The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 13, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Mr Hryan and hit puty deny mil
itnrlsm oinithlng from which tho
United Statos is not sutlorlng All who
havo entered tho gouHiiiuoiit son ice
havo dono so of their own fioo will
Tho nntioiiiil iiiitl iiuporiallstio party
has nominated DmioIhoii Oulloiy of
Louisiana foi tho proshloiic y nntl Mur
ray llono of Massachusetts for tho lro
ptouihuiry Tho nulls are hounil to
have enough tickets in tho Mold even
though then is no show of ivii election
If thoo who decry MoKinloy prosper
ily will hy economic loivsonltiK Hhow
that thoy can produoo something hotter
thoy can secure a largo number of votes
that will go to MoKinloy othorwiso
Trot out your figures not necessarily for
caiuimign niatorlal hut as an ovldonco
of good faith
Governor Roosovolt mado a prolty
cuto hit In Dotiolt whon ho hadflvo tog
ulars stand up hoforo an audience of
four thousand pooplo in that city and
exclaimed llohold your tytautHl and
Htntod that tho proportion of soldiers to
tho audionco was about tho proportion
of t oldiors to tho pooplo of tho United
States and that is called tyrrany and
Tho domociatH aio now husy trying to
prove that tho existing gold standard
cannot ho in jut oil hy tho election of Mr
Hryan Tho first thing I ho common
people know thai acrobatic pirty will
bo doolnring in favor of tho gold stand
ard then whoio will ho tho paiainouut
issue of lSWtr If anyono can keep track
of tho gyrations of tho democratic party
thoy doseno a leather modal
Tho Hryan and Stevenson club of
Omaha also has troubles The landlord
of whom it louts propostoious asit may
Hcein likes to have his rout bill paid oc
casionally Thoy owed some hack rout
nud woro toived with garnishee pipors
by a coal company and whit botweeu
an angry landlord and tho coal company
thoy were up against it the other
night To add to their misory a phono
graph ground out two of Hryaus
Hpeeches during tho evening
It is real amusing to read some of tho
democratic aid society sheets condemn
tho populists for being assistant repub
licans If thoro is any disgrace in being
assistants of ono of tho groat parties the
fusion sheets run in tho uaiuo of tho
pooplos iudopondont party should bury
themselves uudor tho mud thoir batteries
nre stirring up Tho populists ut loast
claim a party of thoir own wlulo tho
p i pooplo havo lost their pirty thoir
candidates and their prineiplosin tho ca
pacious maw of doniooruey
In his speech before congress Uon
llonjumin R Tillman of South I Urol ma
said on Fobunry 21 in speaking ot tho
negro voters thoy havo beon Thrust
upon us by the fourtoonth and liftoonth
amendments It does not sound woll
for one of tho star porformcrs in tho
pnty that is to save tho constitution
from the assaults of ignorant and do
praved republicans to bo thus coudomn
ing tho nnniortal iustrumont In tact
it looks very much as though Mr Till
man would favor governing without
tho consent of tho governed and has
an impoiialistie ring Ho evidently has
not given up the idea that tho war of
tho rebellion was a failure
Tho Sioux City Journal has the fol
lowing special from Jetlerson Iowa in
which an old soldier mid n former iesi
dout of Illinois givos some ory good
leasons why ho cannot continue to sup
port Mr Hryan Thomas Davis a
woll known and influential democrat
uud candidate on the democratic ticket
for representative three year ago in
this county has avowed his purpose to
vote for MoKinloy and Roosevelt Mr
Davis says ho cauuot support any ticket
upon which is found the uanio of A dial
Stevenson At tho tune of tho civil war
ho redded in Illinois and assoits that
Mr Stevensons attitude towards tho
union was such that no uuiou soldior
with regard for himsolf nud his com
rades can oto for Mr Stevonson Mr
Davis further says that Mr Stevonson
was a member of the order of Knights
of the Golden Circle Four years ago
Mr Davis stumped this county for
Bryau nudSewell
Edward Rosowater has won a decisive
victory as Omahas ropabhean candidate
for United States senator aud if a re
publican legi laturo is elected will un
doubtedly bo a strong factor in tho
coutest While Mr Rosowater has some
personal aud many political euoiniosthore
seems to be no question but that they
were made by the editor of the Bee stand
ing for what he believed to bo right aud
there is no question but Nebraska would
ho tho gainer by that kind of repro
beuUtiomn tho semta We have tried
other republicans we havo eou tried
reformers ot the populist biaud but
uouo havo made a leeord for mdopeud
onpo that has astouished tho world
They havo been too icady ordinal ily to
drop in with the whirl and follow tho
traditions of the body whether it agreed
with their tendencies or not Rose
water as a senator would stand for what
he believed right regardless of practices
or traditions He ia a man of his word
and flinches at no duty Thostatocould
make a much worse oholco than I Id ward
Hooator for the United States senate
It Is ery evident to an unbiased on
looker that what men like Hill Croker
Oluoy and other gold democrats want
is not so much Hryaus election as his
strength Thoy ato looking to tho fu
ture With a defeat this year Mr
Hryan will bo dead politically and the
custom democrats can say wo did our
utmost to olect you tho last time but
without avail this timo you must throw
your stieiiglh to men of our oholco
and Mr Hryan will be under political
obligations to do so Thoy recognio
the sttength ho has developed but It is
very evident that their opinion of the
man has not changed since 18111 in fact
it could not It would ho impossible to
sutler tho radical chango necessary
Tho following opinion of Hourke Cook
ran in I8IM1 is undoubtedly his opinion
still HoHryau is a candidate who
was swept into tho nomination by a
wavo of popular onthuslasm awakened
by appoals to prejudice and greed Ho
is a candidate who declaring that this
was a revolutionary movement no
sooner found himself faco to faco with
tho American fooling than ho realized
that this soil is not propitious to revolu
tion that tho pooplo of this country
will not chango tho Institutions which
have stood the tests and oxporioncos of a
a century for institutions based upon
the fantastic dioams of populist agitat
ors that the Amoricnn nation will
uever consent to substituo tho ropuhlio
of Washington of JotVorson and of
Jackson for tho republic of an Altgold a
Tillman or a Hryan
Had Mr Hryan boon prosldont during
tho past four years and had tho prosper
ous business conditions appaiont now
thou prevailed thoro tiro thousands of
republicans who would show that thoy
are not so hide bound to party but that
thoy would vote for what had proven to
bo a good thing and do what thoy could
for a contiuuanco of concMtions under
which thomsolvos and thoir follow
countrymen prospeiod Thoy might bo
consistently called tools if thoy voted to
overturn all business conditions and in
augurate an administration confidently
expected to biiug about hard times
If past history gave any oxcuso what
ever for tho belief that a democratic
administration meant good timos a per
son might bo pardoned for voting for a
chango Mr Bryau does not oven offer
o solvo tho probloms of laboring mou
and farmers Ho will uudertako the
job with no exporieuco to back him Ho
will undertake it with all ho has hereto
fore thought proper remedies rofutod
His paramount plea is in tho inter
est of tho pooplo of distant lauds Ho
creatos dissatisfaction among his follow
oitivous but promises no satisfaction
Ha wants tho office lot tho consequences
ho what thoy may It is a good timo to
lay asido party piojudices long enough
to think calmly dispassionately and
couscioutiously answer the question
Do wo want a ohaugo
There should be no pie tiou about the
position of tho west and middle- west on
expansion With a maiket built up on
the western coast to handle tho traffic of
tho far east thoro is no question ns to its
bonotlcial ollocts to tho tributary coun
try while the middle west will profit by
a new market coming in competion with
tho east for its products This has to
ceutly been exemplified horo whon San
Francisco merchants tnado a hid for and
received Nebraska poultry and it is only
a question of timo when the bamo
market under expansion will bobiddiug
for other products of this statp Tho
east is not likely to lose its prestige as a
market as it will always bo tho medium
of communication botweeu this country
nud Europe hut what tho east is to
Europe tho west is destined to become
to Asia uudor expansion and the pioduc
ers of the middle west will not bo com
pelled to rely altogether on prices for
its products made by tho east While
the republican party favors this building
up of tho wes under anti imperialism
the democrats oppoo it that is in tho
cast That thoy daro not oppose it iu
tho west is shown by u recent issue of
one of Hearsts western papers which
favois the uew situation while his east
ern paper tho New York Journal is
vigorously opposing tho policy It is
r o nme way with their orators m the
cist the bunion of their theme is
porialism while in tho west their of-
lores nre oirecieu 10 oiner topics
If Mr Bryau is n man of his word
there is no question as to his staud on
the money questiou and thoso who be
lievo in sound money must bo either de
ceived or else give thoir support on tho
theory that Mr Bryan would tell nn un
truth iu which case ho is more unsatis
factory as a candidate thnu though ho
carried out his promises By tho en
dorsement of tho Chicago platform aud
the specific declaration for free coiuage
by tho Kansas City convention Mr
Bryau is bound to that fallacy as strongly
as it is possible to bind a umu aud the
gold man who will support him is work
lug agaiust what ho knows to bo tho
best mterests of the country At Kuox
ville Teuu ou September 11 lbiti Mr
Bryan said If there is anyono who
believes tho gold standard is a good
thing or that it must be niaiutaiued I
warn him not to cast his vote tor me
because I promise him it will not be
maintained iu this country longer than
I am able to got rid of it At that
tlnio there was some doubt whether tho
gold standaid was n good thing or not
but that doubt has beon changed to cer
tainty thnt It is in the minds of mnuv
Ills only method of acknowledging this
is by dodging an issue which ho was so
anxious to stand on that ho insisted on a
specific declination at Kansas City Ho
Is thoroforo bound by all that Is most
binding to make an attack on t o
finances of tho country ns soon ns in
augurated if elected and tho results
thorofroni may woll bo apprehended
with alarm
Tho national olllcers of tho Womans
Christian Tonipornnco Union havo ory
sensibly condemned tho prayor chain
Inaugurated by somo of tho W 0 T U
ladles of I milium for tho defeat of Prosl
dont McKlnloy It was a wrong niovo
in that it did not apparently express n
doslro for a noarer approach to tonipor
unco iu tho White House than has been
in ovidonco unilor McKinloy but indi
cated that tho ladles had boon so aroused
by charges emanating from democratic
Hourcos that thoy considered tho defeat
of MoKinloy ossentlal to tho causo with
out looking uudor tho surfaco for facts
Tho dofeat of MoKinloy moans tho
olection of Hryan and whllo ho may bo
perfect as a touiporauco man his follow
ing doos not give tho least assurance of
an improvement on tho question so far
as tho country or national capital nro
concerned As a mattor of fact It Is as
sorted that Prosldont McKinleys torm
In the White- Uouso has beon tho nonr
est approach to temperance of any of
tho presidents from Washington down
and could scarcoly bo bettorod by the
election of Mr Wooloy which is very
improbable Tho cantoou which tho
W 0 T U ladies condemn has like
wise boon a nearer approach to thoir
idoals in the army than any policy here
tofore nttomptcd Tho ladies are un
doubtedly a powor for good in tho na
tion but thoy shonld bo certain that
thoir oilorts aro properly directed Tho
national otllcors evidently know some
thing of tho facts and very properly
want tho mombors efforts to accord
with tho basic purposes of tho organiza
Tho Hon Jim Jump of cSt Louis is
pushing tho Bryan Coinmorcial travolor
canard for all it is worth Mr C G
Branch of Lexington tho same stnto
has been somowhat amnzod at somo of
tho goutlouians statements and has
politely but firmly called him down a
notch or two In a letter to tho Kan
sas City Journal ho says The state
ment was sent out last week to com
mercial travelers by Jim Jump of St
Louis in which Jump would havo the
public believo that the travelers force
has been cut down under McKinleys
administration 23000 men in round
numbers This untrue statement can
not pass my attention uncontradicted
Every intelligent commercial tnueler
will corroborate my statement when I
say that thoro aro more men on tho road
today than ever before in tho history of
this country Right in Mr Jumps owu
city aud carrying u lino of goods in com
petition to that of his own there are to
my personal knowledge seveuty hvo
more commercial travelers than there
ever havo been before not saying any
thing of tho uumorous other lines that
aro represented from this city through
out tho length nnd breadth of this laud
Tho coinmorcial travelers force is not
only not on tho wauo but is keepiug
paco with tho gieat patriotic move
ment of tho time expausiou I sup
pose Mr Jump attributes the crowded
hotels and scarcity of sample rooms
which the army of commercial travel
ers have had to contend with during
tho last three years to McKmloy tho
rain maker and Hauuas slush fund
of which he speaks iu his address is
sued to the commercial travelers Tho
truth is Jump is in favor of nothiug
good that ho knows auythiug about
and is opposed to everything good that
ho knows nothiug about
Prosperity Items
Pour years ago there woro many
vacant btoro rooms in Norfolk This
year thoro is but one or two rooms in
anything like desirable locations not
occupied with prosperous tenants
Four years ago idle men were plenty
iu Norfolk willing to work nt almost
anything for any kind of wages Now
men are very generally employed at
good wages
Four years ago Norfolk merchants
were very gloomy aud had plenty of
time to staud around nud complain
about lack of business It is seldom
that one is heard to complain now aud
thorp aro very fow who cannot show an
mcreaso of from 2 to 100 per cent in
business or profits
Tho building of brick and concrete
sidewalks was not undertaken under a
democratic administration It is now a
common improvement
Not since the city was established has
there been as much painting nnd im
proving of residence property as Norfolk
lias experienced dunng the past year
Deposits in Norfolk banks show n
gratifying increase over lulMJ and tho
farmers owu the bulk of the lucrease
Norfolk has had no ground for com
plaint on the quality of prosperity It
has uot boomedbut haseujoyeda steady
growth and niprehauts havo been reim
bursed for their losses dunug the hard
Calamity howling is a poor policy for
any political party and a poor recom
mend on which to socuro votes
The Chino Champion says a whole
lot in this llttlo pontenco Listen to
reason not to rant to argument not
to abuse
Tho lepublican senatorial convention
for the Eleventh district moots at this
place tomorrow Tho situation as to a
candidate has not cleared very materi
ally during tho last woek but it may bo
di ponded upon that tho convention will
place some man iu tho Hold who will
represent tho district in tho state sonato
next winter Thoro is still a demand on
the part of his friends that W W
Young of Stanton bo nominated oven
over his own protest but we hardly bo
lievo in that kind of politics and If Mr
Young still Insists tomorrow that ho
doos not want tho place his friends
should recognize liis wishes in tho mat
tor While wo would bo glad to support
Mr Youug iu tho campaign holloving
him to bo a good man and ono who can
bo oloctod yet a nomination should
novor be forced upon anyono If ho will
say that ho will take the nomination
and Invest some of tho energy which ho
has in nbuudanco in trying to securo an
olootiou wo will be pleased to soo it go
to him
A L Carter tho republican nomlueo
for county commissioner from tho son-
ond district has boon a resident of this
county for tho past IS yoars Ho was
born in Peoria couutv Illinois mmnv
mg whon a young man to Kansas
liiuro no was marriod nud with his
John Goigor ho went to
Indiana nnd soon after tho two nnno to
Nebraska purchasing 110 acres of laud
adjoining tills city on tho east Hence
no lias seen the country crow from
practically a raw prairio to a community
of well built aud well kept homes Mr
Uirtor lias always been a farmer and a
very successful ijouo if tho nmount of
stock and improvements that has ac-
cumulated nbout him are any indication
rue man wiio is a good farmer is usually
a safe business man nud as county com
missioner Mr Cartel would look after
tho affairs of tho county as closelv as ho
does his own He has boon a consistent
republican all his life His first vote
was cast for Grant in 1SGS at which
time ho was a long ways from home on
a visit but so loyal wa9 he to tho nartv
of his father that ho made a special trip
Home in order to vote The only ofiice
ho has ever held is that of road overseer
of district No b in which position he
has served nine years and given gen
oral satisfaction If elected Mr Carter
will make a careful conscieutious
county commissioner
President McKinleys letter of accept
ance is in notable contrast with Mr
Bryans Indianapolis speech in that
whilo tho latter dealt with fancies and
vagaries flights of oratory aud iiDDeals
to minds of lighter turn the former
deals almost exclusively with facts aud
figures gets under tho surfaco of affairs
aud gives something worthy of thought
ana study Mr Bryans speech was
beautifully constructed from the stand
point of the rhetorician it showed the
orator the student of laugungetho man
wuo can entertain an audience and do it
well President McKinleys letter indi
cates the statesman tho man of busi
ness tho student of political economy
tho man to direct affairs of nations and
it rests with tho people to choose be
tween them the orator who can please
an audionco and tho business man and
statesmnu who can guide and direct
President Mckmley failed to dodge an
issuo He stauds where ho always
stood tho champion of republican poli
cies aud principles the champion of
what ho believes best for the creat body
of American people A fearless stand
that unmercifully attacks tho vagaries
of democracy aud invites criticism
The statement of tho Philippine situa
tion is especially comprehensive E ery
voter should tead the article It will
assist him to an intelligent decision next
November Dout pass it up because it
conies from a republican but give It
your thoughtful considoratiou
Burt Mapo3 nominated by the repub
hcans for county attorney is so well
known in Madison county that it is
hnrdly necessary to introduce him Mr
Mapes has been a resident of this county
about 13 years having located here in
tho fall of 1S35 Ho commenced life ns
a farmer boy uenr Middletown New
York where ho wont to school during
tho wiuter and helped his father ou tho
fnnu through tho summer At an
early age he outered the National
Normal university of Lebanon Ohio
workiug to earu money enough to pay
his way and graduating with honors
Then ho went back to his home town
and entered a law oflico where he
studied until ho was about 20 years old
wheu he came hero and at once went
into the law office of H 0 Brome As
soou as ho had reached tho age of 21 ho
was admitted to tho bar in this county
shortly afterwnrd forming a partner
ship with Messrs B T White now of
Omaha aud gouoral solicitor of tho F E
ic M V railroad nnd H C Bromo
also of Omaha aud attorney for the
same road When thoso gentlemen re
moved from the city ho formed n part
nership with John O Licey under the
firm name of Mapes Licey which
1 was coutiuuod until a few years ago
I when ho merged hm professional fort-
Put That In Your Pipe and Smoke It
I dont caro what you want nor how much or how
llttlo of it If its anything in lumber or building ma
terial I can save you dollars Ask my prices boforo
buying and seo if I caut
unes with M C Hazen and is now a
member of the lnw firm of Mapes
Hazen Mr Mapes was elected county
attorney of this comity in tho fall of
1SS8 nnd served with credit to himself
aud profit to his constituents during tho
next two years Ho has been city at
toruey of Norfolk for a number of years
and still holds that position to tho sat
isfaction ot all concerned Ho has al
ways been considered a good practi
tioner and if elected this fall ho will
bring to tho office tho benefit of a wide
and varied experience iu matters which
will naturally come before him for his
legal opinion As a counselor to the
board of county commissioners ho will
bo particularly capable his loug train
ing iu matters ot a public nature es
pecially fitting him for that position
He Ls conservative careful and conscien
tious and tho county will be well
served if he is elected as its attorney
Twelic Presidential Tickets
There aro now twelve duly named
presidential tickets before the American
voter for his consideration and ns there
is still nearly two mouths before elec
tion tho list may bo further increased
The tickets aud dates of naming them
are as follows
Socialist labor named January 27
Job F Harriman of California for pres
ident aud Max S Hayes of Ohio for
vice president
Social democracy named Maich G
Eugene V Debs of Indiana for president
nnd Job Harnman of California for
vice president
United Chnstiau named May 1
Rev S C Swallow of Pennsylvania for
president and John G Woolley of Illi
nois for vice president
Peoples independent named Miy 0
William J Bryan of Nebraska for presi
dent and Charles A Tow no of Minne
sota for vice president
Populists named May Wharton
Barker of Pennsylvania for president
aud Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesota for
vice president
DeLoou socialists named May 23
Jos Malouey of Massachusetts for pres
ident nnd Valentine Remill of Pennsyl
vania for vice president
Republican named June 19 Williain
McKiuley of Ohio for president aud
Theodore Roosevelt of New York for
vice president
Prohibition named Juue 2S John G
Woolley of Illinois for president and H
B Metcalf of Rhode Island for vice
Democratic named July 4 William
J Bryan of Nebraska for president nud
Adlai Stevenson of Illinois for vice pres
Sliver republicans named July 4
William J Bryan of Nebraska for pres
ident aud no nominee for vicepresident
National party named September 5
Donaldson Oaffery for president and
Archibald M Howe for vice president
Union reform named September 5
Seth Ellis for president and S T Nichol
son for vice president
Nate Rowlett and Melviu Homer at
tended the state fair at Lincoln last
Foster Davis of York Ohio is the
guest of A N McGiuuis and family
Mrs 0 D Munsou took the train for
Beatrico Mouduy morning to visit her
Master Reubon Miller weut to Omaha
Monday where he will attend school
this fall aud wiuter
A N McGinnisnnd O D Munson
went to Battle Creek Saturday ns dele
gates to the republican county conven
At tho repubheau caucus held last
week tho following nominations were
made Asf ssor Fred Odell justice of
tho peace O D Munsou constable W
P Rowlett road overseer district
No 0 Geo Carlotou district No 10
Zell McGiuuis
Sew lug Mitt Itlne Content
The judges account of the vote cast
September 10 toi a in for thorespectlvo
candidates in J D Sturgeons Colored
Porters Sewing Machlno Contest
Wre the undersigned judges appointed
to couut the votes cast in the above
unmed contest hereby certify that tho
votes cast to date aro as listed below
Al Johnson
Dave Shores 1
Oscak Uiili
Women are Like
Flowers HfhLhybl0nsdsslong
and bloom Sickly they wither and
de Every woman ought to look well
and feel well Its her right and duty
but she might as well try to put out a
i re wua on as 10 as i canny ana at
tractive with disease corrodng the
organs that make her a woman Upon
I their health depends her health If
there is inflammation or weakening
Hrain nr nffrincr at fh mnnfhlv f
period attend to it at once Dont
delay Youre one step neare the
grave every day you put it off
Vomen can stand a great dal but
they cannot live forever with disease
dragging at the most delicate and
vaal organs in their body You may
have been deceived In so called cures
We d nt see how you c uM help it
thure so much wtrthlcb stuff on
the market Hut nu nnt be uis
nnpoinltd in HridfiLlds Temnle Ref
ill nor Wo believe it is the
cineonennhforwomanly ills There
is is much difference between it and
other ho cilled reniedieb ns there is
between right and u ronij Uradhclds
Temale Regulator soothes the pain
stops the drains promotes resjularitj
strengthens purines and cleanses It
dues all this quickly nnd easily and
tlittirnllv If 11 rf ftwirn i1n Inilu
icido whether they will be health or
sick Bradhelds KeKiilator lies at I
hand 1 pir buttle at druj store
Send for our free booklet
hWIVii 1 1 i m J
Michaels Studio
We shall ho pleased to see you even if
you do not need any work in our line
Come iu and get acquainted and see our
lovely line of photos where you will
And tho very latest in styles of mounts
and finish All work guaranteed satis
factory Wo havo a flue line of Oil
Paintings Water Colors Pastel aud
Crayon Work A largo stock of Pic
ture Frames nud Mouldings Amntour
supplies always on hand and your work
done prompt nnd reasonable Your
trade is wanted nt the finest gallery iu
this country
Yours for Business
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief
It curoi Plleanr Hemorrhoids External or Inter
nal Iillnil or MLtllnItcliluorUurulngH3urii
iindHstulas Keller Immediate euro certain
It cures liurns feealds and Ulcerations and Con
tractions from Durns The Ilellef lustaut healluu
It cures Torn Cut or Lacerated Wounds aud
It cures noils Carbuncles Felons nuurounds
Ulcers Old Sores Itching Erujulous hcurfy or
Scald Head
It cures Inflamed or Caked Ilreasu and Soro
Nipples Invaluable
It cures halt KUeum Tellers Scurfy Eruptions
Chapped Hands Kner Misters Soro Ilps or
Nostrils Corns llunlous Sore and Chafed Feet
Mings of Insects Mosquito Ultes aud Sunburns
Throe Sizes 26o 50c and 100
Sold by Druggists or sent pre paid on receiptor price
Cor William i John bu ftEVV YUUK