The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 27, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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J AAA iRAt ttA Oftthihijbi uTai
CotrigUU 1S30 try
ZocA Karri
tlie lamp whose shado
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lied with
i tortoise
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golden w a
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awaiting the arrival of their guests
alert and watchful the cat of the
three creatures in the room alone in
different coIIy curled up before the
warmth of the lire fast asleep
She smiled across at him
To me It doesnt seem like GO years
since we were married she said rais
ing her hand and touching the chcrlsl
ed comb into place Does It to you
It hardly seems 20 he answered
with old time gallantry returning her
Ills answer pleased her She swept
her hand ai ross her knee smoothing
out the creases In the silk No wonder
there were creases in It lying away in
the old trunk up stairs so many years
Ive put the plates together on the
table and counted out the napkins
fiho told him They are some of tin
tliicst napkins too left out of the
wreck of our fortunes but I am going
to use them tonight We dont have a
golden wedding every night you know
I have set the cuke on the table beside
them When our guests come swarm
ing hi Ill make them some tea They
will need It coming out of tho cold
So I have left tho kettle on tho fire In
tho kitchen all ready Theyll be com
lng along now pretty soon glancing
up nt the clock Its most time
She turned her head listening There
were footsteps on tho walk outside
They passed on by
Do you remember our tin wedding
she asked to while away the Impatient
time of waiting How they came
from miles around bringing us all sorts
of ridiculous tin things buckets and
pans nnd dlnpers even little cunnlnc
biscuit cutters and tin cups I count
ed the cups afterward There were 25
They always do that bring too many
of one thing ITow many clocks wai
It they gave us when we woro married
A dozen at least And now this Is tho
only one left and It Is growing old
too like us old and rheumatic
Yes I remember that tin wedding
ho said looking tenderly nt her old
face which tho soft shade of tho lamp
nnd his falling vision rendered nlmost
wrlnkleless Wo were young then It
is good to bo young Johu was a wee
bit of a baby
I know she smiled Tliey waked
lilm with their noise clattering tho tin
about nnd Irummlng on tho pans
How tlmo passes Now John Is an
oldish man Ills children nro grown
Some of them are mnrrlod
Tho old man was full of reminis
cences as became the occasion
We grow prosperous afterward he
went on musingly even rich It Is
good to bo rhli nlmost as good as It i
to bo young though not quite Do you
remember our crystal wedding Mary
tho grandeur of It What tine presents
they brought us magnificent bowls
and goblets and saltcellars Altogether
they must have cost a fortune Some
of that cut glass shone like diamonds
Whatever became of those beautiful
things I never seo any of them
Mary left her chair and going over
to the table took up tho little wine
glass filled with violets
They nil went In the snle she Bald
all but this holding It up to tho
light and this tn nickel
She set It down In such n position
thnt tho violets might nod straight at
the old man wafting him sweet
est perfume nnd resuming ht eat
ngaln spread out her won rfu sit
skirts nnd assumed her coipnLr mlc
awaiting her guests
The sale he repent ft si ins
to me everything we 1m vi i t li lint
snle It wns a wouim1 oir pi Itn
didnt take the clot i itu
They came near it v
of our friends 1 se
f The room In Hplto of Hh poverty
wore n gala ulr of subdued expectancy
Tho hearth wuh Hvept and gurnlnhed
the rug In front of the lire lay without
n crease the frayed fringe spread flat
ly out
The rag carpet woven of innumera
ble old dresses of various hues and put
terns showed KlgiiH of having been re
cently Kprlukled with hnndfulu of salt
nnd carefully cleaned with tho newest
of brooniH the lace curtains darned
nnd redarnid hung evenly to the tloor
In permanent starched folds and on
h r iiii
1 a fM ivf cf
ours who brotigl r m i nty pre
Some of tlni nn ilea bt iori o
them are a de 1 U t
They dont I uow Uo ii Iore no t
we are
Yes y s i r tod t in i il
thing to b or I - ik
one ir it -ii i cad
How in It do y i e we
have i -ft In a
t Mi r 1 i e could
cr it ut i nl nl V i f our
t 0 I ills ru I ft iiVtf
Ii- u so 1 i le asked
n iw it Ma
ry Wat s all have a
f vi ui en1 directly to
r i Vi Then we shall
iiio m ij for friends nro
f is t 1 they siand by yon
t oiiu tiM in after you have
ohi i the world but their
Iierfjsliip the true test nnd
it will - revfiitly you will see
them In come I promise you
Why re the Wheelers the
Joneses t Irowns
It Is tlm they were here then If
they nro coming she interrupted and
with that she wont to the wlndov
drew aside the curtain and looked out
It is a bad night she said The
snow is beginning to fall again That
may keep some of them away but not
The clock struck 8 It struck vicious
ly The noise disturbed the cat She
stretched herself full length her claws
showing rolled over on her other side
curled up In a Huffy ball then dropped
off to sleep once more her face up
There were voices outside Two peo
ple under an umbrella upon which the
snow fell In large Hakes hurriedly ap
proached the house
Youd better go to the door Mary
said tho old man who was also listen
ing though he pretended not to be
and take the little brush broom with
you to brush the suow off their cloth
She turned disconsolately away from
the window
They have gone by she said
Ho set himself to comfort her Nev
er mind It Is early yet he reminded
her It In only half past 8 Nowadays
people dont como to parties until near
ly 0 they tell me It Is different from
what It was when wo were young
Our crystal wedding wasnt so very
long ago said she and they came
early enough to that She looked buck
over her shoulder through tho window
at the shining walk along which cou
ples passed laughing and talking to-
gethor their wet umbrellas bobbing up
and down Jlut we were rich then
sho added with a sigh
Tho clock pointed to nearly 9 Ma
ry sat in her rocking chair ouce more
listening A every footstep sho raised
her head her eyes brightening with
hope behind the gold rims of her old
spectacles As they passed by her head
drooped ngaln nnd her eyes fixed them
selves upon the fiamos whoso filcker
drew out the tmber lights from her tor
toise shell comb nnd tho left over yel
low In her hair which in her young
days had boon golden
Tho old man dozed Now nnd then
his head bent upon his breast raised
Itself with a sodden Jerk and drooped
He sat thus for a long time nodding
lly and by he grasped the handles of
his ariiuhnlr and slowly rose bowing
courteously to the right and to the left
They are beautiful these presents
he said unctuously They glisten like
diamonds They ipiHc dazzle me I
thank you I thank you -
Ills wife had also risen watching
him wonderlngly She went to him and
took him by the arm gently pushing
him back Into his chair
Sit down Ulchnrd she command
ed You 1 ave been asleep You are
talking now In your sleep Were you
dreaming of our crystal wedding and
the beautiful presents they brought us
- present we didnt need beeuuse we
had plenty then Tills Is not our crys
tal wedding This Is our golden wed
He blinked his dim eyes open
And Isnt the house full of people
he asked her Havent they come
these good friends of ours bringing us
presents hnndsome shining presents
nrmfuls of them I thought 1 saw
No sho answered bitterly Wo
are no longer rich It Is years slum our
crystal wedding and we have descend
ed In the scnle of fortune This Is our
goldeu wedding and wo arc old nnd
poor I have been sitting here wrtfi
lug and waiting and listen
time and not a soul I
I saw him this nf
man explained quli i 1
one of the children i
Sally She was a 1 utpy last
night nnd needed wn telling He said
maybe he couldnt come on t hut ac
count 1 didnt tell you before because
1 thought there would be so many oth
ers you woildnt miss him
The clock pointed to 10 It had begun
to rattle wheezlly getting ready to
The wife went out Into tho dining
room where the plates for the guests
were piled one above the other the
napkins beside them the frosted enkes
with the cake knives lying ready to
She sot the plates on the polished old
sideboard laid the napkins in n drawer
and covered the cakes with a cloth to
keep away the mice
Then she walked softly back Into tho
room The hem of her dress touched
the cat She got up moved lazily to
the other corner of the rug and lay
down there out of the way while her
mistress drew the curtains and passed
into the hull to lock the front door
She stood there in tho hull a moment
listening Somebody was coming Late
It was true but coming at last They
were not entirely friendless then She
heard the steps drawing nearer and
nearer They went on by echoing more
and more faintly along the pavement
until the sound of them passed entirely
She locked the door ro entcred tho
room nnd stood close to the old man
running her loving fingers through his
frosty hair
We are old and friendless and poor
Richard sho said In her thin tremu
lous voice but wo have each other
Yes yes he murmured drawing
one of her hands down nnd holding it
tenderly between his own wo hnve
each other
Louri no Mirquiv CnrriiHpnniliiit Say
Stilfo I Coinplrtrly Imluil
London Sept 25 The war Is com
pletely einled suys the Lourenzo Mnr
quez correspondent of the Dully Tele
Many guns hnve been destroyed and
hundreds of wagons and thousunds of
tons of stoics of every kind hnve been
burned Wreckage of every kind lies
In every direction In the Hector
spruit region
A good police force of 20000 men
can effect the complete pacification of
tho country It will be impossible for
the Hoers In the future to mass a
force exceeding lfiOO They are sick
of the war and the Irish American
and other mercenaries are clamoring
for payment und threatening the Uoer
Alarming Nmrs Jriini China
Berlin Sept 20 Alarming news
from China has reuched the Jerman
government but It will not be pub
lished now as Germany Intends to
use It during the conferences In Po
king Field Marshal von Waldersee
has cabled Kmperor William direct
that ho has found tho general situa
tion much more dangerous than he had
expected as It has grown worsu dur
ing the lust fortnight and tho consuls
In central and southern Chluu are ex
pectlng a general uprising
London Sept 25 The- Dnlly Mall
has the following dispatch from Lour
enzo Maniuez Heavy fighting is re
ported ucross tho Subl river This
menus thut the Hrltlsh are Intercept
ing Steyn und Heltz who with their
forces are attempting to push north
ward and to effect n junction A com
mando Is Kiiiil to be surrounded ueur
The niitioiily of per tnitq upon trnrhing middle age ami past
find tlieii blood bccomii uciik mid thin Mini diseases that weio
easily coiiliolled in eailier life begin to ittlcrt the constitution
of Cod Liver Oil is the means
of life and enjoyment of life to
thousands men women and
When appetite fails it re
stores it When food is a
burden it lifts the burden
When youlose fleshit brings
the plumpness of health
When work is hard and
duty is heavy it makes life
It is the thin edge of the
wedge the thick end is food
But what is the use of food
when you hate it and cant d
get it
Scotts Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is thefood that make-
you forget your stomach
If you havo not tried It send for
freo sample its nsreeablo taste will
surprise vou
409 Pearl Street New York
50c and SIOO t all druBBists
Michaels Studio
Wo shall bo pleased to seo you even if
you do not nood any work in our lino
Come in and get acquainted nnd see our
lovely lino of photos whero you will
find tho very latest in styles of mounts
and finish All work guaranteed satis
factory Wo havo a fine lino of Oil
Paintings Water Colors Pastel and
Crayon Work A largo stock of Pic
ture Frames ami Mouldings Amateur
supplies always on hand and your work
done prompt and reasonable Your
trade is wanted at tho fluest gallery in
this country
Yours for Business
lhose predisposed to Scrofula Cancer Ulieuiiiuttsm Ooul nnd other hrreilllnry troubles may escape
till thru but ns they age the blood so long tainted and weakened by nmitiiulatcil waste matters In no
iiuiijcr able to ptopcih nourish the body mid it heroines nil easy maik for disease At this critical period
of lift the blood must be le ciifotccil be fine it can pcifottu ils legitimate functions mid lid the system oC
thee poisons ami nothing so muely nnd elTectiially does this ns SSS
S S S stteugthcns nnd eiitiehes the blood improves the nppelile und builds up the Ieneral eoiintitu
tioil It is not only the best blood piltifiei but the best tunic foi old people It watms tho blood tones up
the ueives removes all Iniut ftom the blood anil pietents the development of disease
S S S is the only puielv veeelable blond medicine known Not one particle of mercury potash or
other mineial poison can be found in it and it uiav be taken foi iinv leueth of time without Iimmh
S S S is the only irmedv that tenches deep seated blood doubles like Scrofula Cancer ltlieiitui
Usui Ucrcmn Tcttet etc It purifies and restores the blood to u healthy uoiuinl condition and makes It impossible for
nny poisonous waste mateiials to nccuuiulate
If ou have an old tunning note or nn obstinate ulcer that tefuses to heal or nte It untiled with boils nnd carbuncles try S SS
iv never inns u make a oniric nun petiuiiiieut cute oi incse pests it youi system is urn down and von feci B
ll I r II l C t III 1 1 l I J BBTBV
lilt mill UI It lllllll v v v3 Will MILI1UIUII llllll llfl Jllll 111 It 11111 Illllll V til llll I III II I III I J V I Itllll II till niC
8 S S cm nl Ml It llnnlen nf Sniinisvlllr Vn nf n rnsr of
Itcrrmnnf thirty five cnnMmnlliiK nftrrthr lirM itiIHtn
in the mitromiilliiK i niiiittv liml fiillnl IhW wits seven ycnn
ngo niul llinc tins ticcu no ictuiti nf the tlWrnc
Mm I It Inhtivni nf llhiikslirni Im in fm imiilli il
with a nrvrir tyirnf tliriitmilliii mul hint mril rvriy tciunly
kniitin niul ns 11 cuir ttilhiiut irrrlvlni nny
iirnciii i M h tititnitn intrliMl tlimcntnf t he i licnsc mul
I miulf it i uiiilrtr itml tirtimiiiriit cntr
If you we in doubt nbout your diseuse und will send us u stuteuieut of your case out physician will
give you any iufotmatiou or nd vice wanted foi which tie make no chaige
Hook on Illood nnd Skin Diseases sent to any desiring it Address Swift Specilie Co Atlanta On
AiiRiint lloor
It is a surprising fact says lrof
Houton that in my travels in nil parls
f tho world for tho last ton yours
havo mot more peoplo having used
Qroons August Klowertluin any other
remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver
and stnmauh and for constimMon I
find for tourists and salosmeu or for
persons filling olllco positions where
hoiulaches and goucral bad feelings from
irregular habits oxist that tlroons
August Flower is a grand remedy It
does not injure tho system by frequent
uso nnd is excellent for sour stomachs
and indigestion Sample bottles free
at A K Leonards Sold by dealers in
all civilized countries
Dr Sadie liar Millci u cradunln L
tho Ann r 1 1 ci iiiiy
inivii e jditi lias r c an
oMce i i ruitolK Ire nruutico of
i h new kvi i in oi healing Ilooni
- 1 1 ayes joworv tru errs
iromluin tho momim to I in i
afternoon Consuinii ant x
aminatiou free
Thecoinplcto sorvico of Tho Ohio-ago-Portland
Special viu Union Pacific
onnbles passengers to roueh the princi
pal cities between tho north nnd Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only in tho
shortest possiblo spaco of timo but also
in the most comfortable and enjoyable
manner The dining cars on this train
nro stocked with tho best tho market
ailords All meals Hervod a hi carte
Ilirinlnj In Colnriiiln mill Sew nieilen
Tho Denver ifc Kio Grando railroad
Tho Scenic Lino of tho World has
prepared an illustrated book- upon tho
nbovo subject which will be sent free to
farmers desiring tochango their location
This publication gives valuablo informa
tion in regard to tho agricultural horti
cultural and livo stock interests of this
section and should bo iu tho hands of
everyono who desires to becomo ac
quainted with tho methods of farming
by irrigation Write S K Hooper G
P T A Denver Colo
W3V Wi r m v -Tits I
i viteod Ohrapost nnd Me it A ii i at v i idt i iter und Iattounr
foi lilvo Stock Prices ii ceii tun 1 1 u s po in- pound bugs IIITiO
IC ejn fowls htu tlV clir r pirw Ki rfis lay PreventH
iCIllttJ lMUll S 1 O lt Ill J i ll II
ir iiv ugar City Cereal Mills
Norfolk Nebraska
iciiir and pamphlet fee JOS II AS V S Indianapolis Ind
Free from All Disease Breeding Gornis
Important Important Important
It is not only important hut absolutely neccisnry to Imvo pure blood if you
wisli to got rid of Kidney liver or Mludder Troubles Kill the germs purify
tlm blood and the cause is eradicated the disease cured nnd health returns
These little disease breeding germs flout about in impure blood and traveling
throughout the body alight on any spot that is weak and when the Kidneys
Liver or Mludder havo such spots thoy becomo allected Unless killed at once
mid tho blond redeemed from these germs of death they multiply rapidly until
the tissues become ho involved that the organs fuiling to do their duty tho
whole structure sutlers
Kwiirms of these bvintr trerms flmillv cut the miner Iiuiiil destiov thesn deli
cate organs altogether and tho result is deuth One of tho greatest remedies
antiseptic nnd a germ destroyer is Cramer s Kidney and Diver Cure hufo but
sure it goes to lie root of tho evil A vegetable compound scientifically made
especially to act on tiio blood becoming a component part of it destroying all
the living germs of any kind it goes right to the seat of the trouble killing
the little pests and restoring and strengthening the tissues until relief and a euro
is ailected Tho bright eye the appetite and ambition will again bo yours
Ommii Nob April J VM
Ckmiii fm mk i
iuiilB I liiivn Imnn a Knmt Hiiltornr from
knlnn trouliliirt fur kiiiimi li inn I turn mi ImiI
I coiilil in tt lift mi tliini ir ntiiuii nl nil M
uppotitu ttiiit pour niul I wiiii cuiiipliitnl run
down I toot two IhiUIim of Criiinorh Kiilimj
Curo ami nou I am iililo to iln a lii ilnyn uiirk
I liiitu n noil appiililD anil I riiii rtciitiimonii
jour iiiDiliciiin to aiijuni ailliiliil with tiilimy
ilinuiso Hisitv Kiiiicu Nurtli liili St
AinN N V IiiI I um
CiMMrit CurMicti Co
liiitrt I lnun liion a uriiil Hiiirnror front
kiilney ilifllciiltiiin for n iiiiiiiliiirof yiiarrt Havo
taken all Kimln of riinutilein uitlnmt linnndt un
til I lirnnl of ratiinrn Kiilnej Cur 1 Ixiuulit
tun Itottln ami until as ilireistnil with thn monL
k ritifylnt riMilth I am now Ililimlj f run from
liiiniliihii ifrom winch I uasa roiintiuit hiiT
fiimri ami can Mifuly i that by tho coutiiiuml
linn of your valiialiln rnmiily llm woril forniH of
I uIiiijj iIimmmj ran ciirtalul Imi rureif
Vary rnpictfiill
losil ll Mmix Itntail Cliithior
Insist on having GKAMKHS Take no substitute Sold by all druggists
Manufactured by
Missouri Pacific Ry
Iron Mountain Route
To certain
points in
PLUS 200
Octobers and KI
ON TUESDAYS November i and 00
Decembor 1 and lb
Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days
Stop overs will bo allowed within
transit limit of fifteen days going after
reaching first homeseekers point en
For fiirtiij r information or aihertUins mat
tor tililroas nny aijwul of ihucouiiaiior
Southeast Cor litk anil Douslaa St
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
tho disease without exciting disorder in
any other part o tho system
no ccrm rntcct
I Prvrra CoiiKtloni Inflammatlona JS
i Worm Worm 1ovtvr Worm Colic i1
I Terihliiir Colic CrylnrfWakefulneJi iS
of ClilMren or Adult V5
7 CiiiiiiIk CoMi IlroncliItU 11
H VrnriiUla Toothache Faccacho V1
9 llcojiiflic hick llcailache Vertigo 2S
1 0 Ivprpla InillgeatlenWeakOtouiachJI
1 1 Siipiirniil orlaliiful lerioil
1iUhllm Too Profuse lcrloils
1 J roup IariiEilU Hoamouesi 5
1 I Hall Hhruiii Kryilpclas ErupltODd
IS Hlii uiiiatlmii lllieumatlo Palai IS
10 Malarln Clilllt Kover and Ajrue 27
IU nlarrli luducnza Cold lu tho Head -
UO WhuoplimCoiigli US
J7 KIliifvllfne 2i
JH Nenou DfLlllly 100
iO lrlnary UVnhnr Wetting Bed ii
77 Jrlp Hay Fever 25
Dr Humphrey Manual of nU DUeaao at your
DruKk lsts or Mailed Free
Sold by drJknlu or wni on receipt of price
Huniphreya Med Co Cot Wllltaia i Johu bUL
New York