The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 23, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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r w if
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It vJ I
If V B
f Davenport Bros
Will Make
Big Cuts
All Summer
Railroad Watches
I M 11
of tio FliRliost Grades most carefully
finished aud adjusted American watches
we soil at roasonublo priced Special at
tention given to tlio HepairiuR of Fine
Watches and Jewelry
7 Jeweler
Norfolk Neb
Of course you naturally
Keep Your Eye
on Our Show
for the newest styles of Photo Mounts
and latest in Medallions and Photo Nov
elties Your likeness made to please
you and your friends
Have Your Pictures
where you can get mouldings suitable
for them Finest assortment of Mat
Board in the city Art Materials and
amateur supplies
Yours for business
Steam Laundry
Only First Class Laundry
In Northeast Nebraska
Every effort mado to ploaso patrons niul
Klvo satisfaction Latest improved ma
chinery used in nil departments Work
not satisfactory will ho relaundorod froo
of charso If returned uiiworu
ts Thompsons
3 Cash Grocery
For Pure
Cider Vinegar
and Fancy
Teas and Coffees
Heinzes Preserves
and Pickles
The best of everything in our lino
The plank walk in front of Vails
caudy kitchen is being replaced by a
now one of the same material
Dallas Bruuson this morning pur
chased the hack Hue of A N Eddy
adding it to his already well equipped
line of hacks and busses
Mrs W J Baker very pleasantly en
tertained a party of about 20 young
poople at her home in The Heights last
ovoulug Cards was tho principal
amusement and watermolon was served
for refreshment
Tho tonnls enthusiasm has takon nos
session of tho small boys of Norfolk and
they tako advantago of any vacancy in
tho courts to indulge lu tho game
Tho lawn tenuis gamo last ovouing
was played by Dr P 11 Saltor and N
A Huso agalust P H Bools and W H
Bucholz Tho former team won by a
scoro of 8 t
Miss Jonuio Whoolor outortalncd a
company of about -O young friends at
her homo on South Ninth etroot last
ovouing from 4 to 8 in honor of Miss
Huth Harding Tho guests onjoyod tho
afternoon and ovouing vory thoroughly
Tho special car for tho accommodation
of votoraus to tho uatioual oncampmont
G A R at Chicago will bo at tho P
E M V uptown depot hero until
1 1 5 Saturday morning Tickets and
seats for tho trip may bo secured at tho
uptown Croighton dopot
Tho weather changed quite suddenly
botweon 2 aud U oclock this aftoruoon
when black clouds drovo down from tho
north cooling the atmosphero aud bring
ing some rain Tho clouds loolcod
qulto fierce and their evolutions wore
anxiously watched but nothing disas
trous happened hero
Tho young ladlos M Q M club
which has boon enjoying a woeks
camping at tho Yellow Bauks returned
yesterday noon and report having had a
most onjoyablo timo Tho club is com
posed of Misses Gao Stanton Iva Fostor
Maude Clark Nora Dixon Mary Covert
aud Auua Killou Mrs Stanton and
Mrs Foster chaperoned tho party
Tho auditorium aud lecture room of
tho Congregational church aro to be
newly carpeted in a color which will
harmonize with tho paper that has re
cently been hung upon tho walls The
Ladies society of the church is bearing
tho expense nud at a meeting hold yes
terday afternoon mombors of the society
selected the pattern for the carpet
S K Warrick has resigned his posi
tion as cashier of tho Battle Creek
Valley bank to take effect September 1
which he does for tho purpose of taking
charge of a bank at Broken Bow this
state Harry Barnes assistant cashier
has also resigned E II Luikart of
this city has been solected to succeed
Mr Warrick and he will assumo his
duties on the date that the latter retires
Roy Gardner has been endeavoring to
construct a telephouo line to his home in
the west part of the city In the process
of construction he climbed a tree aud
encountered a hornets nest from the oc
cupants of which he got a warm recep
tion and at once suspended opperatious
Manager Sprecher had been interested
in the line and being in the neighbor
hood desired to know why tho work was
not completed He was informed by
Roy that it was too warm in the tree to
work and was invited to go up himself
Whether he accepted the invitation or
not and what happened to him has not
been learned If he went up however
he is probably ready aud willing to en
dorse Roys opinion as to the tempera
Mr and Mrs I G Westervelt re
turned yesterday from a visit to Denver
aud other points of interest in Colorado
including Colorado Springs Mauitou
and a trip around the Loop At Graud
Junction they were entertained by S H
McClary aud shown some of the wonder
ful peach orchards Much of the fruit
is going to waste because it is impossible
to get it to market owing it was ex
plained to the freight rates Fruit
growers are putting up immense drying
houses andjhope in tho future to take caro
of much of their product in this way
Its possibilities as a fruit country can
bo realized from the fact that one of the
growers cleared 10000 in four years
from one piece of land Mr aud Mrs
Westervelt enjoyed the trip most thor
oughly They were accompanied by
their daughters Mrs Win Martin and
Mrs Swithon Reynolds who live in
At a meeting of the directors of the
Norfolk National bank held Tuesday
evening N A Rainbolt tendered his
resignation as president of that institu
tion to take effect October 1 This
move was made upon the advice of Mr
Raiubolts physician who prescribes ab
solute rest duriugthe coming year in
hope that his failing health which has
been brought about through long con
tinued close attention to business may
be regained While the patrons of the
bauk will regret that he is to retire from
its active management they will be glad
to know that he is to remain as one of its
board of directors aud that it will con
tiuue to have the benefit of his counsel
and experience It is probable that he
will travel extensively during the
next few mouths following the advice
of his physician that a chauge of scone
aud recuperation are what are required
to build him up physically Mr Rain
bolt has been president of tho Norfolk
National bauk about fourteen aud one
half years and during that time he has
seeu the institution grow from a strag
gling business with a capital of 50000
aud deposits of less thau 50000 to oue
with a capital of 100000 a surplus of
20000 and with deposits ranging in
the neighborhood ot 323000 The
building up of this great business has
beeu done by the closest attention to de
tails and at a sacrifice of health which
has at lat partially nndermlnotl his
constitution but it Is bolloved that a
short period of rest will entirely restore
him to his former vigor and ability to
copo with tho Intricate problems of tho
financial world No arrangements havo
yot boon inado as to who shall bo hU
successor but it Is likely that ono will
be uamod before tho first of Ootobor
Farm laud and city proporty for salo
by G R Seller
Drink Mullowrloh coffee
Tho Wniitlinr
Conditions of tho weathor as recorded
for tho 24 hours ending at 8 a m to
Maximum tomporatnro HI
Minimum tomporatnro U
Avorago 77
Precipitation 00
Total proolpltatiou for mouth 2 SI
Barometor 21 40
Forecast for Nobraska Generally
fair touight and Friday
Dr P H Saltor is lu Pierqg today on
professional business
Mrs L C Bargolt and ohlldron wont
to Tildou last uight to visit friends
Miss Lillian Luikart loft last night for
an outing at tho Hot Springs S D
Thos McNeil roturued last night from
Omaha whore he took a shipment of
Mrs Appolby aud Mrs Hortou of
Stautou were shopping in Norfolk yes
Mis3 Maggie llorriskoy has roturnod
from ONeill whore sho has beeu visit
ing friends
Helen nud Hiuy Glissmau wont to
Creightou this noon to visit relatives
nud friends
Chas Madseu has returned from a
two days canoeing and fishing trip up
tho North Fork rivor
R A Tawney of Pierce fusion candi
date for stato senator was a visitor in
Norfolk over night
Mrs Jus A Head and son Allen
went to Tildou last evening to visit at
the home of J W Bush
Mrs T A Mullen and daughter Miss
Alice left last eveuiug for a visit to
friends iu Chndrou and in the Hills
Miss Mason returned last evening
from Youugstowu Ohio whero 6ho has
beeu visiting her sister Mrs G V
Superintendent O II Reynolds re
turned this morning from Vordigre
where ho had been several days looking
after business for tho railroad coinpauy
Mrs A W Young who has boon
visiting her daughter Mrs W H John
son returned to her home in Chicago
this noon She was accompanied by
Mrs A J Johuson
Rev A M McFarlaud came up from
Washington county yesterday aud visited
a short time with his son S R He
left last evening for Stanton to visit rel
atives and friends
S K Dexter proprietor of the cold
storage came in last evening from
Lowell Mass to look after his interests
He was accompanied by Miss Anna L
Cutler who will visit her sister hero
Fine perfumes at Christophs
Farm and city loans
Thh Dubland Tbdst Co
For Sale Meadow Grove Hotel
New and in good repair
Mrs Maggie Storey
F K M V It It Excursion
To Detrost Mich account Biennial
Conclave Knights of Pythias excursion
tickets on Aug 25 26 and 27
To Chicago account national G A R
encampment on Aug 24 to 27
Will bo glad to furnish particulars of
above cheap excursions to all interested
H C Matbau Agent
Annual reunion Chicago 111 August
27 September 1st One fare for the
round trip via the Union Pacific
Tickets ou sale from Utah from Wy
oming and Colorado from Kansas and
Nobraska For limit ou tickets time
tables and full information call ou
F W Juvemas Agent
DrFrauk Salter Diseases of children
A G Bohuert has been appointed sole
ageut for the celebrated Mollowrich
roasted coffee
Populist Congressional Convention
A delegate convention of the populist
party is hereby called to meet at Nor
folk Nobr September 0 1000 at 2
oclock p in for the purpose of placing
iu nomiuatiou a candidate for congress
in the Third congressional district and
for tho transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before tho convention
The representation of the various
counties iu the district based upon tho
convention at Grand Island shall bo as
Antelope 22 Knox 20
Boone 22 Madison 14
Burt 11 Merrick li
Cedar 14 Nance HI
Colfax 10 Pierco 10
Cuming 10 Platte 20
Dakota 0 Stautou 8
Dixon 14 Thurstou 0
Dodge 22 Wayne 12
It is earnestly rocommeuded that full
delegations from each couuty attend
this convention and assist iu making Jt
a graud success
D W Darlisotos
P A Bryant Chairman
Houses for sale T E Odiornb
Crazy Man Kills one Who is
Drunk at Wayne
Tlio Mutilnr W Committed flomn llnio
During tlio NlRlit Umrr Stun Thought
111 Oil Mittn Iomoinml or tho Dnvll nml
1rorpeilnil to St mo p It Out
A tolophouo mossago from Wayno
this morning gives Information of a
horrible murder committed in tho
Wayne jail some tlmo during last night
a crazy man named Wanund hilling ft
man named Higham who was intoxi
As near as could bo ascortalnod tho
murdered man Higham makes his
homo at Dunbar had boon to visit his
daughter at Wausa and was ou his way
to Norfolk to visit a son Ho stopped
ovor at Wayne and bocomlng drunk
was placed iu jail by tho city marshal
Tho name of tho crazy man is
Wanund aud his homo Is lu lluckland
Mo Ho got on at Emorson and his
ticket road to Norfolk He bocamo
violoutou tho train nud tho conductor
put him off at Wayno
Tho conductor ivskod hint whero ho
was going aud ho said Whoro tho
rost of them aro Asked ns to whoro
that was he said In ltoavon The
trainmen told him ho should havo
bought a ticket to heaven then
Ho was filially put off at Wayno aud
between and 10 oclock last uight was
locked in jail with tho druukou man
When tlio niarshnljoutorotl thu jail this
morning ho found Higham dead having
boon literally stamped to death aud his
body horribly mutilatod by Wauuud
Wanund was asked why ho committed
tho crime and ho said his follow occu
pant was an cnotny of Josus Christ
possossed of tho devil and it was his
duty to kill him
Tho coroner assembled n jury this
morning aud hold an iuquost rendering
a verdict to llio effoct that Bighaui had
beeu murdered by Wauuud while
Tho name of tho iusano man is so
similar to that of W J Wyuaud who
recently disappeared from this city that
au effort was made to learn if they
were one nud I ho same
Inquiries wero made aud it was
learned that tho last known of Wynand
was that he is iu Lincoln aud it could
not possibly havo been him
Another story is givou by a man ovor
from Wayne Ho assorts that the name
of the murdered man was Wauuud aud
that the crazy mans uamo was Bighaui
He was personally acquainted with
Dad Wyuaud and states that neither of
tho parties bore any resemblance to him
This murder following socloso ou tho
ono at Meadow Grove tho suicide at
Wiuside the accidental death at Tildeu
aud the recent suicide aud accidental
death in Stanton county placo3 Norfolk
in the geographical center of a series of
horrors seldom equalled iu a short space
of time elapsed which has been little
more thau a week While all the trou
ble has beeu iu a territory tributary to
Norfolk this city has thus far escaped
anything of the kind and it is sincerely
hoped that it may escape suoh notorioty
Sturgeon is the piano man
Farming In Colorado and New Mexico
The Denver Us Rio Grande railroad
The Scenic Lino of tlio World has
prepared an illustrated book upon tho
above subject which will be sent free to
farmers desiring tochango thoir location
This publication gives valuable informa
tion in regard to the agricultural horti
cultural aud live stock interests of this
section and should be in tho hands of
overyoue who desires to become ac
quainted with the methods of farming
by irrigation Write S K Hooper G
P T A Denver Colo
We make loans on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhoru Building aud
Savings association T E Odiorse Sec
Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Cunt for
Are the most comfortable commodious
means of travel for largo parties intend
ing settlers homeseekers hunting
These cars aro run on the Uuiou Pa
cific dally from Nebraska points to Cali
fornia and Oregon poiuts and aro fitted
up complete with mattresses curtains
blaukots pillows etc requiriug nothing
to be furnished by the passengers Uni
formed porters are iu charge of those
cars who are required to keep them in
good order and look after tho wauts and
comforts of passengers These cars are
new of modern pattern nud are nearly
as convenient aud comfortable as first
class palace sleepers Persoually con
ducted excursions every Friday
For full iuformation call on or nddress
Salted peauuts at Parishs
Ktlluuy rurut Land it For Sain
Iu northern Wisconsin the Chicago
St Paul Minuenpolis Omaha railway
has for sale at low rates and easy terms
of payment about 400000 ncres of choice
farm lauds Early buyers will secure
the advantage of locations ou the many
beautiful streams and lakes which
abound with flah and furnish a uevr
oudiug aud most excellent water supply
both for family use and for stock
Laud is geuorally well timbered the
soil fortltn aud easy of cultivation
Chloago Milwaukee St Paul Minne
apolis Dulutli Superior Ashland and
numerous other thriving cities and
towns on tho lino of tho C Ht P M
railway and other railroads lu tho
flame territory furnish good markets for
farm produce
For further particulars address
Gio W Hmi
Laud Commissioner Hudson Wis or
h H Mac Haic
A U P ASLPauLMtiiu
ll II unil rod hollar Itnuunl
The Western Passenger assoolatlon
through Its chairman Ebon E MacLeod
has Issued from its Chicago office under
date of July ill the following
To whom it may concern The tin
derslgued having been luithorlzod by
the railroad companies comprising tho
Wostorn Passongor association to act iih
joint agent to validate for passage re
turn portions of excursion tickets which
will bo sold at reduced rates for tt num
ber of important conventions to bo held
iu various ail ios at intervals from ditto
to December 111 1100 involving tho use
of autograph Htamps tiolcot dating dies
otphor perforating machines nud Htich
other stamps or parihhorunlla as may bo
necessary for tho joint agent to validate
said tickets will pay u reward of Pive
Hundred dollars f0000 for informa
tion resulting in tho arrest and convic
tion of any person or persons fraudu
lently using suoh stamps or dies etc or
Imitations therof
Special notice to ongravors and stamp
makers Orders havo boon placed for
all stamps cipher perforating machines
aud dlos required by tho undersigned or
his omployos for tho purposes above re
ferred to Thorefore any orders which
you may rocoivo purport lug to onmnnto
from tho uudersigned or his representa
tives for stamps or dies bearing tho
name of tho Wostorn Passenger associa
tlon or of Ebon E MacLeod will mani
festly bo givou for tho purpose of per
petrating a fraud on tho railroad com
panies Yours truly
Eiikn E MacLioi Chairman
Iopu lint Mliatorlal Convention
Tho populist convention of tho
Eloventh sonntorial district of Nebraska
is hereby called to moot at Norfolk
September 0 lih0 at 1 oclock p in to
place lu nomination a candidate for
stato sonator aud for tho transaction of
such other business as may logally come
boforo It Tho basis of representation
by counties as agrood upon shall bo as
Madison 2S Pierco 20
Stautou 10 Wayne 21
A full attendance is earnestly do
sirod that tho convention may bo suc
cessful F A Bryant
Seo all tho uew fall street hats at Miss
Bonders comprising all tho latest styles
mil -
Invites you to Compare Prices
Tomatoes per can 8c
Peas per can 5c
Corn per can 8c
Java Coffee host per lb 15c
Oat Moal per lb 24c
Soap 10 bars 25c
1 K pound can Baking Powder 20c
Best Pruuos per lb 8c
Blueing 4c
Soda peril 3c
Starch per lb 3ic
Crackers per lb 7K C
Clothes Lines 9c
Lye per cau 4c
Mixed Candy per lb 7 c
Pearliuo par package 4c
Rico per lb 7c
Lamp Chimney 4c
We havo a big line of Tinware Gran
itewaro and Crockery which wo are
selling vory cheap
Teaclior of
Artistic Piano Playing
Methods of Hint Authorities Including
S1ons Tount imiTuiisk
SllicltiTIKri Phrasing and Interpretation
fa in I la Ill flrnl I li i 1 FJ
II 111 imiiiiiu i i uut mil iittin iijiiia
and harmony m an aid to piano phoiug
Thinking and memorizing muoic Tho niul of
imioic imotioual element tityie uxprcneiou
and analjaU
Toclinic a moans not an end
For particulars appl to the
North Eighth Street
ITie 5 Minute Breakfast Food
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Mvers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wnk
First do r West of Post Otllce
-00 TO-
W 0 Halls Barber Shop
J MI Tylor
Atloniojs nt lair
Norfolk - - - Nobranka
Mast Mock
Norfolk Nob
llonifopnllilf Physician aml Snrgcon
OIllcH Cittzoiin National Mink IIiiIMIhr
Telephone 101
Haiillarium ami KnAidnuni Main and lath Ht
Norfolk - Nobraflka
Ml South Uth Hlruol Nolfolk
Will he In rnlhlon Monday Wodiiitday niul
Friday iiftnrnootln of each rtieili
Olllcn nvnr Jlllnnit National Hank ttnnldnnca
one hlock north of CoiiMreKatlouiil church
raslilonahlo llrcHsniiiker
Up HlalrH In Cotton hlork owir IIiiuiiih nlorn
KimtclaHH uoik xuaiaiileed
Norfolk - - - NobraHka
Attorneys at lim
Itimm 10 It ami 12 MiiHtllnck
Norfolk - - - Nobroflka
Undertakers nml DuilialiiierH
SlhioiiH llll Niiifull Ave 3
Attorney at Law
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wlgton
Hlock Norfolk
Ladies Baths
Lioomsou North Ninth Street
Are essential to health
handles only pure groceries
free from adulteration and
sells them at
You get what you pay for
at miles
For Ilumliing Steitn Filtiog Pumps Tanks
Wind Mills
Aud all work iu this hue call on
Hhtisfactiou Quarautooii
First door South of The Daily News OQlca
Everybody wants the best of
meats We make a special
effort to please the trade
Our Shop is the Neatest
in the City
Iron and Brass Works
All Liudi of machines from u Uwu mower to
a priutiu presj uccofully repaired Hot air
ateim uud hot water heating Special attou
tion kl vmi to Holler uud Kuiuu Itupairiutf
0 IdsUWllkt liiipteuiout lioujo