIlHSJ
Tho total decrease in mortgngo in
debtedness from that time to the pres
ent has becii tho enormous sum of
8i7 showing that tho people have not
only caucolled tho indebtedness acquired
under the Cleveland administration but
havo paid oft considerable old indebted
It is surprising but truo that n slight
decrease was recorded iu 1800 Sheriff
sales were very popular at that time
however aud a portion of this decreaso
may be credited to that causo Add to
this tho fact that mouoy wns scarce and
that much of tho property had all against
it that it would stand nud the decrease
is readily accounted for
It was uot uutil 1897 that tho real
debt payiug iu Madison comity com
menced whou 100000 more of mort
gages were cancelled thnu were placed
Nowadays sheriffs sales are quite a
rarity aud what is paid oft is douo by
the borrower
If this Is uot n gratifying showing
facts and figures will uot mako oue It
seems that thero should bo no question
as to how the people of the county
should vote this fall If they favor
conditions under which mortgages are
cancelled nud debts paid they should
certainly not vote for n party that
promises to change the financial system
of the couutry tinker with the tariff
and do everything contrary to the policy
of the administration that has made
this prosperity possible
Mr Dietrich is a business man of ex
perience and as governor of Ncbrnska
will give a business like administration
For Bryans sake cannot some dem
ocrat show a consistent reason why ho
should bo elevated to the high ofllco of
chief executive of this country
Coin Harvoy is ono of tho has boons
Judging from tho items in various fu
sion papers it is a hard mattor to givo
his political works away let nlono sell
Some of tho fusion journals aro re
newing their froo silver argument of
1801 but Mr Bryan has not yot bocomo
dosperato onongh to rcitorato his false
prophecies made concerning tho whito
Hon John U Hays of this city Is In
lino with tho ndmiuistration aud if tho
present prosperous conditions aro llkod
n voter can testify to it iu no better
way than by voting for Mr Hays for
Mr Lincoln never aided or oncouragod
tho onoinios of tho Amoricau flag Hod
ho Itoon president of tho United Statos
aftor the Paris troatyjjwas ratified by
congress ho would havo douo just as
President McKiuloy has dono
Mr Bryan urgod tho ratification of
tho Paris treaty and is now oncourag
Ing Agutnnldos followers torosist the
provisions of that treaty Aftor election
ho can go over thore aud oulist his ser
vices in a causo that must bo justjbo
cause it is anti Amoricaii
Tho paramount issuo seems to bo
Shall Mr Bryan aud his supportors bo
elovatod to ofllco regardless of tho effect
to tho interests of tho country or shall
Wm MoKinloy and his ollcials who
havo demonstrated thoir ability iu di
rooting tlio affairs of tho couutry bo en
trusted with tho duties for another four
Sonator llanua chairnmu of the re
publican national comuiittoo is to visit
Nebraska noxt mouth He is to speak
at Lincolu Mr Bryaus home Mr
llanua is tho bogy man that the fusion
ists fear so much aud it is probable
that they will keop their children close
iudoora uutil ho departs from the com
The Liucolu Journal says Thoro is
a mau iu this city who believes that iu
the event of the re election of William
McKiuley tho close of his second term
will be marked by the crowning of M
A Hauna emperor of America It is
hardly uecossary to meutiou that tho
mau wears a number six hat aud roads
the Omaha World- Herald every day
A correspondent compares Mr Bryans
liberal quotations from Abraham Lin
coln to tho youug mau who stole roses
out of tho garden of his ndored ones
father and presented them to tho young
lady with his compliments Mr Bryau
is borrowiug gems from tho republican
record with which to coax repiiDlicau
votes It is a small way to do business
but very acceptable if it but has tho de
sirable effect
Tho Omaha Daily News gives the fol
lowing non partisan view of ouo of the
fusiou spell binders Cyoloue Davis
tho freakish Texas statemau has beeu
hired by the state ceutral committee to
mako twenty talks of tho Bryau braud
iu Nebraska Ho will commence the
series of speeches this week and the op
position political mauager3 are looking
for au upward shoot in tho republican
barometer wherever he appears As a
vaudeville performer Davis would be a
star of tho first magnitude
The Neligh Leader sees reason for a
continuauco of the presout administra
tion iu the increased wealth of Autelopo
couuty farmers Tho following is tho
Loaders reasons -The assessors
returns from tho different townships of
Antelope couuty show the following
amount of live stock subjoct to taxation
Cattle J7715 head mules -MS horses
84 13 shoep 800 hogs 25i30 Not to
mako it too high wo will approximate
the iucreaso in actual valuo per head
during tho last four years as follows
Cattle S mules and horses if 10
sheep 2 50 hogs 250 This would
show an iucreaso iu tho valuo of cattle
auiouutiug to 3 1 1 000 horses aud
mules SS910 sheep 2000 hogs
03300 A grand total of 300170 added
to tho wealth of tho farmers of Aute
lopo couuty on these nrticles alone
through four years of McKinloy pros
pority Do you waut a change
Democrats and Heathen
As severe nn arraignment of present
day democraoy ns has been seen recently
is that of E O Beuedict of Connecticut
a olose personal friend of Grover Clove
laud and au earnest desciplo of demo
cratic principles for 45 years Mr Bene
dict was receutly asked to coutribute to
the Bryau campaign f uud aud replied ns
I regret to find uo party iu oxisteuce
whose platform supports democratic
priuciples to any degree Four years
ago our state sout delegates to tho Chi
cago couventiou as representatives of J
unquestioned democratic principles
They were outvoted iu the national
convention which promulgated a plat
form of doctriues almost wholly at vari
auce therewith aud committed an uu
pardonable crimo whon Jthey used our
good name as a label
Thoreforo I would as soon think of
contributing to a lot of Chluoso who
havo captured our christian churches
sot up thorelu tho teachings of Couf ucius
as tho gosuol and a painfully conspicu
ous Joss to worship instead of tho uu
seen God nud without chnuging tho
names of tho churches call themselves
regular christians
Ik G Hley
Louis G Bloy tho republicau caudi
dato for stato representative from tho
23rd district was bom iu Germany iu
Adam Bloy father of our subject
was a contractor aud builder aud iu
1S52 he loft his uativo land for Amer
ica locating iu tho woods of Adams
county Ind Hero ho followed the
business of lumbering nud contracting
being assisted by his three oldest sons
tho youngest beiug Louis G Bloy Ho
worked with his father uutil ho was
oighteou years old whou ho engaged
in the business for himself and was very
successful Iu 1802 ho enlisted iu com
pany K Sth Ind and served with
Shermans army uutil tho close of the
In 1870 Mr Bloy removed from Iudi
ana to West Point where he embarked
in tho furniture aud undertaking busi
ness aud after a twenty years residence
thoro came to Madison nnd has sinco
made his homo hero Ho was very suc
cessful in business and was able to re
tire ten years ago though ho has kept
ou making money over since It can
be said of Mr Bley that ho has always
been upright aud honest in his business
dealiugs aud has never kuowingly made
an ouemy iu all his trausnetious
While iu Cuming couuty Mr Bley
served ono term as couuty commissioner
and in this city has served as alderman
aud mayor and he stands ou his record
Mr Bleys republicanism began at au
early ago and ho hns never found occa
sion to change in his political faith
Ho cast his first vote for Abraham Lin
coln and has beon a staunch supporter
aud hard worker for his ticket over
Mr Bley is abundantly qualified for
tho duties of state representative and
if elected will be an active member of
tho house and will be a credit to Madi
son couuty Madisou Chronicle
Money is Knsy
S H Buruham president of the
First National bank in Mr Bryans
home towu gives striking prosperity
facts which tho colonel is saying nothing
about iu his stumping tour
Bank deposits havo increased iu tho
banks of this city during tho past five
years 04 por cout
The credit of tho muucipality has
improved Wo wore payiug i per cent
on our city indebtedness four years ago
Our bouds are selling at a premium nt
4 per ceut today Thero was a largo
amouut of floating warrants four years
ago while uow warrants are cashed ou
Never iu the history of this state has
mouoy been at so low a rate on good
securities as it is at tho present time
Farmers can borrow nil tho money they
waut ou first mortgages ou their farms
at 5 per ceut interest while four years
ago it was difficult for them to get it at
all Four years ago it was almost im
possible for a business mau to borrow a
dollar from any bank iu tho city of Lin
coln while totlay wo are loauiug as low
as 5 per cout
A very large percentage of mort
gages havo been paid or at least a por
tion refunded at a much lower rate of
interest The merchants nud business
men iu this city almost without au ex
ception ore making mouoy and never
iu tho history of the city was there a
bettor couditiou prevailing than at the
present time
Uuless I am greatly mistaken thero
will be a very material chauge iu the
political results iu this state this fall
I make it a poiut to tulk with farmers
comiug from different precincts and
from differeut sections of tho state and
almost without au exception they tell
me they know of many iu their different
localities who are goiug to lot well
enough alone and voto for McKiuley
Many of them voted for Bryau four
years ago The general feeling hero is
that the republicans can elect a govern
or carry the legislature aud secure the
electoral vote for McKiuley
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Come and see for yourselves
Half Fxnr Excursions First and
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Printed matter maps aud all
tiou free Address
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Illinois Genlral R B
WITSTTER Toxjiiisas
Tlio Illinois Cnntraliloairos to call nttontioa
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Double daily ser
ico is maiutuinoil ou t
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coimectuiK linos to
NaslivilloCliattaiio o
ru nml Atlanta thr o
niuinii car to Jack
sonvillo Florida being carried on tho
lnniNbV nuisiPvory Tus train na
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the moniiiiB aro both solid trains to Nnshvill
linvliur throiiKh coaches and slooniu cars
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ial iKjiuts iu tho Southeast such as Char etoi -
teilfirdUaaVama1 I
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addressing A H HunoT itxl