Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1900)
A I 2 ThelSLorfolkHes W N UUaiC PwbUulior Kvfrr ilni BV IS COIlli DAI1V nxciiit Suml j Hi cnrrlnti lj tiinll lnr our j iin HKKKtiV fotnliltolmil l WI Kmry Tlmrixlu 3 1 mil lnr jnnr lfl iMKntnroil lit tli ronttilllcB lit Norfolk Nl idctimlrlnn miittiT Trtlopliourt No 22 HEPUBLICAN TICKET Nntlniuil ur rpililnt WtillVM M KlMM MmllUm li Union 6 HUllllIT I Fain low Vnllny Wiirnonillo liovn liimn Oiuilon lim llronk Shall Crook Schoolcraft Kalauiiioo Kinotick Total linr Ohio Ior Vlco lrpliptit TlllOIHIItl HiHWIA III NnwMirk Ntnlr or louutior Ciuiiikh II nirriiKM Tor lloutoiimit K V win For Spcrotiir of Stnlo Iko W MHHll Kor Triiimuriir Wuiiui Srini iu For Amlltor ClHHIhH WltTOV Kor Attorim Immrnl Fiivnk N Iiiih r For lninl CnmnilMlunnr iKOItlll 11 I HAIKU Ailiuim Junior Itlilitiiilnon CiiiiiIiik Hlmrliliin lnK Nnrkollfl For Siitinrliitniiilniit of 1nlillo limtrurt lim V K Fuw iMt IrefliliMillnl Klcrlors WiihIiImhIiiii fJllllN V Nkwiitt It II WINIMIM Kl Allll ItllTHI It Ii HlltlK S P DwilirtiiN l Jaciiii I Jmmihson I John I Kknniiu 1IOIIN 1 IjVMHU Couirrliiiiil For CiiiniroMiiiiiii Thlnl Wittrlot Jomn II Hum Imllcliil 1orlnilKO Ninth IllMrlrt J V Ilou Norfolk AlltullMl Dull for Smuitoi till CiiiiviMitliiu Thn roiiulilliiiu ulnrtom of llin Ilmoiilli lorinl iIIkIiIcI im loiiiinslwl lo nmnl iliilortiitns to n ooinilitloiitolioliiihliil Noifolk Nohunkii on ViMliioilnSottnmlior I2lli nt I oclock o in tor llin iimpoMMil iioiiiiiiatlint n ciiniliiliitii for Mimitoi foi sulil illl i tcl mill for hiipIi othnr ImiitiiiiKh ii nui roniii liofoio thn Ionviiiilloii Tho Muonil count liii ooiiiiiiIiOiik hiiIiI illnltlot urn niititlnil lo iiiittniitiitlou n folloWH MiiiIIkoii 1H liorro S Stiinton S nnn 10 IniiN T HiiHHHMit ChiilrinlMi lttiiililliin Coinit Ciliwntloll Tho ropuhllciui nlcclom of Mnillvm coiiiiH Nolirimku mo iiiiiiiatinl to hdiiiI iloliwilni fioin tlin pmnrul otln piociuclit In nionl In coimin t loii nt llnttloCiunk NoIhiihIii on thn iiIkIiIIi iln of ScptiMiihir IWM iitonn oclock p in foi tlm pnrpomi of hchictlim stxtoou iIiiIimmIih ami tiUttmi nltui unto iloltwito to thn rnpiilillciin pcuiitoriiil coiniMitiou to Im hohl ul Noifolk Soptciuhor 1 HM1 nolo phico In iioiniiiiitioii oun ciiliiltihilo for iiipriuniitiithn fioin tlio ont thlnl iliiitilct oiiiiciinilliliito for county iittoniin olio ciiinlliliitt for county cummin hlonor iwcimil ciininililouiir ilUliicl mill foi tlm ttntiHiictloii of i ncli othor luminous iih mil ho liroiiKlit liofoio tho couvoutloii Tliiihmnral irorincm aro miniinn 10 iiiirn HoutntlWi iik follows tho iipiMirtioniiuint liniiii liiimvl upoii thn Mitn ciut for llou M II Knonu for JiiiIbh of tlm Miprnnm court of Nnlinmku it t tho nlnctiou luilil in 1MI9 linim ono iliilintn nt lurtfi for tlivh otini precinct uml onu for ouch riotiiMii iiinjor fiiictlon thnioof Norfolk- Firt Minl Snriitul Minl Thinl ward roiirth waul Outniih JolTcrum Haldol took All is not ontiroly lovo botwoou tho ileuiocruts of Inuunuuy hall Now York Oity Croker nntl Hill have lmil toma hawks concealed in their uUulcotH for some timu and ohowod tho iustruinentrt of wnr during tho rocont doinocrutio primaries Tho two democratic committees of Douglas comity could not agree out o mooting and thoy have now issued calls for a joint county convontion A merry time may bo expected aud if there is not iotno hair pulling on tho side it will not bo because conditions for it nro not over ripe This vear democracy is to make a supreme effort to show it in ahvo aud tho republican who thinks his party can win huuds down ifl oouutiug without his host Tho fusiouists aro desperate and will woik with a zeal hard to bo concoived of by a persou who looks upon everything as smooth sailing and oasy to win What matters it thut thoir va garies and fallacies hnvo beon repeatedly and thoroughly exploded Thoy have shown that thoy care not for issues and dehiro not coubibtiiiicy What thoy Wftut is votes and for thoni they will work and bweat They should ivs in tho paht bo met at every turn A SoldleiV Vliw illin Anils A letter from Lieutenant L A Oor riugtou of Cliadron has just ixon made public which gives porhoual kudwledgo of what induce the Filipinos to hold out agaiiibt the authority of tho United States Lieutenant Dorruigton is now serviug in tho Thirty fourth infantry of the regular army in Luon Ho says Thero is not an ftiiti iuiporlaliht liv ing who is more sincere in his feelings ud regards to the people of tho Philip no Ibhinds or will go further to protect llrmterehtb and welfare any more ly than I will Aud I beliovo be- doubt they will como out all right yero tho burden of govoniinout upon thorn today thoy would jupletely down and were we mndon tho islands thoso who our friends aud those who ericnu hupreuiacy together milies would ha butchored its called patriots hi the t a c Lot mo say mat we consideration abandon keop our people ljeot If thoso lould with the same t opmeut and bettor s ftioiuK us our ii itloii at liomn wottlil bo botlomd our army woubl b hnipy In knowing that tliolr patriotism anil duvotton wuro ap lirooialid at Iioiiio Thoro Is oiio saying that Hiiks In my oam whothor In tho inotiiitatns or in tho swamps aloiitf tlm bnttlo lino or away from It Our country may hIio ho always rinht but rlnlit or wroiiK our country A HoldiorH lioart is not mado Kind whon ho roadn In tho papors from homo that ho Is a cut throit and Ik1iI1iK pooplo who aro IlKhtiiiK fortholr llborty That Is a Hot Tho pioplo lu ro want 101 It in rocommiiiiliMl tlnit product iinniHriiw ho hold on thu Hi Ht iliinof Siiiitomlior HO0 that no proxW Im iiIIowimI Anil thill iloloKutOH pio mnl cunt thn full totn of thu ilohiMlioii IMKS Nil iiois I win WlllTlt Socnitiin Chairman llborty our IIuk im tnolr lln anil our laws to Koviru thorn Ills u baud of blKhwaymon and out throats who poso no placo as patriots oxcopt In tho papoM and minds of soino of tholr frionds in tho United Htatos that wo aro llnhtiiiK and whon tholr filonds thoro aro onco hUoiicimI you will hoar and soo tho bo KluuiiiK of tho oud or all this troublo In tho Phllippino iHlands NAME meMBERS OF BOARD llnltnil Hliilnn Hi f ttiri IIthI to Curry lilt IrovUlonn or Tlm IIiikuo Troiity WuHhlnntou Aii Tin United Stutort Ih one of t lit HrM of tho Rroat Iio wo i H to diinnnHtiatc Uh kooiI faith In currying out tho provlHlotw of tlm troaty of Tho flanno looking to tho nnlvorrinl arbitration of liitcruitlount dlrTiioucoH Undor this treaty ench of the nutloiiH to It wiih luitborbod to ap point foiimieinborH or an International board or arbitration Undor thin au thority Irortldont MeKlnley Iiiih re tpiested former PresldentH Harrison mill Clevelaiid to aeeept appointment on this board Itesponses are ex pected very soon when the remaining members may be selected Now 111 it licit or I lot IIiiiUiikIiiii Omaha Aug III The Iturllngton road expects to open Its briiiich on Sept in Only ten miles of rail Is necessary to be put down and as soon as the new line Is completed through train sorvlco will be established between Denver and Oeadwood connections being mado with trains out of Omaha The com pany expects great things from this new branch and anticipate It will be one of Its most valuable feeders to the main Hue It taps the great cattle and sheep range country In the northwest ern part of Nebraska and the caster portions of Colorado and Wyoming The country Is full of vast ranges ami the thousands of cattle raised there will tind Omaha a market in stead of Chicago With the opening of the line a number of new towns bavo come into existence Some of them have been platted anil a good sized boom Is on SHARP BULGE IN CORN tiff Canti HiiMliufH tho IliiUUh Turtor la AVhrut llculHldilt SttUily CiiiOAOO Auk 1 A higcfMli biulnrsi wtii thn primn factor In whnat toilny Soptombur oliwliiK Jo hiKhor thnn Moiulny Scptombor corn closed lc up uml otn a sliudo Improved Provisions went fairly Htcily Closlnc prlcos Wiikat 9opt 7VVc Oct TJJfrBIoc Coun Sopt 41c Oct 50W34c T 8pt Jli ailijc Oct if iilit PoUK 8ipttUlK Oct 111 00 liAllli Supt ll a Oct fl 70 Ktiu Sept J7IKJ4 Oct 7 00 Ciwh quotations No red whnut 7VJ77c No JHprliis whisftt 7Jo No a corn 4lUio No i ouU Jc CIiIcuro IIo Stock CrilCAOO AUR jy Cuttle UnorlDts 195C0 ntlves Htvady to Htrnnif westerns firm TenM HtrotiB to 10c higher butcher Htock ac tive stonily natives best on sale today ono sarloadat JO Oikood toprimoteerfj AOvd 10 poor to medium i kV4S seleoted feeders Brm IOOiit47S mixed Htoekers IJJi3PJ os 80iIV heifers J31HX33 0 canners U lOiitJill bulls Vl UKQt w ralves fit 0OT67it Texas foil steers 1 1 iVtJS 00 Texas grass steors 3 2yit40 Txas bulls f6iXt3 4 Hogs He jelpts today 7lx tomorrow 000 esti mated left over 0000 Re tower top IV45 mixed and butchers f 4 UAtft 40 uood to eholen heavy fSOOtft HA roiiKh heavy flHiVittlW Ullt ftOV45 bulk of ksIm 15 1085 30 3heep Kivelpts LMOl sheep and lambs Itiudy choice slia lo higher good to choice ft ethers I3 0tn30 ralr to choice mixeil ttMai5 western sheep fJ 40 43 Si Texns Iheep J5lftllO native Iambi H 0045 73 wodtvru lamb f 4 7yW 5 South Oiiiuhu I lie Stork Hoctii Omaha Aug JJ -Cattle Receipts i8O0 active stronuer natle beef teer U fa 05 80 uostern uteers f4 0i4 to Texas steers JiKS4 2 rows and helferi lower J x4 25 tanners lower f I 75 75 stockers and feed ers higher Jf 4 73 calves f850i45 50 bulls Itag etc JJ4 40 Hogs Receipts 7700 itrong closed lower heavy f 4 lV5 05 mixed TIIK NORFOLK NKWS THURSDAY AtKHJST 30 1900 The Nebraska STATE FAIR a 5ll04 light f5U55tia pigs I450g400 bulk of Mtlei JSOufJtUi riheep Kecelpts 7 tslow weik jearlings and wethers f 3 S ii J 50 stock sheep ft UkaU M lambs ft 2VJJ500 Kuiisus Cll IUeMiiek Kansas Cm An -I attlo ReoeinM ijiw steady to bvlilgher native steers ft 8J0 5 ill toclers and feedeis f3 754 70 butchers cow s and hellers CliUcija runners ti ACfJ lu fe1 westerns 13 IHMSO inten d Texans 13 i grass Tomus flia3 40 calves fiO oi Hog- Ueceiptn lsW active at Htead pi ices heavy and mixed f5 0Y M light SKlftiJJ pigs f 400 4 W 3700 gomlgenural demand stead to shade higher lambs f4WiAJoo muttous IA40A3 W Deafness Cannot lie Cured by local applications as thoy caunot reach tho diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constituti ounl remedis Deafness is caused by nu iuilamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian tube When this tube is in thuued you have n rumbhug souud or linpeirect neariug ana wheu it is outuoly closed denfuess is the result and uulens tho inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will bo destroyed forever nine ca es out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing bet an inflamed condition of tho mucous biirfiices We will give one hundred dollars for tiny caho of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Sivud for circulars free F J Ohksey Co Toledo O Sold by druggists 75o Halls family pills are tho best AT ITS OLD QUA li TIMS LINCOLN NEBR September 3 to 7 1900 MONDAY TUESDAY Wholl moils Day or Bicyclo Tournament Motor Tandem will be a special feature Fraternal Drill Day ami Fruit Day Tons of fruit of all kinds will be distributed free WEDNESDAY F very bodys Day Knees THURSDAY Fverybodys liy Hares FRIDAY Traveling Mens Day The Knights of the Grip promise a big time The Tennessee Judges a splendid troupe of colored minstrels will give entertainments in the Amphitheatre Sabin Abune daily free native from Manilla of the Tagalog tribe of Filipinos will give free daily receptions and entertain ments on the ground The Agricultural Features The display of Agricultural and Horticultural resources of our state promises to be the best ever exhibited while the Live Stock and Poultry Exhibit will certainly surpass all previous efforts Tho board hns made some very liberal of fers in prizes See their Bulletin No 4 for those offered County Collective Exhibits The Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley R R The Northwestern LineF E M V and S C P R R--will sell round trip tick ets from all Nebraska points at ONE FARE FOR ROOND TRIP PLCS 50c ADMISSION Dates of Sale Sept 3 to 7 inclusive Limit Sept 8 1900 J R BUCHANAN General Passenger Agent F E M V K U Omaha Nebr Special Train to Lincoln THURSDAY SEPT 6th Leave Norfolk City 530 a 111 Norfolk Junction 545 am Returning Special train will leave Lincoln 700 p m Sept G arriving Norfolk City 1145 p in stopping at all intermedi ate points connecting with a special to Verdigre leaving Norfolk City 1115 p m Sept 6th ALL ABOARD A familiar expression often heard in Norfolk Hotels THE PORTER Thus giving notice of each departing train is a frien of all travelers and othei pations of the hotels To All Concerned I will give free of charge a Fins Oak Cabinet Sewing t Machine to the most popular Colored Porter of any Norfolk Hotel said popularity to be determined byX unu uiuiiuui ul vubus uiieii one receives Contest Opens August 6 and Closes October 311 900 Tickets may be found at my store and on the desks oft the Pacific andOxnard Hotels The 13allot Uox will be at mv store Each Monday evenimr tho count will be nub- X lished in the Norfolk Daily News after having been de- X ternuned by the judges Postmaster P F Sprecher and Grocer Uscar Utile Sewing Machine on exhibition in Window Yours for the Porters J D STURGEON I The Norfolk Piano Man Norfolk National N A EAINBOLT I President ALEXANDER BEAH Vlce Prealrtt I J W H E W Bank HUtHULiZi i aitunr ZUTZ AoaidUutCAahlar OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKIH6 BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital ioofooooo Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys aud Sella Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point in Europa fA General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIEEOTOE8 BEAK F P HANLON FJ NA BAINBOLT JOHN H HAYS HALE W H F VEBQEd BUCUOIZ VM ZOTJ 38 COTTON S3SKs3S4ft jVTRS INSKEEP writes from that she has Chicago se lected some choice effects in ro STREET HATS They Came in Today Monday Aug 27th E want to say a word about prices Many cus tomers tell us that they can buy better hats than f we show them This is a mistake We get the best I the market affords If our price is lower it is because 1 we sell them cheaper We have always done that way I That is why we sell so many Today we receive our I jifth shipment of Outing and Street Hats already this I season I INSKEEP S I MILLINERY SS i43344Sj -- W C AHLHAN ------------ mQ AHLMAN BROS C W AliLMAN The Norfolk Bicycle Meu Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS MnmificUuurs Jobbers unci Dealers in Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs Aijoiicj for Vnlthiin Miiimfnrturlni fVn Orient Illcjcli llin Finoet SI rniiftest anil Tnntist Ilicjclo in tho Worltl Wo also Ii imllo tlio Acino World Tribune lioobo Sjcimoru Piittcu anil our own miiku uithur clmu orchaiulosd whioh will bo known ae tlio Ahlmaii SpuciuU We do Repairing Promptly and Reasonable BABIES CRY FOR WHEATLING AND BREAD MADE FROM Have BON TON FLOUR You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary O A LOIKART Ibmident CHA8 3 BBIDCE Vice PBstuttNT W W JOHNSON 18UIEB BIUA8CH Aist Cahimkb The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5 000 Boy and noil eicliana ou tliiM conutrj 1 nj ill prrln of Rnrorn niroctori Ubl Aduca W H Joiinhn Ciuh S Huduu p UWANlt O X LUIKABT T V MkUMINUCB L HtSHtUNa Khtui Leans W HliAAHCll 0 M