The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 30, 1900, Image 1

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Cabinet Discusses Diplomatic
Phase of Eastern Situation
Cotiii1rtrR IrcimrHtlnu of Iliin t Clrnr
Awuy UxUIIiir Im rrtiiliilyTlino Uhi
Conic for Kxpi cmIiii ill liitiiitlim by All
tliu LcmlliiK Iouiti
Yushlngton Aiij I0 A special
meeting of the cabinet lasting all day
hihI lirukcn up by a short iccess for
luncheon showed tlio Intense interest
tbo udinlnlstintlon feels In the Chi
liege situation It was the lougttst
cabinet meeting ol the present admin
Intuition The diplomatic and not the
uillitaiy phase of the situation in
China was under consideration ami
this accounted for the piesenco of
Acting Secietnry Adee an unusual
happening at a cabinet meeting
it is undei stood that the cabinet
completed ptepaiatlon of a plan tor
dealing away much of the uncertain
ly that now exists as to the future
In China and outlined Its views in
writing The fact that the military
situation is admitted to be ol second
ary importance conllrms the view that
what is sought is an agi cement among
the poweis lor terminating the status
of aftalrs in China It is believed that
the point has been reached whete it
Is pioper that tlieie should be a clear
expression of purpose on the part ol
the principal powers in older that the
United States government may know
bow far It may go consistently in the
execution of the common progiam
Most of the objects had in view by the
president when he made answer to the
Chinese governments appeal and be
gan the campaign upon Peking have
been achieved Two others remain
to be scented namely the safe-guarding
of American Intel osts and iiidem
uiticutlon for the operations and
losses of American citizens Some
plan by which the objects can be at
tained by the United States in com
mon with similar objects by the other
powois engaged in China is thought
feasible Incidental to this main pur
pose i uvciil phases of the piohlcm
are attracting special attention Thus
the hiiilluiency of Illlung Changs ere
deiitials as a peace envoy or i at her
of the ability of the emperor of China
to acrctfi ulb one thus is a matter
of international consideration It was
the general undei standing that the
outcome of yestei days cabinet meet
ing would be the outlining of a policy
by the administration that would tend
to bimplily these issues and at least
bring to a focus the vaiying asplii
tions of the powers If this cannot be
done the question to be detei mined is
whether or not the Tubed States shall
proceed further with
the allied forces
situation Simmii il Ip
One of the best posted members of
the diplomatic corps summed up the
international complications as follows
The powers were in complete ac
cold up to the time ot the taking ot
Peking but with that accomplished
the more impoitant question arose as
to the future course ot the powers ill
dealing with China and on that t Ileit
is not as yet any complete accord
Thus far Jt seems plain that the Unit
ed States opposes the dismemberment
of China or a move towards territorial
extension theje and In this position
Itussia and France seem to agree On
the other hand Germany Hi eat Hrlt
aln and possibly Japan are not averse
to a course which tvill bring about tei
ritorlal divisions within the empiio
It was supposed Japan stood against
a division of the empire but the laud
Jng of Japanese troops shows that
Japan Is at least making leady to be
in a position to sliaie in any division
of territory which must come The
coiiiki of Russia in taking New
Cliwanj can be viewed in the same
light as llie landing of tioops at Amoj
or Shanghai as this was for the sole
jnirpose of protecting Russias railway
line and any ulterior territorial pur
pones have been disclaimed by Kus
sla So far as Great Britains purpose
is concerned In the absence of any
expressed declaration the landing of
troops at Shanghai is strong evidence
that 3 1 eat Uritaln wishes to control
the Yang Tse valley which Is the gar
den of China On the part of Uer
mauy the doubt as to her future
couise Is due mainly to Count Walder
Bees speeches since the taking of Pe
king These have indicated that he
was going on nu extensive campaign
Itnd that the fall of the Chinese capita1
was only the initial step in a com
prehensive program requiring the
presence of a large army Just what
this means is not clear but it has at
least created much surprise In Wash
iugton and some other cupltals
Bulil to llavp ltern Killed IMirlnK it Fight
With Jujiunrr
London Aug Mi Amid the growing
uMtllcultlf s of the Chinese Imbroglio
Mr Hrorterlcks emphatic declination
tit Thornconibe last evening pioveh
that the llritlsh government docs not
yet see any cause to depart from the
line of policy originally decided upon
namely to take no responsibility foi
the administration of China Mr lira
Norfolk Weekly News
ueiick said he hoped It would not 1h
supposed that the government was
pusillanimous in this respect Its only
object was to maintain HrltNh Inter
fsts It was quite willing to take its
shaie of the white mans burden but
could not admit that the nature of Unit
burden should be dictated to It by the
yellow man
Here the Moinlng Post observes
Is wheie the dltllculty of selecting a
policy conies In We cannot decamp
and leave the powers to settle tbo mat
ter between them
The Chinese minister In London as
serts lie Is in constant communication
with LI Hung Chang who Is still In
Dispatches iccelved this morning
bring no later Peking news A Shang
hai telegram says LI Hung Chang has
rent a memorial begging the empress
dowager to appoint lMlnce Clilng Gen
eral Yung Lu and the Yang Tse vice
toys as joint peiiecmiikois with him
It Is rumored at Shanghai that the
Japanese gained a victory over the
Hoxeis and Chinese tioops from Pel
Tsang and Ho Si Wu last Thursday at
Teh Chou The stoiy says lfHMJ Chi
nese were killed Including Prince
Tumi and that all the Chinese weie
driven back into Chi Li
Related dispatches and the stories of
refugees ai living at Che Foo con
tinue to desci Ibe the terrible condi
tions in Peking One of the woist in
cldents Is the shocking desecration of
the foieign cemetery outside the west
wall The details aie too levoltlng to
be described llunilieds of bodies of
Chinese aie found in the stieets of Pe
king supposed to be those of traitois
to the cause of the Roxers
A coriespoudent at New Chwang
says the Russians at Ilai Cheng aie
awaiting reintorcements whose ad
vance Is delayed by the impassable
conditions of the rouls to Leao Yang
and Mukden
Meanwhile the native population ol
the district is being tieated with the
utmost severity Lye witnesses re
pot an indiscriminate slaughter of
noncombatants and the reduction of
the country In the vicinity of Port Ar
thur to a state of utter desolation
llut to Hut n Mmnglini
Berlin Aug HO The Frankfort 7oi
tung has iccelved a dispatch from
Shanghai saying a plot has been lis
covered tlieie to burn the whole city
It is added that the Furoponns con
flict Je stieets unsafe after nightfall
ninsV le eiieril situation is described
as critical
Jllty JotiiKiitrM MiKiicriil
Che Foo Aug - Yu governor of
the province ol Slien SI is repeated to
have invited the loieigners in Hie
pioinceto come to his protci tion
About Aug 11 Till accepted the invita
tion and all were massacied
Ouict at Tien Thin
Tien Tsin Aug J1 One thousand
Russians leit Tien Tsin for Peking to
day The country here is quiet
KoIiitIh ItcportR tlu llorn Mukit Ioor
MiiihI Xnir 11 n i liHtlodori
London Aug IK Loid Roberts ic
ports under date of Belfast Aug liS
as follows
Bullers advance occupied Macha
dodorp this titternooii The enemy
made a poor stand and retired
iiorthwiiid followed by Dundonalds
mounted tioops who could not proceed
beyond Helvetia on account of the dif
licult nature of the country and the
enemy taking up u position too strong
to be dislodged by the mounted troops
It appeals that Bullers casualties
weie very few
French continued the movement to
day as tar as Flandsfontein from
which he turned the enemy out with
no ditliciilty The latter retired veiy
lapidly leaving cooked food behind
Crar Iwh LojiIh Chilly Itfceptlon
London Aug Dr Leyds inter
view with Lmpcror Nicholas says a
dispatch to the Dally Mail from St
Peteisbiug lasted barely live min
utes The czar said he was sorry he
could do nothing for the Transvaal
except to urge it to make peace as he
hated war
lu both hoiues of tho Kentucky
legislature Wednesday bills weie of
fered to repeal and amend the Goebel
Western Manitoba and the territories
have been swept by a storm which
has heavily damaged crops and prop
Rev A M Hough who died Wednes
day at his home in Los Angeles was a
pioneer in Methodism in the north
Hon D S Flugg of Pike county has
been nominated for congress by Re
publicans of the Ninth Missouri dls
Italy has protested against Ger
manys new meat law on the ground
that it contravenes tho Italian German
commeiclal tieaty
The coal famine In Germany has be
come very serious and a number of
chainbeis of commerce have petitioned
the government for lellef
The featuie of the National Bee
Keepeis convention at Chicago
Wednesday was a paper on Queen
Rearing by the Doollttle Method
read by Mrs 11 O Acklln of St Paul
The old officers were re elected by ac
Business Session of Thirty
fourth Annual Convention
Toiln IIiiMihmi In Cliolio of rltj fin Neil
liiriimitmciit mill Klritlnii of
tliioallliiii to luilu
ItiUhlcnr of st Iniil
Chicago Aug -Yesterday was
for the G A It as an oiganlatlon
stilctly a day of business For those
nienibeis who weie not burdened with
the responsibilities attending the po
sition of a delegate to the convention
of the Giand Army It was a day for
anything and eciythlng but business
From moinlng to night the convention
labeled In Its woik In Stndelmker hall
listening to uumeiotis icpoits from of
ficers and committees while the vast
majority of the old soldiers went to
the pinks took boat rides on the lake
and those who bad not soir blood
enough in their younger days accepted
an Imitation fiom the packers to visit
the stock yauls
The coneiitlon opened at Hbiltl
oclock and Horn the stint business
was pushed with energy The open
ing session was entiiely of a social
character and was open to the public
When the convention met in the aft
ernoon the first thing taken tip was
the ieioi t of the pension committee
This would contain it was generally
thought some win in statements but
tlieie weie none There was not In
the lepoit a specific declaration or ice
ommeiidatioii upon any subject The
committee in tiie outset went at
length into the history of the woik
done by G A R committees in obtain
lug troin the last congiess increases in
certain classes of pensions it then
discussed the differences of opinion
existing between the pension otllce ami
those members ol the Grand Army
who hold the opinion that the old sol
diers have not received sutlieient con
sideration The report argued at
length against the statements that
have been made by the pension ottl c
in reply to the original eiiticisms made
by members f the Grand Aimy but
offeied no suggestions as to a diieet
line ol policy to be pursued
No opposition has developed to Judge
RassiiMtr of St Louis in his candidal v
for the position of
and it is piactienlly certain that he
will lie elected on the first vote Tlieie
has been veiy little talk legarding tie
place of the next encampment but two
places Denver and Salt Lake having
been mentioned
Jjtliiiiu A iii In 1till ut I lit roll
Mill IiIiik llcloro IiiitMLtliic Ollli iti
Detroit Aug HO -Belle Isle was in
vaded yestei day by the Pythian ariuv
in lull force The Knights left theii
encampment on the east boulevard at
10 inai died to the long bridge
leading to the island park and to tlxr
play ground commons on the easterly
side of the island wheie the biennial
inspection and review of the uni
formed i ink was held Alter a deal of
galloping about of the staff brigade
and regimental ollicers the inspection
formation was completed two long
lines of Hoops stretched from end to
end of the gieat Held the brigade and
regimental otilceis giouped to the fore
in their appioprintc place the artll
lery and cnvaliy on the left The in
spection proceeded the inn lor general
and stall moving down and up the
long lines
Geneial Car alian then took station
In the center field his army wheeled
right into company trout und marched
in icview In lie formation As the
head of each brigade passed the commander-in-chief
the brigadier gen
ends staff toll out and Joined the staff
of the major xcneinl The entire com
mand of SluuO Knights letiirned to
camp in good spirits and without sp
cial tatlgiu
Sessions f the supremo lodge
Knights of Pythias weie lesumed and
some ot the reports of the co llttees
were heaid Siipiemo Chancellor Sam
pie announced the ie electloii by the
supieme lodge of James R Carnahan
of Indianapolis as major geneial com
manding the uniformed rank
Negio Suvrd by a Sour
Moons Landing Miss Aug 30
Charley Wilson a negro from Green
ville Miss was caugnt last night by
n baud of men who were searching for
Dick Johnson the alleged murderer of
Contractor Tom Mike near Moons
Landing A rope had been swung over
the limb of n tree the noose was
at omul Wilsons neck and ten deter
mined men had hold of the rope pre
paratory to hanging the negro when
the discovery was niude that this man
had a sear on his face wdch was ab
sent from the face of Johnson Wil
son was then released
Muno Iookn IIlKhrr
Bayamo Cuba Aug io At Man
zanlllo yesterday Geneial Bartolome
Maso declined the nomination for a
delegate to the convention lu spite of
the gieat pressnie brought to beur on
him claiming that It would Identify
him with some political party and that
his acceptance would defeat Ids am
bitions for the presidential uowiua
tlou to which he aspires
Afm Atiirrlrnn Collin II Will llitr Inlltln
In tho Ititnrr
liidlannpolls Aug tl It Is stated
tlieie will be no etidoisement of the
untlniuil administration bv the Afio
Ameiliiiu louuell and that all politics
will be eliminated The lesolutloiis
committee lu Its icpoit made bo icfer
ence to polities
The session last night was veiy live
ly John P Gieeu assistant stamp
eleik in the Washington postolllcc
was ejected fiotn the hall lie was
making a political speech and toftiscd
to sit down when i ailed to older by
Bishop Walteis He shouted that no
bishop oi set of men could make him
sit down Ills 1 1 lends itished around
him to suppmt him and the coiien
tion was lu an uproar Gieen shouted
that Itlshoy Walteis had been bought
up by thf leinncints wheieupoii he
was lead Horn the hall M C B Ma
son deploied the ocelli I ence In a
speech J Milton Tin ner of St Louis
tried to speak but was cried down
Alliliili imiii PilhiiK Innlili utn liri
llcloie the A inn mi Km Amii IiiIIoii
Sinatogii N Y Aug HO The open
lug session of the Id annual meeting
of the Ameileau Bar association was
held heie ostoiday The piesldents
nihil ess was delheied by e Semite
Cliiiiles F Mandeison of Omaha com
mtmhntlng the most notewoi tli
changes in statute law on points ol
geneial inteiest made In seei il
states and by congiess during the pie
ceding oar
The nomination and election of meni
beis tollowed also the election of the
general council
The lepoit ot the tieasuier Finiiels
Rawlc ol Philadelphia gave the ic
celpts as Slltl leaving a balance ol
l Ii Repoits were also submitted
by the souotaiy John lllnkley of Ril
tlnioie and by the eecutl coin
Con v ut Ion III II llllllllOIll
Collin II Blutls HO
Aug -Alter cast
ing US ballots the Republican eouveii
tion of the Fifteenth judicial distiict
of Iowa failed yesteiday to nominate
a candidate to till the vacancy caused
by the lesigiiatlou of Judge Walter I
Smith Mid adjournment was taken un
til moinlng The lour candidates O D
AVheeler ot Pottawattamie county K
W Beat on of Montgomery county W
Scott Lewis of Mills county and J B
Ruckatellow ol Cass county stood
prn tlcilly wheie they did on the open
ing ballot with Wheeler in the lead
and Lewis n close second
DitMoii AIIciIIiik ICi roini Siliniili
-Mitchell S D Aug 10 In a case
just uled here Cliciilt Judge Smith
granted a writ of habeas corpus for a
boy who hail been sent to the state ie
1 i in si liool on an order from In
county judge it being held that tli
latter hail no jiiilsdletlou in such
cases Superintendent Tompkins of
the leform school said at least one
fouith ol the Juveniles that weie sent
to the iclorin school were sent hy
county judges Under these clrciini
stances any child now In the leform
school could scenic his llbeity the
same way
Hamilton Chili llaiMjiiit
Chicago Aug no Piomlnent men
f i oin all parts of the country gatheied
around the tables In the banquet bull
of the Auditorium hotel last night to
attend the feast ghen by the Hamil
ton club of this city In their honor
The Hamilton club is a Republican or
ganization and its banquet was nftci
the menu a banquet with politics the
chief thing under discussion Speeches
weie made by Colonel David B Hen
deisoii speaker of the house of repre
sentatives Senator Ciishiniin K Davis
of Minnesota and Senator Dolliver of
A gioup of American financiers has
acquit cd the Moscow Archangel rail
August Lvntis and John Sampson
weie killed by a live wire at South
Connellsvllle Pa Wednesday
Wlliam II Williams and David L
Da vies have been appointed receivers
of the J lobe Building and Loan com
pany of Columbus O
Catcher Kllng and Third Baseman
Stiaiig of St Josephs team weie
taken into the Nutional League Chi
cago getting both men for next season
A construction train carrying P2i
men collided with a yard train at
North Veruon Ind Wednesday
James Andeison laborer of this city
whs killed and nine others Injured
The American rod and nail mills at
Anderson lud shut down Wednes
day One thousand men are thrown
out of employment The mill belongs
to the nail trust and it is stated the
closuie will be permanent
Arthur T J Rice was drowned at
Brighton Beach Wednesday while in
bathing It Is thought that hlR drown
ing was the lesult of his false teeth
becoming loosened in his mouth and
chopping into his throat strangling
Mis Louisa Sontng the ruuaway
wlfe of Paul Sontag foimerly a Pull
man employe In Chicago attempted
suicide lu the city prison at San Fran
cisco Wednesday when her husband
confronted her and Fred Rocpke also
formerly of Chicago
Slayer of King Humbert is
Given Life Sentence
Mi- Ciiliiinlttril lliu llnil to
Awiikc MUiilin ol lln
I inllllii nil i ua In III si ntclli i
SmjIiic Mi I uilt Nnt ICilnlilt Inn
Milan Aug i Biescl the an
arebist who on July II shot and killed
King llumbeit of 1 1 ii l at Moimi cs
tetday was piououm ed guilty and sen
tented to Impiisonnient lot lite An
Immense ciowd of people gatheied
about the mini limn einly moinlng
seeking admission to the touii mom
wheie oulj a lew places weie ie
solved lot the ticket holding public
Biescl sat lu the dock calm ami nl
most ludliTeieiit
While Hie Indictment which was
veiy long was being tend Biesil was
iippateutly unmoved anil scanned the
faces ol the audience without nu
signs of I ear in elliouteiy The In
ilhtineiit slmwed t lint the assassin lu
dulged lu iuiessnul liitget pun Ike
and that he piepated bullets so as to
lender them mole ilaugeious
The witnesses were then Intioiluced
Tliero weie II lor the piosectnlon and
live lor the delelise The cMinilliu
t loll of Biescl lollowed
lie declined he decided to kill King
Humbeit allei the events ol Milan
and Sicily to avenge the nilseiles of
the people and my own lie added
I acted without advhe ui m om
The prisoner admitted the linget
piactlee and the piepaiation ol bill
lets lie spoke in a low til m volte
ami said he liied tluee shots al tluee
yinds Willi his icMilvcr Two wooden
tin gets weie Ii placed on the table
belote the lodges
A brigadier ol gendarmes Snlvntoil
recapitulated the story ol the assassi
nation of Ibe King He said lie saved
Biescl liom the eiowd which neatly
lynched Hie assassin Biescl when
resetted was coveted with blood
Biescl was given an oppot tiuiitv to
speak and
Sentenie me I nut IndllVei cut I
await the next I evolution
Although thete weie few witnesses
the 1 1 lit 1 lasted Hum l a in until i
late hour in the altertioou The jury
took but a lew minutes to deliberate
With absolute Inillller Biescl ie
ceived the vetdiit ami was led away
to his cell wheie hellcelol Hi he will
see ni one and hem no one not even
his In INm
lie gave be luipicssloii of an emis
sary iipable or acting coolly but In
capable or lonielvlng Hie plan Not
withstanding his statement l
emu so ur Hie examination Hint he had
no tebillons with limn dilnts when lu
Anieilin he admitted having received
fitlO Ibe at Gonna rioiu Putersoii
HikoIiii niuHiilmllnim liliiniili In Until
III pillllll III Ullll III IIIIMllllll Illllll K
New oik Aug 10 Returns It oil
yesleidavs ptlmaties lu Cieater New
Yolk show Hint the New Voik county
Republican oigmilatlon was success
ful In all exiepl Hie Twenty Hist as
sembly illstilel wheie Abiniiaui Gin
bet who opposes the i utility connnlt
ti e was suci essrill
Tainninnv Gall was successful In
holding couliol ol the I Icuincintlc or
Kiiiilnllon In nil dlsttlcts John G
Sheehan tailed to tecapliiie the lead
el ship of the Ninth dlsttlct fiom
Ftank Goodwin who had the support
of Klcluiiil Itokcr
Hiilon Inilllr thlil Ip ut itnii
Omaha Aug in Itolilieis boaided
the Iulon Imlllc passeugei tialii No
t lasl night In WMinOng between
Tipton and Table Km K cut d Hie
exptess un dv iiamlted the sale and
escaped with their hoot It was
learned It Rawlins thai the
sengei was com I w llh gnus ami
mltleil to Hie ittev liable One side of
the sale was blown away Tipton is
riS miles west ot Itawllns mid a for
lorn spot in the desett llle section of
Wv oitilng
I lib lniiilin ii iiiiilliluti in 11104
Topeka Aug ill II Is Hie lull of
Republiiati i tides lieie Hint Senator
Chillies W Fall hanks ol Indiana is a
cnudhlntc lot ptcshleul to suci eed Me
Klnlev loin vea i h Horn now and that
his western tip next month is lor no
other put pose than to make acquaint
ances mid to push Ills b i Info
view While lie speaks under the
aiispiiious ol the national committee
his Itlneimy is wholly unknown He
wants in begin In Kansas and end In
Iti miii lo stump Itipiililliiin liultoiy
Chlingo Aug to William I Biyan
will lead the llht l lite I loinni rnit
hluisell In the nt i nl mil eastern
Hates He will take oiiimaiid next
Wot k III Ctiiciigo anil then will begin
an Invasion 0I the Republican feirl
toiy lor he lias decided to stump Il
linois Indiana Ohio Wisconsin Mich
igan Minnesota New Yolk New Jer
sey Mm li ml anil West Vltglnla
The manufacturers of Royal
Baking Powder have always declined
to produce a cheap baking powder
at the sacrifice of quality
The Royal is made from the
most highly refined and wholesome
ingredients and is the embodiment
of all the excellence possible to be
attained in the highest class baking
Royal Baking Powder costs only
a fair price and is cheaper at its
price than any similar article
Samples of mixtures made in imitation of baking
powders but containing alum are frequently dis
tributed from door to door or given away in
grocery stores Such mixtures are dangerous
to use in food and in many cities their sale is
prohibited by law Alum is corrosive poison and
nil plixsicians condemn baking powders containing it