I u - Theflottfolkrleuis V N UU3K Publlnuor l ek cents DAILY IMiiWWkxI t W7 oxcnpt Siimliiy Hy Ml ntnil imr ymr pi cnrrlfir Mtt WKKKIY ttnlltl1iol t Wt Kyety Thurln 13 inll jmr your M flKnlnrcd nt tho PoMollico nt Notfollc Noli toceml rlns mnllrr Tolopliotm No 22 REPUBLICAN TICKET Nittlotml rur WllllAM McKtMKv lor Olilo Knr Vlro Iriwldnnl Tmoooni HooMMKiT now orn Slnln Tor unrnor riiuuKi II DlKTRimi Ailmns lor Ileutoiinnt Governor K V Hvor Junior For Secretory of Stnto Oho W MARilt UlchnnUoti Kor Trrnimror William Stkuvtir Cuming For Auditor UiiAniua Wkitos Hhnililnii For Atturnn lonornl Fiiank N Prout For Inml ComnilMlnnnr UKOIUIK 1 KolMBII NiinUolls For Siipnrlnteiidont of Public Instruction W K Foutnu Washington Prosldcutlnl Klectors John K Nkhiiitt ii ii win1m1m Kdwaiii Kothic It li 11 AlltlH H P Daviimon jAron 1 Jaooimon John 1 Kknnkuy JOIINJ IiANOKU GoiiffreMlnnnl ForCoiiRromiu Third District John H Hav Norfolk IJ iluillitlnl For Judge Ninth J F low Antolopo Norfolk will bo highly honored Hhould tho horo of Sau Tunu visit horo and tho pooiilo will seo to it that ho in Rrootori by a demonstration tho liko of which wib uovor hoforo buhold horo Tho Diotrioh campaign ImtloiiB aro becoming vory numerous and tho op position view thorn with onvioim oyos becanso of thoir indication t hut tliontato is to bo lodeomod from roform iniioli inntions this fall Tho national gold douioorntio commit -too is to moot in Indianapolis on tho 25th and will undoubtedly tako storm toward putting a ticket in tho flold It looks as though tho attempt to straddlo at Bryans convention was vory muoh of a failuro viovvod from both ways John II Hays ia gaining in popularity and votes iu this congressional district each day and when tho returns of No vember are recoivod it will bo found that tho district will bo roprosontod by a republican and will bo in a position to receive favors from a republican con gress Kx Governor Hoadly of Ohio an nounces his intention of supporting tho republican tickot He is a domocrat but not of tho Bryan aud froossilvor kind and thoro aro many mora liko him Where tho wonderful democratic gains iiro coming from this year has not boon located It ia reported that Senator Clarks barrel is yet more than half full If ho wore a republican ho would boa horrible fellow but a million dollar contribution to tho domocratlo campaign fund gives him a clear title m that party ovou though Ids barrol didnt roll him into the seuato The stupendous fight put up by the New York Journal and its imitators against tho ice trust has about subsided The fight proved too much of a back action affair when it was discovered that some of the leadiDg democratic statesmen were interested aud were helping grind the people The question that is uow agitating tho democrats is whether Stevenson ia a 10 to 1 man or a gold bug whothor ho was a Bryan man in 1810 or wasnt In fact they would liko to know just what Adlais principles and desires are With Roosevelt their fear is that ho is too strong in his convictions aud char notorieties but no such charge it Booms can bo laid nt the door of Stevenson With Senator Clarks roported million-dollar contribution to tho demo cratic slush fund members of that party will nt least havo a good time evon though they cauuot iuflueuco onough votes to olect Mr Bryan Corruption W ell it might be so termed iu demo cratic circles if such a story got out concerning tho republican party But this is in tho democratio pirty aud it thinks of nothing but tho host welfare of the dear commou peoplo It eeems to bo the express uiulorfitaud ing that if tho populists aru allowod to name the gubernatorial candidate that he must be coufiued to democratio politi cians iu making his selections for the best appointments uudor his control at least this has always beou the result The democrats always insist that they get tho best end of the fusion dial going or comiug It is little wonder that tho mid road movement was begun aud is re ceiving new recruits every dny Charles A Towue recently paid I am a democrat nud would havo bo an nounced iu 189S but Uryau requested rue not to do so as I could do more good by claiming to be a silver republican Under the circumstances the republi cans and populists who have beeu fol lowing his lead belienug that lie rep- rosontod prlnnlples Kimowhat apart from domocraoy must fool ratlior Uruo pointed Ho gave convincing evidence hat ho Wiih speaking tho truth when ho usod liis iiilluetico to throw his strength to Stevenson at ICamas City Stovoua is a populist Weaver of Iowa hiw demonstrated that fact He is also a democrat a fact that was demon strated by his election with Cleveland in 1813 He is also a frlond of labor Woavor said so Ho is also a frlond of capital aH it was under his and Cleve lands administration that government lioiiih were issued boaring a good por cent of Interest in which tho monoy londors iuvostod Charley Towno could probably provo that he is a good republican should ho have occasion to do so Ho is a man as vorsatllo as Hryan ever darod be and all a voter has to do Is to adjust tho right pair of glasses In ordor to seo his sort of man Truly thoro aro wonderful things In domocratlo politics thoso days The fusion press Is passing tho custo mary compliments on uougrossinuu Hobiusou who has just boon rouoinl natod Thoy all road about allko Thoy say ho has boon a vory valuablo uiombor for tho Third diatriot that he has galuod a prominont position among tho niotnbera of tho lower houso and that ho wields muoh iulluouco that ho ia a growing man and will in tune be ouo of tho aoknowlodgod loaders Tho roal truth is that boiug in a mluority party ho has not croatod a ripple on tho surface Ho has done nothing that en titles him to any distinguished consider ation absolutely nothing He has simply votod doggedly against progress and has shown a wlllluguoss to throw himself in front of tho moving republi can car which has gone on aud on in apito of all obstructions If tho Third district wishes to have a man in congress who will have somo influenco ouo that will have a voice In tho dominant party policy aud thoroforo able to do some thing tangible it will voo for and olect John 11 Hays and pass up John S Hobinaon who baa boon aa usoless as a painted ship on a painted ocoau Fre mont Tribune Now Yorks Great Disaster Throe hundred lives lost and 5000 000 worth of property destroyed Is briefly the story of tho most appalling disaster that has ever occurred to the Hhlpplng Interests of New York Three of tho great ships of the North Gcr iniin lloyd line their cargoes and scores of their sailors nnd tho Im mense docks where they were moored were swept away by Humes almost as though they had been ho much tinder It hardly seems possible that such a calamity could occur In broad daylight In the harbor of u great city which Is supposed to lie well equipped with safeguards for the protection of life and property There Is a widespread temptation when appalled by a horror like this to lay the blame directly and unequlvocnlly nt tho door of thoso most directly concerned In this In stance the steamship company It does not nppear however that tho company was guilty of any Bpecltlc negligence Its docks and ships were doubtless as well protected against such a disaster ns arc the docks nnd ships of other ocean carrying companies In New York or elsewhere They were thought to be a good risk by tho tiro and murine un derwriters But the disaster occurred Its lesson la perhaps more general than specific and npplles to the merchant marine as a whole not only of New York but of other coast cities In this ami other countries Tho conditions permitting tho possibility of such nn occurrence ought not to exist Stone piers would bnvo served as a barrier against the spreading flames The com pulsory uso of portholes large enough at least for the passage of tho average persons body would have minimized tho loss of life Had there been In force an International agreement con cerning the carriage of cotton and like iutlainninblo cargo on the great pas senger liners the Humes would proba bly hnve been confined to the one ship If It bo true that every groat achieve ment In safeguarding human life and property against dlsnster hns been in spired by a great sacrltlco of life and property the frightful calamity In New York hnrbor should mark the point at which Invention will lay the founda tion for nnother such achievement of Incalculable vnluo to the commercial world The Chinese appear to be showing In the present Imbroglio considerably more energy nnd intelligence than they displayed In the war with Japan Chi na Is not wholly degenernte nor are ull the people cowards It may be that the Chinese aro waking up from their long sleep Since the war with Japan they have learned some things about modern warfare and they may be nble to put up a pretty husky light against the allied powers The American girl has been given notice that she Is not wanted In force nt Wealcyan university She need not worry Tho American girl Is popular Iu too many places to accept serenely tho toleration of a half open door In the excitement of politics and tho China rouble Agulunldo and llo del Pilar seem to havo beeu lost sight of Neither has beeu reported dead for a long time THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JULY 12 1900 DEBT TO PROTECTION Nntionnl Prosperity Dnn in Pntrlotlo IrKlnlnllun it Is the cuatom of nn old tlmo free trade Democrat who closes his eyes nnd understanding to the evidence of our commercial and Industrial life the direct outgrowth and result jf our na tional protective policy to deploro tho old diiyfj of our foreign ocean trade nnd to talk ronilnlscenlly of glorious free tniile times when lofty square rigged ships lay at the citys piers forgetting In the nipuntlmo to consider the fleets of coastwise steamships Hint leave our great port every day and the enormous number of three nnd four masted schooners engaged the same wny In those days If nn American wnnted a watch piano or a roll of carpet ho sent to Ktirone for It lie does not hnve to go beyond his own country nowndaya for a better nnd chenper article What must such an old fossil think of the recent launching nt Wyandotte Mich of a freight stonmor to ply on the great lakes of tho mighty west n country which hns had Its development since 1801 This ship Is built for n western compnny nnd Is of 8000 tons burden She Is 478 feet long I0 feet wide nnd 128 feet deep nnd Is nt present the largest boat If she enn be so called on tho Inkes Twonty flvo years ngo with tho ex ception of the Grent Eastern there wns no merchant ship or Htenmcr built of thlH enormous capacity or size nnd as to the old sailing vessels of antebel lum days a 2500 tonner wns a wonder America did not get to bo rich becnuse tho Hides aru any bluer or tho climate better than ninny countries of the old world but legislation born of patriot ism nnd wisdom having for Its object the upholding of the American work man free and equal under the consti tution not n chattel slave Is to bo cred ited for our national prosperity Brooklyn Times Rev Dwlitht Galloup pastor of St Pauls Episcopal church of Newnrk N J was found dead iu the bathroom of his parsonago Wednesday aged 20 yours ltev Mr Galloup wont to tho front in tho Spauish Amorican war as chaplain of the Ninth regulara Thero is more catarrh in this aeciton of tho country than all other diseases put together and until the last few years was supposed to be iuourable For a great many years doctors pro uouucod it a local disoase aud pre scribed local remedies aud by constantly falling to euro with local treatment pronounced it iuourable Science has nrovon catarrh to be a constitutional disease and thoroforo requires constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure mauufnotured by F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is tho only constitutional cure on the market It is taken inter nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfacos of the system They oiler one hundred dollars for auy caso it falls to cure Send for circulars and testimonials Address P J Chunky Co Toledo O Sold by druggist 75c Halls family pills are the best All Ideal Climate The first white mau to sot foot on Utah soil Father Silvestre Velez de Escalante who reached the Great Salt Lake on the 23rd day of September 1770 wrote in his diary Here tht climate is so delicious the air so balmy that it is a pleasure to breathe by day aud by night The climate of Utah is one of the richest endowments of nature Ou the shores of the Great Salt Lake especially aud for fifty miles therefrom in overy direction the climate of cli mates is found To euable persons to participato iu these scenic and climatic attractions and to reaoh the famous health bathing and pleasuro resorts of Utah tho Union Pacific has made a rate to Ogden nnd Salt Lake city of one fore for tho round trip plus 200 from Mia souri river to be in effect Jane 21st July 7th to 10th inclusive July 18th aud August 2d Return limit October 31 1000 For full information call on or address F W Juueinan agent Sunitiiar Kxcurslouit to Suit Lake aud Ogden The Union Pacltlo will sell July 1st to September 150th rouud trip tickets via Deuvor the Denver aud Rio Grande or Midland aud RioGraudo and Western one way returning via Union Pacific or vico vorsa with privilege of stopovers at and west of Deuvor for 20 days tickets final limit IK days not exceeding October tlst 1900 Forrates or other information call at U P depot F W Jukbmak Agent Through Colorado The Denver Rio Grande railroad with its numerous branches penetrating the Rockies has two distinct and sep arate lines across the mouutaius Denver aud Grand Junction in con nection with the Rio Grande Western railway betweeu Grand Juuction nud Ogden are available over the Denver Rto Grande either via its maiu liue through Leadville aud Gleuwood Springs or via the Hue over Marshall Pass and through the Black Canou Tourists to aud from Salt Lake City Ogden or San Francisco will find It to their ad vantage to have their tickets read in both directions via The Sceuio Liue of tho World thus being able to use oue of the above routes going and the other retumiug Write S K Hooper G P ic T A Denver Colo for illustrated pamphlets Tours Iu the Hocky Mountains The Sceuic Lino of the World the Denver Rio Grande railroad oilers to tourists in Colorado Utah aud New Mexico the choicest resorts aud to the transcontinental traveler tho grandest scenery Two separato aud distinct routes through tho Hocky Mountains all through tickets ovallablo via olthen The direct lino to Cripplo Crook the groatcit gold camp on earth Threo trains daily with through Pullman palnco and slcoplng cara botweon Chi cago Donvor San Francisco and Los Au gelos aud Denver and Portland Tho best lino to Utah Idaho Montana Oregon nnd Washington via tho Ogdon Gatoway Dining cars sorvico a la enrto on all through trains Write S K Hooper G P T A Donvor Colorado for Illustrated doscrlptlvo pamphlets llnllwiiy 1Hrm Iuiitl For Sato In northern Wisconsin the Chicago St Paul Mluucnpolla Omaha railway has for sale at low rates aud easr terms of payment about 400000 acros of cholco farm lands IJarly buyers will secure tho advantage of locations on tho mauy boautiful streams aud lakes which abound with fish and furnish a never ending aud most excellont water supply both for family uso and for stock Laud ia generally well timbered the soil fortilo aud easy of cultivation Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minne apolis Daluth Superior Ashlaud and numorous other thriving cities and towns ou tho Hue of the 0 St P M O railway and other railroads iu tho samo territory furnish good markets for farm produce For further particulars address Geo W Bell Laud Commissioner Hudson Wis or G H McRae a yj tr i oc Norfolk DRO S PARKER Mast Block DENTIST rnos g A11NI3S T YLER j a ji Attorneys at Law or Nebraska - Norfolk Nob DR H T HOLDEN Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon OUico Citizens National Batik Bulldiug Tolonhouo 101 SduiUrium aud Hodlilouco Maiu aud 13th St jTolophouo 9 Norfolk - - Nebraska DR I E SCOBEE OSTEOPATHIST 511 South 9th Stroot Norfolk Nobr Will ho iu Croifilitoii Mourtay Woduesday nud Fridiij aftoruoous of oacb uu g J COLE DENTIST Otlico over Citizens Natioual Bank Residence ouo block uortb of Couxrosutioual church Norfolk - - - Nebraska jyISS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker Up stairs In Cotton block over Baums store First class work guaranteed Norfolk - - - Nebraska pOWERS HAYS Attorneys at Law Booms 10 11 aud l Norfolk Mastlblock Nebraska gESSIONS BELL Undertaken aud Einbalmers Sessions HIW Norfolk Avo3 Norfolk Nebraska W ROBERTSON Attorney at Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wigton Block Norfolk T WILLE City - Scavenger Water Closets and Cess Pools Cleaned All work imaMj and promptly douo according to City Ordinance No 217 Loavo ordurs at HrmiBcho coal otlico B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Sultujiinria to ordor and iu the latost stylo Ro tmiriui imatl done Shop ou South Fourth St south of liaum llros M C WALKER DKALKH IN FLOUR FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE - I Of K I Kidneycura V NO CURES all Kidney Diseases uacn aohe etc Atdruir irlsta or bv mall tl Free book ad- vloe etc of Dr D J K7 Saratoga N Y Norfolk National N A 1 I ALKX 1 W II K W Bank niinniT nt aLkXANDKU HhIaH Vlco Proatdnot nut nut stumor ZUTZ AtdaUnt Jaahlar OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKIN8 BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus l20ooooo Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella Exohangc Interest Paid on Time Deposits DraftB and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europg A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transaoted DIBBOTOBB A BEAU F P HANLON F J HALK W U BOCHOLZ WM ZUTS N A BAINBOLT JOHN B HAYB P VKBC1KH 8H COTTON 3843W Our Stock is very Full and Complete Late buy ers will find a Good As sortment from which to select INSKEEPS MILLINERY k3343 W C AHLHAN Have You Tried Them WEBSTERS 1 INTERN ADUNAtl DKNONATOfi 33 VU IMM C W BRAASCH DEALER IN COAL W W AHLMAN BROS col Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 61 O A LUIKABT President CHAS S BRIDGE Vice Pmsident H JOHN80N Cshlbb E BBAASCH Asst Casuikjb The Citizens National Bank 9 Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Bay and sell exchange on this country and all parte of Europe Farm Loans Directors -Carl Abhcs W H JoaNflON Cbah S Bbisqb 0 W Bbaabch Swank Q A Luikabt T F Mehminoeb L Sessions Wt 0 M C W AHLMAN -9 The Norfolk Bicycle Men Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Mauufacturors Jobbers aud Doalors iu Bicycles Sundries Parts and Repairs AROucy for Wnltliam Manufacturing Cos Orient Bicycles tho Finpst StrouReit nud Fastest Bicyclo in this World Wo nlso haudle the Acme World Tribune Hoebo Sycamore Pattee and our own make oithor chain or chaiuless which will be kuown ua the Ahlmau Specials We do Repairing Promptly and Reasonable BABIES CRY FOR tn itijl WHEMLING AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS SEE- The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary A Dictionary of ENGLISH Biography Geography Fiction etc What better investment could bo mad3 than in a copy of tho International This royal quarto volumo 13 vast storehouse of valuablo information arranged in a convenient form for hand eye and mind It is more widely used as standard authority than any other dictionary in tho world It should bo in every household Also Websters Collegiate Dictionary with a Scottuh Kl Glossary etc First clasa in quality second claw in size Twnssmni UC A ITU AND VITALITY Bh m WIT MI B t J7171 F Twrm larrTci V The great remedy tor nervous prostratldu aud all diseases of the generative I organs of either sex such as Nervous Prostration Falling or Lost Manhood Impotency fuimtiy amissions xuuiuiui crrurs lueumi worry ezcessivu uso TOUACCO Or Upturn WUIUU icau to buuauiuiiviuu uuu iusuuuy Wltu every ICTCQ HCIUfi 5 order we guarantee to euro or rotund the money Sold at 100 per box Al ILI uuiiiui ODOies Of faUU UHiDluiii uiouuiiiw CJevelaud OIU for Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY i V J