V tft u H ss XX SI SS 2 I GSn AWRENCE donr hnvo you finished Mny I conic in TIio young man at tlic tnblo started slightly and laid down 3 Ills pen yut ho had Xt been writing for the paper before him was untouched A bright smile overspread his hnndsomo face as he looked toward the fair head scarce seen through the partly opened door Come In surely Helen darling I shall not write at all He spoke In a full rich voice with Just a suspicion of a brogue Of what use Is it to make any memoranda Ill just speak to the boys out of my heart The young wife sat on a low stool nt her husbands side and leaned her head against his nrtn You were thinking though for you Jumped when 1 spoke to you Go on now and think and 1 will be still as a mouse Yes I was thinking echoed the young man seriously He put his arm about his wifes shoul der and there was Bilence between them for a spneo It was a great day in the life of Law rence Ollnrn lie had received a few hours earlier the news tlint he had been nominated by his party for con gress Tills nomination was In his congress district equivalent to an elec tion Ho was JS years old and had been in America ten years The first two were years of hard toil but after that fortune had smiled upon him con tinuously lie entered politics and had been successful from the start He had married early a beautiful girl who brought him wealth beyond that con tained in a heart full of love and admi ration and Ollnra was regarded as a man who had arrived While waiting the coming of a dele gation of his fellow townsmen with their congratulations he had been thinking of the past Back beyond those first years in America his mind had gone to tho days when ho wander ed a barefoot ragged lad over the turf of County Mayo Thoso were days of poverty which was often bitter and ignorance which now seemed to Law rence nlmost incredible There was one dark period of three months his last In Ireland which he never could Tecall without burning cheeks and which came to his memory now only at rare intervals The shame of it might have ruined his life but instend of that it had driven him out of the night of ignorance into the sunlight of knowledge and endeavor It was upon this dark period that his mind was dwelling when his wife star tled him by her call Just now she moved her lips nearer his ear and murmured softly Law rence how proud I am of you and how liappy I am Arc wo not perfectly iappy now dearest Hush hush Helen said OHara glancing quickly over his shoulder the 5s HIS ArPEAIiAKCE WAS GREETHD WITO PRO LONGED CnEEMNO old inborn superstition of his race as serting Itself for a moment never confess that girl never say I am per fectly happy that is a plunncle from which one can go uo higher the next Btep must be downward Eveu as ho spoke a shiver passed over hi in nelen laughed mid her hand touched his dark curls caressing Very well then I nin not happy 1 am a very miserable woman with n naughty bad husband Does that sat isfy you The bell rang and a voice in the lower hall asked for Mr OHara Helen kissed her husbnud and ran from the room A few moments later a heavy btep was heard on tho stair and a dark figure appeared In the door way Lawrence took a step forward and thou paused his face white as the blank paper upon the table I was bo sure of my welcome that 1 came right up yo see The voice twos raucous and tho tone sneering Well Larry Onara yevo pros pered mightily Indade and I seem to have arrived at a good time for they tell mo yevo Just been nomlnayted Xor high office The guest seated himself unbidden n ss h Jim ryiriiiyjuiiyj - BY FRANCIS LIVINGSTON -e THR NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AlKUFRT MO 1000 s COfYIltOIlT 1R0I1 XX UY FltAMCIS 11VINOSTON Have ye nothing to say to nn ould frlud after all these years of eepnray tlou I hope you have prospered too Miles Cnllan Lawrences voice sounded strange and far away llko the voice of one who speaks In a trance Prospered yes I look It dont I Bald the other with a bitter laugh and n glance downward at his broken boots and faded clothing It Is Just a week since I left Hlackwclls Island I land ed there the day after I struck New York six months ngo But thats noth ing now for me Lawrence still Btood motionless Ho Beemed paralyzed with horror But yo havent much to say to me Larry perhaps yoll hnvo more when yo learn what Ive come for I cannot hope It Is for any honest renson Miles Callan I have known only evil from your hands In the past And now jore going to return good for it according to tho way of tho righteous and Ill see to It that ye do Lawrence did not hear tho sneer His thoughts were far away in Ireland It was a moonlit summer night and four young men were returning to their miserable home from a meeting of striking linen workers As they pass ed through the deserted village streetB the eldest of them who had been In veighing loudly against the lnndlords and all who owned property stopped and whispered something nbout a linen merchant whose store he pointed out The older lads were inflamed by pas sion and drink and Lawrence the youngest who had had his share of the liquor wont with tho rest Only half comprehending what was Intend ed he did as the leader bade and stationed himself at the door to watch while the others went in through a rear window The merchant happen ed to be sleeping in his shop that night He gave nn alarm and tho houscbrenk ers wore caught Larry pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three months in Jail It was this disgrace which drove him in shame and horror from his native land Miles Callan the lender of that shab by little band of culprits sat before him nad ye only robbed a bank now OHara or made way wid big trust funds It would have a fine sound nud might bo overlooked but n linen dra pers till Larry the Till Tapper twould look 111 In tho country papers wouldnt it lad Hush oh hush groaned Lawrence looking toward the door Aye Ive heard of her too and tis not likely yell have told her of It nor that yoll be doing it soon He held out a grimy piece of paper Theres an attested copy of an en try In the Jail wardens book at Cross mollnn Lawrence OHara larceny en tered June 13 discharged Sept 13 1S85 Its price Is 9500 Take it If yo wish If not yer opponent will be glad to buy It There was one swift passing mo ment of temptation Lawrence had not an enemy In the town or district but he knew too well tho cruel emergencies which politics give rise to His oppo neut could not nfford to Ignore that pa per It would give him the election Then he spoke Miles Callan had you come hero as au old acquaintance in need for all tho debt of bitterness I owe you Id have helped you gladly But when you come avowing black mail not one cent will you wring from mo From afar came faintly tho sound of a strange commingling of shouting singing tho beating of drums and tho tooting of horns An hour ngo it would hnvo been the sweetest music in tho ears of OHara Now It souuded his doom Miles Callan snt watching Lawrence n malignant grin upon his fnce Do you hear that said tho younger man Thnt Is my friends coming to rejoice with me Now see Miles Cal lan whnt a man dare do Ive lived this thing down once Please God Ill do it again Going to the door he called Helen When she came he put his arm about her Dear ho said gently a groat trouble has come upon me Are you strong to help me bear It Look at that man Do you remember my chid ing you tonight Helen for proclaiming our happiness Oh girl how true It is that the consequences of a sin can nev er bo foreseen and thnt they may pur sue us to the grave I made a misstep once Helen It was In the fnroff days In the old country and though I thought 1 had atoned by years of bit ter buffering my sin lias come homo to mo In the hour of my triumph borne by llio very hand which led mo into temptation The sound of the trumpets nnd the shouting were louder now The nd vauee guard was already in front of the house Helen who hnd listened with face growing paler now throw her arms arouud her husbands neck Lawrence Lawrence she cried you kuow 1 trust In you and believe hi you with all my soul Who dares say thU my noble husband hns ever done on Ignoble thing He himself it Is he who dares not that wretch therel cried the young man exultlngly Girl 1 will never go to Washington hut yoll have no cause to blush for me this night In Ids ex citement his tongue proclaimed In rich er accent the laud of his birth Listen while I tell them nnd yo shitl know everything Hundreds of voices were now shout ing Ids name In front of tho house Unclasping his wifes arms from his neck Lawrence leaped upon tho bal cony My friends ho cried but he got no further His appearance was greeted with prolonged cheering Helen half fainting leaned heavily upon the table and now looked with dilated eyes upon tho dark heavy fig ure In tho corner Callan had risen from his chnlr and stood regarding tho beautiful young woman with shamefaced embarrass ment My friends continued Lawrence I thank you for your greeting Tho honor which has come to mo I cannot accept Not that I do not desire It most heartily to pretend otherwise would bo to deceive you Because you are my friends you shall know tho true reason I am not fit to represent you In congregs He was Interrupted again this time by loud cries of Indig nation nnd disapproval Before they had died awny Helen spoke She wns looking at Callan with an expression of Intense loathing Until tonight she said In a low vibrant voice I thought that in nil Jll TAKE OFT THE CUIISE SWEHT LADY Gods creatures however low they had fallen some germ of good remained I did not believe thnt anything so utter ly vile as you could live Go from this home which you hnvo dishonored by your presence She raised her open hand and turned awny her head May God- No no cried Callan in terror do not curse me not that not that Again Lawrences voice arose My friends you know what my life has boon among you but before that was a life less favored and far less happy It is of that older time I would speak to you and then you will understand Callan sprang from his crouching po sition nnd in one bound wns upon the balcony bosldo OHara Let a man who knows all about that ould life speak of it for hlui ho cried to the throng below Our young frlnd hero is nervous nnd upset tonight be cause of an ouexpected visit from a companion of thlm ould dnys They were days when he hadnt always shoes to his foot and sometimes scarce a whole pair of trousers on his legs and Its because of these dayB of pov erty and distress boiug so strongly re called to him by this foolish ould frlnd that he thinks tonight hes not fit for this high station But let one who knew him then tell you thnt ho has nothing to blush for except that same poverty nnd the Ignorance which went with It nnd both of thlm hes long since put behind him Theres no folner young man In the worruld tonight than Lawrence Ollnrn A loud outburst of cheers greeted this speech Lawrence who hnd stood by too astonished to Interrupt glanced backward througli tho window nnd Boeing Helen on the point of slipping from the chair Into which sho had sunk sprnng to her aid Cnllan had caught the fancy of tho crowd and for tho next few minutes kept them roaring with laughter as he told anecdotes of his boyhood In Cross molina Buck In the room ho knelt nt Helens feet his tattered cap In his hnnds Take off the curse swoet lady he begged take off the curse nnd ulver more be saddened by the sight of Miles Cnllan Helen looked nt the cowering wretch a beautiful smile upou her pale lips God forbid that I should curso you she said I shall pray that ho mny forgive you as I do Callan bent Ills head low before her and nftor one ndorlng look rushed from the room Stay Miles stay do not go yet cried Lawrence He would have followed Callan but Helen throw her arms about him Tho people wero calling loudly for him Your place is with them sho said urging her husband toward the win dow Leave him to God A Watchmaker The lato Aaron Dennlson was called the father of American watchmak ing He was interested In his work because ho hoped thereby to benefit Ills fellow man Often he worked lato into the night bo Into thnt his loving wife would go nnd beg htm to wait until tomorrow One night sho said to him W you not going to bed at all What are you doing And he turned nnd slowly answered I nm trying to make It possible for every poor man to have a watch n result which he very nearly accom plished Youths Companion Skin Diseases When the excretory orgnns fall to entry ofT the waste material from the system there la nn nbnor tnnl accumulation of effete mutter which poisons nnd clogs the blood nnd It becomes Hour nnd noltl 1 his poison is carried through the gcneiul circulation to nil parts of the body nnd upon teaching the skin surface theic is n redness ami eruption nnd by certain peculiarities we tecognie IJcema i c uJent Iwrinsls Hryalpclns nnd tunny other skin tumbles more or less sevcic the skin is the sent of irritntiou the rent dlsense is in the blood Medicated lotions nnd jKiwilcrs tuny nllny the itching nnd burning but never cure no mutter how long nnd faithfully continued nnd the condition is often aggravated and skin permanently injured by their use sg Of 1 1 mm m u jivMi Jlf l O- StLouG I V ML iltv f i vi ttu l mi cl VWL f V fT JZ W3t K W N C5 - 7f J r r itWO i 17 C V TCi r iWJSt IJWJiS tm uiyxMii rv J mr M v f W tomtom tt The disease is more than shin deep the entire circulation Is poisoned The many preparations of arsenic mercury potash etc not only do not cute skin diseases but soon ruin the digestion and break dawn the constitution S S S natures own remedy made of roots herbs and linrks of girat purifying and lonical ptopcrties quickly nud cffectunlly cures blood nnd skin troubles because it goes direct to the root of the disease and stimulates and restores normal healthy action to the dilTcrcnt organs cleanses nnd enriches the blood nud thus iclleves the system of nil poisonous secretion J fa b cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to refcrment in the blood nud cause a fresh attack sss Mcalthy lilood Is necessary to mescrve that clear smooth ekin and Iwnutlful com plexion so much desited by nil S S S can be relied upon with certainty to keep the blood in perfect older It hns Ik cii curing blood and skin dlscnses for half n cen tury no other medicine ran show such n record S 8 S contains no poisonous minerals Is purely vegetable nnd harmless Our mcdicnl department is In charge of physicinns of lnige experience in trentitif blood nud skin diseases who will tnkc pleasure in aiding by their ml vice nud direction all who desire it Write fully nnd freely about your case your letters arc held in strictest roilflflotirr Wb mntr im rOinrtrn ilnf - Itl t L nt I bkln Diseases will be sent free upon application THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA CA Article f I ii or tintt Icm of Mm Norfolk Tontliitt Nut ItiK AwMiulatlnn Know nil Alou by Those Presents That wo toorgo 11 Spear II II Pat torson and D Williams all of tho olty of Norfolk county of Madison statu of Nebraska hnvo associated oursolvoH to gether for tho purpose of forming nnd becoming a corporation in said statu of Nebraska for tho transaction of busi ness hereinafter described 1 The immo of this corporation shall bo Tho Norfolk Tontino Havings Asso ciation Its principal place of transact ing business shall bo in said city of Nor folk Nebraska 2 The nature of the business to be transacted by said corporation shall be tho buying and selling of merchandise stocks bonds and other securities Tho capital stock of said company shall bo thirty thousand dollars to bo issued in shares of ouu hundred dollars ouch to bo issued as required by llm board of directors and paid up in full at tho time of issuance t Tho existaneo of this corporation shall commence on tho twonty soeond day of Juno IIHKI and continue until tho twenty second day of Juno 1 unlosB sooner dissolved by tho mutual consent of its stockholders 5 Tho business of said company shall bo conducted by a board of direct ors not to exceed tlireo in number to bo elected by tho stocitholdors at such timo nud in such manner as shall bo prescribed by tho by laws 1 Tho ollicers of said corporation shall bo a president n secretary and a treasurer who shall bo choson by the board of directors and shall hold ollico for a period of ono yenr or until their successor shall bo elected and qualified 7 The highest amount of indebted ness to which said corporation shall at any timo subject itself shall not bo more than two thirds of said cnpitul stock 8 Tho manner of holding stock holders meetings and tho method of conducting tho business of this corpora tion shall bo as provided by tho by laws of said corporation In witness whereof tho undersigned have hero unto set their hands this 22ud day of June A D litOO D Williams Geo H Spkaii H II Patterson State of Nebraska Madison county On this 22nd day of June 1000 before me the undersigned a notary public duly commissioned and qualified and residing in said county personally np penred tho above named George H Spear and D Williams nnd II H Pat terson who are personally known to mo to be tho identical persons whoso names are affixed to tho above instrument and thoy acknowledge tho same to bo their voluntary act and deed Witness my hand nnd notorial seal tho day last nbovo written W H Buciiolz f seal Notary Public Frew of Cliiirge Any adult sutFering from a cold settled on the breast bronchitis throat or lung troubles of nny nature who will call at A K Leonards will lie presented with a sample bottle of Boscheen German Syrup free of charge Only one bottlo given to ono person and none to children without order from parents No throat or lung remedy over had such n sale as Botcheos German Syrup in all parts of tho civilized world Twenty yenrs ago millions of bottles wero given away and your druggist will tell you its success was marvelous It is renlly the only throat nnd lung remedy generally endorsed by physi cinus One 7fi cent bottle will euro or prove its value Sold by dealers in all civilized countries AiigiiMt Iliiuer It is a surprising fact says Prof Houtou that in my travels in nil parts of the world for tho last ten years I have met moro people having used Greens Augu6t Flower than any other remedy for dyspop ia deranged liver nnd stomach nud for constipation I find for tourists and snlesmen or for persous filling ollico positions where headaches and general bad feelings from irregular habits exist that Greens August Flower is a grand remedy It does not injure tho system by frequont use and is fxcellent for sour stomachs and indigestion Sample bottles freo nt A K Leonards Sold by dealers in all civilized countries Tit Curt I it irlppu IiiTmii Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tho mouoy if it fails to cure E W Groves signature on overy box 2jc B I To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid Addrets THE PATENT RECORD Baltimore Md 8ubcrIptlon to Tuu 1nteut Record lluUiwranuu t5p JT m i v jfc i bKlt III 1 fit tv V if i -T i 11 t jra llffl - 3 -a Mr MWVY Wf fc i IIP s v i kz C2i - IT s SHI WAS BUND A blindness u inus to me now and th i I have it now It is queer I can see your eyes but not your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripans Tabule WT ANTED A cnin of Id lii alth tht n IT AN S will not wnint Tir lionlnh pnln i n1 prtilonj llfj V Jii RlVHi n llf f Nut tlic worl III I A N H on ml nco pl no uliMltuu KI V AN B 10 for Sriitu or t Ivc puckrtn for M inn ln liml it ki druK torn T n miili i nud one Ihoa iiii1 tritlniiiilil III b inulk l to auj uddre lor 3 111U forwwdd to lb Itlpaus ChmloiU Co M U HDrucaHl Now York Cramer sKidney and Liver Cure Have been used and are HIGHLY ENDORSED by many persons who have been cured who cheerfully testify to their curative qualities Head the following testimonials Omaha March 9 1900 Omaha March IS iJOO Ciiamek Chkmioai Companv MrJohn E Ilimoe the man- CHAMEirSKIDNBVCntE Iirownni King 1 doil1 J1011 at is everything you claim for it mide llTallgenints to change even more One bottle did climate as his health was so me so much good and now 1 1 impaired caused by kidney trouble he could not work am on my second bottle which has done me more good tlinn f fil aclyised him to try a bottle of Cramers Kidney ii ii i i ii ii all the doctors and all theime After taking only one medicine I have ever taken j mH0f ne changed his mind Would be glad to correspond mi s today a well man Mr with any one suffering from Himoe will be pleased to tell kidney liver or bladder com- 1 his friends what a wonder- Jrs LKnKUS fnl remedy Cramers Kidney r 2Sb Douglas St Omaha fnre js Tmohmc Salo for tho Nto Signed doiIN E HlMOE Cramers Kidney and Liver Cures f I I E7 O Kuey an d I fiver troubles and is nob a0 i Ci recommended to cure all diseases that flesh is heir to and we do not recommend any one to take it who does not need it but if you need it and take it the Rem edy will cure you CRAMER CHEMICAL CO Albany N Y Insist on having GRAMEHS Take no substitute Sold by all druoist3 i oo per Bottle 500 for Six Bottles BBBBBBHl VS 7 PAr F rTlflTBBBBBBBBB Beecher Higby City clork of Omaha Nebr favorably and widely known as a man of integrity and ability writes I beliovo that Dr- Kays Renovator and Dr Kaya Lung Balm are worthy of the publics confidence having known of bomo truly remarkable- cures of Omaha people effected by their uso SbunbUbsMtutcs Hcmedies Just as Good as Dr Kays Hcnovator and Dr Kays Iuhk Halm aro not madoor sold anywhere u not at druggists wuwillbeml tliL ui iiot paidoa receipt ol nrico Dr Kays Kvnovator tficts and i Six for i 6 Dr Kays Iuiikllalm lOamltUits free Medical Adtlce Sauiplo and Hook for tho asking Address Dr BJ Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Y SOLD BY KOENIGSTKINR PHARMACY AND KIKSAU DRUG CO TRY THE Daily News Job Department