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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1900)
IB be TC n t I si eel E tbo our not 1tae ttio i 004 rite yi H w the Trial D TEA ltdl It rade lagc sold btl i 10 j bur rum ivLo iwtlU r On H onry duty i J3 V 1 i 1 I t I The Norfolk Weekly News KNOCK ATPEKINGGATE London Hears Allies Reached Imperial City on Monday HEADY TO DELIVER ENVOYS Xlimalit Crcdltril no Willing to Itrrrlve lu Ulern Outuhli City Wullt n to Avoid Ni malty of Tioopi Kiitering Gates of Chlnroo Capital London Aug 10 The allies are reported to liavo reached Peking Mou duy says the Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Express wiring yesterday Ho adds Chineso ofllcial news con firms this stntemeut but without de tails A Paris message ropents this but tho statement especially us it emanated iroui Shanghai must bo accepted with HAP OF Tlir ALLIED ADVANCE ON PEKJNO considerable reserve Other Loudon inorniug papers basing their remarks on Washington dispatches which with the exception ol the foregoing from Shanghai form the last news regarding the advance aro divided in opinion some believing thnt the allies must have already reached Peking and others pre ferring to believe that tho relict will not be accomplished until the end ot the week Telegraphing from Yang Tsun Aug C a Daily News correspondent fcays Sir Alfred Gaselee hopes to keep tho enemy running and to follow him right into Peking Ngan Ping was occupied without fit- ing a shot according to a dispatch to the Daily Express fiom that place dated Aug 11 It is believed the message adds that General Fung Tu qiuujs jua auei uaang are euneiicimig 40000 strong at Tung Ohau Tho allies may avoid Tung Chau pursuing the route northwest from Chang Kai Wan Tung Chau appears to be about 12 miles from Peking A dispatch to the same paper from Shanghai dated yes terday says that tho oilicials profess to bu willing to hand over tho foreign min isters their families and servants but will not permit tho departure of native Christians Tho Russian government contin ues this telegram has notified Li Hung Chang of its willingness to receive M do Giers outside the walls of Peking thus avoiding tho entrance of tho Russian force This independent action is calculated to embarrass the allies seriously Japan demands that General Yung Lu shall meet the allies outside tho city gates and deliver the ministers and all tho native Chris tians The Chinese minister in Loudon is quoted as saying The powers must not press too hard on Peking If you defeat the Chineso soldiers it will not be possible to control the soldiery They may turn and rend the legatious I do not believe tho legation food supply will be stopped as long as tho powers re frain lroni attacking Poking and nego tiate for the surrender of tho minis ters TENSION IN WASHINGTON Chinese Cilhlx in Acute and Cannot Con tin tic Much Longrr Washington Aug 10 The tension on the Chinese situation was in tense throughout yesterday for it is ap preciated by oilicials that the crisis has reached an acuto stage which cannot be continued many hours without bring ing word of momoutous import deter mining either for good or evil the en tire course of events It was a day of extremist anxiety of watching and waiting with only meager and frag mentary information as to the military and diplomatic phases One of the new developments was the statement that messages are being received from Min ister Conger which are not transmitted through any of our officials in China or through the Chinese minister here bat directly at the state department These messages come by the way of Tsi Nan Some of them cannot be fully deciphered and for this reason the statement can not be definitely made that the dis patches sent by the government to Min ister Conger are received by him President McKinley will be here today and an expected conference between the president Secretary Root Acting Secretary Adoe and others is likely to occur This probably will assume the aspect of a cabinet conference if in deed it is not felt desirable to hold a tpecial cabinet meeting Little Opposition but lleut Interne Washington Ang 10 The bureau of navigation has made public the fol lowing dispatch Taku Aug 13 Just received an undated dispatch from Chaffee Matow opposition of no consequence yet terri ble heat many men prostrated Please lufona Mcrftarr of war Remky - TICKET FOR DEMOCRATS Dchcutta to the lima Mutt Cnnxrutlon fill the Hotel nt Ci dur ItuphW Ckdak Rahds la Aug 10 A large number ol tho delegates to tho Demo cratic state convention are hero and tho lobbies of tho hotels aio scones of activ ity There is much enthusiasm It was stated that it was practically cer tain that the following ticket would be nominated Secretary of stato T L Maxwoll Des Moines auditor 1 M Gibson of Hopkinton treasurer 11 L Williams of Primghar judge of supreme court James D Smytho of Burlington attor ney general D W Hamilton of Sigonr uey railroad commissioner S 13 Crane of Peiry Joseph Ei bock of DeH Moines J B Romans of Deuison lEiilnfiill iooil In lowu Dns Mouses Aug 10 Tho rainfall in this section tho last few days has boon very heavy It has been largely confined to this section of the stato though tho entire btato has had show ers Two and seventy six hundredths inches fell hero Tuesday night Since last Saturday Des Moines has had over live and one half inches of rain Drouth has been completely broken and lato corn is past nil danger and a crop assured Heat has been materially re duced and tho weather is now comfort able Storms have douo no damage and have been generally beneficial ltcMrsiinn Mai shall tow n Cumuli Des Moines Aug 10 A writ of in junction was issued from tho federal court restraining tho Marshalltowu city council lrom publishing or enforcing an ordinance recently passed lowering tho pneo of electric light and power in that city The injunction was granted yes terday by Judge Munger at Omaha bo fore whom the bill of complaint was taken in the abscuco of Judge McPhcr sou Tho case is set for hearing in Des Moines at a special term of court on Monday Sept and promises to do velop into a merry war between Mar shalltowu capital and tho council Washington Comity Uonten Omaha Aug 10 In the United States court yesterday Judge Curlaud tiled an opiuiou in the case of J Ber tram Williams against Washington county Nebraska winch is a victory for tho plaintiff in the second round ol the suit which was brought by the holders ot bonds issued by the defend ant county to aid in the construction of the Sioux City and Pacific railroad Judge Carland holds that its issue of bonds was legal and judgment is ordered for tho full amount claimed by the placiffs unless defendant pleads with in the statutory time Ottuinui Wins KaciiiK Ilonors Watekloo la Aug 10 Ottuinwu cuptuied the lioub share ot medals in the junior events of the Iowa Stato Rowing association regatta yesterduy winning the junior double best time y1834 and junior single in 407 The Rivei side Junior fours of Sioux City won tho medal in their class best time 303 South Ouiiha Man Under An fit Sacramento Aug 10 Robert B Hall of South Oi aha Neb was ar rested in this city yesterday upon ar rival of tho train from the eust Hall ib accused of having stolen large sums from firms for which ho had acted as collector Ho admits having taken the money Ueekham Culln Kitra Session Frankfort Ky Aug 10 Governor Beckham issued a proclamation con vening the general assembly in extra session on Aug 28 Tho only question to be considered is modification of the amendment to the Goebel election law Clinton Journal Sold Clinton la Aug 10 The Evening Journal was sold yesterday to Charles E Connor of Donver for tho past few years editor of the Donver Sentinel The Journal will remain a Republican evening paper Howe Appointed Receiver xTopeka Aug 10 Samuel Howe was today appointed receiver for the Mutual Building and Loan association which was recently pronounced by Commis sioner Breidcnthal to be in a failing condition Croler to Malm lUce Against Hull Des Moines Aug 10 George W Crozier of Kuoxville was nominated for congress yesterday by the Seventh Iowa district Democratic convention TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS A dispatch from LaB Vegas N M says ex Uuited States Senator John J Ingalls condition is not materially changed The war department has mode public the Filipino correspondence captured some mouths ago by General Fuustous command in Luzon Tho Fourth Tennessee district Demo cratic congressional convention Wed nesday nominated Congressman O E Suod grass for re election While making repairs on the steamer Hill City just below Memphis William Brown R Fresheen John Darge and a fireman wero thrown into the river aud drowned A dispatch from St Thomas N D says a severe hail storm Tuesday night destroyed 40000 acres of the finest grain growu iu North Dakota this year Many of the hailstones were from three to four inohuH iu diameter Maurice Brounan who is under ar rest at St Louis charged with being a dynamiter was identified Wednesday as one of the men couuocted with the blowing up of street cars in that city several weeks ago Edward Davidson a conductor for the St Louis Traueit ttompauy made tho identification NORFOLK NEBRASKA Till KS1AY AldlST 10 1100 THAINSfOLLEIXFOG Nine Persons Killed and a Dozen Injured WRECK NEAR GRAND RAPIDS Ilter Duo to Chuiico of Tialn Onlrm mill TiliRiuph Opeiutoin Iiolnes Train lolni Mity Miles an Hour When Thuy Met Grand Rapids Mich Aug 10 A dense morning fog a changing of train orders and a moments drowsiness of a telegraph operator combined to cuuso a collision and wreck of two of tho heaviest and finest trains in tho sorvito of the Grand Rapids and Indiana rail road tho loss ot seven lives and tho in jury of about a dozen more persona All of tho dead and most of tho injured were employes of the company Tho deud C M Letts conductor Gilukiit GiioETVOin engineer W II Fisii engineer K 1 Woodikhtsk fireman L Q Uoyie llrenuin Frank Pearson pussenper Kai Hi Levan son of baggageman Mark Blossom news agent was fa tally injured The ubsenco of any one of the circum stances which caused tho accident would have overcome tho effect of the other two At tho point where tho col lision occurred tho track is as straight as u lino for over thrco miles and the engineers would havo had amplo time to check their trains had tho air been clear though they wero both running at a speed of 00 miles an hour As it was the fog was so denso as to hide from sight every object no matter how large outsnlo a radius of 100 feet from any given point Train orders had been changed the night before but after the northbound cxpi c s had left this city at 105 a in tho tiam dispatcher office decided to cancel tho arrange ment jt One engineer received orders all right tho other did not Tho operator at Mill Creek a station five miles north of tho city had been asked if tho ex press had passed him and upon reply ing in tho negative was told to flag it and givo now instructions But it had passed him unnoticed n fow minutes botore while ho slept The other train demolished in tho wreck was u regular passenger due at Grand Rapids at 0 a m Tho two hud been passing at Sand Lako a station 18 miles north ot this city orders would have made them pass at Woodson tour or fivo miles fin t her uortli But the engineer on the iouth bouml train had received his instruc tions to pass ut tho usual place and at tho moment the Mill Cieek opeiator was standing in front of the station waiting to signal tho express the engi neer was far this sido of any station by which ho could be reached and ignorant oi his danger Tho expiesn flying toward him could have been stopped at Piersou but tho Mill Creek operator discovered hi3 miutuke too late He rushed to his key and notified tho Pierson operator just as the flyer went whizzing by his office Half a mile further covered in a short 80 seconds the tragedy occurred Tho Pierson operator heard tho crash and notified Grand Rapids at once In a few moments later a wrecking train with a number of physicians was on the way to the rescue and a few min utes later another followed The wreck age was piled 30 feet high by the terrific impact Both engines the heaviest in tho companys service wero destroyed theaboilcr of ono exploding and adding to tho completeness of its demolition A much greater lc s ot lifo was prevented through tho fact that tho southbound tram had threo freight cars between tho eugino and passenger couches thus relieving the latter from the grentest force of the impact Pas sengers in the rear coacheB received no greater injuries than a severe shaking up Of the 17 cars in the two trains six were left upright on tho track The others are mere kindling wood and scrap iron No trains wero ruu yesterday us the track was lifted fioin its bed tor a space of 200 yards aud thrown aside rails tics aud all Train Cruh Together HuMiiOLur Neb Aug 10 Freight trains 03 aud GO met in u head end col lision in tho yards here at 245 a m Train 00 was ordered to meet No 13 west bouud passeuger and No 03 west bound freight Tran CO was too long for tho siding aud when it pulled out onto the main line to let No 13 pass the rear end of the switch No 63 came around the curve at full speed and crashed into it Both engines were badly demol ished aud several cars wrecked but the crow saved themsolves by jumping Farmer Struck by Train ONkiu Neb Aug 10 John aud James Rodenhani brothers were struck by the first section of tho Elkhoru pas senger train on a crossing four miles west of ONeill Monday night The team was killed the wagon demolished and the men seriously hurt They were picked up by the train crew and taken to Atkinson for medical treat ment They ore farmers and were re turning to their home west of Emmet from ONuill Vincent Named by Democrta Concordia Kan Aug 16 Tht Fiftn district Democratic convention to day unanimously nominated H D Vin cent far congress Vincent had already mu momitmti by lie populirt ANTI IMPERIALISTS MEET Illuitj Coiikii at I ml lumi pnlla lleitaien lot lliran Indianapolis Aug 10 Tho Hist days session of tho Liberty CongteH of tho National Anti lmpniallstio Loagua was somewhat disappointing so far as the attendance ot delegates was con cerned About 300 accredited delegates wero present and moto aio promised for today In splto of tho small attendance the speeches of Edwin Burritt Smith tho tempoinry chairman and Geoigu S Bout well tho petinancnt piesldent brought forth much enthusiasm Tho public meeting in tho evening was much better attended and the leading oi Bouiko Coeltians letter nn tho signal for tremendous iipplnuxo But tho greatest demonstration of tho conven tion so far came in tho afternoon when the venei able Goorgo S Boutwell ex governor of Massachusetts and secretin y of the treasury in tho cabinet of General Giant concluded his uddtosi ns poinm nent chad man with tho declaration that lie had tinned his back on tho Re publican party and would suppoit Bijan for president Tho delegates rose in their seats ami tendered Die ex governor an ovation that lasted soveial minutes Genigo D Mercer of Philadelphia called tho convention to older at 11 oclock pieseuting Edwin Burtitt Smith of Chicago as tempoinry chaiinmn Prot A II Tollinnii ol tho Univer sity of Chicago tend tho declaration of independence Row lleibeit S Bigo low of Cincinnati invoked tho divine blessing on tho delibeiations ol tho body alter which Mr Smith delivered his addicss Alter a Midi t recess lor lunch tho con vention met again at 230 Chairman Smith called lor short uddichMs fiuiu delegates Those who lesponded wuo Dr W A Ciollut of Washington Gen eial John Bentty of Columbus O Judgo Moses Hallett of Denver Edgar A Baucioit of Chicago and Gamaliel Bradford of Boston 11iUN oT llooteielt lour Ciiuaoo Aug HI Vice Olmiinian IloniyC Payne received at Republican headqunrteis a copy of the itinerary oi Governor Roosevelt as far ns agieed upon by tho governor and tho national committee Governor Roosevelt will make Ins first speech at Detroit Sept 0 Ho will speak at Li Cios io Wis Sept 10 From La Ciosse Governor Roo oMlt will visit South Dakota Noith Dakota Montana Idaho Utah Wyoming Colorado Kansas Nebraska Iowa Illinois Indiana Kentucky Ohio Wot Vngiuii and Maryland finishing his specehinaking m New Yoik Duped li inglill Atloi ne Salin Kan Aug 10 S 1 Os borne speaker of tho last Kansas house ol representative lias leturned hum England whole he was sent by the tiusteesol the Kansas Wcsleyan uni veiBily to investigate tho inheritance oi tho Rov T II James and to find Mi James himself Mr James leturned to Kansas two days after Judge Oaboruu sailed from New York sitter having been unheard ot tor a mouth Judge Osborno behoves that Mr James has been made the dupo ol English attor neys who wanted to get a fceiroin him Ho could find no trace oi any foituno tor the James family FIREBUGS AT PUEBLOv ISiHCCuicr Almost Wljicil Oit by an In cendiary Ilre PtEiiio Colo Aug 10 Bessemer tho steel works suburb ot Pueblo was swept by a disastrous fire T II Fo leys lumber yards and warehouses wero destroyed with thirteen dwell ing houses Tho loss is 100000 oi which Foleys loss is 75000 A child is missing and a woman was run over and badly injured by a hose cart Most ot tho contents of the dwellings that wero burned were removed in safety Tho fire was started three times by in cendiaries before tho last outbreak the two previous attempts being made iu tho daw It is believed to havo been done by thieves with the purposo oi plundering as thrco burglaries were committed in that part of tho city dur ing tho provious night TELEGRAMS JERSELY TOLD Structural steel prices have been cut 8 u ton by the organized producers Tho body of R A Williams a prom inent cattleman was found ut Huttoii 1 T Three bullet wounds indicate murder The Galvestou council and chamber of commerce Wednesday passed resolu tions expressing regret at the death of Collis P Huntington Fifteen Italian detectives according to a Rome dispatch sailed for New York to shadow the movements of an archists in the United States Thomas O McRae was Wednesday renominated by acclamation at Ark delphia by the Democratic congressional convention for the Third Arkansas district Colonel Victor O Duboioe First Call foruia volunteers died iu San Francisco Wednesduy after a long illness from diseases contraotod during the Philip pine campaign The nut and bolt department of the Indian Irou works at Muucio was closed Wednesday when at a confer ence tho bolt makers refused to work ou u 15 per cent reduction Judge D L Suodgrass Wednesday formally withdrew from the race for senator from Tennessee His action leaves Hon E W Carmack tho only avowed candidate for the position The Prince and Pnuoess of Wales left Loudon Wednesday for Hamburg Immense throngs awaited their arrival ut the Liverpool station and cheered them along Um thoroughfares turoufu wuiob they pMaed thllW I0T IX XKW YORK CITY Almost a Repetition of New Orleans Outbreak NEGROES ATTACKED BY MOD 1ileniN of tolh ennui Who Wni Slahheil to Oaatli ttempt eiiKi am on Mm iliiern Itui Itiolieii HiaiN anil Iliie tilled Hum the Mnt Stiloun lujuile New York Aug 10 A mob of sev rial bundled pcisotis foimed at II oclock last night iu hunt of the homo of Policeman Robeit 1 Tlioipe Tliiity seventh street aud Ninlli avenue to wieak vengeiinco upon tho negioes ol that noighbothood because ono ol licit number had caused tho policemans death Thorpe was biniMd and stubbed last Suuday night when ho was t tying to urresl a coloied woman and died the following day In a few moments tin mob swelled to I lfiOO persons or moio and as tlioy bo I came violent the negroes lied in terror into any Inding place they could find I The police resolves ft uiu four btutimis uuinbeiing 400wiro called out The mob of white men which glow with gieat inpulity taged thiotigh tho dis trict and nigiofH rtgaidlest of ago were attacked Seines wore injiiied It took tho combined ctloits of tho un serves with as many moio policemen on legular patrol in tho lour pteciuetn to restore older For an hunt the streets weio filled with a noting surging mob It was a scoiio on ery much tho same oidei as took pluce a low days ago m New Or leans New Yoik has seldom had its equal Tlie hhouting of tho men the shrieking ot tho women the lamenta tions of the children tho shooting of io Tolvprs clashing of windows all made u poifcct pandemonium Tho crowil that surged into Bioid way seemed uglier than that ol tho crowd on tho west side Theie was at ouu time more than 5000 persons m Bioadway Up and down into and out ot tho hotels and saloons tluough Her ald square and the side sticuts tho mob surged and tushed looking foi negioes Any uulortunato black was set upon and beaten Wliaitou llailiel I in lllhle Omaiix Aug 10 A special lrom Lueolu says- A sensation has been caused by tho discovery that What ton Buker ionl candidate tor president on the Populist ticket is ineligible lor the otlli o to which he as pires It is said that while superin tending homu improvements m Russia Homo years ago Mi Biirkei was made Loid ot St WencliLlas by tho czar Be I lie accepting tho title ho did not ask ujugicsH to giant him tho pnvi lege and he is theietoio ineligible be cause ho forfeited his citizenship by ac cepting the honor without pel mission of the United Statis It tins proves true Mr Baikei must step down and mi l1 DiiiMUllv would sure ed him as caiididalo toi pusldeut soma ono else being chosen tho candidate for vice piesldent - - III tun Tallin to ti Ml Chicago Aug 10 Mi Biyan Mr Stevenson and olheis made speeches yesteiday at Sunnysitle patk on tho oc casion of Iho annual meeting of tha United hish societies of Cook county The meeting was pioslded over by Rev K h Htynoltls and the title udaiiLe wac luigu notwithstanding thicatcuing and sloimy woulhor Mt Bi rails spoecb was tho Hi st of the series but beloiu lift was hem I tho iiHsemblv at the sugges tion of ludguMV Goutum adopted au addtess denouncing imperialism and militaiism IMiili if llilnl I hlii I ilvnali l lMuvSAioiis Aug 10 Tho Na tioiiallst Independents las night worn engaged behind closed doois ptepnriug tho statement which they will prcsciU today on tho floor of the anti-imperialist congioss Just what they expect to dooi hope to accomplish tluough tho congtess nouo ol the gentlemen will discuss Tho thiid ticket advocates held no session of theli couvontion yes teitla l ho delegates intending tho libel ty congiesH Wimhliitoii Itepulilli nun Niiiuo a Ilikut Taioma Wash Aug Ml Re publican stato convention jesteiday adopted a plat foi in nominated a full state ticket and adjourned Tim man ageiHiitl M Ki Hilt the King county caiididalo for guvrinoi Oiitiolled tlu convention by u hit go majority and theli slatu was nominated without it hitch W L Jones of Yakima nnd F V Ciislinian ol Ileico weio named foi cougitss t iiloni I Home In HiililliiK Out Cati Tows Aug 10 A lues jengcr f loin Colonel lloaie cummaiidiiig tho Bntish ganison at Elands liver who rendu d Mafeku g Tuesday icpoited that the ganison was still holding out when he lelt although Colunel Iloaiu has sustained 07 casualties General bin Hamilton with u lorce ol cavalry has been suit to luliove the ganison itinlliel Sllootn lliothel Sioux City Aug III loin Welsh i funnel lmug six miles east ol Jellci son shot Ins brothri Geoigu in the leg as ho wan escaping altei sotting lire to 10 stinks of giaiu in tht field belonging to Tom Iho giaiu was binned up Ihtio is n hitter 1 11111113 between tho bio hoi h George Welsh has been ar lested Kill il liy I ootpaili Kansas Ci 1 v Aug Hi Charles Can non a labuicr rii itjws old was found dead with his tlno itout in tl Cyp4usfl iuliuad 3uids between Swifts packing lions j and tho Union Pacilio rmlioad budge last night and it is supposed ho was killed by footpads His ties for help weio heaid by switchmen iu tho vicinity but when they touched him tho assailants were gone ami Can non was iound with his throat cut from ear to oar aud a bloody knito I3 ing by his side His pockets had bscu rifled ROYAL Baking Powder The strongest purest most efficient and wholesome of leavening agents Not lowest in price yet the most economical indispens able to all who appreciate the best and most healthful food Our country is enjoying prosperity almost unsurpassed in its history For every one there is money enough to buy that to eat which is pure sound good wholesome Why should we use cheap impure un healthful articles of food There is no economy in them they endanger the health they may cost life There are reported almost daily cases of sickness caused by eat ing cake puddings or biscuit made with the cheap alum baking powders In all articles for food buy and use only the best The good health of the family is of first consideration Alum is used in many baking powders because it makes them cheap It costs less than two cents a pound Alum is a corrosive poison Think of feeding it to chu dren Yet the manufacturers of well known alum pow dors are actually denying that their goods contain it ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO 100 WILLIAM ST NCW YORK