The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 05, 1900, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
Democratic Convention Stirred
Up by Speeches
Banners Arc Borne Aloft nnd larado
of States Ensues
New Yorkers Oration a Feature of the
Jrocrodlogi Day Spent In Organizing
auil Listening to Addrctie riatform
Cotiitnltteo Decided for Sixteen to One
Kansas City July 5 Amid scenes
Cf tumultuous enthusiasm befitting
Buchun event and such a day thoDem
ocratic national convention bogan its
Bessions yesterday But after sitting
until a late hour last night the expected
climax of tho day tho nomination of
William J Bryan as tho Democratic
cahdidato for president has failed of
realization and all of the larger busi
ness of tho convention awaits tho com
pletion of tho platform As a spectacu
lar event howover tho convention has
fulfilled tho hopes of tho most fervid
party niun for tho vast assomblago of
delegates and spectators has twice been
Bwept with whirlwind demonstrations
first for tho leader who is about to be
placed in nomination and then for that
mg2c cIbTmA
vjiun inwwu ii ufiman m
lztss i v N 4 fein I 3 -- i
vv m W
1 11
f coNoncssuAN r d richaudsow
other champion of Democracy David
B Hill But in actual accomplishment
tife day a work is cunlfued to organiza
tion with tho speeches of the temporary
chairman Governor Thomas of Col
orado and of tho permanent chairman
Hon James D Richardson tho ap
pointment of tho various committees
and the detailed preparations for tho
more serious work yet in store
I The Gavel Falls
1 It was an inspiring scene that Chair
man Jones looked out upon when at
noon after beating a tattoo with his
gavel he stilled the tumult and declared
tho convention open About him were
fully 25000 people rising tier on tier
like the spectators in sdme vast coliseum
uwaiting the appearance of tho dele
gates of tho party while on either side
stretched away the rows of desks ac
commodating representatives of the
press from every section of the country
Above and on all sides was a gorgeous
Bunburtt of color huge flags in rosettes
und graceful fan shapes bunting looped
and in long streamers mottoes and
coats of arms of the many states ming
ling this overhanging spread of color
with the bright summer hats and
dresses of the many women present
But it was clearly not a gathering alone
of wealth and fashion Tho bronzed
faces of many of tho men their coarse
ehirts collarless and scarfless marked
them as from tho soil With hardly an
exception they took off their coats and
sat sbirt Bleeved and democratio Many
of the women were in cambrics and
ginghams rather than in summer silks
and luces and the gorgeous costumes
and picture hats were in an oasis of
duller hue It was a gathering none
the less inspired with tho patriotic
spirit of the day which found constant
expression in wild hurrahs at every
Bound of Dixie or America
In the body of delegates wero the
best known men of tho party many of
them of national reputation Immedi
ately in front sat Governor Smith of
Maryland and his delegation Along
side of them was that notable Now
York trio Croker Murphy and Van
Wyck To tho right was tho classic
face of Daniels pf Virginia while back
of him Arthur Bewail of Maine and
Senator White of California couferred
across tho aislo To the left at the
bead of tho Massaohussotts delegation
was their intrepid young leader George
Fred Williams Near him sat Gover
nor McMillin of Tennessee and the tall
gaunt Clay like figure of Richardson
Boon to be permanent chairman of the
convention With the Kentuckians
cat their youthful Governor Beckham
acoompauied by Senator Blackburn and
ex Governor McCreary
Senator Hill was late to come upon
the scene Tho great audience had
been eagerly awaiting him and his en
trance was the signal for the first real
ovation of tho day He found no place
reserved among tho CrokenMurphy
dignitaries in the forefront of tho dele
gation and contented himself with a
teat far In the rear Sitting with the
Mississippi delegation was a white
haired lady alternate Mrs W J Brown
of that state and further back wt Mrs
J K Cohen nnother lady alternate
from Salt Lftko Citv
The early proceedings of tho conven
tion wero marked by two brilliant but
rather ill timed spceohe one of wel
come from tho mayor of tho city and
the other from Governor Thomas of
Colorado assuming tho duties of torn
porary chairman Bui tho delegates
fretted during thoso dclivorancos and
sought for moro exciting themes
Itrjrau lliut Presented
Tho first dramatic episode of tho day
occurrod after Oampau of Michigan had
secured tho adoption of a resolution for
the reading of tho declaration of inde
pendence As the reading wai about
to begin two attendants pushed up to
the platform bearing a pedestal and a
bust both draped in tho stars and
stripes As tho orator raised his volco
for tho first words of tho immortal in
strument tho draperies wore thrown
ii i
back disclosing a bplendid head of
Bryan Tho effect was electrical upon
tho vast assemblago which up to that
moment had neither heard tho name
nor seen tho faco of their leader As
the marble features wero recognized a
yell went up which fairly bhook the
steel girders and abovo tho storm
faiutly could bo heard tho strains of
the bund which had broken out with
tho national anthem Men and women
wero on their feet waving handker
chiefs coats and fans and joining in
tho wild chorus As tho orator sought
tq proceed there wero demands from
all parts of tho hall to see the full faco
of tho leader and it was turned about
first this way and then that Each
turn evoked a fresh outburst from
some new quarter At last the people
quieted and Orator Hampton strong
voiced read tho document which 124
years ago mado America free
Quickly following this camo another
outburst as a young woman fron New
Yori the platform and in a
clear soprano voioo sang -The Star
Spangled Banner Deafening cheers
greeted tho song and as tho last lino
died away and the singer turned tho
strains to thosorf America tho vast
audience witboiie accord took up tho
inspiring air and bore it forward in a
tumultuous paeon of tho nations song
Culls For 1II1I
Tho outbursts of patriotism now
turned in a new direction and duriug
a momentary pause in tho proceedings
the name of Hill was sounded It was
quickly caught up first among tho del
egates and then from gallery to gallery
among tho spectators until tho whole
multitude bad joined in a noisy do
maud lor the former senator from New
York For fully ten minutes tho dem
onstration proceeded tho chairman bat
tling vainly against it Delegates stood
on chairs and joined in the demand
and tho senator was surrounded by a
shouting crowd of insistent men He
smiled and shook his head throughout
the demonstration
Many of the New Yorkers joined in
the tribute but it was noticeable that
tho immediate following of Mr Croker
and the Tammany leader himself held
their seats and maintained a stolid
composuro throughout tho remarkable
tribute to their associate At last when
the demonstration had run on for 15
minutes Hill could be seen rising from
his obscuro placo in tho body of tho
New York delegation He bowed and
smiled and his lips moved to address
tho chairman But as well might ho
had addressed Niagara for tho waves
of the tumultuous sound drowned every
thing and he dropped back in his seat
When tho delegates had time to think
they began to ask each other if Hill
wus to be the hero of this convention
for another such demonstration at an
opportune time might carry the con
vention off its feet
Tho routiuo proceedings wero quickly
disposed of But in this there was op
portunity to give further tribute to the
New Yorker and when Judge Van
Wycks name was called as tho New
York member of tho platform commit
tee a tremendous call for Hill mingled
with hisses from those who opposed
him greeted the announcement With
the committees appointed thero was
nothing to do but wait their reports
and tho convention took a recess at
230 until 4 p m
As the delegates filed oat of tho hall
they pressed around Senator Hill who
for half an hour was tho center of an
interesting programme At 4 oclock
the committees wero not ready to re
port and another adjournment was
taken until 830 p m
Scene of Wild Joy
It remained for tho night session to
bring the most remarkablo demonstra
tion of tho entire day Again the greut
structuro was invaded by thousands
and the moving picture took on new
glories of color and animation under
the glare of countless electrjp light
For the first hour the proceedings were
formal and profitless but when at the
close of tho speech of Icrinationt Chair
man Richardson ho paid a glowing tri
bute to William J Bryan pandemon
ium broke looso and tho historic scono
of Bryans nominntian at Chicago was
repeated oven exceeded in a frenzied
demonstration lasting half an hour
Tho stuto standards wero wronohed
from their sockets and borno aloft a
battle for supremacy wbb waged bo
tweon tho standard boarers nrgod ouby
tho deafening applause of tho entire
shouting gesticulatingmultitude
Outside of tho formal proceedings of
the day interest was centered in tho
action of tho platform committee An
tho evening advanced it becamo known
that a determined strugglo was in
progress involving not only tho ques
tion of incorporating a specific 10 to 1
declaration in tho party platform
but to somo extent involving tho do
sires of tho prospectivo nomlnco as to
tho terms of tho platform Tho out
come is awaited with absorbing inter
tcrest us tho chief development of to
Ills Aililros on Annulling lie Duties of
IVmmiicnt tliiilriimn
I am deeply sensible of tho great
honor you have bestowcdupon mo in
calling mo to preside over this great
Democratio convention Wo huvo been
clothed with tho authority to formally
name the candidates who at tho next
election are to bo chosen president and
vice president of tho United States
and to lay down a platform of princi
ples upon which tho battlo is to bo
fought and the victory won With
your permission I will address myself
to somo of tho issues of tho impending
Tho labt great national contest for
supremacy was fought mainly upon
one issue that is to say one issue was
paramount in tho strugglo That issuo
was familiarlv called 10 to 1 It in
volved the question of tho freo coinage
of gold and silver at a ratio of 10 parts
of silver to 1 part of gold with which
all of us are familiar
Tho momentous issuo this year is
again 10 to 1 but tho 10 parts to tho 1
part of this campaign which I will
briefly discussA aro wholly different
from those of 1800 I will first refer to
the 10 parts and thou to tho 1 part
These 10 parts aro
First We huvo the issuo fraught with
indescribable importance to our peoplo
vu born and i thoso who have for
piflriotio rea
reasons cast their ortunos
with us mainly that of tho republic
against the empire Oil this part alouo
of tho sixteen if thero were no other
wo confidently expect to win a sweep
ing victory in November Tho Repub
lican party stands for empire Tho
Democratio party stands for tho repub
lic for the declaration of independence
and tho constitution of our country
Second Tho paternal and lostcring
care given by thoso with whom wo con
tend to tho combination of corporations
and companies into powerful organiza
tions familiarly known as trusts Un
der three years of Republican rule while
they controlled tho presidency the
senate and the house of representatives
that is all of tho lawmaking power of
tho government trusts have been prop
agated and fostered by legislation
until they not only dominate all mar
kets both the buying and selling but
defy the very power of the government
itself The farcical efforts put forth by
the Republican party in an alleged at
tempt to restrain them in tho dying
hours of tho late session of congress
only excited ridiculo and contempt und
served to emphasizo their inability
and disinclination to grapple with the
monsters and regulate their conduct
uud actions No matter what their ex
cuses may bo tho fact is their policies
have created them and though clothed
with all power they refuse to enact leg
islation to control them
Ilroken 1ledgcs of Itepnbllcans
Third Called to power March 4 1817
under a pledge to reform the currency
they seized tho first opportunity to
fasten upon the land the highest pro
tective tariff law over put upon tho
statute bo6k of auy county This law was
enacted not to raise revenue but to give
protection to favored manufacturers
It failed to raise sufficient revenue for
the government but answered tho pur
pose of enriching the favored few whilo
it robbed the many and at tho same
time brought forth trusts to plague us
as numerous as tho lice and locusts of
Egypt Their high protectivo tariff is
the mother of trusts
Fourth This administration came in
to power with a solemn declaration iu
favor of bimetallism and a pledgo to
promote it It has failed to keep that
pledge It has erected in its stead the
single standard of gold and has en
deavored to destroy all hope of bimetal
lisim In doing this it has built up a
powerful national bank trust and has
given us a curronoy based upon the
debts and liabilities of tho government
Wo stand for bimetallism and not for
a monometallic standard of either ouo
or tho other metal
Fifth The dominant party has re
cently mado the fraudulent declaration
that it favored tho Mouroo doctrine
and yet their president and secretary of
state havo done all in their power to
nullify and abrogate that famous and
much revered Domocratio doctriuo
Sixth In order to obtain place aud
power they pledged themselves in he
interest of an expanding commerce to
construct a waterwuy to connect the
two great oceans They have repudi
ated this compact They have nego
tiated the HayrFauucefote treaty which
while it virtually abrogates the Monroe
doctrine renders it impossible to build
an American canal Under the terms
ond provisions of this treaty widen is
English and not American tho canal
enn never bo constructed Wo stand
for an American oaual ownod con
structed operated and fortified by
Seventh Tlioy tleolared u their plat
form that their party was rcsponslblo
for the merit system that it was their
creatnro and that the civil service law
shonld bo protected aud its operation
extended By tho presidents order
many thousand lucrative offices regu
larly covered by tho civil service law
wero taken from under its protection
and those places turned over to his pur
iIbuii followers in a vain effort to satisfy
their political greed
Eighth Thoy declared iu their plat
form iu favor of tho admission of tho
tenitorlcH of Arizona Now Mexico and
Oklahoma as states of the union yet
nftor nearly four years of full powor
thoy aro Btlll territories
Ninth When congress last assem
bled tho proficient in bin first utterance
aimresseu o mo representatives ircsu
from tho peoplo solemnly urged upon
them that It was their plain duty to
glvo free trade to Porto Rico His party
leaders quick to obey hiH Injunction
mado ready to comply with his recom
mendations lint in a night almost in
the twinkling of an oyo th mighty
magnates of tho trusts swept down upon
Washington and interposed their strong
arm and plum duty vanished like mist
Ix fore the rising sun The president
wheeled into lino tho Republican party
reversed its policy and set up a tat iff
wall between tho island of Porto Rico
and t lie remainder of tho United Stales
It is not at all surprising that in tho re
cent somewhat lengthy declaration of
principles enunciated by tho party in
convention ussomblcd while thoy en
larged upon almost every political ques
tion they could not find the space to
point with prido to tho achievements of
their party in its dealings with that
unhappy island Tho Domocratio party
stands for equal taxation equal rights
uud opportunities to all who come
under tliu folds of tho flag
liirli of Philippine Policy
Tenth Thoy wholly failed by their
legislation or by tho cheapor method of
platform declaration to toll tho country
what their policy is in respect to tho
Philippine islands For two years by
their equivocating policy and no policy
at all they havo continued iu that
archipelago a war expensive in human
blood as well as in money Incompe
tent to deal with this question and too
cowardly to avow their real purpose of
imperialism and militarism in dealing
with these und kindred colonial ques
tions they should bo retired lroni
power and the control should bo given
to a party honest bold and patriotic
enough to apply American theories and
precepts to existing conditions and
thereby solve thorn in harmony with
the underlying principles of tho declar
ation of independence and the constitu
tion of our country
Eleventh Another part of tho issuo
of the campaign this year is the scandal
ous dealings of a high cabinet otlicer
with privuto banks of tho country
These scandals aro notorious and aro
based upon tho earnest and repeated
written demands of tho officers of sonic
of these banks that thoy should bo fav
ored by this administration because of
money coutributed by them with which
to buy tho presidency of 1390
Twelfth Tho scandals which sur
rouuded the war department iu feeding
embalmed beef to tho soldiors iu its
purchase of old yachts tugs scows
etc for use us array transports consti
tute on important chapter
Thirteenth So also tho scandals in
connection with tho postoflico mutters
in Cuba and the scandalB in connection
with the cxpendituro of tho funds oi
the Paris exposition
Fourteenth They loudly proclaim
that thcira ia the party of liberty and
in their vainglory boast of their very
uamo yet thoy aro caught coquottiug
and forming secret entangling alliances
of tho most detestable character with
tho old mother monarchy They stand
supinely by and refuse oven an ex
pression of sympathy with tho Boer
republics in their heroic and unequal
struggle for existence ub ugaiust the
gross oppressions aud brutal efforts ut
enslavement of tho samo old tyrant who
went down in defeat when ho sought to
prevent tho establishment of our own
liberty loving republio They thus
permit a bravo people in lovo with their
free republican institutions to perish
from tho earth lest by ono word ot
sympathy und comfort they might
offend the delicate sensibilities of their
new found ally Great Britain
Fifteenth An importaut chapter is
the oft repeated promise mode to be
broken that when the war ceased the
oppressive burdensome and vexatious
war taxes on many articles of prime
necessity should be repealed or ro
duced Though tho war closed two
years ago and notwithstanding there is
a large und growing surplus in tho
treasury not ouo dollar of reduction iu
these taxes has been made The only
hope for relief lies in hurling from
power tho Republican party and the
restoration of tho party which believes
in simple and economical governmout
Cont of HeiulllcauUin
Sixteenth and lastly The cost of
Republicanism aud its twin monster
imperialism This is neither the time
nor tho occasion to discuss in dotail tho
increased appropriation made uecessary
by tho Republican policy of imperial
ism Briefly however I will meutiou
that the average of appropriations per
year for all purposes of government for
the two years immediately preceding
the Spanish American war was about
476000000 TheaYergeexpeuditure8
per aunum for each of the three years
aiuoo that war including the fiscal year
upon which we have Just witoicil shows
an incicaso ot nearly fctOO000000 Tho
total increase for the three years will
bo nearly JHOOOOOOOO Aud iu like
proportion it will go on
This shows tho difference in cost of
tho empire as against tho republio
These ligurcH refer alouo to the money
cost of tho ehuiigo aud do not Include
tho expense of tho blood of tho Amur
lean boys the price of which is far btu
yond computation In tho Republican
congress just closed not ouo dollar could
be had for much needed public build
lugs throughout tho country at home
but many millions wero promptly voted
to prosecute n war in tho lur away Phil
ippine Islands Not a dollar for neees
niry Improvements of our rivers and
harbors at home nut millions to bo
stolon aud squandered in Cuba and our
now insular possessions Nothing for
isthmian canal und many other enter
prises and objects but moro than two
hundred millions wero freely given for
tho army and navy for Imperialism
aud military for gold and glory
1 said at the outset Iho issue this year
was again 11 to I Tho foregoing aro
briefly tho ID parte of tho Issuo What
is the ono part
Wo huvo seen that platform pledges
nro mado and broken That good In
tentions of limn iuo many times sot at
naught That plain duty clearly sot
forth and understood In disregarded
That some mon aro weak and vacillat
ing and may change their nolomn opin
ions in a day It Is apparent therefore
to all that iu this supremo exigency of
tho republio a demand goes forth not
for a faint hearted declaration of plat
form platitudes but for a man Yes
u man who stands like a mighty rock
in the desert a man who knowing tho
right will dnro do tho right a man
who rather than follow a multitude
to do evil will stand like PompoyH pil
lar conspicuous by himself and single
in integrity Such a man as tho one
part this convention will tender to tho
nation as their candidate for president
A man who is unsurpassed as u citizen
uneqnaled as an orator courageous as a
soldier conspicuous in every element
that constitutes tho typical and tho truo
American William J Bryan
Former Vliw Irniililniil Cnndldiicy find
Stippoil Tow rm In tlm Unci
Kansas Citv July 5 Very lilllo
that was tangiblo developed iu tho vico
presidential situation although tho
Stevenson candidacy apparently met
with favor and thero scorned to bo a
possibility of this being tho solution of
tho question Tho determination of
tlio Indiana delegation to put Sliively
in tho Hold caused u littlo diverson dur
ing a part of tho day but later Shivoly
distinctly stated that ho was not a can
didato and would not bo Friends of
Stevenson said that thoy would havo
been perfectly willing a short tinio ago
to havo supported Shivoly but after tho
positivo statement mado yesterday that
Shivoly would not bo a candiduto and
would not bo presented by Indiana
they now felt that thoy should stand by
The demonstration mado over Hill in
tho convention was taken by some to
mean that tho convention would be
stampeded for him but Hill docs not
think so aud it is possiblo that if ho
makes a speech on the platform ho will
mako it plain that ho would not bo a
candidate on a Bryan platform Ho
says emphatically that ho will not bo
n om i tinted
It is the high
quality of -Royal
Baking Powder
that has estab
lished its great
and world wide
Every house
wife knows she
can rely upon
it that it makes
Sixteen to nun In rliimilfln Term lr
nlt liy n Vole of 21 to 37
Hot Hprrrlir Mniln
Kanhah City July 5 When tho
committee on resolutions reassembled
at 8 last night Chairman Jones wax
of tho opinion that tho fight over tho
platform would bo carried Into tho con
vention as two reports would bo pro
Hcntcdi Tho first speaker was U Irv
ing Handy of Doluwaro who took a po
sition iu favor of tho reiteration of tho
platform Instead of reaffirmation
Ureal Interest was manifested in tho
speech of Carter Harrison of Chicago
Ho went over many of tho arguinontu
that havo been mado nlnco tho Irsuo
was raised and declared that the proper
action of this convention was to re
affirm tho Chicago platform
Representative Ball of Texas said ho
camo from a stato which gavo Bryan
204000 majority on tho Chicago plat
form in 1801 and was ready to ropoat
tho operation this year
Four years ago ho said tho mid
dlo west and tho south took strong
gioiiiidH on tho silver quustion and
inndo a platform for tho mining states
of Iho west and yet thoso states had
not furnished sufficient votes to savo
tho election with tho loss of thoso of
tho middle west and tho east
Senator Moneys speech wuh some
what sensational Ilo said hut whilo
ho yielded to no ono iu his admiration
of Mr Bryan neither ho nor any other
man was big enough to cooron tho con
science of tho whole Domocratio party
Senator Tillman took tho floor at 1 a
in and mado a vigorous pica for a spo
cillo declaration for 10 to 1 Ilo said
tho party could not afford to retreat ono
stop iu its allegiance to silver and thut
tliu convention should uccodo to tho de
mands of tho northwest in this matter
At 2 oclock Judgo Van Wyck took
tho floor to reply to tho speeches made
in favor of 10 to 1 reiterating his argu
ments in favor of a concession to tho
Senator Blackburn of Kentucky fol
lowed Mr Van Wyck with a strong
speech in favor of 10 to I Senator
Blackburn referred iu somewhat un
complimentary terms to tho members
of tho committee who ho said wero do
sorting the historic ratio Ho was re
plied to in spirited lauguago by Souator
Duiiol of Virginia
Cicorgo Fred Williams of Massachu
setts charged Van Wyck with being tho
roprosontativo of Wall street and that
his counsel was not for tho interest oi
tho people-
Van Wyck replied saying that Now
England and tho constituency could
not return a ninglo electoral voto for
hio Domocratio cauililaffl
Tho resolutions committeo decided
for an explicit declaration for silver
coinage at 10 to 1 The voto stood 27 to
25 and was taken at I0 oclock
ISoln Kii Driuvlni Corner Culltlollllr
IXNiON July 5 Tho various tele
grams received lrom South Africa
while not giving accounts of fighting
represent Iho converging columns as
making Dowots roving ground moro
and moro contracted and tho possibility
of his dofeat and capture near
Heavy artillery fighting was heard
near Ficksburg on the Sid
Tho Boers aro massing In groat num
bers iu tho Liudley district
the bread and
biscuit more delicious and whole
some always the finest that cafi
be baked
It is economy and every way
better to use the Royal whose
work is always certain never
with so
an article
as the
There are many imitation baking
powders made from alum They
may cost less per pound but
their use is at the cost of health