The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 23, 1900, Image 1
f 1 8 m li i iA - rin w IHJi WILL NOT TALK PEACB Uncle Sam to Keep on Fighting In China lOHANGS APPEAL KEJEOTED Abtruro of RrflponMblo Government nt l klnu Given n HonapnMliiliiUr Conctr KrportK Cliuollc ltttt tlo Troops Niiir Tteu Tutu Washington Aug 123 After n long fconfereneo ut the white house yester day the reply of the United States to the application of II Hung Chang for the appointment of pence commis sioners was completed and a copy of the reply sent to the Chinese minister Mr Wu to lie forwarded to Earl II The reply snys In brief that thin gov ernment cannot enter upon negotia tions until theie Is a government In China which can prevent the hostil ities of Chinese troops and Chinese citizens against the forces of the pow ers The most Important development of the day as to the actual conditions In Peking came late In the afternoon when the state department made pub lic a dispatch from Minister Conger dated at Peking only three days ago as follows Conger Report on Conilitlon In lcklni Peking Aug 23 Secretary of State Washington The entire city with the exception of the Imperial pal uce Is occupied by Japanese Russian British American and French It Is being apportioned Into dlbtrlcts for po lice supervision The Chinese army lied The Imperial family and the court have gone westward probably to Sian Fu in the province of Sben Si No representatives of the Chlnesu gov ernment are In sight in Peking and the conditions are chaotic The palace is expected to be taken immediately Many missionaries have staited for home while others remain in charge of the Christian lefugces numbering about 1000 Mr Congers statement that the conditions are chaotic was taken as another strong justification for the linn leply given to China yesterday He emphasizes the facts that the Chi nese army has lied tin imperial fam ily and couit have gone and no repre sentative of the Chinese government is to be such In Peking Minister Con ger makes o mention of his desire to coue home d It is sfted officially that this government has made no siig gestlou that he return to this country The militiiiy situation was of quite as much Inteiest in yesterdays cfevel opments as wan the diplomatic Ad miral Kcmey reported eaily in the morning bringing the stoiy of the Pe king operations up to the Kith in Pe king and confirming the press report5 already printed of the death of gal lant Captain Iteilly In the linal assault on the outer walls of Peking Almost as important as the Peking news in this dispatch was the state ment that the Boxers are again concen trating around Tien Tsln and last Sunday moruing the Sixth cavalry with about 400 English and Japanese troops had a lively brush with the Boxers eight miles outside of Tien Tsln where about 100 of the Chinese were killed and five Americans wounded It was evident from Admiral Heuiqys account of this affair that while the Chinefio are in force enough around Tien Tsln to make considerable show they are evidently not in the liuinoi to hotly contest an engagement The casualty list in this fight seems to in dicate a sudden and total rout The text of Admiral Uemeys dispatch is as follows Attuck tliu Forbidden City Che Foo Aug 21 Tuku 20 Dlckens command Is landing today At Peking Aug 10 all except imperial city had been cleared of Chinese troops American troops first to en ter imperial city have penetrated to the gates of the palace Captain Reilly Fifth artillery killed on lfitli Morning 19th Sixth cavalry and about 400 English and Japanese dispersed about 1000 Hoxers eight miles out hide of Tien Tsln About 100 Chinese killed five Americans wounded Chaf fees losses six killed 30 wounded two days lighting - The most Important dispatch of the day was not made public by the war department but was the subject of an extended conference at the white house between the president Secretary Root and Acting Secretary of State Adee It was from General Chaffee and denlt entirely with military oper ations and conditions While it can not be said to have contained any bud news and recorded the brilliant sue cesses of the American troops who hove borne themselves so gallantly In the assault on Peking It contained enough as to the unsettled conditions In China and prospect of long aud ar duous work In restoring peuce to form the subject for a consultation of tome hours between the president and bis advisers It wus hoped In official circles that When Generul Chaffee should be heard from he would report that the work of the American expeditionary forces had been accompllbbcd by the rescue of the ministers and that the blow truck at the Boxer Insurgents by the foreign column had dissipated those rCYQlutltakta aud lelt China with Norfolk Weekly News hands free to make her peace with the civilized world Instead of this how ever General Chaffee had to report nn utterly chaotic condition or nffalis and the capture of n capital whence all the heads of government had tied There was nothing for the vlctots to do but to prornt anarchy by admin Isteilug on this deiellct empire which had fallen Into their hands There fore the prospect opened up by Gen eral Chaffees icport Is that the Amer ican contingent of necessity will bo detained In China for some time to come probably for the whole winter This will necessitate the hunted com pletion of picpuratloiiH that already have Iveen begun to comfoitahly sub sist our army through the severe win ter weather which will soon close In on northern Chipa Ainrrli an storm Imperii 1nlnre London Aug a Today 1000 Americans attacked the Imperial pal ace says a dispatch to the Morning Post fiom Peking dated Aug lfi and captured four of the couits The American Hag Is Hying over the Impe rial granary and the imperial bank has been looted Ieeilbliig events pi lor to the relief the Moinlng Posts correspondent ca bles On Aug 12 the tsung II yanieii requested n conference with a view to peace No armistice was granted how ever and that night we endured the longest fusillade of the whole siege It lasted 12 hours Aug lit the tsung 11 yamcii begged to be excused f i om any conference saying that the members weie too busy Later they wiote thnt they had forbidden firing on us aud would court martial any who disobeyed During the evening many shells fell In the legation com pound Field Marshal Count von Wnlder see according to the Dally Mails cor respondent expresses the opinion that his labors In China will be of long duration as pacification will he a ditlicult undertaking Three hundred and seventy live thousand ltulnn troops nie already in the far east or on the way then by land and ben or under orders to em bark This statement is made by the Moscow eoi respondent of the Daily Giaphle who adds that mobilization Is in progress all over Euiopean Kus sia and that there are now at Odessa 14 steamers chartered to take troops Aceoidlng to a St Petersburg special a telegiam his been received at the ltusxlm eapital f i om Shanghai an nndmj the departure of Li Hun Chung lor Peking Tlility Imltliis ISilloth Tuluii Holdrege Xeb Aug 23 At 1 a in the Populists took the 30th ballot for a congiessioiial candidate but failed to make a selection Judge Adams of Kearney proposed to suspend the niles and declare Congressman Suther land the unanimous eholce This plan thicntcned to displease the Democratic wing and it did not prevail The Dem oerats cast their entire strength for Shallbarger but he did not receive enough votes in the Populist wing to nominate him I WjLoIl Sister Are Snfo Boston Aug 3 The American board of commissioners for foreign missions has received a cablegram from Che Foo as follows Psalm 124 7 Peking and Tung Chow missionaries also Chuplns Smiths WykolTs saved The passage of Scripture alluded to is Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers the snare Is broken and we are escaped Fighting Oiltsiiln of Tien Twin London Aug It The allies are lighting outside from Tien Tsln Aug ID So Hear Adinlial Bruce wires to the British admiralty from Taku un der date of Aug 20 adding that the engagement wns reported to have oc cuircd six miles south of Tien Tsln TELFGRAMS TERSELY TOLD A four weeks drought was broken at Oklahoma City Wednesday by a soaking rain The Republicans of the Fourth Mis souri district Wednesduy nominated John Kennish for congressman Carl Rohl Smith the sculptor of Washington died In Copenhagen Wednesday of Brights disease All the persons accused of complic ity in the Ilnvann customs house frauds were acquitted Wednesday King Oscar of Sweden has formally agreed to net as aibitrator of the claims for compensation for losses sus tained by British and German sub jects and American citizens in Samoa Mrs Kate Cortinez a milliner from Boeme Tes who arrived In St Louis Monday to attend the fall opening of the wholesale milliuery jobbers has disappeared from the sight and knowl edge of her St Louis friends Joseph F Maloney of Massachusetts candidate of the Socialist Labor party for the presidency of the United States addressed a meeting held on a New York street corner Tuesday night He confined his remniks to a criticism of the other political parties Marion De Vrles of Stockton Cal who was appointed by President Mc Klniey a member of the board of ap pralers assumed the duties of his of fice at New York Wednesday Mr De Vrles is a Democrat and was ap pointed after the seuate failed to con flnu the appointment of W D Byauia NORFOLK NEBRASKA TIllRSDAY AHiCST T 15 01 DOLLIVKRKTIIB MAX Orator of the House Named as Successor to Senator Gear APPOINTED BY GOV SHAW UonrrrMiinn ItuUMl to Priintor1ilp by limu ixriitli tiiniiilnn Will lo llu fore tlm It KlliitiM Iollltri Prllow ToivnMiiiii Itejolce Des Moines Aug SIl Governor Shaw yostculny announced the ap pointment of Congiessuian J P Dolll ver of Foit Dodge to tie United States senator to fill the vacancy canned by the death of Senator John 11 Gear The appointment runs to Mnicli 1101 The leglMiihno does not meet In regu lar session until 11102 aud Dolllvers appointment Is likely to be renewed to o PENATOK 1 I DOII1VER run until bis successor Is elected There will be numerous candidates be fore the net legislature for the po sition Including Senator Dolllver A B Cummins Governor Shaw Con gressman Iacey and possibly others Ioy lit Knit Denize Fort Dodge hi Aug 23 Fort Dodge has gone stark mad with joy at the news of the appointment of Con gressman Dolllver as United States senator to succeed the late John II Gear Every when theie Is jubilation Mr Dolllver is not at home being away on a lecturing tour with Champ Clink of Missouri but upon his return a monster icccption and demonstration will be given in ills honor Theie is no doubt among the local politicians but Mr Dolliver will lie able to so fortify himself in the graces of the people that be will be elected by the leglslatuie at Its next session over a year from now for the long term CONGRESS WELL ATTENDED DolfKiitrx Prom Imtei n Stutex Swell Num bers at Ilirnielrt National Contention Colorado Springs Aug 23 The at tendance at the 20th annual session of the Farmers National congioss was hugely increased yesterday by the ar rival of the Illinois and several other eastern delegations who came by spe cial train from Chicago The number of delegates now here is nearly 1000 State Engineer McCune of Colorado and other representatives of western states aie making efforts to have the congress adopt resolutions on the question of ii ligation The addresses on the program for the morning ses sion were Natural Resources of tlw South J B Klllebrew Tennessee Dairying G M Whlttaker daily commissioner of Massachusetts The evening session was addressed by J P Blown of Connorsvllle hid on the value of foiests to agrlcultuie The resolutions committee an nounced that Its repoit would not be ready until Friday Ilrjan Ill t a In a liiihy Day Falls City Xeb Aug 23 Yosterdaj was a busy day lor Mr Uiyan It win after 1 a in when lie reached Auburn his first stopping plate after leaving Lincoln Jetting a few hours sleep theie he was prepared to commence the day eaily He began his speech at Auburn shortly after 8 oclock There he made an hours address and after being driven rapidly to the depot he was compelled to wait r0 minutes for a delayed train to take him to Te cumseh the next stopping place At Tecumseh he spoke comparatively briefly and after taking a hasty dinner stinted upon a 22inHu drlvo across the country to Pawnee This drive was made by means of thiee telays In two hours time Ilmnrlch fu Oorernnr Milwaukee Wis Aug 23 The Democratic state convention com pleted Its labors at a late hour last night by nominating a full state ticket headed by Louis G Bomrlch for gov ernor and ratifying the list of presi dential electors The platform as unanimously adopted endorses the Kansas City platform A communica tion was received from tho Populist convention stilting that thut party would endorse the presidential electors as ratified by the Democratic conven tion Force of Ilocm Aeneninlluf Twyfelnar Aug 32 Through secret intelligence agents the British learn that Louis Schalkburger and 8000 Boers have assembled at Machadodorp with the whole of the Boer artillery Including tho heavy pieces formerly at Pretoria SMYTH AFTER OIL TRUST Attorney leiurnl or Nilmmlui In New York City to Olilnln Kildenic Xaw YoiU Aug 23 The Journal pays C J Smyth attoinoy general ol Nebraska who Is now In this elly has summoned John 1 Rockefeller to appeal befoie him to ghe testimony tcgaidlug the Sttiudnid Oil tuist The attorney genet al said The state of Nchiaskn bus mi nntl tiust law which piolilblts torclgii cor potations which aie trusts doing busi ness theie It Is my duty to eiifoice that law Among the foielgn coipota tlotis doing business In Nebtaska ate the Statiditid Oil company and the Anieilean School Furnltuie company The latter has a capital of 10000000 ami has absoibed some 21 lending furnltuie factories Its general otllees ate beie 1 have Just finished taking the testimony of Piesldent Boyd and 1 believe the result will be stilts hi Xebiaska that will result In dilvlng the coiporatlons out of the state At Chicago I summoned the general managei and the secietnry of the Stnndaid Oil company to appear ami testify They Ignored the summons Instead of having them subpoenaed I came on beie to the concerns head qtiaitcis 1 will not ask to hae Mi Rockefeller subpoenaed unless he fol lows the example of his Chicago su bonllnates and Ignotes the simple sum moiis A huge number of other wit nesses have volunteered their testi mony 1 hope to go back picpaicd to nttiik the Standaid Oil trust success fully in the Nebraska courts MANY INJURED IN WRECK lle i lc Cai lumps llieTiuili Willie Jo int at IIIrIi Hate ol sp ed Cleveland Aug 23 -An eh trie ear on the Cleveland am Chngiiti Palls Hiibuihan line lumped the tiaik on a curve near Chagiiu Falls yestciday while tunning sit high speed The car was vviecked anil the cicvv and 12 pns sciiacis cut and badly bruised Five pel sous weie set iously injuicd Tin act blent wtis caused by a hiokcii biike lud The most seilnllsly ln Juted lie John Young conductor Cliigiln Falls Miss Rtithhuin New burg O Mis M Melee tliagiin Falls Mix Walter Barrows Chagrin Falls 11 llubbell Chagrin Falls Poiluuntcly the cui struck 1 tiolley pole when it loll the track otherwise It would have none down a steep em bankment Hail this oi cut fcil a until bei ol lives would piohahly have been lost BIG CAVE IN AT GALENA Clll lilnt Mill DIonppiniM Conipli tely Mulitlnalt Plant lladlj laniaii il Galena Kan Aug 23 The largo crushing mill of Congiessinin Bow el sock iml otbel parties at Lawrence was swallowed as if by magic last night by an Immense cave in on the south side grounds It was among the lugest mills in this district The cive in ocelli led without a moments warning Ioimlng a perfect circle The largest cave in In the history ol this mining dlstilct occurred a slant time befoie 1 oclock yesterday after noon on the Ohio ground taking in part of the Nightingale plant Incltnl lug derrick tramway and tanks When the collapse occurred the men weie at their dinner Tills mine has been In operation tor the past 12 yeais and Is one of the greatest pioducerj In the Gnlcna Eiupiic district Ilentiiiiant Cordon round iiillty Pretoria Aug 23 -The trail of Lien tenant Cordmi forineily of the Trans vaal artillery on the charge of being concerned in the plot to kidnap Jen eril Loid Robets was concluded yes teiday The prisoner was found guilty of all the counts in the Indict meiit against him but sentence was deferred until the findings ot the coin t shall hiivo been confirmed by Lord Robeits TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS The southern Indiana normal college was destioyed by fire Wednesday The Second battalion of the Eighth United Stati infantry will leave Foit Snelling for the Orient on Sept 10 Dispatches from Korea say that 1000 tebels have attacked Hong Clin burning the government buildings lo cated there George Hosiner one of the best known oarsmen In the woild died at tile Carnegie hospital Boston Wednesday There Is a possibility of the baseball circuit of the American League lielnj extended to take in Cincinnati aud St Louis next season Julius Jensen and an unknown Scandinavian died at Granite Falls Minn Wednesday from the heat Both were stricken while at work in the field South Trimble speaker of the last Kentucky house of representatives was Wednesduy declared the Demo cratic nominee for congress from the Seventh district Mrs A SvvauHou a victim of the Foui th of July street ear accident at Tneoina Aug 22 died from the result of her Injuries This makes -14 deaths ns the result of tho wreck Fire In the imnienue elevator of tho American Cereul company at Akron O Wednesday damaged the plant 7n000 Ou hundred and fifty ttou buud bushels of grain were ruined by water- Ukik iviivnv rRRRORIZBIOYAlB Lynchers Make Determined Ef fort to Get Negro Fiend CITY HALL IS DYNAMITED Police OttletalK lliitx Italllo With Moll Iour leixoin Da ail and Man Wouiuliil Hill in n Spit It Itltotiei lilt oM in ii-Militia Ialli il sn Ii Inn Sloie Akion O Aug 23 III this city the hciiit ol the boasted Western Reserve a mob last night nought the tile ol a negro pilsotici and In a cotilllct with the authoilties shed blood Louis Peck a coloteil man wiih put In Jail yesteiday on the charge of cilinlniilly assaulting the little daughter of Mr ami Mrs Thcodoic Mans The icpoit that he cntilcsscd spread rapidly anil last night a mob nullified Not be llevlng the statement of the sbeilff that Peck bad been sent out of the city the ciovvtl sent committees tliiougb the city prison and the county Jail to seat It This piovlug liullless the mob giitlteied In limit ol the city pilsou wbcie the miiyoi tiled to in duce them to dlspeiso Some one Hied a shot tl the pilsou Other shots followed ami for a lew minutes theie weie teirlble scenes Two pel sons aie dead f i om bullets and several had ly wounded at least one ol the latter lalally The mob is still bent on mis chief having sin Iced a gun stote anil set the to a business block The dead aie Glen Wade aged 10 Viars shot thiouuji he heart John M Davidsons I year old child shot dead In a babv can lane Fied V Orwlck aged 25 years is badly wounded with buckshot ami Is now dying at the hospital A titan mimed Mull was shot In the head and also In the legs At I n m all the olllcers who weie penned ii In the city bridling lor two boms est ip d tluough ti icai window anil ran lot theli lives The mob Is yet tiring on the city building and the ml litia has been called tor One litem in whose name cannot bo learned was shot anil be will piohahly die The mob Is now attacking the ilieinen and lis tllnt is lines are stletclted they ate cut Ai thin I j Sprague has Just been can led lioin the sheet shot ill the lietitl A man named 1ark Stair has been shot In the leg It is thought that not less than a doen weie wounded In the midnight attack on the city building The mob has now coin niented to cut the electric light wiles and these lines aie being written by the light furnished by the binning buildings Thousands of people aie gathering north of the city building Ilie mob that bioke into the Standaid lliirdwuie stoie was made up prlii cipiilly of boys who cairled nwiiv many rltlcs and much other property The number of people wounded In last nights riot may inn up into the bun dieds lli ti m Dy ii unite Is now being used in fiont of the city building The first chin ire lust tiled smashed all the windows in the city building ami did much ot ltd damage All t honors have been icleased from the city ills on Almim Ilslur llteimin was sell oiihIv shot In the neck John Hern wiih shot in the arm Apptnl lot Ullltln Columbus Aug 23 Governor Nash has leeched the Inllowliig appeal from Mayor Young of Akion to quell the Akiou i lot Akion O Aug 23 12 oO a m To Ills Excellency Jovernoi Nash Co liliubiiH O Serious llol City build lug attacked by a mob of seveial thou sand Tltice or four people killed eight oi ten set Iously wounded Have ot doled out both local companies They aie tumble o cope with the sltiia lion Please tutnellon what I have done bv win mid older one or two companies either hum Cleveland ot Canton to come to Akion at once Call me by telephone If von deslte fiiilliei Infm million wire me til once Goveinoi Nash came to the evei ti the handier In the capltol at 131 ami Immediately took steps to furnish the Akiou authorities assistance Col onel Pullei of the Folll III Ohio Willi h Is now In camp at Mlueivti put I tieiti this i Ity was oideied in bold Ills regl meiit In leiullitesH to move on slioit nollie YOUTSEY CASE CONTINUED iluilf Im CoiuIihi il I lull I i reinlnnt In ton III lo stand stinln ol lilut Geoigetowu Kv Aug 23 Judge Cinl t ill vcstcnlnv being satisfied that llentV Voutsey was not III piopei phVMli al lonilltloii to stand trial con tinned the i use until the next teim ot cum t A mollon lor a new 1 1 In 1 in Caleb Poweis i use was made The t 111 1 ol cm go I Weaver toi perjuiy was postponed on account of the uIhcuic ol essential witnesses The cases of Combs Whlttaker and Davis also went over to the October term Com inonweallbs Attorney Finiikllii slat lug to the com I that Illness In the film lly of one of the allot ucvs for the de leiidillits icildeied this in ssiuy The accused will be admitted to ball In the sum ol VUMHi eaeli Shell Ii ol Anieilean lliio Washington Aug 23 -I be war de pui Intent has prepaid the lollovving sketi Ii ot Musician Titus who nci out ing to the Associated Piess dlspati b flout Peking scaled the wall with u lope by means of which the others limbed to the op Ciilvln V Titus enlisted Apill r IV Ml at Wichita Kan aged 1 years t months Id was his second enlistment his last servbe being In company K I list Vei moot Infantry limit which he was discharged Nov 2 IStS lie was as sign d to company C Fourteenth United States Infantry lie was boin at Vinton la A cablegram 1ioin Ie king dated the 17th Inst shows that he was wounded In the mick slightly Cut Wlf i I liiiuit anil IIM Oitu Poplar Bluff Mo Aug 23 Flunk IValluco a fanner living west of her while Insane lust night cut his wiles throat with a razor and killed himself drawing tho blado across his own tbront m pOT0Ei rnxxm Absolutely Pare Made from most highly refined and healthful ingredients Assures light sweet pure and wholesome food Hoiiseket pers must exercise care in buying bak ing powders to avoid alum Alum powders are sold thcip to ciuh the unwary but alum is a poN son and us use in food seriously injures health ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO 100 WILLIAM ST NEW YORK