tf i ft r 8 Theflopfolkeaas Free trmlo on Ico win not cllsoimott t nny Knt length liy tho ilomwiiitlc convention Tho Rold democrats nmy bo ropro pouted by Stoumson but Hryan will his platform nro bis own Thoronomiimtloii ot Uryan doesnt pooiu to hno nwiikoned any onthusiium nmmilT till democrats of NoifolU Olinrloy Towno can now gracefully uliilo with till other evidences of popu lism oil democracys collar door Urynn wasnt worrying nbout tho re units of tho Knnsis City convention Ho unci his bows had it nil tliud advance A Missouri fntinor lecontly lost uVOO illnmanil ring wlillo feeding li chickens Former Hiynn should tulco tho warning tbis convoys All that populiHin soonis to havo loft in tho fusion combine is tho roltonitlon or HI to 1 mid thoy wouldnt know whnro that wns should Hryan happon to bo olceted CJir Hryun said it would bo 11 to 1 or nothing as far as ho was concerned and it was so Ho may bo ablo to dominate tho democratic party but not tho country Tho groat national campaign is now ou and in tho longth of timo it ban for dovolopniont four months it should grow into a stunner for interest and en thusiasm Tho doiuociatio fieo trader was asleep when tho platform was adopted and tho only niaik to show ho was thoro was when tho platform declared for fiee trndo on trust goods Soimtor Honr whom tho democrats bad banked on ho steadily as pro nouncedly in opposition to the admin istration has como out openly in support of tho republican ticket The Omaha Daily News says An Vmciicaii celebrated tho Fourth by BUooting Ulnneso nrocrookors China celebrated tho hamo day by shooting American missionaries Tho freo silver question wasnt rammed down tho throats of gold demo crats nny easier thau in I Sim and it will uot como any nearer winning with tho American people than it did that year Thomas M Osborne of Auburn N Y thinks tbeio is no change In Bryan eiuco 1SM5 nnd bo is still a superficial domagogue Mr Oaborno is iv demo crat but ho cannot go Hryanism Thoro nro yot thousands liko him in tho cast The specific declaration for Hi to 1 in tho Kansas City convention won out ou tho narrow niiugin of li to SI in tho coiumittoo on resolutions after an all night session Tho platform adopted will havo a soveril months siego boforo tho pooplo but will uot win out ovon by n narrow margin Imperialism tho imperialism of an ompiro is to bo tho main issue of tho campaign ns far as democracy is con corned Perhaps tho next timo tho con vention is hold thoy will try to decido Homo question of state agitating tho minds of tho inhabitants of Borneo A question could scarcely bo more import uoiit than thnt of imperialism Wo is us Mr Btyan says that if ho is not elected tho colobrations of tho Fourth of July will pins away All patriotic pooplo should thorofoio voto for tho colonel who enlisted in tho lato war and then resigned with his forces still iu tho field Thoso who unlisted and fought in two wars aro unsafe to trust with tho patriotism of tho country Tho foundation for republican success both state and national this fall has been exceedingly well built Good tickets invo been named harmony pro vails and the lecord of tho party in con gress is nbout as perfect as could be Not only tbis but tho party is imbued with coufidenco and enthusiasm u lias been swooping all opposition befoi it like a mighty avalaucho This is rather surprising democrat io imminent to bo used sluco tho action of tho Kansas City convention in naming for second place Grover Clevelands vico president but it recently appoarod in a democratic sheet Cleveland himself is a last years birds nost and the party lives and moves But most auy kind of inconsistent nrgumeut goes with dem ocracy Tho plau to havo Bryan uniued for president on the Fourth nnd horalding it as tho most importaut event that had happened since tho declaration of peudenco was prouiolgated failed igno miniously becausd the platform com niitteo hud a fight for the independence of silver at tho ratio of 10 to 1 ou its hands and Bryaus grand opportunity was lost It is an old story to hear of men in tbis section of the country who voted for Bryau iu 189U who will this year support McKiuley but it is raro indeed to find a McKiuley man of 1890 who will support Bryan this time This however hoes not seem to prevent tho doniocrnts from claiming an Jncicusocl majoiltyfor Mryan They lire always ablo p make claims It is safe to stake your last dollar on tho faot that Diotrioli as governor would not have tho trouble with his appointees that Governor Poynter has had In tho first place ho would seo to it that only capable sensible iiion were appointed to tho positions but If ho did have occa sion to loinovo ono ho would do ho In a mannor that would not show up a hide ous skeleton in his closet and becom tio gossip of tho state In tho nomination of Robinson for congress and Cones for judgo tho domorats seem to bo doing pretty woll In this section of tho state How the populists will liko this double close of bouibonisni is another question The doom of populism has been spoken and In anothor yoar ovon tho name will be replaced and ropudiated by tho demo cratic forces and their allies within tho pirty who aro now in full control Nollgh Leader The democrat lo platform doos not Boom to deplore republican prospdilty noitlierdoosit promiso its contiuuiuico or betterment As foretold tholr sym pathies do uot soom to bo with tho American working man or farnior but mo with the islanders aud Hoors The groat common people of America will probably bo asked to soo that tho exag gerated wrongs to those people are righted regaidloss of how tholr personal interests are alTectod Every argument that Mr Hryan used in favor of the free aud unlimited coin age of silver at the ratio of Hi to 1 in lSllli lias been successfully ropudiat oil by facts Every piophocy ho made lias been pi ovon false and yot by his earnest endeavor a plank endowing that piopo sitiou has been again inserted in the democratic platform It will probably bo unsafe for him to repeat his argu ments and prognostications of IS and tho people anxiously await his now array of facts aud figures Democracys enruost effort to convort tho declaration of independence into a campaign document will go further nnd do more to chenpon that rovorod instru ment in the minds of many than any thing attempted in recent yonrs Thoir wish to provo that republicans tiro un patriotic and non liberty loving is a ur on tho great majority of American people Wo tiro glad to havo thorn show symptoms of awakening patriotism but tho umso thoy aro making will not sound near as far nor as long as tho re port of tho guns firod by sincere patriots in 1TT0 That there is no fear of a large num ber of intelligent reading voters sup porting Mr Bryan is evidently believed by J Sterling Morton Clevelands sec retary of agriculture who says in his Conservative Mr Bryan recoivod only 101 per cent of the voto of the thrifty and industrious classes repre sented by depositors iu savings banks But with illiterate folk ho was a winner They gavo him tho highly compliment ary vote of titiST per cent Hud tho percentage of illiteracy in tho United States been a tritlo larger Mr Bryau might havo boon president Tho abovo statistics will aid Mr Bryan to locate his friends The best interests of tho Third district can bo subserved this fall by electing a republican congressman Thoro is no question but that the administration will be republican and a democrat will but servo to retard and obstruct anything that the party iu power may attempt iu tho interest of the county A republi can congiessniau can influence his re publican associates tcTuetion in favor of his district that would be denied a dem ocratic member becauso ho would recip rocate by supporting their measures without a question of party interposing Vote for tho interests of tho Third dis trict aud elect John It Hays who i capable for tho position in overy respect Bryans dictation ou the silver issue would be called imperialism if he were a republican I ie is about tho only mail in the couutry who insists that fiee aud unlimited coinage of silver at a ratio of 11 to 1 is an inipoifuit issue and has forced the democratic convention uuder protest to adopt his views A stronger exemplification of the one mau power would be impossible As the Sioux City Tnbuuo says Bryan is it Ho is the nominee tho platform tho bouncer of tho douiocrntio party Ho would bo as imperious a dictator as over occupied the presidential chair if elected And his dictations aro not ap parently for the good of his party or his country Thoy are solely for Bryan and his interests It rs uow said that Mr Towno will uot make an auuouncouieut of his in tentious until aftor tho stato convention of mid road populists at Grand Island oil the 20th Ho is to be used discro tionally If necessary he will be used asa last lesoit to prevent deflections from the fusion ranks by tho populists by allowing him to reuioiu on the ticket and if it is thought that enough popu lists have been converted to democracy THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JULY 12 JiiOO loss of what was dono with Mr Towne That convention gave ample proif that all that was expected of populists was to voto for tho men named by tholr demo cratic bosses nnd allowing them to koop Towne on their ticket without giving him tho recognition of olther Kansas City convention will not Jinond the wrong It is very appnront to populists that if thoy want a candldnto or a pirty loft thoy inuHt assort thoir independence of the fusion combine ami take tho reins of their party in tholr own hands This sentiment twill grow during tho entile campaign mid has boon maturing over since fusion was ollooted Porhnps Towne was working for his best interests when he refused tho nom ination of tho silver republicans after tho democratic convention failed to nominate him A good cabinet position is etpial if not superior to tho olllco of vlco president Mr Towno should havo considered howover tho intorosts of his party and tho principles it roprosonts Mr Towno was placed in nomination at Sioux Fulls by tho populists not bocauso thoy wishod solely to further his per sonal ambitious but bocauso thoy know ho was a warm friend of Mr Bryan and bocauso thoy wanted thoir party and thoir principles represented on tho na tional ticket Tho democrats made a vigorous olToit to havo tho Sioux Falls convention delogate its aspirations and desires to tho Kansas City couvoutiou but tho majority ovorrulod this soutl uiout most convincingly after a bitter fight and named Mr Towno not to havo him go to Kansas City and do that which they bad la convention refusod to do but to insist aud seo to it that their party and pi inoiples wero rocog nuod as thoy deserved as a hitherto strong ally of democracy That convon tion not only turned Mr Towno and populism clown but went further and named a man closely identified with tho Clovoland administration hoping to ro call tho democrats who had straj od away in 181 In doing this thoy plaiuly intimated that thoy wanted nono of populism in thoir mixture except per haps tho votes of that party Tho bid of the Kansas City couvoutiou was for tho SljOU doinocrutic votes that refused Bryauisni rather than for tho million votes which wero given him by populists in 1895 This bid is mado in such a mannor that it will not bo successful and democracy is sure to loso ou both sidos of tho proposition Tho Clovoland administration was antagonistic and moro so to the principles of populism thnu tho republican aud how tho demo cracy can hope to havo tho thiukiug conscientious populists eudorse their action at Kansas City is not uudorstood Ailiiiiiciile Tho salaried tree killer tor the state of Nebraska has been at woik about tho Soldiers Homo at Milford Ho is guilty of arboricide in tho first degree With out just cause or provocation in a mo ment of omotioual destractiveness tho ofllcial troo killer orased a beautiful grovo of olui walnut ash aud oak treos from tho earth He ought to bo punished Imprison ment broad aud water and a big fine would feebly express the popular indig nation of this wanton and irreparable vandalism Tho Capital bank aud tho crime of Mosher wore foul but this is Rowlor Tho Conservative Knov Populist Kicking That tho manipulations of tho Madi son count fusion trust machinery aud tho cogs within the machine are not porfoctly satisfactory to tho populists of other counties is provon by the following from the Creightou News tho populist organ or Knox comity it waj ovi deutly considered that as long as tho democrats wero allowed to name the caudidnto for congress it would be the part of fairness to give the populists the candidate for judge aud tho Knox dele gation came down with this apparent understanding It will bo also noticed that tho News man remembers Senator Allens action at Sioux Falls and con siders him more of a democrat thau n populist Tho News says Tho judical was held Monday and tho congressional Tuesday at Norfolk At the judical tho populists of Knox county stood by J II Borrymau and tho democrats cast a solid trumped up 10 vote for Douglas Coues of Pierce the present iucumbent The Madison county mongrels calling themselves populists played loose cheese by divid rug their delegation for populist and 7 for democrat Antelope populists cast ono populist voto Madison couutytrue to their unsavory political record was playing a double deal as usual thiukiug to deceive some ono aud still gain nil tho glory she could by stealing a seat in the convention And the Wayuo delegation wero too light weight moutally to cast a party vote A full list of democrats from Madi son county iu the populist convention as well as a full lift of democrats in the democrat 10 convention shows a wouder ful amount of honor for the people who claim John S Robinson as their ohoseu head and to cap the climax tho whole conglomeration is eudoreed byj tho rip roaring populist Senator William V Alleu Tho News has always stood by Allen and Oougressuiiu J S Robiusou but if thoy havo no respect for citizens of he will bo withdrawn To a man up a Knox county farther than tocatoh popu treo it would 6eom that the business list votes then it is time to ignore the had beeu done at Kansas City regard- whole posse Governor Hoosoelt gavo tho koynoto of tho prosperity situation whon hoHaid You can stop prosperity by legislation but you cannot do more by law for prosperity tlian to give every American a chunco to show his own thrift Hryan vory promptly expressed an opinion ou tho platform aud vlco presi dential candidate produced at tho Kan sas City convention but thoso who aro awaiting a f em loss endorsement or con demolition of tho action at Sioux Falls havo yet to wait Thoro aro moro and better ways of showing truo patriotism thnu by maklug and adopting resolutions talking shouting and gesticulating Tho Kansas City couvoutiou wos not overwhelmed with evidences of what pooplo usually term patriotism Tho Times Trlbuno in sponklug of tho democratic platform and its trust plank says it is for their the trusts absoluto control This cauuot bo doubted The ico trust magnates of Now York wero there to control aud tho candid acknowldgoniont of tho Timos Trtbuno that they did it aud will do it is refreshingly cousistout A now thlug in hats and ties for ladios is a rough rider sourbroro and a largo tio representing tho red bandana Toddy is popular among tho men and that ho Is not less so with tho womon cinnot hotter bo attested than that thoy aro adopting tho rough rider dress char acteristics When thoy get tired of a rulor in China thoy make thorn take a doso of poison China isnn imperialistic nation and according to tho democratic party tho United States is drifting toward imperialism How long it will take for this couutry to reach tho state of fautiti cisni and ignoranco prevalent in China tho domocrats do not state which intli catei that they havo missed an impor taut calamity reckoning A douiocrntio sheet not far away has tho presumption to put under tho head Democratic and Populist Nominations tho nanio of Adlai E Stovonson of Illin ois Many populists will bo surprised to learn that they havo nominated Mr btovousou Tirey for some reason havo boeu laboring uuder tho impres sion that thoy uamed Mr Towno for tho vico presidency Going on tho pre sumption that a democratic paper never errs it must be tho populists that aro mistaken alchough their endorsement of tho administration of Grover Cleve land may bo a bit incongruous The spirit of indopoudeuce nnd patri otism that now pervades democracy is a quite sudden acquisition in many in stances and illy fits the wearer who iu 1S90 used the most bitter terms against the government the flag tho constitu tion nnd nil the honored nnd revered institutions aud policies of the country Thoy squirmed uuder the charges of anarchism aud copperheadisin which were employed against them but that they wero correctly applied iu numerous cases is unquestioned by thoso who read and thought Tho true test of patri otism is the support of the will of the majority of the American people There are those among the fusiouists who regret that this nation is winning respect and deference from tho leading couutries of the world They intimate that thoy would sooner have our people killed than to enforce our rights to live anywhere on tho face of the earth The Grand Island Independent says A fusion exchange which is always against what is don by the government thinks it n matter of little consequence if a few missionaries are killed in China and if Undo Samuels represent ative at Pekiu is in danger aud Ameri can interests iu tho foroign couutry should bo ailected It is uu Christlike says tho journal to respond with troops just for a few missionaries There is no limit apparently to the paitisansbip of some fusion organs Tho real issuo in this presidential campaign says tho Toledo Blade is tho maintenance of prosperity Every man who has n paying position whether in a work shop a factory iu an office cr store on a railway or steamer is inter ested personally A change which would unsettle business conditions which would substitute distrust of tho future for confidence which would re duce industrial pioduction or curtail commerce would come as a calamity to hundreds of thousands of wage workers and salaried men tho couutry over Business iu overy lino is good and in the main improving all tho timo Thoro is a halt perceptible iu some lines but it is not duo to trade conditions but is tho usual thiug in every presidential cam paign especially when the outs havo to tho fore some theory which presages n change in couditioiis should thoy suc ceed in reaching power Theie is nothing at pieseut which should induce any voter who uses his brains to turn n political corner Let well enough alone is n trite old proverb which ap plies very closely to tho present political situation TV Model Candidate The Neligli Leader of last week prints the following concerning the candidate for district judgo of this district The republican convention at Nor folk on Thursday of last -wool com pleted n vory gracious act by tho har monious selection of Hon J F Boyd of A ntolopo county ns tho candldato for judgo of tho Ninth judicial district It is n wiso nomination ncceptablo to republicans of the wholo district and especially to thoso of his homo county as woll as a largo circlo of Independent voters who honestly uphold tho well foundod theory that tho ermine of tho judiciary should fall upon tho shouldors of merit regardless of tho doslres dic tates or tho ambitions of politicians Personally Mr Boyd is known nnd is always cordially greeted in overy pro duct of Autolopo county yot at this timo perhaps n skotch of his lifo aud character may provo of interest ST F Boyd was born In Fayetto county Pennsylvania August 8 185 and is 17 years of ago in tho primo of life and with tho wisdom nnd exper ience that is only gathered by tho lapso of timo His parents wero of German Scotch descent n raco that in its rugged integrity nnd forco of character has filled many of tho brightest pages of Ameri can history With his parouts he re moved to tho vicinity of Gnlva Illinois iu 1857 and remained on tho farm assisting iu its operation until SS years of ngo In addition to attending the district school ho had the ndvantnge of two years of higher study iu Abingtou college Commencing the study of law at tho age of 213 in the ofllco of T Milchrist who was afterwards United States attorney for tho northern district of Illinois during President Harrisons administration ho was admitted to practice by examination iu open court by the state supreme court in 1S78 nnd immediately thereafter entering the olllce of bis preceptor ns a partner re maining five years Iu ISSli Mr Boyd removed to Nebraska nud located at Oakdnlo in the practice of tho profes sion for which ho had been fitted by well directed study aud practice iu court Mr Boyd has beeu prominently identi fied with tho growth of Antelope county and has been nctivo in nil public enter prises which have come within his sphere of influence Whilo not an office seeker and not even an office holder iu tho common acceptance of the term he has frequently been called upon to fill positions of trust aud respon sibility in Oakdale These wero what might be termed minor positions but nevertheless every duty was faithfully fulfill d Twice he was elected county attorney of Autolopo county In 18S8 ho was nominated tor this position and elected aud was renominated by ac clamation in 1S00 and although do feated ran 500 votes ahead of the ticket In 1S9S he was ngaiu nominated and elected by a plurality of 82 iu the face of a mnjority for the populist ticket generally thnt reached well up into the hundreds Iu both of these terms the affairs of the office of couuty attorney were conducted in a manner satisfactory to nil law abiding citizens While elected upon tho republican ticket on taking charge of the office its affairs were placed on the high plane that raises the interest of the public above and beyond self and party and it is also worthy of uoto that during these two terms and when the county was chang ing from the precinct to the township system he was frequently called upon for advice on intricate questions by tho board of supervisors Iu no instance was his opinion roversed by tho courts At the end of the second term ho was pressed to again become a candidate but realizing that thoro were other men in the party worthy of recognition he graciously withdrew in their favor A mans worth and popularity should iu a manner bo nioosured by tho regard in which he is held by neighbors aud as socintes Gauged by this standard Mr Boyd is iu every respect a model candi date In Oakdale and adjacent town ships ho has always received the en dorsement of a handsome majority Always easily approached by the great body of tho so called common people this characteristic has been retained on all occasions Poverty iu bis oyes is neither a crime nor a bar to friendship but always rather nn added plea for help aud assistance when requiied No poor mnu ever appealed to him iu vniu for legnl advice or assistance in a merit orious case Often he has defrayed the expenses of litigatiou from his own re sources Money nor the lack of it was never allowed to defeat tho ends of justice Starting in life without a dollar in money Mr Boyd lias by caroful econ omy which was not miserly attained a competence and a fair estimate would place his average saviugs from business at 1000 a year Not in tho least of his business ventures which have proved re munerative is nn experience in the news paper business Iu connection with Ins brother ho published a paper at Galva Illinois aud tho two also successfully mauaged the Onkdulo Seutinal for a couple of years Mr Boyd has always been a closo student and to this fact more than to anything else is probably ln ta hifli rilllr hn lino tnL ftn n n A genuine WALO Sllvenleol 8tring for your VIOLIN MANDOLIN GUITAR or BANJO will be sent ABSOLUTELY FREE to any address on receipt of a 2 ccnt postages tamp for return postage We do this to introduce the WALO Sllvmtiol String which Is i combination of the best tone producing metal aud much superior to any string on the market at the present time Is STRONG DURABLE AND ABSO LUTELY TRUE As an inducement I quote these strings iu contplote sets for a hort time only at 1 2c a sett REDUCTION IN VIOLIN OUTFITS THIS WEEK ONLY OUR 500 WALO VIOLIN Stradlvarius model cut to 333 reddish brown color fine polishvery SWEET and CLEAR TONE Our 750 WALO VIOLIN Stradlvarius model cut to 498 light reddish shad ed highly polished best finish good seasoned SPRUCE TOP and ebony trim mings Complete with each Violin fine black polithod CASE good BOW extra set of strings rosin and sell Instruction book Send for WALOS Catalogue of all Musical Instruments aud furnishings We also carry latest up-to-date BAND ORCHES TRA and PIANO music Catalogues on application Fine repairing a specialty In writing mention this paper WATCH FOR OUR NEXT BARGAINS A T WALOS MUSIC HOUSE NO 9 S BROADWAY ST LOUIS MO c TRY THE NEWS Illinois Central fi B ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WITSTTEIR TOTJEISTS Tho Illinois Central dosirco to cill attention to tlio unexcelled service Unit is olTerod by itB lines to tho oouth for tho seaoon of IVjD 1900 ALIFORNI VIA NEW ORLEANS Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM Por onalh conduct CHICAGO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING ST LOUIS A ed nuns iiiroimii i Ios Aimcica nil Silt Traim co wi Now OrliNins in connection with tho southern Pa cific lemni Chicago on tho Central flint Now Orleans boo- ciilj connection nlso inndo b this train with ilaPi train- out of New Orleans for tho Pacific Co it Tlia Limited from I incniro oorj even uK connects on Alondii nud Thurrdas at Now Orleans after December IS lJj with tho SUNSET LIMITED of tho Soutlioin Pacific uiMHB special through sen ico to Sun Francisco F LOR1D NASHVILLE THROUGH SERVICE FROM VIA AND ATLANTA A Double dnily corv icu is m unturned out of St Louis vin tho Illinois Central anil rouucctlu linos to Nasln illeChnttauoo KU nud Atlanta thro sleemnn c ir to Jack- somillo Florida boimj carried on tho DIXIE FLYER leniuR St Louis oor ONoniiiB This train ih well no tho Dn leaving St Louis in tho mornliiR nro both ooliil trams to Ntishwllo h imiik through coaches and oleepitn cars run iiuu through Martin Teun nnd tho N C St L It Connection ia thlo litis for nil princi p il poluto In the Southeaot ouch us Charleston Wilmington Aikin and bawiumih and for nil poiuto in Florida TV0 SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Dull from Chicago to Memphis nud Now Or leans HOMiSKnKinS KVClRSroXS to certain poiuto iu tho South ou the Hues of tho Illinois Central mill M V railroads will bo run on the lirct nnd third Tuesda of oach month dur ing tho w inter season Full particulars concorniiie nil of tho nboto can bo nail of montb of tho Illinois Central or b uddiCociiiK 11 Hausou U P A Chicago Free ecllnlng Chair Gars on all T t QUICK SEKVICE CLOSE CONNECTIONS TWO DAILY FAST TItAINS HETWKEN KACn WAY OMAHA AND Atchison Kansas City and St Louis With direct connections to all South em and Eastern points Unexcelled time and accommodations to tho lawyer While ho has nsoa to high j FaillOUS Hot SONtlSS Of AflOllSaS euuueuco in this respeut yet to nil Ins old friends ho is still familiarly kuowii ns Frank a title more honorable nud carryiup with it grenter respect than that which cnu ho lwstowed by kiugs For tho olllce of judge tho republican party has n candidate that is nt once self made and a credit to his creator Noligh Leader BE SURE TO SECURE TICKETS VIA THIS LINE Tor moro complete information doecriptlvo pamphlets etc address J Q rillLLILlI W C BAKKES A G F audPA T PA Southeast Cor Utu and Douglas Bta OMAnANRniti