The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 27, 1900, Image 4

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    II fill II
W W Young of Stanton En
tertains Republican Club
Onilllitt f Mnln iMiilor Mukri Ht
OpriiliiK Si Ii 1lrrvK Hint MiiiIIkum
Will lio ltt H irtitiil nt Itounrwill
dii lr iIiiIiiimiii
From lrriilni Drill
There was nut u largo attendiuico nt
the meeting of t lift McKiuley Roosevelt
club nt tho J A H hull lust evening
but those who were there worn well re
paid for tholr attendance
Tho bulm of the meeting waH not
Inrgo Vice President Huppmly pro
Hiilctl in the absence of 1rcHltlcnt Si nip-
The finance nnd other committees ro
ported progress in their work
A committee on u sign for the room
wns appointed consisting f A Paso
walk nod J J ClomentH
Secretary Hazon reported that tho ex
ecutive committee had got rates from
tho rnilronilB on Roosevelt day and
would try to arrange for Hpoclal trains
JIo nlHO reported thnt liorco would be
loprescntcd hero by a delegation of 200
niid twice that number if Hpeelal traiiiH
t woro heenred
Twenty nairs of golden cynibalH
were ordered which will be handled by
a cymbal brigade ou Hoosovolt day that
will assist in tho onthuRinsni by a novel
noise mnking method
After tho business wiih concludud W
W Young of Stnnton who wns in tho
room wiih culled for and hojresponded
in a very nniHterly nddrcsB of about an
hour and a half Mr Young is candi
date for stato senator from tho Eleventh
district on the republican ticket and
that his choice wiih one of wisdom nil
who heard him will concede Ho re
gretted that he had not tho opportunity
of addressing a public meeting as he
particularly wished to talk to populists
and democrats
He handled the issues without gloves
following tho democrats from their
free trade issue of 1802 to their froo Bil
vcr issuo of 18SKI and rounding out with
n tearing to pieces of democracys para
mount issuo of imperialism during
this campaign
Ho showed up tho fallacies of dem
ocracy in such bimplo yet strong language
that be had the attention of his hearers
throughout and at times his remarks
elicited vigorous applause Ho pleaded
weariness several times but was en
couraged to go on by tho audieuco
llo nbly compared tho present prosper
oils conditions with those under the
democratic regimo nnd made some
telling points
After his address ho wns wnrmly con
gratulated nnd many expressed the hopt
that they might hear him again at a
public meeting
Clulnl KuKli Itlclui H
Tho ropublicauB of Mhdison havo or
gnuized a Hough Rider club with 100
members olllcered as follows Captain
Jacob Henderson first lieutenant Will
-Long second lieutenant Frnnk Am
brose It has adopted tho regulation
Hough Hitler uniform Tho iirst public
appearance of tho club will bo on
day in Norfolk Tho Madison boys
are very much awake and intend t
show it Other towns are just as active
and there will bo several uniformed or
ganizations hero on that day
Jlve OlMlglHH H IUI
Way back in 1801 Dr A J Johnson
of this city lived on a farm in Illinois
In those days he was not as f trougly im
bued with republican principles as ho ib
today and was supporting Stephen A
Douglas for presidency agaiiibt Abraham
On his wny to town with a neighbor
on a certain occasion he was hailedby a
pedestrian who atked for a ride Th
request was acceded to and the stranger
took a position in the buck part of the
wagon standing np during the drive
When townwas reached Mr Johnson
und his noighbors woro greeted with
cheers for Lincoln
They henrtily re
sponded Hurrah for Douglas
With a Thank you gentlemen my
nime is Douglas their stranger drop
ped froiu the rear end of the wagon and
walked away leaving Mr Johnson and
bU friend somewhat astonished at his
Mr Johnson voted for Liucoln the
second time he ran and has supported
the republican ticket since
VfouJilut Support McKliiJey
4he following from the Omaha Daily
News Sidelights indicates oueuiethod
overeating fusion thunder The News
is an juependeuj paper
s WhVnever Charley Higg 0f the
speakers bureau of the republican
central committee thjnka about it his
b ba reverberates through the head
It happened only a thort tiuie ago
ome practical wag down in Beatrice
wrote a letter to Chairman Edmibten
of the populist state central committee
informing him that on even dozen pld
eojdiera living there could not stand
for MoKinley and imperialism any more
and intimating that they would vote
for Bryan The names of the turncoats
were enclosed
It was too good a piece of news to
kep eepeci tlly as it came from Charley
I Hlggs section of tho country So
Chairman Hdmifcton took his typewrffer
in hand nnd wrote n letter to Higg
telling htm all about It Higg it must
bo admitted looked a bit down
in the mouth when hu got the litter
Edinistoii also spent several hours in
drawing up n neat letter of congratula
tion and sent each of the old soldiers a
Every ono of tho dozen letters canio
back to Chairman Edtnlstcti in duo
course of time marked Dead
Wherefore Chairman Higg laughs
The Gltssmau meat market has been
newly shingled
l 1 Halo of Hattle Creek was n city
visitor yesterday
Judge Powers made a business trip to
Neligh yesterday
W A Connelly nnd little son are both
silk with tho grip
W 10 Spencer went to Stanton yes
terday to visit the fair
Tom MoNeil ami Al Miulsen drove to
tho fair at Stanton yesterday
County Engineer W H Lowo has
gone to liorco county to do some survey
Misses Minulo nnd Annio Verges
have gone to Hattle Creek to spend the
No quorum was present at tho council
meeting last night and no business was
Mrs Jos Steimbangh of Bccmor is
visiting with her sister Mrs S H
Mr and Mrs C O Gow and Mrs W
J Gow went to Wnyno this morning to
see the street fair
Stato Superintendent Jackson was in
tho city yesterday from Lincoln looking-
after bchool matters
Miss Browor of Madison is visiting nt
the homo of Mr nnd Mrs J B May
lard on the Heights
Geo N Heels returned today from
Hoouo county where ho was called for
medical consultation
W M Hobertson W II Widamau
and Al 13igelow were among tho old
soldiers who visited Hattle Creek today
Miss Myrtle Clark is sick with diph
theria at her homo on South Third
street and the house has been quaran
A L Cartor candidate for commis
sioner ou tho republican ticket went to
Hattle Creek today to interview tho old
Quito a number of Norfolk people
went to Battle Creek today to attend
the Midibon county soldiers and sailors
A now carpet is being laid in tin
First Congregational church thiough
out It is of a deep red color and very
Miss May Dolen and her cousin Miss
Louise Dolen went to Wayne this
morning to visit friends and see the
street fair
Frank Htiinbolt who has been visit
ing at tho homo of his brother N A
Kuinbult returned to his home in Gil
bert Iowa this noon
ExtenBivo repairs are being made at
the mill dam by the Sugar City Cereal
mills company who are preparing for
their winter campaign
Mrs Lucy Mather has rented her
residence in Hayes uddition to her son-in-law
Frank Lamb and will visit rela
tives in Iowa during the winter
C F Hock of Burt county candidate
for Btato superintendent of public in
struction ou tho fusion ticket was in
tho city today getting acquainted
D Hees will return this evening from
Lincoln where he has been atteudiug
to duties devolving upou him as trustee
of tho grand lodge Knights of Pythias
Wyuu Rainbolt left today for Boston
He has two more years in tho Harvard
law school before graduating He
graduated lrom Harvard university last
Cards have been received by Norfolk
inemis announcing tlio wedding ot
Martin Bley audMns Clira Dedlow
which is to take pluce at Plaiuview on
tho 37th
Rev A M McFarlaud and wife have
arrived in the city from Craig bnngiug
their household effects with them It
is probable thut they will not keep
house this wiuter
A literary social is to be given at the
Congregational church by the Clui tiau
Endeavor society this evening when
participants will be costumed to repre
sent certain books
Rev J P Mueller has returned from
Bancroft where he assisted in the dedi
cation of a uew Lutheran church The
church is a lino large building and was
ereoted by T F Loesoher of this city
All boys who have pouies or can pro
cure them and are willing to join the
Roosevelt Rough Riders are requested
to meet ut tho furniture store of Hon
man Smith tomorrow moriiini nt
i 30
sn i I
u uteu o untune lur
velt day
T S Richardsou of for
merly book keeper at the Norfolk hospi
tal for the insane is a guest at the homo
of O D Jenkins having arrived from
Pierce this moruiug Ho was quite
serously ill while there with neuralgia
of tne heart
Fremont Tribune The uewett fake
being worked in Nebraska is that
wlureln the smooth ono drives through
tho country selling a box of soap mid
twenty yards of enrpot for Ho
leaves tho soap nnd will deliver tho car
pet next week but next week never
Mr and Mrs C H Holahan hnvo re
turned from n three weeks visit at Hay
field Wis and other phicoH on tho
Lakes James Kennedy who has been
acting as agent for the Aiuericrn Ex
press company during Mr Holnhnns
absonco has gono to Oinnha whero ho
will net as supply agent for tho union
Tho bnso ball gamo between n team
from Stanton and ono from Coleridge
played at tho former placo yesterday
afternoon wiih witnessed by n large
number of enthusiasts many of whom
were from Norfolk The gamo wiih for
a purse of 100 and was won by Cole
ridge by u score of 11 to 8 Another
game between tho same tenuis was
pliyed this morning
Tho mercury this morning indicated
n near approach to tho frooztiig point
JIO degrees being tho register This
however lacked 7 degroes of tho freez
ing point and ns n miss is ns good as a
mile thoto who havo growing produce
yet hnvo reason to bo thankful Tho
wonthor bureau now promises warmer
weather and it is likely that this section
has escaped frost for several weeks
Rev E F Trofz pastor of tho
Kouutz Memorial Lutheran church of
Omaha nnd ono of tho leading Lutheran
ministers of tho country wns In tho city
today gathoriug financial statistics of
Norfolk and Madison county to be pub
lished in tho church paper nnd intended
to especially interest eastern investors
many of whom nro members of tho
Lutheran denomination Ho expressed
particular gratification ut Madison
countys mortgage paying record and
tho condition of business ns shown by
the bank books
In n number of tho larger cities tho
hours for atteudeuce nt tho High schools
have been changed so that there is but
ono session each day Tho school is
called ot 8 oclock in tho morning and
adjournment is taken at 1 oclock in the
aftornoou It is argued that this is a
beneficial change While tho same
tinio is put in as under tho old method
there is no interruption nnd the stu
dents mind is therefore in a better trim
to grasp tho problems set before him
Ho comes there fresh in tho morning
nud when his studies are completed he
has half n day for rest recreation nnd
preparation for tho duties of tho next
Mrs E C Ifass was n city visitor
from Pierce yesterday
Miss Entello Elliot of Lincoln is visit
her t ister Mrs Ed Seymour
L It Pritchard of Meadow Grove was
in the city yesterday on business
Mrs Frank French of Pawnee City is
visiting Mrs Georgo Rogers of South
Nurfo k
Misi May Button of Plaiuview is vis
iting bur friend Miss Leun Mills at
South Norfolk
Mrs J R Appleby nud Mis L J
Horton of Stanton were shopping in
Norfolk yesterday
A lame tramp was entertained over
night in tho city jail and this morning
waB started on his way
Mrs J L StevenB of Plaiuview will
spend Sunday at the home of her sister-in-law
Mrs E B Kenyon
John Kraut has sold his house in
Hayes addition to R M Upton receiv
ing three horses in the trade
A lady from Wiuside waB operated ou
for cancer at Salters sauitnrium yes
terday morning She is getting along
Mr nud Mrs Cameron of Schuyler
are here attending the conference Mrs
Cameron wns formerly Miss Violu
MisB Laura Buckeudorf has resigned
her position with Durlaud Sisters aud
will work in tho Wheatling department
of tho Sugar City Cereal Mills
A council of the Royal Arcaueuni was
organized last night in the K P hall by
Grand Secretary C A Grinuell and
Deputy Grand Regent O P Brink
A dancing party was given by the
social lub in railway hall at South
Norfolk last night which resulted in a
very pleusaut time to those in attend
Rev S F Sharpless went to Osmond
yet terday and married Harry Fullen
aud Miss Louise Juuge of that place
Mr Fullen is a leading roeichaut of
A sign lioard has been placed in front
of the Auditorium from which the fhows
wijl be announced It is a three suled
affair and cau be read from almost any
N Ewald of Russell Iowa who ms
been viwting his daughter Mrs Wm
Hazel Mt for Mound City Mo where
he will visit another daughter before re
turning home
W H Cooley is moving his family
from the Zuelow hoiice corner Pnilip
avenue and Sixth street to the Foster
house near the staud pipe Ctrl Ztiejow
will occupy the houtu vacated moving
from the next door eon
The four-year-old boy of WYl Duiiuer
suffered witli convulsions about a week
ago from tho effect of which he became
totally blind Indicating the rupture of a
blood vessel in tho brnin Ho is now
better nnd Is beginning to see a little
Dr F G Salter attended him
The recent rains nro not ns welcome
as they might be tho biet growers
objecting particularly to the moisture
as it will hnvo n bad effect on tho ripen
ing process Farmers whoso grain is
not well stacked nlso have a kick com
ing as bonieof their crop Ib being ruined
A telegram waH received yoMcrdny
from II S Fritz of Gordon by John
Krautz stating thnt their other two
daughters nnd son nro nil sick sup
posedly with typhoid fever from which
ono of tho girls recontly died Mrs
Fred Krantz will go up this evening to
assist in nursing tho hick folks
10 O Conner engineer on tho F 10
M V who Inn lived hero for six years
and a half will removo Ids family to
Fremont next Tuemlny noon nud will
hnvo a run between Fremont and Hast
ings Mrs S K Long has purchased
Mr Connors residence property on
South Fmrth street and will occupy it
next week as soon ns vacated
Meadow Grove Pres While Clar
ence the little sou of Mr Mihill living
on A 10 Campbells farm southwest of
town wns riding a horso last Friday
ho was thrown onto his left nrmbroke it
in two places forcing one of tho bones
through the llesh Ho was brought to
town and Dr II L Kindred with much
diflluulty got the arm back to its place
relieving the boy of much pain At
last reports ho was getting along nicely
Battle Cteek Republican J E Hale
who has been working for tho Deering
Harvostor Co in Hock Keya Paha nnd
Brown counties tho past two months
returned home Tuesday In nnswer to
a question us to tho political outlook in
that country he said I havo travelid
around n good deal in tho western part
of the state nud I find that a large ma
jority of tho farmers nro for McKiuley
for prosideut They are so much more
prosperous than they used to bo that
they aro satisfied and do not want n
chango In my opinion tho republicans
stand a good show of carry ing Nebraska
and I believe McKiuley will be elected
by a bigger majority thnu he received
four years ago
II G Mason of Cuadron was a Nor
folk visitor today
Superintendent O W Crum was
over from Madison today
Miss Minn McNeely has been on the
sick list tor n few days past
E J D uuy went to Hubbard on tele
phone business this afternoon
E C Hammond of Plaiuview spent
Sunday with friends in tho city
August Ifoile has puichased the Calvin
Burns house in Hayes adilition
E W Reeves of Yankton S D wns
among the Sunday visitors in Norfolk
Mr aud Mrs F W Juuetmni returned
from their wedding trip j esterday noon
Chas H Raudell banker at Randolph
is in the city accompanied by his wife
Miss Mamie Ward went to Neligh
Saturday and spent Sunday with rela
Mrs Will Stein aud daughter of South
Norfolk havo gono to Omaha to spend a
Madison has decided to have electric
lights by a majority ot Ji iua total vote
of 382
Mrs Shbrt departed today for Albion
aud will mne her home with her sou at
that place
Little Jane Durlaud has been quite
sick for several days past but is now
A handsome daughter was born to
Dr and Mrs F W Kieoiiu last Satur
day morning
Mr and Mrs J S Morrow will return
tomorrow from their visit to Chicago
and Muucie Iud
Mrs J Beaoh nud childreu of South
Norfolk have gone on a visit to friends
in Council Bluffs
M P Suiter who recently purchased
the residence of Mrs A O Short is
moving into it today
Mrs Fred Hollingsworth Mrs Abkiu
and Nora Burnett -of South Norlolk
will spend the week in Omaha
Mis M J Baumgarden of Box Butte
is vibitiuit her daughters Mrs W E
Spencer and Mrs Geo Williams
Mrs F Liurode and Mrs F I Russell
of South Norfolk will make the rounc
trip to aud from Omaha tomorrow
Mr and Mrd McGrew of Creighton
who hare been visiting Mr nnd Mrs
C G Somers returned to their home
Capt J IL Etrownof Wukelield can
didaje tor btate spnatorou the rppublj
cap ticket was in the city today euroute
to Knox county
A Morrison spent Sunday with his
family aud returned to his work at Sib
ley Iowa today He will not be home
again before Christmas
The fat her and sister of P F and G
T Spreotier who have been visiting
hire for 6evoral days returned to their
home in Sohnyler today
Mr and Mrs Thomas Twpmbley
pf Chicago were in the cjty Saturday
leaving for hoiue yesteiday Mr
Twombley ib executor of me Morrill
tnto nnd was hero on bnbiness connected
Cilvin Burns who recently fold his
honso in Hnyes ndditiou expects to
move In a week or two to Ortgon
where he will make his home
Mr and Mrs John R Hays nnd
Dorothy Salter departed for Chicago at
noon Mrs Hays nnd Dorothy w ill visit
with Mrs II O Whymau nt Amora
They will be absent a week
II 10 Goodrich who has bought more
mules for tho eastern market and u
larger number of oxen for the western
trade than any other man in Missouri
waB a pleasant caller at Tin N ivs office
this morning
The barometer this morning reached
tho remnrkably low register of 2 OS
Tho heavy gale from tho south has been
the worst feature of the weather during
the day but eomothing worse may de
velop beforo tomorrow morning
Gerinnntn lodge No 1 Sons of Her
mann of tbla city hns doiio a very geu
erons thing by the Texas flood sufferers
Besides voting j oat of its treasury
members of the order solicited from
German friends collecting fj5 The
entire sum b5 was forwarded to Texns
Mrs Wm Gerecke of Stauton wns the
gnest of Mrs A Bear over night Mr
nnd Mrs Gerecke and Mrs Bear w ill
leave Wednesday for Richmond Vit
Mr Gerocko will nttoud tho bankers
convention and Mrs Bear will visit rel
atives and friends Mr and Mrs
Gerocko will visit Washington and
other points of interest in the entt
Newmnn G ovo Hernld Tnnies
Sandilauds nn old settler in Boone
county who was well known in this
town was crushed to death last Monday
night under n load of fence posts which
ho was hauling homo from Petersburg
Tho body was found the next morning
about two miles from home The night
wns dark nud tho wagon was overturned
nt tho edge of a ravine A widow nnd
tnree grown children aro lelt in com
fortable circumstnnces
Battle Creek Enterprise Arthur
Lewis formerly of this place but now
employed on the Fremont Tribune met
with quite a serious accident last Satur
day evening Ho was returning from
work in the evening during the carnival
reitivitieH when ho was struck ou the
head by a cane in the hands of some
rovelcr or wns hit by something thrown
from the street The blow rendered
him unconscious for two hours and he
was laid up for several days
There will be a special meeting of the
Womans club on Tuesday nfternoou at
2 J0 to consider tho advisability of send
ing delegates to tho State Federation
meeting to be held in Lincoln from Oc
tober to 12 hand other business matters
pertaining to the club At the close ol
the session the Household Ecouomir
department will convene and the leaders
Mines Baker nud Seymourwill outline
tho work contemplated for tho wiuter
and an otherwise attractive program
will be given All members of the
Womans club aro requested to nttend
Meeting to be hold at A J Dorlauds
The many friends both political aud
personal of Hon W E Peebles of Pender
will be pained to learn of the aftliction
that hns overtaken himself and family
It will be remembered that recently his
only child his son Ivan died
in Salt Lake City Now the report
comes that Mr Peebles has just been
brought home from a hospital in Omaha
where he has been under treatment
His physician pronounces bis trouble n
cancerous growth of the kidneys from
which no hope is held out for recovery
Mrs Peebles is still in Salt Lnke City
and at the present time is critically ill
F L Calver brought in four carloads
of western broncos Saturday night and
yesterday started to driye them to a
pasture enst of town when 10 or 12 ol
the animals got away frotn the drivers
and started west They were overtaken
at Battle Creek and stnrtf d bnck On
the way back it is Baid thnt they fright
ened a horso being driven by Mrs I
Kost which ran away The buggy was
occupied by Mrs Knst a lady friend
and her children The vehicle wns up
set throwing the occupants out Mrs
Kost fell into u ditch and her arm was
broken but her companions escaped
without serious injury
Sewlut Machine Context
The judges account of the vote cast
September 21 tofla ni for the respective
candidates in J D Sturgeons Colored
Porters Sewing Machine Contest
We theundersigued judges appointed
to couut tjhe votjes cast in the above
named contest hereby certify tnat the
voteH oast to date are as listed below
Al Johnson 102
Dave Shores 151
P F Spkeciikk
Oscar Uhlk
Gophen 111 Genesse Pore Food Co
Le Roy N Y Dear Sirs Snmo days
since a package of your Grain O prepar
ation was left at my office I took it
home aud gave it a trial aud I havo to
say I was very much pleased with it as a
substitute for coffee We havo always
used the best Java and Mocha in our
family but I am tree to say I like the
Gruiu 0 as well as the best coffeo I ever
drank Respectfully yonre
A O Jackson M D
TriK News jod Department is com
plete in every particular
Mrs G T Sprecher will go to Omnhn
Mrs Edith Baker left nt noon today
for Chicago
Fred Davis of Mndison was a city vis
itor yesterday
Mrs Hobb of Battlo Creek was in tho
city yesterday
C S Hayes left this morning for
Omnhn on business
Mrs G W Shott of Stanton was a
visitor to Noifolk yesterday
Mr and Mrs A B Ellis welcomed a
son to their home this morning
Mrs A Bley and son Martin went to
Plaiuview yesterday to visit friends
Alf Schwcuk is up from Omaha
greeting hisold tiino acquaintances
Mrs John Quick goes to Omaha
tomorrow to enjoy tho curuivnl festiv
Mrs Etnil Schultz nnd two children
of Stnutou are visiting Norfolk relatives
nud friends
Miss Annette McNeil left yefcterdny
morning for Fremont to attend tho
normal school
County Surveyor Lowo goes to
Mendow Grove tomorrow morning to do
some work in his line
Judge and Mrs Powers go to Omaha
tomorrow to visit their daughter Mrs
II L Whitney aud see tho carnival
Mr nnd Mrs T F Memminger enmo
over from Madison Inst night and are
guests of Mr nnd Mrs C B Burrows
Tho infant child of Mr aud Mrs II
II Luke died yesterday nud the funeral
was held from the house this afternoon
nt 2 oclock
MisB Fannie Norton went to Omnha
this morning to spend the week nnd will
act as maid of honor at tho
ball Friday night
Mrs M Deppe of Baxter Iowa ar
rived in the city last evening to visit
her new granddaughter at the home of
Dr F W Kiesau
Mrs S II Mills who has been visit
ing her daughter Mrs John R Hays
left yesterday noon for Kansas to spend
a mouth with herson
The samples of Mrs Sharpless handi
work as a painter of chinn ou dis play iu
the window of Leonards drug store are
eliciting much favorable comment
A new foundation is being put under
the bell tower nt tho city building The
old brick foundation was giving way
iud a rock foundation is being substi
Mrs J B Barnes aud Mrs S L
Gardner went to Omaha today Judge
Barne3 goes down tomoirow and they
will participate in the ball
Friday night
This is the last week in September
and not even a light frost has been in
evidence iu this vicmity It is a re
markable season nud everything in the
crop line is ripening naturally and well
The leaves on the trees aro just begin
ning to turn but the lawns tire ns bright
and green ns though it were June
Peter Isaacs of Lexington this stnte
formerly an inmate of tho Norfolk
hospital for the insaue committed
suicide iu the Bee hotel at Sioux City
Saturday by taking strychniue His
deed wns not discovered nutil 86 houis
after he had taken the poison He wns
about 28 years of age und his parents live
in Texas
John Wright is moving his family
from the C G Miller house corner
Eighth street and Madison avenue to a
residence on South Fifth It is under
stood thnt Mr Miller will move his
family in from the country and occupy
his house during tho winter He con
templates extensive improvements to the
Invitations have been issned by Mr
and Mrs H C Mntrau to the marriage
of their daughter Ruth to Otis Reader
Eller which is to take place at Trinity
Episcopal church at 10 oclock Monday
morning October 8th A reception
will be held after the ceremony at the
home of the brides parents on South
Fourth street The couple will be nt
home iu Lincoln after November 15th
Prospecih tor the Roosevelt meeting in
this city next week are very bright for
a large crowd and an enthusiastic time
If tlw w eather proves favorable there
will be no question as to tlm outcome of
themftMiug All repoitt go to show
that the cjowdsirom nirrounding towns
will le immense Mpsio aud marchiug
olubs gnlnre piqmibe to b iu evidence
The governor is enthusiastically received
everywhere aud Norfolk will be no ex
ception to tho rule
The basement of the Auditorium in
which fhe dressing rooms are situated
Bhowsa marked improvement iu condi
tion over that of last season The bare
ground has been covered by a substan
tial floor another dressing room has
been madoa property room has been
enclosed and the entire arrnpgement is
yerycoraplote Tronpps coming to the
city will appreciate the change although
the audieppes will not receiye large ben
efits unless it be that a better humor
with the companies will tend to better
work on the 6tnge Tho scenery ar
rangements have also been improved
A very debirubJe 80 acreB of clay land
for sale six miles southeast of Norfolk
Make me an offer for it quiok
C B Durland