The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 09, 1900, Image 3

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f I M I T
c s um VL Jp
name Reuben really nntl
truly It wns Reuben Wnlltcr
HIS tho outskirts of Tunkhnu
uock 1u
lie came to town by the Pennsylva
nia rallroud ami the Cortlandt street
ferry and it was about 2 oclock In the
afternoon when be made his metropoli
tan debut
In appearance be was somewbat nice
the countryman of the comic weekly
but not nearly so much as bo thought
he was The fact is that Reuben was
touchy upon this subject He didnt
like his name and he didnt like his
looks He knew that ids garments
were rustic In design and ids headgear
quite unfashionable
I paid enough for these clothes
said he to himself but darn em they
- rllllt TllfV lOOlv lllSt lllCG
me Rube Walker from Wnyback
In particular lie regretted having
brought a satchel of enormous size and
antiquated design not quite the old
fashioned carpetbag but certainly sug
gestive of it He could see that the
cabmen around the fcrrybouse observ
ed It the gamins of West street offered
with one voice to carry it ami mej
On being refused
grinned as they did so
fused one of them nctually cried out
Hey Rube
Inside the big satchel was a modern
handbag of conventional pattern which
Reuben had bought in Tunkhonnock
but at the last moment this nau proeu
taken the capacious
too small so ho bad
cious veteran that had done duty in the
family for years But he had saved
the little ono for use while going about
New York Ills business there was im
portant He was to buy machinery and
nnia fnr a factory in Tuukhanuock of
which he owned a part and he had a
big roll of bills snugly stowed away in
his trousers pocket
Reuben bad been to town before but
not often The knowledge that nothing
could disguise his countrified appear
ance bad kept him at home and helped
to fasten upon him the very aspecthe
would have been so glad to lose But
jie was not a greenhorn far far from
It He had read of all the wiles of the
bunko man They are as laminar iu
him as to a New York reporter And
moreover he was gifted with a natural
ehrewduess that might well keep him
tfrom even those pitfalls which his ex
tensive reading of the papers bad fail
ed to reveal to him
a nrnss of vehicles halted Reuben in
the middle of West street and at that
moment be felt a hand upon his shoul
der Turning he beheld a tall young
man In a checked suit of clothes visi
ble beneath an overcoat with a small
collar of sealskin and narrow bands of
the same fur upon the wrists His
derby hat was a trifle too small and to
mni o nn for that defect It was tilted
over a little too far upon his forehead
Upon my word Mr Atkinson said
the young man cordially you nearly
got by me
Insult to Reuben s
It was simply an
Intelligence and he recognized It as
such He was conscious of wondering
how it was possible for even the green
est rustic that he had ever seen to be
lured Into a trap by one of these
ers He had an impulse to lilt tne ici
low over the head with the big satchel
and then another course suggested It
self more sable more gratifying to his
He shifted the bag Into his left hand
and extended his right
How do do how do do said lie
Glad to meet you Im sure But say
youve rather got the advantage of me
iviirk ha vnn nnvllOW
My names Stanton replied the
Im Lawyer Inlands
young man glibly
lands clerk You probably dont re
member me Weve only met once be
No o said Reuben slowly I dont
seem to place you Hows Mr Leland
Hone hes well as usual
Well exclaimed the young man
I should think not Hes flat on his
back In bed with the grip Thats
something a man of his ago doesnt get
bver In a hurry
nL i
I suppose not sain ueuuen
However continued Stanton we
t a Imclnnca nt tlltf
can attcnu to jum uuu
flee Theres really nothing remaining
ntn nnv over the money
Im agreeable responded Reuben
and he allowed Stanton to lead him to
a small old fashioned building tucked
away between two modern skyscrapers
on William street
On the second floor of this building
was an antiquated ofllce suit on the
outer door of which In time worn lot
nriin wns this bIkii Warren Leland
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Looks long established and respect
able was Reubens mental comment
These bunko men know a few things
Some girls were busy with typewrit
ers In an outer ofllce through which
they passed to a small private room
Now Mr Atkinson said Stanton
iiin n n nmnii hnndbae of very or-
dlnary pattern from beside a dealt
i wwnow
7Mff pirn I
Copyright iSOO fcy C 11 ITmU
youll make yourself comfortable HI
send over to the bunk for the money
Reuben eyed the handbag with close
attention He knew that It would fig
ure In one of those lightning change
tricks which are the basis of what Is
called the sawdust game
As yet lie knew not the exact nature
of the game that would be played but
would be put
ho was sure that money
into that bag In his presence and that
then another bag of similar appear
ance but quite empty of cash would
be substituted
By ginger said Reuben to hlinselr
that bags the llvln Image of the one
Ive got In my grip If heres goln to
itiitin wliv shouldti t 1
take a hand In It myself
The thought made shivers run up and
down ids spinal column but bis face
remained as impassive as a piece of
meat and he was able to converse In
the most agreeable manner with Mr
- nf 4hn
Stanton Willie anotuer meimiui ui i
nnmiiiniitlnti was supposed to be going
to the bank with the little bag
In U0 minutes or more ho returned
and Stanton in the presence of the
other who posed as an accountant of
the Leland establishment told off the
satchels contents There were IT
91000 bills and ten one hundreds Stan
ton returned them to the bag and snap
ped the lock Reuben watched sharply
fnr n trlrl lit this Point lUt Paw I1OI10
Now said Stanton Ill go and get
the deeds
The accountant hail already left the
i itmiiinn was alone This cir-
cumstance fitted too well with his de
sires for him to question the appear
ance of It With rapid band be chang
ed the bags They were not precisely
alike but the resemblance was close
and Reuben took the chance
Here arc the deeds said Stanton
re entering
Reuben looked them over They were
verv carefully got up
provide in n perfectly regular manner
tiio irniisfur of a small piece of New
York real estate in the borough of the
Bronx from John Atkinson to the Har
lem Surface Railway company for 18
000 Warren Leland acting as couusel
for both parties
The man who had played the part of
the accountant actotl as n uotnry
and commissioner nnd Reubens signa
ture ns John Atkinson was uuiy at
Stanton glnnced at it
who used to
It was your
correspondence with us
conduct your
Tvocnt It he asked and Reuben who
hnd no Idea what the other was driving
at answered that It was
I suppose youll put tins uiuuu
your safe deposit box temporarily
said Stanton eying the bag somewhat
Yes replied Reuben I thought of
doln so
Ho was drenched with the perspira
tion of impatience yet he malntalned
an outward calm It was evident that
the moment for springing the trap
whatever It might be must have arriv
ed As yet Reuben hnd not been asked
for a cent of money and his roll of bills
was still safe in Ids pocket
By the way said Stanton here Is
ToinnVa fiiii fnr local services Of
course theres no hurry about It Still
It might be well to clpsc up tne whoiu
transaction and
Certainly certainly cried Reuben
nnd he took the bill which footed up
almost 1000
Of course he understood the game by
this time Tho bag into which Stanton
had put tho money was a mere trick
it could only be opened by one
understanding tho springs The victim
was expected to try to open it and fall
l i H J
i I
i i 4 km 6
The operator would then suggest pay
ment out of the victims pocket saying
that the bag could be Uikun to a lock
smiths nround the corner
The game as a whole depended upon
the willingness of the countryman to
rob the swindler Of course ho knew
that he wasnt John Atkinson and
that he had no land to sell And of
course when the locksmith finally suc
ceeded lu opening tlie bag it would be
empty a ehnngoshavlug been effected
either in the ofllce or on the way to the
and seenieu xo
locksmith In tho present Instance
however the clump had occurred
somewhat earlier than schedule time
Certainly certainly repeated Reu
ben and he produced his roll of bills
The account was paid aiitl a receipt
duly given
One of our boys will carry your bag
to the safe deposit company for you
suggested Stanton Thats the safe
way You walk right behind him and
ki that nobody gets away with your
All right said Reuben much
A sharp faced boy look the bag and
Reuben after wishing Stanton nnd the
accountant many happy returns of tho
dav a pleasantry which they seenieu
not to fully understand walked out of
the otllce on two legs that felt as tit to
support a mans body as two wet tow
Ive got the brains of a swindler
said Reuben as he tottered down the
stairs but I havent got the nerves -
tmr tho liirs
As he passed out of the building he
paw a countryman entering Just such
another as himself
Bald Reu
Suckers are plenty today
ben chuckling
At the first cross street Reuben mado
a hasty escape leaving the noy 10 pro
ceed wherever his fancy or his orders
might take him A cab presented Itself
most opportunely nnd Rube Walker of
Tunkhannoek Pa limp dripping and
so dry in the throat that his breath
made a rustling sound was conveyed
to the Klfth Avenue hotel tho ilrst
whose name came to ids mind as ho
was entering the cab
lie dared not open the bag till he had
reached his room but he suffered ago-
1 Jjijt MflKm aI
1 wa wT i
WtoJLJf l j V i
V - a
nles Was there any possibility of de
ceit Could there be knaves shrewd
enough to work a trick even under tho
circumstances described
In his room ills first act was to lock
the door Then he pulled the little bag
out of the big one and with nervous
bands wrenched It open so violently
that metal and leather were torn asun
Applicant I see you advertise for a
window dresser
Milliner Yes sir Have you had
much experience
I arranged tho window display In
the shop 1 worked In last and every
woman who passed stopped and looked
Thats something like Youre Just
tho man we want By the way what
lino was your firm lu
Mirrors London Telegraph
When ni
stunt mie
11 i in ttiirtv tlimmntid dollars to bo
issued in shares of ono hundred dollars
each to ho issued as required by the
hoard of directors and paid up in lull at
the time of issuance
I Tlio oxistaneo of this corporation
shall coinmouco on tho twenty second
day of Juno 11100 and continuu until
tho twenty second nay ul mm
unless sooner dissolvod by tho mutual
misiiit of its stockholders
There lay the money 1S000 Tho
bunko men were bunkoed
Reuben remained In his room during
the remainder of the afternoon He
had his dinner there paying Tor It witn
one of the hundreds from tho bag He
had a nervous time while the bill wns
being changed for it might be counter
feit That deadly possibility nau jusi
dawned on him But the bill wns good
Reuben retired to rest about 0 oclock
the bag under his pillow Excitement
kept him awake for several hours but
at last he sank into a heavy sleep from
which he awakened with a start to find
It day
He rang at once for the morning pa
pers thinking it barely possible tnat
Borne hint of his adventure might have
reached the press and he was not dis
appointed On the first page or xne
Sun was a story headed ns follows
Mr Atkinson Was Bogus Lawyer Le
land Loses Thousands by a Clever
Trick the Lawyer Is 111 of tho Grip
and Ills Clerk Mark Stanton 1nld
Money Iu a Real Estate Transaction to
the Wrong Man The Real Atkinson
Arrived Just Too Late and Raised a
It appeared from the story that At
kinson was a man for whom Lawyer
Leland had done a great deal of legal
work in the past year settling up an
estate that Atkinson nau never ouuu
In Lelands ofllce having been ill at ids
homo In Summit Pa most of tho time
that none of Lelands employees except
Stanton bad ever seeu Atkinson and
Stanton bad had only a glimpse of him
at his home tucked up in bed Stanton
however was a good deal of a smart
Aleck as rustics say and had assured
his employer of his ability to carry
through the transaction
The story went on to tell how the
shnrp faced boy had discovered tho loss
of Reuben and had returned to the of
fice in alarm to find Atkinson already
there and the swindle known
There was no resomblnnce between
the two men except that they were of
the same type nnd the same complex
ion and had the same fancy Iu tho mat
ter of whiskers
Reubens foellngs on reading this sto
ry pass the limit of language He med
itated suicide but finally decided to put
the mntter In the hands of a lawyer A
settlement was finally effected in such
a way as to keep Reubens nnmo out or
the newspapers but tho lawyers fee
was 150 the price as Reuben express
ed it of being too darned smart
r The business of said company
shall bo conducted by a board of direct
ors not to exceed throo in number to
bo elected by tho stoeidioltlers at such
timo and in such manner as Bliall Do
tii aonrihrnt llV tllfi bV lttWS
Tho officers of said corporation
lll ln nrnairlmit l SCCrotarV lltld 0
treasurer who shall bo chosen by the
board of directors and shall hold otllce
for a period of ono year or until their
successor shall bo elected and qualifiod
7 Tho highest amount of indebted
ness to which said corporation shall at
any time subject itself shall not bo
mnvn than two thirds of said capital
8 Tho manner of holding stock
holder- meetings and tne nioiuuu ui
conducting the business of this corpora
tion shall bo ns provided by tho by laws
of said corporation
Iu witness whereof tho undersignod
have hero unto set their bauds this Wild
day of June A D IHOO
D Williams
Geo II Sikaii
H 11 Pattkksun
State of Nebraska i fiS
Madison couuiy i i
On tins SJud day of Juno 1000 before
mo the undersigned a uotary public
duly commissioned and qualified and
residing iu said county psrsoually ap
peared the above named George 11
Spear and D Williams and II H I at
known to mo
terson who are psrsoually
to lie tho idoutical persons whoso names
n 1 r flo nhnvn instrUHlOUt and
they acknowledge the same to be their
voluntary act and deed
Witness my hand and notorial seal
the day last above written
Notary luimc
Free r Cliurge
Any adult suffering from a cold
00twi nn the breast bronchitis throat
or lnng troubles of any nature who will
call at A K Leonardswill bo presented
with a sample bottle of Bo3cheo
Gorman Syrup free of charge Ouly
one bottle given to ono person ana uouo
to children without order from parents
No throat or lung remedy ever nau
such a sale as Boschees Gorman Syrup
all parts of tho civinzeu wmm
Mi ntTd
millions of bottlu9
LYimnj n lmrist
were giveu away uu
will tell vou its success was marvelous
- - tlnif null ill til
It is really nio omy
remedy generally endorsed by physi
ciaus One 75 cent bottle will cure or
prove its value Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
Democrats have tried hard to prove
Dewey a tyrant aud a liar as compared
with their great ana gooa mom
Aguiualdo but when their anti-expansion
policy is nssailed aud argument be
comes too close for comfort they delight
to point out Dewey as a democrat ana
refer to his achievements as democratic
results They become very desperate at
times and are mciineu io j
and their recoid
A Mountniu imiriBi
ti KPJimh of grand and beautiful
scenery finds such a profusion of riches
iu Colorado that before planning a trip
it will bo well for you to gam an mo in
formation possible The Denver Hlo
Graudo railroad publishes a series of
useful illustrated pamphlets all oi w men
may be obtaiued by writing S K
Hooper General Passenger and Ticket
Acr nt Denver Colo
a A n
nnunl reunion Chicago 111 August
27 September 1st One faro for the
round trip via the Union Pacific
Tickets on sale from Utah from Wy
omiug aud Colorado from Kausas aud
Nebraska For limit on tickets time
full information call ou
tables and
Juneuas Agent
T i
alike llicv develop from tlie baiiic go -hi
nnd Consumption nre
Iu tiiniiv respects boful u n 1
Mclcctiry ci cut upon uu Impute
VJijii ri
tir l o
f jt r
-v Hi i
A li1irulnr COIUCS to
to their curative qualities
Omaha March 9 1900
Cramer Chemical Company
is evervthing you claim for it
even more One bottle did
me so much good and now 1
am on my second bottle which
has done me more good tnan
all the doctors and all the
mrvluiiifi I have ever talcen
wifli nnv our sufleving irom
kidney liver or bladder com
plaint its Detmers
asilDowrlas St Omaha
- -- -
Salesman for tho Nowtm
me now rxnl
rl hcrause some ol inc leueih in
spots cover them it is very uncomioiiimu
I know all about il its DYSPEPSIA
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Rinans Tabulc
Tho BlitjMinq
Disease of
novWc1 ldoo supp y ru rnlo cnuK Ky running note I
mid discharge fiotn the ears the lltniw sweu
v ------ i iit t limit tr ii
Kmv i nntl i white lvlliir - is fiiliiiiiitlv n result cu Mi g Iht iiiwbbcu ic i -
--------- -- I 1 IT T- Illllilllt I III U I Ml III III llltl iinill ktlll w - ----
1 Trlr CllttitlL nWUV U WHO Or UlSCftSCU glUHl
Hip skill imMiuriiiK imiciuiiMiiiv in - -
l CT wind 1m9 prolubly come down tlirough several
cnciations has llVciy i1 i Tlll lluil sl be brought back to u healthy
t I i a ilallll I fllll llinill I 111 lllllllll ll
nrtiyUUti or more limn ly
Aitlnlns or Iinorpornlloii ol tho Nuifolk
Tout Inn SntliiK Association
Knmviill Men bv Thoso PrtHonts
11 H Pat
That we loorgo 11 Spoar
terson and D Williams all of tho city or
Norfolk county of Madison state of
vtiiuirt imvii imsiiniiLted oursmvoH to
gether for the purpose of forming nnd
becoming a corporation in said statu oi
Nebraska for tho transaction of bust-
I1lmffiir ilimnriheil
i The name of this corporation shall
bo Tho Norfolk Tontine Savings Asso
ciation Its principal place of transact
ing business shall bo in mim ony oi mr
folk Nebraska
a Tho naturo of the business to bo
transacted by said corporation shall bo
tho bujing and selling of mereliaudiso
stocks bonds and other soeuritios
t Tho canitnl stock of said company
MTOMlia in iiui viK i - i lion MriLMirv li
potnsn nun
rfj iiK i tlWy ruin the digestion
and leave the system In a worse condition than befjne
iiirl tv 1illi slip ia iimlrr lilt COM
llcr a All lftU Ir nl R rce T - V Iowrvri ml
Iirwni whium ihiihi
we nlmot ileiltrl of Ijf r We A lew i J 1 ciml ul tilloiin Hf Mo illnen
wuicii te Deyoii who have made
lllull uf i xiwrieiiccd physicians
Z SX tKKJSaJI ie sudy Write niuboiit yomcase orany one
n uriitn it mws down to the very roobt of
S S B Uthe only medicine that can
the disease nnd foees every vestige of I J f houeve nowciful can
Icuu poisn
nmifyim m om r es
The roots nnd herbs frm which it Is made contain uKMfuM J g Vtimulates nnd purines the blood increases t ha
vou are inteicsted in Your letter will icceiv prompi uu -the SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA 6A
r ii i -
uo cnnrc immcvci ni
iEriiliii m1
in i m i f l r i i i iiii it i Miiivi i wji jf a i -
a in a Mw
I A2uAm -
i a if w v v
A A I i V I J Ki -
Vn MWA W -3
r -- lf
JU 19
th ii I have it I
It is cmccr I can sec your eyes but ivit your nose
1 can t rca
blurred dark
Take one
10 Ubruca HI Now York
CramcrsRidney and Liver Cure
Have boon used and are
k w nnrsnns who have been cured who cheerfully testify
j j v
Head the following testimonials
Omaha March IS 1900
Mr John E Himoe the man
ager of the hat department at
lirowniiiKi King Co had
made arrangements to change
climate as his health was so
impaired caused by kidney
trouble he could not work
A friend advised him to try a
bottle of Cramers Kidney
Cure After taking only one
Urrrlo be changed his mind
Would be glad to correspond and is today a well man Mr
lim no will be nleased to
all his friends what a wonder
ful remedy Cramers Kidney
Cure is
Signed John E Himoe
Cramers Kidney and Liver Cures
Kidney and Liver troubles and is not
recommended to cure all diseases that
flesh is heir to and we do not recommend anyoewwjii
who does not need it but if you need it and take it the Rem
edy will cure you
CRAMERS Take uo substitute Sold by all druggists
Insist on having
for Six Bottles
ioo per Bottle 500
Hon John 0 Yeiser
a member of tho Ncbr Ieclslature ani authoj of
r abor ah Money who received a larne vote and
camee war talng nomlnnied for Governor of
Neb writes ui 1 uw uslns
Dr Kays Renovator
- t n nlm In inv family Several ti
remedies ever brought to my notice
I n r
cihiin Kiibstitutes Remedies lusinsKO -
t 5 itcbovator nnd Vr Kays Luiib Halm oro
iSniUk for tlio aiVslns Address
i3i4w mm -- - i - fcl v n
Dr B J Kay Medical f o saraioga Pa H
rr drug co
or mv svn kiksau
Daily News Job Department