fl I COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Proceeding of tlio Uncut McmIIiik llo IKiil of Supoi lutnticliMit Wiikoi Madison Nobr luly llrt 1 p in Hoard of county commissioners of Mulisou county stato of Xuhrnkn mot pursuant to adjournment Present H W Winter J J Hughes and Christ Schmitt Minutes of meetings of Juno 11 1 a nnd 18 wore read nnd on motion ap proved On motion mpnrt of CD Johnson overseer of road district No 20 now re signed shoving all claims paid nnd no monoy on hand was approved On motion tho following bills wcro al lowed Arthur J Koonigstoin 5 days bailiff district court fia J K Meland bridgo work 70 L M Johnson bridgo work 1550 B 13 Heed bridgo work 0 S O Siuionson bridgo work 17r0 applied on persounl tax i balauco 1150 Win Bruuimuud lumber f 2520 Edwards Bradford Lumber com pany lumber tGW M D Tyler salary for quarter ending JuneJJO 200 State Journal company blank books f 1570 allowed loss fit balanco l270 Hammond Bros and Stephens sta tionery 1250 W F F Winter bridge work fVim On motion board adjourned to 7 0 p m Board met pursunut to adjournment On motion the following bills were allowed O II Gillespie merchandise for jail birds 1155 Howard Miller Lumber company lumber J27u A W Tillotou boarding and nurs ing Mrs Woods 11 Thos Ostegard Co lumber 1 Hs 10 Phil Bauch salary as clerk of board 5 100 C Olson 7 wolf f calps 1 L S Simpson 1 wolf scalp SJ L W Lyon work with grader 170 applied on personal tax 000 balance 10 -10 Adam Grohs work on bridge 11 al lowed less j balance 11 McKiver Luke tarring roof of coart house and jail 0025 Geo W Losey jailors fees etc 11080 State Journal Co filing cases etc 375 C W Braasch house rent for pauper 24 Frank Peterson correcting and equal izing assessors books 50 David Anderson assessing Kmerick precinct 8450 Theo Beltz assessing Kalamazoo pre cinct 9700 Robert Dales assessing Burnett pre cinct 104 GO John Maloue assessing Union pre cinct 13400 B R McGinnes assessing Waruerville precinct 7500 L M J Vaage assessing ShellCreek precinct 11800 J F Osborn assessing School Craft precinct 0000 Herman Gerecke assessing Norfolk precinct 44020 applied on personal tax 2381 balance 42239 F D Krautz deputy nssessor Norfolk precinct 10200 T D Preece assessor Battle Creek precinct 125 applied on personal tax 570 balance 11930 C T Richardson assessor Highland precinct 10740 applied on personal tax 314 balance 104 2G Dan Mahouey assessing Fairview precinct 7700 applied on personal tax 575 balance 7185 John Crook assessing Deer Creek precinct 0700 applied on personal tax 2097 balanco 1003 Wm Heydeu assessor Grove precinct 94 applied ou persoual tax 790 bal ance S0 10 J H Massmau assessor Valley pre cinct 8300 applied on personal tax 1043 balance 7217 Frank II White assessor Green Garden preciuct 8720 applied on personal tax 782 balance 7938 John L Ryuearson assessor Madison precinct 20500 applied on personal tax 405 balauco 20035 On motion tho clerk was instructed to strike the assessment against the s1 se4 10-21-1 for 1898 and 1899 as tho banie is included in Glenn Park addi tion and the treasurar is instructed to redeem same from tax sale Ou motion the clerk was instructed to strike out the assessment against lots 5 0 and 7 block 3 Hasses sub lotsNorfolk for 1883 as the same belong to and are assessed in Collamers additiou for that year K Bolt havlug been assessed in school diatrict No 2 in 1899 whereas he lives iu district No 20 the clerk was on motion instructed to correct tax list accordingly On motion board adjourned to July 10 8 a m Board met at S a m nnd proceeded to examine fee book of O W Crum The same was fouud correct and showed fees collected for 15 months 22s05 disburse ments 2Slb5 Ou motion same was approved Tho fee book of Wm Bates showed tho total feos for 0 mouths to be 72515 Tho same was fouud correct and ap proved On motion bill of O W Crum for l r r Uv 1 i UKLCTI I VVy S WEAT A1ENA1ERIES vy fclWjk 0k 0 the Marvelom HTf h Knre ani c - IIUi ill the l urtli I Earth Waters y nflr I UI1U 1I1C iir I lie nioimsi oo IN 1HIJ WORLD A SUPI KU GLORIOUS ORiaiNAL DEPARTURU Some- thlnjj New Old Ideas Abandoned Twice the LAUQEST MOST A1AQNIFIC0NT HOLIDAY PAGEANT EVER SEEN Presented V in ry cr ii - i V iilii A 3d E0RM0U5 SEPARATE SECTIONS EACH ONE A BIG ILCRSOUS PARADE 3 tTn Acs Balance ou hand 85 80 Bills incurred duriug quarter aro as follows White Drug Co F Ruzik meats eto 7 Maas Human paint Wm Young harness repairs Hall Meinicke mdse L B Baker coal O A Headman hardware etc 15 CO 20 80 70 M L Thompson mdse 10 27 W B Fuerst groceries 28 74 L F Merz hardware etc 4 5 Howard Miller Lumber Coposts 8 00 J Sevora mdse Hausen cv Reavis blacksmithiug R L Osborn delivering cow of l 50 8 7 5 85 dead calf 10 Paid in hay 4 balauco due 0 00 Total 100 85 I hereby certify that this report is correct to the best of my knowledje Yours truly M O Waqer Personal taxes were deducted from THR NORFOLK NKW THURSDAY iriY I 1100 1 4 Mile Race Track 8 above bills as follows Wm Youugl 20 applied on personal tax C A Headman 150 applied on per sonal tax R L OsboriiJWiOO applied on per sonal tax 401 balance 100 J Severn 371 applied on persoual tax On motion board adjourned to 1 p m Board met at 1 p in and proceeded to examine fee book of Chr Schavlaud The same was fouud correct showing fees earned for six months to bo SS5iS Fee book of Phil Bauch was examined and approved Tho same Bhowod fees earned for six months to be 170S On motion bill of R C Miles for jury certificates paid remittance to feeble minded institute etc was allowed 50140 On motion bond of Thos J Kennedy road overseer district No 17 was ap proved Board proceeded to check up treas urers accounts On motion board adjourned for sup per and met at 7 80 p m Continued checking treasurers books On motion adjourned to 8 a in Board met at 8 a in June 11 Continued checking treasurers books Adjourned for dinner Board met at 1 p m Tho fee book of Geo W Losey was examined and approved Tho same showed fees collected for six mouths to be f 50O5 Continued checking treasurers books On motion adjourned for supper Board met at 7 80 p m On motion the following bills were allowed Christ Schmitt salary and cash ex pended 10225 J J Hughes salary aud cash ex pended 85 H W Winter salary and cash ex pended 10085 Gus Kaul salary for June 80 Contiuued checkiug treasurers books On motion adjourned to 8 a in Board met at 8 a in July 12 On motion the following bills were allowed G F Miles work on delinquent tax list 193 Madison waterworks court house rent to November 1 750 Coutiuued checkiug treasurer books On niotiou board adjourned to July 17 at 1 oclock Phil Balth County Clerk 0 fckb fflfe kCT A OAIESTIC I1P0SIN0 IDEAL PATRIOTIC SPECTACLE LAST DAYS CENTURY OR THE LIGHT OF LIBERTY OVER 1O0O PEOPLE AND HUNDREDS OT HORBCB IN THE CAST LOCKHARTS THE BIG 2QTON BRASS nnton i A NEW GREAT FAMOUS ACROBATIC DANCIN6 PLAY ACTIN6 m FEATURE V2 mm rrlX SPKCIAL CIIKAP TWO COA1PLETE EXHIBITIONS DAILY AT Si AND Si P M Order of lliiirliif Statu of Nebraska MailUoii Countj 5 In Ihp count court of Minllsnii rinmlj No braxka to Julia L Ariclnis rjlmi Amlriin Sarnli liickn anil Mnrj Tabor ami all jiomoim mtnr cstoil in tin oitato of M V Aiiilrus iluccanoil On ro uliiiK anil tiling pnlitlon of Hurt Mapiis t 1 1 o i 1 1 k that llnrici Mcllriilo fornmr ailmiiiia tr itor of this mtatu iliml Inaviin aaiil rata to iin ittlod ami praying for tin nppoiutmotil of ninl Hurt MajnH aa iiiliniiiidtrator ilu bouin lion of eaiil ndtatu Hialioroh onlurml that j on anil all pumouu in toreitoil in eaiil tnattor miii anil ilu iippuur at tho county court to hi liulil In ami for said roun t on tho iOtli ila of Juno 1WX at onu oclock p in to hliow caiini if any tlu ro bo why tliopra it of tho potitionor should tint bo xrautoil ami Unit mitico of tho pouilonc of salil pnlition ami tin hoariiiK tlioroof bo uUiU to nil por toiiH iu torodtiil iu eaiil inattor iij tmhliitliinx a copy of this onlor in tho Noitloik Wiiki Niws a iisi ijior printoil in ninl rouut for throo fcnccisriiin wddIh prior to nalil ila of hoirliiK Ditoil May 31st 1 Wm IIvti i fonntj JiiiIko YOU AUK CORDIALLY TO VISIT INVITKD Michaels Studio We shall be pleased to seo you oven if you do not need any work in our lino Come in and get acquainted and see our lovely lino of photos where you will find tho very latest in styles of mounts and finish All work guaranteed hatis factory We have a fine line of Oil Paiutmgs Water Colors Pastel and Crayon Work A largo stock of Pic ture Frames and Mouldings Amateur uppho always on hand and your work done prompt and reasonable Your trade ii wanted at tho finest gallery iu this country Yours for Business C P MICHAEL THE HOST ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY TO TMK FARHER STOCKRAISES MANUFACTURER INVESTOR Is that traversed by the Louisville -Nashville Railroad The Orcat Centrrl Southern Trunk llne in Ketitucky Tennessee Alabama Florida where there aro splen did chances for everybody to make money Come and see for yourselves ILmk Faiu Exctkxioxs Fikst ash TlIlllU TlKiDAYs OK KEKY MONTH Printed matter maps aud all informa tion free Address R J WEMYSS General Immigration and Iudustria Agent Louisville K THE INVINCIBLE MONARCH OF THE AMUSEMENT WORLD 65 Railroad Cars 25 Elephants J00 Dens and Cages 12 Acres of Tents o 3700000 Invested o 7400 Daily Expenses THE ONLY EXHIBITION IN THE WORLD PRESENTING John Oltrlcn5 lnmous Uqulne Show the 31 M w 6 1 -HORSE ACT 4 unRQrQ in iiino at ont iimi 6 I iikii nunw iiuioimii m oni man ELEPHANT COMEDIANS LOUDER THAN j THOUSAND f I TlTIl k XII m ijnki ii x- iu C V u 1 rvu UMAN P A - k f xl a r - s x BAND MEN p po i fca r t i THE BIGGEST BANDOUTj HERR SOUDERS WONDERFUL FUNNY ELEPHANT BRASS BAND BIG NEW PARADE 30 SECTIONS ONE 50c TICKET ADMITS TO EVERYTHING CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OLD HALF PRICE EVERY MORNING AT 10 OCLOCK EXCURSIONS Z RAILROADS DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER THEACKNOWLEDGED GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH -WILL EXHIBIT AT m II II I II ItSS Jin S lle3i 11 111 ir ii jS 1 5- The Tallest Mercantile Building In the World Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Us SPACES And O X J 6PiJ VTI l uo1 r W 4iJ vr tt Americas Greatest Circus Coming to Norfolk Thursday August 2 Bigger and Grander than Ever r nAi Afrits 3L v- l j V cY - rttr nr r - m A NKW HIPPODROME 5iXcStSS 300 Performers UNMK Till IAIidlSr COIISUUM TUNrsTTviiK INGLING BROS 1000 People 500 Horses 5 Big Arenas I Aerial Enclave WORLDS GREATEST SHOWS f r iiVj i IF -7 t z liTxWflh A Jt ll VS A NEW 1111 SEX TUPLE CIRCUS A A1ULIIIUDEOP DARINO AND EX PERT 1YMNASTS A 0O7I1N IAMOUS lXIlHr IIAHI1 HACK KIDIikS IIUNIIKIDS OP 1KAINUI ANIMAI OP UVI1UY KIND A Sclnllllnllnif Whirl nl liver clinimlnt Stir prMcn Inter- npcricil with the lUhllnratlni Yniitll KencNvInK laiih CnniielllnK Antlci cil AHKI3 THAN 20 lUNNV CI0WN5 A ContlmmuR 2 llurn 5einliin liy u Company nl 300 Annie Artists Occupying RINOS ii STAOES HIPPODROME And AERIAL N W iVkV r Sty W wf XSV5W JA q5 XI slteM h A J few 1 1 -a M Tl OANCIMCfht PRODUCINO ASTONISHED DE LIGHT PUN AND 100D HUMOR WORTH A1ANY TIMES THE PRICE OP ADA1ISSION NORFOLK THURSDAY MUGUST 2 J5F Reserved Numbered Seats and Admissions Show Day without any Advance in Price at Hobt Titers Uook Store June salary ofllce and institute expenses wap allowed 17150 On motion tho following report of M O Wager superintendent of poor farm was accepted and approved Battle Creek July 8 1000 To tho Honorable Board of Commissioners Gentlemen I herewith render report for quarter ending July 1 1000 We have the same inmates as iu last report Seventeen cows have dropped calves since April 1 We have lost six calves by scours and one was born dead We have 85 little pigs Fattening hogs are ready for market Wo commenced sell ing milk to the Harding Creamery Co April 23 and delivered up to July 1 11419 pounds We have received cash as follows Balance ou hand May 1 fis Win Nicolay hay A G Moyers hay Conrad Werner hay P A Callen liny H P Heath hay o 00 Harding Creamery Co milk County warrant 10 00 84 7o 7 2 i a o j 81 -ii a 0o Total 100 SO Disbursements Hired girl for nino weeks 22 50 Hired man for two mouths 40 00 Harness oil l 00 John Kovalak balance on flour 10 01 40 3 00 1 4 12 Wholesale Prices to Users Our General Catalogue quotes them Send 15c to partly pay postage r cxpressage and well send yon one It has 1100 pages 17000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70000 things that you cat and use and wear Ae constantly carry in stock all articles quoted MONTGOMERY WARD CO Mlrlilclin A v I Muillxin M C IiUhicu - r SUE WAS BLIND A bliiulntss ct mes to me now and th n I have it now It is queer I can see your eyes but n n your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripam Tabulc WT ASTED A clue of bud health that It IP 1KB will not benefit They banish pain and Prolong ltfj V One TJlve n lit f lot the word HI 1 A N ou the package and accept no aubatltu K I V AN 10 for ortwdre packet fur awlJnwtoW W Itf fel 5 cuU forw 1 to Ui tUpaniCbiiulcal Co aand teatlmonlalt will b uiallod to auj uddrw tor aprucsi nuw TorK