8 AnguM Doner It ten Mirprisiiip fnct unyH Prof Honton ilint in my Unrein in nil pnrts of tlio world for tho lnM ton yearn 1 linvo met iHoro people hnvlnK ufciI Greens August Flower tlmn nny other remedy for dyspepsia clcriuiRwl liver niu1itoinneh nntl cotiMipntion 1 Hurt for tourists ntiil Hnlesmen or for pernonn lllling olllco posltioiiH whero hentlncliOH and Kenernl bml fetHnjs from irreKtilnr hnbits exist tlmt Greens Annual Flower is n grnuil remedy It does no injure tho system by frequent uro nnd in excellent for pour stomnchs nnd indigestion Snmplo Itottles freo nt Kiesnu Drug Co Bold by denlors In nil civilized roiin tHs To Cure nnatlpntloti Forever TnlniCnmnicln Untidy Cathartic lOcorlf O It a C C fall to cure druggists refund money Freif Olmrgo Any ndult sutTeriuK from a cold Bottled on tho bronst bronchitis thront orluiiK troubles of nny imturo who Mtllcrtll nt Kiesnu Drug Co will bo presented with n snmplo bottlo of HoHoheoB Gorinnn Syrup freo of chnrgo Only ono bottlo rIvou to ono person nntl uouo to children without order from parents Wo thront or lung romudy over hntl Buch n snlo ns Hosohoos Gormnn Syrup in nil pnrts or tho olvillzcd world Twenty yonrs npo millions of bottloB woro given nwny nnd your ilniRKliitH will tell you its hiiccush wns iiinrvoloua It is renlly tho only thront nnd Iuhk remedy gonornlly ondorsod by physi cinns Ono 7fi cent bottlo will euro or provo its vnluo Sold by denlers in nil civilised countries Ilnw Are Tour Kldnfc t Dr noMvBpftrnsu fill rurp nil kidney 111 flam plofroo Add Mlutllinr UciiwdT Co Chicago or Nl 11m llruory ir Woman Wns grnndly shown by Mrs John Dow- ling of l3utlor Pn in n threo yonrs etruRKlo with n mnliunnt stomnch tronblo tlmt caused diBtressiiifnttncksof nansen nnd indigestion All roinedios fnllctl to roliovo hor until sho tried trio Hitters Aftortnking ittwomontliH sho wrote I nm now wholly cured nndenu cnt nnything It is truly n grand tonio for tho wholo system ns I gained in weight nnd fool much strongor sinco uBiug it It nids digestion euros dyspopsin improves nppotito gives now lifo Only fiOo Gunrnntoed nt tho Kiesnu Drug Co A Pocket Colli Cure Krnuses Cold Cure is prepnrod incnp milo form nnd will euro cold in tho bond thront chost or nny portion of tho body in at hours Yon dont hnvo to stop work either Price -fie Sold by Goo 11 Christoph Ihidurtil Dtiitlin Agonic Only n roaring Ore enabled J M Gnr rottBon of San Antonio Tox to lio down when uttneked by nsthmu from which ho nufforod for years Ho writes his misery wns ofton so great that it Boomed ho endured tho ngouios of death but Dr Kiugs New Discovery for con sumption wholly cured him This mar velous medicine is tho only known cure for asthma ns well ns consumption coughs nnd colds nnd nil throat chost and lungs troubles Prieu i0o nud 100 Gunrauteed Trial bottles freo nt tho Kiesnu Drug Co GosiiKS 111 Genesso Puro Food Co LoKoj N Y Denr Sirs Somo days since n pnekngo of your Grnin 0 prepnr ation wns loft nt my otllco I took it homo and gnvo it n trial nnd I hnvo to 6ny I wns very much plonsod with it ns n substitute for coffee Wo hnvo always used tho best Java and Mocha in our family but I nm tree to sny I liko tho Grnin 0 ns well as tho best coffeo I over drank Respectfully yours A 0 Jackson M D Krit lines UrntlHrlie CnpmtleH wre nuliko anything prepared in Amer ica They wero first prescribed by Dr Krause Germanys famous court phy sician long beforo nntipyriuo was dis covered nnd nro almost mnrveloas so speedily do they euro tho most distress ing cases Price 25c Sold by Geo B Ohristoph Ladies if you wnnt a refined and brilliant complexion free from blemishes uso Kooky Mountain Tea Never fails 46k yonr druggist IhooaniiiW urn rrj lug It In order to provo tho great merit ol Elys Cream Hilu tho nioM etlectha curt for Catarrh and t old m llttd wo hnvo pre fared a penoroiw trul sUo for 10 edit Get it of juurdnvkit or bund 10 tents to ELY 1JUOS tC irroi of 2 Y City I suffered from c u trri of fio vorU kind ever eiuco u lt u 1 1 ioir la jied fm cure but Elyb t teru Kiilm seems to ic even thut Jl my latuttnrcs lure vie l t with excellent ivttili vw ac Ostrutu 45 Wurroii A Chtti 11 Dys Cream Balm is tho aoltnowledged enru for catarrh nu1 contains no cociiun niercury nor any injurious drug Price CO CeUtS A 1rfrtn or hy taii A Letter From New ninii Grove Mrs L Gutru Newman Grove Mad ison Co writes Last string I used Dr Kays Renovator for tired feeling and aching limbs It helped me greatly Shall use more this spring For Freo Medical Advice sample -book address Dr B J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Y Dr Kays remedies sold by Koenigsteius Phar macy and Kiesnu Drug Co Kdltors Auful Plight F M Higgius editor Seneca 111 News was afllicted for years with piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he tried Bncklens Arnica Snlve the best iu the world He writes two boxes wholly cured him Infallable for piles Cure guaranteed Ooly 2V Sold by the KieEan Drug Co homier THE NOKFOLK NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 13 1900 BY ROBERT fJARR IV The seoren For tne Girl tCVipjTtght 1P00 by Ttobert rurri Cniitlmicil Tho girl Bnt whero sho wns for n fow moments nnd pondered over tho situa tion Tho detectivo resting his olbtiw on tho tahlo and his chin in his hand regarded hor with enger nnticipntion Tho uioro Jcnuio thought over tho mat ter tho more sho wns nmiued nt tho man beforo her who Hcninutl nnnblo to plnco two and two together Ho had already siKilten of tho account of tho ball which had nppeared in Tho Daily Utiglo of its accuracy and excellence Ho know tlmt she wnfl n member of Tho Buglo stuff yet it had never occurred to him to Inquire who wroto tlmt description IIo knew also that sho had been n guest nt tho Schloss Stoinhuimer wlien the in- w That Kdtd the detective is hcrvlovc vitntion to tho ball must hnvo reached tho princess Thesu facta were so plain ly in evidence that tho girl was nfruid to Hponk lost Homo chnnco word would form tho connecting link between tho dotectivoauiind nnd tho seomingly pnl pablo facta At last sho looked tip tho color coining and going in her cheeka as Lord Donal had so accurately do scribed it I dont think I can bo of nny assist ance to you in this crisis Mr Tavlor You have already done everything that human ingenuity can suggest Yea I have everything that my human ingenuity can suggest But does nothing occnr to you Have you no theory to pnt fonvnrd None that would hoof any practical advantage Is Lord Donal certain that it wns not tho princess herself whom hu met Aro you thoroughly convinced that thcro was really nn impersona tion Whnt do you mean Miss Baxter Well yon mot Princo von Stein hcimer Whnt did you think of him I thought him an overhearing bully if you ask me I cant imagine what English or American girls seo in thoso foreigners to cause them to marry them Tho prince was very violent practi cally ordered mo out of tho castle spoke to his in tho most per emptory manner nnd I could easily seo tho princess was frightened out of her wits A very acenrato characterization of his highness Mr Taylor Now of course tho princess being a woman and a young woman would naturally bo very anxious to attend tho Duchess of Chiselhursts bnll wouldnt she Ono would think so And ns yon hnvo just said sho hns n bear of n husband it good deal older tbnn herself who does not in tho least enre for such things as tho fnnction to which tho princess was invited Is it not just possible thut the princess ac tually attended tho ball bnt for rea sons of her own desired to keep tho fnct of her presenco thero n Becret And yon mnst remember that Lord Donal Stirling had not seen tho princess for fivo years For five years I said tho detectivo sharply How did yon learn that Miss Baxter Well you know murmured tho girl with a gasp tlmt ho met her last in Washington nnd tho princess has not been in America for fivo years so you seo Oh I wns not uwaro that ho had met her in America at all In fact Lord Donal said nothing much nbout the princess All his talk had referenco to this lady who impersonated her Jennie leaned back in her chair closed her eyes for a moment and breathed quickly I am afraid she pnid ut last that I do not remember with sufficient mi nuteness the details you have given mo to bo uble to advise I would merely suggest thut Lord Donal met tho prin cess herself at tho Duchess cf Chisel bursts ball Tho priuceha natnrully would wish to mislead him regardiug her identity and so if ho had not met her for some time say two years or threo years or fivo years or whatever tho period may bo it is quite possible that the princess has changed greatly in the interval and perhaps sho was not relnctatit to carry on a flirtatiou with tho young man your client Of course sho could not allow it to go further than the onteido of the door of the Duke of ChiBolhurats town house for yon must remember thero was her husband in the background n violent man as yon have said and Lord Douul must have thoroughly angered the princess by what you term his rudeness in tearing off her glove and now the princess will never admit thut she was at tho ball 6o it seems to me that you uro wasting yonr time in a wild gooso chase Why it is ubsurd to think if there had been a reul disappearing woman that you with all your experienco and nil yonr facilities should not have unearthed lit long ago You said at the beginning that nothing wns more difficult than to disappear Very well then why hava you been Ladled Simply because tho princess herself attended tho ball and thero has been no disappearing lady nt all Tho detectivo with great vehemence brought down his fist on the table By Jovol ho cried I believe yon nro right 1 hnvo been completely blind ed tho more ho that I have tho clow to tho mystery right hero tinder my own eyes Ho f nmbled for n moment nnd brought forth a letter from his pllo of docu ments Hero Is n note from St Potcrsbnrg written by Lord Donal himself saying tho princess had sent him tho compan ion glove to tho ono you havo now in yonr hand Ho sayH ho Is miro tho prin cess knows who her impersonator wns but that she wont tell and although I had read this note it never struck mu that tho princess herself was tho wom an MIhh Baxter you have solved tho puzzle I 1 should bo glad to think ho ro pllod tho girl rising and I nm very happy if I hnvo enabled yon to give np ii f utile chase 4Tt Is ns jdabi as daylight replied tho detectivo Lord DonalH descrip tion fits tho princess exactly and yet I never thought of It before Jennie hurried nwny from tho detect ives office hnppy In tho belief tlmt she hnd not betrayed herself although sho wnanot blind to tho fact that her escape was dno more to good luck than to any presenco of mind of her own which had nearly deserted her at ono or two points in tho conversation When Mr Hard wick snw her ho askod how much spaco ho would havo to reserve for tho ro mnnco in high lifo Bnt sho told him thero wns nothing in tho case so fur aa alio could seo to interest nny sane reader nero matters rested for n fortnight Then tho girl received an urgent note from Cndbury Taylor asking her to call at his office next day promptly at 4 oclock It was very Important ho said nnd ho hoped sho would on no ncconnt disappoint him Jennies first impulso wns not to go but sho wns so nnxions to learn what progress tho detectivo had made in tho case fearing that at last ho might havo got on tho right track thnt sho felt it would bo nnwlso to tnko tho risk of not booing him If his sus picions were really aroused her absence might servo as an excuse to confirm them Exactly at 4 oclock next after noon sho entered his ofilco and found him to her roliof alono IIo sprang np from his tnblo on seeing her nnd said in a whisper I am bo glad yon have come I am iii rather a quandary Lord Donal Stirling is in London on a flying visit He called hero yesterday The girl cuught her brenth but said nothing I explained to him the reasons I havo for believing that it wns actually tho Princess von Steinhoimer whom ho met at tho Duchess of Chiselhursts ball IIo laughed nt me there wns no convincing him Ho said that theory was more almnrtl than sending him the picturo of a housemaid as that of tho lady ho had met at tho ball I used nil tho arguments which yon had used but ho brushed them asido as of no consequence und somehow tho enso did not nppear to bo as clear as when yon propounded your theory Well what then asked tho girl Why then I asked him to como up hero nt 4 oclock nnd hear what an as sistant of mino would say about tho case At 4 oclock cried tho girl in ter ror Then ho may bo hero at any mo ment Ho is hero now ho is in tho next room Como in and I will introduco you and then I want you to tell him nil tho circumstances which lead yon to beliovo that it was tho princess her- Tht hiirnUe of the inner room turned self whom ho met I am Bure you can place all tho points beforo him bo terse ly that you will succeed in bringing him round to your own way of think ing Yon will try wont yon Miss Baxter It will bo a very great oblige ment to me Oh no no no cried the girL I am not going to admit to any one that I havo been acting as n detectives as sistant Yon had no right to bring mo hero I must go at once If I had known this I would not havo coma It wont take you five minutes pleaded Cndbury Taylor Ho is nt this moment waiting for you I told him you would Iks here at 4 I cant help that Yon had no right to make nn nppointment for mo with out my knowledge und consent Taylcr was about to speak when the handle of the inner room turned I say detective remurked Lord Donal in a voice of seme irritation you should have assistants who are moro punctual I ama very busy man and must havo for St Petersburg to night fo I cant spend all my thno in your office you know I nm snro I beg your pardon my lord said the detective with great ob setmiousnoas This yonng lady has some objections to giving her views but I am sure you will bo able to per suade her Ho turned but tho placo nt his fiido was vacant Tho door in tho hall was open and tho girl had cscnicd as sho saw tho handle of tho Inner door tnrn Tnylor looked blnnklynt his client with dropped juw Lord Donnl langhed Your assistant seems to hnvo disap peared iib completely ns tho lndy nt tho ball Why not sot yonr detectives on her track Perhaps film will provo to bo tho person I nm In search of I am very sorry my lord Htnm mered tho detective Oh dont mention it I 1 nm Btiro yon hnvo done all that could be done with the very Ineffective clows which unfor tunately aro our only possessions but you aro quite wrong in thinking it was tho princess herself who attended tho ball and I dont blamo your assistant for refusing to lwlster np an imjioesiblo caso Wo will consider tho search end ed and if you will kindly let me have your bill at tho Diplomatic clnb beforo 0 oclock tonight I will send yon a check Good nftcruoon Mr Taylor To ho continued noxt Tluirtilnr Hclioiintr Dundee rounders Cleveland Sept lJ The schooner Dundee owned by the Michigan Transit company In tow of the steam er John M tilldden foundered about II miles west of this poit yesterday The boats were bound for Ashtabula with coal and the storm struck them about f a in The schooner lost her rudder and a big sen carried nwny her forward hatches Tho crew took to the rigging with the exception of Kate Hoffman the cook who was drowned The men were finally taken off by the steamer C Lower Jr nnd brought to Cleveland YoMrrtln Iliiscliall ItrMilti Kiinis City 1 Iiitllnnapollf -I rittsliurg 10 Ilillatlflpliln Chli iiKo Cleveland 4 1 tliitlumitl 4 Ilrooklyii 0 dilciiKo - New York 17 Milwaukee J 12 Detiolt 11 Ilodtnii IS St Iouls II LATEST NEWS OF TRADE ChlriiKO Ornln nntl Provision ChleiiKo Sept lJ Wlieat wns llrm early on sttoriK Millies and siuiller northwest re eelpf lint mii cuuihvd later to clearing went her and laie primary lecelpts dosing weak October jc lower Coin closed VMse mid outs 14c down Provision clo eil hut little chniiKtnl The crippled wire sen lee madu all the markets dull CIiimIiik pi lees Wheat Sept 7ISc Oct 74Uc Nov 4c Coin Sept 40Vifil4lVe Oct 3e Nov lijiile OatH Sept 21 p Oct 2nic Nov 2214c lork Sept 114214 Oct lt52i Nov 11 20 Jan Iiiri1 Sept IS2 Oct uS5 NovSltSC TH1S2V4 Jan ItllH Sept 7r7j Oct 740 Jan 1 02j Cavli quotations No 2 red wheat 751370c No It icil wheat 72ii74c No 2 spring wheat 7Uc No It spring wheat CSft74c No 2 hard wheat ifi70e No 3 hard wheat ilviOle No 2 rai li corn 4OViit40c No 2 yellow corn 40iif41e No t corn 40iTi lOie Nn U yellow corn 40S41c No 2 en Mi naif 22c N 2 white oats 24fl 23e No H white oat 2T52llic Chlragn Live Stock Chicago Sept 10 000 liielmiliiK lrOO westerns nnd r00 Tev nils MrniiK to Mmile higher butchers Mock Hteady westeins nud Texans stron nctlxe natives bet on sale today on ranee at ifilli kuoiI to pi line steer gtfOSQUlD poor to medium 4500 selected feed em 100ii4ri mixed stockcrs J3O0gtS0 heifers fUtViiTiSi cows f4r0jn7r enn ners 20t7r hulls 27r47 calves i0Ol70 Texans receipts 600 best nn Rale today ten carloads nt 410 Texas fed steers 42riir00 Texas grass steers 7fl42p Texas bulls 2r0Q340 Hogs 21000 tomorrow 25000 left oer 7000 closing shade lower top 503 mixed and hutcheis 51550 Rood to choice heavy 52V5M rouh heavy fOo SJ51V IlKht 52rT5fS5 bulk of sales 52C 545 Sheep Itecclpts 15000 sheep nnd lambs steady good to choice wethers 3fH j475 western sheep 3i5ST400 Texans J250iit25 native lambs 4505000 west ern lambs 500j5S3 Kiinxan City Live Stock Kansas City Sept 12 Cattle Receipts 14000 natives 1500 Texan good killers nud cliolio feeders steady Infeiior killing nnd feeding kinds slower steady stacker nnd feeders I25Q445 butcher cows and heifers t005j 150 cannera 25tVfi300 fed westerns 3it0i5tti wintered Texnns faitOftliTt Krass Texans 3 1553 00 calves receipts 1000 about steady sales J450Jt5iW per ewt Hos Ueeelpts 11 000 opened steady closed 2M1i3e lower heavy mid mixed light 320 531 pigs 4liOJj00 Sueep Ueeelpts 070 heay supply opened active firm pi Ices some late arrivals shade easier Inmiis I75Ti523 muttons 30051380 feeders 3l0il410 culls 25071300 South OiiiHha Live Stock South Omaha Sept 12 Cattlt Receipts 4000 geueiully steady uuthe beef steers 440HjBMj western steers 40K1475 Tex iih Meeis 32511125 cows and heifers linn 323130 cinuers 175fi3 00 stock ers nnd feeders 350ii475 calves 25xg 550 hulls stags etc 240if423 Hogs Keeelpts 7300 light steady henvy 5c lower heavy 312V5Viu mixed WlBfft 520 light 522Mi5l635 pig 4 25fl500 bulk of sales S17VriO22Vi 8700 IftgSOe higher western mut tous 3304370 stock sheep 3003300 lambs llrm 42541525 Ilclitys Celery Nerve Compound for nil nervous diseases neuralgia rheu matism nervous debility paralysis bil iousness dyspepsia costiveuess piles liver complaint kiduoy troubles and female complaints It goes to tho seat of the disease and cures thoroughly ami speedily Sold by Geo B Christoph Tub Newb joo department is com plete in every particular Dont Tobtrro Spit u J huicke lour I Ife Intr To quit tobacco easily and forever be map ietlc full of IKo nerve and vigor take io wonder worhcr that inaltes vealt men itroiic All druggists II Cure Guaran teed Iloolilet and sample free Address Slrllng Remedy Co Chicago r New York A Iouder Mill Kxplonloq Removes everything in sight so do drastic mineral pills bnt both are migh y dangerous No nesd to dynamite yot r Biliousness is cnuFed by a lnzy liver permits food to sour in your stomach makes you cross Rocky Mountain Tea makes you well and cheerful Ask your druggist WOMEN WD AT HOME THE GREATEST OF SPECIALISTS OFFERS TO THE SUFFERING HIS SERVICES AND REMEDIES For more than twenty flvo yoars Tr J New ton Hathaway has made a spocialty of Femalo Diseases During that timo hu has had amonx M 1 111s patients over ten thous and women suffering from all those many different com plaints peculiar to the sex and lias completely and perma nently cured more than rt per cent of tho cases tie lias treated Hy Ills exclusive method which he has perfected during the twenty five jears of his most extensive practice ho Is enabled to cure all of these different diseases Including painful profuse or suppressed menstruation prolapsus nil ovarian trouble tumors and ulceration In fact eterv form of tlioso diseases Vthlch make a burden of life to tho great majority of women He has so perfected this system of his that ho can treat these cases hy mall without airy per sonal examination lo which every sensitive woman naturally objects and wfilmut any oper ation with Its consequent pain uud necessary danger His system of treatment is taken In tho pri vacy of tho home tho cure Is painless and It Is positive ONE LOW FEE Write him a letter stating briely your condi tion and ho villi send you a blank to tie tilled out He will gho jour case his personal attention and care and maku his fee so moderatn including all medicines necessary that ou will not feel the burden of the payment and ho will guarantee ou a positive cure Address J NEWTON HATHAWAY M O Dr llathuuuy Co Ootnmerclul lllock blouz City Iowa MIU4T10N TUJS 1 AIJLU WUKN WllITDfd DONT FORGET IT I The surest way to keep the womanly health is to use Dr Pierces Rivorite Prescription at the first symptom of local disorder There is no other preparation for the peculiar diseases of women which has so great a hold on womans esteem Favorite Prescrip tion differs from almost all other medicines offered for womans ills in that it contains no alcohol and is absolutely free from opiiyn cocaine and all other nar cotics It promotes perfect regularity It dries the drains which weaken women It cures inflammation ulceration and female weakness It soothes and strengthens the nerves drives away despondency and gives a healthy appetite and refreshing sleep It makes childbirth easy and nursing mothers will find in it a strength giving tonic There is no substitute for Pavorite Prescription because there is no other non alcoholic and non narcotic medicine for women which always helps and almost always cures Dont let the dealer turn you aside from Favorite Prescription to any so called just as good medicine Women suffering from disease in chronic form are invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter free All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential Replies to letters are sent in plain envelopes Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y I never courted newspaper notority writes Mrs 15 A Ilctfdcr of Keenc Coshocton Co Ohio yet I atn not nfrnid to peak a Rood wotd for your Favorite Prescription ntul Pleasant Pellets Over a year ago 1 suffered terribly for nearly four weeks with prolapsus and weakness After using one bottle of Favorite Pre scription and one of Pellets I was a well woman I have taken no medicine since ami have had 110 symptoms of my former trouble Have used tile Favorite Prescription nt different times for more than four years and find it has no equal Biliousness and sick headache are cured by the use of Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets the simplest and safest laxative for women C W BRAASCH DEALER IN- COAL Vvv ARC imrxccuto rem i r atnovAt lie WB5 DC LONG STANDINI AND THt - FEMALE IRRCGULARmrC Ask your Druggist fa slVto2Kc LVntHlrO t ton rtAis for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE Elys Orean Balm contains no cocaine mercury nor any otier I injurious arag It is quicky Absorbed k Oivef Hllif at once ft opens uud cloniew tne aml lusuiii AllAVri riAqnimnton A x co Exclusive agent iur the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spilng Coal best in the market Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 61 the HEALTH AND vitality m msRVERUVB 3rrXiBi ion i Tho great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tho generative preans of either spx such as Nervous Prostration Falling or Lost Manhood Imnotency Niuhtlv Emissions Youthful Error Mnnni Wfir of tobacco or Opium which lead to Consumption and Insanity With every AFTFH IKIHR 5 order wc cuarantco to cure or refund tho money Sold at 8100 Der box G D0XCS for 500 unjrioxxs oigjucal co cioveiaiid ouii For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY body when Dr Kings New Life Pills do the work so easily and perfectly Cares headache constipation Only 25 cents nt the Kiesau Drug Co Men can be cured privately and posi tively at home of all weakness nnd dis ease Write for new free book Dr J N Hathaway 22 Commercial Block Sionx City la A Hemedy rroin Nature Laboratory Lichtys Celery Nerve Compound is a scientific combination of natures health restorers celery cocoa cascara sagrada hops dandelion buchu mandrake sar saparilla and chamomile Sickly child ren weary women and tired and broken down men find in this great compound health strength and happiness Sold by Geo B Christoph Educate Yonr Howell With Cuicareti Candy Cntbartlc cure constipation forever OcSSc If C C C fall druggists refund money Ladies desiring a transparent com plexion free from blotches blemishes and blackheads should use Rocky Mountain Tea Ask your druggist RED CROSS -- I V R tD CROSS PILL6 nc pustir VtCtTABLE X Arrca ErrccTS VlThCVMAVC THE VVUNOlUALiriD J CNOORStrttMl OrEWERV PHYSICIAJ rvsniUAnwiTH thg FORMULA IN DC CINCHONA CO DCS AIOINESioma For Sale by George B Christoph BAD BLOOD OAICABET1 do all claimed for them and are a truly wonderful medicine leave often wltbed tor a medicine pleasant to take and at luc nave round It In Cascarete fclccc taking lb cm mr blood lias been tiurlQed and my complexion bas Im proved wonderfully and I feel much better in every wax tina fcUuiE K bkluiks Luttrell Tenn CANDY niAOIWAJtK IMVttK Plestant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe ICc 2c 60c CURE CON8TIPATION grllI B7 rpmy Cbltu 0 Btrl Kw Tort 819 M TflRIP Bold and rnaranteed by all drag- I UDAb Kitt4 to CUKK Tobacco Uablu CATARRH xipreCOlil llealu and IrHects the Membrane rfiorta tho huues cf Tate and hincll Y ill ze 5ut Trial buc 10c atlwjitor iiyniail KM- Ilf n r l COUPON AT IP J Dr I Kidneycura - iH y CmST Wmm COLD N HEAD Dont Be Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medl cin Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold In bulk Accept no substl tute Auk onr druggist CTJRES all Kidney Diseases nche etc Aidrur flble or hy mall II Free book ad- vfoe etc of Dr D J Koj Saratoga ti T lit