The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 30, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Not More Than Two Members
hIhIii OIvpk Ills Acfitunt iif
the llltllrnlty 1 I ItlHiucil for Shirt
liiB the Trimble Ho Wiia Alisont From
Cntl Without Lenin
Company L N N G ami members
of the First regiment baud camo in from
camp nt Hastings Saturday night all
more or less fagged as the result of the
duties and excitement of camp lifo
They had a uniformly good time and
with the exception of tho saloon trouble
nothing occurred to mar tho occasion
The members wero quite indignant
that what thoy term an injustice to the
company had been done by tho news
paper correspondents They wero es
pecially severe in their denunciation of
tho World Herald article from which
The Nrws gleaned a portion of its in
formation the balanco coming through
its regular telegraphic news service
That there was an iujustico done tho
company there seems to be no room for
doubt as all agree that no members of
company L participated in tho riot
That it is easy to make a mistake nmst
be admitted however wheu it is known
that the reporter for The Nrws heard
three different stories regarding some of
tho main facts in the transaction from
three different members of the company
Biuce they came home
Almost the entire blame as far as the
company is concerned is thrown upon
young Law who was absent from camp
without leave nud they held rightly
enough that if he had obeyed orders no
trouble would have occurred It is also
true that no trouble would have taken
place had he not been a member and if
he was to blame for disobeying orders
the company was likewise to blame for
admitting him and one or two others of
known bad repute to membership
No one desires more than The News
that the company shall have a good name
and it is sorry that the disturbance hap
pened and that misleading statements
should have been made It will do its
part to rectify any wrong that has been
done and hopes that the company will
use every effort to so build up remodel
or control its membership that in the
future no possible grounds will exist
for a belief that the company is morally
degenerate For like any other organ
ization the reputation is not judged by
its best member but by its very worst
The News has taken pains to inter
view Captain Alfred Gerecke regarding
the trouble and will give his version of
the affair as near as possible which
conclusively proves that the company
was not concerned in the riot even in a
According to Captain Gerecke there
were but two men of Company L en
gaged in the trouble These were Pri
vates Perry Law and John Kuhl who
wero absent from camp without leave
Regarding the balance of the company
24 were ready to report when ordered
out to quell the disturbance three were
on guard mount and the whereabouts
of the other three of tho 32 were known
When the trouble began Captain
Gerecke was in a restaurant next to the
saloon eating his supper He says that
the first he knew of the trouble a brick
was hurled through the window of the
restaurant He at once got into the
btreet and ordered members of the bri
gade back to camp His authority was
not questioned except by a sextette of
First regiment members who said they
had a captain and several lieutenants
but that Captain Gerecke resembled
none of them and they refused to obey
He said he would look up their captain
and made an effort but was uuccessful
He was soon aided in the work of stop
ping the riot by the colonels of the regi
ment and other officers from camp and
it was not long until quieted down
As far as the start of the trouble was
concerned he knew little personally
However he had a talk with C P
Nelson of Axtell who was a witness to
the entire affair Mr Nelson says he
was standing at one end of the saloon
bar and heard very little disturbance
except that the bar tender was endeav
oring to induce Law to pay for a drink
The first hostile move was made by the
bartender who reached under the bar and
secured a glass which he hurled at Law
cutting several gashes in his face He
then hit him with a beer bottle About
this time the owner of the place started
around the end of the bar and Law struck
him whereupon he beat Law over the
head with the butt end of a revolver
giving him five or six hard blows
The captain was of the opinion that
Law was not drunk as he had no mouey
nud had not been down from camp long
enough to acquire a jug even though he
had the money
Private Spauldiug was among tho first
to arrive on tho scene after the riot
He found Law lying out ou the side
walk iu a helpless coudition and at ouce
took him out to camp His usage
beemed to have crazed Law and when
on tho way to camp Spauldiug had the
utmost difficulty in restraining him from
violence and ub it was he gave bis bene
factor an ugly bite on the arm It took
several men to hold Law nud he was
finally tied while the surgeon was dress
ing his wounds and even then he
squirmed around so that it was imper
fectly dono nud it wns only after ho
enmo to his senses somo honrs after that
his wounds could Iks perfectly dressed
Ho will probably be scarred on his faco
for life
Captain Gerecke says there wero six
police officers standing near during tho
riot with their clubs out and could easily
have quelled tho tumult had they mado
an effort
One of tho Hough Riders who at
tempted to restore order was promptly
unhorsed Ho rode into the crowd with
tho threat that ho would shoot tho man
who throw a brick Tho crowd took
him off his horso took his weapons
awny from him and chased him tip a
back alley
Owing to the darkness it was impos
sible to distinguish faces but tho cap
tain is positive that no more than one
of company Ls members was engaged
in tho assault on tho snloou
D J Koeuigsteiu has gone to Wayne
on business
Mrs P M Ruhlow was n passenger
today for Omaha
Miss Gao Sdautou was a passenger
for Madison today
Sheriff Losoy was iu tho city yester
day from MadiBOU
Burt Mapes and M D Tyler had busi
ness MadiBou today
Mr and Mrs David 13aruett went to
Beemer today for n visit
E F Cole of Madison was iu tho city
today on his way to Osmond
Rev Lowery was iu the city today on
his way from Madison to ONeill
Engineer W H Lowe went to Pierce
today to do some work in his lino
Miss Lillian Luikart returned today
from her trip to Hot Springs S D
Mrs Jos Kilpatrick and daughter
of Madison were in the city today
Miss Nellie Smith of Council Bluffs
Iowa is visiting at the Coffeene home
Dr and Mrs H T Holden left yes
terday for Omaha where they will visit
for a mouth
Mrs O J Jchusou left on the noon
train for Omaha where she will enjoy u
two weeks visit
S K Dexter proprietor of the cold
storage left this morning for his home
in Lowell Mass
A new brick walk is being laid in
front of the residence of Dr H T Hol
den on west Norfolk avenue
Ernest Bridge has returned from
a trip through Iowa in the interest
of the Sugar City Cereal mills
Mrs O P Michael and children re
turned last evening from Pierce where
they visited relatives for a few days
Henry Schroeder of Sydney stopped
over here between trains having been
on a visit to friends in Meadow Grove
Miss Edna Durlaud returned to her
home in Plainview this noon after u
visit with Norfolk friends and relatives
Miss Price who has been visiting
friends here for some time past returned
to her home in St Joe Mo yesterday
Miss Emma Ewald of Mound City
Mo who has been visiting her sister
Mrs Wm Hazel returned to her home
Miss Irene Jnuemau returned this
morning from Denver Colorado where
she has been spending the summer with
her brother
Mrs Leon Brown of Missouri Valley
Iowa who has been visiting her parents
Mr and Mrs E W Bates returned to
her home yesterday morning
W H Johnson is expected home this
evening from New York where he has
been to purchase the fall aud winter
stock of goods for his company
The sidewalk on the south side of
Main street between Eighth aud Ninth
is being replaced by a substantial brick
walk materially improving tho property
A number of Norfolk ladies have re
ceived invitations to an afternoon party
to be given Thursday by Mrs G W
Kirkpatrick of Pierce iu honor of Mrs
G F Keiper
Chris Madsen left this noon for Chi
cago from which place he will start on
his fall trip through Minnesota in the
iuterests of 0 M Hendersons boot and
shoe company
C E Metcalf a blacksmith who has
beeu holding out at the resorts across the
creek was arrested for vagrauoy yester
day pleaded not guilty but was fined
10 which he paid
The late Davison Amerino was
granted an increase iu pension to 10 a
mouth by tho pension bureau at Wash
ington lost week His heirs will prob
ably receive the benefit
The walk in front of the Auditorium
which has never been finished is now
being completed nnd the improvement
will bo much appreciated by patrons of
the popular amusemeut hall
Tho Rough Rider party componed
of Ray Hayes Ed Dixon Chas Gerecke
Hugh Mullen aud Fred Parker returned
yesterday from the Yellow Banks
where they enjoyed an outing of two
Mr and Mrs W H ButterMeld nud
L F Drake who has been through
Montana and tho west weut to
ton this morning ond from there
drive to Mr Butterfields ranch
once concluded it would make an
tractive window display aud put it
that uso
Ex Congressman M W Howard
xMabama lias promised that he will
Chas H and Walter Lugo or
Hoopciton 111 who have been touriijg
the west for the past three mouths to
improve their health camo in last night
over the Union Pacific for a visit with
D 1 Hall
Tin News is in receipt of the pre
mium list of the Stanton county fair to
bo hold at Stanton September 18 111 JO
and Ul Somo excellent prizes in the
sport and speed departments aro offered
and tho premiums aro very liberal
Tho tennis games last night resulted
as follows L P Pasewulk and F II
Beels against W 11 Bucholz and Sol G
Mayer tl i In tho other court C II
Reynolds and C S Parker plaved
against Henry Bovee and Frank G
Salter Scoro 1 J
Tho general merchandise Mora of
Hall Meinecko at Battle Creek was
burglarized hist night and a quantity
of goodB and some money taken An
effort was mado to secure blood hounds
from Lincoln to track tho thieves but
with what success has not been ascer
Mrs D H Hicks daughter of Mrs
Gordon of Hub city died at her home in
Omaha Sunday morning The body
was shipped horo last evening and fu
neral services were held from Mrs Gor
dons homo on Brnasch avenue this
morning at 10 oclock Rev G H Main
conducting tho services
Dr Muoknv has sort of gold bricked
Asa K Leonard The doctor secured
some of the material removed from the
batteries at the Western Union office
and took it to Mr Leonard assuring
him that it was sent from Capo Nome
by his brother Tho npothocary at
tend tho populist congressional conven
tion to bo held hero September i Mr
Howard is Biiid to bo one of the ablest
orators of the south and it is expected
that he will address the convention on
the topics of the day Prof J ABoyce
of Nebraska is another orator who hn
promised to be present and say some
At the preliminary hearing bofon
County Judge Bates at Madison yester
day afternoon Cornelius Smith was tie
dared justifiable in the shooting of lib
father-in-law Julius Bolofski neai
Meadow Grove a wclc ago and he i1
now a free man Many witnesses were
examined proving the evil disposition of
the dead man and there is no objection
to the results of tho trial by anyone
That Bolofski was an ugly customer
when full is beyond question
This morning John Freythaler sold
his bakery aud confectionery to Mr E
B Kauffman from Sioux Falls S D
who takes possession today and will
name the place the Model Bakery Mr
Kauffman comes well recommended
from Sioux Falls nud will no doubt
continue to receive the liberal patronage
that has always been accorded to Mr
Freythaler Mr aud Mrs Froythaler
will leave next Monday for u visit ol
two mouths at their old home in Ger
many and Mr Freythaler will nttend
the golden wedding anniversary of his
Officer Kane had a crazy man on his
hands who was occupying a cell in the
city jail The fellow claims that bis
home iB in New York and that he hah
been working in the beet sugar factory
at Ames He is laboring under the
hallucination that his father died and
left him immense wealth which every
body is trying to get away from him
He has an especial horror of tramps
whom he thinks are continually after
him County Attorney Tyler and
Winter looked into his case and sent him
over to Madison to be examined by the
board of insanity commissioners
The plans for the new brick block to
be erected by Geo H Bishop on the
northwest corner of Main and Fourtli
streets are now being made by Archi
tect Stitt The plans call for a building
75 by 80 feet two stories high the
lower lloor of which will bo used as a
store room and tho second floor will be
out up into offices The building will
be one of the most substantially built
in the city of pressed brick with granite
trimmings finished in oak throughout
Mr Stitt is dot advised definitely
whether work will be commenced ou
the buildiug this fall but iB of the
opinion that it will
Norfolk lodge No 07 A O U W
held a very pleasant special meeting
last ninht to greet Grand Master Work
mau M E Shultz of Beatrice who was
on his way to Raudolpb to attend the
Northeast Nebraska picnio which is
being held today Short talks were
made by officers and members of the
lodge and the grand master workman
gave a very nice talk concerning the
good of the order He stated that dur
ing September Nebraska aud Missouri
would enter iuto a contest to determine
if the two jurisdictions combined
couldnt get more members thau theoue
He urged Norfolk lodge to do its share
toward winning and it is very likely
that an effort to increase the member
ship will be made although it now haB
the largest membership of any lodge in
the city
Battle Creek Men Trailed by
Blood Hounds
IliiKN it It 1 Illinium lit Lincoln do tlmiil
Wurh In it Mllitlti n ll lni c Tnulchi
tin- AltiKMnrth In Trull lmtl TIiIxwm
IntilllKiiit lint SiitiiKP ItrntiK
Kroin WpiliiPHilnyH Dully
1 t Emmons of Lincoln came down
from Battle Creek this noon with his
pair of ferocious looking bloodhounds
with which ho had successfully trailed
the burglars who robbed tho general
merchandise store of Hull iV Meiucko
Monday night
Plie trail was taken at the store and
iu just VJ minutes the intelligent brutes
had located the robbers at a house lit
Battle Creek where they wero promptly
placed under arrest A portion of tho
goods was found in the house and tho
evidence against tho men one of whom
is named Tyler aud formerly lived in
this city is strong They were turned
over to Sheriff Losey and he has taken
them to Madison and placed them iu
tho county jail to awaif trial
Mr Emmons will leave this evening
for Ainsworth where ho will endeavor
to overhaul some cattle thieves One of
his animals is a genuine Cuban blood
hound and both have a record for over
hauling many crimnals
Their owner says the dogs rarely
miss their guess on a trail not over S or
10 hours old and have successfully
worked a trail 7J hours old iu wet
Mr Emmons is working for himself
aud if kept quite busy deriving a very
considerable income from tin business
Owing to their savage disposition Mr
luminous keeps his hounds constantly
muzzled and when on a trail ho does
not let them get further away from him
than the end of a leather thong which
is six or eight feet in length Ho states
that when confined in a baggage car
they show n disposition to prevent the
baggage men from doing their work and
would probably drive tliein out but for
tho fact that they are muzzled and tied
They seem to think that no one but their
owner has a right to move any goods in
their immediate vicinity If not re
strained the dogs would literally eat
ui the thieves they trail
Messrs Hall and Meincke are very
well pleased with the work done for
them aud all who witnessed the work
ings of the dogs were delighted with the
intelligence they displayed
Among tho things taken by the burg
lars was a box containing policies
money warrants to the amount of j0
and some certificates of mining stock
They gained entranco by breaking tho
glass out of a side window
C S Hayes is confined to his homo
witii sickness
Mr and Mrs John Kraut z drove to
Neligli yesterday
E B Ovehnan will go to Wood Lake
this evening to recreate
Miss Esther Conner of Neligli visited
yesterday with Miss Opal Corryell
Superintendent O H Reynolds went
to Verdigre today on railroad business
II T Holden did not accompany his
wife to Omaha as was asserted laBt
F E Martin of the Battle Creek
Enterprise waB in tho city yesterday on
Dr H L Scoggiu departed Mouday
on a visit to relatives uud friends iu
Miss Moud Deuel of Meadow Grovu
was in tho city today on her way to
Miss Josephine Butterfleld went to
Columbus this morning to visit Miss
Eioise Roane
W R Hoilniau went to Chicago and
eastern points today to purchase a fall
stock of furniture
O B Hazeu has the thanks of this
office for a large sample of his luscious
Sugar City sweet watermelons
Mrs Wm Killeu returned last eveu
iug from Belmont Iowa where she had
been called by the death of her sister
Mus Carrie Fuesler very pleasantly
entertained u number of her young
friends at a party yesterday afternoon
Couuty Attorney M D Tyler waB
called to Battle Creek this morning by
Sheriff Losey to consult iu regard to
criminal action
Frank J Boyd of Oakdale candidate
for district judge on the republican
ticket was iu the city today making the
acquaintance of voters
Charles W Orr of Boyd county has
beeu nominated by the republicans of
Boyd and Knox county for representa
tive from the Twentieth district
W J Rupert formerly employed in
this otlico but now firing ou the main
lino of the M O with headquarters
at Sioux City was over today greeting
J F Hepperly the mnrket garduer
contributed to the gastrouomio enjoy
ment of The News force this morning
by leaving a number of his choice water
melons at this office
Fred Cooley of Denver who is travel-
ingfor a tlrnihandlingscientifio appa
ratus was iu fiio city today He was a
classmate of J B lJirnes jr in the
Nebraska state university
It is rumored that a hoy is wanted at
the sugar factory to sweep the sunshine
off tho roof Hero is an opportunity for
a good active industrious boy and lie
wont have to work Utl hours out of J I
When Lowell Krskin was riding his
bicycle around the tennis court neir tho
homo of O S Bridge last evening lie
came in violent contact witn nnoiner
wheel and the rim and several spokes
wero rudely removed from his bicycle
by the accident
The lawn tennis game last evening
was clos and interesting L P Pvso
walk and F II Beels played against P
II Salter and N A Huse The first
set was won by the first named team
by n score of 8 0 Iu tho second set at
the time they quit the scoro was a tie
Cuds have been received by Norfolk
friends from Mr and Mrs Alvah E
Edgeeomb of Missouri Vaih y Iowa
inviting them to tho marriago of their
dnughtor Lulu Alice to lSdward V
Madsen formerly ofj this city Tho
wedding will take place in the First
Presbyterian church of Missouri Valley
Wednesday September 5 at 7 p m
A reception will bo held at the home of
the brides parents at 8 oclock in the
Mrs Mary Mithewson very enjoyably
entertained a number of young people
at a neighborhood party last evening at
her home on West Norfolk avenue
The guests of honor were Miss Lyle
Wilkinson of Lincoln Ned Wilkinson
of Lusk Wyo and Miss Mao Olney of
Winnebago agency The lawn was
beautifully illuminated with lanterns
and the evening was most pleasantly
passed by those in attendance Mr
Wilkinson will return to Lusk this
Newman Grove dispatch to tho Bee
under date of 28th David Barroin a
prominent young farmer who lived six
miles northwest of this place met death
suddenly and under peculiar circum
stances this evening Ho bought a small
quantity of carbolic acid in tho city and
on tho way home tho bottle was broken
in his pocket saturating his clothing
By the time ho reached home he was
raving with pain nnd within an hour
hud expired tho carbolic acid having
burned the whole hip to a crisp The
coroner of Boone county has been
It is asserted that a number of
hunters propose to go out after prairie
chickens a day or two before the season
opens in order to get nhead of those
who believe in strict adherence to the
provisions of the law This is unjust to
the law abiding sportsmen aud the law
will be just as much violated by persons
hunting a day or two before the season
opens as it would if the hunting wero
I 1 II fr
fill eS njn
VORY SOAP is a skin soap On one square
inch of your hand there are 2800 pores On
the whole body you have 2381284 of these
iQg l little cavities to look after Every one of these
openings must be kept clear or the impurities of the
body can not pass out Now to cleanse the pores
you need a fine pure soap Scientists who speak not
from opinion but from scientific analyses urge the use
of Ivory Soap 99f per cent pure
toptmoHi it t iNi Mortm a nMRit in tirtMt
done a mouth or two before Septcnibor
1st and all such violators should be as
promptly arrested and brought to trial
as though tlio season was weeks uway
If all will wait until the limit is up all
will have an equal and fair chance at
the birds
A very desirable SO acres of clay laud
for sale six miles southeast of Norfolk
Make me an offer for it quick
J H DuurAXi
Nx I ii M lull I nil iiiitiiHt
The judges account of the vote cast
August i7 to l a m for tho respoctivo
candidates in 1 I Sturgeons Colored
Porters Sewing Machine Contest
We the undersigned judges appointed
to count tho votes cast in the above
named contest hereby certify that tho
votes cast to date are us listed below
Al Johnson Jil
Dave Shores t
P F SiuiiHKii
Os ah Uiiii
limn Ntivriiiliiir JH
Among tho largest organizations en
tour this coining season is Inues aud
his baud
Their fall tour embraces tho principal
cities of tho south and southwest and
their winter tour takes Hhmii to Califor
nia they returning iu time to open the
Pan American exposition at Buffalo
N Y Alter that limes aud his band
depart for Scotland where they have a
special engagement Last spriug an
envoy was sent to this country by tho
music committee of tho Glasgow exposi
tion He after serious consideration of
each American baud decided from all
he could learn in regard to the highest
artistic merits the popularity and
actual drawing qualities without stoop
ing to ragtime music Inues aud his
baud were evidently the premiers of the
United States hence the engagement
Mr Innes has the distinction of being
the one bandmaster in America who
adheres strictly to the playing of music
that is elevating to the masses pleasing
to the public nnd admired by the connois
seur It is true that more enthusiasm
might be raised ut tho concerts he is
now giving in Atlantic City in the
Inues music hull at the ocean end of
tho Steel Pier if they consisted of more
musicnl nonsense two steps eto
Tnu News od department is com
plete in every particular
taking Scotts Emulsion
cause its warm weatl
Keep taking it until you
It will heal your lung
and m
cive vou rich blood in sum
mer as in winter Iti
liver oil made easy
50c in J I All druus
Stop I
be- I
ler VJ
are f
cod a
At Pavilion ISth Street and Capitol Avanue Omaha
SipUmbir 3d tt 31th tnltilvt
2r aa7Kooon56 CONCERTS28 ZYf2lH
Thli fauoui Band u at the Exposition laat year and cfaanaa4
Trbdj 46 Muatclaas each a alar Qrajia raratfe
tiealAdmlMlouiBc Low raion allRRa BiclUat aide attractions