h i KILLED BY I ipiitviyp Wm Pfcyl jr of Hoskins Meets Violent Death BOLT STRUCK LAST EVENING nnmtl lij III Wlf Hnl mi Hour Allir nnnl - Wn mi li1 Itrolilrul t llil l f thrt Country - M olrliiiii KluUI Tnirn III Clothe llrtilly Last evening tho elements took n hand in contributing to t lio record of violent deaths In this vicinity which during the pnst week or ten days has been astonishing Win Pfoyl of HoskitiH 1h tho lateM to lose IiIb lifo in u violent iniumcr hin death oiTiiring liifit ovoning from n stroke of lightning Wm Pfoyl ir lived with his wife on half nillcH north n farm three and one west of IIiwkiiiH Lust evening duriiin u thunderstorm he wont out to do hiH chores uiitl whilo opening n gate about thruo rods from tho Iioubo ho was struck by lightning and instantly killed The bolt Htruck on tho right Hido of his head mid followed down on his arm leaving at tho hand Tho shirt was torn from his Bhoulder and arm nnd his face arm and body wore blackened and burned Mrs Pfeyl was in tho Iioubo saw tho flash of lightning and supposed it had Htruck nearby but it waH her opinion that it Htruck northwest of tho house whereas it took ellect northeast Mr Pfeyl failed to appear for koiiio time after the bolt struck and hiH wifo sup posed that he was in tho barn doing the chores She went out to look for him nnd found him lying near tho gate dead Her discovery wiih made about half an hour after tho liRhtniiiK ilash Sho notified tho neighbors of tho dis aster and an uiiBuccosstul attempt wob iiuulo to resuscitate tho dead man but be was beyond nil human help The deceased was lit yearH of ago and was among tho pioneerH who settled this part of the country at an early day Ho had bpon married about nine months to Mrs Pfeyl ho being her necond hmbaud Ho wiih highly respected by all who knew him and his sudden death coiuch as a shock to a largo circle of friends in this neighborhood His father Wm Pfoyl Br and a brother Ed Pfoyl live in tho same neighborhood The Borrowing father ami boreaved wife wore in tho city this morning making arrangements for the funeral Tho funeral will be held from tho house tomorrow afternoon at i oclock and tho services will bo conducted by Hov Gruber of tho Gorman Lutheran church of Hoskins of which ho was a member Interment will tako place in tho cemetery belonging to tho Hoskins Lutheran church Mr Pfevl is tho seventh man to loso his lifo in u violent manner during tho past cloven days in tho territory tribu tary to Norfolk all of them occurriug separately Tho following is the record August 1 1 Herman Roecker of Stan ton county killed whilo raising a pump August 11 Benjamin Y Mead hangs to a windmill tower near Winsido August 111 Fred Peters of Stanton Knicides with strychnine August Jl Julius lioloft kiof Meadow Grovo shot and killed by his son-in-law August Ll Rudolph Freese falls from bis wagon whilo drunk and is run over and killed August 22 KobertHligham killed in Wayne jail by a crazy man August SI J Wm Pfeyl of Hoskins Htruck by lightning and killed Some are now woiidering who tho next will be FRIDAY FACTS AV E Spencer was in Pierce yester day on business Dan Murphy is in the city from Omaha greeting Norfolk friends Miss Grace Campbell went to Stnntou this morning to visit friends Sol G Mayer returned lat evening from a business trip to Lincoln Mrs Keiper and Mrs Kirkpatrick of Pierce were in the otiy over iiight MisB Emma Brnasch went to Bloom field this morning to visit for a week Misses Nellie aud Katie ONeill of Battle Creek were shopping in the oity yesterday Mrs Ellle Taylor and daughter Lulu went to Wayne this morning for a weekB visit A C Holt of Akron Ohio arrived on the noou train for a visit at the home of T J Morrow M J Garcelou formerly manager of the Chicago lumber yards here is in the city on business 0 O Gow and son Archie left today for a visit at Mr Gowa old home in Cambridge N Y Miss Etta Durland departed this inoruiug for Chicago to purchase full nnd winter milliuery Mrs B W Wolverton aud Miss Jes bie Fyfe of Pierce were iu the city this morning doing 6ome Bhoppiug Miss Mable Collamer of Sioux City who has been visitiug Norfolk friends the pabt few weeks went to Stuuton this moruiug to visit Miss Margaret Foote daughter of Dr Foote of Omaha who has been visiting at tho homo of G M Thompson for a mmmmr few weeks left thin morning for her home Kd Campbell of Mltldletown N Y who has been visiting at tho homo of 0 II Durland for tho past week has gone to Michigan to visit frionds before re turning homo Mth Greshain who recently tried to kill her daughter at Schuyler whilo in an insane mood was brought to the asylum yesterday by Sheriff Mclcod of Colfax county Hov Frank McCIunoy recently of St Johns River Conference Florida will preach in Warnervillo Sunday August 211 immediately following the Sabbath school Merl Wheeler ontertnined a number of young friends at his homo on South Ninth street vest onlay afternoon and evening from I to 8 A very pleasant tlnto waH enjoyed by his guests The Norfolk band tins received an of fer to furnish part of tho musio for the festivities at Omaha this fall and may accept after the inemherH now attending camp at Hastings return Tho improvements to John Walters house on South Ninth street aro well under way Ho is adding a story to tho main building and putting an addition on tho rear Whon completed Mr Walter will have a very commodious and lino appearing homo Yesterday aftornoou tho section wost of Oakdalo and north of Hndar was visited by a heavy hail storm accompa nied by a hard rain At Norfolk there was a soaking rain but no hail Tho attuosphero this morning felt tho oilocts of the hail in tho neighborhood Drs Salter and Salter today received from Truax of Chicago their now x ray niachiuo which will bo placed in their olllco at onco Tho machine is very complete with all tho latest improve ments and attachments It is no small atlalr but will occupy considerable lloor spaco Tho door had to bo removed from tho hallway in order to admit it to tho building A goutleiuan from tho manufacturers will bo hero to start it properly and demonstrate its usefullness WW I Programs havo been received for tho A O U W and D of H picnic to bo held by tho lodges of northeast Nebraska at Randolph next Tuesday tho 8th Thoro will bo parades speeches sports musio contests dance aud other amuse- incuts Tho now Randolph opera house will bo openod in tho evening by a company presenting The Old Home stead Mrs F W Koerber deputy grand chief of honor of this city is on tho program to respond to tho address of welcome for tho Degree of I lonor dele gates Crop conditions havo improved con siderably during tho past week or two The following from the bulletin issued by tho university at Lincoln shows tho condition in this and neighboring coun ties Antelope Corn aud uastures do ing well soil lino for plowing Knox Haying progressing slowly crop light com doing finely Mndisou Rain helped tho corn but retarded haying and damaged some hay nnd a little wheat in shock pastures improved plowing good Stanton Stock thrash ing has been much retarded by rain corn promises to bo a good crop haying mostly done Wayne Haying about done corn will bo a good crop While fishing for minnows this morn ing in the race below tho mill Mr Van Horn tho ico cream man fished out a gold watch and chaiu which was lost about two years ago by W F Campbell the cigar manufacturer There is a barb wire fence at tho place the watch was lost and when crawling through tho wire Mr Campbells chaiu was caught and hauled out by it dropping into the stream below An effort was made to recover it but without success Mr Van Horu was ngreeably surprised at his good fortune aud as Mr Campbell left without leaving his address he is probably a watch ahead It isnt every one who can fish for minnows and catch gold aud Mr Vau Horn has proveu him self as good at fishing as at making ice cream Beu Brumels died in an Omaha hos pital on Wednesday During the sum mer he has been herdiug sheep in Wyo ming and while there was attacked with toothache FinduiK uo relief where ho was ho came to Norfolk and had the tooth extracted By this timo however he had doveloped what is known as antrum disease which had passed upward through his face and uffected his eye After au examination a local physician informed him that it would probably be necessary to remove the eye to save his life He went to Omaha to secure the advice of au expert oculist and while there the disease at tacked his brain forming un abscess from which he died This is said to be one of the most remarkable cases iu the history of disease aud is attracting con siderable atteutiou from medical men A brother of Mr Brumels lives at Hoskins where the remains were shipped for burial The complete service of Tho Chic ago Portland Special via Union Pucific enables passengers to reach the princi pal cities between tho north and Pacifio coast and Missouri river not only iu the shortest possible space ot time but also iu the most comfortable aud enjoyable mauner The dining cars ou this train are stocked with the be6t the market affords All meals served a la carte Sturgeon is the piano man T11R NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AUOUST 30 1000 SATURDAY SIFTINGS Mrs Jack Koenlgstein is reported much better today A plain drunk is being ontertained by the olllcers in tho city jail Mrs C A Blakely left today tor Con cordin Kans to visit friends Mrs John Flynn left today for Rocky Ford Col to visit her huBbnud MisB Anna ISvnns wont to Meadow Grovo last night to visit relatives and friends Mrs C W Inskeep lelt for Chicago yesterday to purchase her fall and win ter stock of millinery Bud Powers of Omaha will spend Sunday at tho homo of his parents Judge and Mrs Powers Robert Utter went to Chicago yester day to purchase IiIb fall and winter stock of stationery eto Miss Edith McClary returned this morning from a visit of a month or more at St Paul aud Minneapolis Hov Theo Morning pastor of the Presbyterian church of Randolph waH a guest of Rev SharploBB today Elinor Biggs aud family nro preparing toromovo to Rocky Ford Col where he will work in tho now beet BUgar factory They expect to leavo next Tuesday Misses Maggio Meyer and Alma Uethky of West Point aro visitiug at tho homo of Mrs Neuow on South Sixth street A company of young folks aro enjoy iug a picuio this afternoon iu Edgewater Park Miss Etta Price of St Too Mo is tho guest of honor Mrs Augusta Asher of Tildeu nnd Mr Albert Knopflor of Denver Color ado aro guests at tho homo of L A Millor South Norfolk Mrs M Lobnow and daughter Antouia left yesterday for au extended visit with relatives aud friouds iu Chi cago eastern Illinois nud Now York Protection lodge No 101 Degree of Honor imtitiated a couple of candidates at their meeting last evening and after ward eujoyed ico cream at Villis candy kitchen Mr and Mrs Geo Butterfield returned yesterday uoou from Chicago and came dowu from Creighton this moruiug to viBit at tho homo of Mr and Mrs W H Butterfield Herman Zekollky wno has been vis iting hero for tho past threo weeks left today for Kalamazoo Mich where he will work in tho sugar factory during tho coming campaign Tho Libsky family living nine miles out of tho city were happily surprised last evening by a largo number of frionds culling ou them A number from tho city atteuded Superintendent OConnor will conduct an examiuatiou at tho High school room next Thursday and Friday for tho bono- lit of city teachers aud pupils who passed couditioually or desire to advance to another grade The people who attend tho Workmen picnic at Randolph next Tuesday will bo compelled to spend the night there as uo train will return to Norfolk It is un derstood that several Workmen from Norfolk contemplate attending It is reported that there will be uo wild fruit at all this year up the North Fork where it is usually so plentiful It must havo beeu injured by a late frost or some other calamity early in the season and the grapes and plums are a niiuus quantity Rev J C SWeilles went to Columbus yesterday to meet his daughter Mrs C E Deuel who with her son aud daugh ter was on her way from Boise City Idaho to visit here They arrived in Norfolk last night Mr Deuel is rector 6f St Micheals church iu Boise City The tennis games yesterday were highly interesting H A Wilmerding aud W M Rainbolt were lined up against L P Pasewalk and F H Beels the scoro resulting 1 2 2 l W II Buchol and P H Salter played agaiust U H Royuolds and C S Parker Score i 1 4 l A new brick walk is being laid aloug tho west side of Eighth street adjoiuing Main The walk taken up was iu quite good coudition but the owner desired brick put iu to make it permanent A portion of tho walk removed has beeu placed iu front of Fred Sidlers resi dence on South Ninth street Mr H H Smith has purchased a half iuterest iu the furniture busiuess of W R Honmau and tho busiuess will here after be conducted uuder the title of Hoftmau Smith Mr Smith was un til recently a conductor ou the F E M V aud is well known and popular among railroad men particularly Stanton Picket C H Wunuer wore a McKiuley badge aud a prosperity smile dowu from Norfolk last Sunday He says Norfolk is it wheu it comes to support of the republican nominees Miss Otelia Pilger came dowu from Norfolk Mouday nud weut out to the T L Ackermnu homo for a visit Miss May Slater daughter of John Slater from Bluir is also there Sho came up some days ago Tho people of Fremont aro energeti cally advertising the street fair and carnival to be held in that city Septem ber 10 15 uuder tho auspices of tho Kuights of St Kb Rngus It is asserted that 10000 will bo used in tho weeks merry iuakiug There will be three days of racing two days of shooting contests one day firemens tournament band concerts every afternoon nnd evening parades HroworkB etc Tho Midway will bo a feature with Hagen backs trained wild animals trained horses La Moulin Rouge theatre Streets of Cairo Turkish theatre Eosau the snake eater Mexican theatre Lunette Cinematograph moving pictures Uerinnn village Idols of Art otc Ono faro for the round trip has been provided for visitors OLDEST DEMQCraT Sir rottrll of Wiirnervllloi Still IiibIrIa on tho Honor for MikIiroii County Mr Powell of Warnervillo insists that tho Tillies Tribune of recent date was mistaken when it claimed that Mr Bohatiou of Mndisou was tho oldest democrat iu Madison comity and dis likes to bo termed a fakir by tho Norfolk fusion organ Ho writes tho following Wahnikvilli August 2 Editor Daily Nkws Dear Sir Thinking you like tho truth nud fair play aud as there aro many in Norfolk who know my ago I again address a fow Hues to you I see tho Times Tribune of August 10 claims Mr John Bohauoti of Madisou to bo tho oldest democrat iu tho county and stnteB that ho voted for Martiu Van Bureu He may havo voted for Vau Bnren in 1810 as ho was 20 years old whon Van Bureu ran for prosideut iu 18151 as I wrote to Madisou yesterday to a friend who visited the family and was told ho was born in 1810 Now sir 1 was born June 22 1813 nnd voted for Van Bureu in 1850 and in 1S40 aud am still a democrat I voted for McKinley iu 1SW nnd shall iu 1K0 if living on election day Who is tho fake ho talks about in his article Respectfully Tamks Powklu OFF FOR CHICAGO Special Car lor tho G A It Iiiciiinniucnt Lclt thin Noou With id IHHHeiiKFrH Tho special car for tho G A 11 na tional encampment at Chicago left the Creighton depot over the F E M V this noon for its destination It con tained a jolly company of old veterans aud members of their families who an ticipate a great deal of pleasure from the trip Tho following uamed veterans im proved the opportunity of going to the national encampment iu a special car S H Grant Al Bigelow W II Wid amau H C Matrau Ohas Young 2 E P Hogue Goldsmith 4 Phillips Pritchnrd Ellcott 2 Jerome Ftinke McGinuis E Btirtou R Barton S A McKay 2 J S Morrow 2 Geo Dud ley 2 Pat Carbory JJ Hayden 2 Frauk Radel i They expect to remain iu Chicago dur ing the eutiro encampment after which many of them will improve the opportu nity of visiting frieuds in tho east OueofTliein in NorlolU It is said that there are only three priuting presses in tho state large enough to print the ballots on for the coming election The estimated length of a ticket is over 30 inches Times Tribune Although tho official ballot this year will bo tho toughest proposition that the printers of this state have gone against for a long time Tun News will as usual be prepared to furnish the counties of northeast Nebraska although it is antic ipated that not so mauy couuties cau be supplied from this oilice as has been doue iv former years A ChilllmiKe Tho following is a copy of a haudbill recently issued Special race at the Madison county fair on Friday September 14 li00 Two-year-old and under trot or pace Purse sfoO Half mile heats to harness Best two in three Five to enter three to start I have 30 more to add to the above purse that I can beat any two-year-old trotter in Madisou county J W Edwards Buchaxax Mich May 22 Genessoo Pure Food Co Le Roy N Y Gentle men My mamma haB been a great coffee driuker and has fouud it very in jurious Haviug used several packages of your Grain O the drink that takes the place of coffee sho finds it much better for herself aud us children to drink She has given up coffee drink iug entirely We use a package every week I am ten years old Yours respectfully Fantik Williams In the Difttrlcl Court or MuiIIhoii County NebrasbH I u the matter of the estate of M E Audrua deceased This cause came ou for hearing upou the petition of Burt Mapes administra tor de bonis uou of the estato of M E Andrus deceased praying for liceuse to sell the following described real estate situated in the comity of Madisou iu the state of Nebraska to wit Lots oue 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 and five 6 of block oue 1 of Rees subdivision of block fifteen IS of Dorsey place ad dition to Norfolk Junction or a sufll oieut amouut to bring the sum of 41100 for the payment of debts allowed against said estate aud the costs of adminis tration there uot being sufficient per sonal property to pay the said debts aud expenses It is therefore ordered that all persous iuterested in said estate appear before me at the office of Mapes aud Hazen iu the city of Norfolk iu Madisou county Nebraska on the 17th day of September 1K0 at one oclock p m to show cause why a liceuse should not bo gtaued to the said administrator to sell so much of the above described real estate of Biiid estate as ehal be necessary aud pay said debts aud expenses Dated this 4th day of August 1000 DouiiLA6 Conks Judge of the District Court MONDAY MENTION H G Howell of Randolph was a city visitor yesterday Another growing shower fell iu this vicinity last night Arthur Pilger was in tho city from Madisou over Sunday Elmer Day of Omnha is visiting at the homo of T J Morrow Mr and Mrs DittlolT of Plainview spout Suuday with Norfolk friends Miss Maude Tannehill is sick with ague at her home six miles south of Nor folk Martiu Slawter and family weut to Knox county today for a weeks visit with friendB Miss Emma Mueller returned last eveuing from a visit of two weeks with Omnha frieuds Mrs A Colo of Council Bluffs Iowa is visiting at tho homo of D D Hall on North Teuth street John McNeil of Bloomileld visited yesterday nt tho homoof hiB fatherDeu uis McNeil on North Seventh street Mrs J B Maylard and Miss Auua Seymour returned last night from n two weeks visit with frieuds in Red Oak Iowa Editor A F Enos of the Stauton Picket was in tho city today to meet hiB folks who had been visiting mends in Neligh A conipauy of young people enjoyed a party last eveuiug at the home of Mr aud Mrs Albert Wilde ou South Sev enth street George Whitney and Bruno Hansou of Tilden members of the First regi meut band stopped in Norfolk over Sun day on their return home from camp at Hastings The front axle of the Shelly ice wagon aroke down this moruiug iu the alley iu the rear of tho Marquardt block and the heavy load had to be removed iuto an other wngou Sam Kent jr one of the prosperous young farmers living west of tue city shipped a car of hogs to Omaha today loading at Kents siding the new station between Norfolk aud Battle Creek Fremont Tribuue Saturday A vote was taken in the smoker coming down from Norfolk this moruing tho men preseut denoting their choice for presi dent McKinley got eighteen votes and Bryau two The horses hitched to the laundry wagon indulged iu a lively runaway yesterday afternoon their course being west in tho alley from the laundry to Fifth street aud north to Main The wagou was quite badly damaged Superintendent OConnor is informed that a number of pupils living outside the district will attend school here dur ing the winter Those who wish to board either girls or boys for what assist ance they may render will do well to notify Mr OConnor Miss Nellie Morrow wns surprised by a party of frieuds nt her home iu the Heights Saturday evening the occasion being her birthday anniversary Cards aud dancing were the principal amuse meuts while the luscious watermelon wns served as refreshment Those who participated in the camp ing party at the mouth of the Niobrara are to enjoy a reunion this evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Burt Mapes on South Eighth Btreet It is presumed that the chief amusement will be the relating of anecdotes and reminiscences by the veterans Graud Master Workman M E Shnltz of the A O U W is to be in Norfolk tonight and desires to meet the mem bership of No 07 A special meeting will therefore be held in the hall and all members of the order whether members of the local lodge or not are urged to bo present and greet the head officer of the jurisdiction The number of passengers who aro traveling back and forth across the country these days oftimes present difficult problems for their movement by the railroads For some weeks the west bouud Black Hills train on the Elkhoru has beeu ruu in two sections but Saturday night the traffic was so heavy that three sections were necessary Mike Euders the concrete walk maker haB a lot of business iu his liuo He nt present has a gang of five men working nt Stanton where the improve ment is very popular and he has thou sands of feet to lay The street in front of the court house is among the loca tions that will be thus improved He also has a quantity of work to do for Norfolk citizeus Tilden Citizen Hon John R Hays met with the republican club Tuesday evening autl addressed nu interested audience The meeting was opened by a five minutes speech by Jay Kierstead which Mr Hays accurately described as clear cut and patriotic Tho latter then gave an hours entertaining talk during which he covered nil the sub jects considered as issues in the preseut campaign and closed by a very convinc ing invitation for the returu to tho re publican fold of those who have been led astray by populistic vagaries Tilden Citizen Willie Larson aged 5 was riding with au elder brother ou a sulky plow last Monday when the team became unmangable and in tho runa way which followed the little fellow fell in 6tich a position that tho machine passed over him His scalp was cut through for n distance of five inches exposing nnd splintering tho outer pinto of the skull n gash waB made along tho lower jaw which laid bare the teeth aud ho wbb badly bruised and lacerated otherwise Medical attendance was called and the Biiffercr made as comfort able as his conditiou would permit His progress may bo inferred from the fact that ho was well enough to bo brought to town Wednesday Among the attractious booked at tho Auditorium this fall by Manager Spear is Iunes and his baud on Wednesday eveuiug Nov 28 This great organiza tion 1b accompanied by two sets of grand opera singers one set being used for the afternoon concerts aud the other for the eveuing Besides the regular program the siugers do scenes from the op ras of Faust Trovatore Aida and Carmen and it is said by people who are acknowledged to be capable of jud ging that the performances as given by this band and assisting artists iu the lunes Music Hall Atlantic City N J at tho ocean end of the Steel Pier which extends out to the sea half a mile are marvels of artistic elegance for the mu sical connoisseur great society events for the society people and festivals of music for the truly appreciative auditor This great aggregation of operatic stars aud musicians travel in their own special train and by the special arrange meuts thnt have been made for their ap pearance in each city of their coming tour business eclipsing that of all other similar organizations is looked forward to by the local management Letter Llht List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postoffice August 27 1000 Frauk Ahlman C W Best Mrs Ed gar Best M D Beach Miss Alma Cassel Miss Belle Chase Mrs T Lan caster Miss Louise Kiehl C F Low Miss Lillian Koch Miss Christie Kos kiu Miss M A Molacek Mrs Julia Mc Forquar W Y Peterson H M Pollock David A Rogers Fred Reynolds Guy Storm Albert Vming Miss Annie Villey If not called for in 110 days will be sent to the dead letter office Parties calling for any of the above please soy advertised P F SlKKCHKIl P M RockaBye Baby These are sweet words but how rruch pain and suffering they used to mean Its different now Since Mothers Friend has become known expectant mothers have been spared much of the anguish of child birth Mothers friend is a linment to be applied externally It is rubbed thoroughly into the muscles of the abdomen It gives elastic ty and strength and when the final great strain comes tney respond quickly and easily without pa n Mothers Friend is never taken internally Internal remedies at this time do more harm than good If a 7 w V l jiLLLaLLLLLViP woman Is supplied with this splendid Ilnl Tient she need never fear rising or swelling breasts mornng sickness or any of the discomforts which usually accompany preg nancy The proprietor of a large hotel In Tampa Fla writes My wife had an awful time with her first child During her second pregnancy Mothers Friend was used and the baby was born easily before the doctor arrived Its certainly great Qet Mother Friend at the drugstore 1 per bottle THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ga Write fot our tree Illustrated book Before Jib Horn 51900 Knights of and Oriental Carnival OMAHA Sept 24 29 Om week day and night Bigger Briehter and Bettaj than ever Grand Carnival day Wednesday 20th 2fandTPllghPrJde Wednesday 20th Grand Night Eleotncal Parada Thursday 27 Every day a ape cialdAjr Roduced rata on all rallroada i f K