mi i wi f The Norfolk Weeexy News ALLIES AREAT ODDS Operations in China Hampered by Lack of Harmony INDIVIDUAL ADVANTAGE SOUGHT Ilusslnn Itofiuo to Turn Cnpturril Tnkit Tlen Tsin llallunj Hack tit the Kncllsli Cumpituy lominiiy Tlirrntnim Iiule petitlent Aotluu cm London July 19 Whilo ovldcneo accumulates dully that China Iiuh been loug propunug iv forinidublo military orguuizntion in miticipntion of tho pres ent conflict and that tho area of rebel Hon is continually extending harmony nmong tho allies is lacking Tho Huh Minus have refused Admiral Soyniours request to hand over tho restored Tnku Tien Tbiu uiilroud to tho English com pany and it is rumored that Germany proposes to tnko u serious independent Btep namely to patrol tho with Geriinin Such a Btep would bo grj i ly resented by England Still moro alarming news has been conveyed to the Duily express from Tokio to tho effect that tho uppareut reluctance of Germany and Russia to consent to a Japanese commander for tho army corps lias led tho -Japanese government to delay tho forwarding of the division already mob jed The Stuudurd in ai edi torial suyb It is ufcerm any longer to hide from ourselves tho fact that China has declared war on civilization und bus plunged into tho conflict with rapid ficuzy It is equally futilo to discuss whether hostilities aro being waged by the Chineso government in asmuch as it is evident that an ad ministration of some kiud exists and is directing tho anti foreign movement Unless unmistakablo evidenco excul pating tho Peking government is promptly forthcoming tho powers Bhould treat China as u belligerent state und act accordingly A similar lino of comment is taken by tho other morning papers All applaud tho couise ot Count Von Buelow the Germnn foreign secretary in stopping cipher telegrams from tho Chinese legation in Berlin and all urgo the other powers to follow Germanys example Tho Russian general staff doniea tho report that the Chineso have captured Elavogetchensk capital of the province of Amur and it is reported from Irkutsk that tho Russians have taken Aiguu Victory Cost to Allies A special dispatch from Tien Tbin distributes the number of thoo killed at the capture of tho native city as fol lows Russians 100 Japanese 57 British -10 Americans 37 Tho corre spondent who sends this asserts that thousands of Chinese were killed and that fighting was still going on when his dispatch was sent in various parts of Tien Tsin With reference to the rumors that Europeans were scon working the Chi nese guus at Tien Tsin tho Standard learns that eight Russian military in structors lorcibly detained by the Chi nese wero compelled to work tho guns One escaped and reached tho Russian lines with his hands bound A special correspondent of tho Daily Express at Tien Tsin contrasts tho splendid work and perfect equipment of the Japaueso with tho inadequate Bupplics of tho British German and American contingents which aro ter ribly lacking in tho inobt obvious neces earies Tho firbt Boxer proclamation has mado its appearance in Shanghai It declares that Kwau tho war god do 6ires the blood of foreigners and threat ens ten plagues if tho Boxer tenets are not followed and spread Tho governors of tho provinces of Hu Nan Hu Pi and Ho Nan have now openly joined Prince Tuan and aro marching overland with their armies to Peking A German relief column sent into tho interior of tho province of Shan Tung to endeavor to retcuo a party of 80 missionaries German American and English has returned without having obtained any tidings of their wherea bouts and it is feared they all have been slain CASUALTY LIST IN NINTH Eighteen Killed Seventy seven Wounded aud Two MUalng Washington July 10 The war de partment bulletiued its first official re port of tho results of tho battle at Tien Tsin ob follows One Foo Casualties in attack on Tien Tsin July 13 Killed Colonel E H Liscum and 17 enlisted men Wounded Captain O R Npyes not eeriouH Major J Regan serious but not dangerous Captain E V Book miller serious not dangerous Lieuten ant F R Lang slight and 72 enlisted men Missing Two enlisted men General Nleh Itepurted Killed London July 19 A special commis sion is sitting in St Petersburg daily to arrange for the dispatch of troops to the far east It is auuounced from Shanghai that General Nieli has been killed but there is no confirmation of the rumor from Tien T6iu The con suls ut Shanghai huvo agreed to itjard the viceroy of Naukin as tho chief authority so far as collection of revenue is concerned China Reformer Kacapei Auaelntlon Bah Fiuhobqo July Ifl The nose Elliptic Kelorni association ot tills city received tho following telegram 1 1 om Singapoie SiSUAiom July 19 KungYuhWcl raved from assassination by Sikh guard Wire good news to till brunches Hkoo Si ok Wan BATTLE VITH THE BOERS Detrriulnril AttmU Upon tlm llrltltti Posi tion U Itepulsml Willi Soinn Linn London July 10 The war olllco has received tho following dispatch from Lord Roberts liuroiiiA Tilly 1 7 Yesterday tho enemy madu a determined attsek on tho loft of Polo Uaruwn position and along our left flank commanded by Huttoii Tho posts hold by tho Irish Fusiliers and Canadian mounted infan try under Lieutenant Colonel Alder son weio most gallantly defended Tho enemy nuulo repeated attempts to as sault tho positions coming In close range and calling to tho Fusiliers to surrender Tho enemy buffered severe ly They had 15 killed and fiO wounded und four wero tuken prisoners Tho British casualties wero seven killed in cluding the Canadian lieutenants Bor den and Birch UO wounded aud 21 mibhing Fifteen hundred Boers with flvo guns managed to break through tho cordon formed by Hunters and Run dies divisions botweon Bethlehem and Fickbburg They were making toward Lindley being closely followed by Pa gets aud Broadwoods brigades Kirtm for liifcty ot Cninpt is Austin Tex July 1 Three hun dred families from Austin San An tonio Fort Worth Houston and other towns of tho stato wero eaniping along tho upper courses of the Llano Uuudu loupe Nueces and Colorado rivers when the beries of waterspouts occuned in that region two days ago But few of theso outing parties havo been heard from hiuco tho ternblo floods and friends of tho missing ones aro alarmed for their safety Searching parties havo mado every effort to discover tho fato or whereabouts of the campers but as yet without success Supplies Tor China Chattanooga July 1 Captain Za linski in ehlirgo of tho quartermasters stores at Chickamauga park has re ceived urgent orders from tho war de partment to prepare for shipment pre sumably to China a largo quantity of quartermasters stores which havo been stored at Chickamauga since tho Spanish-American war A largo force of men has been at work and today two traiuloads of supplies consisting of fill cars will leavo under rush orders for tho Pacific oousi The order specified tho shipment of as many ambulances as possible Cliurturiu MciitiitM to Ciury Tumps PiuiAiiuiu July It Twenty two steamshiph aro said to have been chartered by tho American and Ger man governments to cany troops and stoic and war material to China Among the boats taken by tho kaiserh government was the German steam ship Bosnia ot Hamburg American Packet Conipany which arrived here today from Hamburg Seven vebsels were chartered by tho United States and tho remaining lif teen by Germany Want to See Snrvlco In Clilim Topeka July 10 Governor Stanloy is m receipt of letters from many Kan sas men who desiro servico in China Owen V Smith of Clyde who was a lieutenant in tho Twenty second Kan sas wants a commission T K Richey superintendent of public instruction of Crawford county writes that Girard has a militia company mado up mostly of Twentieth Kansas men who want to go to tho orient and J W Farrell of Weir City who was captain of cpmpany F Twenty second Kansas and a soldier in tho civil war oilers to open a re cruiting station Hanna Agnlnat Kxtra Session Chicago July 19 In an interview yesterday Senator Hanna said I seo nothing in the present situation in China to warrant a special session of congress The question is ono which effects tho moral and patriotic senti ment of tho pcoplo and ono which should not bo dragged into politics Tlio president is clothed with all neces sary power to deal with tho existing situation in tho Orient and unless there is a serious change for tho worse there is nothing that congress could accomplish by assembling Strength of the Mllltla Washington July 10 The adjutant generals olllco has issued its annual statement of tho organized militia force of the United States togothor with the number available for military duty but unorganized The grand total of organized militiamen in the several states und territories at last report was 100339 Those unorganized but avail able for military duty aggregated 10 843153 Yellow Fever Suspect Dies New Youk July 10 A Syrian woman ono of the second class pas senger of the steamer Havana who was detained on Hoffman Island died suddenly today and the body was re moved to Swinburne island for an autopsy The autopsy shows suspicious indications that the woman died of yellow fever Garretts Slayer Shot to Death Bentonville Ark July 10 George Fisher who shot and killed Sheriff Gar rett of Southwest City Mo on July 10 was located in a cornfield by a sheriffs posse yesterday and resisting arrest was shot to death Fishers father has been arrested charged with complicity ia the killing of gfeqriff Cferrett NORFOLK NEBRASKA TlllllSDAY llLY IH 1M aADY GERALD1NE WINS Captures the Big M and M Stake at Detroit TWO FAVORITES FAIL TO START Ilcnry S Iocs litmn ami llitltln Hljju Outs a Tendon Annie Hums In HcHtrn In tlio Sixth llfitt1 no Other Uncis Ktitortnlu the OnimiI of Tvirlt riiotisnml DmuoiT July IS Tho biggest stake of the trotting season the Merchants und Manufacture s which was trotted at Oiosso Pointo yesterday was a struggle lroin the start to tho sixth heat and was fluishod in tho gathering twilight by Lady Geraldino tho winner und Annio Burns tho duly starters who remained in tlio gamo Of tho ptiuio favorites Henry S went lame- after ap pearing on tho track prcpaiatury to tho firbt heat Battle Sign cut a tendon of his left foro foot during tho second heat and was not staited Tho elimi nation of theso fast trotters mado it look liko anybodys race Tho ttino was not proportionately fast the track being somewhat heavy after the rains Twelve thousand people- saw yester days ovents Kight thousand occupied tho seats and aisles of the grand stand tho otheis stood m the betting spaces aud filled the lawn and quarterstroteh space Appioxitnutoly 100000 is esti mated to havo gone into tho betting pools Until Tuesday Lady Geraldino was owned by Colonel lsiao L Gofl of Providence Yost ei day it was an nounced that ho had sold her but tho buyer and tho consideration wero not divulged The now owner placed tho bay maro in tho hands ol Ed Geers tho veteran duvcr und Goers drove her to tho winning thereby getting both first and thud moneys aniountiug to upwards of 11000 In tho first lieit Goers tried to drive out of the bunch in tho stretch but Geraldino lnoko at tho critical point nud Battle Sign finished two lengths ahead of Axtello Lady Geraldino mado a sensational winning of tho bccond heat in iM3 rushing past Axtello who was second after Battle Signs accident Annie Burns got her nose in front for the lirst time during tho third heat after a brush with Red Arthur Geers tried another of his spurts in tho stretch but Geraldino broke just as sho was passing Red Arthur and Ruins and tho latter won tho heat Annio Burns albo captured the fourth heat closely chased in by Geraldino Tho gray mare however cut up bully during tlio Hfth and Geers drove Geraldino in blow evi dently to prevent shutting Burns out who nai lowly escaped it The giay maro broke badly in tho stretch in tho lust heat and tho bay won easily in blow time Lady Pipes tho iuvonto won the 211 pico and James It an outsider the ih JO paco IttHt Km Iiik Hrlglitiiii New Yomc July 10 A worlds icc ord and u track lecord wero biolan yesterday at Brighton Beach Water cure made a new record in tho tilth race Ho was the longest shot m the race Tho time 151 1 5 marks a new worlds record tor ono and one eighth miles Tho timo in tho Babylon stakes 120 2 5 is a new track record for boven furlongs ltacM H ut DiiMfnport Davexpokt Iu Jnly 19 Tho sec ond days racing of tho Western circuit meeting was prolonged until dark Tho racing was close and exciting only one event being captured by straight heats Kassella won the 220 paco and Aubella tho 215 trot Yioinann Golf Tiiurnainunt Chicago July 19 In tho prelimin ary round of tho Western Womans Golf tournament begun at Ouwentsia yesterday for the governors cup Mrs H O Chatfield Tuylor finished with tho lowest score making 18 holes iu 101 HAS NO LEGAL EXISTENCE Stato Hoard of Transportation Wiped Out y Iinli Mimger Omuia July 19 Tho stato board of transportation has no legal existence and therefore tho temporary injunc tion prayed for is granted is tho clos ing sentence of tho opinion of Judge Munger filed yesterday in tho caso of tho Chicago Burlington and Qaiucy Railroad company against Attorney General Smyth aud others which was argued in tho United States district court sonio timo ago and which has been under the consideration of the judge for a mouth ormonj The opiniou is a lengthy one and holds that the law creating tho board was not properly passed Handcar Drops 100 Feet Clifton A T July 19 A handcar with six Mexican employes of tho Ari zona Copper company dashod over a trestle on the narrow gauge road last night and dropped 100 feet to tho b t tom of a canyon Two of the meu were killed and the Others seriously in jured All lay in a heap as they fell until picked up by an ore train that passed au hour later Auditor Itecouslder ills Order Lincoln July 19 Acting on the ad vice of tho attorney general Auditor Cornell has reconsidered his decision to exclude all Illinois fraternal insurance organizations from doing business in Nebraska Under tho auditors pres cut ruling tho Illinois fraternal orders may continue to transact business iu Nebraska until he issues orders to the contrary FUNERAL OFSENATOR GEAR Itciiiiilns or DlsllnuiiUhrd Imritn Are lnld to Itest In lspn iltimt tuiitetery HiMisuiox la July 19 Sur rounded by all of his old friends iu tho pu stiieo of four United States sciiutotH und a dtwen or more eongioHsineti all that toinulnod moitnl of the laU Sena tor Gear was laid to rest in tho family vault ut Aspen Grove ytsteiduy aftei noon The Fust Methodist Episcopal church was crow tied when tho hour tor the exercises an I veil Tho services at the church brief but iinpuShlu weio under tho direction of lh William Salter for oor 50 youis pastor ot tho Congregational church in Riuhngtou and an old liieitd of the dead senator Ho was nsMMttd iu tho services by Dr Hmlbut pastor of tho Fust Methodist Kpihcopil chut oh Congressman Thomas- Hedge- ot Bur lington delivered the oiudton Busi ness in the city was suspended TRIAL OF MISSMORRISON lltisliniiil ot tlio Mimlri eil Wiiiiiuii Trntl lien Court ltoiini Is tl mvileil Eiiuiitvno Kan July IU Another big croud tilled tho couit room when tho prclimmaiy examination ot Miss JtShio Moiilsou chat god with tho inur tier ot Mis Olln Castle was icHumcd Ohn Castlo testilled us to Ins iclations with tho licensed Mrs Mobeily and Mis Spaugler neighbois ol tho Castles told of hearing Mis Castles wi cuius eiiteiiug tho Castle house ami Uniting Jessio Moirihon standing over the pios tiuto woiiiuu whoso thiont hud bet n cut Mis Moberly hud testilietl that she pulled lessio Mouisoii from the piostiuto Mis CuHtlo anil took the blood stained razor trom tho Hour Mis Spauglur had quoted Jessie Moriisou us having bud to them 1 havo cut Mis Castlo to pieces with a ruor Drill h Duo to Nl inline Cliusr Lincoln July 19 After living toi three months on a diet consisting chiefly ol plaster sou paper vinegai and other equally indigestible articles John Gallagher sentenced to 15 yeais lnipiisonnient tor shooting with intent to kill in South Omaha died today at tlio htute penitentiary Tlio sentence was commuted by Gnwiiior Poyntei recently to expire November 1 but lie hoped by eating largo quantities ot soaj untl pliibter that lie could i educe himselt to such a condition that he would be lehasud Ills condition has puled thepiihou nuthoutios lor some time Ills I IliK Ik Allllttcil PaiIMiox July 19 Mrs Louis Figg ib not insane Such was tho decision rondel ed by Judge Slabangli in a hit beuh corpus case yesterday after hearing tho ovuleiiLo and argument The tnul lasted all day Whoa Mrs Figg was placed on the stand hho leiu cd lo bi worii saying tlio bible bind swell not After homo persuasivo talk tle com t induced her to hold up her light urni und tuku I ho oath how over and tho case piocuedetl much tho same is in the ti nil betoie the liihuuo bouid A l mm Cut 111 y Mi kl LuMaks la July 19 Robert Flunk ett tho son of a widow while mowing weeds luit evening met with a hornblo uccitlent Ho was on a machine diiving a span of mules The uuiuiuls became lrighteuetl at a passing tram and jumped lorwurd throwing him iu trout of tho sickle bar His right arm was chopped clear oil at the shoulder Ho nearly bled to death be fore ho could bo conveyed within reuch ot medical aid MctlinnU Is Nominated CoKNlMi la July 19 V It Mc Ginins of Decatur county was nomi nated for congrchs from the Eighth dis ti ict at the Democratic congressional convention held in this city yesterday Theio wero no other candidates in the field Tho lesolutions indorsed the platlorm ot the national convention lteltemtcs Peking Legation Story Washington July 19 Tho stato de partment has received it dispatch from Coiibul General Fowler of Clio Foo say ing that tho governor of Shan Tung wires that his courtier loft Peking on July 9 Tho legations wero btill hold mg out TRAIN PLUNGES INTO CROWD Two Klllril und Two Fatally Injured In an Acclcli nt at lohiistonu Johnstown July 19 As tho result of nu accident at tho Pennsylvania rail road station iu this city when a freight train plunged into a crowd of 2700 people waiting to boaid an excursion train bound for Altoona to spend the day five persons wero injured two of whom are dead and two probably fa tally injured Tho deud LuTHElt Bkolkv aged 18 months Khamc Uhiiach ued 13 yours Fatally injured James Hegley editor Wlmbor Journul Annie Ucluy Suspicious of IeklnK Story Washington July 10 Administra tion officials and others in Washington are suspicious of tho statements con tained in the Brussels dispatch saying thut tho members of the legations at Pokng were in Priuco Chings palace They hope it is accurate but they are disposed to accept it like much other information coming through Chineso sources with a marked degreo of reser vation Indian Trouble Settled Minneapolis Jnly 19 Captain Mer cer Indian agent at Solwuy Minn wired the Time as follows Iudiaus opposid tho building of a school house aud mutters looked serious for a few days Everything ia now amicably etUed U YORK A KUKNACK More Than Seventy Deaths Caused by the Mot Spell THIRD DAY OF TJUUIBLB HEAT ir It nil llm Ilitnlllli s i i in ri il Anionic Itnlilrs mill lllllo ttillilixu lolliils Aro Kiil lliisv I IiioiiuIioiiI llio D113 Ilt ol I ho llnnil Nrw Yohk July 19 -The hot weather ytstcitliiy tuusetliu ctinlilbiilisl towanl tho diiith of mine than 70 poisons in his city und vicinity Ah ninny mom stiiekou ouch me in the hospitals mill home of them will suc cumb Mine than half tho fatalities weio among babies ami little cliililien and theio aie now ubout -10 bodies ol the little ontH lying at the uioigue at Rellovue Ythteiduy was tho Ihiid day of tho spell of inloiiho heat Kuily iu tho morning tho sun begun it h deutlly woilt und before the day was luiily well stui letl the hopitulH wine busy On the stieelM the tompoiaturo lunged from till to 105 The list or dead aside from the -10 bodies of bubioH at tho morgue is us follows Chin Ins T I ullor Otto llonko John Huitloitl Joseph Lawionco lta menu liicquis fiuuli inldon 1 lttinux John Moiun Klslo Oulpfiiclc Muititi Conheeiicy John Medium Catheiine Toole Putiick Kelly Dennis Diicklcy James Woigler Timothy Singleton Mai in Mctauley John Lt uiion lumcH Oeliiiu unknown mini Anthony Bio uiuli Ai tlutr Dniighc ity Ann Skelly ThoniiiH tiiei John Wohuii Mm Muiy F Kolly REPUBLICAN CLUBS St IollU In lliiil Imiii iih Hio MihiIIhu riiuofoi Nrit ur Si Paul July 19 At the national convention ol thn League of Kopithlicun clubs yesteitluy Past President Woml uiansoe piesented thoicpoit of the com mittee on lesolutions which was unani mously adopted us tollows The National ltupuhlicil league in session eongi utiilutes tho people ol tho United States on tho happy and pios peimiH condition ot thoeutiio countiy aid tleiluies anew its allegiance to llio principles ot the llepuhlicuii paily which ably uutl biavely cained into ex ecution by thn national udininitiation huvo madu tliiso onditions poshible Tho coiimiitlci on liiuoand place has ugieeil on St Louis lor tho next con vention Major Melvillo If lyes presented tho repoit ol tho ieibion cnuiitiittoo on hu halt of tho exeeiitivo coinmilteo A vice president ut lingo wus piovidul lor being it now nUieo A syMum ot hniminry incmlmihip is piovidid as an additional lliiuiiciul uieiisiiro Most ol the other changes had to do with meet ings ami duticN of iiIUivih Tho teport was unanimously adopted i hit a i 1 1 in t m n Din nt New Yokk July 1 in response to a call issued a few days ago a number of goltl Democrats and anti iiiipeiiiilists met iu this city lust night to discuss the methods of bringing a third party ticket before tho public- An atltlnss was adopted assailing Piosulent McKinley for his Philippine policy ami his scan dalous appointments to fetleral olllces characterizing Governor Hoosevelt us tin frank embodiment of militaiism and declaring that tho Republican party stands for all forms of spi cinl privilege Mr Hryon tho address says is as ob jectionablo as Piesident McKinley A voto for the Demociatic ticket says the udiliesH means n voto for frco silver it meiiiiH u still furl her debauch ing of llio civil service a pucliiiig of tint supremo com I by men to be governed by thou 111 ol tho executive DiiImiIp Men Nrntcil PorviiLLt Ida July III After n bitter contest lusting nil the ufteinoon the Dcmntiulic state eouieiititni yes teitluy sculcd wliul h culled the YVondri delegation fiiim Shoshone county llio Cnuei tlAlene by u vote of I via to IK This delegation is opposed In iovoiiinr Htm neiibnig uutl It wus Hiippoiled by those who luvoi the nomination ol Pied Dubois lot United Stales honntoi Tn gtiieiiiiii opposes thn nomination ut uuv candidate lot seiiutni Dubois was joined Iu the Ugh by 1 II lluwlei also a candidate lor senuloi The in sult indicati k that Dubois will bo nom Inuletl The other silvei conventions dill piuetltiillv nothing Iliimllkl Siil llli t Inn to III inn List iii n July 19 Viet Chaii mini Kdiulbtfii nl the Populist national cotu uiitteo suiil today that ho did not know u hen tho etiinniltlio aipolnted at tho Sioux lallH convention would nlllciitlly notily Wllliiim li linings lliyiiu of his nomination lie thought it pttHstblo thut the nolillcalion may oiuur ut In dlunapoliH at the sumo time thn Dniiit ciulH meet Mi Hijitii IMmiHtnn said Towue hail not yut nlllciully accepted thn nomination or wllhdiawn trom tho Populist lieltel but he expected to hoar linui him belnin many days Siiltiitlonll Will Also liiiinln li Inn Iiiii Alio July 19 Ill hi event of the pnui is sending an iiimj of invasion to tliiuu loi Ihe piupOHi of Hoimg Po king unit ixuetiiig siitislactitiu tor tho lepiuleil slaughter nl the diplomat tho Suhution Aimy will lollow close on tho viiuguuiil with ii picket division Com mander limit h Tucker has ulieutly so lectetl llio olllceis ot the touring delegation- IihIiiiiIoin lruliiK IVm iiihly Wahiiimmon July 19 Agent Itainl lett til tho Wichita Indian agency m Kansas tnlegiuphcd tho Indian bin can yesteitluy thut Kinnk li Fin well ohiet ol pollen hint just icpoitetl that all of Ihn mil utleiH on the ichoivntion weio Joining peaceably and thut theio is no nieeuiil v loi tlie ciniilovnienl ol tioopi TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS jtnes J Coi hett and Kid Mi Coy havo In on matched to box at Madison Sipiuic gin di ii Aug Jo An iidwiuco nl oiio liull of ti rout pn pound in thn pi n ii ol package coll to uiis iiiiiiiiiiiuiil Widiiosilujr b Arbucklo Jims IViilis liiunehl shot und killed ills collblll liiMipll Iarbllli ut liternii N I WciIiiumIiv Ho then shut and hilled Iiiiiim1i Loth tho Postal and Western Union Teltgiapli tompauiis hae ileeldi tl to abandon then Oliicagn boatd of tiutlo iiiotations alter July 11 A Iciiilic t xplosion wieeked Dopewi htoiuut Nuyloi la WedneMluy nigljt Fiugiieuth ot t iiiunh body ueiu louiul in tho iiiuiri und it is behoved u sale blow ft wus lulled while attempting to blow tilt hillo In a piolos ionnl bicyok race at tho Salt Lake saucei Hack ler Lausuu hi oke tho woi Ills uiilo Handicap tucord ot lo9 t T nuulo by W F biinius at Washington Law son mado tlio milo in 1 oil Hut Captain Flunk S WliUiuaii Twouty niiith lntaniiy having arnved at San Fiuneihco ami tcutieied lus lesiguatiou has been ilihLbuiguil loi tLo gootl of the sci vito hy tliinctioii ot the presi dent to lake elli ot July 111 Lilly Multlen lopiesontiug Gus liuliliii and Ieicy Winianis lor Hob Kit lmmoiih Wed nes I a j ulioit tlieir signal in i s to tile Irteniioin Century Aililelit i Jobs conn act to lignt on Aim Hi ui MkIis hi i i no uinlcn The Delicious i Fragrance from a hot Royal Baking Powder biscuit whets the appetite The taste of such a biscuit sweet creamy delicate and crispy is a joy to the most fastidious ROYAL Baking Powder improves the flavor and adds to the healthful ness of all risen flour foods It renders the biscuit bread and cake more digestible and nutritious Royal Baking Pow der makes hot breads wholesome Food raised with Royal will not distress persons of delicate or enfeebled digestion though eaten warm and fresh Imitation baking powders almost invariably con tain alum Alum makes the food unwholesome ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK