The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 20, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    f IMDK
Go Over Ex Trcasurcr Wildes
Fee Books
County Will Help Hiittln Crrrlt initio n
Ituml NnmliiTiif ttllln Wero Allouoit
Morn NiM ln Unlit unit
Ollirrn Ililit hir
Madison Neb September 11 1100
At 1 n m board of county commission
ursof Mudlflon county stato of Ne
braska met pursuant to ntljonrntnont
Present 11 W Winter 1 1 Hughes
nntlOltrlfit Sohmltt
Minutes of tho last mooting wero
read and on motion approved
Tho report of J A Simpson state
examiner on tho condition of tho treas
urers oflleo for tho two and oiio liulf
yoars between July 1 1817 and January
1 1100 n condensed statement of wliloh
followH waH taken up for consideration
Mr Simpson found tho total rocolptH
from all BOnrcos to bo
Paid stato treas
urer redemp
tion of warrant h
etc 11115548
Salary deputy hire tlilDDS
Balance 5854
liiaio8ii iaioBi
Mr Simpson iulln Tho above bal
nnco is tho tlilVeronco in tho fees ro
tained and what should ltavo boon Jro
tained It is duo to Mr Wildo to say
that whilo ho has retained more foos
than ho should ho has usod n part to
pay expense itoms that Bhould havo been
paid out of tho general fund
Mr Wlldo being prosont ho showed
ly his feo book that tho balanco of
frST 4 clnlinod by Mr Simpson was
covered by amounts paid by ordor of tho
board of commissioners for extra help
and othor olllco oxpouBOB That tho
name was shown on tho feo book and
duly approved by tho board
A coinmittoo from Battle Crook con
HisthiK of Herman Hogrofo Otto H
Maas and Thomas Wntlo appeared bo
foro tho board to Bolioit aid in shading
public road running south of Battlo
Crook Thoy gunrnntooing to furnish at
leant 100 worth of work if tho county
would do tho propor thing On motion
tho board agreed to furnish elevating
grador with two inon and two teams
and pay 250 whou coinmittoo make sat
isfactory report to show that tho amount
of guaranteed work has been douo
On motion board ndjournod to 7 10
p in
Board met at 7 K p m
On motion tho following bills woro
A W Tillotson boarding nnd nurs
ing Mrs Mary Woods from July 7 to
Septembers tln0
Edwards it Bradford Lumber Co
Norfolk lumber for bridges 1251 Ol
Wm Krueger hauling dirt to bridge
Karo Bkh meat for paupor 350 ap
plied on personal tax
Madisou Chronicle job printing 12
Irwin llodsou Co pons sl50
Fremont Tribune filing casos 250
Win Batos fees hi enso of state vs
Frank Davis state vs Fred Ayors state
vs Loroy Alyea nnd coustablo and wit
ness foes in above cases 2205
Wm Bates judges aud witnoss foes
in case of state vs Cornelius Schmidt
B A Melon work on bridge 1100
L M Johnson work on bridge 000
Olo Johnson work on bridgo 25100
L W Lvon work with grador lS2
II W Winter cash to pauper 102
J B Fichter 1 wolf scalp 2
J F Altstadt work on bridges 211
Christ Marxsou work with grader
1500 applied on personal tax
O W Crum salary for August and
olllco expenses 10DU0
Western Wheeled Scrapor Co wheel
cto for elevatiug grader 5100
Gus KftuJ salary for August 1000
Thos Ostergnrd Co lumber for
bridges 14i25
Frank Deuel 4 wolf scalps 8 00 ap
plied on personal tax
O E Gossard treatment and medi
cine for prisoners 500
O A Coons Co paint etc for
jail 575
Ernest Hartniau work ou bridge
488 applied on personal tax
Ou motion board adjourned to meet at
8 a m nnd view road north of town
Board met pursuaut to adjournment
On motion following bills were allowed
Canton Bridge Co steel span bridge
between Madison aud Antelope county
Canton Bridge Co five bridges
W C Elley livery hlro for county
offlcials from Oct 1 18J to date 24
D D Brunson livery hire for county
eurveyor county attorney etc i 25
Christ Schmitt freight paid 5101
G F Miles work on delinquent tax
list from July 1st to date K00
John Hughes salary etc 12810
Christ Schmitt 6alury etc 111 8r
H W Winter salary etc 104 SO
Ole Johuson bridge work 1800
Robert Bom bridgo work 5 25
On motion the clerk wns instructed to
notify Canton Bridge Co to build a 20
foot bridgo with 18 ft red rp lar pilinp
on county line at sect i
40 foot bridgo with three ft anil six
0 ft rod cedar piling on thu south lino
of section according to cnntriict
On motion board adjoumoil ninn dlo
Illlli HAlMlt
Comity Olork
John B BarncB will go to Fremont
Miss Cass waH a oily visitor yestorday
from Pierce
A J Whlttlkor or Winsido was a
city visitor yesterday
Mrs II L Snydur wan n passenger
for Omaha this morning
Ernest Halm and family of Buttlo
Creek woro city visitors yesterday
Miss Martha Parker loft today for
Omaha to iiRsumo her dutiod as teachur
Manager G T Spreohor went to Mad
ison yesterday to fix up tho telephone
J Chaiincoy Ohilds will leavo tomor
row for Lincoln to resume his studies in
tho university
Olydo Hammond rotnrnod to Peru
today to attend a ll months form in thu
state normal school
Hov J P Mueller goes to Bancroft
tomorrow to preach tho dedication ser
mon in a now Lutheran church
Ono of tho twins of Mr and Mrs Al
bert Maas a girl born Tuesday has
died and was buried yesterday
Miss Verona Nonow entertained tho
Johnson clerks at tea Wednesday even
ing at hor homo ou South Sixth btroet
J W Hose traveling auditor of tho
American Boot Sugar company is in
tho city again on business for his com
Thos Hull has quit work at tho hos
pital for tho insiuio nnd will work in tho
sugar factory during tho coming cam
Prof J M Pile prosidont of tho No
brnskn Normal oollego at Wayne was in
tho city ovor night on his way to tho
Madison fair
Rev and Mrs F P who
havo boon visiting Norfolk friends for
sovoral days returned to their homo in
Osmond today
Ghus R Hays lenvos tomorrow for
Iowa City where ho will finish his law
courso this coming year in tho Iowa
stato university
Mrs Miunio Kelso daughter of W
W Roborts who camo up from Grand
Island to attend tho funeral of Mamie
Roberts returnod homo today
Guy Alexander formerly of this city
but now of Choyonno Wyo is in Nor
folk visiting friends and will go from
horo to Lincoln to nttoud tho university
iv cniiiy nnu urenry winu irom uio
southwest and somo showers of rain
this morning woro a romiuder that the
changes of weather attoudant upon tho
autumnal equinox are hero
John Krnntz proprieter of tho old
Davenport barn on North Fourth street
took llrst prize ou a carriage team ex
hibited nt tho Madison county fair
yesterday Tho team is a beauty and
no mistake
Messrs G A Lnikaat nnd Louis Ses
sions woro out today soliciting subscrip
tions for tho roliof of tho storm sufferers
nt Galveston Texns They wnnted to
rniso 100 to send in nt onco and will
undoubtedly be successful judging by
tho list of subscriptions they secured
this forenoon
Tho American Express company has
indicated a willingness to transport free
of chnrgo to tho sufferers of tho Gnl
veston disaster whntever money cloth
ing or other supplies may becoutiibuted
to their roliof The oiilce at this place
has received notification of tho com
panys action and will be glad to receive
for transportation such relief supplies
Tho Wesleynu mnlo quartet sang to u
good audieuco nt tho M E church Inst
night nnd proved very eutertniniug
The ensemble numbers proved the most
populnr nlthough the solos by Messrs
lloso and Farmer woro well rocoived
Mr Israels recital of David Harums
horso trade nnd Mr Irelnuds whistling
solo wero especially pleasing Xenrly
every number wns vigorously encored
This vicinity experienced today what
might be the nfter results of the Galves
ton storm Tho wind commonced blow
ing n regular galo from tho south nnd
about noon it developed wonderful force
No damage was done but it was not n
pleasure to be out in it by nuy means
The barometer this morning wns re
ported at 20512 being n considernblo
drop nnd tho disturbnnce iu ntmos
pherio conditions was correctly foretold
What may develop later in the day
along the weathor Hue is a subject of
some conjecture
Theodore Roosevelt who is to address
the people of Norfolk nnd vicinity on
the afternoon of October 4th enme into
prominence as an euemy of corruption
the bosses and skulduggery gouernlly in
New York nud was elevated to tho gov
eruorshipou his record in that line
He is strictly speaking a friend of the
people and tho success of his present
speaking tour attests that what ho lias
beeu to New York the people wuut him
to become to the untion The F E
M V railroad has made n rato of ono
faro for the rouud trip to and from Nor
folk on that occasion nnd other roads
will probably be as liberal The pros
pects are for a big crowd and a Bpleudid
i e
Proposed to Give the Next Vice
President a Big Audience
1lutforni for Hpoiikcr Stand to bo Krrctcil
Noiir tlm Cor n it of Fourth mill Mitln
HtriitK l II Hull to bit Itrptilillriiu
trotn SntnrilnyH Dully
Tho MoKinloy Roosevolt club mot at
tho law olllco of Mnpcs fc Huzon last
evening pursuant to adjournment
The first regulnr business to c6mo before
the club wns tho report of tho committee
on hall Ah tho result of such report
the G A R hull was routed and the
tlmo of meeting changed from Friday
to Thursday night ench week Tho
headquarters will bo open nt nil hours
of tho day except each nltemnto Satur
day nftornoon
Tho coniinltteo on vice presidents re
ported nominating tho following named
who wero elected First ward W 11
Witlaman Second ward Clydo E
Kisloy Third ward L O Mittolstatlt
Fourth wnrd J L Horshiser Outside
J F Hepperly
Mr W R Hoffman was authorized to
orgnuizo a rough rider brigado of boys
ranging in ages from 12 to 15 years old
under tho sanction of tho club
A committee to solicit funds was
solectod consisting of G W Braasch
L L MoKim II M Roborts D F
Sidlor and J O Aid
Tho executive committeo was author
ized to invito Hon W W Young can
didato for senator from thiB district to
spoak at tho next meotiirg of tho club
Thursday evening September 20 nud
also to nrrango for music
IZxecutlva Voiiimlttoo
A mooting of tho executive committeo
of tho MoKiuloy Koosovelt club wns
hold at Tin Niws olllco at oclock this
morning to nrrango for tho Roosevelt
meeting to bo hold horo October 4
It was decidod that tho meotiug will
bo hold nt tho corner of Fourth nud
Main streets nud that n speakers plat
form bo orocted next to Karo Brothers
meat market J II Van Horn nnd W
II Law woro selected a committeo to
provide tho platform
A committee on decorations wns ap
pointed consisting of N Hills J S
McClary aud W H Rish
A committeo on music consisting of
C W Bniasch M C Wnlkor nud P F
Sprechor was appointed
Motion prevniled that Hon John R
Hays bo invited to introduce Roosevelt
Tho executive committeo arranged to
havo posters printed announcing the
meeting as soon ns plans now undor
way for tho special trains hnvo been
Judge Coues is a city visitor from
Piorco today
Mrs Keut was a city visitor yesterday
from Battle Creek
Miss Bessie Cooloy returned Inst
evening from Lynch
G B Durland was a business visitor
to Oakdalo yesterday
Prof D O OConnor returned this
morning from Rnndolph
Miss Rose Hughes of Battlo Creek
wns n city visitor yeBterday
Mss Eleanor Coffeene left this morn
ing for Council Bluffs Iowa
Mr nud Mrs S K Sloano were city
visitors yesterday from Pierce
A W Gilbert of Croighton passed
through the city this morning
E B Kenyon made a business trip to
Foster and Plainviow yesterdny
A A Dasmer of Croighton was a bus
iness visitor in tho city yesterdny
Mrs B W Fisher is on tho sick list
nt her homo on South Tenth street
Ozro Vnn Houteu of Lenox Iown is
visiting J F Hepperly whilo on his way
to Idaho
Miss Hildreth SisBon has departed for
Dolewaro Ohio to enter tho Wesloynn
Miss Kntherino Shaw left todny for
Omaha to enter Brownell hall for a
course of study
Miss Winnie Hartley will leave this
evening for Tildeu to assume hor duties
in tho schools of that city
Mr Patterson n of B
W Fisher from Victor Col is expocted
here touight to mnke a visit
The 8 monthsold ohild of Mr nnd
Mrs Wm Havermnu was buried Sun
day Rev Wm Hoeltzel ofliciating
Conductor Fox of the Union Pacific
is taking a layoff this week and Con
ductor Hugh Comptou is tnklug his run
Rev Wm Hoeltzel left yesterday for
the southern part of tho stato and will
preach nt missionary services tomorrow
Dnvid Bnum bns returned from his
trip to New York and tho east where ho
went to purchase his fall aud winter
Mrs A T Birchard returned today
te her home in Marshalltown Iowa
after a pleasant visit with relatives and
friends hero
Tho weather bureau promises a pos
sible frost tonight and housewives will
do well to protect whatever plauts they
may from its possible effects
Miss Mullen who has been 6ick for
sovernl days this week resumed her
duties In tho public schools yesterday
Miss Mason substituted for her
Invitations havo been received by
friends in Norfolk to tho wedding of
Fred Scheer and Miss Tilda Iauch
daughter of ChaB Iauch of Bnzilo MIIIb
which is to tnko plnco on tho 20th
Bishop Merrill who Is to preside over
tho North Nebraska M E conference
session to bo held in thlB city next week
has boon directing tho Nebraskn confer
ence in session at Nebraska City this
Tomorrow closes tho present confer
ence year at tho Methodist church Rev
Main will occupy his pulpit in the
morning nnd Dr Slsson will preach in
tho o veiling Tho conference will meet
tho following Tuesdny
Chris Nielsen of Columbus wns this
week brought to tho asylum by Deputy
Sheriff Smith and Jerry Cnrrig of Platto
county NiolBon iB under tho impres
sion that ho 1b wanted for tho murder
of Theodore Durrnnt iu Cnlifornia
A flno timo is untioipnted at tho Mad
ison county reunion of soldiers and
sailors to bo hold nt Battlo Creek Thurs
day Friday mid Saturday of next week
Good speaking aud musio la promised
Touts hay and wood will bo furnished
freo to campers
Onus Moorcko has gono to Canada to
look up a homestead nud enter it Ho
will lenvo Ins family hero until ho has
located nud provided a homo It is snid
thnt thnt country hnB very liberal homo
stond laws and every mnu over 18 yenrs
of ago may Becuro 110 acres of laud freo
A childrens party is being hold on tho
Trinity Episcopal church lawn thiB
afternoon nud ovouing from to 7
oclock Refreshments of icecream nud
enko nro served nnd an ndmissiou feo of
10 cents is chnrged The receipts from
tho eutortainment will go toward tho
bonefit of tho Sunday Bchool
Tho monument to bo erected in mem
ory of tho late Dr Verges has nrrived
nud will soon bo plnced in Prospect Hill
cemotery It comes in three pieces the
Biunllest of which weighs i000 pounds
The entire monument weighs 21000
pounds and it will require threo trips
with a strong dray to convey it to the
cemetery Millnrd Green hns under
taken tho job
Wnyno Kepublicnn Monday morn
ing Sheriff Cherry received word that a
mnn had been killed in Sherman pre
cinct and requested him to como and
hold inquest On arriving at Randolph
tho sheriff lenrned that three young
men from Omaha accompanied by the
11 year old son of John Sendoll of Ran
dolph had gono hunting Sunday and
when n mile or bo below tho homo of
M S MoatB wero getting ready to re
turn to town and had taken ns they
supposed all loads from their guns
One of the hunters nud the boy occupied
tho back seat and one of the guus was
setting against the front sent and when
getting one of the dogs into the wagon
the boy rose up from his seat and in
Eomo way or other got his body ngainst
tho muzzle of tho gan and tho dog in
jumping in hit tho muzzle of tho gnu
which was hnmrnerless and ns is usunl
tho gun wns loaded and exploded tear
ing a hole through tho body of the lad
between the ribs and hip and causing
almost iustnnt death Tho sheriff con
cluded there wns no necessity for hold
ing an inquest as it was plainly nu no
Tho Stnuton Picket of this week con
tains an account of the death of Al
Mooro who lost his life iu a well on Levi
Eddys farm a week ngo Friday Tho de
ceased was 24 years of age and had been
living on C W Wrights farm in Stan
ton county He leaves a wife and three
small children without means of support
Ho was working for Mr Eddy and it
wns touuri necessary to repair a pump
iu a well 550 feet deep The pump could
not be raised without removing some
wooden braces about 20 feet below and
Mooro proposed to go down nnd do it
Mr Eddy protested that it might be
dnugerous owing to the presence of fire
damp nud went iu search of a weight
which he might attach to a rope and ac
complish his object While ho was
gone Moore lowered himself into the
well and had descended about 10 feet
when he made nu outcry let go tho rope
nnd fell to the braces bolow Ho was
brought out as quiokly as possible but
life was extinct He was buried in
Haymow cemetery Saturday The
same paper also tells of a distressing no
cident to S D Denny a prominent
farmer living near Pilger and formerly
county commissioner He was stack
ing hay the fore part of tho week on the
faim of Ezra Beunott when the elevator
portion of the stacker fell crushing
him to the ground lie is improving
but some of his ribs wero brokeu nnd he
was badly hurt
Buchanan Mich May 22 Genessee
Pure Food Co Le Roy N Y Gentle
men My mnmmn hns been a great
coffee drinker and has found it very in
jurious Hnviug used sevoral packages
of your Grain O the drink thnt takes
the place of coffee she finds it muoh
better for herself nud us children to
drink She hns given up coffee drink-
ing entirely Wo use n package every
week I am teu years old
Yours respectfully
Faxtie Williams
A very desirable 80 acres of clay land
for sale six miles southeast of Norfolk
Make me an offer for it quick
O B Durland
A P Ohilds visited in Mndison over
II G Howell wns over from Randolph
Miss Annio Pnrlter is nursing a pn
tient nt Nellgh
Col S S Cotton wns under tho
weather yesterday
Rev and Mrs S F Sharpless Bpont
the Sabbath at Oakdalo
I H Senbury of Plaluviow visited
over Sunday iu tho city
Jack Trout man wont to Chicago
terdny noon on business
Jutlgo DqugltiH Coues wns in tho
from Pierco tills morning
Miss Ruth Mntrnu has returned
n viBit of n fow duys iu Lincoln
Miss Cutler of tho cold storage wns
passenger for Omuhn this morning
A P Pilger deputy county trensurer
spent Sunday with friends iu tho city
Wm Warnoko of tho Battlo Creek
Enterprise visited his mother yester
B II Barrows of Omnhn nu old timo
friend of Dr Benr is a city visitor to
A F Euos of the Stanton Picket nnd
fnunly visited Norfolk friends yester
Dr Scobeo is home from Missouri
where he visited his mother about two
E II Luiknrt cashier of tho Battlo
Creek Valley bank wns in town over
A specinl train of stock passed through
over tho Union Pacific last night eurouto
to Sioux City
Mrs C G Palen of Creightou was
guest nt tho homo of Mr nnd MrB D
B Leo ovor Sunday
Prof OConnor returned this morning
from Hnrtiugton where ho had been
since Snturdny evening
A fow young people very pleasantly
spent Saturdny evening nt tho homo of
Miss Aunie McBride in the Heights
A W Weller of Wnkefield is sick
with typhoid fever nt the home of his
brother R B Weller on South
Eleventh street
Geo W McCaskiu of Rock Island
111 u frioud of Dr Scoggin invested in
150 acres of Boouo county luud whilo
hero during the past week
Mrs Ed Burtlett nee Mable Prichnrd
passed through the city yesterday on her
way from her home iu St Paul to visit
her parents nt Meadow Grove
1 R Kruseu of Custer S D is
visiting his daughter Mrs J W
Humphrey on his way homo from tho
G A R encampment at Chicago
Mr aud Mrs Clark Grinuoll of Kau
kakee 111 are expected to arrive hero
tomorrow to visit at the homo of Mr
Grinuells sister Mrs I G Westervelt
Rev J P Mueller preached n dedica
tion sermon iu a new church at Bancroft
yesterday Services were held at Christ
church here but there was no preach
Rev and Mrs E T George of Neligh
will atteud tho conference to begin here
tomorrow and will visit at the home of
Mrs Georges parents Mr aud Mrs I
G Westervelt
Yesterday was Ed- Wagners birthday
aud during tho afternoon a large com
pany of friends gathered at his home
southeast of the city aud enjoyed a very
pleasant time
A McKinley nud Roosevelt club wns
formed at Newman Grove Saturday
with ill 2 members They had an en
thusiastic meeting which was addressed
by Hou John R Hays of this city
A game of ball is iu progress at Win
side this afternoon between Stanton and
Randolph teams A number of Norfolk
admirers of the diamond headed by
the mnyor went over to witness the
Dr II L Scoggin and sou W J
left yesterday for Champaign 111
where they go on account of tho serious
illness of tho doctors sister The
length of their stay will depend upon
the result of the ladys illness
The Auditorium season was expected
to open in this city on Octoler 1 with
A Wise Woman but this morning
Manager Spear closed a contract by
telegraph to open the opera bouse on
September 25 with Fiuigaus Ball
J W Munn assistant general passen
ger ngeut of the F E M V and Mr
King general dispatch agent of the
Merchants Dispatch company both of
Omaha accompanied by Superintendent
Reynolds of this place wero hunting
near Pierce on Saturday Ohiokens are
not nenrly so plentiful in thnt neighbor
hood ns they wero previous to Saturday
It snowed in Lend S D Saturday
and tho first brenth of wiutor from that
direction struck this vicinity Saturday
nnd yesterday It was cold enough for
frost last night but this morning failed
to rovenl nuy evidences thnt frost had
Saturdny wns a chilly day for ico
Cream and yot Trinity Sunday school
clenred about 100 from thnt nrticlo ns
tho result of tho childrens pnrty held
during tho nftornoon Tho little peoplo
present hnd n merry time despite tho
chilly ntmosphero
Wnrren B Slsson who hns beou em
ployed during tho summer with tho Ar
mour compnny South Omuhn returned
to his homo iu Norfolk Saturday To
tiny ho with his sisters Misses Kuthryn
nnd Hildreth left for tho Ohio Wesleynn
university to resume their studies for
tho coming year
Governor Roosevelt will bo iu Nor
folk ns long as nny othor town in tho
state outside of Omaha Lincoln nnd
Fremont nro scheduled to hnvo but 210
minutes of his timo ench Big prepara
tions are being made for tho meeting
nnd there promises to be a record break
ing crowd present
Perry Harris nnd ndopted dnughter of
Tilden were city visitors Saturdny nnd
paid this oflleo n cnll Mr Harris is a
voter who is always credited by tho
Jefferson election board with voting n
straight republicnn ticket If there is
only one such ticket in the box it is
credited to Harris
Whilo Ernest Heudcrshott of Plain
view was riding iu a buggy Saturday
with another young man n shot gnn
between them was discharged by a jolt
of tho buggy tho contents entering
Hendershotts arm between tho shoulder
and elbow tearing it so badly that am
putation was necessary
Mayor RobertEon this morning re
ceived from the employes of the Norfolk
hospital n contribution of 2145
which he will today transmit by draft
to the governor of Texas to be nsed for
the benefit of the Galveston sufferers
This with tho 155 SO previously sent
swells Norfolks contribution to n very
respectnble sum
Norfolk will be well represented iu
the state university this year Guy and
Kim Barnes went to Lincoln today
while Carroll Powers Ernest Bridge
Chauucoy Childs Frank Osboru Clydo
Hayes Wm Darlington Guy Alexander
aud Norris Huse will go down later in
the week to be ready for work when the
institution opens on Saturday
N A Rainbolt is mourning the loss
of 00 in bills which are supposed to
have dropped from his pocket with his
pocket book Saturday evening On
Saturdny with n party of friends ho
was out to the Owen lake fishing and
yesterday morning he discovered that
his pocket book was gone The book
contained besides the 90 iu currency
some papers und cards He wns about
ready to start over the ground where he
hnd been on Saturday in the belief that
the loss had occurred near the lake
when a delivery boy camo to the house
with the pocket book reporting that he
had found it near the corner of Ninth
street and Koenigstein avenue The
book was nil right and so were the
papers and cards that it contained but
the cash was gone The boy who
found the article told a very straight
story in regard to it so that no suspicion
attaches to him in connection with the
missing money Tho conclusion must
necessarily be reached that the pocket
book was found by some one who io
moved the cash nud then threw the
book nway fenring that its presence
upon his person might be discovered
and lead to his arrest It is doubtful if
the money is ever recovered There is
a moral to this Iobs of Mr Rniubolts
that it is alwnys n good idea to deposit
ones surplus cash in a bank
Free of Charge
Any ndult suffering from a cold
Bettled on the brenst bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any nature who will
call at A K Leonardswill be presented
with a sample bottle of Boschees
German Syrnp free of charge Only
one bottle given to one person and none
to children without order from parents
No throat or lung remedy ever had
such a sale as Boscheos German Syrup
in all parts of the civilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
were given nway and your druggist
will tell you its success was marvelous
It is really the only throat nud lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
cians One 75 ceut bottle will cure or
prove its value Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
lnl PW Btofl
Knights of
and Oriental Carnival
OMAHA Sept 24 29
Oae wek day and sight Bigger Brighter and Battat
thai ever Grand Carnival day Wednesday Mtb
Grand Daylight Parade Wednesday 20th Grand
Nlfbt Eleetrical Parade Thursday 27 Every day a ipe
tlaUay Bdnced rata on all railroad