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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1900)
Theflorfolkleuais W N HUSK lubllnlior DAILY Ktory eeV 11 cpiiIi KMnlilirlinl I wJ lnr mrcul Similni Hr citrrlor llj mull pur nn Hllitn or Ootrrnor OlltltUS H 111 TIIKII Tor liloulcnmit imorimr K I Su tor IorSicrntnrj tifSlutn III V M tltsii Ilonlilnutlnl Klcctor liM r WKKK1Y IIXnMlihftl HM Krorr Thitrnlnj MjinnUimr nnr II i0 fKntoroil nt llm VoMolllr nl Norfolk Nnli khiuIc1hm nuiHor Tolophonn No 21 por REPUBLICAN TICKET Niilliimil or Imrlilaul - WuiitM Mc KiMr Ohio lor Vim Iloidilnul - Tiuoimni Hxhimt NotvVork Ailumn Ctmlor lltchnrilBoii Wlil itM Sri pi 1 1 it CiiiiiIiik Kor Autlltnr Ciiaiiiih WiiiTOV Hlioriuiui KorAlliirnii tlnnnnil llHSH N IltOl I lllKD For Iimtl Comnliilimnr Iioiiiii U 1oimiii Nuokolln Tor Hntinrltilntiilnnl of Iulillo Instruction V K rottiitu Viinliintou Ions K NltHIIITl II II VVtNIXIM Knw a lit Kovhi II I II MUM H 1 DttlllHON J MOII I lAOIIMIS John I KKnnkdv John 1 miik X UoiiKronKloiutl lforntrnniiaii Tlilnl District JOHN It 11 tts Norfolk luillrlitl Jorludnn Ninth Dlstrlct J Hot n Antolopo Smmtorliil Tor StiitnSnuntor Wotrmth tllHlrlct V V ocmi Stanton Count j 1 liUnl lor llnprnanutiitlto Tttnnlj Thlnl Wnlrld IoiiIh 1 Hlij MiiiIIboii lor Attornoi Hurl MupDH Noifolk lor CominihHloimr Siiconil District A Ij Cnrtor Noifolk It is vory clear that Nebraska will hIiow a lomnrkablo ohango toward re publicanism this year ami tho fumnti ihts aro quite likely to bo disappointed Mr Hryan in bound to Havo pat t of Ne braska ovou if the balance of tlm coun try doos go for MoKinloy Anyway ho iB devoting a large portion of his tiino to this sttto Ho evidently wnnta a soft Bpot on which to light in a United States senatorhhip from Nebraska Tho Missouri republicans aro showing tho dumociats of that state and tho ring that has been in control of stato nlVairs thoro n warm timo and it will not bo Burpiising if tho old stito rolls into tho republican column thts fall uud tho bolid south will bo brokon Tlio census has disclosod tho fact that thoro aio now moro than fiJSOOO niauu faoturing establishmonts in tho country while in KSHO theio wore WJIS All this inerenso has boon niado in spito of those teuiblo octopuses of which tho fusionihts so trequently ronnnd us Tho follow uig htibstuitiil fanners and buhinoss men of Osmond who oted for Hryun in 1SK announco their attention of supporting Molvinloy this your Nis Nesseu A M Hlockuor T 11 ToUorson J F Sullivan William Lubbers K P Nolbonl 11 Nelson 1 1 Grogory and Hobert Hoss Tliroo travoliiiK mon ono of whom was a doniocrat took a poll of pooplo on tho HurliiiRton train out of Lincoln nml bound for Wynioro Tuesday inorninu Tho rosult with Molunloy 1S Bryan I Wooley 1 and J doubtful Tho democrat said tho poll was a fair ono but wasnt enthused over it vory much tor boiuo reason At Sioux City Gilbert M Hitchcock inado tho assertion that Nebraska would Hivo Bryan a larger majority thm year than hi lSOll Mr Hitchcock miffht cram that ftateinont down tho tluoats of tho people of Iowa who do not under Btand tho hitnatiou but it wouldnt go down with nnyono who has viewed the political Held in this state Mr Bryan Bays this country now htiH 100000 idle Boldiors rather ti question able compliinont to the boys m blue who have been drilling marching and fight ing for their country whonovor called upon Mr Bryan would prolcibly havo them fighting ovory day in tho week wero ho in command and uiaku them earn thoir mnguificeut salariesof hteiu dollars a month Mr Bryan hastened to participate in McKinley militarism when ho aocopted tho colonelcy of tho Third Nebraska lottiug tho governor of Nebraska set aside tho already orgauied hoavy artil lery regiment fafter he had promised them his hearty hnpport toward gotting it in the field Whon he camo homo from Cuba with empty honora his an tagonism to militarism was probably formed Tho Colonel and tho Kinncr Colonel My downtroddou friend are you awaro that the ompiro is rum iug you Farmer Well colonel I told Maria Id go to town and buy her a set of em pire furniture for the bod room today but I reckon twont quite ruin mo Colonel But your liberty is in dan ger Farmer Nots long as I bohave my- V self ninl I olvvav s oalouluto to do that Colonel -Hut my ftlonil tlm trusts with tlm money tt list nt their head urn lioKfrntliiK 3oii rurmor Woll thpjll bo n long tf mo doing it Im In tho money rust my self now Oolonol Hut surely you are nfrnld of tho ravages of the octopus Kurinor I ilont euro n rnp for no octopus its long as tho pasky grasshop pers koop out of tho way Colonel But heros the mortgago Kixnnor Yep lout monoy on ono yes tunlny Colonel But Htiroly you do not np provo of tho lolontiou of tho Iliilip pines Farmer Oolonol whon I got hold of u good thing I lteop hold of it Whon I gotinonoy enough to buy moro land 1 buy It Oolonol Hut my dear sir would you put tho man made dollar iibovu tho God niailo many Farmer No but Id put tho man mtido dollar in tho uiuu mido bank And I must not thoro boforo tho bank HhutH up So you 11 havo to oxouso mo oolonol Oolonol Hut my misguided frloud think of tho declaration Winner How diil you know that Hill Glbblngs mado ono to my hocoiuI daughtor Elly Ann last night Yop and Ivo got to go and price planum and things this aftornuoon Goodbyo Exit sluging Oh 1 liko to hoo a flvo and I Ioyo to soo a ten So ho hero wo go for Molvinloy in again Now York Sun FIGHTING NEAR MANILA InmiiKi iiW All ii k AuiimIiiiii OoIiiwI but Aro DIpoihimI With ln or IUly MIiit Onlpont llriMtit rt Mnuibi Sepl li On Monday night violent Insurgent uttnoks weie made on the United States outposts 111 the distilct near apote bridge Ias IMiias raianiKiiie Itaeoor anil lmus 2 miles south of Manila the scene ol the light ing last October It is estimated that the lebels nunilieied 100 and they woto nrined with lilies The Inhabitants look refuge In the chinches The Americans have since enemetlcallv dispersed the enemy Kill ing and wounding r0 A paity of scouts belonging to tho Twenty tilth Iniantty lauded on the Island of Siimar the Inhabitants and Insurgents tleelug to the mountains They met with but slight icsistaiice and burned a town Last night there was outpost lighting at lactte Inga san and Santa in In Lngunsi piov lnce It Is ropoited that an Aineiican scouting paity discovcied it party of the enemy 111 the piotince ol Nueva Ldja two skirmishes ensuing In which IU of tho natives weie killed Similar brushes havo taken place near linking and Slland in tavllc irov inie and near Ida and Sublg In am lnles iirovlnce the Aiiieticans hating two killed and tbiee wounded Adtkes from the Island of Leyte say Ocneial MoJIcas winks hate been scitteied anil been demoiuliid by Major llciuy T Allen of the Ioity thlid lnfantiy who has vlgoioiisly pur sued the Insurgents in the mount tins ciptuiiug money lilies and stotos CROCKERS IOWA BRIGADE Irntli Annual Kriinlnii IIi kIiii ill Kruknk ttith Itiigi Altiiuliim FCeokuk Ii Sept 27 - The Ulih an nual leuiilon ol IloiUeis lowi In I glide consisting ol the Klct enth Thir teenth riftecnth and SKteeuth icgi nients begun hcie yesterdny with tf lugcr attciulinie than usual Al the business meeting In the aftf noon a proposition to icturn to the state of South Carolina the tlig which Colonel J C Kennedy now of the National home at Milwaukee ciptuied on the lapitol at Columbia was tiually unani mously voted down and the ting will leinaln In the rooms of the Iowa His torical society at Iowa City In the evening n cunpllio was held at whhh many speeches weie made Knch leg Iment held Its own leuulon and elected oUIcers Ittmlnx Pollrt ir itri mlniilliiii London Sept 27 The Times prints coirespondenie lioni New Cliwang de clining the ltussluiib hate killed Indis cilinluntely between lr00 and 2000 Boxers and Chinese civilians men w union and chlldteu both inside and outside of the walls The coriehpond cut adds that fiom all points come ie poitb of tho violation of women and that the Uiusluns are cairyiug out a policy of tho destruction of property and tho extermination of the people in Kui Uhiiu Nearly all the villages have been burned aud the Inhabitants killed For some duyh the coi respondent de clares the boldiery and Cossuiks have been allowed to do what they like TVIniUtorm ut Slirplnir Lenox la Sept 27 A tornado struck Shnrpsburg In this county nbout 8 oclock hist night and wiecked the creameiy two chinches depot Odd Fellows hull and several dwell ings One man w as seriously hut t rroiulntut Ituiicluimu Killtul Hainson Neb Sept 27 Joseph Al bright u prominent Sioux county ranchman was accidentally killed yes terday at his ranch on Uunniug Wuto while moving a house Death or lowu rinnerr Fort Podge la Sept 27 C Dialler one of the eiuly pioneers of Fort Dodge died yesterday of stomach trouble He hud been sick for over a year TIIK NORFOLK NEWS TIIlRMUY SKIT KM IWR li7 II b Several Additional Collieries In Anthracite Region Closed TROOPS HAVE NOTHING TO DO hlrlltoM Itcrrnln 1ioin Vlulrtirn or 1 IiiiIIiiiIIoii ofSuricmlri orCon iinliin mi lltlioi SliltiMiirklun llrn lt clilo lo ii pl Ai Itllnilloii Philadelphia Sept J7 -Tills Is the lltli day of the Illinois slilke and a yet theio Is no liidliatlon of suriender or coniesslon on ell her side In fuel no ovet lines looking to u settlement of the dlnctcnies have been made by either the stilke lendeis or the mine operators Vniloiis propositions of a settlement by uibltiiilloii hate been put forwiiid by persons not dhectly connected with the mining business but thus far piaetloally no progicss has been made in tills direction A most noteworthy Ientuie of the stilke Is the leniaikably good behavior of the stilkcis up to this lime especial ly when It Is considered that uptvaids if 100000 mine workeis are Idle In the untliiaclte legion Tlieie have of course been a few disturbances but none of a chai actor at all mm Ions with the exception of the one at Shenan doah on rlldny last when n stilker was killed dining u dash between a number or Htilkeis and a slieiiffs jfosse Affalis ate quiet throughout the le gion A shooting nlliiiy occulted ncin Scuinton in which three men weie wounded but the participants who wuie Italians weie nil strikers and the a ff nil had no dhect connect Ion with the stilke At a meeting of some 150 or moie employes of Mnrkle Co the piopiietois of a coIIUmv opeinted Independent of the coal cinrying tail roads It was decided to aciept the til ms oiler to arbitrate their differ ences The Cainbiidge mine lit Slienaiidoah closed down yesteulny and the Siinitl klll legion Is now pietty well tied up tlieie being but a few minors at woik in addition to II of the J colllciles opeinted by the IMilladelphia and Heading loinpany Some few mines are woiklug in the Lehigh legion but In the Wtoinlng unil Lackawanna le gions mining Is almost nt a standstill The state Hoops still remain in Schuyl kill county rendezvoused In and niound Shenandoah but as yet their set vices hate not been called upon tor tho suppiessiou of disorder LIGHTNING KILLS FOUR Itoll lilts ii Kiln Itiiitlii Klin 11 ii Lmli r Tout of llilc f Kdtvardsvlllc Ills Sept 27 Light ning struck a kiln at the Hon Carbon brick yunK near hcie jestorday de molishing tho kiln and burying live men under tons ol bilck The killed Isaac Cailock Ciiailos Mather IMiner Chuinlcy and Thomas I la it beck Joseph llm Mini ill was taken out alhe but N bully injuicd Count I icasiiuT Kuliliril Meicoil nl Sept 27 County Tresiiuier Iliur siuer was held up late last night w Idle on his way home anil loiccil at the point of a pistol to go to his ollUe and open the Miult con taining the county funds Alter se em lug SlIiOl or nunc aud some paper the thieves Ioued ltunibiuer into the vault and spuing the combination Fin Impiisoneil man was disovered this mtnnlng In an almost unionscloiiH condition NiKio IjiiiIkmI by UN Otrn linen South Pittsburg Tonn Sept 27 Two negioes passed thiough hcie yes teiday with a uegio bound whom tliey said I bey weie going to hung for an assault committed on n woman by him Ullleois soon pursued and found poitlons of the negios clothing In the woods two miles tiom town on the bmk of a ci eel It is supposed the negio was lynched and thrown Into the clock IViXUrtoiiii Storm Ioairs Terry ln Sept 27 Two persona were killed and ten Injured by the tor nado at Ferguson Tuesday night The stiii in tore up trees carried hot cars fiom the tiuck demolished buildings nnd everv thing in its path The hotel a twostoiy affair was wholly oblit erated and John Lovelndy the pro prietor slightly Injured and his two boys aged 1 and 0 yeurs killed Allium riproHt Agi ut Knlibcil Keokuk la Sept 27 The depot agent of the Adams Lxpiess at thjs plate was nibbed yesteiday of a s 1000 package consigned by a local bank to Salem la Tho package was supposed to have been put in the safe but was missing w hen the depot agent checked out eaily in the moinlng The cute Wfma to be similar to the recent bf Burlington robbery Kautt City llrenicn Iloluru New Yotk Sept 27 Among the pas sengers on board tho steamer Fumes sin which ariived here fiom Glasgow was Ceoige O Hale chief of the Kan sas City lire department and lit of his men This Is part of the representa tion which exhibited at the Purls ex position and won all the contests in which they enteied Itnlx rt Uitimv iniiiltui4 Pretoria Sept 27 Fleld Marshal Lord ltoberts in the piesenco of Lady Hobeits and his daughter lev lowed the Cnmidlnns on the eve of their depart ure It was a biilliunt scene the men who are in excellent health making a splendid appearance - p n La Senorita Ask for the QM SEE THAT THIS W W f I ff V IS BRANDED A W SHOE M 4- I S I v 8 ILOUfci J t 7 m i 8 inch Extra Heavy Sole Low Heel Out-of-Door Boot WAR ON UNJON LABOR Tjpotlit tun is In lor lilit uml Ilucltlcs to Stiil 0000 Kansas City Sept 27 The cam paign or the rnltcd Typothctae against the union label will be ptosecuted more vigotously than ever after Its picscnt convention In Kansas City In many cities oidlninccs have been passed piovldlng that the union label be placed on all city printing In St Louis and Atlanta lue committee stated the oullnances have been le pealed as a lesiilt ot the light on them AL the night session the emergency committee In ought in a lepoit in la vor of uilsing a tund of sOOOO to tight union labor Mfillliif Clinton In Sept 27 At tho resl deuce of the bibles patents Mr and Mrs A McCuUough last night onel 11 P Savage llepubllcan candi date for lieutenant governor of Ne braska and Miss Julia McCuUough weie united in mairiage by Hev L L Miithes of the Piesbyterlan church In the piesenco of lelatlves and Intimate friends Iiijuilcs Kvtmlt In Dfith Wateiloo la Sept 27 L K Illnker received Injuries In escaping from tho Gram restaurant destroyed by tire which icbiilted In his death yesterday tjiion Kettnril 100 Tho readers of tbis paper will bo pleased to learn that there is nt least one dreaded disenso that science has been able to quro in all its stages and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh Curo i3 the only positive cure now known to tho medi cal fraternity Catarrh being a con stitutional disease requires n constitu tional treatment Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken intwially acting directly upon tho blood and mucuous surfaces of the systom thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution aud assisting nature in doing its work Tho proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they oiler ono hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address P J Cheney Co Toledo O Sold by druggists ioc Halls Family Pills aro the best Ililltt uy 1nrm LhiiiIk For In northern Wisconsin the Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway has for sole at low rates and easy terms of payment about 100000 acres of choice farm lauds Karly buyers will securo the advantage of locations on tho mauy beautiful streams aud lakes which abound with il9h aud furnish a never ending and most excellent water supply both for family use and for 6tock Laud is generallywell timbered the soil tortile aud easy of cultivation I Chicago Milwaukee St Paul is- -- K V xx rryf n uh nnnirnniu t nM Wi wm I OUU I ig 7 iJ SEE f S THAr THIS rT v X IS BRANDED f XtlfL ON EVERY A sT k j anuut s m I 11 III y Nt Klbo Kid Light Sole Medium High Heel i Monday Tuesday OCT 1 a iiilliilfonin rontoiilr tt III l0 a We Always Seek to Give Satisfaction in FIT WEAR and PRICE J S i A I f apolis Dnluth Superior Ashland and numerous other thriving cities and towns on the lino of the C St P M O railway and other railroads iu the same territory furnish good markets for farm produce For further particulars address Geo W Bell Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or G H Mac Rae AG P A St Paul Minn BARNES TYLER S II rnos II D Tj lor Attorneys at Law Norfolk Nebraska - - - DRC S PARKER Mast Block DENTIST JR I E SCOBEE Norfolk Nob DR H T HOLDEN Homeopathic Physician aud Surgeon OIIIco Cltlzona Nittloual Until HuIIiliuK Tolmiliunu 101 Sanitarium and Itooiilmico Main anil 13tli St Toluphouo U Norfolk - - Nebraska OSTEOPATH I ST 511 South Oth Stroot Norfolk J J COLE DENTIST OIIIco otor Citizens National Hunk Itn3lilnuc ono block north of utnroutomil church Norfolk Nobroaka JyfAPES HAZEN Attorneys-at-Law Ollico ovor Looinnl Drun Storo Norfolk Nebraska t I yISS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker Up itairD In Cotton block otur Iliiuma storo 1irot china ttork wuarantuud Norfolk Nebraska pOWEKS HAYS Attorneys at Law Itoonia 10 11 ami Vi Muatlblock Norfolk Nebraska M t - - SPENCER OVELMAN Palace Shoe Store QUEEN V s 4 I 2 1 1 1 V v i VIA 1 Fashions Ui 1 0 Ti N Favorite iiuiij tilth morv pair of hIiikh until on tliofo tttoiliitii ttlifrh tilll bo our full iipmiiim or gimoii Juullt uml othur linos of kIiols y n aI see 5 A THAT THIS a I A TnAOtPSMARK 2i V IS BRANDED iv H t snot Medium Sole Squaro Edge Medium Low Heel 7 4 iASSj4HjS Walkover The latest thing in Mens Shoes v V f WBBsjW3i For Ladies Wear QUALITY 1 Is Uuexcelled in Price and Quality I Si4ss4l 34V For Ail Around Wear Kibo Kid and Calf If tt WvvJi i 0111- stock for Fall and Winter Trade is now complete in every rt 5 i A General Favorite IK VvV THAT TH s Vv X2V IS BRANDED i x v2v 0N EvERy ViX w lg SHOE Kibo Kid Medium Heavy Sole Low Heel 55KSv5SxjsSxjryv - line and we can as- sure you that no better line is carried by any house in the West THE PALACE SHOE STORE Two doors West Citizens National Bank NORFOLK NEBR SSSv333S 3SxS 4S jJ gESSIONS BELL Undertakers aud Einbalmere SeB3ious Blk Norfolk- Avo Norfolk Nebraska W M ROBERTSON Attorney at Lair Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson WlgtoD Block Norfolk MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths Rooms on North Ninth Street For Plumbing Steam Fitting Pumps Tanks Wind Mills Aud all work In this lino call ou W H RISH Satisfaction Quarnutoeil rirnv uoor Ol illK IIXILH MitVS UtUco We Have the Power to make prices and wo make tho priceH a power Bond your stops in the direc tion of our gallery and if you do not get somo bargains in Photos Picture Frames und Mouldings blame no one but yourself Escellont is really the modpst term for our goods Wo havo tho seasons novelties fresh and stylish and a great variety from which to make selection All the new right up-to-date Mouuts oro here and if yon nro not quite suro of what you want wo suggest you allow us to talk with you for n few moments even if you are not ready to purchase We may bo able to give you an idea that will bo valuable to you It will bo worth your time to call uud get our puces Yours for bnsiuoss CPMICHAEL NOVELTY Iron and Brass Works JNO E CRONK Manager All klwU of machines fromju latui mntvor to a irhitiiiKirt4 ticcterull rupairoil Hot air btuiiui ami hot ttator hmtiin hpoclnl atton tiou Kitou to lloiler and Kutrino Itupmriug Opp IUBUUllkd Iiiipluiuuut Ilouiti NORFOLK NEBRASKA X s f l