The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 09, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Hurt Howoll was a city visitor yesler
tiny from Neligh
Guy Kicrstead of Tilden wns n city
visitor yesterday
Madison 1r replacing its plnnk cross--walks
with stone
The front of tho Odd Fellows block is
being uovrly pnlitcd
Miss Rhodn Ackennnn war among tho
Stanton visitors to tho circus
Mrs 0 9 A Bnrgelt 1r moving Into
lior now homo on South Ninth Btrcct
Arthur PUgcr deputy county treas
urer wns over front Mndison yesterday
Mr and Mrs Shwnnk ind MIsb Heed
of Mndison wcro Norfolk visitors on
trtiow dny
A eon wns horn yosterdny to Mr and
JMrn W M OlniBtend nt their homo in
tho country
L O Bley of Mndison raised II acrcH
of oatfl that yielded between Ml and M
bushels to tho aero
Miss Kato McNeil returned Inst even
ing from Parker S D where fiho has
been visiting friends
Mrs II T Billerbock and daughter
Wary arrived tliin morning from Oa
moud to visit Norfolk friendH
Tho Scott Mercantile company of
Stanton was robbed of fit pair of pants
Tho thief hafl not been located
Tho merry-go-round packed up today
nronaratorv to removal Thero seem to
bo fow to mourn Kb departure
13 15 Kenyon 1ms gono to Plainviow
and Osmond to look after tho threshing
of grain produced on Mb farms
A L Stowart editor of tho Newman
drove Herald waB in tho city yesterday
and made this oillco a pleasant call
A cyclest from up country ran intb a
bngKy on Mam Btroet yesterday noon
and liiH niachiuo wns badly damaged
Tho government thonnomotor at its
ighest register yestorday iudicatcd i8
dogreeB Tho high rocord was above
13 L Johnson who haB boon visiting
Norfolk rolativoB ami friends for tho
past few weeks returnod to Chicago to
MisB Fnunio Odioruo arrived on tho
noon train from Boston Mass to visit
nt tho homo of her brother T 13
Merchants state that tho bulk of their
trade yesterday came from out of town
Layers People of tho city did littlo
Geo M Dudley who recently dis
posed of tho Bon Ton restaurant is to
tako tho position of day clerk at tho Pa
cilic hotel on tho Sth
V II Johnson of tho Johnson Dry
Goods company loft today for Now
York where ho will purchase n fall and
winter stock of goods
Tho Madison and Humphrey tennis
players had u game at tho former city
last Sunday tho Humphrey players win
ning by ilvo sots to ono
Mrs W II Bridge will leavo tonight
for an outing at Hot Springs S D
Her husband who is west in tho interest
of tho mills will join her at somo station
up tho road
Only ono police court caso grew out
of circus dny hilarity and that wns a
drank and disorderly A number of
vags were locked up but were started on
their way thiB morniug
The Wayuo county teachers institute
is to bo held in tho district court room
at Wayne August 21 to September 1
Miss Lucy WilliaiuB of this city will
nstruct in primary rending nnd num
Geo N Heels was n passenger for
Xiong Pine and Deadwood Inst evening
where he will spend a short vacation
He states that thero were more than 500
passengers for the west who had been
attending the circus
Thos Bell is in the city visiting re
latives and friends He will leave for
his homo near Lusk Wyo his eveuing
and will be accompanied by his uieco
Miss Minnie Norton who will enjoy a
vacation of BovenU weeks
There will be no church services in
the Congregational chnroh daring tho
next two Sundays The church is
being papered painted and otherwise
improved inside Sunday sohool will
be held at the usual hours
Auiatuer photographers were out in
force yesterday aud many views of the
circus grounds parade crowds and
other sights were taken Many of the
picture takers were from oat of town
The Chronicle says that the reason
Lieutenant D S Fraser didnt go to
Lincoln for examination before the mil
itary board was because he was in Coun
cil Bluffs and the letter was sent to
Omaha Therefore he failed to receive
it in time
Another house was destroyed by West
Points firebng early yesterday morning
It was a vacant dwelling near the cream
ery and was beyond the reach of the
-waterworks system Twenty live fires
are accredited to inceudiarism in that
city within the last few years They
are thinking of hiring a detective to fer
ret out the firebng
Mr and Mrs W W Marple of Lin
coin formerly of this city are in Nor
folk today greeting old time friends
Mrs Marple will visit over Sunday
while Mr Marple will leave today on a
business trip He was at one time head
of tho Wido Awnko clothing storo of
Norfolk and waH ono of tho most enter
prising and progressive nierchnntR ever
in business hero
It is said that thero wcro moro than
1 1000 paid admissions to the circus yes
dny afternoon nnd as tho Ringlings nro
by no means stingy with their conipll
mentaries it can readily bo realized thnt
thero was a largo crowd in attendance
In tho evening thero wcro moro than
half aR many present ns in tho afternoon
In the afternoon tho reserved sents wero
about all occupied nnd they will scat
1760 people
Tho aquarium in Harry Lodcrn win
dow 1b very comploto nnd contnlns re
presentations of most of tho llnny tribes
found in tho waters tributary to Nor
folk A littlo tortoise nnd other inhab
itants of fresh wnter aro contained
therein A coiiBtant supply of fresh
water is obtained from tho waterworks
Ho propones to put in some plants and
make other additions to tho attraction
among which may bo a submerged elec
tric light
Albion News OlrcuB pooplo aro not
all composed of tho scum of humanity
Two years ago vVhllu tho Campbell Bros
circus was at Gonoa tholr elephant killed
ono of tho mon connected with tho bIiow
Ho was onlyarouBtnbout unknown ami
without friondB or rolativeB A lot was
purchased in tho cometary and ho was
given a decant burial LaBt week tho
snmo cirous wns nt Gonoa and tho en
tiro oircus company bonded by tho band
marchod to tho cemetery and paid their
respects to tholr former eniployo and
fellow laborer by erecting a neat monu
ment over his grave
Tho BtrictncsH of Ringlings in regard
to profanity and vulgarity was exempli
fied hero yesterday Ono of tho horses
in tho horso tout because obstroperous
aud broko partly through tho canvas
This was aggravating to ono of tho
hostlers and ho lot looso n fow ungentle
manly ndjectives A boss or superin
tendent happened to bo within hearing
distauco nud tho follow was promptly
permitted to go to tho tlckot wagon and
draw his timo and pay When tho class
of individuals with whom a circus has
to deal is considered it is surprising that
profanity can bo prevented aud it is
only by such rndical measures that it is
suppressed Whon n mans job depends
on tho control of his tongue ho is quite
likely to bo very civil
Papillion Times During tho pnst
twenty yenrs many remarknblo stories
have been told regarding tho peculiar
elVects which tho drinking water in
Lincoln has upon visitors That water
hns been known to restoro sight to some
blind men and to niako other men blind
Last week when Wendol Megel at
tended tho democratic stnto convention
ho swallowed a glass of tho stuff by
mistake and within ono hour thereafler
tho pcculinr fluid causod his trousers to
shrink until thoy reached scarco below
his knees Tho most remarkablo thing
in coniiectiou with Wendels oxporionco
is tho fact that a delegato to a demo
cratic convention should so far forget
himself as to have swallowed suoh a
dangerous fluid as wator
Winter Wheat
Tho Nebraska experiment 6tntion of
tho stnto university has been mnkingex
teusivo tests of winter wheat in au en
deavor to solect tho best varieties for
Nebraska soil hi the fall of 1890 7
vnrieties wero sown on tho stntion farm
All but three varieties Turkey Red Big
Frame aud Gurrell were almost total
fnilnres In lSiS over 100 vnrieties wero
grown nud those three again proved
best ndnpted to tho soil and climatic
conditions Lnst fall 42 varieties wero
sown nnd tho above three again proved
their superiority to all others Nebraska
grown seed of these varieties has proven
better than that grown in other states
with the possiblo exception of Kausas
grown Turkey Red which matured
earlier than that grown from Nebrnska
seed It did uot lodgo aud was not
badly infected with rust In Press
Bulletin No lfi T L Lyou closes with
this announcement to farmers It is
tho aim of tho experiment station to ex
tend tho area of winter wheat culture
over as largo a portion of tho state ns
possible To thiB end n very large num
ber of varieties of winter wheat havo
oeen testeu uy tno station during a
period of Eevcral years Those strains
of Turkey Red aud Big Frame varieties
that have been grown on the station
farm for several years have proven
themselves very hardy Seed wheat of
either one of these varieties will be sent
out on application free of cost except
transportation charges as long as the
supply lasts to parties living north of
the Platte rivet and also to those west of
the 100th meridian Letters should be
addressed to T L Lyon Experiment
Station Liucoln Nebr
August Flower
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Hon ton that in my travels in all parts
of the world for the last ten years I
have met more people having used
Greens August Flower than any other
remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver
and stomach aud for constipation I
find for tourists aud salesmen or for
persons filling office positions where
headaches and general bad feelings from
irregular habits exist that Greens
August Flower is a grand remedy It
does not injure the system by frequent
use and is excellent for sour stomachs
and indigestion Sample bottles free
at A K Leonards Bold by dealeniu
all civilized countries
Miss 1311a BnnB of Mndison is in tho
city visiting friends
Miss BcBsio Duel of Meadow Grovo Ir
in tho city visiting friendH
J II Seabury returned to lib homo
in Plainviow thiB morning
MrB Will Froymeier of Bloomflold is
visiting with Miss Anna Mans
Miss Ida Sonnonschoin of Lincoln is
in tho city visiting relatives nud friends
Hon T F Momminger was in tho
city from Mndison yesterday on busi
MIsh Roeo Wilson of Picrco is in the
city viBlting nt tho homo of G P
Dr and Mrs Holden leavo thiB even
ing for Hot SprlugB for mi outing lust
ing until August II
Miss Klslo Asmus wont to West Point
yesterday for a two weeks visit with
relatives nud friends
Mrs U B Brindley of ColuinbiiH
Nob nnd Mrs Will Fox nro visiting in
Creightou thiB week
Mrs Chns Vnil of Wnyno formerly
an eniployo of tho Pncifio hotel is in
tho city viBlting friends
O B Hazon nnd family hnvo gono to
a point 17 miles northwest of tho city to
enmp out for two weeks
MiBses Augusta nnd Christiuo Lund
quist returned Thursday from a five
weeks trip in Minnesota
Wm Abboy adjuster for tho Homo
Firo I nsuranco company went to Oak
dalo today to adjust n loss
Miss Josophino Dnrlaud nud Miss
Nellio Soymour left yestorday for n
visit to tho campers on tho Niobrarn
Miss Clara Taylor of Cedar Rapids
Iowa arrived last evening on a visit to
tho homo of her cousin O S Hayes
Mrs Gnyhnrt nnd son who havo boon
visiting at tho homo of Mr and Mrs
Alfred Gerecko left for Omaha today
Dr W D Gibbon wife nud daughter
of Bontrico aro visiting nt the home of
Mrs Gibbons couBin Mrs C F Shaw
Editor U 13 Fostor of the Plainviow
News was in tho city this morning
transacting business nud greeting old
1 F Boyd of Oakdnlo candidate for
district judgo on tho republican ticket
was in tho city last night getting nc
Miss Amy Rowo of Oakdalo Neb
roturned to her homo last evening after
a short visit with her brother Howard
A Rowo
Tho walks in front of tho Pacific are
boiug torn up nnd a foundation is being
formed for a cemont walk which will
soon bo laid
In the absonco of the pastor Rev
Frank McCluuey will fill tho pulpit to
morrow morning nnd ovouing at the
Methodist church
Miss Elouiso Roane of Columbus who
has been visitint Miss Grace Spear for
the past two weeks left yesterday
morning for her homo
J 13 Erskino of Columbus and Mrs
D M Erskino of St Paul Nobr are
visiting at tho homo of their brother
S F Erskino on North Eleventh street
J N Buudick went to Omaha yester
day to purchnso supplies for tho enm
pnigu nt the Bugar factory which will
boou open Ho will return this even
Mr nnd Mrs Jack Koenigstein and
their guests Mr and Mrs Everett
ChaniborB left yesterday to enjoy a few
days of camp life on tho Elkhoru south
west of town
Father Win Choka vicar gouoral of
the Omaha diocese is dangerouBly ill at
his home in Cuming county Ho wns
present at the dedication of the Sacred
Heart church in this city
W D Mixer of Pierce is looking nbout
the city with a view to opening a new
dry goods store here Miss Dewey of
Wood Lnko is here to take a position ns
clerk providing he eugnges in the busi
Roy Rend came home lnst evening
from Chicngo nud will visit about a
week Afterward ho will proceed to
Senttle Wash where he will take the
position of chemist in the new sugar
Times Tribune Rev George H
Main of this city has a brother who has
been a missionary in China and he was
much relieved yesterday to learn that
his brother and his family had all es
caped and wero safe in Japan
Columbus Telegram Mrs M S
Fox of Norfolk who has been visiting
with relatives for about a week returned
home Tuesday She was accompanied
by Mrs O A Brindley They expect
to visit Creightou for a few days
If you want to win the enmity of your
best friend wish him n merry Christmas
and a happy New Year and then ask
him to go sleigh riding If thiB doesnt
have the desired result throw in the
query Is it hot euough for you
The weather forecast is for showers
The press is stopped to assure Jupiter
Pluvious that he couldnt do a more
popular act than to tarn his hose on this
vicinity and make the reputation of the
weather clerk good The heat wind
and dust have combined to make life
miserable during the past few days
O H Dietrich republican candidate
for governor was a guest Thursday ev
ening of tho Maenerchor of Madison
Thero wns n largo turnout and an enjoy
nblo evening was passed Mr Dietrich
responding to n toast Tho members of
tho society in explaining their refusal to
sing nt the reception by tho republican
club say that they adopted n rule sev
eral yenrs ngo not to sing at any polit
ical gathering
Pierce CnU 13 D Pnlclfer and boys
wero down from Dry Creek precinct yes
terday morning on their way to tho cir-
cdb at Norfolk Ed says they hnvo been
trying to And somo republican in the
northern part of tho county who hap
como out for Bryan recently ns 1b
claimed is tho caso nil over tho stato by
tho World Herald Diligent search
says Mr Pulcifer hns fniled to And n
single ono nnd ho is beginning to believe
thnt tho World Hernld might prevari
cate to accomplish its end
It is said thnt vnst qunntities of lus
cious peaches aro going to waste in the
Pecos valley N M which is most un
pleasant intelligence to tho peoplo of
Nebraska who lovo tho fruit and to
whom it is a luxury A correspondent
from Carlsbad says A tramp through
ono of thcBo orchard whero absolutely
tons of red ripe peaches nro lying on
the ground vnlueless brnnches broken
off from tho pnrent stem londed down
with goldou fruit cnuses ono to feel
that now nud then gifts of nature are
scattered somewhat indiscriminately
As a matter of fact if one half the
peach crop is harvested nnd sold this
year it will be n marvel It just enn
not bo dono St Louis which is rap
idly growing in favor as a cattle nnd
fruit market with tho Pecos Vnlley
peoplo is this yenr overstocked with
fruit from tho Oznrk mouutnins nnd
enstern Texas and Denver is flooded
with peaches from tho grent orchards
thnt surround Colorndo Springs nnd
tho Rocky Ford distBicty
The KIhIi mill nuinu Protective Association
Will Tako a Hand
The renl sportsmen nre after the dis
picablo market hunter and pot hunter
with a vengeance nnd something is quite
likely to happen if the practice is not
discontinued Tho matter has been
taken up by tho Nebraska Fish nnd
Gnme Protective nssociation which
has organizations nil over the stnte
Tho ono trouble with tho sportsmen is
thnt they allow their vigilance to be
come lnx during certnin years or seasons
of tho year nud before they can tnke the
necessary action tho harm hns been done
They should be vigilant and active at all
times President Ager of Lincoln has
just issued tho following statement
Tho stato law provides that prairio
chicken and grouse may bo legally
killed only during tho mouths of Sep
tember NovemberOctober and Decem
ber quail during tho mouths of Novem
ber and December geese and all kinds
or wild ducks from the 1st dny of Sep
tember to tho 30th day of April in
clusive None of tho above mentioned
game birds may bo ensnared trapped or
netted at nuy timo Any person or per
sons violatiug the provisions of tho law
is deemed guilty of misdemeanor nud
on conviction subject to n fine of 5 for
each bird killed
The law further prohibits tho sale
exposure for sale or hnving in posses
sion during the closed sensou any of
the aforementioned gnme birds by nny
corporation compnuy association per
son or persons and provides a penalty of
for each bird so sold exposed for sale
or had in possession being prima facie
evidence of guilt
For years the provisions of the game
and fish laws have been persistently and
wantonly violated in many sections of
the state The illegal slaughter of
prairie chickens and grouse scarcely
old enough to fly has already begun
market hunters and others calling them
selves sportsmen in open violation of
the law aud disregard of the lights of
thos9 who respect and obey the law are
seeking profit and diversion by slaught
ering with guns birds so young and
small that they might well be success
fully hunted with a buggy whip
The Nebraska Fish nud Game Pro
tective nssociation was formed for the
purpose of assisting in securing tho en
forcement of the game and fish law of
this state by setting the example of
strict compliance on the part of its mem
bers with the provisions of the law and
to aid iu the detection nud conviction of
those who violate it In furtherance of
tho latter purpose this association will
pay a reward of 25 for the deteotion
and conviotion of any oue killing prairie
chickens grouse or quail during closed
season on those birds such reward to be
pnid to the person or persons supplying
the evidence and making the complaint
upon which tiie couvjetion is secured
tha reward to be paid at the office of the
secretary of this association in the city
of Lincoln Neb
This association futhermore proposes
to use every legitimate means at its
command to secure evidence against and
prosecute to the extreme limit of the
law any or all persons who engage in
the illegal killing sale or use of the
game birds of the state
To Cure I Grippe In Two Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature on
every box 25c
Subscribe for Tub Nobkolk Wkbeiy
Carl Asmus is on tho sick liBt
W P Cowan was in from Stanton
C F Fals of Madison was a city vis
itor Snturdny
W W Roberts was n pnsscnger todn
for Columbus
MIfb Penrl Mackey was n Suudny vis
itor from Stnnton
O II Krahu wns a visitor in Ran
dolph over Sunday
E O Gnrrett wns in tho city from
Fremont Snturdny
Geo Hutton tho real estnto mnn of
Coleridge is in tho city
D F Chambers of Stanton wnB a
Suudny visitor in Norfolk
Miss Mamio McNeil clerk nt Bnnms
is taking a weeks vncatiou
Dr F A Brynnt left this morning
on a business trip to Omnhn
Chns Biersdorf leaves today foi a
weeks visit with his folks in Plainview
A few light showers this morning
cooled tho air somewhat and laid the
Mrs Nettie Hewius went to Genoa to
day to visit her friend Mrs Baker for a
A brick walk is being put in on the
North side of Main street abutting
G A Lnikart audwifo went to Long
Pine Saturday evening to recreate for
a week
Mr and Mrs G S Martin leavo to
morrow for the Black Hills to visit their
daughter N
Robert Manley and Rny Hammond of
Fremont spent Sunday in the city viBit
iug friends
0 W Pntter Carl Mohr nnd J B
McDonnld of Pierce were Sunday vis
itors in Norfolk
Mrs W Wnrueke is having her resi
dence corner Fifth 6treet and Mndison
nvenue repainted
A blind couple with mandolin and
guitar were entertaining people on
Main Btreet today
Miss Cunningham of Maplo Grove
Iowa who has been visiting the Misses
Howe returned to her home today
O F MoGrew of Lincoln national
bank examiner iB in the city looking
over the books of the Norfolk National
E M Norton will leave tomorrow for
Van Buren Arkansas on a visit He
will be accompanied home by his
Miss Neoln Walker entertnined a
number of her little friends at a party
Saturday evening at her home in The
It is said thnt tho dog poisoner is get
ting in his work at Stanton and that
several canines have recently suspended
Fred Jenkins and Harry Patterson
Howard and Glenn Deering of Bentrice
left today for n week of camp life at the
Yellow Banks
John Burnett died last Friday at his
homo two miles west of the Eugar factory
and was buried yesterday from the St
Paul Lutheran church
Herman Zitkovisky gave his folks a
surprise by returning yesterday from
tho east where he has been experiment
ing in the culture of sugar beets
Tho last reminder of Ringlings cir
custhe bill boards are being torn
down and removed They were the
first here and the last to go away
H G Bruggeniaun who has been
having a siege with typhoid fever was
on the street this morning greeting his
friends for the first time since his illness
It is reported that W R Braasch will
soon resign his position with the Citi
zens National bank to accept a position
with the Swift Packing company of
Mrs C J Howe of Sioux City Iowa
who made Norfolk her home for 10
years is visiting Mrs J C Aid of South
Norfolk She will return to Sioux City
The Norfolk district M 13 enmpmeet
ing is now in session nt Lyons The
Neligh district meeting will be held at
Oakdalo beginning tomorrow and end
ing the lGth
Mr and Mrs T E Odiorne Miss
Fannie Odiorne and Miss Nellie Shenk
berg will leave tomorrow for Colorado
Springs and other points west on a sum
mer vacation trip
D E Thompson of Lincoln is giving
the working mothers and their children
an outing today at the Beatrice Chau
tauqua grounds They were carried
on a special train
Mrs Shellen returned to her home iu
Creighton today She has been visiting
her daughter who was recently taken
sick with typhoid feyer at the home of
Ferdinand Shnltz
The missionfeBt of St Paul Lutheran
chnroh will be held at Pase walks grove
Booth Fifth street Sunday August Vi
Tjib Nkws erroneously stated Saturday
that it was to be held yesterday
The camping party consist inc of
Mibses LUlie Stella and Cora Luikart
Nellie Gerecke Ella Clinkert Mullen
Mrs Iryia Gerecke and Mr Chas Ge
recke camo in last night from the Yellow
Banks where they have been for the past
Farmers in some parts of the state
are reporting disastrous re suits to stock
by feeding them on sorghum The
Nebraska experiment stntion hns been
ninking somo exteusivo observations on
this subject nnd farmers coutemplntiug
feeding sorghnm will do well to corres
pond with them
Tho old settlers of Cuming county
aro preparing to havo a big time at their
annual picnic which is to tako place
August 2yd Over 100 havo been raised
to meet the expenses Ono of tho novel
ties in pyrotechnics promised iB a firo
picture of John D Neligh tho founder
of tho town
American lleet Sugar Company Milken at
lute resting Experiment
The American Beet Sugar company
is making an interesting experiment
with regnrd to irrigation nt the plant
north of this city Last Fridny they
commenced irrignting their beet fields
nt that plnco Tho work wns under
tho direction of J L Lnng an irriga
tion expert from Utah
Water iB drawn from tho North Fork
aud is pumped through a twenty four
inch pipe to a ditch at tho upper sido of
tho field from which it iB allowed to
run through the rows of beets Results
aro already apparent for within seventy-two
hours the irrigated beetB have
grown fully six inches higher than
those beets without water
It is expected the results accomplished
on this field will open the eyes of beet
growers of thiB state to the value of irri
gntion Lnst yenr 1150 ncres of beets
under Mr Lnngs charge yielded twenty
four tons to tho ncre while dry fields
gave but thirteen tons per acre
Letter I Int
List of letters remaining uncalled
at tho postoffjeo July J0 1500
J W Armstrong Mrs Leon W
Brown Mrs Anun Buckles Percy Fitz
gerald R P Fitzgerald F L Hamil
ton Mr Hazl Ed Hutton Miss Elsie
May Tom Moore John Owens Mrs J
J Rhearn Jim Taylor Andrews
Thompson Mrs W T Wnddle Miss
Fannie Wells Frank T Wnidle Bessie
If not called for in HO days will be
sent to the dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please sny advertised
P F Spkechfk P M
In the District Court of Madison County
In the matter of the estate of M E
Andrus deceased
This cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of Burt Mnpes administra
tor de bonis non of the estate of M E
Andrus deceased praying for license to
sell the following described real eEtate
situated in tho county of Madison in
the state of Nebraska to wit Lots one
1 two 2 three 1 four 4 nud five
5 of block one 1 of Rees subdivision
of block fifteen IS of Dorsey place ad
dition to Norfolk Junction or a suffi
cient amount to bring the sum of -44150
for the payment of debts allowed against
said estate aud the cots of adminis
tration there not beiiiR sufficient per
sonal property to pay the said debts and
It is therefore ordered that all persons
interested in said estate appear before
me at the office of Mnpes nud Hazen in
the city of Norfolk in Mndison county
Nebraska on the 17 th day of September
100 at one oclock p in to show cause
why a license should not bo granted to
the said administrator to sell so much of
the above described real estate of Eaid
estate as shall be necessary and pay said
debts and expenses
Dated this 4th dnv of August 15100
Dowlas Coses
Judge of the District Court
The complete service of The Chicago-Portland
Special via Union Pacific
enables passengers to reach the princi
pal cities between the north and Pacific
coast nnd Missouri river not only in the
rL or test possible 6paco of time but also
in tho most comfortable and enjoyable
manner The dining enrs on this train
are stocked with the best the market
affords All meals served a la carte
Every woman in
ought to know about
the country
Mothers Friend
Those who do know about it
wonder how they ever got along
without it It has robbed child
birth of its terrors for many a
young wife It ha6 preserved her
girlish figure and saved her much
suffering It is an external lini
ment and carries with it therefore
absolutely no danger of upsetting
the system as drugs taken intern
ally are apt to do It is to be
rubbed into the abdomen to soften
and strengthen the muscles which
are to bear the strain This means
much less pain It also prevents
morning sickness and aH of the
other discomforts of pregnancy
A druggist of Macon Ga says
I have sold a large quantity of
Mothers Friend and have never
known an instance where it has
failed toproduce the good results
claimed for it
A prominent lady of Lam
berton Ark writes With my
first six children 1 was in labor
from 24 to 30 hours After using
Mothers Friend my seventh was
born in 4 hours
Get Mother Friend at the dru
1 Hot qo ver bol
L m 1 j n 1