V V 11 Y I h -mi i I V J A T V V Our Liue of Summer Footwear Is Complete j See the Strap Slippers for Misses and Children Davenport Bros H4WW4W4WHWH W4 When Doctors Disagree Consult an Optician and have your eyes examined Nervousness headaches sleep lessness and dizziness often puz zle the best physicians Nine times in ten eyestrain is J the direct cause Nothing can effect a permanent cure that does not remove the cause Properly fitted glasses remove the cause and a permanent cure is effected I Make a Specialty of Relieving Eyestrain by correcting the error Examination and Advice Entire- 3 ly Free C F W MARQUARDT DR OF OPHTHALMOLOGY X NORFOLK - NEBRASKA FOR THE FINEST PHOTOS COME TO MICHAELS STUDIO We always have the latest styles and guarantee that our work will please you Our prices are right and we solicit a Bhare of your pat ronage Finest line of Mat Board in town Newest styles of Picture Mouldings New shipment just re ceived Yours for business CPMICHAEL Thompsons 9 cans corn 20 3 cans tomatoes 25 Whoatling per package 10 Gold dust 4 lb 18 i packages yeast 10 Bakers chocolate - 18 2 lbs ABC crackers 15 1 gal pail syrup 35 Gloss starch per pkg 05 IS lbs granulated sugar 100 We Can Save You Money TIih AVeiitliwr Forecast forNebraska Generally fair except local thunderstorms aro probable Friday and in west portion tonight THURSDAY TIDINGS The sewers were flushed this morning under the direction of Fire Chief Wiuter The Fair store has received and is unloading a carload of sugar direct from Honolulu Hawaii A handsome now delivery wagon re presents Schoreggos grocery ami bakery on the streets of Norfolk Miss Dorothy Rudatoutertaiued a few friend yesterday afternoon in honor of cousin Miss Lillio Koch of West Point The guild of Trinity ohurch will meet tomorrow af ternoou at 2 J0 with Mrs Bundick A good attendance is re quested Burt Mapes this morning presented the fire department with 2o iu recog uitiou of their services at the fire in his building O J Johuson has donated a back stop to the Leonard base ball nine which will without doubt contribute to the quality of the game the boys will put up in the future Miss May Durlaud of this city is re ceiving very active support in the Bee vacation contest This morning she held eighth place in the North Nebraska territory with a vote of 8411 A nice little shower this morning has revivod vegetation and comos as a god HOitcl to the crops that wore injurod by yesterday mornings storm Tho pros poets aro that it will bo followed by more rain Bergen Hodge a brakomau on tho F K M V was in tho way car of his train yostorday when tho airbrake was appliod rather suddouly and he fell against the ladder cutting quite a gash in his head Wayuo Republican Win Jenkins of Garfiold precinct was iu town Wednes day and informed us that on tho day pro ceeding he had effected the salo of Robt H Jonos quarter section of laud in Gar Held to Lewis Richards of Sherman pro duct We aro sorry to bo obliged to call tho attention of our fusion friends to ths prioe this farm sold at f58 p3r acre but wo cant help it and if thoy soo any thing in it that looks like prosperity wo trust thoy will close tholr oyes atop thoir ears and with open mouth drown tho whisperings of an aroused oouscionco with thoir senseless yell of imperial ism Mauy Norfolk peoplo havo apple trees in tholr yards iu which thoy take justi fiable pride Thoir prido was especially groat thjs year as the trees iu many tustaucos were litorally loaded with fruit but tho scriptural quotation about pride going before a fall was proven in this case tho apples foil The storm of yesterday morning at mnuy places took every apple from tho trees and deposit ed thorn on the ground As a couso queuco half devolopod apples aro plonty on the market and quite cheap Those who counted on harvesting thoir own apples this fall aro disappointed with good cause It is understood that quite a number of boys go iu swimming in tho North fork near the railroad bridge Not only is that a rather public place but tho boys should take warning that tho Northfork with its cold uudercurrout is a dangerous stream and almost overy year it claims its victim One of these boys perhaps the bravest of them may be the next if they do not stay away from it If tho boys must go bathing they should go to the Elkhorn which is a safe stream While one or two drown in the Northfork almost every year The News fails to recall an instance of a drowning in the Elkhorn and it has accordiugly become very popular sinco the dangerous character of tho first mentioned stream has become known 0 M Henderson will return homo Saturday aud will do your piano tuning the first of next week Have your work doue by a man living in Norfolk Leave orders at Hayes Jewelry and Music House Hidden away in the stock room the Miletoue management has found a few unsold copies left These have been rnced on sale at Utters Book Store where they can be had for 20 cents e ich Some good second hand refrigerators very cheap at Hoffmans Fresh halibut at Glissinaus PERSONAL Bernard Whitwer of Tildeu is a vis itor iu Norfolk Mrs Sargent of Pierce was shopping in the city yesterday 0 S Hayes returned yesterday from a business trip to Pender W M Queen returued from a business trip to Omaha yesterday Miss Matilda Nelson is in tho city from Plainview doing some shopping 1 S Shurtz returned last evening from a two mouths visit at Logan Kansas Mrs Ohas Ilobbius of Wayne is in the city visiting her mother Mrs James Dobbin Misses Edith Allen aud Florence Irwin of Madison are visiting with Miss Gladys Jenkins Mrs Burt Mapes and son Donald went to Wayne yesterday noon to visit Mre J G Mines Rev A Hofius was in the city yester day from Pierce to meot his sou who was returning from college Norfolk was represented in Omaha yesterday by H D Owen J S Math ewson It H Day aud W G Baker Dr Frank Salter and Captain Alfred Gerecke left today for Spirit Lake Iowa where thoy will enjoy a weeks fishing Rev John Askin of Tabor Iowa who came to attend tho Parker Johnson wedding is the guest of Rev J J Parker Mrs J C Siegler of Modiue Minn who has been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Ferdinand Pasowalk departed for her home today Spencer Butterfield returned to Creigh ton yesterday after a short visit hero He is staying with his brother during his parents abseuce in the east Mrs Isaac Powers sr of Ponca re turned from Maditjou this morning no compauied by Logan MoBride She will visit at the home of her son Judge Powers until Friday V 15 Spencer rode his bicycle to Battle Creek yesterday morniug and was caught bv tho wind He was rid iug the track and when struck by the wind he was lifted off bodily aud de posited at one side He got to Battle Creek all right however and returned the same morning Spring chickens at Glissiuuus THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY WKK 28 0 illLLINTRYDBSTROYKD Stock of Mrs Mitchell Burned This Morning ORIGIN OF THE FIRE 18 UNKNOWN Tim llullilliiR Whlrh It OrrupUI Id Itmlljr IiimiKvl itiil Mm 1im of M Thump miii on II lit Ororsry Stock In Ilia lloinii Adjoining In Seroun The millinery stock of Mrs 15 15 Mitcholl located in tho Mapes building first door west of Booler Bros was to tallv destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning At 2 oclock Perry Harrington who was on duty as night watchman saw a small bWo start near tho front of tho store under tho counter on tho east side Knowing that people wore sleeping in tho store ho stopped for a moment to nrouso thorn before giving the alarm aud before he had left tho building the fire had spread across tho wholo front end of tho storo Tho flro department responded promptly to the alarm but by the time tho firemen were on tho ground it soemed that it would bo im possible to save either building or stock The grocery storo of G M Thompson islocatod iu tho same building only sep arated from tho millinery storo by aono inch board partition For a timo thoro was good prospect that botli stocks would bo totally destroyed but tho flro men went to work with thoir accus tomed energy aud intolligonco and by well directed efforts succeeded iu pre venting the lire from breaking through tho partition except in a few places al though tho boards of tho partition are nearly all burned more than half through At a few points tho lluxuos crept through the partition and the Thompson stock is damaged considerably by breakage smoke and water When one views the scene of the fire ho must give tho Nor folk department credit for doing almost superhuman work to prevont both stocks aud the entire building from going Tho boys had plenty of watorand a good pressure to work with aud thoy accom plished one of tho most effective victories over fire which they now have to their credit Tho millinery stock was owned by Mrs E E Mitchell who has been ab sent in Iowa for a week on a visit Her son-in-law H G Fleming aud his wife were sleeping in tho room at tho rear of tho store and tho young man says that when they were awakouod by the watchman they only had timo to par tially dress before they were obliged to escape on account of tho approaching heat Fleming saved a pair of pants coat undershirt aud shoes while his wife fared a little better saviug a con siderable portion of her clothing which was where it could bo gathered up easily iu thoir flight The stock is a total wreck A stovo and some pieces of kitchen furniture at the back end of the building were not seriously injured Fleming states that he does not know just the value of his stock but estimates that it was worth about 1000 She carried 800 worth of iusurauce on stock aud 150 on furniture and fixtures iu agency of Clements ic Ransom The stock of G M Thompson was damaged through breakage of glass aud chiua smoke aud water to a serious ex tent Mr Thompson said this morning that he could not tell how great his loss would be until open cases of goods are tested to see how much they aro affected by smoke but he placed an estimate of the damage at 1000 to 1200 He carries 1500 insurance Burt Mapes owns tho double building and carries an insurance of 2200 in the agency of O B Durlaud The room where the millinery stock was will have to be practically rebuilt The plate glass windows are gone a big hole is burued through the ceiling the floor is badly dnmaged and the walls are so demoralized that thoy will have to be wholly roplasterod It is probable that the cost of putting the building in us good condition ns it was last night will be anywhere between 1000 to 1500 This is tho third millinery fire tlnit has occurred in this city during tho past year and as in both other cases the manner in which it started is shrouded in mystery Young Fleming states that there had been no fire iu tho front end of the room during tho day no lamps were left burning after 10 oclock last night and there were no old rags or anything else to cause spontaneous com bustion Asked as to his theory of tho origin of the fire he stated that he had uo idea how it started His story iu regard to the abseuce of lighted lamps is agreed with by the night watchman who says that when lie first saw the blaze through the window tho room was iu darkness uutil the fire had gained such headway that it lighted up the surrouudiugs Spriug chickens at Glissinaus Sturgeon is the piano man Stkaved Bay mare about 1200 pounds heavy in foal Auy oue giving information regarding same will please leave word at Bruusous barn or at steam laundry Furnished rooms to reut by Mrs Younger on the Heights O K S 1 There will be a special meeting of Banian chnptor No 10 this evening ut 8 oclook All meinbjrs are requited to bo prosont bv order of the Worthy Matron Number your house full Ptook of aluminum house numbers ut Degnors hardware store Wall paper at OhristophH Spring chickens at Jlissnmnrt MORE CONVENTION Thn KtiMou Inrtlc Mnl Tmlny to Nuntn 11 Iitiullilntc for Nlulo SiMiitlor The democratic convention of the Eleventh senatorial dlstriot met at 2 oclock this afternoon iu the Iaoillc hotel parlors and organized with Dr A Bear of this city as chairman and II D Miller ol Stanton as secretary A commit toe on conference was ap pointed to meet with a committee from the populist convention It was a harmonious assembly every motion be ing nrndo by ShoritV 15 U llassof Pierce aud all pawed unanimously The populist convention met lu the city hall and elected J It Donovan of Madison temporary chairman ami 15 A Porter of Stanton secretary There being uo contests hoiuoouo moved to appoint a committee on cre dentials which carried with a whoop After a few minutes delay tho com initteo roportod that thoro was nothing to roiwrt aud was disohargod Conference committee from demo cratic convention hero outered and asked that tho pops appoint a like committee to talk it over Thuohair as sured the Romtnitteo that everything would ho done Mr Hasssaid Thanks Then Mr Cruni moved that a com mittee be appointed to confer with our good brothers tho democrats which carried and commit no retired to confer Committee roportod that each conven tion would ballot aud that uo candidate shall havo nomination until he receives majority of each convention The informal ballot gave W M Wright of Wayne county III votes K A Tawnoy of Piorco 15 J F Robinson of Stanton 17 Tho formal ballots ran about the same until the sixth which gave Wright 1 1 Tawnoy 17 Robinson 18 Four more ballots wore taken without change after which your Unolo Henry Miller of Way no county gained tho Moor and made a few pointed remarks The democrats in tho meantime had accepted the report of tho conforonco committee but decided that ou tho in formal ballot thoy would give someone of their own party a complimentary vole but that of course they would nom inate a man from the other wing sinco it was the pops turn Then thoy voted informally and gave Adam Pilger of Stanton S2 Wright of Wayne 8 Then for tho sake of doing something tho democrats took a formal ballot and gave the wholo 10 to Pilger And then tho domocrnts waited In the populiBt convention the Kith ballot brought no change Uncle Henry still clung to Wright sayiug that ho had his board paid until tomorrow Then tho loaders got together aud whispered and solemnly took thoir seats again On the 14th ballot Wayno swung 1 1 votes from Wright to Tawnoy which cloed the struggle with Tawuey 2S Robinson 18 The news was immediately taken to the good brothers who of course unan imously nominated R A Tawuey of Pierce Then thoy had a joint meeting to talk things over All my refrigerators go at a discount of 25 per cent W It Hopfman Farm laud aud city property for sale by G It Seiler WIND STORM NOTES Nothing is left of the brick yards es tablishment at Wayne except the engine At Creighton tho roof of a livery barn was torn off aud hung up on tho tele phone wire A Lutheran church 0 miles north of Plainview is a total wreck Tho build ing was just finished four mouths ago Two freight cars were jerked out of the yards at Pierce aud pushed down to the sugar factory at a terrible rate of speed Tho windmills were pretty genornlly destroyed aud scarcely a mill is left standing iu tho country northwest of Norfolk At tho farm of A Whito south of tho Juuctiou a hay rack shot into a com field for about 50 rods turuiug over and over in its course like a tumble weed Small grain iu this section did not suffer materially but corn was quite badly broken down the larger stalks receiving the worst injury In Knox couuty howevor the wiud was accom panied by hail and the crops aro nearly a total loss The storm of yesterday morning was far more disastrous to telephone aud telegraph lines than was at first supposed aud the long distance service of tele phones has been especially crippled All the lines out of Norfolk were down nud since the storm Manager Spiecher uud all the forco here aud au extra man have been busy niakiug tho necessary repairs Columbus has been asked for extra men and the lines will be put iu shape us soon as possible Farm aud city loans TlIK DURLAKD TUUHT CO A PRRnnVRDDIXIi Dr Charles S Parker and Miss Alice Johnson H CARTS AND F0RTUNK8 JOINED Th Ciiromonjr Took Ilurn Promptly nt 10 Oclock Thin MiirtiliiK itt lin llomn of tin llililn Intrnli tDiitn on Thnlr WnlilltiK Trip At 10 oclock this morning two of tho leading families of tho oity were unltod by a ceremony which look place a tho home of thn brides parents wherein Dr Charles S Parker aud Miss Alice Johu son wore made man and wife About 50 relatives ami friends of tho contracting parlies had been invited to witness tho ceremony and while they were usenibllng Mrs 15 O Mount at the piano filled the house with tuuslo soft and sweet The rooms had boon beautifully decorated with potted plauts cut lowers and wreaths of mni lax while iu tho front parlor directly in front of where tho couple was to stand was a table with au immense bouquet of American Beauty roses Shortly be fore the hour for the ceremony tho relatives of the bride and groom took places on either side of this table form ing a complete circle about the room tho center being loft for the wedding party Precisely at 10 oclock tho music was changed to the wedding march and the bridal party descended the stairs First came littlo Marie Johnson niece of the bride carrying lie brides bouiiiet Tho groom came next attended by his brother Win B Parker of Boston Then tho bridesmaids Misses Frances Johnson aud Martha Parker sisters of the brideand groom attending tho bride Tho ring ceremony was used performed by Rev J J Parker father of tho groom assisted by Rev John Af klu of Tabor Iowa an old time friend of the family Tho bride wore a gown of cream white satin en train a long veil being fast ened iu her hair with a single whito rose bud falling iu gracoful folds over her dross After congratulations au elegant wed ding breakfast was served At 1 oclock tho happy couplo left on the M JuO amid a shower of rice aud old shoes and with their trunk properly labeled so that no one would omit to notice that thoy aro just married Thoy go direct to Spirit Lake Iowa where they will remain about 10 days Upon their return they will go to housekeeping in one of tho Bishop houses on north Elovonth street Tastefully arranged upon tables iu tho back parlor wuro many handsome prosonts which had boon sent tho young couplo by thoir friends aud which will do much toward beautifying thoir now home Tho groom is one of tho host known aud most popular young men of Norfolk Ho is tho sou of Rev J J Parker pas tor of tho First Congregational church Ho came hero with his parents about 15 years ago aud has built up a largo con stituency of friends He is genial gon erous aud onterprising and by his ready wit and hearty good humor ho makes himself friends wherovor he makes ac quaintances Early iu life ho began the study of dontistry in which he has become very proficient and Dr Parker now has oue of the best practices iu the oity Tho bride is a lovable young lady the eldest daughtor of Dr aud Mrs A J Johnson and has lived hero with her parents for about 12 years In securing Miss Johnson for a bride Dr Parker has won n prize of exceptional morit She has abundance of good common sense is well educatod and is blessed with a sweet disposition aud a keen ap preciation of tho mirthful side of life blended with a kindness of heart which always makes her thoughtful of the desires and wishes of those around her She is a lover of homo ami will make Dr Parker a helpmeet wiio will prove a blessing to him all the days of his life Tho two make a most congenial couple and aro destined to a happy aud contented life Tin Nrws wishes them uuulloyed prosperity and success aud has every reason to believe that its wish will bo amply fulfilled Damascus chapter No 25 will hold a special convocation tomorrow ovening for work in the M 15 M degroe B Bakshinoeu H P Whilo at Pender Nob yestorday they had a very severe wiud storm and oue of O S Hayes pianos went through the side ot John Larsons house without receiving a scratch It was not wind that put it through it went iu on its merits What was it A Bush Gerts There are others but none its equal Sold by Hayes Jewelry aud Musio House Norfolk Neb Pickled lambs tongue at Glissmans Wo make loans ou real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building nud Saviugs association T 15 Odiorne Sec Houses for sale T E Odiobke Tho Northeast Nebraska G A R rouuion will be held at Pierce July 10 11 12 audi Indications poiut to the largest attendance iu the history of the association Speakers of national repu tation will be secured DrFrauk Salter Diseases of children SPECIAL SALE Beginning- WEDNESDAY JUNE 6th and Continuing the Rest of the Season I will sell my entire Hue of Trimmed Hats at a Discount of 20 Per Cent I will also make a Special Halo on Sailors MISS E J BENDER i One Block Hast of P 0 Shnrpless Sisters Old Stand L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for Hie Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wink First dor West of Post Olllco J J wWli PARISH Announces that he has the agen cy for Chase San horns Cof fee the best in the world Fuoslors old staud - fZ m 5 wfcm A Few Words From Hayes When you NEED a physician you NEED THE BEST When you NEED a lawyer you NEED THE BEST WHEN YOU NEED A WATCH HOUSE THY ME I am wide awake and up-to-date NO ONE shall excel me in service prico or promptness I have mado watches a life study and my ability is recognized by those who must havo the service of au EXPERT i o RAILROADS When ycu need a timepiece why not buy it from a dealer who is known to bo thoroughly reliable au authority ou watches and about the pric you ctn satisfy yourself by COMPARISON I will be pleased to talk with you at auy timo regarding new watches or about repairing your old ouo C S HAYES Wares of Gold and Silver NORFOLK NEBRASKA B MEYERS Invites you to Compare Prices on Groceries with those of his competi tors aud then use your judgmeut ad to the best place to buy Best Stanton Flour per sack 80c Tomatoes per can 8 Peas per can 5c l Com per can 8c iuyu uuiiuu uesi fici iu iuu Oat Meal per lb 20 Soap 10 bars 25c 1 pouud cau Baking Powder 20o Best Prunes per lb 8o Blueing 4c Soda nor lb 3lc Starch per lb 3ac Crackers per lb Clothes Lines Lye per cau Mixed Candv ner lb 7oc 9o 4c 7c Pearliue per package 4c Rice per lb 7c Lamp Chimney 4o We have a big liue of Tioware Gran iteware aud Crockery which we aro selling very cheap We also have a big liue of fruit which we are selling cheap All goods uew aud fresh B MEYERS