it a HE 1VANM CHANGE Old Time Democrat Will Vote for McKinley A WHITE CHANGES HIS POLITICS Vottil IJ incirrntlcTlckct With one txrrro Hon for Xeiirly Sixty Veiir Siiiortl HrjHii In IHHil Whr ii Ffleinl or Sm Houston In tho Dajoof 19 Abo White who lives smith of town Ib oiio of tho dotuocrnts who supported Bryan iu lbDli but considers that McKiu loyiBiii is Rood enough for him mid will vote for itBcontinuiuico for another four years and will nlso support tho repub lican Etntc ticket Mr White who is SO years of ago is perhaps tho oldest democrat in tho county and iB a Virginian by birth Ho spent his childhood in tho territory sacred as tho homo of Thomas Jefferson and his childhood steps have followed literally in tho paths trod by that stal wart Anierieau ho having been quite n chnuk of a lad a9 an Irifihman would Hay before that famous statesman passed away He lias voted tho democratic ticket all his lite with one other notable excep tion He voted for Liucolu because ho waB opposed to slavery and in favor of tho union Ho has always been in tensely loyal patriotic Ho was nn ardent supporter of Bryan iu lbG believ ing that through him and free silver were the means of saving tho country from further disaster Mr Wnite gives as his reasons for supporting McKinley this fnll tho fol lowing Because I have changed my views on tho silver question and see that all tho benefits 1 havo hoped to derive from free silver havo beeu brought about under tho gold standard Because Bryan proved himself a false prophet in 1S9 and I hnvo no further faith in his promises or forecasts Because Bryan resigned his com mission as colonel of the Third Ne braska when his regiment was ordered to Cuba and came homo to take the stump for Aguinaldo Because Bryan is uuAmericau in his his views on legitimate expansion Because tho democratic party has departed from the teachings of Jeffer son and Jackson Because under the administration of McKinley the country has enjoyed great prosperity Because the present state adminis tration is incompetent and has departed far from its pledges made before elec tion Mr White was an acquaintance and associate of General Sun Houston in the days of M in California and lias had pioneer experiences of more than ordi nary interest He is a hard worker and reads extensively being well posted on the events of tho day In spite of his ago his mind is undimmed by tho passing years and ho forms vigorous opinions on matters of interest to his state and country He has always been a farmer except during tho tinio he was in California when he mined for gold He is one of many who prefer facts they know to be true and the evidence of their own eyes to glittering generalities and catch phrases Wanted Several bright and honest persons to represent us as managers in this and close counties Salary KX a year and expenses Straight boua fide no more no less salary Position per manent Our references any bank in any town It is mainly office work con ducted at home References Enclosed self- addressed stamped envelope The Dominion Company Dept 8 Chicago Agent Wanted We want an active agent in Norfolk and vicinity to represent tho largest evergreen nurseries in the U S A full line of hardy fruits shade and orna mental trees shrubs etc Three plans pay weekly Address at once The Elgin Nurseries Elgin Illinois Wanted Honest mnn or woman to travel for largo house salary 05 monthly and expenses with increase position permanent enclose self-addressed stamped euvelopo Masaqek SJO Caxfcon bldg Chicago WEDNESDAY WRINKLES M 0 Wulkor was ninoug tho Wood men who will picnic F L Kstnbrook and family aro en joyiug the picnic at Madison Mrs II H Hull was ouo of tho pas songcrs to Madison this morning W H Hoffman was among tho Woodmen excursionists to Madison Miss Fnnnio Bromo will leave Friday for Duluth Minn to enjoy nu outing Mrs W O Toliver and MhsTlmckett of Laurel aro visiting at tho homo of Cydo Eiselcy Mrs Bondurant and granddaughter Bessie Williams returned Tuesday from their visit to Mount Marin Missouii John Hunt ouo of tho prosperous farm oh of Antelope county and a dyed-in-the-wool republican is in tho city today from Tilden Mies Bessie Cooley who is visiting in Wisconsin writes her friends hero that she iB enjoying herself and will spend this week on tho Chain lakc3 Mr and Mrs I Powers Mr and Mrs W Z King and Dr and Mrs O F Keiperof Pierce will leave tomorrow for Hot Springs S D for an outing 11 t Bruggeman is quiet sick with typhoid fever at his homo on Philip avenue Ho was just getting over a rheumatic attack when taken down by tho fever The two young sons of John Polt aged 10 and 1 1 years wero drowned Monday night iu a lish pond in the pasture at their home north of Hadar Their bodies wero found yesterday foro uoou W F Douner who recently returned from Jackson slough with a party of campers reports good fishing at present in that body of water A number of Norfolkites are trying their luck there this week A new threshing machino has been unloaded at the union depot today and is being got iu readiness for helping handle the grain crop this fall It is a line machine nud engine with all the latest improvements Chas Toler has resigned his position as driver of the Anierieau express wagon and his place has been taken by Jas Worrol recently tho Norfolk agent of the Bee L L McKim will attend to the Norfolk circulation of tho Bee Mr and Mrs C D Jenkins enter t lined a number of young people last evening at their home on North Ninth street Ludwig Koeingstein Miss Nellie Gerecko and Miss Mable Colln nier of Sioux City delighted the guests with splendid music Tho railroad rate to Long Pino from Norfolk during the chnutauqua will bo ouo fare for the found trip and un doubtedly many people will improve the opportunity of enjoying the pleas ures of tho session Tickets will be good August i to l inclusive The scrotary promises more than ordinary atrnctions but the fishing and chance for other outing pleasures are said to lie fully worth the trip even though no program was provided The fact is developing that the mid road convention at Grand Island on Fri day is to be no small affair One man from Kearney who has been a leading fusiouist says that there will be 100 people from Buffalo county in attend ance Letters from Custer Howard and Sherman counties state that the farmers will adopt the idea of 10 years ago and drive through in wagons A baud of J pieces has been engnged to famish music nud Barker Donnelly and Howard will be in attendance Bids were opened Monday iu Omaha at the headquarters of tho department of Missouri for 000000 pounds of oats to be used by tho army in the Philippines It is said that the Clarke Grain company of Papilliou made the most advantage ous bid D Rees of this city made a bid as follows delivered at Omaha and which was but little higher than the Papilliou bid C00 000 pound bulk oats at 91 conts per 100 pounds 500000 pounds at 97 cents oOOOOO pouuds at 98 cents fcJ cents per 100 pounds addi tional for single Backs and IU ceuts for double sacks that is per 100 pouuds The World Herald this morning said Troops A and G of the First cavalry RHEUMATISM THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JULY If 1900 leavo Fort Robinson tomorrow fei San Francisco going in five tourist and two standard cars over tho KlUhorn and Union Pacific day after tomorrow troop K of the First cavalry leaves Fort Niobrara for San Francisco also going in four tourist and one standard sleeper over tho Burlington and tho Denver As Rio Grnndo Although tho immediate destination is tho Pacific coast it is understood to mean either Manila or China Assistant Superintendent Tab cott of tho Pullman company goes today to take charge of tho movement so far the Pullmau company is concerned The Stato Journal of this morning publishes tho following item from Pierce under dnte of yesterday On complaint of Wilson Hall a colored man ami two women were arreBted on tho charge of being prostitutes Hall met tho two women in Alfred Harris barber shop and charges thai they picked his pocket of a very fine gold watch When tho warrant for their arrest was imiilu out Sheriff Hues Deputy Elmer Sargent and Marshal Georgo GofV went cut to where they wero camped and arrested them nud brought them beforo Comity Judge McDonald It was agreed tho trial should be held tomorrow and tho judge fixed their bail at R0 which they furnished Tho log rolling of tho Modern Wood men of America at Madison today will certainly be a success in point ot attend ance nt least if all her neighbors turned out as largo a delegation as Nor folk Tho excursion train that left at 8t0 over the Union Pacific carried two coaches full while many went down on tho regulnr train at II oclock In ad dition to those carried by railroad a largo number drove across tho country enjoying the splendid air and tho view enlivened by the recently revived vego tation The Norfolk band and most of tho members of Norfolk lodge went down on the first train A delegation of nbout JO Woodnien from Wisncr headed by the Wisuer band arrived on tho morning freight and went over on the excursion train Tho band boys wero attired in a neat uniform consist ing of white trousers and a blue coat with epaulets They mnde a pleasing and cool appearance Between trains they wandered about Norfolk and en joyed the sights Country Iapuirt Inlliiunrn If the country papers are all right it makes very httlo difference what the city papers think It is the weekly and not tho daily newspapers that form public opinion in this country We will tiko Nebraska as an illustration We have only three dailies of general circulation in Nebraska Their com bined issues amount to 00000 copies Wo have 000 weeklies with a combined circulation of liOOOU copies The dailies go to tho cities and towns while the weeklies go to every home in the state The dailies are Ecanned while the weeklies are read from tho leading editorial to the last advertisement The bu y merchant takes up his daily piper reads the scare heads and then throws it down to sell a customer a pound of nails or a plug of tobacco The farmer or mechanic takes his paper home nud after tho evening lamp is lighted tho whole family study the paper ns if it were a school book The result is that the country boy of 18 knows more about politics science history and literatnre than the average city mnn of middle age and tho country girl has more general useful inlormation than her city sister will ever have if she lives to tho age of Methuselah Omaha Non conformist An aviary of domestic and rare trop ical birds is one of tho many striking features of Ringling Bros big combined circus meungorio and hippodrome this season The collection embraces all kinds of birds from to os triches Wanted Honest man or wornnn to trnvel for large house Balary 5 monthly and expenses with increase position permanent enclose self-addressed stamped envelope Manaokk i0 Caxtou bldg Chicago To Turn Ih Grlppn In Two Diyn Tuke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature on overy box 2o Distorts Muscles Shatters Nerves Is due to an acid poison which gains access to the blood through failure of the proper llllvllo J 0 1 II I Oa organs to carry oil and keep the system clear of all morbid effete matter This poison tnrougn tne general circulation is deposited in the joints muscles and nerves causing the most intense pain Rheumatism may attack with such suddenness and severity as to make within a few days a healthy active person helpless and bed ridden with distorted limbs and shattered nerves or it may be slow in developing with slight wandering pains just severe enough to make one feel uncomfortable the ten dency in such cases is to grow worse and finally become chronic Like other blood diseases Rheumatism is often inherited and exposure to damp or cold want of proper food insufficient clothing or anything calculated to impair the health will frequently cause it to develop in early life but more often not until middle age or later In whatever form whether acute or chronic fXriVed Rheumatism Is Strictly m Blood Dlsmmsm and no liniment or other external treatment can reach the trouble Neither do the preparations of potash and mercury and the various mineral salts which the doctors always prescribe cure Rheumatism but ruin the digestion and break down the constitution A remedy which builds up the general health and at the same time rids the system of the poison is the otilv sad anil certain rur fnr Hluiitiiititiii Q C C n1 1 I1 f A r eolvent purifying properties attacks the disease in the right way and in the right place the blood ami quickly neutralizes the acid and dissolves all jwisonous dtqiosits stimulates and reinforces the overworked worn out organs and clears the system of all unhealthy accumulations o a ft cures permanently and thoroughly and keeps ine Diooa ill a pure ueuuiiy sum Mr J O Mallcy jW iMhStrret Indianapolis Intl for eighteen momliswasfcotmiMy afflicted with Rheumatism lie uau unable to fctil ortlrek himelf Doctors Mid his rose was liopclesk He had tried fifty two vrthcrintioiis that friemlb had nien him without the lightest relief A few Ixittknof b S S cured him permanently and he lua never had a rheumatic pain since ThUwat fie years ugo We will send free our special book on Rheumatismt which should be in the hands of every 6ufferer from this torturing disease Our physicians have made bjood and skin diseases a life 6tudy and will give you any information or advice wanted so write them 555 fully and freely about your case We make no charge whatever for this service Addre6s SWIFT SPECIFIC CO AtlaiU St rn IlliN TSIN TAKEN Foreign Forces Drive Chinese Out of Walled City CAPTURE ALL ITS DEFENSES Allies liilliml Onslaught Can lea Colonial Torres Holoro II REPORTS OF DEFEAT PREMATURE Tutitl Killed mid Wnllhllril In AtttirltliiK Im in Aliiiint riulit lliimliril Ameri can loi Ik ain THflin Olllirm Wimiiilml Vlctoiy Clrnrn Sllunlliin London Inly 18 Tho Shanghai cor respondent of the Kvonlng News tele giuphing under tlato of luly 17 says The allied troops tesutucd the attack iiluti the Chinese walletl city at Tien Tsui on the morning of Inly M ami suc ceeded iu breaching tho walls and cap turing all tho forts Tho Chinese weto completely routed and the allies took possession of tho native city and its de fenses Tho total losses of I he allies in the engagements of Thursday Fii day and Saturday wcio about 810 killed or wounded There is littlo further news from China tins morning Thu attack upon tho native city of Tien Tsin was fol lowed up so swiftly that tho Chinese never had tune to reorganize and once their lines wero broken their retreat rapidly became a rout Wasiiimhon luly 18 Admiral lie moy cabled the navy department that the city and forts of Tien Tsin are m the hands of tho allies 1 J is dispatch follows Cm Kon July 17 Today hope to get wounded fi oin Tien Tsin cither iu hospitals at Taku or aboard Solace Communication very uncertain Fol lowing casualties apparently confirmed Marines Captain Davis killed Captain Lcmly Lieutenants Butler and Leonard wounded Army Colonel Liscuni killed Majors Kenyan and Leo Captains Noyes Biewster and Booknnller Lieutenants Jsaylor Lawton Hammond and Wiildrou wounded Total killed and wounded reported 77V Russians and Japanese lost heavily our total lo s repotted Jir about 40 wero marines but number believed to bo i xiifwrutcd Have officers on shore especially to un authentic number and nnmes which will be promptly telegraphed City anil torts now in hands of allies Admiral Seymour returned to fleet ofllcer ashore is Admiral AliexolTut Tien Tsin Rimiy CHINA GOES TO WAR flloiitiilliiiiH lllnu up rortlhuiitlium nml Mnt ii linn In HiinhIiiii Ttti i Ituiy London July IS The Daily Mail publishes ii sensational dispatch from St Petersburg which assert- that theie is no doubt that China has declared war ujjainst Russia Tho Russian press says the correspondent is restricted to the publication of oflieial details and tho details of many dispatches from the front havo been prohibited 1 hear however from a reliable- source that the Chinese tioops anil tho Hoxers seized a Kissian transport vessel laden with iiiuu t our near Aigun killing almost tho entire e cort They suddenly at tacked and bombaidcd tho town of Blagoveschensk Tho garrison held out bravely but was finally over whelmed Nearly till perished and the town was burned Tho news of the Manchuria disturbances iH not regarded as justifying tho serious view attrib uted by the Daily Mail advices Amur is boundary territory between eastern Siberia and Manchuria Tho district has been tho scone of local disturbances for a long time owing to tho provoca tivo conduct of tho Cossacks toward the 25000 Chinese- emplnyed in the con struction of tho Russo Manchnria rail way The Amur military district was mo bilized a fortnight ngo on a war footing und it is believed that the Russian forces there aro 50000 men and 112 guns The governor general has now ordered tho troops on tho frontier to form u cordon Tho Russian papers demand retribution for Chinese audac ity in Manchuria but they hold to the view that Russia must persovero in her resolution to avoid wur Tho Chinese minister in St Petersburg has disa vowed the events in Manchuria on be half of his government and has prom ised to make serious representations to Peking regarding the consequences that will follow if the hostilities thero do not cease Several serious collisions havo oc curred between the Chineso troops and the Cossacks Ono happened several weeks ago when two Russian ofllcers und 10 men wero killed Tho extension of tho Boxer movement to Manchuria has resulted iu a great destruction to the railway compelling tho Russians to withdraw their olllcials Tho Chiueso tried to stop tho Russian steamer Michael currying ammunition and tho steamer Selenga with tho Russian frontier commission on board from passing up tho river at Aiguu Thoy tared on tho steamers wounding an otticer and a few men but tho steamers reached Blagoveschensk Tho local Chiueso commander at Aiguu seems to have sent the Russians u sort of ulti matum to quit Manchuria Tho Chinese according to tuv Daily Malis St Petersburg corresnoiulwnt bavo thrown up fortifications aud placed -10 guns 12 miles from Aiguu Thu oflieial Russian advices leave the inference that Blagoveschensk is all in Ruusiau hands the Russian losses dur ing the bombardment being ouly three kiltad aud live wpuuded r Rl111 jssjpi MONDAY 3 arjT all depends upon what you want in a soap tifj If you require simply a dirt remover almost I any soap w i yu carc at a axut the thing which is to be washed you must think twice before you act Any soap will clean linens and muslins but Ivory Soap leaves them as white as snow Any soap will clean sheets and table cloths but Ivory Soap leaves no coarse strong odor Try it once I IT FLOATS rortnif f i r Itit thiiMN a ii w pi i in ttriMi ARE HUMAN CENTAURS ItlliKllllK I trim Ilninil iniliiu nl Wollil Imiiou Itiirilmili HIiIkih With n Napoleonic enterprise oulin ly original with themselves Ringling Brothers tho famous proprietors of the Worlds Gi cutest Shows hnvo this season engaged not only sill the leading initio and female rideis of tho United States and thus left other shows he alternative of omitting this important part of an an me exhibition or of accept ing performers of mediocre ability but they lia vn also secured eviry notable equestrian that circuses of ICiirope have brought into prominence dunng the past two or tlneo yenis Michetl and John lioonev who head the list of champion male riders belong to the younger generation hut they are nl ready the greatest bareback quest riaiiH in the world Associated with them are IM ward Slnpp tedl Lownudo William DeVaii Din L on nrd not tho least Albert Yamhill whoso bur lesque riding net npiti the back of a mule is one of tho cleverest and nist laughable pcrftn manecs ever seen in n einu i ring Among the numerous lady riders Elena Rylainl rlaiins pnitictilar attention for her giaci ftil and sprightly performances Tins dashing eques trienne is ably seconded by Julia Lowande Olgn Reed Lrzio Rnoney Nellie Fields the beautiful Sultana and nearly a doen other lady riders each of whom is an artiste of international re putation In connection with tins not able array of riders Ringling Brothers offer tho most complete concourse of high class acrobatic aerial gymnic aud other arenic specialists eve r presented by any circuB in America Oircns day which comes to Norfolk Thursday Aug 2 will bo an occasion to be long re membered The two performances to be given here will bo preceded by a magni ficent free street parade presented npou a scale of grandeur aud magnitude never attempted by any other circus management Ringling Brothers have won their world wido fame ns circus magnates by their original methods nud their abBluto disregard of expense- when the pleasure anil entertainment of t hir patrons is in ejncstiou and their resplendent street display is a striking illustration of what brains energy and unlimited capital can accomplish in the field of processional divertissement The performance is introduced by a bountiful patriotic spectacle The Last Days of the Century fittingly com meuiorating tho recent glorious triumphs of Uncle Sam and America citizen soldiery over an alien foe and giving an opportunity for tho most im posing military display Tho perform ance that follows is presented in three Hi 9 tings upon two stages in mid air and on a huge hippodrome racing course und iu novelty originality and new and never befoie seen featuies is the most rciiinrltuhle exhibition ever organized shuts orF floufTtrade Tmii llllilun sk iii Muni Kiiiik Willi Ii iii mil lln llrlltnril San KkamIsiii July IK Tho liotibles in Chum will cause a suspen sion of our trade in Hour and other eommotiticH said William Whiley llong Kong leprcsontative of a big California milling company wio ban itriived Iroiii the oiient When I left llong Kong he added business was leiid theie aud ill Shanghai At least 2000000 sacks of flour wero at Hong Kong that could not bo delivered in tho inteiior A gieat quantity of flour hai gone torwsnil since and that is uKo held up The Chinese who puichased it to sell again will be the losers i ntiii it rii ii nt iinii IIiMiNiiriiiD Neb July 18 Tho most seveie hailstorm that has over visited this section camo Saturday night fhi hailstones were as lingo us goose eggs and tell thick and with ter rific lorce past nig thriiii shingled anil looted buildings and in some in stances coming ilitough the plastered ceilings and bieaking showcases in stoies Siding on Inuldings was rid dled one inch boaiils wero broken and splintcicil into kindling board awnings weie sbatteied thus aHordiug littlo protection to the glass store fronts Nearly every building in town will have to be icroofid and sided on tho west side the direction from which tho storm came Damage to the amount ot HVciul thousand dollars was done in Iicnuugford and iu thu country about Ringling Bros nqnnrium which ii one of many features in the zoological display of tho Worlds Jieatest Shows comprises a wonderfully complete col lection of hippopotami sea lions senls Polar bears and other water frequent iug animals togither with a superb display of waterfowl including scores of pelicans storks and fiimingoes and wild game This is the most novel dis play of the kind ever inaugurated and is ontirely original with this great show t I Dont Stop taking Scotts Emulsion be cause its warm weather Keep taking it until you nm cured It will heal your lungs anc give you rich blood in sum mer as in winter Its cod liver oil made easy 50c onJl All Irugclst Beecher Higby iEEJKh City clerk of Omaha Nohr favorably and widely known as a man of integrity and ability writes 1 beliovo that Dr- Kys Renovator and Dr Kays Lung Balm aro worthy of tho pnbliou confidence having known of some truly remarkable cures of omahu people elTectqd by their use Shun substitutes Keincilles Just as OooU as Dr Koyb Itenovutor anil Dr Kuys Luiik Halm aro not made or sold anywhpro If not at uniKgUta uu will bend tlieui iiunt palilou receipt of nricu Dr Kays Kcuuvator IS els ami 1 1 Hlx for 1 5 Dr Kays I unn lliiltn lUtiinli els 1reo MtUlcul AiUlce Suunlu und Jiook for tho UhlihiK Adclress - Or B J Kav Medical Co Sarntnna Rnrlnnc M V ---- SOLD BY KOENIGSTKINS PHARMACY AND KiKSAU DRUG CO Edisons Phonograph Better than a Piano Organ or Music Box for it sings and talks as well as plays and dont cost as much It reproduces the music of any instiumrnt band or orchestra tells flcres ynd siuis tin old familiar hymns as well as the popular songs it is always ready See that Mr- Kdisons sifuaturo is on every machine Cata logues oi ull dealers or NATIONAL PHONOQRARi CO 135 Fifth Ave New York