The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 20, 1900, Page 6, Image 6
G The l4oifolll4etJcis Germany is tho latest country to look to tho United States or luar gold Tho people are waiting for tho demo orats to show how thoy will maintain or better existing prosperous conditions Money was never cheaper or moro plentiful tlmn It Is now What reason can bo ascribed for tho democratic pur poo of cutting its valuo In two and do baslnR thoourronoy lion John R Hays la rIvIiir careful nttontion to his fences In tho Third Jdis trlct bulldiiiR now ones and ropalriiiR old that will defy tho ollorts of Mr Robinson to break through It is said that Senator Jones ohnlr man of tho democratic national coin mittce was a former slave ownor and knows full woll how to Rovurn out tho consent of tho Rovornod with- Tho Now Vork domocratio stato con vention promptly sat upon u resolution condomtilnR tho ico trust They didnt caro about having tho family skeleton datiRlod boforo tholr oyes in that prom iscuous fashion Anothor quotation from tho groat enianclpator which Mr Bryan and his followers generously ignore Thoro is no fear or tho pooplo losing tholr liber ties Wo all know this to bo tho cry of domnRORiies and nono hut tho ignorant will listen to it It is plain to bo soon that tho mid road populist Is a thorn In tho fusion flesh that Is most excruciatingly pain ful and cannot bo romovod Every time tho populists hold a convention tholr old time oronlos go Into a fit most painful to behold The fusionists do not like tho Roose velt program a littlo bit Towno tho doposod was early scheduled as a trailer and now it is announced that Mr Bryan himself will speak at a fow points whoro Mr Hoosovolt has provon too popular to suit tho fusion idea Tho pooplo realize that it was not tho gold standard but domooraoy that allod them four years ago and Mr Bryans cross of gold and crown of thorns is so shelf worn that he is ashamed to ex hibit thorn Thoro aro fow who will in sist on him boing Riven tho opportunity to split tho dollar in two Ono can scarcoly piok up an exchange but that chronicles tho visit of ono or moro citizons to Europe Summor resorts this year enjoyed n phonomonal patron ago and travel is largo over all main railway lines This is another indica tion of prosperity hard to dony but some fusion blow hard will probably make an effort to do so Charity begins at homo If it is a good thing for tho Filipinos Porto Rioans and Cubans to have umiualified liborties of government why not dear cousistant democrat accord tho samo rights to tho disfranchised governed without thoir consent and taxed with out representation people at homo Show that you can bo consistent for ouco Tho World Horald heads a telegraphic nmiouncoinont Mack is at homo How elevating and refined it is to speak of tho president thus ovou in tho nows columns Snpposo republican papers would speak of Bryan commonly as Bill wouldnt that Omaha champion of all that is good puro aud noble throw some fits in tho interests of tho common people A W Lidd editor of tho Albion News has been named by tho republi cans for state senator in tho Ninth dis trict Mr Ladd is a vigorous and popu lar writer an earnest worker in tho re publican cause aud a man who will malto votes whoro others would lose Hos a winner and Tiik News extends congratulations Tho republicans of that district aro to bo connnouded for their wisdom and foresight Tho democrats who wero fighting for high prices for farm products in lSUi now depend on creating dissatisfactiou in the cities over those high prices which have prevailed under a republican ad- Another paramount issue might lo taken up by democracy and a war waged agaiust tho deadly bauuna peel Therei is at least ono iustuuee to prove its fatal qualities A woman at St Louis slipped on one broke her leg aud suffered such a shock to her system that she died two hours afterwnrd Tho perils of the bauuna peel would bo a fruit ful topio mid should bo immediately linod up with imperialism and militarism Everything that threatens tho common people bhould bo suppressed Down no we mean into the sewei with tho bauaua peel The Tecumseh Tribune iudepeudent is another paper that recognizes u good aud milllciont cause to quit fusing It siys Wo hoard a democrat say a fow days uro that up In Dodgo county tho democrats had majorities ranging as high as 800 previous to I sill but for tho past fow Joars or at least slnco thoy be gan fusing with any old thing tho county has been Rouorally carried by tho republicans Thoso who fail to seo tho decline of tho rnsion sentiment will bo undeceived all along tho lino this fall and will readily recognize thnt ono party with ono set of principles is stroiiRor than a fusion owanizatlon tryliiR to straddle ovor three sots and retain ait appoaranco of consistency Tho host evidence that imperialism is not upon us is tho freedom with which tho fusion press continues to score tho prosidont iind his policios They would not bo permitted to use tho samo languago and methods in any other country on tho globo There is no worso Imperialism than that evi denced by tho fusion supremo court of Nebraska which la unrivalled in its efforts to silonco n froo press IJut thoy evidently bollovo boforo this that tho press aud speech is froo in tho United States according to popular sontlinont and will remain so Thomas 12 Watson who rati en tho populist ticket as candidate for vico prosidont with Brynn four yoars nRo recently wirod tho Missouri World published at Chillicotho in roply to an inquiry whotbor or not ho was support Iiir Mr Bryan for tho presidency as follows Tho statement that 1 am supporting Bryan is untrue Mr Watson was so strongly a populist that tho domocratio olVorts to budgo him from tho ticket wero unavailing and ho is not now assisting a democrat to ofllce Thoro aro plenty of populists of tho samo mind today who will voto their own or tho republican ticket Tho Cripple Creek Times Citizen a fusion paper of Colorado admits that complete and harmonious fusion in that stato is necossary to defeat tho Mclvin ley ticket with Senator Wolcott at tho head and scores tho leaders of tho fusion parties because that brand of harmony was not in ovidonco by recont conven tions hold in Donvor What n change in sentiment sinco ISM At that timo it would bo scarcely safe for a man to mention Molvinloy and ho recoived but 20000 votes to Bryans 150000 Tho peoplo iu Colorado must bo very sensible Thoy roaiizo thoir mistake of four yoars ago and it will tako all tho ouorgios and vagaries of the fubiouists to keep thorn from reversing thoir position on national questions A fusion paper not ninny milos from Norfolk scores those who will criticise a publio ofllcial iu tho following laugnngo Thoro is a fascination about politics a subtlo charm that is more potent than those prepared by tho wise men of old Yet tho puorilo pickayunish objections that aro soiuotimos raised against a pub lio otlicial and used as arguments against him aro almost enough to make a man swear oil aud oschow politics for ever It is likely that tho editor thought not of Prosidont MeKinloy when ho was writiup but ono can readily sue how applicable it is to fusion sheets generally and their courso toward tho president Tho merits of tho caso seem to depond entirely upon whoso ox is gored It is notable that those roally great doniociatic statesmen who havo changed front sinco ISiKlaro directing their ener gies iu denunciation of President Mo Kiuley aud his policies but thoy do not say a word endorsing Bryan and his is sues Thoy believe McKinley bad but cannot promise that Bryan will bo bet ter Come gontlomen if you oudorse Bryauism why dont you say so How is tho country to bo benefited by his election It may bo all right to coudomn a polioy but with whnt will you substi tute it An omplover is justified iu dis charging a bad man but hardly sensible if ho gets a worso ono iu hi stead buow up a few recommendations for Mr Bryan aud his application will bo considered by tho people W R Hearst editor of tho New York Journal Chicago American Sun Fran cisco Examiuer et al is a friend of xpansiou especially in tho latter paper iiich is published in the territory that will bo especially benefited Ho has ministration Every farmer and every J stopped agitating his convictions for the community dependiug on tho prosperity of the farmer should see that this seuti nient is uot endorsed at tho polls Thoy canuot afford to lend their nssistauco toward inaugurating nnother ora of falling prices To the fow that prosper under such conditions hundreds fail present but tho records are back of him In April 1S99 an issuo of tho Examiner continued a warning to Mr Bryan ou tho expausion isbuo It said Mr Bryan may think ho is close to the peoplo and that his silly talk about imperialism moves them but ho will soon flud out that Americans aro as much in favor of expansion todiy as they wore when they applauded tho acquisition of tho Louisiana territory by that noted imperialist Thomas Jutlor sou The Norfolk banks aro steadily aud surely gaining in importance as finan cial mstitutious a fact of considerablo interest to those who admire sound bus iness policies aud to whom tho prosperity of tho banks in accepted us a faithful barometer of the business conditions of the community The statements pub lished yesterday and today reveal a coiubiutd busiues3 of more than three quarters of a million dollars iu oxact figures 790090 80 agaiuBt a showing THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 201000 mado two months ago of 75730029 or again iu two months of 3S7Sll When it is considered that but about 10 years ago Norfolk was not in existence and tho country around was n raw prairie tho wonderful development and possibilities of tho country may bo realized To assist pooplo to a full understand ing of tho following slurring insinua tion on Captain Brown from tho Times Tribune it will porhap bo necessary to add ho was a nionibcr of Col Bryans regiment although unllko tho colonel ho didnt resign his commission with his forces still In tho field J It Brown formerly of this city but now of Wukoflold bus boon nominated for senator to run against Tom Ziegler of HartliiRton Ho didnt got a ohanco to di much fighting during tho Into war but ho Is loading a mighty forlorn hope now and will loso his scalp in making it Aro all tho soldlors of tho Third regiment to bo rovilod by tho fusion press and tho colonel who tictod loss tho tho soldier of any of- thorn bo allowed to slip through without a word of criti cism Tho domocrats claim tho exclusive privilogo of worshiping Abraham Lin coln during this campaign but thoy aro very choico of that oiniuont statesmans quotations For instanco hero is ono that has not yot boon uoticod in a fusion oxohango aud which was undoubtedly brought from tho vory depths of tho groat mans heart Ho who dissuades ono man from voluuteoriug or induces one soldier to dosort weakens tho causo as much us ho who kills an Amoricun soldier in battle Must I shoot a simple niiudod soldier boy who desorts while I must not touch a hair of tho wily agita tor who inducos him to desert This is nono tho loss injurious whou effected by getting father or mother or friend into a public meeting and thoro working upon his feelings till ho is porsuaded to write tho soldior boy that ho is lighting a bad causo for a wicked administration of a contemptiblo government I think tint in such a caso to silonco tho ag itator and savo tho boy is not only con stitutional but withal a great niorcy Tho follow who has tho presumption to claim that conditions aro moro pros perous than under the Cleveland admin istrntiou is ft liar or something worso Tho fusionists say so Anyone with both oyes closed both cars stopped up and a bad cold in tho smollor can see that there aro moro failures in business in Norfolk moro mon out of work wages lower interest higher moro empty business houses moro families suffering less money iu banks and in pocket books farmers ground under op pressive prioes nud the wholo peoplo going to tho domuition bow wows with tho speed of thought Horrible Aw ful It is necessary to voto for Bryan to chaugo it To the ills of labor ho prom ises tho following remedy Farm As will bo assisted to pros perity as follows And the people in general will bo ben efited by tho following wiso euactmouts looking to their prosperity In caso any of those methods are doubted yell Imperialism This is always a sure winner and- will serve to confuse if it dont convince Dont allow anyone to bamboolo you with prosperity facts You are not prosper ous but simply under tho influence of a pipe dream The republicans in this vioiuity par ticularly aro characterized by their in difference to political issues aud unless thoy arouse themselves to action thoy aro likely to live to regret it They are imbued with the belief that their poli cies are secure that everything is com bining to convince the people that this is a good administration and that they will heartily ondorso it at tho polls this fall Thoy are counting however with out their hosts The democrats aro alivo and active They stop at nothing to convince voters that a change is needed Thoy work on their sympathies thoir prejudices thoir passions They use worn out aud refuted orgumeuts Thoy solicit voters They beg thorn to identify thomselves with the cause nud as a result they aro accomplishing some thing It is a fact that thoy have been making inroads on tho republican vote and nro getting things to come thoir own way In 1891 republicans had plenty of time to attend meetings and work for tho ticket This fyenr they offer the excuse that they aro too busy which is undoubtedly true but to main tain the conditions that keep them busy nud prosperous it will be necessary to devote some timo to politics or tho day will again bo at hand when thoy will luvo more timo than thoy need to de vote to politics Democrats do not claim that their success will nieau tho nittiuuuuuneo or improvement ou pres ent prosperity Their arguments are very foreign to thnt subject Repub licans are harmonious but victory re quires action An ounco of preventive is worth a pound of euro a littlo work and interest at this timo willbo much better thau an abundance of tho samo qualities when they realize what has been lost In the name of sound busi ness in tho hope for repubhenu 6uccess all along tho lines at tho polls this fall in the interest of continued prosperity The Niws urges tho republicans of Norfolk aud vicinity to pull off their coats roll up their sleevos aud get to work iu the interest of tho ticket A O U W IJUIMMNfl AT TIIK IAN AMEIUCAN EXPOSITION 11UFFALO N Y 1001 Now York bets aro still at a ratio of moro than two to ono in favor of MoKin loy aud agaiust Bryan Thoro is plouty of money oasy to got and any of it is as good as tho best in tho world Do you want its valuo cut iu two Give Mr Bryan a chanco and ho will create n panic that will oxcol that ex perienced under Olovoland If you do not beliovo this just elect him aud see if tho prediction is not fulfilled It is very risky to voto ngainst exist ing conditions when thoso conditions aro marked by prosperity and happiness to tho vast number of peoplo Can you afford to bo dictated to by a man or sot of men who assert that there is no pros perity nud do uot promise nny Tho Indianapolis Nows is convinced that if Nebraska peoplo aro sonsiblo enough to support thoir best interests thoy will voto for a continuance of Me Kinloy times and not be misled by tho vagaries of Bryan nud his scarecrows It says Nebraska has not been act iug well considering that it is Mr Bryans stato Iu 1897 it paid off 19 000000 of mortgages in 1803 49000 000 last year 7S000000 a totnl of 140000000 In 1890 there was 176- 000000 in mortgages in Nebraska So tho payments in tho last three years in that stato have been only 150000000 less than tho wholo mortgage indebted dess of tho stato ten years ago Mean while tho farm lauds havo greatly in creased in value It ought to bo pretty difficult for any man or party to con vince peoplo who havo been ablo to manage their business in this fashion that they are sufYeriug and what they need is a currency system knocked to pieces and iu its place free silver at 10 to 1 It not only ought to bo pretty difii cult but it will bo difficult In fact wo believe it will bo impossible Tho World Herald of Wednesday gave an interview ot a couplo of sticks to Doc Middletou of a roputatiou iu Ne braska similar to that of Jesse James on tho political situation Tho Doc who was onco famous as horse thief gambler saloon keeper aud ull uround outlaw now hails from Ardmore S D where ho is running a cattle ranch This worthy and truthful citizen is quoted by tho World IIornld as saying in part So far as national politics are con cerned it will be a landslide for Bryan if tho eastern part of tho country will do as well as tho west Doc Middletou declaros aud from all ho has heard he is satisfied that tho present administration is going to get turned under by more votes than there ovor wero grasshoppers in the stato of Nebraska In his section of tho couutry he declares everything seoms to bo ouo wny this year and that way is pointing straight for Bryan and for rolling up a good big majority against tho republican stato ticket Tbo World Herald lacks a few of mak ing its causo perfect It should inter view Frank James Bash of Wayno county and n fow other patriotio citi zens whoso sympathies belong entirely with Aguiualdo and his baud J S Morrow has favored The News with a copy of tho Muncio Ind Morn ing Nows au eight page publication full of nows and live ads and devoted thoroughly to the ropublicau cause Tho paper qaotes Ex Cougressmnu Owen Scott of Decatur 111 a life long democrat mid a personal friond of Mr Bryan as follows Bryan is conscien tious uud determided to do tho right ns ho sees it A resoluto man with n rug ged conscience and false policy is the most dangerous Thoso who know Mr Bryan personally as I do respect his purity of private oharactor but fear his unbeudiug determination to carry his purposes into oxecution If olooted ho would hnvo free silver if by moving heuvou and earth ho could socuro it Ho would carry out ovory plank of tho Chicago platform if ho had tho powor Ho would organize a cabinet which would construe tho law according to his notions Altgeld as secretary of the treasury Tillman as attorney general Joues ii9 secretary of state Georgo Fred j Williams as secretary of the interior Jorry Simpson ns secretary of agricul ture with others of like views would make hnvoo of tho affairs of tho couu try for four years Bryans sincerity is blameless but daugerous on his plat form Present Prices Under tho gold standard pricos nro as certain to fall as a stouo which is thrown into tho nir This declaration tnken from tho writ ings of that omiuont seer William Jon uiugs Bryan was selected as a text of a fow romnrks ou prosperity by tho Ro publicau some weeks ago Tho Phono graph sallied bravely forth to defend tho prognostication of its patron saint ex plaining that present conditions aro ab normal aud that no fair average can be struck for at least ten years Not satis fied with this however it tried a new tack last week and while admitting everything tho Republican has claimed with reference to enhanced prices it makes n lnbored nttompt to provo that tho trusts have been the principal beneficiaries and thnt the poor down trodden farmer has not enjoyed n fair share of tho increase The Phonograph says Galvanized barb wire costs 250 to 3 more t hau in 1S90 It reqiires 25 per cent moro wheat to buy n stove than in 1S95 You havo to pay 33 per cent moro for lumber than you did iu 1S9G It tnkes one half more of corn to buy a coil of rope than it did in 1890 It tukes from 10 to 25 per cent more grain to buy farm implements than it did in 1895 It takes two dozen more eggs to buy the snmo weight of sugar that you got for a dollar in 1S90 The Republican has investigated tho local markets during tho past week aud it hns learned some things One of tbcin is that the Phonograph either doeuit know what it is talking about or that it is engaged in another deliberate attempt to deceive In 1S90 gnlvauized barbed wire sold at 290 per 100 pounds it now sells for 3 15 per 100 A man would be com pelled to buy from 1000 to 1200 pounds in order to pay tho increase mentioned by the Phonograph It would have re quired 290 bushels of 10 ceut corn to pay for 1000 pounds of barbed wire in 1S90 105 bushels will do the trick now so the barbed wire trust isnt getting any the best of the corn grower Stoves have advanced sinco 1890 about 10 per cent wheat has advanced during tho same period more than 00 per cent Problem How can it require 25 per cent moro wheat to buy n stovo thau it did in 1S90 Two-by-four scantliug cost 20 per 1000 feet in 1890 the present price is 23 nu increase of 15 per cent Drop siding cost 25 per 1 000 feet in 1890 tho present price is 30 and increase of 20 per cout White cedar fence posts cost about 12 cents npiece in 1890 and the price is tho samo today Flooriug cost 25 per 1000 feet in 1890 the pres ent price is 30 an increase of 20 per cent Sheeting cost 20 in 1590 the present price is 23 an increaso ot 15 per cent Shingles nro the samo price ns in lbOO 325 per 1 000 Where is tho Phonographs iucroaso of 83 per cent on lumber A sixty pound coil of ropo in 1890 would hnvo cost tho farmer 3 Had he pnid for it with 10 ceut corn thirty bushels would hnvo been required The snmo ropo is now worth 4 05 Paid for in 30 cent corn fifteen nnd one half bushels would be required Instead of one half more com being necessary tho farmer can buy almost twice ns much ropo with tho samo quautity as ho could during the halcyou low priced days of 90 There has beou an iuoreaso in tho price of farm implements but tho state ment that it requires 25 per cent moro grain to buy them is grossly exaggerated The increase is by no means propor tionate to tho oiihnuced value of xuost farm products Fifty bushels of wheat would havo been required to pay for n sixteeu inch plow four years ago to day the samo plow can bo bought for thirty two bushels of wheat or its equiv alent Sugar was selliug seventeen pouuds for a dollar in 90 eggs 7 cents n dozen Fourteen dozen eggs would have bought sovonteou pouuds of sugar Sugar is now fourteen pounds for a dollar eggs 18 conts a dozen Nino nndone third dozen eggs will buy tho samo quautity of sugar that it required fourtoeu dozon to buy in 90 Three dozon eggs would havo boughta pouud of coffee four yoars ago now loss than half that number will do it Three dozon eggs would havo bought a pound of smoking tobacco in 1890 two dozen eggs will buy it now Four dozen eggs would buy ten f pounds of oatmeal in 90 two dozen ogg will buy it now A bushel of ryo will buy five yards of giugham now it would buy only two iu 90 A bushel of wheat will ouy seven nnd one half yards of calico now it would buy ouy five yards four years ago Five bushels of corn will buy n pair of shoes now that would have cost twelve aud one half bushels in 1890 Since 1S90 the prico of eggs has in creased approximately 100 per cent butter 50 per cent hay 20 per cent wheat 02 per cent oats GO per cent ryo 150 per cent corn 200 per cent The man Avho in tho face of these facts will attempt to convince tho farmer that he is not getting a fair shuro of prosperity must be either blind or dishonest Let us hope that it is tho former St Paul Republican The Creightou Nows populist is out squarely against tho fusion nominee for congress in this district in the follow ing emphatic statement The politi cal sky is far from being clear iu this district for John Robinsons this fall His utter disregard interests of his friends in the coming home to him ouly too Whilo the News has supported election for the past is keenly sou for district judge nud for congress with tho full measure of its strength for tho sucoess of the party it has arrived at a point where it will not support its open enomies Knox couuty has pulled this selfish political pirate out of tho firo mom than once nud when he is asked to favor auy citizens of this county iu any way politically ho has always opposed them When Deviuo was nominated by tho populists Robin son opposed him when the democrats uomiunted Keiper Robinson exerted no effort to secure his election and when Maxwell was a caudidnte that was no concern of Robinson It mattered littlo to him whether Mr Maxwell was suc cessful or not John Robinson has always been for self and to with tho hiudermost If thore is n devil in the third congressional district wo believe that John Robinson is he Wo havo nlwnys been taught that if wo wanted to bo saved wo should keep out of tho clutches of the devil consequently our offorts during this campaign will bo waged against the re election of John S Robinson whom we deem unworthy of the slightest support at our hands In doiug our duty in faith to our adopted party aud to tho uatiou at large labor ing in tho interests of equal rights and justice between man aud man and for tho interests of thiB district the Nows fails to see wherein we oau maintain our independence by establishing n monarchy and putting John S Robinson in possession of the key to tho kingdom John S Robinson is to tho fusion party what Geo E Dorsey was to tho re publican paity a caucer ou the body politic YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT Michaels Studio Wo shall bo pleased to see you oven if you do not need any work iu our lino Como iu aud get acquainted and see our lovely line of photos where you will find tho very latest in styles of mounts and liuish All work guaranteed satis factory Wo havo a lino line of Oil Paintings Water Colors Pastol and Crnyou Work A largo stock of Pic ture Frames and Mouldings Amateur supplies always on hand aud vour work dono prompt and reasonable Yonr trade is wanted at tho finest gallery iu this country Yours for Business C P MICHAEL f i