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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1900)
m i 1 M f up if The Norfolk Weeexy News SURVIVORS IE ei Physicians Unable to Care for Wounded at Galveston WITHOUT DRINKING WATER Uodies Now liciim Disposed of In Swiftest Milliner Possible COKPSES FLOAT HACK WITH TIDE Estimates of Ioi nT IITc Hun All tint Way From 1000 to Lot of He lief Supplies I lteeelvedMiirtliil Law In Iorce IIoiiRton Sept in AH attempts nt buiylng tlit dead lmvo been tittorly abandoned mid bodies urn now being disposed of In the swiftest manner possible Ilundiods weie taken out to isea and thrown ovei board The safe ty of the living is now the paramount question and nothing that will tend to prevent the outbreak of an awful pestilence Is being neglected Yester day morning It was found that large numbers of bodies whieh had been previously tin own In the bay weie washed baek on the shore and the sit uation was thus rendeied worse than before they weie taken In the barges and thrown Into the water It will now never be known how many have lost their lives Intimates run all the way from 1000 to 10000 The formal figure is given by Lieutenant Poiry n aide on General MoKibbens stall The number ol dead bodies along the shore aeeordlng to Lieutenant Perry lias been over estimated and will not reach over 1000 Ills estimate is laughed at by numtiers of men who had been In Galveston earlier They claimed that at least UfiOO bodies weie buried or carried out on brages before Lieutenant Perry arrived It will be Impossible to formulate a list of the dead from now on Mayor Jones still contends the dead will number 5000 and others whose opportunity for judging is less than that of the mayor place it at 10000 The wounded everywhere are still needing the attention of physicians and despite every effort it is feaied that a number will die because ot the sheer physical inability to lend them the nid necessary to save their lives Every man In Galveston who is able to walk ut worked li gaged m telief work with all of their energy Hut despite all this they cannot keep pace with the miserable conditions sur rounding them Water can lie ob tained by able bodied men but with great ditilculty Dr Shaw said that there was liOO people at St Marys infirmary without water They had been making coffee of salt water and using that as their only beverage Very little stealing was reported yes terday and there were no killings The number of men shot Tuesday for rob bing the dead proved a salutary lesson nnd It is not expected there will be any more occurrences of this sort Another tralnload of clothing and provisions the third in the last 21 bouts came here last night from Hous ton The steamer Charlotte arrived last evening from Houston with 10 000 loaves of bread and other provis ions The amount of food sent in so far has been large but there are still In the neighborhood of 10000 people to be cared for on the Island Wind Gunge Blown Away The oflioial reconls of the United States weather bureau have been made up and forwarded to Washington Un reports give some valuable additional Information about the storm The wind gauge recorded a two minute blow at the rate of 100 miles an hour and was then demolished by the hur ricane which continued to increase in violence While the exact velocity of the wind was not recorded after the destruction of the instrument the ve locity was estimated at between 110 and 120 miles an hour It did not maintain this terrific rate for any length of time perhaps for halt a min ute but it was sutlieiont to wreck any thing that met the full force of the storm A journal of tho local weather bu reau contains the leport of an appar ent tidal wave of tour feet which swept in from the gulf some time be tween the hours of 7 and 8 p in It should be lemeinbered that there was a tide of about live feet and a terrible swell In the gulf during the storm and that the tidal wave of four feet rose this wall of water and Increased the force and speed of the sea that washed over the city Efforts were made today to pick up the dead bodies that have floated hack with the tide haying once been cast Into the sea This is awful work and few men aie found with sufficient nerve to last at It more than HO min utes at a time All of tho bodies are badly decomposed swollen to enor mous proportions and of such a dark color that It Is Impossible to tell by the hair whether the corpses are white or negroes Additional Name of Kinimi VlttlniH Galveston Sept HI The following names are added to the death list Mrs Zwcigel and two daughters Mrs Chaffee and child Mrs Mary Plerson K Alice Plerson Frank Plerson Mis Nelson and daughter Mrs Johnson Mr and Mrs Dempsov Mis Ander son Mrs Mattle Anderson Header family llorfman family Mr and Mrs Geoige Kalkeiihiigen Mrs 11 Clem Kuhu and two children Willie Day Mis lames Holland Mr and Mrs H loekuian Mis Nathan Mooro Julius Kei get Charles Ross D Hoss Mrs PHtK leltliei Mis W 1 Johnston and two ehlldien Mis John Holland Mr nnd Mis 13 Chuiles Lawson and child Henry Seldenstrloker Mr and Mrs William Hoehni and six children Chuiles Sohult Charles Hodeeker Mrs Howard C Dunning and three ehlldien Alfied Ludwlg mother and Ulcliaid Dunning Mis lllgglns A 13 Goth and wife Joe Mauley mother nnd two nieces Mr Mauley Sr Havey family A Albert son nnd wife Mis CKcar Llndcpilst nnd thiee children Mrs Lackeys father and mother Mm Pink and two danghteis p Levin and family Mrs Jack At Hon nnd nine children Henry Dlrekes and family live of Kelgel fam ily Ionian Tiesvant Mts Turner Ar thur P Morse wife ami three children Mr Morse was a printer on tho Tilli line Huck Lloyd nnd wife alo a printer Albeit Ludwlg printer Will Hire pt oof render Galveston News wife and child John Christian MANY TOWNS Iff RUINS Loss or llfti In TcxiisOutlilcnrrinlestiiu Kst limited at ri Hundred Intnld Diiiiuikv Austin Sept III Governor Sayers ychtcnlay began receiving ieports from various points along the gulf coast which would indicate that there has been great propel ty damage done for several bundled miles and that the list of Galveston fatalities and suffer ing will be largely augmented Down the coast from Galveston the town of Dickinson was laid waste and live peo ple killed The towns of Alvin Alta Lonia Texas City and Rrookshire aie wrecked and hundreds are destitute Itiehinnnd is so badly demolished that It will iepiire weeks to clear the town Missouri City and Stafford Just oppo site weie entiiely demolished and the few remaining people at these places have no homes to cover their heads Hay City in Matagorda county is re potted wrecked with much loss of life though no ollicial repot t has been made to that effect Hatton Hollover Hoi Ivar Point Qulntnna Sugarland Helleville What ton Kali view Mis Four City Saittrthi Areola and EI Can iii am all tnitod heavy suffer ers both In point of piopetty de stroyed and lives lost Owing to the fact that the telegiaph sotvlie Is still badly crippled Governor Sayers cannot asceitain the eact number of dead at the points named but it Is approxi mated at 00 Reports to the governor show that the railroads telegraph and telephone companies have suffeied an immense loss by the storm The governor was informed that quite a number of tugs from New Orleans and other available points had either anivod or were en route to Galveston and that by Satur day the transposition problem would be solved so far as getting people from the Island to the mainland was con cerned Communication is Kestorrd Austin Sept Kl Governor Sayers yesterday made tho following state ment to the Associated Press corre spondent on the Galveston flood situa tion Conditions at Galveston are fully as bad as reported Communication however has been established be tween the Island and the mainland and hereafter transportation of sup plies will be less dlllicult The work of clearing the city is piogressing fair ly well and Adjutant General Scurry under diiection of the mayor Is pa trolling the city for the purpose of pic venting depredations The most con eervatlve estimate at tho number of deaths places them nt 2000 Contri butions from citizens of this state and nlso from other states are coming In rapidly and liberally nnd It is conll dently expected that within the next ten days the work of restoration by the people ot Galveston will hnve begun in good earnest and with energy and success Of course the destruction of propel ty has been very great not less than f 10000000 but It Is hoped and believed that even this great loss will be overcome through the energy and self reliance of the people Help MiiHt ll Immediate Chicago Sept lJ The following statement was made by It G Lowe manager of the Galveston News Galveston Sept 1L To Charles S Dlehl General Manager of the Asso elated Piess Chicago A summary of the conditions pievnlllng nt Galves tin Is more than human intellect can master Hrietly stated the damage to propei ty Is anywhere between lr000 000 anil 20000000 The loss of life cannot be computed No lists could be kept and all is simple guess work Those thown out to sea and burled on the ground whenever found will reach the horiible total of at least HOO i souls My estimate of the loss on the Island of the city of Galveston and the Immediate surrounding district is between 4000 and 5000 deaths I do not make this statement In fright or uimiiiiiH i in- miuir Mory win never be told because It can never be told I NORFOLK NEUKASKA TillltSDAY SKITKMItKl I MIX The necessities of those living ate total Not a single Individual es caped limpet ty loss The piopeity on the Nland Is wiei ked fully one half of the city was swept out of existence al together What our needs aie can be computed by the woild at laijie by the statement herewith submitted much better than I could possibly sum inailze them The help must be Im mediate Ititnocriiti Nominate llitiiRti Denver Sept HI 1 It Oiniaii of Pueblo was uninitiated tor governor by the Democratic convention TICKET NAMED ATSARATOGA Now York DriiinrintH Nominate Stimili Held fur Ooxernnr Saratoga Sept HI - A full state ticket headed by John It Stanchtleld for governor and W K Maekey foi lieutenant governor was nominated by the Democratic convention yester day Its head was not selected with out Indulgence of acrimonious person alities and a sni castle exchange of compliments among the leadeis Itul when the will of the convention had been tinally iccoided e Senator D H Hill was the tlrst to piopose tin1 unanimous nomination of A fileud of lifelong standing John It Stanch tleld This attitude pioved so spon taneously Infectious that the mpioson tatives of almost every county who bail opposed Mr Stanchtleld weie upon their feet anil one by one they weie recognized by Chairinnti Raines to second the nomination An evidence of the pin pose to avoid friction on all but the guhcrnatoilal candidate no the pint of Mr Hill and Mr Cmker wns manifest In the unanimous adop tion of committee icpoits on both resolutions and ciedentlals KRUGEFToFF FOR EUROPE Slialldiurcer Appointed Ailing President to Snrto DurliiK UN Alisence Lourenzo Maiquez Sept HI Presl dent Kruger and several Tiansvaal of ficers are staying at the house of J Pott the consul ol the Netheilands here It l lepoited that they will sail for Euiope Sept 11 on the German steamer Ileizog Mr Kiuger obtained formal leave of absente for six months ostensibly to proceed to Euiope to woik for Inter vention Mr Shnlkburger was ap pointed acting piesident to seive dur ing Mi Knigeis absence General Imuch has occupied Haibei ton London Sept Kt All the morning papeis publish sketches ot Mr ICru gcrs extraonllnaiy career The edi torials comment on his huiniliatiugand uiiiliamatfc exit which Is universally reganled as less poiplexing mil theiefoie pieferablo to capture UN light witli the bullion is legaided as putting an undignified end to his legal pretensions Washington Sept ft The following dispatch lias been icceived by the win depaitmeut tiom the United States army olllcer who accompanied the Roeis in their campaigns as military observer tniiriii7o Maniiez Icnts Iuiyo required the ilcpiiltiirc of the iiltiit lie fiuin the Trmisvuiil Keipicst Instruction SlKliuil KICIiTMANN This message is interpreted at the depaitment to mean the complete col lapse of the Hoer resistance to En gland Captain Hiclitmann has been cabled permission to start at once foi the United States NINE KILLED IN WRECK Duncan ClarkH Female Minstrel Troupe AlmoHt Wiped Out In n Itullroud Accident at lleeehwood III Cairo Ills Sept Hi The special car of Duncan Clarks female minstrel troupe was wrecked at Reechwood yes terday and of 10 occupants nine are dead and the others are seriously In jured some of them perhaps fatally Tho dead Alice Williams Ollie En right Etta Parson Patrick Patterson Marguerita Campella Anna Hell Ret ty Ruby Kitty Howard and Faith Hamilton Seriously injured Ettle Foyo El liott May Martis Otis Well and Dun can Clark The injured nre all In the hospitnl here Duncan Clark the manager will probably recover Patrick Paterson the only man who wns killed was the cook He was hurled fiom the car and struck the switch stand Ettn Patterson his wife was seriously Injured a large piece of wood being driven through her right shoulder The wreck was caused by the break ing of n car wheel on the theatrical car As the wheel wns rent asunder tho car veered around to the right and the rear end struck a switch engine on n parallel track The force of Im pact demolished the end of the car and the wreckage was sticvvn along tho track for 100 feet LOST IN LAKE ERIE Stoamer John II Lyon Founder With Fourteen of Her Crew Cleveland Sept Ht Dispatches be gin to tell of the shipping dlsasteis that resulted from the gale At least two vessels were sunk carrying down with them several peisons and a num ber of other vessels have reached port In a badly damaged condition The steamer John H Lyon owned by J C Gilchrist of this city foundered about five miles off Connenut 0 and all but two of her crew of 10 were lost I IS Column of Allies Leaves Peking to Attack Them GEN DORWARD IN COMMAND ll iipnM tn Clean Mil lnw ot llelieU Hint Mennce I li n Im itiil Hat Iteiehed llenpone Kiiiui All the 1iinrii Tien Tsln Sept S A body ot 1100 allied tioops Including 200 men of the Flllcenth Inrnntrv undei command of Ma lot Hobcison inaiched today against the cities of Sheng line Sleii nnd Tllle whom the pmsenco ol Hov eis thieateus the Tien Tsln legion The ndvniu was iiiaile In two col uinns tor Uif put pose of Hanking the two towns Geiieial Dorwind pot sunnily coinmaniled the expedition The Japanese siege guns weie taken With the expedition which Included a huge torce ol ctmiliy One regiment of Gorman cavalry nnd one lliltlsh batteiv have ai rived London Sept HI- All the coi re spondents In China are sending ten I bio stoiies of I lie wholesale inassaeies of natives ami mlssloiiailes It Is as serted that during July between I 000 nnd 20000 conveits weie miissmied In tlie noithern piovlnces Large until beis of missionaries aie still nunc counted for and small hope Is eutei tallied tor theli osinpo Native tepoits aie subject to the most caieful scrutiny with the tesiilt that them may be some exaggeration Them Is no doubt that in the main they are conect Tlie honor Is Intensified by eniillrmn tion of the teporls that women weie subjected to unspeakable barbarities and toituies being stripped and slow ly clubbed to death This was one of the mildest methods The lloxeis wreaked llendish vengeance The ucwspipcis aie calling loudly for swift punishment Penis aie on to tallied lest the Russian government which does not encourage mlsslonaiy propaganda may piovo lukewaini Stories weie curl out in the Emopeaii capitals last evening that all the pow ers had replied to Russias note Hint Great Itrltain mil Geiinany had do dined to evacuate Peking that Italy nnd Austria had decided to bo guided by Gonnnny and that the other pow ers had agiecd to a mom or less modi tied withdrawal WILL HELP LI HUNG CHANG United Mated Is Itn plilly IiikIiIiik Im Hard Neint latin li Willi China Washington Sept HI The uestlon of withdrawing the American tioops at Peking at once Is now belore the piesident ami a speedy decision is ox pected and icquimd There aie lifter ences of opinion between otllclals in Poking on tills question and the matter Is for the piesident to decide The action of the French government In lolning Russia in orders for the with diawal of troops has brought about the contingency touched upon In the icply to Russia in the following Ian gunge The result of these considerations is that unless there Is such a genera espiossion by the powers in favor of continued occupation a to modify tlie views expressed by the government of Russia and lend to a genet ul ngiee inent for continued occupation we shall give Instructions to the com mander of the American forces In China to withdraw our troops from Pe king after due conference with the other cominandeis as to time and man ner of withdrawal General Chaffee was made nc pialnted with the attitude of the goT eminent and was directed to hold hlin self in readiness to withdraw hl troops rndnubtedly be has con fened with tlie other commanders as to the time and manner of withdrawal according to the terms ot the note The rending of further supplies to him lias been stopped and he now await- but tho signal from Washington to begin his movement If Is highly deslrible that some re sponsible representative of the Chi nese government he iccognlzed In or der that we may secure a suilicient guarantee on which to base the with drawal of our tioops Li Hung Chang and Prince Chlng are the only lights in the east so far as our government can see and it Is possible that the piesent problem may bo solved by a decision to deal with them Immedi ately and to accept their pledge as suf liclent for our purposes Thereto e the decision announced to facilitate LI Hung Changs passage from Shang hai to Peking may be reganled as slg nillcaut Later it was announced that Consul General Goodnow had reported that LI would leave Shanghai next Filday for Tien Tsln Ills means ot tiausportatlon are not known but he may have a United States vessel If Slid a thing Is absolutely necessary to his leaching Tien Tsln Possibly the negotiations may be conducted them but the opinion in ollicial circlet appeals to lie that the last act In the negotiations the slgnatums of tin treaties which must bind China for thr fun no must take place at the Chino i1 capital K It Sler Iteturim Lincoln Sept HI Ed It Sister from erly of Lincoln now chief customs eltik at Havana arrived here last night on a 30 days furlough It lt rumoied that Mr Sl7ci may icmalu pciiiuincntly In thli It y lodd Naimil tin olnjtc Seward Nob HI Middle of the road Populists of the rem Hi Nebiiiska ills trlil yestenlay named Cuplalu J It Dodds oT Wviuoic foi coukicss MKINLEY BAErINljPTIALS rreililenl ami Wile Vtlend VVedilliiu of I lieli faMiilte Nleie Somerset Pa Sept II The wedding which last evening united the lives ol Miss Mabel McKln lev the onlv child of Mi and Mis Ab net McKlnley ami Dr llct mantis L Itnci was pel Imps the most notable ft out many points ot view ovei cole binled In this state The pieioiieo or Piesident mid Mis William McKln ley the undo and aunt of the bride together with othci prominent people fniiu vailous pints of the United States gave added Intemst to the at rah The appointments weie siipeib nnd the gowns of the ladles weie to mat liable loi their bemitv The coie inony took place In the diawlng loom ol the McKlnley loJldenie The onlv ollicial meognltion In connection with the wedding Iransplied In the piosl dent mid ids wile embracing their fa vol He niece and her husband heroic the paients of the Initio had done so HOLDUP ON BURLINGTON Ione Itoliliel In Iiiimiki Two Ilitlmtli Ciiih Neat Hnluli i and Seeiiir IS I Olio and Some lewelij McCook Nell Sept HI A dining nnd successful holdup was pet poinded on the Itiiillugtons Deuvei passengci tialn No II about tw lies west ot Ilalgler Noli vostonlay in which the pnsseugeiM ol I wo Pullman cms wen robbed ol 1000 and an amount ol Jewelry At the point named a lone toliher about Ti reel Inches In height and weighing about 100 pounds appealed on the scone mid al the point of a m volver compelled Miakcmnii W S Toinllnson ami tho Pullman poller tn pieiede him to t lit li on the lights awaken the piisoiigois and assist him In lellevlng t In- passengers of theli coin ami valuables Ho mbbed all ol the men on the cm hut did not molest the women Allei set tiling tip plunder the dnr lug man pulled the air lniko and os enped mini the 1 1 ii in al a point be Iweeii Ilalgler and Lilnl Colo On ar ilval or the tiiln ut Wray Colo the holdup was mpoitcd Wtnl was Im mediately wiled to Mi Cook mid men worn dlspaldidl In all directions from Ilonkloinan Ilalgler mid other points Tho lliiilliigtou run 1 1 announced a to wind ol loo foi the nppmhonslon ol the lobber but up to this time lie is still at laige Knlclitii Will Iml Miintiiiieiit Sioux City Sept ft Knights of Pythias in Sioux City soon will Issiif an addiess tn the Pvtlilau lodges of Iowa asking them to join in the eioc tion ol a suitable iiioiiiiiuciil to com memoiate the noble heroism ot Knight Andiew G Andoison who lost his lire while Hying to save otlieis tiom lie terrible Floyd liver Hood which woiked disaster in Sioux City May 18 IS Itnokeiilt at lliiron Union S D Sept Kl Governor Roosevelt was conducted to the place of speaking at this point Immediately upon the arrival of the train There was the usual crowd upon the streets the brass hand and the same hurrah uud cheer that have greeted the trav eler everywhere upon this Journey HI II Of IK Over 140000 Men In Hard Coal Fields Called Out WILL QUIT WORK MONDAY rirldnl Villi lull nnd Seitilatr VVIImin it the Mine Woillel t ill Villi Innn tn Hie Onlcr Ioiutel Will Illicit Hie Millie Ilnni llarellnn Im Indianapolis Sept lt Al ft Ifi last evening Iloslilcnl Mitchell and Secie tai Wilson ot the United Mine Wink cm ot Anieilca alllxcd their slgtiatuies to the document which will mcall II 000 Illinois or the Pennsylvania no lliiadle legion tiom theli wotk Mon day and picflpltatc one ol the most gigantic sit Ikes In the hlstoiy or tho labeling wot Id The dooiiiuout was tho cmloiscmciil or tho anthiiifltc le gions icipiest to strike All powei to cuiloisc t lie hIi Ike was loll In the hands ol the national piesident mid Hcnclniv Tho onlor to slillte was sent to tlie thmc pmsldcutH of the Peiinsvlvaula dlstilcls The older Is a simple lecltnl of the pioicduie of tlie I hi re dlstilcl bodies In applvlng to tlie national body to sttiko mid a loiiunl aiinoiitiooiiieiit thai the application Is cudoised and the sliike oidomd The onlor says- Do not wall foi any liiithoi nnllie to stilko but cense wink In a body 011 and afloi Sunday Sept lit ItKlO Yeslenlav afternoon Mi Mitchell mid Wilson sal In tho hoailiiiiiilers Roth weie neivous Thcv opened telo giams I111111 mii Ions pin Is of the an tluaclte legion with lovoiisli liasle thinking as I hey said Hint ouch mes sage might ho some 1 oncesslon fiuin the opeiatois The Dime dlslilet pieslileuts m polled Hull or Hie I llHI0 men in the t In cc distill Is lllriOO would go 011 strike Monday Piesident Mitchell would not stati wlin t seeiet woik had boon nt woik to piodtico the strike ami cause lie delay As to malnlainliig Hie men lining Hie sliike he salil When men aie lighting for ust wages they can sub sis on veiy little At imv into it is sale to mi y that no body will starve 01 want foi uecessaiv dollilng Most oT tho men live in 1 ompiny houses and wo must coiisldoi the piohnbllity or ovii lion lull those tilings have all boon couslileiod and will be met its tliov piesenl themselves At this time it would bo lolly tor the committee to go Into details as to the piovlslous foi dollilng and leedlng the Milkens Piosiileut Mitchell will leave today foi llalclou Pa to personally con dm t the stilko Up oi t Irli e ol oal Chicago Sepl it Repiosontatlvo of the nut In iclte coal millers nffected by Piesident Mitchells onlor to stilko cxpiosscil the opinion that mi advance will be made today A lopiosontativo of the Noitlioiu Coal company said We me In good shape in Mils sec tion or the country though we cannot stand a piotiactcd stilko IT it Is at all sweeping The price will siiiely rise possibly 1 a ton within a shoil time Them will be no yielding on tlie part of the opeiators or nillioads I am cer tain Dr Wiley Kiel ted lie nliniiea Milwaukee Sept Ht Dr E Wiley of Des Moines was yestonbiy made great Incohonee of the Improved Or der of Rcdmen MM Absolutely Pure- For the third of a century the standard for strength and purity It makes the hot bread hot biscuit cake and other pastry light sweet aftd excellent in every quality No other baking powder is just as good as Royal either in strength purity or wholesomeness Manj low ptirtil imitation baVit e powders ate uxin the market These aie nikilc uith alum anil care should tic taken toavotdtlK masalum is a poiteii ntir to be taken in the food ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO 100 WILLIAM ST NEW YORK