The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 27, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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ii wnn in
State Officers Had Charge of
Services Last Night
Dlmililllty rroinpU llliu to Auk to ltironin
Vouiir MlnlMrrn Admit
U1 to CoiifrrciKK nuil IIUIiop Merrill
AililrchSf n llieiii Mlimlunnt Sermon
Krom Friilnjt Dnily
A very enthusiastic meeting of tlio
Anti Siloon league was held lust night
presided over by J B Cams tho state
superintendent Tho musical program
consisted of selections by tho choir ami
music from Edisons best phonograph
Tho principal address was mndo by Dr
F II Sanderson tho eloquent pastor of
the Fremont church Tho address was
scholarly and was cnthusiasticly re
ceived Addresses wero also made by
Dr Cams Hev Horuaday and Rev 11
N Spear
A very pathetic scono occurred in tho
conference session this morning when
David Marquette D D arose and asked
his relations to tho conference to be
changed from effective to uou eiTectivo
ou account of disability Dr Marquette
has served the church hi many impor
tant places of honor as presiding elder
and pastor nud his retiring from the
active work affected his associates in
tho ministry to tturs lilest bo tho Tie
that Binds was sung with true Metho
dist fervor and tho brethern gathered
around Dr Marquette to givo him a
sympathetic hand shake
Edward U King John G Shick
John L Phillips James S Green and
Henry A Chappell having passed in
their studies were admitted into full
counectiou in the conference The
bishop then made a very forcible address
to these young men upon the duties and
responsibilities of miuisters
The afternoon session was in charge
of the Womans Foreign Missionary
society Mrs Idn J Moe presiding
Dr Bithel of Wyno preached a mis
sionary sermon
The evening session is to be in the
interests of the Epworth league Rev
C N Dawson D D the conference
president will preside and speeches
will be made by tho district presidents
Dr D K Tyndall will make an address
on Tho Evangelistic Forward Move
Fnm SjitnlnB DaiH
The Epworth league held their anni
versary last night The Rev G N
Dawson D D the president of the con
ference league presided over the meet
ing Reports of the Grand Island and
Omaha district leagues wero given by
J J Burleigh and Rev J F Poucher
ihe district presidents
D K Tiudall D D mado a fervent
address on Evangelists Forward Move
ment His address was punctuated
by hearty Aniens from his audience
Dr Tiudall spoke of tho spiritual de
clension existing in many of the
churches and made a plea for consccre
tiou and devoiou ou the part of preach
ers and laymen that a spiritual revival
might sweep over the conference
T C Webster of Central City fol
lowed Dr Tindall with n brief exhorta
tion and an altar service was held The
meeting was very enthusiastic
Miss Clifton one of tho deaconesses
from the Methodist hospital addressed
the conference yesterday She reported
that the hospital had treated 1910
patients during the past year 3J5 of the
patients being absolutely cases of char
ity She said that on account of
crowded quarters they had been com
pelled to refuse admission to 75 patients
a month Money has been subscribed
to u building fund to the amount of
-10000 aud a new hospital is Boon to be
Dr Huntington of the Nebraska
WeBleyan university addressed the con
ference and reported that institution to
be in better shape than it ever was be
At 2 oclock this afternoon after an
address by Bishop Merrill the ordina
tion service was held A large number
of deacons aud elders were s t apart
for the wont of the office It was an
impressive service
From Monday b Dally
The Methodist conference of the
North Nebraska district has completed
its labors and the ministers have de
parted for their several homes The
business ot the session waa completed
this morning when the appointments
for the coming year were announced
The services yesterday at the different
churches wtro very well attended
There was a very large audience at the
MHthodi6t church to hear Bishop Mer
rill who took as hiB text Stand
fast in the faith and from ltgave a
very doep aud interesting discourse
His remarks were directed chiefly to
the ministers He warned them of tho
various phases of life which threatened
tho deoper religious motives Business
society litorature and even edacarion
might attract from the faith unless
rj htly dirtcttd He paid a great trib
ute to the public school system of this
country because it opened to all whether
they be rich or poor the advantago of
education He did not however favor
the maintaining of the higher institu
tions of learniug at state expense be
cause unlike the public schools they
wero not nvailable to all Ho held tho
close attention of his audience
I In tho Afternoon there wero memorial
services Dr J 15 Muxlleld lato pre
siding ciuer oi mo utuana tiiBtrtct wss
eulogized The sorvioos Tf ero also de
voted to Emory R Adrieuce 0 W
Conly and tho infnut child of J 1
Tin- interest of tho session was cen
tered in the appointments which wero
announced this morning
II II Millard who has been pastor of
Trinity rhurch at Omaha has been ap
pointed to tuocoed Dr Tyndall as pre
siding elder of the Grand Island district
while Dr Tyndall was appointed to the
pastorate of Trinity church This was
tho appointment about which the chief
interest centered
Rev G II Main will continue to
serve the church here for another year
which will bo gratifying intelligence to
that gentlemans many Norfolk friends
Tho following aro tho appointments
ditVNi island nisi men
II 11 Millard presidiug elder
Alda J S Gre n
Ames Supply
Archer 11 F Shocklock
Bartlett Supply
Belgrade C P Cheesouinn
Boelus Supply
Codar Rapids R O Mo Reynolds
Central City T C Webster
Chapman Supply
Clarks G B Wainm
Columbus G W Corey
Fnllerton J M Bothwell
Gleuwocd Supply
Grand Island First church II A
Barton Trinity A Hodgetts
Genoa John Crews
Greeley L R Do Wolf
Mnpleville W II Underwood
North Bend II Trezoua
Palmer Supply
Purple Cane R J Cocking
Richland 13 13 Day
St Edward 13 B King
St Paul L Campbell
Schuyler J P Yost
J B Ciirns appointed state supcrteu
dout of Anti Saloon league
W W Sheuk left without appoint
ment to attend school
J W Robinson appointed to work in
Black Hills mission
Win Gorst presiding elder
Albion J B Priest
Batile Creek A J Warn p
Battle Creek circuit Supply
Bootie II A Chappell
Brunswick Supply
Chambers Supply
Clearwater A 13 Fowler
Creighton J N Gortner
Elgin Supply
Emerick II A Horuaday
Ewing G W Kliver
lnirau N 13 Wood
Uoretta W R Phelps
Lynch Supply
Meadow Grove 13 13 Hunt
Neligb E T George
Newman Grove Allen Bishop
Niobrara Supply
Oakdale J M Leidy
ONeill W A Rominger
Osmond 13 C Thorp
Paddock Supply
Page D 13 Buldwiu
Pierce J G Shick
Plainview R J My Kiuzie
G W Shick left without appoint
ment to attend school
E 13 Hosman appointed secretary
Twentieth Century Forwurd Movement
F M Stsson presiding elder
Allen 1 E Young
Bancroft H H St Louis
Beeiner A L Kellog
Bloomfield W J Biieut
Carroll Supply 13 E Carter
Coleridge Hartington J II Johnson
Dakota City F M Olark
Decatur J L Phillips
Emerson F M Druliuger
Homer Supply M II Booth
Hoskins Supply
Humphrey Platte Center C F Hey
Ionia S A Drain
Laurel 13 E Shafer
Leigh Creston R N Throckmofton
Lyons A L Gray
Madison J E Fowler
Norfolk G H Main
Pender F A High
Pilger O F KraBe
Ponca R W Wilcox
Randolph Wru Eplin
St James 0 H M ore
Scribubr Win Shambaugh
South Sioux City Supply I O Ray
Stanton O M Griffith
W K Gray loft without appoint
ment to attend school
J W Jennings presiding elder
Albright Supply O W Anthony
Arlington G M Oouffer
Arizona W A Wilson
Benson Mimmouth Park A J
Blair J L Vallow
Craig W L Elliott
Elkhorn Oscar Eygetoo
Fremont F H Sauderton
Gretna II G Kenp
Hooper A A Luce
Herman R II Sammon
Konuard J II Frazer
Nickeroon J Q A Flebarty
Oakland L K McNeil
Hauscbm Park O 0 Cissell
First M W Chase
Seward street C N Dawson
Southwest Supply R M 1 lender
Sitith Tenth street A L Miike
Trinity D K Tiudall
Walnut Hill G A Luce
West Supply
Papillion Supply Win Slothower
Richfield Supply C W Anthony
South Omaha First J A Johnson
Springfield W R Peters
Tohainah J F Puncher
Valley J Charles
F W Bros missionary in Wyoming
O J Navo chaplain in U S Army
11 L Powers and I W MaGregor
conference evangelists
T 13 Odiorno is in Madison today on
Miss Martha Parker returned from
Neligh yesterday
Harry Lwler returned from a trip to
Omaha last evening
Rev II Micssler of Columbus was a
city visitor yesterday
C S Smith wits a Norfolk visitor
from Madison yesterday
Julins Haiti wont to Omaha yester
day to attend the carnival
Judge B Barnes returned from a
trip to Omaha hist evening
13 V Huntington aud wife loft morn
ing for a visit at Algoua la
F 13 Knapp is moving into his newly
acquired residence in the Heights
blisses Dchbii and Anna Lobnow were
passcngcis for Omaha this morning
Mrs S F Kierstead of Tiltlen visited
Norfolk relatives and friends yesterday
Mr and Mrs Jack Koeuigstein went to
Omaha today to visit friends and see the
Mrs C S Hayes aud Mrs C S A
Bargelt will go to the Omaha carnival
Mrs Jeo S hwenk departed at noon
for Dayton Ohio where she will visit
four weeks
Mrs Chris Newman and two daugh
ters of Stanton are visiting at tho home
of C Lenzer
Mrs Herman Gereck left today for
Raciiie Wis to visit her mother and
other relatives
An uniform consisting of a dark green
coat has been ordered for tho ushers at
the Auditorium
Mrs O A Fish arrived yesterday
from Waterloo Iowa to visit her aunt
Mrs R F Bruce
W II Oooley is enjoying a visit from
his brother inlaw Mr Anderson ot
Sheridan Wyoming
Mr and Mrs Albert Degnrr went to
Omaha yesterday to participate in the
Willard Kriukio went to Plainview
today to act ui best man nt the
Bley Dedlow wedding
Mr and Mrs Win Shimmelfenig of
Edgewuter Park welcomed a sin to tneir
home yesterday morning
Dr and Mrs Frank S liter will go to
Omaha tomorrow morning to attend the
carnival ami ball
Mrs H L Scoggiu and children left
on the noon train for Illinois and will
spend the wiuter in that state
Substantial brick walks urebeiugbuilt
around the Wigtou property on Ninth
street and Koeuigsteiu avenue
11 L Spaulding who has been ab
sent for some time on chicken business
spent yesterday with his family
Myron Collamer is moving hiB family
into the cottage on South Fourth street
recently vacated by M P Suiter
A J Durlaud left yesterday for Knox
county to be absout about 10 days on
duties connected with his flax ex op
Mrs J C Waterman of Council
Bluffs arrived last eveuing for a visit
with her sister Mrs C J Stockwell
Mr5 G F Keier will come down
from Pierce this evening and be the
guest of Mrs N A Rainbolt u few
The Methodist LadieB Aid soiiety will
meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock
at the M E church parlors to tie com
Dr C A McKim will entertain a
company of young people tomorrow
evening complimentary to Miss Ruth
Mrs M E Holdeu who has been vis
iting for several mouths with her sou
Dr H T Holden left for Omaha on the
noon train
A tine new Catholic church will be
dedicated at Elgin next Sunday Bishop
Scauuell of Omaha will officiate at
the services
Ray Evans drove down from Meadow
Grove yesterday bringing aloug his
Bister Miss Anna who has been visit
iug there Bbme time
O S Hayes Came in from Omaha
last evening and left a fjfo hours later
on a bubiuew trip to Chicago to be
absent a week or ten days
Louis G Bley of Madison candidate
for representative on the republican
ticket was gettiug acquainted with
Norfolk voters yesterday
Mary Ellen Leaso of Kansas formerly
a worker in the populist viuyard is to
give the people of Battle Creek a repub
beautulk next Wednesday
Mr and Mrs W II Bncholz weut to
Omaha on tho caily train They will
enjoy the carnival and Mr Much will
attend tho bankers convention
D J Koonlgstclnleft lodny for St
Louis on a visit and from there will go
to Indianapolis to mtend the national
association of democratic clubs
A farewell parly to MissOtelia Pilger
who will teach in Green Garden precinct
will be gi en this evening at the home
of her mother ou South Fifth Rtreet
Mrs F Weber and Miss Marie
Bley went to Plainview this morning to
attend the marriage ol M irttn Bley and
A ihh Clara Dedlow which takes place
Mrs Bernatd Grant who has not had
very good health for some time left to
day for llutte Mont where she will
spend the winter with her son hoping
for benellt
E itorl H Donovan or the Madison
Star was operated on for appendicitis in
that i ity yesterday Ills Noifollc friends
hope for his eaily and complete recovery
fiom the diccase
The weather bureau pioiniscs a heavy
frost tonight in this vicinity Theio is
little vegetation icquiring piotection at
this date but those who have the little
will do well to heed tho warning
The fusion county conventions for Ihe
nomination of representative county at
torney and transacting other business
are being held in Baltic deck today
Among those who attended from Nor
folk were O D Jenkins A Luikart
I G WoHtervelt I L Daniels and D
The funeral services over the remains
of the infant child of Mr and Mrs II
II Luke wero conducted jesterday
afternoon at 2 oclock by Rev Frank
MeCluuey Music appropriate to the
occasion was furnished by Mrs Snydir
and Mrs II 11niau Tim sympathy of
friends and neighbors was manifesto
in tho profusion of lowers sent in The
bereaved family has tho sympathy of
the community in their sorrow
Fiimigans Ball drew a fair sized
audience to the Auditorium last even
ing Tho entertainment disclosed a
number of very good specialties and
quite a number of new jokes There
was no attempt at a plot except of a
eharacter that would bring out the vari
ous acts The auditors enjoyed heaity
laughs at tho various situations
and this was the aim of the performance
The class of penplo that enjoy tint farce
comedy style of performance in Norfolk
is gradually widening and the prospects
of seveial attractions of a similar char
actor to Finnigans Ball during the
season is most satisfactory to them
A wei k from tomorrow Theodon
Koofovelt candidate for vice president
ou the republican ticket will address
the people of N rfolk and vicinity for
half an hour Tho following remaik
brought out by a reft reiiee to tho picture
of Mr Roost velts father shows liih
quality as a son That is my father
lie was the finest man I ever know
He was a merchant well to do drove
his four-in-hand through tho paik and
enjoyed life immensely He had such a
good time and with cause for he was a
good man I remember seeing him go
ing down Broadway staid and respect
able business man that ho was with a
poor little sick kitten in his cent pocket
which ho had picked up in tho street
The Retort Oak has the only positive
check known in Btovo construction
The control of fire is absolute Ham
street will answer nil inquiries
Nate Rowlett is putting up a now
windmill on his farm
Charles Lodge is building a now barn
on his farm southeast of town
Fred Odell has just completed a new
barn ou his farm north of towu
A H Cropper and wife left for Mis
souri Wednesday to visit relative
Mrs O M Mooro returned Tuesday
from a visit of two weeks at Pierce
L V Kener6on commenced work
last Monday at tho foundry Norfolk
Mrs O D Munson returned Monday
from u visit to her daughter at Lincoln
Miss Myrtle Fgley of Miirysville
Ohio is visiting A N McGinnis aud
There will bd a magio lantern exhibi
tion in thehall nxt Friday evening
followed by u dance
Frank Eberly and family who went
to Oregon a year ago last spring re
turned Monday una moved into O D
MunBond house
For cleanliness economy and comfort
the Retort Oak has no equal as a heater
See them at Hainstreets
Free of Clittrgti
Any adult suffering from a cold
settled ou the breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of auy nature who will
call at A K Leonards will be presented
with a sample bottle of Boschees
German Syrup free of charge Only
one bottle given to one person and none
to children without order from turtuts
No throat or lung remedy ever had
such a pale at Bow hoes German Syrup
in all parts of tho civilised world
Twenty years ago millions of bottle
were given away and your druggist
will tell you itB buccesu was marvelous
It is really the only throat aud lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
cians One 7f cent lttle will enre or
prove its value Sold by dculws in all
civilized cdnutrieb
Fall opening at J and E Dnrlauds
Saturday September 2Mli
fir t
J I 1 - 1 1 I vVV t -
i r - raaBy I I II It
L lAaHfHHti 1 i IM t 1
T CLHBki I 1 f IlT if
frrrrlHPPl Ii rfn
1 - h - n I
- i
NE docs not have gumption till one has been
properly cheated Persons of gumption are
using Ivory Soap women who have trusted
themselves too near the precipice of false
economy and who can now appreciate the true econo
my in a soap made of pure vegetable oils and other
high -class ingredients but made in such quantity as
to bring the price within the reach of the very poorest
family Indeed it is the very poor who most need it for
they can least afford the extravagance of common soap
Lively Motto Adopted by the
Traveling Men
IliKliliiit I iKiiiipniin li rc pl l tint Ollln
it ml I milliard II Ih I Inn I j Cllm I In Ihxoi
iiT Mi Kliiley mill ItiuiMivHt A Nnl Inlih
Clllilii Ainiiiii 1iirniKiH
The second meeting or the Triveling
Mens MiKinley Roosevelt club held at
tho parlois of the Pucille hotel Saturday
evening was more eiilhiisiastic than the
first one President 1 T Thompson
was present and in accepting tint
stated that he was glad to seivo as presi
dent of Ihe club and would do all he
could for republican success at the same
time leiuinding the members that oorv
ouo would bo expected to do his share of
tho work
It was decided that as so many of the
members would bj out working thur
territory on Roosevelt day that no at
tempt would ho made to take part as a
club in the parade In lieu of this ar
raugmeuts were mado to have appropri
ate banners carried in tho parade
Messrs Cummiiigs Cashin Saunders
and McKim wero appointed a commit
tee to have such banners prepared
The club received notice that the
melting to t llect a state league at Lin
coln had been postponed until Siturday
Septembor SO and the same delegates as
were ilected at tho previous meeting
were continued as delegates to this
Messrs Thompson aud Saunders wee
selected as a committee on resolutiois
Vim Vigor and Vctcs was the
motto adopted by the club With this
sort of sentiment staring them in the
face there is littl doubt but that the
traveling men will do their share in tho
impending contest
At tho close of the meeting an adjourn
ment was taken until Saturday evening
September Sl
Furiiirrk llkn MrKlnlnv
H E Goodrich whose businessrequin s
him to trael extensively and is brought
constantly in contact with the farmers
of Nebraska South Dakota North Da
kota and Minnesota said to a Niwk re
porter this morning that tho change of
political sentiment with this class as
compared with four yeuis ago is surprising-
During the campaign of ISKi said
ho the majority of farmers in Ne
braska especially wero enthusiastically
for Biyan I now find thnt those who
voted for Me Kin ley at that time will do
so again aud that a great many who
voted for Bryan in 18IHJ will voto for
McKinley this year They are perfectly
satisfied with prevailing prices for their
Mock and products and will not risk a
return to the conditions of four years
ago This change is especially noticable
in South Dakota where the campaign
seems to be wanner than in Nebraska
When Bpeakiug of farmers I mean
Germans as well as Americans Tho
German is keenly alive to his best inter
tats and the prevailing prices aro very
satisfactory to him
I have beard Bryan speak nnd it
seems utterly impossible for him to
create enthusiasm I heard him in ISflO
and the enthusiasm then apparent with
his audiences is totally lacking now
His efforts to arouso their passions aud
awake a semblance of embusaism is a
flat failure They seem to remember
how false his predictions of 1600 were
and ore not frightened by his prophecies
of imperialism nud militarism The
outlook for McKiuleyfi ro elect on y au
iucieiibid majority is most fiutteiiug aB
far as my obsei vation goes I llimly be
lieve thai Nebraska will givo Mi Klnley
a good round majority
II V IIhIht Iliiliii iui Im pnloil Sinn-
HIIIIIH IIIHl llllllll
W II Fisher died suddenly at his
home ou North Ninth street hint evening
at liiHO of apoplexy Ho ato a hearty
dinner at II oclock and was apparently
quite as well as usual at U oclock but at
1 ho was a corpse
Tlio deceased was born bi Oikuloosa
Iowa years ago and was married at
Rid Oak Iowa whero ho spent tho
greater pari of his life coming from
that city to Norfolk this spring and en
gaging in the hardware business in tko
Robertson block
Resides a wife mid three small child
ren a mother three brothers and two
sisteis survive him Two of the brothers
wero expect eil bore today and tlio fu
neral arrangements will not bo an
uounccd until their wishes have been
asceitiiiiiid It is practically settled
however that I ho remains will be taken
to Red Oak tho familys former home
for interment
Tho family of tho deceased has had
its full share of I rouble Mrs Fisher hav
ing sulleied for some time fnin nervous
piostration In this additional sorrow
they have tho sympathy of neighbors
friends and tho community at large
lltllT llKt
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postolllco September I 1100
Nellie Aldrich Mrs Ii Burnett Sadio
Dewey May Fenton Charlie Flick
Newton Greene Mrs Harry Fallen
Ralph Madbon J D Mibon J 11
M ck liiiiimi Phtita W F Southwell
Pearl Stewart Mo Iia Stevens G W
Sutlau Mrs William Zacher
If not called for in days will bo
sent to the dead letter olllce
Parties calling for any of the above
plouohay advertised
P F Fiitmiru P M
is hard enough as
it is It is to her that
we owe our word
and everything
should be made as
easy us possible for
htr at the time ot
childbirth This
is just what
will do I twill make
babvs coniinc esv
A V j x
and painless and that without tak
ing thirtgerous drugs into the sys
tem It is simply to bo applied to
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enetnites through thu skin carry
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It strengthens the whole svstem and
prevents all of the discomforts of
I he mother of a plumb babe In
Panama Mo says I have used
Mothers Friend and can praise it
Get Mothers Trlend at the
Drug Store SI per bottle
The Bradfield Regulator Co
Write for our free illustrated book
Before Uaby is Horn