The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 23, 1900, Image 3
i 1 3 f l I i i n A - unutznununn n n tt n n n u LLANI I say Allan Heros a row you have Just got to settle a womans row at that the chief marshal said plucking at the Hleevo of Allan McNeal president of tho Clay County Fair association Tho president scowl ed and tried to shoulder him away Nan Waro was waiting for him out In tho amphitheater Naturally he was in a fever to get done with tho abso lutely necessary routine affairs Come on You must tho marshal repeated Allan made a feint of clinch ing his lists Go away you nuisance lie said Taylor you are a nuisance the very worst sort I appeal to the president It Is my right Under the constitution and by laws a womans voice said outside the door grinned I knew it was comln Dont say I didnt tell you ho said In a stage aside as two stout and very angry dames bulged si multaneously through the door Tho presidents room was a mere cuddy ravaged from the end of Horticultural hall One rickety chair a goods box and an apologetic desk made up Its furnishings Kven then there was scant room for the pair who had plant ed themselves at Allans elbows and glared at each other across him Taylor you scoundrel why didnt you tell me 1 was wanted Allan said mendaciously then to his visitors Mrs Tease Mrs Sawyer what can 1 do for you You know you have only to name It I want Justice Mrs Sawyer began and Im a goln to have It Mrs Pease broke in Its a perfect shame Allan yes I will call you Al lan I used to know your mother so well tho way things are run at this fair Everything is in a ring and you never get the least bit of Justice unless you are In a ring yourself You ought to know about that Ev erybody has said for the longest time you were the head rlngster Mrs Saw yer interrupted pointedly Mrs Pease gave her a withering glance but went on as though she had not heard I do hope the gentlemen are honester In their part But hero In this hall Well I dont want to name names but truly I dont see how some people ever have the conscience to go to preachln after tho way they act Oh you know mistakes will be made Allan said soothingly Im sure though If they are made they are houest ones People see things so differently you know Yes and always their own way or their friends Mrs Pease said acrid ly Thats the sole and only reason you see mo here Tho association did rao the honor to appoint me a Judge of patchwork And me Mrs Sawyer added Mrs Pease went on I ought to know somethin about it I have got Just 40 patch quilts Ave of em silk that Ive made myself Ive made every pattern I over saw In fact so It stands to reason when I say the star and feather is more trouble than the basket of tulips nobody ought to dis pute It I dont dispute It All I say Is that the tulip baskets the prettiest and the newest and tho nicest made Mrs Sawyer Interrupted If qulltmakln counts I do reckon I could have ns many as anybody only I lack tho face to beg tho whole country for pieces I could buy my pieces too if my husbands storo sold whisky Mrs Peaso began her face an apoplectic scarlet Allan Interposed If you two cant decide we all know nobody can ho said diplomatically Tho thing to do Is to give two premiums Instead of one No no both women cried In the same breath You must come out and Judge yourself Thats partly what a president Is for Correct ladles Taylor tho mar shal said his eyes twinkling The by laws Is explicit on Jest that very pInt Mako Allan gp and pick tho winner Im too much his friend to see him ruin hlssolf right out Oh lot mo tell you somethin Mr McNeal Mrs Pease said Then lu n raucous whisper My choice the star and feather belongs to Miss Elvy Ware and sho told mo yesterday she had willed It to Nan because tho child did think it was so pretty Oh say I wish youd settle It with out mo Double tho premiums Allan said beads of sweat breaking out on his face Taylor chuckled at sight of them Mrs Sawyer pursed her mouth and said loftily I might try to once you Allan only I have some principle about me Tho tulip basket was mnde by Mrs John Groomc Shes Nan Wares aunt too and has no daughter of her own And neither would have a premium unless she got it over tother Taylor said rubbing his hands and chuckling ngaln Thats what 1 meant Allan I cant see you sot all Miss Nans family against you Youre bound to mako one half of It mad But do your duty like a white man and maybe tho good Lordll have mercy on your courtln Shut up Ill fling you outside If The Premium i ft L For Patchwork By Martha McCulloch Williams CorvutOHT 1K0 11V MAIITHA MCCU1UCI1 WlIUAMAi ss n ss THR NORFOLK NKW TUlKSDAY ALHWST iM 1000 SI you dont Allan said holding tho door wide Now ladles come and make up my mind for me And please oe quicic niiout it i nave a uuuureu other things to do Man disposes but woman proposes Most commonly It is to have her own way Allan McNeal had a will and n mind of his own but found himself helpless In tho faco of the patchwork feud It was nothing less It had be gun in fact In that same Horticultural hall ten years back Miss Elvy Waro and Mrs John Groomc were not mere ly Nan Wares aunts ststers respec tively to her father and mother but bitter rivals In notable housewifery At the very Ilrst Clay county fair they Bwept all before them In their own par ticular lines but Mrs Groome got a blue ribbon tho more It was for cut flowers anil Miss Elvys roses did not win even the red Naturally the fact rankled It rankled so deeply Indeed she was not pacllled by the offer of a special rose premium next year She won It of course but tho winning was robbed of savor Mrs Groomc did not mnke a separate rose display So It had gone at every fair Now one was ahead In tho matter of premi ums now the other At this particular fair both had outdone themselves with tho result of winning a dozen blue rib bons each There would have been more but that old Sister Dempsey tho committee on jelly and crystallized fruits placidly ate up the Groome and Ware entries saying sho did bellevo In glvln somebody else the least little smidgin of a chance So that 3 had gone to an entirely new person a slim dark eyed girl shy and strange who came afoot with only a lad for com pany Her people had bought less than a year back a somewhat ramshac kle farm lying a mile away Nobody know much about them except that they minded their own affairs paid cash for the little they bought and from tho looks of things about the place were not In the least afraid of work Sister Dempsey had felt fully repaid for her threatened Indigestion by sight of tho girls eyes when sho got tho blue ribbon They had brightened and sof tened until they wore like misty stars Then she had said something to the boy at her elbow that made him stand on tiptoe and stick his hands deep In his pockets as though he had hard work to keep from turning hand springs and shouting aloud It was Lees Idea you know our bringing the things I should never have had tho courage or tho hope sho had explained with a blush to Sis ter Dempsey Lee standing very straight and looking ns though ho own ed at least half the fair grounds had added Why Ellie I knew wed get premiums If this old show played fair Didnt you mako all your things the way Black Mammy taught you You know she cooked for grandfather 50 years Mrs Peaso and Mrs Sawyer had heard nothing of all this They had inE II AD SAID SOMEnilNO TO THE IJOV AT nEIl ELI10W given live minutes to a Judicial pro tense of examining all the lots then got down to tho business of serious wrangling An hour of It had they been men would have brought them very near to blows Being women It brought them Instead very nenr to tears and tho appeal Jto Allan upon which each had resolved before coming into the hall Allan was a fine fellow manly and cool headed beyond his years brave aud gallant as man might be yet ho would cheerfully have given half ho was worth to escape tho Judgment of patchwork thus forced upon him It is worse a hundred times than tho Judgment of Paris he thought ns he stood lingering tho gay finely stitched fabrics scorning to listen deferentially to expositions of their peculiar and surpassing merits Novice that ho was ho could uot tall to perceive the truth of what his guides so vehemently as sertednamely that there was noth ing else on nil the long lines worthy to be named as ngalnst the two In dispute Beyond question both were beautifully made There was not a long stitch nor a botched turning In either Tho quilling Indeed rose to tho tank of high art and though one might ques tion the harmony of orange feathers surrounding n red star upon a ground of ultramarine they were quite offset by crimson aud purple tulips with fin ger wide stems falling over a blue and yellow basket to trail on a staring white background Even Sister Dempsey admitted that her own rising sun was quite put out of court by them As for the Irish chains monuments even the extrava gant silk crazy quilts everybody tin derstood that they were exhibited sole ly through public spirit to mako a good showing with no hope whatever of n premium Allan glanced despair ingly over them To his confusion he spied Nnn Just entering the hall laugh ing nnd talking at a great rate with his pet aversion Tim Bayllss Tim was rich aud uot 111 looking but as everybody agreed hadnt sense enough to lead a goose to water Ev erybody wild further It was a shamo the way Nan Ware kept him dangling after her when she had been as good as engaged to Allan McNeal ever since sho was out of short frocks Here pin the bluo on the star and feather Quick Before Nan comes 1 Mrs Pease commanded thrusting n length of ribbon Into Allans hand Mrs Sawyer snatched It away Oh but dont those tulips hang down gracefull sho said coaxlngly I do hate n stiff thing Thats why I like Nan so Sho couldnt be stiff No not If she tried Insidiously she slid another ribbon a full yard of fluttering azure be- VIIAT ITAS MY LITTLE DHOTIIER DOVEf tween Allans fingers You have got to decide It somehow she said very low I know Nan thinks a heap the most of her Aunt Groome Excuse me I I must get out of this Allan said desperately As ho rushed toward tho door his eyes fell full on Lee Lees coat was clean and whole but whole through the most ex quisite patching and darning Any other lad roundabout would have re fused to be seen In It Leo wore It ns though proud of It Allan made three steps to the boys side caught him by the arm and drew him forward with out a word Loes sister followed amazement and concern struggling In her face I wo what has my little brother done she asked unsteadily Allan gave her a comforting look took Leo by the shoulders nnd set him where all could see saying clearly As It Is my prerogative to award tho disputed premium for patchwork I give It to this coat the most excellent nnd the most eloquent specimen It has ever boon my luck to see These oth ers with a sweep of the arm toward tho line mny be more ornamental Tho declared purpose of this fair as sociation Is to encourage thrift Indus try and the useful nrts Mr Marshal see that this premium Is paid nt once nnd tills under his breath bo sure it Is doubled Oh you nienn thing Nan cried flitting past him I believe I shall never speak to you again Allan did not answer no was busy pinning the long blue ribbon on Leos left shoulder Even If he heard It did not break his henrt Ho married Elllo Floyd Lees pretty dnrk eyed sister long before the next fair came round Engllfih Sin liners Alironil With the exception of tho writer nnd her mother all the people In the house were French One day tho manager asked his guests If they would mind having the middle day table dhote a little earlier ns a dejeuner for a num ber of English excursionists had been ordered for 1230 oclock While tho company were still seated the excur sionists arrived Some 50 men and women enme clattering nnd chattering Into tho room Many of tho men kept their huts on and continued to smoke their pipes Some of them oven sat down at tho table at which the hotel guests were lunching and called out loudly to their friends who were still In tho hall to hurry up The French peo ple shrugged their shoulders and mur mured Les Anglais nnd tho English Indy and her mother for tho first time In their lives felt ashamed of their na tionality Tho English excursionists meant no harm In their boisterous John Bulllsm they look upon them selves as masters of every place In which they aro going to spend money They do not know that foreigners nro punctilious In tho matter of etiquette aud they sin In sheer Ignorance Ref eree noimted Inwyer In Ills Will George I Bloss for 13 years butler in tho family of James A Scrymser In this city died on April 12 last leaving about 3000 In personalty and n curi ous will drawn by himself This docu ment which Is filed In tho surrogates ofllce says In part This will Is ex pocted to be understood by people of ordinary Intelligence and not by Inw yers Idiots Imbeciles nnd others who may perhaps become Insane In their doslro to mako money out of It by rob bing my wife of what will through my wishes rightfully belong to her New York Letter j CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON Contagious Mood Poison the tnont degrading nnd destructive of nil dlscaies as it vitiates nnd corrupts the entire system Mr T W Irc Motit eomety Aln wtltc Scvetnl rM nun I wi tiioctiintril with llMtt liy ii dWcmcil tiune who Inffcttd my txitiy niul fur l Iuiir cim 1 tulleied untold iiilnery My Ixxly wii4rmcicil n lilt otes mul nicer Scv etnl physician ttcntcil me nit nil to no pur oe Tlipfieicuryntul potash they kiivp ntc seemed to mill furl to Hie awful llnme lilctt wiih devouring inr Irieuil mlvWeil nieto tryS S S I Iickiui tik iiiK It nml Impiovrd from the Miit nml a complete mnl etfcct cir win the reiiiM The first sore or ulcer is followed by little ted pimples on the body mouth nail thront become sore thn AllKUKt hlouer It is a surprising fact says Prof Houton that in my travels in all parts of tho world for the last teu years I have met moro people haviug used Greens August Flower than any other remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver and stomach aud for constipation I find for tourists anil salesmen or for persons filling otlico positions where headaches and general bad feelings from irregular habits exist that Greens August Flower is a grand remedy It does not injure the system by frequent use and is excellent for sour stomachs aud indigestion Sample bottles free at A K Leonards Sold by dealers in all civilized countries TnCurt lt Orlii In Two li TaUe Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E V Groves siguaturo on every box Sic i B ITo PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid Ad irrsa THE PATENT RECORD Biltimcre Md SuUcrlptluua to The Itteat Record flvOpcrianuw liulr and glands enlarge and inflame copper colotctl splotches appear nnd eyebrows fall mil These nro some of the milder symptoms they increase in severity finally attacking the vital organs the body la tortuted with rheumatic pains and covered with offensive eating sores It is a peculiar poison niul so highly contagious that an innocent person hnmlliuir the same article used by one infected with this loathsome disease mny be inoculated with the virus It enn be transmitted from patent to ehitil appealing ns the same disease or in a modified form - like Heemu or Scrofula Many nil old sote or stubborn skin trouble appearing in middle life is due and traceable to blood poison contracted in early life You may have taken potash anil mercury faithfully for two or three ycani and thought you were etited but you wete not for these poisonous minerals never cure this disease they dtive it from the outside but it is doing its work on the inside and will show up again sooner or later You tuny not recognise it ns the same old taint but it is S S 8 lias etited thousands of cases of Contagious lllood lolsoti and it will cure you It is the only puiclv vegetable blood purifier known and the only antidote for this poison S S S cleanses the blood thotoughly of every puticlc of tho poison thine is never any return of the disease CURE YOURSELF AT HONE close study of blood poison ami actual experience in treat ing it You can cute yourself perfectly and lierinnnently at home and your secret is your own Should you need any information or medical advice at any time wtite to our physicians They have made a life study of blood disenses aud will give your letter prompt and ratcfut attention Consult tliciu ns often ns yon please we make no charge whatever for this service All cottcspouduticc is conducted in the strictest confidence Address Artlrlcn of Inrorporittlon of tho Noifolli Tolltlnn Sitting Annorllitltill Know all Men by Thoso Presents That wo Goorgo H Spear H II Pat terson anil D Williams all of the city of Norfolk county of Madison state of Nebraska have associated ourselves to gether for tho purpose of forming and becoming a corporation in said state of Nebraska for tho transaction of busi ness hereinafter described 1 The name of this corporation shall bo The Norlolk Tontino Havings Asso ciation Its principal place of transact ing business shall bo in Mild city of Nor folk Nebraska 2 Tho nature of tho business to be transacted by said corporation shall bo tho buj ing and selling of merchandise stocks bonds anil other securities I The capital stock of said company hhall bo thirty thousand dollars to be issued in shares of ono hundred dollars ouch to bo issued as required by tho board of directors and paid up in full at tho timo of issuance 1 The existanco of this corporation shall commence on tho twenty socond day of Juno I IKK aud continue until tho twenty second day of Juno MIiO unless sooner dissolved by the mutual consent of its stockholders 5 Tho business of said company shall be conducted by a board of direct ors not to exceed threo in number to bo elected by tho stockholders at such time aud in such manner as shall bo prescribed by tho by laws Tho olllcors of Baid corporation shall bo a president a secretary and a treasurer who shall bo chosen by tlio board of directors and shall hold otlico for a period of ono year or until thoir successor shall bo elected and qualified 7 Tho highest amount of indebted uess to which said corporation shall at any timo subject itself phall not bo more than two thirds of said capital stock 8 Tho manner of holding stock holders meetings nnd the method of conducting tho business of this corpora tion shall be ns provided by tho by laws of said corporation In witness whereof tho undersigned have here unto set their hands this 22nd day of Juno A D 100 D Williams Gro H Speak H H Patterson Stato of Nebraska Madison county On this 22nd day of Juno 1900 before mo the undersigned a notary public duly commissioned aud qualified and residing in said county personally ap peared tho above named George II Spear and D Williams aud H H Pat terson who are personally known to mo to be the identical persons whoso names are aflixed to tho above instrument and they acknowledge the same to bo their voluntary act and deed Witness my hand and notorial seal tho day last above written W H Buoholz seal Notary Public Free of Ulutrue Any adult suffering from a cold settled on the breast bronchitis throat or lung troubles of any nature who will call at A K Leonardswill bo presented with a sample bottle of Boschee Gorman Syrnp freo of charge Only one bottle given to ono person and none to children without order from parents No throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale as Boseheo German Syrup iti all part3 of tho civilized world Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away and your druggist will tell you its success was marvelous It is really tho only throat aud lung remedy generally endorsed by physi cinns Ono 75 cent bottle will cure or prove its value Sold by dealer iu all civilized countries Scud for our Home Treatment book which gives a histoty of the disease in nil stages and is the result of many years of SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA QA ii 1V i l j i nint if tijkw i v t ti m i -e xmm mm ft f WlliPn II SHE WAS BLIND A blindness comes to me now and llri I have it now It is queer I can soo your eyes but not your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripans T abide tiriNTEI -A en of hurt hrnlth tht IlITAN 8 will not benefit TJey Imnlnh Piln nil prnlnnff llfj W rellr Noli tlo won K I 1A N H on the parkHKn nnd cceit no ulntltut R IIAN IV LjMlior Mil MtmiIk inl lie liml nt Miivilrm Htiri Ten inmMeiiridM touB in rorJoeiin or iiii i ckrl for muj forwarJd Ulpalulhtinieal Co N tZu ami Irntlmoiiliiln III tu limited addr for 3 cent U tbe 10 SoruceSl Nsw York Cramer s Kidney anc Have boon used nnd are m Cure HIGHLY ENDORSED hy many persons who have been cured who cheerfully testify to their curative fatalities Wend the following testimonials Omaha March 9 1000 CllAMEK ClIKMICAI COMPANY Omaha March IS 1900 Mr John E Ilimoe the man- Signed John E Himoe nt r of the department CWAMEWS KIUNEYCLUEJf Browning King A Co had is everything you claim for it nado arnuemeuts to change even more One bottle did lininfn sis his health was so I me so much trood and now I immured caused bv kidnev - o 1 I am on my second bottle which troume e couki hoc woric has done me more good than all the doctors and all the medicine I have ever taken A friend advised him to try a bottle of Cramers Kidney Cure After taking only one bottle he changed his mind Would hn trliid to norrosnond c rio r nii ai 0 a llilli lO IUU11 II IIUII Ulllll illl with any one suffering lioni Hinioe will be pleased to tell kidney liver or bladder com- YS friends what a wonder plaint iis Detmkus ful remedy Cramers Kidney 2S1 Douglas St Omaha I Si in i s i w 11 i u 10 ThuoIhik Siluamaii for the Newton Imiirn iir i Cramers Kidney and Liver Cures IDFQ Kidney and Liver troubles and is not V1lEi recommended to cure all diseases that flesh is heir to and we do not recommend any one to take ifc who does not need it but if you need it and take it the Rem edy will cure you CRAMER CHEMICAL CO Albany N Y Insist on hnving ORAMKUS Take uo substitute Sold by all druggists 100 per Bottle 500 for Six Bottles Mr jH HjjKCYSB axxxxxiixxxxxxxuxzTxxuixxxxxxtxxrxTCOTxxTnxnxujuxxixxzi linn Inhn fl VaSco 80 a member of tho Nebr Legislature and author of Labor as Money who received a larse vote and camo very near beintf uomtuated for Governor of Neb writes us I am using Dr Kays Renovator and rr Kays Iunc nalm In my family Several remarkable cures right here in Omaha caused me to grant them a trial I regard them a the best remedies ever brought tu my notice Shun substitutes Remedies just as pood as Dr Kays Renovator and Dr Kay s iunir Halm aro not made or sold nnywhoro If not at drug w t Bists we will send them postpaid on receipt of price H Pi Ir Kav s Iunu Halm lOandiScts Dr Kays Keno- I ut r ibi and i mx f r 5 Freo Medical Advice Sample and liook for the askln Address Dr B J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N Y xxxrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnniixixxxxxxxiTiriTTTXxxxxxxxnxnn SOLD BY KOENIGSTEINS PHARMACY AND KIESAU DRUG CO TRY THE Daily News Job Department