The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 30, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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of MUi
To to bound hntitl nml foot for venrs
ny thoeimiiis of tliFcneo is tho worst
form of plnvory CieoriJO 1 WillinniH
of Mnuchester Mick snys My wHo
has Iwon bo hilpliM for llvo yentH tlmt
Bho cotiltl not turn over in ixtl aloiio
After usIiik two bottles of Kleetrio Hit
tern hhe Jc wotulerfnlly improved anil
ivblo to do hor own work This su
linuno remedy for female iliensu
iiuiekly cureH nervoumiPFS hleeplesHUosH
melanelioly honducho ImcUnolui faint
liiK and dizzy upells It in a irodMMiil to
wenk Ktckly run down people Curo
gnaranteed Only MV Hold by Klenau
Dmi Co
Alien llnwrr
It is a HiirpriHliiK fact nny lrof
Houton i lint In my travel in all partH
of tho world for the last ten yeara 1
hnvo met liioro people hiivliiir timid
Greens AtiiiUHt Klowor than any other
remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver
lUuljRtoinaeh and Jconstlimtioii I llnd
for touristH and Hiilemen or for pernoitH
lining olllco positionH where headaehes
and BPiioral bad feeling from irregular
habits exist that UrcoiiH Auniint
Flower is a Brand remedy It does no
injure tho system by frequent uso and
is excellent for sour Htomaehs and
indigent ion Samplo bottles free at
Kiesnu Drug Co
Sold by dealers in all civilized coun
II Helped W In lliittlM
Twenty nine olllcors and men wroto
from the front to say that for hcratohes
bruises outs wounds sore foot and
still joints Huoklens Arnica salve is
tho best in the world Same for burns
skin eruptions and piles -Vi ets a box
Cure iiuuriuitood Sold by Kiesnu Drug
David City Neb April 1 WOO
Goneshee Puro Food Co Loltoy N Y
Oeutlemou I must say in regard to
Grain 0 that there is nothing better or
healthier Wo have UHcd it for years
My brother was a great coffon drinker
Ho wan taken sick and tho doctor said
cotlee was tho cause of it and told us to
uso Graiu O Wo got a pnekage but
did not liko it at llrst but now would
uot bo without it My brother has been
well over hinco wo started to ubo it
Yours truly
Lillii Sociiok
Iliiiiiftiiiiilv iiro 1iylni t
Tn ortlir to provo tho groat itinrit o
Elys Croiin lldii the uri t iillectho run
for nttrrh ami I oll in lloiul wo havo pre
Vrcd a iokvh lrd io for 10 ecu
Get it of your dm tirnwd lOcintitn
EIjY IKiOS U i Virrun t 1 Y My
IsuTercil f oiu mKri o -1 -or vml
ever sinco a buy a I 1 iiovtr lniuil ft
euro but Elys Croun Hnlm sectit to
livou that Many Iliuiiiiilinos lino ust
I with oxccluut rooutts JbtritL
4ri vYurron Ao Chuijr Il
TlyN Cronm Unliu ia the nesnnwledue
euro for cuturih and cnuttitns no cuotip
itiorrtiry nor anv iiiurioiis drug Trice
CI jeits At driiKMhlti or lv iiinil
Kr of Charge
Auy adult sutVeriug from a cold
settled on tho breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any naturo who
Mill call at Kiet au Drug Co will be
presented with n samplo bottle of
Bosoheos Gorman Syrup free of
charge Only one bottlo given to ono
person nud none to children without
order from parents
Xo throat or lung remedy over had
uch a sale as Boschees German Syrup
in all parts of tho civilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
were given away and your druggists
will tell you its succuss was marvelous
It is really the only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
citiiH One 75 cent bottlo will euro or
provo its value Sold by dealers iu nil
civilized countries
A Letter from t mini Jrnvti
Mrs L Gutru Newman Grove Mnd
isou Co writes Jjast spring I used
Dr Kays Reuovator fortiredfeoliugand
achiug limbs It helped mo greatly
Shall uso more this spriug
For Free Medical Advice samole
book address Dr B J Kay Medical Co
Saratoga Springs N Y Dr Kays
remedies sold by KoenigBtems Phar
macy and Kiesnu Drug Co
Dont Toliarro Spit an J huivLr 1 uur I ife Amy
To quit tobacco easily nnd fotccr bemag
oetlc full of lite nerve ami ifor tnlto No To
Rac je wonder worker Unit incites vealt men
Btroic Alii dtutJKlsts tl Curepuran
teed ltooklct nml samplo tree Address
BsrlliiR ICemedy Co Ohlcneo New Voik
low Are Tour Kidney f
Zt liolibs Sparaciti Ill cure all kldDer IIU Sam
ple freo Ailf fcterlluF ltimedTCotYttgoorN V
lreventnl m Trued-
Timely information given Mrs George
Long of New Straitsville Ohio saved
two lives A frightful cough had long
kept her awake every uight She had
tried many remedies and doctors but
steadily grew worse uutil urued to try
Dr Kinirs New Discovery One bottle
wholly cured her and she writes this
marvelous medicine also cured Mr Long
of a severe attack of pneumonia Such
cures are positive proof of its power to
care all throat cheet and lung troubles
Only fiOo and 100 Guaranteed
Trial bottles free at Kiesau Drug store
Ladies if yon want a refined and
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
use Koeky Mountain Tea Never fails
Ktk your druggist
Men can be oured privately and posi
tively at home J all weakness and dis
ease Write for new free book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 CommercialBlock
Sioux City la
Ladies deBiring a traneparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishes
and blackheads should use Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
iv me seorcii For me Gin
fCopyrldM 1WX1 by llobrrt llnrr 1
Jonnio Bnxter reached her hotel n
qnickly ns n fast pair of horses conld
tnko hor Sho had succeeded yet n few
rnbelllons tenrs of disappointment
trickled down her cheoks now that hIio
wnn alone in tho somidtirkness of tho
enrringe Him thonglit of tho eager
yonng man left standing dlnconsolntely
on tho curb with her glove dangling
in his hand mid sho bitterly regretted
that nnkind fortune had matlo it possi
ble for her to meet liitn only under false
protenscs Ono consolation was that ho
had no clow to her identity and sho
was resolved never never to hco him
ngnini yet such is tho contrariness of
hniunn nntnro no sooner was she re
freshed by tills determination than her
team flowed more freely than ever
Sho felt that sho wan as capable of
enjoying scenes liko tho function sho
hnd just left as any who were there oh
fitted for them by education by per
sonal appearance or by natural gifU of
tho mind as tho most welconio of tho
duohofls guests yet sho wns barred out
from thorn as effectually as was tho lost
peri at tho closed gate Why had capri
cious fnto selected two girls of probably
eqnnl merit and made ono a priucees
while tho other had to work hard night
nnd day for tho mero right to live
Nothing is so ineftectunl as the little
word why it nskB bnt never an
With a deep sigh Jonnio dried her
tears as tho carriage pulled np at tho
portal of the hotel The sigh dismissed
nil frivolities all futile whys Tho
girl wns now face to face with tho real
ities of lifo and tho events she had so
recently taken part in would soon blend
themselves into a dream
Dismissing the carriago and walking
briskly through tho hall she snid to tho
night porter
Have a hansom at tho door for me
in 15 minutes
A hansom my lady t gasped tho
astonished man
Yes Sho slipped a sovereign into
his hand and ran lightly up the stairs
Tho porter was well accustomed to tho
vagaries of great ladies although n
hansom nt midnight was rather beyond
his experieuco But if all womankind
tipped bo generously they might order
an omnibus and welcome so tho han
som was speedily at the door
Jennio roused tho drowsy maid who
was sitting up for her
Como sho said yon must get ev
erything packed at once Lay out my
ordinary drets and help mo oft with
Where is your other glovo my
lady usked tho maid busily unhook
ing and untying
Lost Dont tronblo about it When
everything is packed get Homo sleep
and leave word to bo called in time for
tho 8 oclock for Paris Hero is
money to pay the bill and for your fare
It is likely I shall join you at tho sta
tion but if I do not go to our hotel in
Puris and wait for mo there Say noth
ing of our destination to any ono and
answer no questions regarding mo
should any one ask Aro yon suro you
understand 1
Yes my lady
A fow moments later Jennio was in
tho cab driving through tho nearly de
serted streets She dismissed hervehiclo
at Charing Cross walked down the
Strand until she got another then pro-
i njtes
bllcntli one ktmtvjrnphcr tiptoeing in
rtitdciii mother
ceeded direct to the ofllco of Tho Daily
Bugle whose upper windows formed a
row of lights all th more brilliant be
cause of the intense darkness below
She found her shorthand writers
waiting for her Tho editor met her at
tho door of the room reserved for her
and said with vtble anxiety on his
brow Well what success K
Complete success she auswered
Goodl he replied emphatically
Now I propose to read the typewritten
sheets as they come from tho machine
correct them for obvious clerical errors
and send them right away to the com
positors You can perhaps glance over
the final proofs which will be ready
almost aa soon us you have finished
Very well Look closely to the
spelling of proper uames and verify
titles There wont bo much time for
me to go carefully over the lust proofs
All right You furnish the muterial
and Ill see that its used to the best
Jennie entered the jron and there
at a desk sat the waiting stenographer
Over his head hung the bulb of the
electric light its green circular shade
throwing the white rays directly down
on his open notebook The girl was
onco morn In the working world nnd
Its bracing air acted ns n tonlo to her
rifriiriimrlif nirviu All tntiirifitra nnrl
regrets had been put off with Ilia Paris J1011 llV0 delighted In wroto
And then if I had km
made gown which the maid at that mo-
meiit was carefully packing away Tho
order of nature seitiicd reversed The
butterfly had abandoned its gorgeous
wings tif Kim 7i ami was habited in tho
somber working garbof tho grub With
her hands clasped behind her the girl
paced tip and down tho room pouring
forth words 200 to tho minute and
sometimes more Silently ono stenogra
pher tiptoeing in replaced another
who as silently departed and from the
adjoining room the subdued nervous
rapid click click click of the typo
writing machine invaded without dis
turbing her consciousness Toward i
oclock tho low drone of tho rotaries in
tho cellar made itself felt rather than
heard The early edition of tho country
was being run off Time was flying
danced away by nimble feet in tho west
end worked away by nimble lingers in
Fleet street well named thoronghfaro
Play and work work and play ench
supplementing the other tho acts of
the frivolous recorded by tho indus
When a little more than three hours
dictating was finished tho voice of the
girl now as hoarse as formerly it hnd
been musical ceased Sho dropped into
a chair and rented her tired head on the
deserted desk closing her wearied eyes
Sho knew she had spoken between 15
000 and 20000 words a number almost
equal in quantity to that contained in
many a book which had made an au
thors fame and fortune and nil for
the ephemeral reading of a day of a
forenoon moro likely to bo forgotten
when the evening journals cnniu out I
Shortly after the typewriter gavo its
final click tho editor canio in
1 didnt liko to disturb yon while
you wero at work and so I kept at my
own task which was no light one and
thus 1 appreciate tho enormous Btrain
that has been on yon Your account ie
magnificent Mips Baxter just what 1
wanted and never hoped to get
I nin glad you liko it said tho
girl laughing somewhat dismally at
tho croaking sound of her own voice
1 nued not ask you if you wero
there for no person but ono who was
present and ono who know how to de
scribe could havo produced such a
vivid account of it all How did you
get inV
In where murmured Jennio drow
sily Sho found difficulty in keeping
her mind on what ho was saying
To tho Duchess of Chiselhursts
Oh getting in was easy enongh it
was tho getting out that was tho trou
Liko prison eh suggested tho
editor Now will yon havo a little
wine or something stronger
No no All I need is rest
Then let me call a cab I will see
you home if you will permit me
I am too tired to go homo I shall
remain here until morning
Nonsenso You must go home and
sleep for a week if yon want to Rouse
up I 1 believe you aro talking in your
sleep now
I understand perfectly what you are
saying and what I am doing I have
work that must bo attended to at 8
Please leave orders that homo ono is to
call mo at 7 and bring a cup of coffee
and biscuits or rolls or anything that is
to bo had at that hour And please
dont trouble further I am very thank
ful to you lut will express myself but
ter later on
With this the editor had to bo con
tent and was shortly on his way to his
own well earned rest To Jennie it
seemed but a moment after ho had gone
that tho porter placed coffee and rolls
on tho desk beside her saying Seven
oclock missl
Tho coffeo refreshed tho girl and as
sho passed through tho editorial rooms
sho noted their forlorn disheveled ap
pearance which all places show when
seen at an unaccustomed hour their
time of activity and bustle past Tho
rooms wero littered with torn pa
pers wastebaskets overflowing silent
scrappy abandoned in the gray morn
ing light which seemed intrusive
usurping the plnco of tho usual artifi
cial illumination and betraying a baro
ness which the other concealed Jennie
recognized a relutioiibhip between her
own up all night feeling and the spirit
of tho deserted rooms
At the railway station sho found her
maid waiting for her surrounded by
Havo you got your ticket
Yes my lady
I have changed my mind and will
not go to Paris just now Ask a porter
to put those trunks in tho left luggage
office and bring me the keys and the
When this was done and money mat
ters had been settled between them
Jennie gave tho girl 5 more than wus
due to her aud saw her into the car
riage well pleased with the reward A
hansom brought Jennie to her flat and
so ended the exhausting episode of the
Duchess of Chiselhursts bull
Yet an event like a malady leaves
the future The first Bymptoin of these
conseqneuces was a correspondence
aud as there is no reading more dreary
than a series of letters their substance
merely is bore given
When Jennie was herself again she
wrote a long letter to the Princess von
Steinheimer detailing tho particulars
of her impersonation and begging par
don for what bhe had done while giv
ing her reasons for doing it But ier
baps because it did not occur to her Bhe
made not tho sightest reference to Lord
Donal Stirling Two answers came to
this one a registered packet containing
tho diamonds which the princess had
previously offered to her the other a
letter from the princess own hand
In fact tho princess upbraided her for
not letting her Into the secret earlier
It Is jtict tho jolly kind of thing I
1 should not have sent that unlucky
telegram It serves you right and I am
glad yon had u fright Think of It
coming in at that inopportune moment
just as telegrams do at a piny But
Jennie aro you sure yon told mo every
thing A letter came from Londou tho
day before yours arrived and it bo
wildered me dreadfully at first Don
Stirling whom I used to know in
Washington a conceited yonng fellow
he was then 1 hope ho has improved
since wrote to say that ho had mot a
girl at the Duchess of Chiselhursts ball
who had a letter inviting tho Princess
von Steinheimer to tho festivity He
thought at first she was tho princess
which is very complimentary to each
of us but found later that she wasnt
Now ho wants to know you know nnd
thinks qnito reasonably that I must
have Hoiuu Inkling who that girl was
and ho bogs mo by our old friendship
cto IIo is a nice young man if a trifie
confident these young diplomatists
think they hold tho reins of the uni
verse in their hands and T would liko
to oblige him but I thought first I
wonld hear what you had to say about
it I am to address him caro of the em
bassy at St Peteisburg so I suppose
hes stationed there now By tho way
how did ho get your glove or is that
merely brag on his part He says that
it is the only clew he has and ho is go
ing to trace you from that it seems if i
1 do not tell him who you are and send
him your address Now what am I to
say when I write to St Petersburg
In reply to this Jennio sent a some
what incoherent letter very different
from her usual stylo of writing She
had not mentioned tho young man in
her former communication bIio said
because sho had been trying to forget
the incident in which he was tho cen
tral figure In no circumstances could
she meet him again and she implored
the princess not to disclose her identity
to him even by a hint She explained
tho glovo episode exactly as it had hap
pened she Wits compelled to sacrifice
the glovo to release her hand Pie had i
been very kind in helping her to escape
from a false position but it would bo
too humiliating for her ever to see him
or speak with him again
When this letter reached the schloss
at Mernn the princess telegraphed to
London Send me the other glove
and Jennio sent it A fow days later
came a further communication from the
I havo puzzled onr young man qnite
effectually I think clever ns ho im
agines himself to be I wroto him a
semi indignant letter to St Petersburg
and said I thought all along he had not
really recognized me at the ball in spite
of his protestations at first Then I saw
how easily he was deluded into tho be
lief that I wsis some other woman and
so tho temptation to further cozen him
was irresistible Am I not a good actress
I asked him I went on to say with
some show of anger that n quiet flirta
tion in the gallery was all very well in
its way but when it came to a young
man rushing in a frenzy bareheaded in
to the street after a respectable married
woman who had just got into her car
riago and was about to drivo away it
was too much altogether aud thus ho
came into poste sion of tho glove As
tho remaining glove was of no use to
me I hud great pleasure in sending it
to him but warned him that if the
story of tho gloves ever came to the
ears of my husband I would deny hav
ing either owned or worn them I
should liko to see Dons amazed look
when tho other glove drops out of my
letter which was a bulky package and
cost ever so much in postage I think
the sending cf the glove was an inspira
tion I fancy his lordship will bo now
completely deluded and that you need
have no further fear of his finding
Jennio read this letter over onco cr
twice and in spite of her friendly feel
ing for the princess there wus some
thing in the epistlo which jnrred on
her Nevertheless sho wrote and thanked
the princess for what sho had done and
tried to forget all ubout everything
pertaining to the ball However she
was not allowed to eraso all thoughts
of Lord Donal from her mind oven if
sho could huvo accomplished this tusk
unimpeded There shortly arrived a
brief note from the princess inclosing
a letter tho young diplomatist at St
Petersburg had written
Dear Princess it ran I am very
much obliged to you for the companion
glove us I am thus enabled to keep
one and use the other as a clew I
see you not only know who the mys
terious young lady is but that you
have since met her or ut leust huvo
been in correspondence with her If the
glovo does uot lead me to the hand I
shall pay u visit to you in tho hope that
you will atone for your present cruelty
by telling me where to find the owner
of both glove and hand
With regard to this note the princess
had written Don is not such a fool
as I took him to be He must have
i - v lnn An T
numerous consequences in its train ex- j ucu UV 4 B-
wish would write and tell
unin v vn i you me ex
tending who shall say bow far into
what he said to that evening
actly you
Out with this wish Jennie did uot
comply She merely again urged the
princess never to divulge the secret
Tojbe continued next Ttitireday
Punning In Colornrto Hint New Mexico
The Denver Rio Grando railroad
The Seenio Line of the World has
prepared au illustrated book upon the
above subject which will be seut free to
t farmers desiring to change their location
This publication gives valuable informa
tion in regard to tho agricultural horti
cultural aud live stock interests of this
section uud should be in the hands of
everyone who desires to becomo ac-
The Klitter of the diamonds showed quainted with the methods of far ring
Jennie that she had been speedily for j by irrigation Write S K Hooper G
given and tho letter corroborated thin p T A Denver Colo
tna oojoiff o auiputf ioo jo
mdiutsfB ir jo jortetl joj mdiuv uooouo
puoff ajno Oummtu jo foo Kad of
mtfiua jo tfoooj uo oojf fuam a JomApy
imoipow omuog uotuutoo mtoaJOj
moX joj poj utti o M i I PI Apauinn
iiJJfiro VJS Jd J Ulioq auo pin- MaPri J
s ilioq i3jn Xjiau31 PnpaK uapoil J
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v piiuoj I pLiJI iiiu J tutiMtt pipunidfc aaiXoftia
tj Jati1ui apii Aw vaiuw ijiiti pm iltii
pucvttl uiojj paj yjiw J iiinttuj asoiin v
oo xatiaippiiv MotAiiifw jo iatip4Lj vi siK
osrostp nj lpiqM suosjod nip uiajsCs aijj ttiojj
saimitimp CppiiOMpi ptni Isou punos puu poop
ajud sajjiuil pioipK PIOJh asu
suajpptp joj paj uju siioisjuuin jpin pun bpo
ptoi nip ajjipm astij aip oj mvsvajd m ij
iijiSiuoti Aja o i ptiaiiiutoa sopoDjeu
pun totioDiu tuojj itiopaaii ajnosqu pint jo
Dtueua omvpHaA Xiajuti sii uouuitiii nun Hon
snWip jo suwJiJo jaqjo atp jo sasuasm spai puutioBmois raw atp suatnSans
j pjtn puj aqj ui saq aioao3sci lt aipN unpioj sa jati Jd p anpiA aqx
jKxy Mionupui Suojis
jo pni ain oi tin tpvuiov aip Suuq piq tpvmo s jpiaM ai jo paj am
oj UMop pool nin 2muq o oti M papaatt m pqu ittfl paivpinisse fpwa tpooj
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pooj nip uonupiu nip puu v alup oj Mil5
atp uo pjpua puailait pooj nip iiioji jinApinj pjntinq
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mSfmMi Jatuo iitnjow
N ffT v 1 suvik0 P1
1jjuuuiis m ojji uaisAiu sppup nqj
pauna opit uonumu pun uonsniiip
qneiuo nip jnd o pt ippnq oi dnjs
isjy nip imp ptuut ut otuoq nq oj si
lj vlitiaiii sup u i siuids atp Ctpi
pur aiiinddu atp aiaj oi apvm nq
ppioisidmaiiu ui pipp w ui ssau
Wiapsji puu npiiiiMij aipadilu jo
Msoj si ajoip uativ joj pojun piiu
paippjw Cpiiads aq oi paoti unjp
PUD nstvi ii jo sttuntf nip jkoi
ptn taiiM jiv iji u im imp snoj
aptMAii asotp uiojj plip w pjmiS
tiua aAoj sjnipoiu oip jou Cijinpij
vXo ntp jaipiau pin 05 nj
nip jo ajvo atp m sjaHtivp Aju
inpjo uiojj ajes s pptp opiji aqj
Exclusive agent lur the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the I
best in the market
crantun Hard Coal in all hIzch TETEPBONK 61
For more than tweaty llvo years Dr J New
toa Hathaway has made a of 1emalo
llseaios Durluj that tlnio he hm liail ainoiiK
nis patleats oer tea thous
and women HinerluK from all
those many dlrterent coin
plaints iRfullar to the tex aud
has completely and perma
nently cured more than so per
cent ot the caseb he has
Hy his exclusive method
v hlcli he has er octed during
tho twenlyle jears of hit
most extensive practice he Is enabled to cure all
of these different dlteutes Including painful
profuse or suppressed menstruation prolapsus
all ovarian trouble tumors and ulceration in
fact every form ot those diseases which make a
burden of life to the great majority of women
He has so erfeete4 this system of his that he
can treat these cases by mall without airy per
sonal examination to which ewry sensitive
woman naturally objects and without any oper
ation with Its consequent pain and necessary
Ills system of treatment Is taken In the pri
vacy of the home the cure is painless aud It It
Write him a letter stating briely your
tlon and ho will send you a blank to ho Ailed out
Ho will glo otir case his personal attention and
caro and make his fee so moderate including all
medicines necessarj that ou will not feel the
burden of tho painetit and he will fcuarauteo
jou a iMJMiivu cure Audreys
Dr Ilulliuuuy ii Co
Cuinmprrlul Itlock Moux City Iowa
They overcome Weak
ness irregularity and
omissions increase
or ana bamsn pains
of menstruation They are LIFE SAVERS to girls at
womanhood aiding development of organs and body No
known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure 100 PEK BOX BY MAIL Sold
by druggists DR MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio
A Mountain TourlHt
In search of grand and beautiful
scenery finds such a profusion of riches
iu Colorado that before planning a trip
it will be well for you to gain oil the in
formation possible The Denver Rio
Grande railroid publishes u series of
useful illustrated pamphlets nil of which
may be obtained by writing S K
Hooper General Passenger and Ticket
Agent Denver Colo
Union Parities Kxcurxluii
To St Louis Mo account St Louis
fair one furo for round trip selhiifi
Sept iiOth to Oct oth Return final
limit Oct 8th
F W Junemak Agent
The News od department is com
plete in every particular
Tn Cure CoiiHt Iputlon rorever
TalteCiM tiiets Caiidv Cutliurllc 10c or 25c
t C C C full to cure ilniKkiMs refund money
That Throbbing Ileadaclm
Would qnickly leave you if you usea
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and Pocktt Tm U ijC7iStiul uur
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l uu eur 3 Uiitia M